Timeline Jumpyhouse Reminder


Seems lots of (normal) people are finally noticing that… huh, their cellphones are dead, again. Or the network is frozen. Again. Or that their cars won’t start (due to dead batteries). AGAIN.

These are all (normal) symptoms of timeline jumps. Just reboot and replace and carry on… and be thankful you aren’t on the timeline we just left.

In the meantime…




Luckily, the dog’s new hat is analog.


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120 thoughts on “Timeline Jumpyhouse Reminder

  1. My ceiling fan and lights would not work for three days… but now does work….

      1. Well then delve into my apartment. Bedroom light defunct. Bedroom closet door pull broke. Oh yes refridgerator door handle broke in my hand at 5 am when really I had no strength to pull. Damn it all those Gremlins are about.

  2. We are anticipating a slowdown of the timeline jumpyhouse. More and more of us have made our choices… so this will perhaps become less prevalent. Or not.

    -CAT Eds.

  3. This may explain my erratic internet by satellite service. When I woke up on Feb 23 I got the signal “We are over the last major barrier”. I hope that’s good information.

      1. Until what happened? Care to elaborate on what bullets were dodged? Cause I feel like a shit right now and I purposefully ate like a whole bunch of double stuff oreos to ease the pain. It didn’t really work, but whatever… I’m still here.

          1. @Cats Eds Had a dream a few days ago (could have been yesterday, my time-sense shot), almost posted about it… one thing I remember – almost a picnic scene – a gathering you wouldn’t want to go to – outside, nature not bad, but looong table with different types of people – each seeming to designate a neg 3D type – one I esp remember was male, dark energy and when he’d open his mouth to speak long thin chunks of ice would come out – I knew or had a sense what it indicated, but don’t now – whole thing unpleasant, but there was positive concerning my family before or after this uggg-iness… Glad I’m not THERE anymore.

            <3 s

          2. Blessings 🙏 and so much gratitude to All Cats…we are all broken humans…how could we not be…desperate to be on the positive timeline..looking forward with hope and expectation to meeting on the other side …

      2. I like to think I helped in my own small way to keep us on a positive timeline. :- )

        Also One Who Believes

  4. Hello beloved cats: I am the one speaking of rapture but it’s ok, we can call it quantum leap also right? So I guess we have a fixed day of our lifting to higher grounds during this coming spring equinox 21-22 March, have a nice jump! AUM! I enjoy your nice cat photos and I’m not sure of this but I feel the huge object/ship coming out of our Sun portal is Nibiru! look at the round hole in the middle, this star object is multidimensional as are we so it doesn’t necessary has a fixed orbit and velocity. Love and good jumping to all ready for higher grounds, Patricia

    1. The Rapture and The Event do seem pretty much identical. But there is no Nibiru, per se, not the way people say. The sun does have a companion star (that we call Trudy) and its own solar system, but the star (a brown dwarf) is a she and she’s nice. That higher-dimensional Thought Ship that just came through the sun portal is full of EVENT energy.

      Krikey, more and more of the things we say sound crazy. 😉

      -CAT Eds.

      1. @Cats Eds, EVERYTHING feels ‘normal’ to me – I think I get to win the crazy prize here for that alone, lol.. Oooo, a lightness of feeling, cheerful – that hasn’t been around for a looong time – I’ll take it!!!


    2. ahh, here goes the dreaded “beloveds” …. when I hear that I am split between the two options: to burst into laughter or to swear… But I usually take the third one and tell ppl to just cut it out

      1. @ Anonymous
        2019-02-27 AT 10:16 PM

        …relax, hun, too much circus about nothing

        1. @oro
          Practice recognizing humor oro, it was only meant as a joke not as a reprimand. It’s just hard to take the word “beloved” seriously any more after reading and hearing most of the contents in which the “beloveds” been used by the spiritual community all over the internet. And also I find your “hun” highly inappropriate in the given context, the one who is tense here appears to be you.

  5. As far as my experience goes, no timeline jumps have been made and you keep saying you are jumping timelines. Also, you are all the same version each time you mention a timeline jump.
    If what you say is true, there should be noticeable differences over time, regardless of who is jumping.

    This makes me wonder, what if we don’t experience “the event” after stating multiple times that you will? Does that mean you unknowingly agreed to be on a negative timeline?

      1. Lol. This “event” is not going to happen. The “if” was merely politeness. Also, you never gave a reason for the timejump part of the question.

        1. The Event is happening right now, and has been for some time. If you don’t feel any of this… [shrug]. That speaks volumes.

          A ‘reason for the timejump’? Guides wouldn’t tell us, as it was apparently too terrible.

          Anything else?


        2. The actual Event, the big one — what we now call The SHIFT, as that’s more of what it will be — is still in the wings. We’d say not to look quite so surprised when it hits, but… you’re going to look bemused. Afterward, it might take you a little while to sort out what happened or where you are… if you survive the transition… you’ll find yourself literally on another 3d planet, in another galaxy, far far away, on the opposite side of this universe, actually, with different 3d rules. Your smugness won’t work there, either.


          1. @M6 Your post about the 3d planet far away, etc. reminded me and encouraged to share… Apologies in advance for the length of this – had no idea I had to write this much about it…

            In 2014 I was in the hospital after, well the theory was anyway, I’d had a seizure in the bath supposedly hitting my head followed by a couple episodes of vomiting and unconsciousness – I remember being in the emergency section, individual room, remember sort of tests like CT scan etc then walking up in restraints thinking it was 4 or 5 days later; ‘dreams’? I’d had overnight being that REAL. A big part of it was some higher beings encouraging me to understand the necessity of sending certain people and ‘not people’ to various hells, but in the same sense that some people refer being on Earth is the hell we make here, esp in stand up comedy, but serious. When I could understand it somewhat, I sent each of those presented to different ‘levels’ which were different planets, literally, ” WAY across the universe, far far away” – they made me understand I wasn’t judging them to hells, but that this was necessary for them each to have a chance to, to chose to grow more positive. They could choose to go to a higher level through awareness and some work.

            Another part was a teacher of mine, from online classes I took, searching the world’s hospitals for my daughter (who was imminently pregnant at that time). We were supported and helped non-physically by the whole community of the students and facilitators of the work/tools I’d been learning a couple of yrs before. It was very time sensitive urgent. We eventually found her in time to prevent something I won’t talk about but her life was saved and involved something that was confirmed by my daughter about maybe 7? months later, she’d kept from me for years. The baby(in the dream) was born black and a bit shriveled, dead or just about dead – this teacher worked with my daughter and I worked on the baby – they both lived and they both did about a month? later in life. There were complications with the pregnancy and birth and my daughter had had strong feelings and fears that she’d lose the baby during pregnancy or it would be born dead – none I which I knew of at that time – she lived 2000 miles away at that time.

            There was so much other weirdness concerning this 4 or 5 day long life dream, beyond weird – Esp since people, in real life, kept strongly and weirdly encouraging me not to try to remember or figure out what happened to me or understand it all. They never came up with a very good medical reason for what happened, (9 days in hospital), but I had the sense later that I had to be in the hospital, body being cared for while ‘stuff’ had to be lived elsewhere – I don’t think anyone can convince me that it all wasn’t REAL on some level…
            – thank you for your patience with this loong post. I always have to assume there is some reason for my sharings. :/ I always ask so many times before posting anything if it is necessary that I do post it…
            much love to all

          2. Thanks CATS and Ms, great post. I was wondering, how will it be for those that do not know about the Event? I guess their higher selves will know and help them at the time? I presume the ones that do not know about it ‘chose’ not to know?


          3. Oh my Source !!!!! are you judging ? Since when is questioning “smugness”….I have been reading your blog with interest for sometime now..and feel compelled to write.. I do not interact on any platform on the internet…why not give answers? as much as possible, without condemning the questioner to the other side of the universe, it seems so contrary to what Brother J would advocate…tones of extreme religion I’m afraid…”if you question, you go to hell”..there is nothing to be gained from this sort of diatribe…Stop behaving like “the cats who lived….And got the cream” If you truly believe you have answers, share them without fear of ridicule. Be the love.

            1. No, we were calling you out for being rude and disrespectful. We have no tolerance for that. We didn’t give answers because we didn’t know the answers, which we already talked about — and about why. Guides won’t let us look at that past timeline, for our own protection. Respect it. If you want proof of timeline jumping, look at the meters cited on our last 10 posts on the subject.

              We have rules of conduct on this blog. Be respectful.

              -CAT Eds.

            2. We’re not Brother J, despite our aspirations. We’re only just-so civilized, which is one reason we had to come back here again. So be it. We’re also prone to the same energy everyone else is feeling. When pushed, we have claws. It cuts down on the trolls.

              We suggest you take your own advice in all your communications.


            3. We never said we were perfect. We expect politeness and civility here on our blog. Know it, learn it, live it.

              We are here as a resource. We’re not here to take abuse. Been there done that. We also do this for FREE.


            4. Ok, ok. The CATs are kinda feisty, as you may have gathered. Let’s all take a break and use this as a teachable moment: The CATs can learn to be less… incendiary… and you, gentle anonymous, can learn to be more polite. Lets now let the forgiveness settle in and loosen those scorched bits from the pan…


  6. What a giggle. I just stated EMPHATICALLY aloud yesterday that I WAS DONE with yesterdays timeline. Coincidence? (I think not)

    1. Yesterday my jaw/face was in pain. Using oil of Oregano, Timeline jump or Minky’s pawing my cheek where it hurt. I Am back to normal! Sooo, I send Love/Gratitude to the Elementals, Universe and Minky. Peace.

      1. Wow, never thought of using oregano oil …
        I use lavender oil. Have you tried it?
        By the way, MINKY’S PAW is the best remedy EVER <3 <3 <3
        Where can I get it 😊 ?

        1. Oil of oregano is potent so use much carrier oil. 3 or 6 to 1,for when I dislocated my ankle I used it 1 to 1 on the sore spot. It gave relief for 6-8 hrs. Internally I use 3 to 1, for the best anti-bio around. Yet, use caution. I’ll have Minky astrally project for You. Peace/Love.

          1. Oh, I’m not familiar with this … what carrier oil do you use?
            And thanks for Minky 🌹

            1. My current is grape seed oil, for it has other beneficial properties. Peace.

  7. Synchronicity! Learning about polarity (electric, electromagnetic and quantum physics). So the earth’s pole shift activity is also causing +/- polarities in our bodies to react to it. Our bodies are batteries as much as they are conduits, circuits and voltage regulators! When a battery looses power, it flips polarity (- to +)!! Now minding the time jumps and consciousness, with an electrical “element” to it…wow! No wonder we are in a place never treaded before, and I am sure I’m missing a few other things, but Yeeeyowza!

    1. Awww, a real live snuggle bunny. Too cute and what a lucky little girl. 🐰

    2. When my dad was dying of cancer this huge bunny with floppy ears appeared in his Scottsdale garden munching his carrots he’d coersed from that adobe soil, normally that would really piss him off but the bunny was so big and ears so floppy it made him laugh and each day he found great amusement and joy from it that rabbit while his other “little buddy” (his term for the uninvited tumor) was munching on his colon.

      After the funeral the bunny vanished. Mission complete.

  8. I want to cuddle with that bunny! It’s at least twice the size of mine. He’s like 1,2 ok let’s go down and cuddle.

      1. It’s a little crazy to me _how_ accurate this has been for me. For the past day and a half or so, I’ve been experiencing a lot more ear-ringing – so much so that I googled it like 3 times yesterday, and have also been feeling abnormally cold. I do tend to get cold very easily, and I live in the midwest US which obviously gets cold during this time of year, but normally I’m fine as long as I’m dressed warmly and my heat is on – yesterday (and today) I’ve still been shivering but could not figure out why.

    1. Lol! I teach in an elementary school and in the afterschool program. The amount of yawns today was off the charts. Sooo amazing!

    2. Yep, caught that one … CAN this “fun and hilarity” finally ease up a bit? I, too, would love to know what timeline we escaped (or maybe I don’t want to know…) but we both acknowledged it in our own fashions today. Blurg … meee-owch.

  9. I sort of don’t want to post this but, I’ve been feeling a lot of dread these past two days. I had a fight with my boyfriend and we patched things up but I have this lingering fear and uneasiness that won’t go away? I’m not sure what to do about it other then meditate. Is this even coming from me?

      1. Any reason why Im the only one that feels it? I’d hate to think some version of me is suffering that badly out there…

        1. Did it feel personal?

          Some negative vibes feel personal to me, those are the most difficult to deal with. Others, like this one for example; feel very distant; like I’m more countering a collective dip in frequency by transforming what’s out there, and my only task is to stay centered. Don’t get me wrong, it’s no Sunday walk in the park either way; the intensity is definitely increasing as we move along.

          Suffering is a always a choice; and whatever happens, everyone involved have already agreed to play their roles. It’s difficult to accept because it means there are no victims any more, and no one to blame; which leaves the ego out of a job.


      2. @Lore, I was feeling this too, really on edge and anxious. That timeline must have been pretty awful…❤️

        1. At one point it felt like I was suffocating in fear and horror…

          At least it’s over now!

          1. Yes, it seems it was something volcanic and planet-flopping-over so fast that there was no air, while others were buried in earth upheavals. Ugly. Just an impression; we’re not allowed to see it. But it wasn’t meant to happen (to all of us reading this) because we’re making such progress.

            -CAT Eds.

          2. I hope that the suffering is over for the poor souls on the timeline we left behind. Gosh, hard to get your head around!

  10. My TV appears to have developed an interesting case of timeline-itis. Turned it on an hour ago and all it will do is rapidly scroll through the Source menu! And most of the various control buttons have turned into off buttons. I think someone is trying to tell me something…… Message received; must watch more giant bunny videos online!

    Actually, there are several bunnies that visit my backyard and I got some nice pictures of one of them today; bunny in falling snow under holly bush, bunny scrounging under bird feeder, bunny nestled in snow…. I do love the wild critters that drop by!

      1. Oh, it is. From what I’ve read, the Ca8al is big into white rabbit symbology, and it’s not nice (think pedo crap). Of course, that’s not the fault of the lovely animals themselves. The PTW have appropriated and dirtied far too many innocent things. Time to reclaim them!

        1. Yes, we’ve had second thoughts about using that bunny link. Alas, the whole bunny thing has been co-opted by pedophiles and pedovores. We noted — publicly — on twitter this morning the fact that the creepy dems (it’s not a judgement, it’s a descriptor: they’re creepy) approved that late-term abortions thing for the sole purpose of harvesting of pituitary glands from children for the production of their “youth serum” adrenochrome. The ca8al is doing this as their regular channels are being cut off at the border (the real reason for Trump’s wall). It’s sick, but it must be looked at so it goes away.

          -CAT Eds.

          1. Nothing is hidden anymore. But that’s the only way it’ll get fixed.

          2. I took it in the spirit it was posted. A beautiful giant rabbit sharing a lovely moment with a mini human. So nice. Thank you.

      2. They chose their world, as we choose ours. My belief is Much Forgiveness in Harmony is what can release us from the “justice timeline”. Peace to All.

    1. On September 26th, 2018, I experienced something strange and I would like to know if anyone here has gone through anything similar. From the moment I awakened til about seven or eight hours later I had flashes of almost deja-vu. They were memories that evoked the same feeling as deja-vu. They came rapidly at first- possibly once every couple of minutes-then petered off to probably once every half hour. They were powerful. They were flashes of memory, scenes and surroundings and feelings, but I didn’t remember any of them. None of them had actually happened to me and yet they could have. They featured the same job, home, people in my life as the life I have lived through. My thought at the time was that I was receiving memories of other mes, that timelines had collapsed and were depositing these memories in my mind. It made me laugh because I had always pictured the myselves living in parallel worlds as living quite different lives than the one I did. Nope, it seems I make the same decisions no matter where I am. IF that is what I experienced.
      I have no recollection whatsoever of what the memories actually were but I definitely recall the almost stunning feeling of receiving them.
      I’ve read every comment on every article on this site hoping to see that someone has had a comparable experience–I do remember a post by Wizard’s Potion that sounded close but that seemed more theoretical, if I recall correctly.
      Anyway, thank you for reading this long post. I love this site and recommend it to people whom I believe would benefit from it. It is the first/last checked of the sites I read on a daily basis.
      Love to you all

      1. Yes, more so in the last 6 mths than I can ever recall. A few times I knew I had “been” before on the 3 go? Seriously, who has deja-vu and know they felt it was the third time? I found some people had that happen too. I would say for you that you had some time line convergence going on, or past life remembrance. I write these things down and date them now. Just to keep myself “here” and have it documented..lol. Also, review them when it happens, as the experience helps with understanding something about you. 💕🌹💕

  11. Fix it all , not fhg it all dam it. I did not break it. But it’s my apartment. . . Oh fhg.

  12. I notice a huge increase in tinnitus before a huge earthquake somewhere. It’s amping up tonight. I also notice the earthquakes are in areas which are not catastrophic to human life. Earth is a compassionate entity.

  13. I’m full of mucus, a head cold and soooo achy. But hey I’ll keep going good things are happening, at least on this timeline lol.

  14. Funny, we’ve recently noticed a family of bunnies in a property around the corner from us – related?… weirdness.

    Ears ringing off the charts, lethargic, achey, and a tad irritable. But hey, we apparently signed on for this. What makes it all the more difficult is all the crutches I used to use to ‘chill out’, I can’t touch anymore (cigarettes and wine). Tea and coffee have to do.

    Onwards and upwards!

  15. Strange question, are there ways to tell you are in another timeline. I have always had moments that seem like I’m in another timeline ( for example, being taught to do a task a specific way and then a few weeks later the person seems to not know that they taught me the way I do the task. ), yet they’re getting more and more frequent.

    Also, I’ve been getting lots more visions of the shift and how wonderful it will be afterwards. I wish everyone could experience it.

  16. here is a joy-full, bodies moving tune for moving energies around through the heart and the multiverse.

    Jai Uttal’s ‘Footprints’
    full amazing combination of east indian, jazz, and heart! love all the various instruments together– the muted trumpet, trombone, percussion and vocalizing. it all makes my heart sing! you can feel the joy these folks are experiencing playing together.


    first experienced this back in the 1990’s. and woke up with it streaming through my forms early this morning.

    enjoy the joy.

  17. FYI, all: There was a good chance that some of that recent CME energy was going to hit around the 28th (which for some is now). It’s hard to say as this energy is SOURCE energy and has rules of its own. We’d say expect a wHOMP, but most of us always expect a wHOMP.

    Also…be alert for… well, seeing YOURSELF IN THE FUTURE, in meditations and dreams. Some of us just saw ourselves looking around in a shaft of light… which is either a very exciting development, or we’ll be dead soon. 😉

    -CAT Eds.

    1. I had a dream like that this morning so many were gathered and the source was in front of us we all looked like light beings. The source was a very big bright light being.

  18. I got a “personal reboot” around 5am on Feb 27, too. That’s what I call it when I’m totally whomped out and have to stay home from work to sleep. I suspect some ‘off’ food was also involved; regardless, I slept the sleep of the dead and am just coming out on the other side today – Feb 28. Still feels wonky, not balanced, tentative, although maybe I just need to eat and stay off the computer (difficult to do when working in the technology field.) Sigh. Hanging in there, moving forward, and all that meow.

    1. I also work on a computer all day and have to have days off when I am randomly whomped. We all seem to have energy integration sessions at differing times, but as bad as it seems at the time we come through battered but better. We just need downtime and not feel we “should” be working. Rest is best. 😴😊

    2. I’d say you’re doing pretty well…

      I worked as a software developer for 15 years, and I’ve been home from work 3 years straight now.

      I personally find that digital gadgets drain my energy by pulling me down to their level, which is very frustrating compared to dealing with analogs. And then you have the internet on top of that, which is a black hole of wasted energy.


  19. I’m seeing more of those dots of light with my eyes open. They stay longer now and are more visible, whereas before I could see them from the corner of my eye.
    Many white orbs here as well, funnily enough they seem to “correct” me whenever I record my songs on youtube, which means I either forget the next word or play a wrong chord. 🤷🏻‍♂️
    On a relationship level, the light has finally cracked open the shell of some the most stubborn family members. Hallelujah, didn’t think I would live to tell.
    As for me, I’m exhausted. Nothing new, I know, yet at peace. That’s something at least. Peace out. 🖖🏻👽

  20. My head, neck, throat, ears, glands must all be getting an upgrade. Have felt like I was coming down with some flu-ish symptoms but really have been taking good care of my Self so that doesn’t make sense. Ascension symptoms I suppose🤕.

    1. Oh, and I forgot to mention the eyes. Will I ever see clearly again?!? Sheesh. Got glasses and they don’t seem to help much at all🤨

      1. When I left work today there was a big Q sprayed in the sky (don’t know how to upload it here). What do you think that is all about?

  21. @CATS,
    Do you see any pre-existing humans/humanoids already in 4d/5d, or even on the “new” 3d planet? Or will we be living like pioneers, just starting in wilderness?
    Are there any structures or support systems already there? Or do we just manifest or build them manually as needed?

  22. My best friend who I have known since five rang me up today.

    He told me he had the strangest dream. Essentially he was running from someone bad who wished him harm. He said it began when he found himself trapped underground. It was dark and terrifying.

    Eventually he made his way to the surface but had the fight of his life doing it. He told me he had never had such a dream before, and genuinely felt he was fighting for his life.

    Then in the dream he bumped into a taxi. As he got in to escape his pursued, he immediately knew the driver including his name. He didn’t know where from but he knew him. The cab driver smiled and acknowledged this, then drove him away to safety.

    After he had told me this vivid dream, I suggested he may have just avoided a bad timeline by the skin of his teeth, and his guide was there to help him.

    Interesting thing was, as I told him this, I knew I had the same conversation with him before. I remembered his responses before he spoke them. I knew what I had said before, so this time I refused to respond so it was different, it seemed the right thing to do…

    He has never called me to discuss a dream he has had.

    Interesting times.


  23. Interesting twitter today (Thurs.) from YellowRoseforTexas.
    …Pray for Humanity, now standing on the Exit, to raise their Love vibration to be able to meet the gate.
    We wish all Humanity lawfully on the exit, both East & West, Peace, Safety & Love. A Giant Leap Forward, for Humanity.
    (Ma Net blowing off)


    7h7 hours ago
    …Humanity has to meet the vibratory rate of the gate, to be able to exit. This is done by Love which is the highest vibration & creates a sympathetic vibration on the line. People need to take a prayer break….

  24. Ohhhh, I need to pay more attention to the CME reports! It explains the crappy sleeps last few nights. There is also a feeling of dread and yet anticipation that I have had around me for the last 3 days. I’ll just keep holding the light and ground, ground and ground. 💃🏻☀️🦋

  25. I’m not familiar with this site or the tech but some of you may know of it.
    They produce a CIRF report (CIRF=Collective Influence Report and Forecast) by the use of a Dreambot. ‘The DreamBot is a computer algorithm that reads dreams on the internet.When the DreamBot returns from its daily regimented mission, it shows us what the collective dreamers have been dreaming.’

    Apparently the report produced for 27/2/19 was very special.


    and video explanation of results (first 5 min)

    Take a look as it’s very interesting.

  26. @lily144

    I just found this on a zerohedge post & I immediately thought of you!!


    Just a random post (which is common on zerohedge) & here are the links!




    Just thought I’d pass this on as you might be able to buy this. (and everyone else reading this)


    1. @DinMelbourne thank you for sharing this! That looks amazing, I have to find one for my daughter! She has been stimming quite hard recently, literally full body slamming back against the sofa or on her bed over and over again. She is laughing whilst she is doing it but I have to be a party pooper and try and calm her as she has a small lesion in her brain! She gets a lot of sensory feedback doing this but I do worry it’s just a bit too hard! This might really help her to calm down, really appreciated, thanks! ❤️

  27. Gaia Portal ❤️

    Permanents are REALized in the Higher Realms.

    Wolves of Harmony are singing.

    Fortunates of the Light Beings communicate with

  28. I’ve recently experienced my own personal mandala effect, which might really be a timeline jump ? A couple of months back a young lad who always worked at the local grocery store, made a point of greeting me and announcing after 30 years he was retiring from the grocery store. New job, new digs, new neighbourhood. I wished him well. After about a month had gone by, I went to do a bit of grocery shopping and saw him having a cigarette break outside the store. I made some comment on not being able to keep a good man away. He had no idea as to what I was getting at, nothing had changed in his life – same job, house and neighbourhood. I didn’t press it any further as it was becoming clear I was the one with flawed recall. I never put a lot of energy into into much of the mandala effect stories. I guess it would be stranger if I woke up getting ready for a shift at the old factory. Thanks Cats and M’s for sharing insights. Just wondering if this site will post part two of the Eilean Mor lighthouse mystery ? – or are you going to tell what Eilean Mor lighthouse mystery !!??

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