Timeline Jumpyhouse 2: The Revenge [UPDATE5]


More timeline jumps:


Screen Shot 2018-12-09 at 7.14.28 PM

We had more timeline jumpages yesterday, and singular energy exchanges:



12-8-18-rtkirplot2_rio_filtered_2412-8b-18-rtkirplot2_rio_filtered_24Screen Shot 2018-12-08 at 10.56.10 PM12-8-18-AATA-chart

The timeline did it. Honest.

UPDATE1 ~ 12-10-18

And another around 2:45 am UTC:


UPDATE2 ~ 12-10-18

It was a dark and bumpy night.




That squiggle around 11-12 Hz is the 2nd SR line. Pretty choppy. It’s usually smoother. That could be timeline integration, or pre-separation. Or someone left the cosmic cat out…

UPDATE3 ~ 12-11-18

And another jump:


UPDATE4 ~ 12-11-18

We found another undeclared CME from 12/3 (which showed effects days later). We’ll keep an eye on this from now on:


UPDATE5 ~ 12-12-18

And finally, what timeline jumpyhouse would be complete without a 12/12 timeline shift?





Will there be more??


Lash yourself to the mast, doc.

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186 thoughts on “Timeline Jumpyhouse 2: The Revenge [UPDATE5]

  1. That UTC 10:00 slompawhach explains the PST 2AM WT….?!?@?#?$ perfectly.

    These charts help me FEEL my way THROUGH opposed to trying to think my way OUT.

    Thank you CATS.

  2. Oh, I want to have a Christmas tree like the one above, with a kitty star at the top!

    1. Some of us wrapped (largish) boxes with cut entrances, so the cats can have a private present under the tree for sleeping, hiding, and ambushes. 😉


      1. @ CAT10
        Love it! Both pics are delicious!!! thank you. Sent them worldwide, hope you don’t mind – they are too cute! Also because we were looking for a star at the top, but did not find the right one. Now, that sweet cat is more than beautiful…And the innocent look!

        1. Oh, but they always have the innocent look, you know …
          I admire them for being in balance, always,
          I wish I could reach such a state, wouldn’t it be wonderful …

  3. Thank you Cats. Feeling dreadful. Now I know why. Not had the stomach cramps and extreme purging before. I’m normally a headache person only but have both currently . Probably a big kick up the backside to stop eating meat and stick to vegetables. I love the idea of a box under the Xmas tree for the cats.

        1. Yes, that’s true. But if you’ve been doing something a long time, the paradigm is in your mind and it takes quite a while to heal that. You can’t just say, “It’s all illusion! I’m free!” It’s a quick scrub off the top…then a gradual process for the stubborn bits. Which reminds me, I have to go clean a pan. Damn.


          1. Blossom’s latest speaks to this very well, delineating the difference between “belief” and “knowing”.

            Belief is of the mind, and once pondered will create opportunities in our “illusory” life for you to reinforce or adjust it, to deeper and deeper levels.

            Truly, there is no food. There is no NEED for food. There is no air, nor a need to breathe… I have found myself in a breathless state on many occasions, though as soon as I notice it with my mind I return to breathing.

            The Matrix scene where Neo “believes” he is out of breathe, panting on the ground after sparring and Morpheus asks him, “Do you think that’s air you’re breathing?”

            Knowing is our natural state once all belief is evaporated around any concept/aspect of life. It is visceral, automatic.

            Knowing is the level akin to the Matrix example: “There is no spoon.” which then allows it to bend effortlessly.

            Mind, belief – programming – is what overrides knowing.


          2. Yes Josh S… Breathing is unnecessary. Once during a meditation I noticed my breathing got shallow until it stopped. But “air” (chi?) still existed in my lungs, I just didn’t need the in and out pumping of the lungs anymore. When I started to breathe “normal” again, it was like coming up from underwater, huge gasps. I had noticed it lasted 20 minutes. Normally when you think someone stops breathing for 20 minutes, you’d think paramedics were crash carting me. But it was real and gentle and amazing and powerful proof that we are so much more than “this”!

      1. Cat 12. Sorry you have been affected too. The description champagne bubbles with brillo pads is spot on. I must need a thorough internal cleaning! Heart beat is fast too but mine usually is during these adjustments. I have asked brother J to enjoy this with me although I feel a bit cruel. I take it that he doesn’t get affected by our yucky symptoms?

  4. Had a weird night where I experienced a glitch up close and personal. I knew something was a foot last night with the energies tag teaming me. I usually go to bed a couple hours before my husband and leave a salt lamp on as it’s supposed to help with headaches, he’ll then give me a kiss and I shut off the light. Well, he came to bed last night twice, and I even told him he had already come to bed. Just freaky man. Now I’m toning too and on key, something will make a sound that I like and I’ll have to mimic it. I was recently loving on one of my fur babies and noticed my purring has changed, I have more range. Oh they want me to mention that the toning and purring are coming from the heart. Anyone else having weird stuff going on recently?

      1. To be honest sth is now going on every night, not just last one. I am running out of adjectives to describe the current nature of reality.

          1. Interesting. Let’s hope things ars lining up, because I’m ready for this show to get on the road, had enough of this corrupt 3d bullsh1t. Let’s go, Let’s GO, LET’S GO! 😉

    1. Mo,
      I had that heart purring/chest vibrating for hours a few years ago right after that large Chilean earthquake. Listening to my heart with a stethoscope revealed normal heart rate and rhythm, so I thought it was energetic resonance of some sort. It felt like connecting to ALL with compassion while being disconnected from fear. Cay

      1. Ha, finally! Thank you, Cay, this is it! Connecting!

      2. Cool Cay! Are you an earth empath too? I really like that idea “connecting to All with compassion”. Thank you for sharing. 🤗💚

        1. Still waiting to find what “gifts” will be coming online. Occasionally clairaudient and clairsentient, but usually just a lightening rod for energy to Earth. That being said, I know nothing. I just go with the flow. Cay

  5. Anybody else is feeling exhausted (physically) for no reason these last couple of days?

    1. O YES! For at least 4-5 days now! I feel extremely exhausted… 🙁

    2. The past few weeks and days, energy has tanked. I have been unable to go anywhere or do anything. Hard to do the basics like showering and dressing. Not able to work.

  6. Ugh. Meters show very little this morning, but gaia portals were pumping out the energy last night. Some of us feel like those “champagne bubbles” shot through us with brillo pads. We are giant bubbly sponges today. At least CAT10 fixed one of our dishwashers for free! A minor miracle.

    -CAT Eds.

    1. Don’t ever tell people you know how to fix a dishwasher. Or that you understand computers.

      Ultimate Computer Tip: Next time your system or your printer or your car acts up… try liking it. “I like you, UNIBLAB. I really really like you.” But don’t stop there. Now, try LOVING it. “I LOVE YOU, UNIBLAB. YOU ARE THE GREATEST LAPTOP EVER MADE. I MUST HAVE YOUR BABY….” Well, don’t get carried away.

      Tell it that it’s the greatest computer system/car/printer ever invented, and that you not only love it deeply, but you’re PROUD of how well it works. Talk about all the lovely times you’ve had together, and that you’ll respect it in the morning. THEN ask Brother J *to enjoy the system with you* and…

      POOF: problem solved. So many life/mechanical/IT issues can be solved in this way. (THOUGHT takes form in ACTION…)


      1. hahah, the thing about not telling people you’re good with computers is something that I’ve found to be extremely accurate. I have an advanced degree in computer science, which tbh really means that I’m more of a mathematician than a “computer guy”, but that doesn’t stop ALL my relatives from calling me the minute they have a problem with microsoft word or whatever. Definitely going to try the suggestion of showering my computers/electronics with love and affection the next time something acts up!

      2. My youngest brother used to put post-its on all his broken stuff that read; ‘working fine’, ‘fixed’, etc. as a reminder to manifest the right future. In the end it’s mind control, choosing your own thoughts and futures.


    1. The possible reason for sooooo many timeline shifts is because Spirit is busily re-arranging all the endless quantum possibilities for what, at this point, is still being determined. Waaaay beyond human understanding currently. Whew! What a challenge. Stay tuned.

  7. Massive amounts of chemtrails blocking out the sun, again.

      1. Cats, could you take out my email address where my name should be?

  8. I asked my universal friend, what is the deepest belief was that I had to let go of.

    “that you are human.”

    Seems so simple when he says it ;P

    We’re going ALL THE WAY!

    New Lisa Gawlas today; aligns with the magnetics info. I’ve been receiving too.


  9. Hmmmm. FYI, something BIG is happening on the 3D playing field. We’re all feeling it. And something even bigger moved into the 4D batter’s box. Something we don’t quite understand, yet. Don’t worry, it’s all good. Wow. It’s like at the very edge of tipping… over….


  10. Jenny Schiltz wrote: “… it can feel like being in a torture chamber”. Yep, nailed it

  11. So, we’re getting that the Big Arrest and The Event will happen at about the same time, like melody and harmony. Once one happens… we’re guessing that THEN you’l make the SOURCE vs JUSTICE decision, if you haven’t already. Uncle. But… when? No one is talking. Sure feels like something gynormicon is imminent.

    No idea why, but I’m being told to go sit under a tree and “listen to the tree.”


    1. Yes. That’s basically what Lisa told me today. You can just call me “conehead” That’s me . She could see my pointy head sticking up outa the black goo. (described as the quantum infinite possibilities) (my paraphrasing) Kinda like the infinity drive from Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. All is in process.

    2. I recently decided I don’t need to be on the justice timeline. The evil nasties will get what’s coming to them no matter what. No need for me to see it. If happens before the event, OK. If not, meh. 🤷‍♀️

    3. @M5
      Ha! Just recently I was led to two different trees that were on my way when the exact same inner message was received. And I was out just to take care of some mundane stuff. The tree message was not anyhow my original intention or a part of my then current focus, it came out of the blue and was persistent. In my case though I had to connect to all the trees via the ones that were on my way. Maybe there is sth for you in here too, consider the entire net and further, I won’t tell more))).

      1. I always felt the mycelial network has been way underestimated…

    4. I had a lovely meditation a few days ago where I grounded and contacted the roots of lots of the trees and plants on the new earth. It expanded into a connection with all of the root systems on the planet.

  12. @ Cats,
    I woke up MUCH too early this morning, but felt unable to go back to sleep. So, I made coffee and came here to see if you had anything new. Sure enough, there was a new post with no comments yet. It said:

    Timeline Jumpyhouse 2: The Revenge

    I laughed and thought how you all have such a great sense of humor. There were some charts, but it was mostly just an update to this blog post.

    Now, this afternoon, I see that no such post title exists. I closed and opened the main page a few times to convince myself that there isn’t a post with that title.

    So….there we go, more timeline jumpage –and right here in this blog. I don’t know if that title means anything, especially in light of some cat posts above talking about something big being afoot.

    Oh yes, someone mentioned exhaustion. YES~ The Drop Dead Exhaustion.
    Also, the phantom phone ring that wakes me up at night/early morning. It’s been going on for a few months. Robocalls even in the astral. I wish they would just leave a message.

    1. MM, Funny you should mention the phantom phone call. I’ve been awakened several times this past year by “it” I know it’s not my real phone because I turn it off and place it in it’s comfy Faraday cage to sleep in .

    2. I saw that blog post also. I have seen that (numerous changes) happen many times here on the Cat’s blog and have wondered – did they change the title? Did I dream that other comment? Or was it timeline jumping?

    3. I confirm seeing that title, also – Thought it odd that you guys would use that word. Didn’t notice the change later – been sleeping on and off all day… body not happy and occipital headaches all day… fun… can we go HOME yet, or is Home here yet? sigh…

    4. @MaryMartha, The blog title changed for me again, back to “The Revenge” one. Did it change for you too?

      1. Sorry, we answered this in a different part of the comments. CAT10 just took out the word REVENGE to put in the word UPDATE, so it would fit on one line. It wasn’t a timeline thing!


        1. Ah…thanks for the answer, Cat4. I didn’t see your reply till this one.

          Last night, I was a bit nervous about having written about that, since the word could have a very negative connotation. I was relieved that others had seen it. So, thanks to you other folks who commented.

          The exhaustion was better today, maybe since the phantom phone ring left me alone for once and I wasn’t up at 4 or 5AM.

          So….Cat4. The Revenge of what? The carne assada that someone wrote about?
          Or, something else more interesting?

          1. Ok.. So once ( in Chicago), at a hotel my phone rang at wee hours in the morning.. When i looked to see who heck was calling?

            It was MY number calling ME!!

            My son was in the room and was having a nightmare of a being over me and he was yelling “leave her alone!”

            I answered.. Curious ( ok spooked) to see if it was me? .. Nothing…

            On another note… Very heavy attacks in family going on!

            I don’t fall for it much so it attacked my son through my mother who is a narcissist and bi polar (undiagnosed however, its that or just possessed)

            And the owl…

            Now stood and glared and hooted as i walked puppy.

            I barely shrugged. It’s like I’ve been terrorized enough.. Cant let owl continue the gig. Do and take whatever you will and be done with it. But too tired to be terrorized any more and unwilling to give up my peace either way…sorry!

            So..pretty sure its the”testing” and tempted as i am to call forth “justce”… just want out to Source line so letting it go

            1. You have to set heavy protection in hotels. They are like spirit sponges. We cannot recommend regular people going to certain hotels — like the Stanley Park Hotel. It’s a kind of spirit trap. They are all in there, the good the bad and the ugly, and cannot get out. Highly NOT recommended for normies and sensitive people… unless you like being awake all night. (FYI, that’s the hotel Stephen King used as basis for The Shining; oddly enough, that’s what some psychics look like: shine-y.)

              -CAT Eds.

  13. I love contemplating trees, it’s like you can see the fractals of our choices in the branches

    1. The trees have the memory of the old energy, before things got messed up, they also have the newer energy brought in by the rain, the plants get it first.

  14. I asked my teenage Indigo son’s higher dimensional ‘team’, *why* did I have the absol-freaking-amazing experience last night, of becoming a/the Sun, or Source (or both)….I was a White/Yellow ball of light, hearing the message “Sun”, as I became it.

    Oh man…..sheeeeeit, but that FELT SO INCREDIBLE GREAT/GOOD/PHENOMENAL….

    My son’s team, said “that I had that experience because I am going to be helping the Sun.”

    Me: “Helping the Sun with the Flash Event?”

    Them: “Yes.”

    Me: “What am I going to be doing — helping the White Light Flash of energy go through the Sun?”

    Them: “Yes, you are going to be determining how much comes through, where it goes, what parts of the planet get what.”

    Me: “Will that energy also fry me to death, like they’ve frying me so bad all this time these past 7 years? Is it going to go through my physical body when I do this?”

    Them: “No. It won’t fry you because instead of going through you, this time you’ll be ‘directing’ these energies.”

    Me: “What about my physical form on the planet — when this Flash goes through everybody, and I’m a major physical conductor of these Highest Frequencies….will it ‘lay me flat’, like we’ve been told?”

    Them: “No. The energies won’t affect you like that.”

    Me: “But will it knock down, and lay flat the rest of the people on the planet?”

    Them: “Yes, it will.”

    Me: “But not me? Because I’m already used to running these energies?”

    Them: “That’s right.”

    Me: “Will I still experience the ‘orgasmic bliss’ of this Flash energy?”

    Them: “Yes, some bliss.”

    Me: “When is the current estimated arrival of this Solar Flash Event energy through our Sun? When will it reach our planet?”

    Them: “In a few weeks.”



      I seriously doubt that a single individual on this planet or off this planet will be determining how much of the event energy comes through, where it goes, what parts of the planet get what. This particular thing is determined both by the source and the earth and you are being a little delusional on the matter. I don’t know whose ego (yours or your kid’s) took a form of the guides or higher self, but it makes sense to get to the root of it and tell expectations and fantasies from the actual data. Also, take into account that humankind is not the only species who live on this planet, there are many more who live in the inner earth and other places who are way more advanced and are about to jump dimensions or evolve much further. I am not mentioning that some of those other species (many of whom don’t have physical bodies or forms) have already moved on.

      1. @Anonymous
        This was a PERSONAL information and was received in genuine Joy. Nothing hints to the presence of a big ego whatsoever. And the conversation does not exclude the presence of many other beings of Light doing their part in the Event.
        In the immensity of the Omniverse, this is done by warriors/soldiers on the ground, not necessarily by Source.
        And Gaia is in the position of receiving the gift, not commanding.
        And the Divine Plan covers each and every species in minute detail.

      Excellent experience, thank you so much!
      btw, our Great-White-Light-Energy-Sun is yet an infinitesimal point of light in SOURCE.
      And our wondrous planet is called “tiny dot Gaia”.

      1. Thank YOU, oro!!!
        That was utterly glorious, you captured it all so spot-on perfectly…what a HUGE Light you are, in this darkness all around.

        What people still don’t realize, is that when they are describing others, what they are actually doing is describing only themselves and their own experiences/perspectives and remaining issues.
        (eg. If you want to know what *I* am, look at what I say about *you* 😉

        But to be able to empathetically jump into another person’s perspective and experiences like you just did, is so far the rarest gift in this Ascension process…damn near impossible to find someone in this reality evolved enough, who can DO that.

        So just for that alone, I love you man (hug) ~ in gratitude I share with you all the pic the Higher Self just sent me for this tiny dot Gaia, Wall of White Light topic:



        1. @ ANONYMOUSE
          Well, the smaller the mind the greater the conceit as Mr. Aesop elegantly put it. Too bad you (plural) won’t show up as one and the same. Meditation sometimes helps to reintegrate all the alters, but it’s up to you of course. Good luck.

  15. Btw… ONE (the Oversoul) gives Sophia Love an excellent definition of what an angel is in her latest free newsletter:

    “[An angel is a] being incarnate who exists solely for the safety and protection of another. These can adopt any current form, yet originate with a purpose of service underlying all else.”


  16. Ok guys…..you added in the “The Revenge” part in the title after the above comments right?

    1. You are all so observant. One of the CATs took it out so the UPDATE title blurb would fit, but some CAT complained so they put it back.

      “I’m on the REVENGE 2 timeline! Are yOU??”




  17. Huh. Looks like there was something to that envelope thing after all [winkwink]:


    If this were the main direction CATs were going, we’d probably be more excited. But this means that we are SO close to The Event. The Justice thing will happen around the same time as The Event, like a musical harmonic.

    The big question: what does SOURCE have in OUR envelopes? It’s close to bonus time…


  18. I had a vivid dream this morning where my family and I went to a presentation put on by the CATS. M5 was dressed up as a wonky, early 1900’s magician, and projected on side-by-side black and white TV screens delivering this message about “NOW”. It felt like a test performance to see how the audience integrated the information, presented in a fun albeit direct/informative way.
    After it was done, M2 came out live to field questions. The first question asked came along with a huge energy of doubt. M2 immediately shook his head, waved his hand and walked off-stage.

    It was profound, as I consciously experienced the energy you guys feel even though you are currently sharing anonymously.

    You’re doing a great job.


    1. Mm, just in time for my mother-in-law to arrive. She discounts everything I say, since she’s “rational.” (I strongly feel I’m going to have to explain The Event to her and my brother-in-law when it’s happening. [sigh]) SOURCE take me away!

      Folks, it is our general consensus that The Event will occur in 2018… which only has 20 days left in it…


  19. This may have been a portal thing, but did anyone else (besides the CATs I talked to) see a pulsing greenish-gold light last night around 7:45 UTC?


    1. FYI, CAT5 means that the whole inside and outside of our various places of residence glowed that color as far as we could see. It could’ve been our locales, it could’ve been farther. The energy made it hard to tell.


    2. Whoa, yep. I had this too while meditating in bed last night, I believe I experienced it around 8:45 EST though… unsure exactly, as I do not watch clocks much.

      Sudden, BRIGHT flash of light that filled the whole room, “physically”. I was like, WTF is that?? I had all the lights out. No explanation could be found on this plane. It came at a very pivotal moment in my own meditative epiphany.

      Cool, that it was more widespread.


        1. This is hugely irresponsible reporting from (ca8al-owned) WashPost. Pollution? There is a HUGE energy blast going on in this pic. (I’m curious how the people physically feel after this happened.)


        2. That is so weird… I grew up in Beloit. My dad still lives there. It’s pretty much an armpit with literally nothing going on… When I moved from the Bay Area back to Wisconsin, I ended up landing in this town again for a few short years. I had a lot of interesting experiences in that short time. I would see flashes of light in the sky just above my house.. It looked like someone taking a picture up in the sky. Like a flash bulb going off. Saw it so many times I got used to it. Then another evening I was out in my driveway talking to my neighbor about these lights, oddly enough, and we both watched what look like a dim lightbulb slowly cross over our heads and out of view. It was the strangest thing… It literally looked like a 25 watt soft white bulb floating about 100 feet above us and slowly crossing the sky.

          I had other strange occurrences where I would keep running into this drunk guy on a bike everywhere I went. Clear across town sometimes. What was weird though, was he always seemed to spot me and make eye contact no matter what the circumstance. Also had one time where I had just come home and it was like 10am and I decided to do a bunch of free will assertion type stuff and really defining the rules of my reality. And at one point in that whole thing thing, I said something to the nature of “And you’re not allowed to send anyone to my home without my consent…” and about 15 secs after I had said that, there was a cop knocking on my door. About what? I have no idea…. I was too tripped out to answer the door. That one still gets me.

          So yeah I would say theres a lot of energy movement in that town and these light pillars don’t uprise me one bit. Thanks for posting that!

          1. That is interesting. Would you happen to have any images of these things from that area? I’ll ask the M’s if that area hasany historic activity.

            Btw, if you find yourself running into the same person all the time, do the Course mantra on them:

            “You are perfect, immortal spirit, brother, whole and innocent. All is forgiven and released.”

            It often means that you have some unfinished business with them.


            P.S. The writer for the local NPR station doesn’t like us!

          2. Honestly, I tried to take a video of the lightbulb in the sky but it came out totally black. I was really bummed because that one was easy to capture. The flashes in the sky, not so much.. heh They were so random… And at times they would seem to happen right in the location you were staring as some sort of cruel joke. But when you went to snap pictures, it was like crickets. Matter of fact, as I was pointing out the location in the sky to my neighbor where I had seen the flashes… One flashed right there where I was pointing and he looked at me with like he’d just won the lotto. It blew me away too. I talked to someone about this and they said it was probably the land giving off energy… I guess I could see that. I don’t think that town knows what’s really going down there though… so I would be VERY interested in what you find out about good ol Beloit. I believe it was named after the sound of a turd hitting the water. HAHA.. don’t tell them I said that…

            And thanks for the mantra! I like it! I will use that one although I haven’t had any other reoccurring run-ins with the same unknown person since then. It was much more bizarre in person then it sounds typed out like pretty much everything. 😀

            1. We have the same problem. Our “vision” is much more advanced than that of any machinery. Same goes for hearing and everything else. This is one reason why the CATs found one another. We can say, “Did you see that?” or “Did you hear that?”… and they did! Psychic abilities are actually in everyone; they’re no big deal. But our culture suppresses it.

              Btw, you can actually use that mantra on everyone. Try using it (silently!) on people at the grocery when you’re waiting in line. While everyone will acknowledge it on some level, some people will turn and look at you! Eventually the “telepathic circuit” that was removed from us will be put back and boy will things change fast.

              -CAT Eds.

  20. Maybe it will be “The Justice” Timeline and shortly after “The Event” Timeline? Maybe alot of people just need to see that Justice will be served (so to speak) or that something is going to be done and this will allow them to move on up??

    1. We have no idea. The timelines have been monkeyed with so many times that ONE clearly has what It wants to do in Mind… but hasn’t told anyone else, yet. It’s hard to say something rings true when ALL values are true, considering all the timelines out there. There are infinite timelines, infinite parallel universes. It’s staggering to think about.

      -CAT Eds.

      1. We change timelines according to our vibration..

        The attacks ( family, friends or whatever handy person around is utilized) are specifically designed to upset us.

        Not as in merely annoyed, but as strong emotional response as is possible to generate FROM us

        Once it’s over?

        Look around… Just went lower…

        The times right before upcoming portals are especially targeted. Once i figured this out? I would intentionally go into hibernation. Try everything i could to NOT Speak to anyone.. Or to be more accurate.. Let NO ONE speak to ME

        I’d even try to warn people. “Time coming up is VERY important that you stay as happy, peaceful and positive as possible. NO MATTER WHAT! The trajectory of your future WILL be impacted by whatever YOU choose! I will retreat and see you after”

        And ALL stops would be pulled to engage me ( this was why i really tried to just head for cover)

        The times i got engaged and triggered?

        I FELT the slip down literally as it occurred.

        This was what just happened 11th-12th.

        So IF it does? STOP

        Clear as much of negative as possible immediately! And generate Source energy as much as you can — as in relentlessly.

        Its an uphill climb but you do NOT want to stay down…

        Portal openings seem to close then.. (Or they used to when this wasn’t happening on the hour) and wherever you had landed? You’d be stuck in that trajectory for a good period of time

        This is one reason the mind training of ACIM is so valuable. Maintaining control over thoughts is imperative to maintaining control ovet emotions

        EMOTIONS ARE the key!!!

        But we CAN do this! 💕💗💞

        1. doing kindness.. Feeling and generating love outwardly..and genuine appreciation will ALL help raise you back up! 💞

  21. Odd moment driving yesterday. Dark day as it was, I’m toodling down the road and… a light went off. Like it got darker in a snap. It felt like being in a room with two recessed lights and one of the bulbs died. I looked around, no one seemed to notice a thing, HOWEVER, thanks to the last blog update i see that it was the exact same time as that jump! So fascinating to me! Just when malaise with this all is setting in, a light goes off… well, you know what I mean. 😀

      1. It’s not just the eyes it’s the whiskers too! They turn on the hidden senses of the cats when the eyes are of no much help.
        On another note and in tandem with what you just said, the French protests spread to Brussels now and also Netherlands and Canada. There are some moves towards the yellow vest revolution in Germany as well, but nothing big to report yet, however they are gathering the cops there just in case. The Belgium “yellow vests” want to get rid of the EU mafia representatives and they also support the French. Meanwhile, the French launched a “frexit” idea and are damn serious about it. The UK currently has (under reported) protests regarding the practically inactive (and stolen from them by their gov) brexit. The French now say it’s not about the gas tax it’s about the entire EU control, lack of common sense and the entire idiotic state of affairs where the people no longer can have a life while the elite does what it does and it’s time to put an end to this.

        1. Didn’t Edgar Cayce (whom David Wilcock is NOT the reincarnation of) say that, “Europe will vanish in the twinkling of an eye”? Perhaps he was talking about a PTW eye-in-the-pyramid eye.


        2. I am in the UK and am trying not to see, listen to or take notice of the news! Instead I took my daughter to our local country park and just breathed in the sun, wandered through the woods and tried to release as much 3D bleurgh as I could! It was incredibly quiet there, beautiful…

          There needs to be so much change world wide but today I was just so happy to be away from everything 🙂 Love & Light to all xxx

    1. Yes. Things changed again. People called I hadn’t expected to. Two of my emails got lost, which pissed me off because they had urgent messages for the other party (who were not even in my country), and so on. Ugh!

  22. A few hours ago, there was a large strange pulse emanating from Antartica and that pulse is sending shock waves around the world. This is not your average large earthquake pulse. Look and compare these GSN Heliplots, (Global Seismograph Network):


    The pulse does not occur at the same time around the world, and the waveform signature is not normal for a large earthquake. It is too uniform, not erratic.

    1. This was the ca8al, trying to make something bad happen since they’re in their “13 Days of [insert pagan season]” window, in this case Yule. They like to have bunches of sacrifices during those 13 days (which can be before or after the date).

      Here’s their 10 km telltale:

      Event type: Earthquake
      Region: Pacific-Antarctic Ridge
      Geographic coordinates: 55.922S, 128.215W
      Magnitude: 6.3
      Depth: 10 km
      Universal Time (UTC): 12 Dec 2018 13:13:59
      Time near the Epicenter: 12 Dec 2018 04:13:59
      Local standard time in your area: 12 Dec 2018 05:13:59

      Location with respect to nearby cities:
      3532.6 km (2190.2 mi) SSW of Hanga Roa, Chile
      3598.3 km (2230.9 mi) WNW of Puerto Natales, Chile
      3614.6 km (2241.0 mi) WNW of Punta Arenas, Chile
      3681.2 km (2282.3 mi) WNW of Ushuaia, Argentina
      3799.1 km (2355.4 mi) WNW of R�o Gallegos, Argentina

      They will fail miserably. Also… what awaits them is truly horrible. We try not to talk about it. They themselves created their own punishment. Leave them to it.


      1. for a long while, I’ve felt/seen a moment in the future (a memory of something that hasn’t happened yet, is how I’ve referred to this over the years) where I’m with my loved ones, in front of the tv with our “jaws on the floor”. at this moment, it feels significant beyond what is being relayed by the tv because i know everyone watching this live is feeling the same emotions that i am. the last time i felt this, was 9/11. i just want this “memory” to occur to release the pressure and the expectation of it that has building over the years. I’m quite sure that i am not the only one here that has felt this. can’t wait for that big sigh and I’m thinking that it is RIGHT around the corner.

  23. And this is the way it goes now. lol. A new every day “normal”.

    1. Well… this is not entirely accurate. It’s not seeing yourself “in the same time continuum,” it’s a temporary merging of parallel universes. This is not well understood by most people. There are infinite universes in the omniverse. And every time there’s a timeline jump, a NEW parallel universe is created. In some cases, the universes are 99.999999999999999999% identical, but in some cases there are bigger changes. You can be walking down the street and slip into an adjacent parallel universe/timeline and never know it… until you notice a tree is missing, or you see something different. This is what some call the Mandella Effect. It happens all the time, though the current Wave X energy is making it totally crazy. What’s really crazy is that ONE — that is, All of Us, the Oversoul — has all of these changes in Its Mind. It’s really nothing to worry about, but sometimes people and animals and trees do go missing. Can’t find something you KNOW you just set down at Location X? Probably a parallel universe slip. Just have a cup of coffee and a muffin and wait a little while.. and things will return to “normal.” There are infinite parallel universes, so there are infinite versions of you, all the different choices you made over the years. You will probably never meet yourself (it’s not entirely possible without one of you going POOF), but it’s also nothing to worry about: the odds are impossibly small, arguably the rarest thing in the omniverse.


          1. Na, I don’t think so. The Source connection always remains. (unless you’re suffering from amnesia. Oh wait! we have been)

      1. return to “normal” ? so missing ppl returns to “our” timeline? or simply disappeared ?

        1. Hm. Sometimes the missing return (like that missing woman who was found in the ocean a year later wearing the exact same clothes), but most of the time they don’t. If two of you exist in the same universe, the energy has to balance out, so the newest YOU (your body, that is) basically goes POOF and dematerializes. Your spirit is fine, though. We don’t know how “mistakes” or “accidents” work at the universal level. Does everything happen for a reason? Did you agree to slip into another universe and get POOFed out of existence?

          -CAT Eds.

  24. Check this out (from SpaceWeather):

    “China’s Chang’e-4 spacecraft entered lunar orbit today following a four and a half day journey from Earth to the Moon. Chang’e-4 is on an unprecedented mission to land on the Moon’s farside. [Ha!] First, though, mission scientists must adjust the spacecraft’s orbit and test a communication link between Earth and the mission’s relay satellite “Queqiao,” according to the China National Space Administration.”

    Sorry, China. The ETs there (4-5 factions on the lunar dark side) are not going to allow this. The Chinese are just lurking, to see what they can see (like the US military is doing in N. CA, ahem; did you like that city-sized thought-craft zoom past you the other night?). Expect this Chinese spacecraft to go missing or malfunction shortly.


  25. Folks, it is official: we are TWB-free! (For now?) The vibration has climbed too high for them. Phew. A momentary break. This means The Event really is very close.


      1. TWB = “Tall White Bastards.” Sorry, that’s what we call them b/c they’re tall, they’re dead-white, and they’re bastards. (They speak a half-telepathic light language that makes their actual names impossible.) They’re 8-foot-tall “neutral” ETs who have been actively attacking CATs for years, in some cases since we were three. They’re big time dream invaders, and can pass through walls since they’re 4th or 5th density, but have been owering their vibe more and more with their crappy actions (actively attacking us and taking potshots at our families). What we haven’t mentioned, I think, is that 99.9% of ETs (and dragons and other HO beings) either loathe or in some (lower ET cases) fear the TWBs because of their superior shielding and superior attitudes (their hubris is legendary) — and they’re choice of nasty friends (humans with all-black eyes, ev-il). We got rid of their friends, and SOURCE/ONE got rid of the rest. We fought them to a standstill and have had an uneasy truce for about two years since we scattered them to the four winds (a long story), stopping short of wiping them out. We’re not killers. Some of the other ETs and Universals were a touch miffed that we didn’t portal them into the sun when we had the chance, but we didn’t want genocide on our consciences. We are the first group to NOT fear them (they’re kinda dumb, but with vastly superior tech), and really stand up to them. Everyone was too afraid before. And for the record, we have always treated them like brothers — moronic brothers who need their butts handed to them every once in a while. Ah, family. The TWBs are actually related to The Watchers, which is probably how they got their most recent “positive Event-facilitators” gig before they got caught lying and cheating and installing what is basically psychic circuitry in people to track them through The Event and potentially manipulate them. (Bastards!) Also, it was part of our challenge this tme around to see if we (or anybody) would stand up to them. We now have huge cosmic street cred. It was a difficult task going against 5D beings in 3D bodies. It took really different strategy and tactics.


        1. I was surprised when some of the top universals wanted us to end the TWBs for good. It was tempting. We were in a unique position to get rid of them for everyone, but Brother J removed our killer instincts back in the day (unless we’re in Protector Mode, then we have no problem with obliteration; this is why we’re on the angel/universal track). If we’d had to use actual physical weapons over thought weapons, it might’ve been different. It was an adjustment. (Many of us are ancient ancient warriors who had been through the terrestrial mill before our most recent Lion duties.) Blah blah blah.


            1. I don’t think we deserve thanks. They weren’t really going after many of you. What they were doing was trying to control and sully the portals (and allow others to do this, too), which you’re all connected to but don’t know it, yet. The TWBs were part of our test. We needed to show them strength, and mercy, and humility, as their takeaways to their own next levels. We were the teachers this time, and the students. Probably how it always is, even as a master. And yet, it’s all a game. I will have many questions for Guides in the in-between life. There must be a better way.


          1. We may sound callous at times when talking of the TWBs, but people don’t realize that these beings went after our families. They made it very personal. They’re lucky the better angels of our natures prevailed. Many of us wanted to destroy them… but we didn’t. And the TWBs knew that. Now they’re like cubs trying to pick a fight with a fight with a sleepy lion. Or actually… now they might finally be gone. The TWBs and the ca8al have made us all pine for The Event something awful.


        2. That time was quite a test. I would like to again thank all our SuperFriends for all their help, along with J and our Guides, as well as the Oversoul and SOURCE. All for SOURCE and ONE for all!


          1. No.. You DO deserve thanks. Our appreciation and gratitude.

            You know that a “Son of Source canNOT:

            act in vain”

            ALL minds are joined. YOUR Holiness blesses EVERY mind

            You see YOU doing that. Generating the courage, standing up! Setting boundaries. Taking action!

            ALL of THAT?

            In particular your last choice to show mercy. (Refrain from termination)

            Was “felt” by ALL of us

            It impacted ALL of us.

            It added to the collective consciousness and therefore created and set the corresponding frequencies that were then made available to the rest of us

            NONE of it concerned just you (smiling at you in love!)💞💞💕💗

            Very important business that was beloved cats and m’s

            With far reaching consequences and implications than you can imagine!

            So on behalf of our planet and its inhabitants (benevolent ones) i acknowledge and thank you so much!! 💗💗💗

        3. Amazing news, why am I not surprised to hear any of this? Really resonates with a lot of strange experinces (not pleasant) over the years….I hope they are really, really gone! Love and Light All xxx

  26. Hold on to your hats, or don’t! Who needs hats where we are all going?! 😉🙏❤️🙏

  27. Anyone else having serious trouble sleeping?

    I’m pushing beyond 48 hours straight with no end in sight. Exhausted but buzzing. I do hope this ends before xmas, I strongly prefer sleeping (not that kind) to being awake (no, the other one).

    But as long as we get our presents, I’ll do whatever I have to. Considering all the crap we went through to get here, staying awake a couple of weeks is a Sunday walk in the park.


    1. We haven’t gotten much sleep in the past 4-5 years so it’s hard to tell. We figure it will either end eventually, or we’ll just die. Either way, we’ll get some rest. The energy is… hard to describe right now. It’s like we’re closer to SOURCE than ever and we don’t want to miss it!


    2. @ Sifoo

      Sifoo, I had the same situation 1.5 weeks ago and also had what the cats described in response to your question. Dropping all the details and remarks here, I’ll tell you only what worked for me in the end. Try it, maybe it’ll work for you too. Just forget/ignore/disregard what a “normal” sleep/wake cycle is for the majority, you have your own now and it doesn’t fit any common criteria any more, so take it as a given. Then notice when you feel like lying down due to tiredness (it doesn’t matter whether you will or will not fall asleep). Whenever you feel like lying down and having a full body rest (sleep), just do it right away, drop everything and respond to this particular body need of yours, even when it’s not that strong. The “rest” (relaxation) initially may last for 5 mins or 10 or 15 or 30 or 45 or 50 or 7.5 mins- it doesn’t matter, just do it. It also doesn’t matter whether you’ll fall asleep or not, just accept that this is your type of “rest” for the time. Somehow this erratic and short series of short rest periods reactivate/reinitialize your natural/right for you deep sleep/full awake/recuperation mechanism and you’ll eventually move from the chaotic sensor data (that usually inform your body systems when to sleep and when and for how long remain awake). If in a while you sleep only for 2 hours at night and then wake up and can’t fall asleep again, fine, forgive yourself, wake up, do what you like until you strongly feel like lying down to get some sleep again. That may last only for 15 mins and you may not fall asleep, but follow this your body nudge anyway. Against all odds you may feel quite refreshed after this 15 mins of “so called sleep”. On a side note, I’d suggest to limit your coffee intake to 1-2 cups – mornings only if you are into it at all. Also, use only the bulbs that are type E27 (too much to explain why) everywhere in your house, this is very important. Hope that helps, let us know if it does)). Through my experience that lasted for far too long and was too much to handle, esp recently, I discovered there are not one or two but many factors that contribute to this no sleep disaster, there is no need to list them here, all you need for the moment is a solution.

    3. Yes, I decided to just use my sleep time to lie there and enjoy the peace! Drifting off is a bonus! Love & Light xxx

  28. ALL of us play an integral part in this “game”

    I used to say “i just want to be the little toe in the kingdom…then i said “ok well i just want to be the nail in the little toe of the Kingdom..” now I’m down to. “i just want to be the cuticle in the nail of the little toe of the kingdom”

    But “I’m going to be the best darned ever cuticle of the nail of the little toe of the kingdom EVER!”

    This should be at least part of the answer to one of your questions as to WHY the attacks came so young and even towards your family!

    They can read your potential energy and were trying to derail you.

    For most of us, Its easier to think we don’t matter or our efforts won’t have much impact. We’d rather not have the responsibility. But responsibility has been distorted.

    It is actually response-ability. 💗

  29. Why is it that everyone is afraid of the TWB’s when this is all a dream anyway?

    Are we the only ones who know this?

    Kudos for being so strong guys, a great role model for us all, thank you.


    1. We aren’t afraid of them. We aren’t really even annoyed by them, anymore. We just don’t like them. (They’ve f*cked with us too much.) It’s just that their (eventual) drop-away will be a significant benchmark in the energy scheme here. I’m not convinced that they’re actually gone. They are inhumanly stubborn and resourceful…


      1. @ All of the Cats. I agree with Iota. Yes you do all deserve thanks for your fearless epic deeds. How do you do all of that and still retain your brilliant senses of humour that uplift everyone on the site. Nice to know you still have your guard up just in case the TWBs find a sneaky way back. As long as the energies keep rising it would presumably make it very difficult for them as the elevation of their own vibrations must be pretty much unachievable?

  30. One other thing, dreamt I was with a few thousand people in a field. A wave of light spread across us, we all shouted “it’s the first wave!”.
    Then everyone ran to the other side of this field laughing and shouting “BINDEX”, or “BIN-DEX!”, whatever that meant?


  31. Has anyone expereinced sharp pains in the kidney area? Lying in bed last night. Could not sleep and got really bad stabbing pains in the lower right side…

    Earlier in the evening I had really odd pains all through my left leg, ended up having to do a monty python silly walk around the living room to try and alleviate it!!!

    Oh, and does anyone keep seeing strange small black creatures in their peripheral vision only for them to disappear when you turn your head to see what it is? I keep thinking we have a bad spider problem only for whatever it was to disappear when I look! ughhh!

    Also, dear daughter cannot get to sleep, orbs in her bedroom….

    Bad head and back pain today, oh the joy! I should maybe ask Brother J to enjoy this with me!?

    Love & Light xxx

    1. Hello Lily,
      I have been seeing the shadow spiders for months now.
      Last week, for a few days, I was seeing something really crazy. I would close my eyes, open them, and it was as if I was viewing my surroundings on an old black and white TV with bad reception. I guess my guides wanted me to see proof that this is all an illusion.
      Hang in there! Hugs! <3

      1. @Sharon, yes, I get this too! Is it like seeing the world in pixilated vision? It’s been like this constantly for months now! crazy stuff! Love & Light xxx

          1. @Sharon, ah right I see. I seem to get pixels like before we had all these TV channels, after programmes ended for the evening, there was always that black and white pixilated fuzz! Sometimes I get colour or gold flecks! X

    2. Second the peripheral vision drama, it’s a serious struggle to focus when things are always moving around.

      I’ve had the same experiences with vision before; during mirror meditations in the ashram where I saw my face morph into all sorts of creatures; it’s always peripheral or out of focus, as soon as I focus or tense I loose it.

      Maybe the act of focusing in itself lowers the frequency. The whole idea with Yoga is dropping that habit and going with the flow. And I guess whatever is crawling around doesn’t like the attention much either.


      1. @Sifoo so strange you mention the face! I saw my reflection in the mirror last night. Had just meditated before hand and was very relaxed, I took a fleeting look in the mirror and did not recognise myself! I looked wiser, older but not ‘old’ just like the version of my looking back knew something that I do not! These really are strange days…x

    3. Ditto on the head pain this A.M. and seeing black peripheral objects that disappeared upon focus for months. For what ever reason I have dreamt of kittens for years. Last night’s dream had me going to a class from an unknown elderly female with another student. There were 2 kittens in the yard tied at the neck by an adjoining string. One was black and the other a gray tabby. I untied them so that they could go freely and safely according to each one’s desires. Then I returned to setting up a tent in preparation for a coming storm. Let the storm come without fear. We are ready. Cay

    4. @ Lily. Yes i keep seeing black thingys in my peripheral vision these last few days. No back pain but the backs of my legs have been tight. The weirdest thing ive experienced for the last week is constantly hearing a sound like my cat makes when he is walking around the house on the wood floors. I kept checking at first but he was always sleeping. It doesn’t feel like it means harm to me, more a protective presence. But I’m sure its an animal.

      1. @Newlynn do you ever get any idea of what these black creatures are? Yes, I’ve heard noises, feel like there are many being walking in and out of my home, I see shapes, outlines of beings sometimes. I guess the veil is dissolving maybe? Maybe we are seeing into other dimensions or timelines?

        CATS and M’s what are your thoughts? What are these black creatures we are seeing?

        Love & Light xxx

        1. This is totally normal at this time. You’re seeing all kinds of things, on all kinds of levels. It’s your own abilities/vision waking up. There’s nothing to be alarmed about. The veil is not dissolving. If it did, your body would dissolve and you’d be spirit again. You’d probably notice that. 😉

          If you feel some of these things cluster closer to you, TURN YOUR LIGHT ON! (That is, the light inside you.) Turn it up to 11 — imagine it has a sound whic rises in pitch dramatically — and think: “LOVE AND HEALING LIGHT TO ALL WHO NEED IT.” Boom.


          1. Thank you M6, I will do that, there does sometimes seem to be quite a few of them, what do they want when they cluster? Is it just curiosity? Funnily enough before I turn out the ‘electric’ light every evening before )sometimes!) falling asleep, I say out loud ‘love/Light, Light/Love!


        2. @Lily. Im glad M5 replied as i don’t know what the black things are. They don’t appear as spiders to me , just squiggles. Strangely they don’t bother me. I’m fairly indifferent to them. Still hearing the noises at the moment. That puzzles me more!

          1. @Newlynn, I think it’s my imagination telling me they are spiders but they could well be anything! The noises are also a mystery! My analytical mind wants answers but my soul is quite chilled out! x

  32. More wonderful Event confirmations and interesting tidbits in latest video from Lisa Harrison yesterday — I’ve time-marked the video where she starts talking about Schrödinger’s Other Cat:

    1. Lisa also mentions a feeling of guilt that was felt by many … That’s strange, for guilt suddenly invaded me yesterday, and I still feel guilty, for no reason at all … I’ve been searching for any clue … but no.
      And the waves of excitement feel awesome.

      1. Sometimes it’s a bleed through of a parallel life… Highly attuned people can feel them sometimes. Send her healing and love vtil YOU feel it eased and re-leased… 💞💕💗

        1. In our (all of our) cases, this was a human-group thing that many people experienced. Some are being purged of guilt, some are reacting to what they’ve done in this life (what you’re feeling was really the latter). This too will pass.


  33. @ Cat eds
    Guys why do you call TWBs neutral? If they have continuously been messing up with humankind in the most sneaky way and were attacking you when they could, it’s not neutral at all.

    Coincidently, this morning I woke up with a clear thought about these bastards that was kinda a question and the answer. Q- what do the TWBs want from the ppl of this planet, what’s their interest? A- THEY are AFRAID and do not want humans to evolve, as when this happens, the humans will become much more powerful than the TWBs. So, the TWBs try everything to prevent such evolution and shift of powers. I usually have no thoughts, just clear and empty mind when I wake up, so that was an unusual morning. It was even more unusual to find your new comments about those bastards.

    1. We’re sorry we brought them up, actually. At this stage, it’s best just to ignore them.

      (We were calling them “neutrals” as a joke. They’re far from neutral.)

      -CAT Eds.

  34. BTW, I had a really weird experience a couple of months back. Didn’t know what to make of it at the time but the more I feel into it, the more important it gets. And your mentioning running into yourself triggered the memory.

    A guy my age or slightly older was sitting on a bike outside our house observing me with a well meaning smile on his face when I passed with my son. I had a quick look but was overwhelmed and had to pull back my senses. Big guy, very healthy and athletic looking; and the bike was outfitted for touring with bags and maps.

    If that wasn’t me, it was someone very close to me. I got the feeling that he just wanted to see for himself that we’re alright.


      1. No need to be sorry.
        I wonder though what you mean by fake?
        It’s on their website so that part is real.
        The sources used in the document are all psychology/new age/spiritual books, checked them hence that part is real
        The Monroe institute they mention and their programs (Gateway and Hemi-sync) are still in use, so that’s real too.

        1. Oh, sorry. It’s an artificial document created for some obfuscatory reason. It’s so NOT truth-based that we just stopped reading. It might cite truthful sources, but the document is not worth reading.

          -CAT Eds.

  35. severe eye pain, headaches, nausea, back of mastoid headaches then feverish-ness added few hours later – checked and yup, timing corresponded to S R meter whompage start… sigh.. can I have my eyeballs back yet… I forgot to share with brother J… perhaps I’ll learn – oh, the other night I had dreams of working on old spaceships with someone(s) else, fixing or making sure certain things weren’t forgotten to take along then later less remembered dreams about transporting or helping transferring people?

    1. @ Kathleen G
      Switch to raw food only (for a week), smoothies, etc. No animal products. No gluten. No corn. No soya products. You can drink green, black or herbal tea. It’ll ease these particular symptoms and will help you recover rather fast.

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