We Three Things


We (CATs) are being pulled more and more into meditation and little missions, so we’re going to pack three posts into one to save time. Like we care about hit counts and site maximization. Here we go:

You’re doing it wrong.


This is based on something Da-da wrote years ago, but told us about it probably 20 years ago. Anyway, you know that ringing in the ears that folks hear now and again? It’s not what you think.

At the time Da-da wrote about this back in 2014, he’d seen an increase in the amount of spam associated with ridding oneself of tinnitus, that persistent ringing or buzzing in the ears. There’s just one problem with that: for most of you, it’s not a medical condition at all: IT’S AN INVITATION. The mere fact that someone was spamming about eradicating tinnitus might mean someone’s trying to keep this invitation from you.

(NOTE: You can also hear ringing when the earth’s magnetic field changes, or if you’re dehydrated, or if you’ve been listening to music too loud, or if you’re a musician exposed to lots of loud noises and jokes from trombone players.)

For many who can hear this ringing, you’re quite literally hearing an invitation from SOURCE — an invitation to tune in and listen and get closer to SOURCE.

So… try it.

Sit in a quiet room and quiet your mind. (The more you practice quieting your mind, the faster you get there, so don’t be dismayed if it takes some time to achieve quiet.) Be sure to G+P+C (Ground and Protect and Connect), and then without straining, concentrate on the sound you hear. Locate its source. Embrace it. When you dive into it, you’ll notice that it’s actually many musical tones, creating a, “super chord.” The different pitches are different voices, with a higher purpose. It’s important not to strain, as this can close things off. Relax. Listen by not listening, concentrate by not concentrating.

The tone is calling on you to add your inner voice to the larger VOICE, to vibrate at a certain frequency. Think of it as a massive tuning note before the actual performance is to take place — a performance that will occur once we’re all assembled. You are literally part of a cosmic, infinite musical group, unimaginable in scope, a group that’s been singing a song of SOURCE since before time.

Try meditating on the ringing, or “The Beacon” as Da-da calls it. You’re basically waking up your own clairaudience. Meditate on the inner pitch and see what happens.

As you become more aware of the tone, it gets louder. You can also begin to hear the various layers and harmonics and octaves that make up The Beacon. It’s also interesting that the more you DON’T think about the sound, the louder it gets. Do this all the time until it gets easier and easier; it’s very much like weight-lifting for your mind.



We already knew this, but thought others might, as well. We were reminded this morning that the promised “Second Coming” of Brother J has already happened. It started happening back in the ’60s. Brother J returned, and has incarnated… seriously… but this time in billions of us.

If you think about it, this is pure genius. By reincarnating as a spiritual part of billions of people, it not only defeats the religious icon thing (so no one is worshipping one man), it also ensures that we will all work together better to make things work.

Failing that, you can wear it as a hat.

3. The ACORN

There is a famous Zen koan: “Why Has Bodhi-Dharma Left for the East?”

Koans typically have no answer, but are supposed to be meditated upon. In this case, the first time several of the CATs (independently) heard/read this koan, the answer popped into their heads immediately: The Acorn. (The acorn of an idea one day growing into a mighty oak.)

That said, we realized this morning that we could increase the original amount of SOURCE we have within us — with SOURCE’s permission, of course. Most humans have at their core a tiny bit of SOURCE, about the size of the head of a pin. But this can be increased (again, you need to ask SOURCE and listen). Imagine that tiny spark doubling to two, to four, to eight, to 16, to 32… doubling again and again till that tiny spark is the size of an glowing white acorn. Once you have an acorn of SOURCE inside you (at 1024? 2048?), let it work inside you for a while.

So, get in the zone, then (humbly) ask SOURCE if you might have more Spirit, then try the doubling thing if you get a green light (you’ll know). Note that it didn’t work for all of us, not right away. These things take time. Anyway, afterward, try meditating on The BEACON again.

Onward and upward.

If your head starts to shrink… stop.


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143 thoughts on “We Three Things

  1. Well, I’ll just wade in: I was instructed in the 70’s that one consciously listened to what was called the Shabd or sound emanation of Source. It is always heard. As you say, one simply meditates on it. It’s served me well lo these many years. It’s particularly loud as I sit here writing this. Woohoo! Plant more trees. BTW Cats and Ms, the invite for lattes in the country still stands with the added advantage of Louellas sour cream cookies. I still have 4 flowering dogwoods to plant.

  2. So resonate. Love, love, love to you all! ❤

  3. “Most humans have at their core a tiny bit of SOURCE“

    Humans are 100% source. Stop thinking I’m seperation

    1. Yes, you are 100% SOURCE. But the body around you is a projection of the Mind, with the spark that is you at the center. There was no separation in what we said.


  4. They sure have a disease for every occasion 🙂

    My mom started hearing voices in her 20s, and they managed to convince her that she was seriously ill, at risk of going insane; unless she started buying their crap. She’s now been taking really creepy drugs for 40 years, as if figuring things out wasn’t difficult enough without their “help”.

    There’s a whole separate set of practices in Yoga dealing with inner sounds, although it’s not taught much; Nada Yoga. Try covering the ears while listening.



    1. Years ago, one of the M’s went to the ER with a broken arm after a car accident. They gave her a pain shot and her tongue loosened up and she started telling the ER doc that his (dead) mother was there complaining about his current girlfriend. The guy had her committed and drugged up… for two years. We are not fans of “science,” despite being trained scientists.


  5. Hi CATS:
    I have had ringing in my ears my whole life. I didn’t realize it was unusual until my 20’s, (1970’s) when the ringing got so loud it drowned out regular conversations. I went to an Ear/Nose/Throat specialist and they told me that everything was normal. They advised against Rock Concerts however. Many years later I was told that ringing in the ears was a “Sidhee”, a “gift”. Having lived in Mt. Shasta, California for 12 years, I can say that each area has its own tone. However, now, the ringing is off the charts and is an indication to me that the planetary vibe is really changing. I can now hear the Sun coming up in the morning, which prevents me from sleeping in. All good…


    1. @Zandriel, very interesting post. I, too, have often had ringing in my ears (for most of my life) that seems to come and go randomly. The word “sidhi” actually means more of an acquisition of a supernatural power for a mortal person (this is what it means in Hindi, I happen to be South Asian). Oddly enough I have heard the word sidhi said to me lately in meditations/dreams in various contexts. Also, when I was a child and used to complain about the ringing in my ears, my grandmother would tell me that the ringing was “an indication of spiritual activity” and that I was gifted to be able to perceive it. I shrugged it off at the time but now I really wish my grandma was still alive so that I could’ve asked some follow-up questions, hah.

  6. So much YES to hearing the ringing! Months and months of it.

    I presumed it was a tone of reinforcement, kind of like the beeps from a backing semi-truck, except this was urging me to keep moving forward.

    Duh… Of course it’s to be listened to!

    Inward we go! Or is it here I come?

    I AM… great fooled and thanks-filled for all the CATS.

    Please stay off my kitchen counter though unless yall can help me refinish them. : )

  7. “If you think about it, this is pure genius.”

    Oh I DID think about it — decades ago. And I’ve continued to say, over and over as I’ve passed it along, “Holy crap, this is pure *genius*.”

    “By reincarnating as a spiritual part of billions of people, it not only defeats the religious icon thing (so no one is worshipping one man),”

    Yeah, about that.
    And this is the second part, of the ‘pure genius’ plan — the people on this planet STILL have no clue, that the greatest amount of Christ Consciousness Energy is being integrated & carried by the Androgynous Woman.

    Must be androgynous to hold the relatively 50/50 or so BALANCE of Male/Female frequencies. But is still contained within the ‘female’ physical form, nonetheless.

    (currently, this knowledge would result in the poor Religious Nutters having a total psychotic-break meltdown….)


    “So, get in the zone, then (humbly) ask SOURCE if you might have more Spirit,”

    Humbly? If one is already SOURCE, then why does one bow down in a deliberately diminished capacity in order to ask oneself for what one already IS and HAS???
    (scratching SOURCE head)

    I humbly ask *myself*, to become more of what I AM?
    This is a really weird-ass/ironically funny form of human Disempowerment to be practising.

    Make the decision to stop being so fearfully ridiculous, and simply blast SOURCE like the brightest SUN, straight out of your Heart Center, dudes and dudettes…and THEN see what happens.

    1. Um… if you saw SOURCE, you’d be humble. SOURCE is beyond description. And showing gratitude is part of the process. We didn’t say be obsequious. You can do what you want, of course. We are never fearfully ridiculous.


    2. Awakening is an awkward thing and we seldom look good until after a shower and a cup of coffee.

      When facing the ineffable and it turns out be you, words sometimes fail the lips. We all stumble through this in our own unique way.

  8. Well now, that’s a twist…that hits a mark way beyond resonation! I think a secret was just released and just in time! 🌹❤️

  9. Some things are very familiar here – I’d say something intelligent, but my brain’s on hold – feel like I’ve been chewed up and spit out the last~ 36 hrs? … I’d got the impression this morning that y’all have been very BUSY and perhaps at a distance? Wishing you all well… Kg

  10. Can you tell us anything about the being you’ve met yet?

  11. Thanks, a strange shortness of breath @3 am est. I guess I’m getting used to unusual stuff. Got to Love it! Peace.

      1. The lungs are impacted by rapid frequency changes. Been experiencing this off and on since September. Can be very frustrating when one moves to high altitude as it delays acclimatization. Honor the body, listen to it, sleep when you must, rest when you must, breathe deep, listen to the food cravings (why pomegranate juice I don’t know), the body is very intelligent and knows what to do.

  12. Thank you all for all that you share.

    I LOVE this post, brilliant captions too!

  13. Great news about the Return! And for asking SOURCE!
    I haven’t watched the movie (“Why Has Bodhi-Dharma Left for the East?”). It seems the point is to break free. I have to find that movie …
    Some years ago I translated a three-volume Encyclopaedia of Religions, and – wow – my world changed!
    In my country, religion is separate from the state; I never went to Sunday school; I had to read the Bible at the university because our American-literature professor said, “Those of you who have NOT read the Bible, will understand nothing. LEAVE my class and come back when you are ready!” She was right.
    Do you think there will be celebrations around the Full Moon?

    (I like that meditating hamster, thanks!)

  14. Thank you for this information Cats! I recall reading on your Meditation Primer “if you hear a tone, follow it.” I wondered at the time, “I hear tones all the time because my ears ring. Are you talking about these tones?” Now I know you are! I will give this another try. Love to all

    Oh. Here’s an unrelated question: I have read elsewhere that the ca8al have no souls. Is this true? I would think that they are creatures coming from Source so they do.

    1. Nope. The ca8al are spirit, just like you. It’s just they have chosen the LOOOOONG path to SOURCE. Very long. Yours will be less than a tenth as long. They are technically insane; they have some weird ideas.


      1. I like to think of them and others that list their way as toddlers, like the grown up left for a sec to do the washing up and when they popped back the room was trashed and the toddler broke all its toys then tried to fix them with play doh, but didn’t understand or have instructions to fix so got it all wrong, but it was having a tantrum and trying to be independent, there was play doh everywhere but the adult saw the toddler with love and just put a call out to its mates cause this clean up was gunna need the big guys to help with their big vaccum cleaner, but the toddler was still angry and tried to pinch everyone whilst they were helping, they looked on in love knowing that the toddler didn’t really understand yet.

      2. I’ve heard similar sentiment expressed quite a lot about the ca8al. I’m guessing one of their “weird ideas” is that their desire/goal to kill off most of the world’s population is actually somehow a noble pursuit, in that they “force” humanity to evolve or something like that. “Insane” seems like a fitting description to me.

  15. Peace love and light to all
    Thank you cats and M’s for all that you do and be. Much love and gratitude.

  16. So strange…like I’ve read this before or already knew all this info but I don’t know from when. It’s like my brain is scrambled and I can’t “think” but I just “know”. I’m losing track of time and days. Old memories are coming up of people and events but they don’t seem like my own. Oh, and I don’t know what I’m doing during sleep but I wake up exhausted and with aches and pains that aren’t normal for me. Other than all that weirdness I feel at peace inside. May all the CATS, M’s and readers here have peace and joy this Solstice.

  17. Huh. Diane Canfield boldly states in her latest newsletter:

    “This reality is NOT an illusion, its real and needs to be treated as such. ”

    This is simply not true. This is all illusion and needs to treated as such; it’s so much easier to get over things and forgive when you understand this. This also makes it easier to CHANGE your life (with your mind) forthe positive, though it does take time and discipline.


    1. if this is all illusion, is there that that is not an illusion? How does this stay an illusion if all is illusion therefore being all reality, no illusion…only truth and perception/perspective

      1. There are three things that are NOT illusion: SOURCE, all of us (as ONE), and Our Memory of SOURCE (aka, The “Holy Spirit” — Our Memory of SOURCE being so good that it’s ALSO SOURCE). Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists.


        1. Source being equal to all of us, as one, the collective memory of Source; would mean there is no separation between real and unreal. Nothing does not exist where One is Source

        2. “Nothing real can be threatened. ” Thoroughly appreciated that sentence. I think it may be an original! And I think we keep that thought tucked deep inside. Well spoken/written!

          1. Oh, no. That’s the first line of The Course: “Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists.”

            It’s a course in advanced spirituality.


            1. BTW: Gary Renard’s book, “The Disappearance of the Universe,” is an excellent (invaluable?) intro to The Course, as are his next two books on the subject. (Note that we don’t know what he’s talking about in his latest book. Brother J was a pure SOURCE being who came right from SOURCE and went into a body for his one lifetime; Gary Renard’s latest book talks about J’s past life as Buddha or something. We just don’t see it. Still, his first book is excellent.


  18. So great you are getting this information out there. Please do be advised to do a bit of research within the law of one . Info site as the left side of the body is the negatively polarized side and left ear tones are logically from a negatively polarized source… not telling anyone what to believe but please do own research. You can type in search terms. Love and light to all

  19. Oh yeah of course you send the left ear tones source Lots of Love 💕 to negate

    1. @Galactic Human

      I …am …speechless. Your comment made me laugh out loud. it’s just… ah, no comments.lol

    1. @Galactic Human

      NEVER apologize for trying to help … for not caring enough to try to help maybe … but NEVER for trying to help <3

      i thank you for your loving intentions <3

  20. What wonderful shifts in 3d are taking place!

    https://themindunleashed.com/2018/12/the-demands-of-the-yellow-vest-movement-are-heading-towards-real-systemic-change.html (and I love the pics, very insightful!)



    (from the last article)
    “This guidance document dismantles all forced vaccination mandates across the USA, including in California, where Senator Richard “The Mercury Joker” Pan illegally penned Draconian legislation (SB277) defying the AMA’s code of ethics, where school children are forced into vaccination (at gunpoint) or they are not allowed to attend private or public school. Pan eliminated religious and personal exemptions, and allows only medical exemptions, which are for the most part denied, because it’s all a scam to sell more toxic vaccines and permanently maim more children for Big Pharma profits.”

  21. How can Source not be equal? I like we not being equal to Source, upholding. But, I don’t think Source would feel unequal to us.

    1. You are SOURCE, this is true — but just a tiny spark. SOURCE is infinite. We are a (teeny tiny) child of SOURCE. We are also relatively recent, only about 14B+ years old. SOURCE has been around… literally forever.


  22. Hello, Reporter Bob. We knew you’d be looking through the comments. How do we know the things we know? We can both “look” at you (or anything, really, at any point in time/space/dimension), as well as ask Guides and various spirits in your vicinity. You have an interesting magnet fetish (we like magnets, too), and there’s also an issue with your dad, and you need to forgive him and yourself. This was the three-second glance, Bob. Luckily we stopped asking women (a loooong time ago) when they’re due (because most had no idea they were pregnant), and telling them that the boy in their belly wants to be named NEBUCHADNEZZER. 😉


      1. You can always find CATs when you’re out and about in stores (or on airplanes, mon Dieu!): all the little kids are staring at us! We must look really different to them.


        1. so hey… what IS the story with little kids (for me, 2 and under) twisting their necks around to look at me? can they SEE “inner-silence” in others?

      2. @ M6
        I am not in the womb and hate rap music too. I bet the plants also dislike it big time. I have read it somewhere in the i-net that this type of music was originally conceived in the corresponding dep of cia for destructive purposes it has on masses. There is sth terribly nefarious about this type of so called music.

          1. Thank you, kittens. ALOT of rap “music” won’t make it to 4D/5D. When the separation of the worlds hits, 72% humans will stay in lower frequency and only 28% will go to ascended earth. Soon.

            1. Really. How do you know the percentage? (I don’t remember if we ever got an answer on that at the time we looked at it, since it kept changing.)


          2. What if I told you that, say, next August, every person who actively advocate their own or other people’s suffering, pain, anger and fear, will be removed from our planet. And that about 72% of the population would be gone from Earth. The 28% that are left behind, would be those who choose a world without pain, suffering, anger and fear. They would choose exploration, expansion, nurturing,sovereignty, conscious choice, joy, light, love, reconnection with each other and with Gaia and all her creatures. Reconnection with our larger family from this Universe.


          3. I have three indoor guinea pigs in the living room and they absolutely love the binaural beats and meditation music I play! They start to make low burrring noises if any ads come on in between with rap or rock etc…When the meditations are playing on the tv through you tube they stare mesmerised at the patterns on the screen, wish I could post a video!!! They have little fleece beds on top of their wooden houses and get very excited when I put the meditations on, hop onto their fleeces, lie down and all stare at the tv! xxx

      3. Maybe the babies you’ve been around don’t like rap music. Mine? When I was pregnant with my second child, I was working a construction job in South Central LA and had to be at work by 6:30 AM. With that pregnancy, I could not function without Coca Cola and french fries for breakfast. Up until that time, I was primarily a vegetarian. During the commute, I could not get through the drive without listening to high volume Rap Music. That baby? She turned out magnificently. I don’t listen to rap, but the best thing for my tinnitus, when it was at its peak and extremely loud, was driving around with the radio on at full blast really loud. Somehow, that was very soothing.

      4. @M6, that is _so_ interesting to me re: in-womb babies often complaining about rap music. Is there some other specific type of music that they seem to generally enjoy, or is it as varied as musical tastes of adults?

        I’ve always thought most people are way too quick to “write off” the ability of babies (whether in-womb or recently born) to communicate, just because they haven’t yet learned to speak with a human voice box.

      5. I waited to say this. I was pregnant and working a factory job. I would physically use my baby bump to drill parts. Now my baby jumped all night on my shift. Think about it. The noise he heard was greater than rap at a distance, you might think. My point. . . He has been the most exceptionally loving person I have ever met. You can never say a negative thing about anyone he knows that he would not call you on immediately. And he grew up awesome and he is a mechanic. . . I’m just saying. . . He loves helping and learning and creating. I don’t know why I had to say that. b

      1. We were really going to give him the treatment, but then started to feel sorry for him. He’s just a product of his environment. But he’ll overcome it.


        1. Did you ever hear back from the other guy, I think he worked at the subway station? You guys wrote hello XX! at the subway terminal booth B, or something like that.

          Also funny.

  23. Aloha, friends ~
    I’ve been on a blissful fast, returning now, though likely to be “mostly” away from technology… it has been a magical reprieve. very little food. polyphasic “sleep”/meditations. sans coffee (gasp!). embracing multiple walks in nature each day, hanging out with trees and a stream on the property I’m residing at currently.

    I love how you explained the “SOURCE” sound in the ears. Perfectly “timed” to my own experiences. I meditated on this noise today for a while… “drifted” out of waking consciousness… and when i got back, I heard wind chimes ringing to the tune of my heartbeat (there are no wind chimes where I live on this plane).

    Keep on grounding.

    Keep on connecting to SOURCE.

    BE. the BEACON.


  24. Thanks CATS & M’s. I have a really fine, high pitched frequency as I type this. If the sound could be solid it would be pure diamond/crystal….Mmmm, no that does not do it justice! There are no words to describe the tone. It has changed though over the last year, purer/higher somehow…no, there are still no words to describe it, I will just follow the sound 😉 Love/Light xxx

  25. Yes, I’m quite aware of my current state and also of the indulgences of ability to see. Respect & Equality are not synonymous I believe. I appreciate the glance through and if so very interested I’ve been writing a book or two. If I’m so far off cue, please enlighten me to the post-birth experience. How does any relationship with Source continue without a plane of equality?

  26. French News Channel Caught Doctoring & Changing Sign Of Yellow Vest Protester

    They didn’t expect people to be aware enough to catch the news channel in the midst of this monkey business. The make the now vigilant public made the whole thing public.

    and…Yellow Vest protesters erected a GUILLOTINE in Paris bearing French President’s political party name

    …no more hiding for ca8al elective members…

  27. Gadzooks! My eyeballs are spinning trying to keep up with the comments on all these posts. I don’t want to miss even one. Whew! On another note, the pressure on my crown and forehead this late afternoon is, to put it mildly, rather intense.

  28. When I’m out and about in stores, babies, kids all stare at me, but I definitely don’t have the CATS gift! lol maybe its the red hair.

    1. Me too, but I don’t even have beautiful red hair as a reason for the stares! I’m a very plain, nondescript middle aged woman and it happens to me all the time!

        1. Naa. For me, it’s my conehead. But, seriously folks, it’s just that babies are still so pure and new that they can see who we really are. (We have forgotten, but are re-remembering) I always talk with them telepathically.

  29. can you see me dancing alone in my room too? I’d always break one down for you, dancing eternally for the build up! Leave Source & I alone to be as equal as we want.

  30. i know you guys don’t believe in astrology .. but you all sound so much alike and “Found” each other, just wondering if a LOT of you of you or maybe ALL of you are from one sign or even ALL have the same birthday? <3

  31. Wow! Anti-government protests are now spreading all over the eu and are now in Poland, Hungary, Serbia and even over serious Austria! What I appreciate about it is that people are recognising unity with one another and they start realizing that they’ve got the power and its their, not the gov responsibility to direct this power to the right for people area- the constructive one where things work for all, not just for selected few.
    What’s interesting and also delightful in terms of raising awareness is that in Budapest, despite freezing temperatures, organized crowds of people walked to the TV station buildings to protest against the distorted and twisted narrative that is created and then broadcasted to deceive the masses. So the Hungarians told their msm that is has to stop and they notice everything, including all the misinformation that people are fed up with!

    Meanwhile…. and speaking of rap music that some cats, all of a sudden, brought into discussion (btw, what started that rap music topic anyway?). Apparently mr. putin agrees with with you, the babies in the wombs, and the already out of the womb commenters who dislike the rap music crappy tunes. He just recently declared that this particular “modern music style” is based on 3 pillars: sex, drugs, and protests where drugs (from his point of view) is the biggest pillar which brings about a total degradation of the nation which he decided to prevent. So, after he voiced his view on the matter, all rap music concerts were simply cancelled across the country and a few protesting rappers were arrested for goodness sake.

    1. One of us said that babies in the womb hate rap music. Some of the CATs are actually musicians (jazz and classical), as well, and we see rap as a scourge. We don’t like video games, either. (We are no fun at all.) Not sure that an edict is the way to go, but Putin does have a point.


      1. I agree with @CAT2”s stance on this. I certainly don’t support any of the music that revolves around the “3 pillars” that Putin described (and tbh it’s not just limited to rap, a lot of modern pop music is just as bad imo), but I don’t necessarily think that government sanctioned censorship of the content (+ arrests of the content producers) is an appropriate solution. I’m not saying I have a good solution either lol.

        1. Ok, I looked at this more closely. Looks like early rap was authentic (I still don’t like it), but all rap now is pure PTW agenda. I advise that people stop listening to rap posthaste, unless you LIKE being programmed like a robot. Same goes for watching news shows, most TV, “blockbuster” movies…


          1. I don’t agree with government intervention at all (most of the time it makes the problem worse) but considering the weaponization of art and music that is going on, it’s harder to take the “freedom of expression” stance in this case. How do you fight an enemy when it hides under so many layers of reasonable things?

            It honestly would be clever if it wasn’t so shitty.

  32. Did anyone get the license number of the truck that ran over me today?

    1. No, J, cuz I think it ran over me yesterday, lol – all the best and more…

  33. Something interesting happened last night. It woke me up. At bedtime, I did ask Source for a closer connection, and in the middle of the night, my heart started hurting, as though my heart was being squeezed. I knew it was energetic. I passed but I feel Source heard my message and is clearing out my heart chakra.

    1. Could very well be. Energy comes into the body at the top of the head (aka, “top chakra,” but since we’re lightbodies now, is all one big chakra?), and this energy is “directed” by the heart. Channel this energy through the “lens” of your solar plexus into whatever you want. OR, if it’s too much, just breathe through it a think “SOURCE” on the intake, then cycle the energy through the above and out the soles of the feet. Make sure you ground well, first. This pretty much happens to us ALL THE TIME. Like, every night.

      You can also use the energy to do… anything. Send LOVE AND LIGHT out to all who need it. Raise yourself up higher than you ever thought possible. Make your(astral)self a thousand feet tall. Build a quaint little town in a valley on the NE, with a great used bookshop and independent coffee house. 😉

      Go, Sara!


      1. Do we all have lightbodies now, CAT’s?!
        Do still have to consume four usual food? Or staying in a sun should be enough?! 🙂

        1. That’s what Lisa Gawlas said. It feels true, inside. Takes getting used to. As for food… just follow cravings, and ask Brother J to “enjoy the food” with you. Takes the curse off.


      2. Cats, thank you so much for your comments and really helpful hints. To be honest, I was not sure if I should rush to the hospital, but then I figured this was not a coincidence with the timing of my request. Darn, it really hurts but worth it. I have always had an abandonment issue with Source, and I feel part of this has been healed. Also please pop by my book shop and coffee house when you have time. LOL.

    2. Wow, Sara, this is a confirmation of your request!
      I had a friend who told me she got really frightened once when she decided to get closer to Source (without asking). Her heart was squeezed so tight, she nearly fainted. She saw an immense ball of very bright light.

      I also dared to ask Source humbly for an increase of my tiny spark/connection, and I received a shower of golden light. I took it as a “Yes”.
      Sending love to you,

      1. Thanks for sharing this. I love to hear this. What a confirmation for your friend. And yes, like someone was squeezing my heart so tight. No Lights yet!!!!!, but am working on it. I also love that you received a shower of golden Light. Such wonderful happenings happening.

    3. That exactly what happened to me 2 or 3 years ago, when i decided to follow the steps for “Source connection with Brother J” from Dada. Big super fluid energy got engulfed through my crown chakra, a great amount pushed indide which had astonished me at time.

      Two days later, during a profond meditation with Protection, grounding, connection, a rushing energy started to accumulate in my hearth chakra ( where is the thymus gland), pushing from inside to outside. It felt like a bubble made of flesh and bones swelling, until the whole thing burst in a not so pleasant noise (mix of flesh and bones popping!). I though i was dying… but nothing, all find, just breathing strongly about this unusual event, tapping my chest to check if anything real happened.

      Since i feel the energy be there at my heart chakra, from where, with one reading of Focus Lynn, my guides seem to interact with me through it. I can’t still speaking cleary with them, and i have very little amazing spiritual, communication experiences, but that event definitivly make me enter in the race for what will happen soon!

      MERCI Cats, Ms and the incredible Dada! (sorry can’t find the link for meditation with brother J from Dada)

      In other subject, just got a dream where i go through a wall of white energy on a sort of tiny rocket, just after seeing a christmas bell, and a part of me, left behind, not able to cross the wall, screaming “i was ready, i was ready for it”…

  34. I had a very strange experience last night. I cancelled a ‘service’ with a psychic due to financial struggles. I had a very strange feeling about it before I went to bed, felt very uncomfortable but knew I had cancelled well in advance. I apologised anyway. In the middle of the night during dream state I was attacked by this person. I cannot remember the details but remember them being there and also a gigantic spider. I woke up and grabbed my crystal bracelets and put them on. It was horrible. It’s left me feeling quite scared! Is this just my mind or do you think I was actually attacked? It’s made me extremely wary of paying for any spiritual stuff…

    Blessings and Love to all xxx

    1. I think I said that wrong! I don’t mind paying for services, readings etc… I realise that everyone has to pay for food, electric etc… I am wary about who to trust with my energy etc.. after this experience, it’s left me feeling very vulnerable x

      1. It could just be me having a strange scary dream but it felt like much more than that. I was very apprehensive about sharing but it’s been on my mind…

    2. O my!! I am glad you are OK!
      I am not fond of psychics…. Do you think they can be used by dark forces?….
      What kind of crystal bracelets? How they help? Do they stop dark energy?
      Please share more!

      1. @June Happy thank you, we are absolutely fine, it was just a very unexpected experience! The bracelets are just chips of amethyst and other stones. I read that they could be programmed to protect, bring healing etc… They just bring comfort really… You could probably put that intent into any jewellery if it was cleansed first? Other folk on here might know more about this than I do but I believe certain stones are very good for protection such as tourmaline, black obsidian, and amethyst 😊

        1. Ha! The thing that makes the CATs work is that none of us mix well with other psychics. We hide what we are, otherwise — esp. the M’s. Too many unicorns.


    3. I know this is tricky, but drop the fear; it just attracts more of the same like bees to flowers.

      It helps to be aware that these things happen, that way you can set protection. I create a bubble of light around my family on a daily basis, whatever feels right to you. We shouldn’t have to, and they have no right; but it is what it is. Just state your intention clearly, and repeat as often as you feel like.

      Another issue is that many are used to not being listened to and stepped all over in our daily lives. Since standing up for what’s right is very inconvenient at best. And bending over and over and over again makes it really difficult to suddenly turn on a dime and show spiritual integrity.

      I feel like the reason no one steps in is that you’re supposed to figure it out yourself, anything else would be giving away your power. Because you are powerful, beyond comparison; they’re not even playing in the same league.

      Hang in there 🙂


      1. @ Sifoo
        You are so right, that (what you said in the last paragraph) is exactly the point! But she won’t do it anyway…or will she?

      2. Thank you Sifoo, really appreciate this. My awakening only really began about a year ago although I did have an awareness deep down, it took a while for me to be fully conscious of anything beyond 3D. In the last year I have learnt such a lot and am still learning. I will try to keep my daughters and my own protection up, not just once or twice but every day! It’s like spiritual house keeping! Thank you. Patience and understanding are not wasted on me, I am growing stronger every day and I know I have a very important job to do! I will trust in my own strength more 🙏❤️

        1. Okay Lily, I am going to stick my neck out here…
          I have been attacked by negative entities my whole life, starting when I was VERY young. It took years to learn defense (all by myself – I learned early on not to talk about such things), which is great, but that doesn’t get rid of them. It took me about 16 years to learn how to go on the offensive. Here is what works for me, but you might find a different way that works better for you… Whenever I am approached by a nasty, I set my protection and intention (you can call Source and/or guides and dragons for help) . My natural reaction – after years of attacks – is to get mad. “You want to mess with me? Oh hell no!!!” – and I blast them with white light. Works every time. Attacks are rare now, but a few still try because they aren’t very bright. I am no expert, and I still have A LOT to learn, but I hope this helps you.
          Hugs <3

          1. Hi Sharon, thank you for sticking your neck out 😉

            Your advice is gratefully received. Your methods sound similar to mine. I think where I am going wrong is that I am just so exhausted all the time. I care full time and home school my disabled daughter. Sometimes her needs literally are 24/7 day and night if she does not sleep. I try to be as tough as I can be. So much easier after a good night’s sleep 😉 Love & Light & Hugs xxx

          2. Lily, sending you love, peace, strength and light. Have a Merry Christmas and a wonderful new year!

    4. Lily, in your particular situation, it makes a lot more sense and is way more practical to visit a really good, non-mainstream intuitive psychologist who is able to see outside the box of the accredited perception taught at univercity. You don’t need a psychic, if he/she changes anything at all to some degree (and it can only be to some degree), it will be a short lived thing and I am sure you have watched this happen on numerous occasions already. Girl, you need the change and transformation that comes from within YOU, not from the outside. I appologise for interfearing, believe me, I am accutely aware that your choices and decisions are non of my business, but it’s just painful to watch you walking around the same vicious circle last few months while knowing it’s been years.

      You need a radical change of PERCEPTION, of how YOU see YOU, the external circumstances will follow then, not the other way around. You have a dominant energy state within you, it’s like a standing wave, which is… well, let’s just say it should be addressed, but it’s there ON YOUR AUTHORITY, believe it or not. Nobody else’s authority can cancel or deminish this your dominant energy state because to do so they will have to change YOUR choices and decisions which is illegal across the entire universe.

      1. I appreciate your advice. I only signed up for a solstice meditation/energy event, I was not seeking to be fixed in any way! I can assure you that I don’t need to see a ‘psychologist’! I posted on here because I was pretty sure I had experienced an attack whilst in dream state as was trying to work out what had happened. Peace ❤️

    5. This is taken care of.

      Know you are surrounded by INCREDIBLY powerful, loving friends.

      Love is always FREE.

      Aloha ~


      1. You and your daughter are extremely important, for… something. It is impossible for anyone else to derail whatever that is, so long as you continually align with SOURCE love.

        You’re doing a great job, and in excellent company.

        P.S. If you see that spider again, know it is now VERY friendly and intends to help you. That lady is going to be baffled as to what happened. ;P


        1. P.S I keep getting that…’You and your daughter are extremely important, for …something.’ I wish I knew what that was! 😉

          Love & Light x

      2. @Josh Thank you again, very much appreciated, this has been a tough few days! Onwards and upwards! 🙏🌟

  35. there’s seems to be a lot I could say, but too tired in the not’spssed to way or just crazy… BUT something weird just happened… just refreshed the S R meter page I had open and suddenly felt I understood something about it or part of it – seemed something to do with the pattern of the upper whiter parts, since the 16 mark today… but I don’t know what I know… like usual… sigh 🙂

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