PPSA: ALERT To All Concerned [UPDATE4]



This should be spread far and wide. It affects us all.

Before we say anything, please note that there’s nothing to fear. Something has come to our attention that all Earth-based beings need to know about.

The CATs have discovered that the PTW are using what looks like a CO2 laser (invisible to the naked eye) to start fires. The system was used most recently in Northern and Southern California, with targets “marched home” via (numerous) helicopters that monitor the situation.

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This fire was caused by a ship-based CO2 (or hybrid) laser. Photo courtesy of one of the monitoring helos. The PTW floated this image as proof-of-concept.

The laser is SHIP-BASED. (That is, a terrestrial ship on the water.) They bounce the beam off the atmosphere (!) to the target. They must be using micro-bursts of energy, otherwise, the beam would waver off the target.

That’s how they’ve been doing it, recently; we’re unsure if this has been used in the past. (Lots of accelerants were also sprayed in the past; perhaps a combination of both.)

The laser shows up as a purple beam in infrared, so anyone with IR goggles, keep an eye out for that; you’ll be able to see it from a good distance.

The ship… which we’re still trying to ID… is headed south, away from recent targets in Southern California and is now in the vicinity of the Hawaiian Islands. We’ll keep you informed of its movements.

Note that this is a private ship, not a military vessel. The company is small, and perhaps affiliated with certain power companies. We’re still working on what kind of ship it is. Either the ship or the company(‘s logo?) involved employs a hazardous waste symbol, and the symbol appears black and white.

ALL countries should be on the lookout for any IR energy signatures originating vertically from surface ships, directed into the atmosphere. The company is small.

We are alerting all SuperFriends about this, as well as other ETs. Confidence is high. [Echelon Marker OFF.]



We may have just had our first retaliatory CAT earthquake: a 4.5, good-sized. Note the depths:

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If this indeed turns out to be the case (we may even have the smoking gun), then this PPSA just got even more important. We’re still checking things over. Still… look:

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Hmm. Check out that MIMIC burst exactly 33 minutes prior to the earthquake… in what happens to be in the vicinity of Hawaii. Looks like they’re headed farther east… toward Midway Atoll… or farther than that, Japan. This might mean that this one ship (if it is from that ship) potentially has a dual-threat capability. Now you know why we kept this under our hat.

And there was big dip in the 23.4 kHz VLF signal meter at about the same time:

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That ship in question is in rough seas. Everyone reading this, imagine the seas growing rougher, the winds stronger for said ship… until it is no more.


We think this ship (which we’re gonna call ROGUE WAVE, for special reasons), is now within 3000 miles of the Philippines. How can we tell?

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The ship in question has docked at Subic Bay, in the Philippines. The PTW are trying to lay low for awhile. It won’t work.

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99 thoughts on “PPSA: ALERT To All Concerned [UPDATE4]

  1. Wow! Thank you for your important work on all of our behalfs…human & ET alike. Blessings and Light to all. And much gratitude. ❤️🌎🌻

  2. Great. I’m going to Hawaii for two weeks starting this coming Sunday. Thanks for the warning, and hopefully exposure ruins [THEIR] plans. In related news, I was out and about today, which is usually when I see repeating numbers put into my line of sight. Nothing today, except for one vanity plate that read “BLUHAWAI”. In NY! I stopped believing in coincidences some time ago….

    1. Kolibri,
      I guess that means you are on duty for the next 2 weeks. Stay connected by phone, laptop, or meditation. Have great time and thanks in advance. Cay

        1. Yes!!!! Cat4 I lived through the Lahaina fires last year (was almost taken out by them) and it was NOT natural. I could say more, but I won’t as I am still trying to get my so called 3d life back on track and will now be putting up shields so to speak for even commenting here. But Thank you for Cats for confirming what I already knew!!!

      1. Have Kindle, will fly. I expect you’ll be hearing from me!

        1. It could just be that the laser crews got a free trip to Hawaii. Though there are some dry zones on Maui. Hm. Atmosphere in the mid-Pacific is very humid and may make the laser less effective unless they were right on top of the target.

          However, Hawaii is basically a HUGE military base. It’s inconceivable that the US military can’t see these folks doing this… unless some are paid to look the other way… which is TREASON. Actually, it’s all treason.

          -CAT Eds.

    2. that’s called ‘clustering’ when you see lots of synchronicities~Carl Jung wrote about it. Hawaii is so beautiful…such a special place/enjoy!
      Thank you Cats and felines : )

  3. Well, I must say that this news annoys me greatly. We’ve known about these sorts of dirty tricks for some time. Is this classified as a DEW?

  4. There are ships carrying HAARP, which bounces off the Ionosphere, and also uses the aluminum and polymers in chems as an antenna.

    1. Yup. Same concept. Just a different (higher) frequency of energy. We didn’t bring up the chemtrail necessities, simply because we hate the whole thing. And it’s also possible that it works even without the chemtrails. HAARP doesn’t necessarily need them, it just makes them more effective in delivery and efficacy.

      If these dopes spent 1/10th their time and energy and resource trying to do good… don’t get us started.

      -CAT Eds.

  5. Brilliant sleuthing guys!

    I am always in shock at what fellow humans are prepared to do to each other. This planet is a mess. Let’s hope a planet wide jet spray removes the scum real soon…


  6. Oh my days… this explains such a lot!!! For the past two days my own energy has gone off the scale again and I’ve been experiencing bed tremors – which in my experience always mean there is an earthquake somewhere on the planet (not just little ones, either). I mean, I know Earth shifts and stretches all the time, but these are like ‘alerts’ in my body to something going on at a more global level, if you will…

    I had the worst panic attack yesterday (Sun. 14th) and the waves continue today although not as severe. I’m breathing so much through it that I’m almost hyperventilating!!! Still managing to laugh and to find Love – for after all, Love is the Absence of Fear is it not? 🙂

    Bless you guys and gals for your work. Brilliant… thank you so much xxx

    Love and huge waves of hugs coming your way, Jay xxxxx

        1. Yes, yesterday and today felt easier. Thank you for asking. Something has still been “itching” in the back of my mind though, it’s like it gives me a break sometimes so that I can recharge, and then it has another go at me. I have never been good at the grounding and protecting thing… I just don’t understand it well enough I guess, which is weird, because I used to naturally do energy work on people. It’s like I can’t feel that connection to earth. Maybe I have just absorbed too much of other people’s stuff over the years. Anyway, glad to have a break for now. Hope all is well with you too!

  7. This is beyond disgusting. Will it ever end?! Many people in San Diego County,
    where I live, believe that our local power
    company was somehow implicated in one of the terrible wildfires in this area.
    In 2007, I had to evacuate my home, for
    a week, driving away from the fires, in a
    Station Wagon, with two cats (Cori and
    Kitri) and a dog. It was not only very difficult but the day after the fire 🔥 the news reported that all of the houses on my street had burned! Turned out that they were wrong but, after that, even though I never put in a claim, my property insurance went up every year and last year I was paying $2000. a year. This was way too much but this year I got a bill for $5600.!! I could not pay this amount and had to go to the CA Fair Plan (Ha, what a joke!) Last week, the person who helps me with my property, called to say that there was a man, climbing on the roof, taking pictures. Found out he was from the insurance company and was actually very nice. He did say that I don’t have 100 feet of defensible space around the house. Well, no, I don’t as I have lots of trees that were planted 40 years ago. Many people, in my area, are
    being dropped by their insurance companies and feel that, on some level,
    there is collusion between the power and
    insurance companies. At this point, after
    living here for 20 years, I wish I had never
    left NYC, where I had lived for 40 years. Clearly, this is a situation that is out of
    control and has to change!


    1. Sending Love Pamela ❤️

      What is it going to take to stop this madness? I know its all an illusion but the amount of suffering and injustice going on, something has to give…soon. Trying to change anger towards love but phew, it’s tough. How many more people, animals, birds wildlife must suffer before change comes.

      Sending Love to ALL affected by this and thanks to everyone/being who is doing their best to do something about it may all this suffering end soon 🙏🙏🙏

      1. The PTW has to keep this hidden so govts can deny its existence — hence allow it to exist and act with impunity.

        We are close to the end of all this now, if this kind of thing is being allowed to happen.


        1. M5 🙏 Thank you, is there anything I can do to help? i’m limited to meditation and keeping the light shining but I am willing to do all I can ❤️

      2. Dear Lily,

        Thank you 🙏 so much for your kind
        and loving thoughts. My area is now
        in the time of year that has the greatest danger of fire, as everything
        is very dry. Not at all like the UK! I am praying that we will be safe and
        and won’t have to evacuate.

        With lots of love to you and ‘Elsie’,

        Pamela and Blackie 🐾

        1. Pamela & Blackie ❤️ Will keep you and your home and area in my thoughts and meditations that you and ALL are kept safe and shielded. There will be an end to their madness 🙏🙏🙏

          1. Dear Lily,
            🙏 🙏 ❤️❤️❤️❤️ 💐 🌺 🌲 🌲 💕 💕 🌷 🌸 🌧 💦 🌈 🌈

            Pamela and 🐾

  8. Thank you CATS and M’s, Super friends. Seems there is no limit to their insanity…Please be careful 🙏

    Wish I could help in some way.

    Not sure if this is the right time to talk about the dream I had last night but it felt pretty momentous.

    I was at my childhood home. My parents have not lived there for many, many years but we were all there Mum, Dad, Brother and myself. It was dark and I looked outside and saw two large, gold/sandy haired dogs. I knew one was ours (not a breed we actually ever had but looked like a much larger version of our rescue dog who I think had terrier and some kind of samoyed type breed in her!)

    It was cold and wet so I brought both dogs inside.

    Next thing, I have noticed lights in the sky, many ships and point them out to my brother who says he cannot see them. More and more appear and I say ‘how can you not see them, they are everywhere!’ He seems annoyed but still refuses to see! He goes inside and I carry on watching the sky in awe. The patterns are being more complex and beautiful accompanied by more ships and flashes of light. I realise something huge is happening. I am wondering if the neighbours are seeing this too but seem to be in a very ‘insular’ scene with just my family.

    The dogs are there and not scared in the slightest. The next thing I know is that our garden is filled with human like beings, very beautiful, very healthy looking. They start to approach me and embrace me, I realise I know some of them. There are also other humanish beings but I cannot see faces. They have rubbery jumpsuits on!

    One particular male, human like being who I embrace, I feel I know the most. He has dark short hair with silver (not grey) streaks and flecks in his hair. One of the beings says “Where is beauty?!” The being I am with says “I do not know”

    Next thing, an absolutely huge inflatable rubber ‘Earth’ plops onto the lawn and slowly deflates!

    My Dad then suddenly appears trying to carry out his workbench into the garden (?!) and one of the beings helps him, he does not resist their help!

    Mum and Dad stand there awe struck. There is an overwhelming sense of love and compassion and I cannot express how incredible happy I am to see these beings.

    I turn to the being I feel I know best and say “What happens next?’

    He says “I do not know, I was not the one to WAKE you up”!

    Then I actually woke up and wrote all this down!

    Might be interesting to mention that this is the very same garden that I used to dream about 40 years ago (when living there). I would fly around the house in a cardboard box and look out of my parents window onto the garden and see scary daleks, black snakes that wrapped them self around the house, not pleasant for a 4 year old to dream of!

    This was so, so different. I’m not sure where my daughter was in all this, maybe she was one of the beings!

    I had to mention it due to the absolute intensity and feeling of love when I was embracing these beings, it felt so incredibly real!

    Much Love ALL. We are the Light, We are the Love, We ARE ❤️✨❤️

    1. P.S There was also a huge arm in the sky that looked like it was made of cloud/mist which sort of gently swept through the sky!

      1. Lily, I love your dream. It seems incredibly significant and symbolic to me. Interesting that you saw an arm in the sky… last night or the night before (all the same to me, these days!) I looked up and saw (in daytime) a gigantic hand in the sky over our cottage in N. Wales. Fingers and thumbs reaching out across the blue sky, felt like the Hand of God! xxxxxxx

        1. Ladybirdbeau ❤️ Oh wow, that is so strange, so many sychronicities with what other people are seeing and dreaming, please let this be a sign a certain Shift is Imminent!

          Much Love ❤️🙏❤️

      1. ark2arcturus ❤️ I know! That one will stay with me for a while, woke up a slightly different person this morning after that dream lol!

        Much Love ❤️✨❤️

    2. Beautiful Lily! Thanks for sharing … Infinite Love

  9. I believe I just experienced “time line bouncing”, while commenting on this site. Various slight changes, in succession. Peace.

  10. Aight, everybody grab your mirrors and get ready to show the liztards how to make a real fire.

    Lasers, digital, barely working croc crap like everything else they cobbled together.

    They don’t need enemies, their technology is so lousy they wouldn’t make it for twenty seconds once the real humans leave the scene. That’s what you get for rejecting love/creativity.


    1. No, this is pretty good technology. A mobile platform that can start fires and induce earthquakes at a distance — while floating on water. Why our respective militaries (and govts) allow this to exist is another matter entirely. However, it IS on water. Can you say ‘specific gravity’?


      1. Yep if you bubble air through the water it gets less dense…..

          1. I remember once a few years ago, I was running outside and saw a plane laying chemtrails. I got a little angry and directed it towards the plane and said ‘leave us the **** alone’. I was going around a turn and looked down for a few seconds. By the time I looked up again, the sky was free of both clouds and plane. It had nowhere it could have gone except to *poof*. The trail was still there.

            So saying that and not implying I have any great power to accomplish such a thing, over an actual plane at least, I’ve seen since that many of those planes are holographic eminations. And I believe it, looking at them closely (as possible). So I wonder if these ships are too, perhaps? Maybe we can will them away directly.

  11. There have been reports in uk of minor tremors (2.3 and 3, I think) on the welsh/ english border area last night (mon) which is very unusual I wondered what was causing it 🤔

  12. @lily – I too came to share dreams this morning…Why would you not share that awesome dream. I now only don’t share if I can’t recall enough or am ‘told’, in some way, not to share something. It’s taken me a long time and help from you and others and encouragement early on here from the Cats crew to allow me to do the sharing I do – things have changed a lot within since I found you all… I do try to always ask before posting, for edits/changes and if it will be a contribution to even one person – then I’ll post…

    Last night I evidently rejoined someone I guess I had some involvement with before. I was a little bewildered feeling because I didn’t recall this particular interaction he was mentioning from his ‘wilder crazier’ days. There was a lot involved in the dream, various doings – In one section I was designing/creating a new bedroom for my daughter deciding what would best suit her and her future activities – going back to school – deciding on desk type or would she rather study spread out on a big bed platform half way up a wall with an enclosed ‘safe’ space underneath, etc. There was some energy/structure to the base feel of the room that was similar to the room she had for a period growing up; I think in her teens.

    The person I reconnected with took me with him and we seemed to do a number of things – One vivid one was going to an area, not on Earth – out in the Universe somewhere, but not necessarily out in space, to return two beings or energies to Earth (for a while I wasn’t to say, but seems ok now) As I ‘braked’ to a stop (no vehicles, just us) at this space I shone with blue light. My companion took care of returning Santa Claus to Earth, sleigh and everything – when I realized who my companion was or had been on waking, that seemed appropriate to me that he would return this energy to Earth. (It was weird that I read in comments this morning on the other thread Santa being mentioned – He’s as real as you want him(or the energy) to be, I guess. –
    The other person or energy was on a camel, I was to take the camel back he (I don’t know if I knew the identity)would return another way… There had been a feeling that these had been removed from Earth by ??, but now we could go get them and return them…

    There was also a process started on object/life form that would thaw it out or un-encase it – I think that’s when I woke up – I didn’t necessarily want to return here, but also wasn’t negative about it…

    Sweet dreams… and day dreams to all…

    1. Since we’re sharing, all my adult life I have been plagued with military dreams and secret ops.

      Last night was different. We (military personnel) all walked from off some kind of worn out square platform. We all acknowledged it was not needed anymore and the role of a soldier on Earth had come to an end. I spoke to an officer and said I welcomed the peace but part of me liked the challenge.

      It seems we are wrapping up things nicely for the denouement.


      P.S. I bloody love Autumn, even when it rains, like for two weeks solid!

      1. Hats off to you Mark for all your dream state work! Fingers crossed we are really, really close now! ❤️

      2. I love Autumn too! Even if it rains for days!
        You do not have to shovel the rain :))
        We had first 25 cm of snow in September.
        Global warming indeed!… :)))))


    2. Kg ❤️ Great dream, sounds like we are doing quite a lot in dream state! I was a little apprehensive to share as I was so excited when I woke this morning, I had to write as much down as I could and this is the only place I feel I can open up about these things. I saw the post and did not want to seem insensitive to the seriousness of what is going on. But then, like you mentioned, thought it could be helpful to share and hopefully lift spirits a bit, certainly lifted mine 😉

      Hope you, your daughter and beautiful granddaughter are well? ‘Elsie’ is really struggling with sleep which makes me think we might be close, energies amping up on top of everything else?!

      Much Love & Light ❤️🙏❤️

    1. Any group of ETs who are blocking the sun’s energy at this time are not doing us any favors, quite the opposite. We revoke any past or present agreements and say let SOURCE do what SOURCE came here to do. Those ETs in the way, stop now. They are only in the way of The SHIFT for their own devices at this stage. Never second-guess SOURCE.

      -CAT Eds.

      1. I understood that differently, it is not that they are blocking the energy coming from the sun completely, they are merely dumping it so that the transition is occurring more smoothly and without any catastrophic effect on the surface population as this is the first time ever that the shift is occurring while there is life in flash still on the shifting planet ✨

        Other way to look it is to trust the source that it is doing everything in our best interest, but what if this is a part off the grand plan, to make it so that other beings are helping us, unity is the key word here ✨

        1. It is uniting them while helping us and in the way that units us all ✨

          1. And, Yes, trust the Source, it is all the part off the great plan ✨

      2. Thankyou very much Perica and thankyou very much CAT(s) and M’s for posting this.

        I signed up to ECETI Australia as Lily had received a reading from James Gilliland & Lily found this was beneficial for her & I googled “ECETI ” & followed links & found Peter Maxwell Slattery & I got aaaalll excited as there was a reader in Melbourne that I’m interested in! Yay!

        I was considering paying for a reading from Peter Maxwell Slattery in Melbourne. For me, it would be relatively easy for me to get myself to a train station, board a train, travel to & alight at a particular train station & then catch a bus (and walk) to his location in Melbourne, so I though “add to list of readers I’m budgeting to have a reading with to *work it all out*”.

        I received the newsletter via email that Perica posted (that Perica sourced from Facebook) that Peter Maxwell Slattery sends out, as I have subscribed to his newsletter. When I read “I could see ships from many races in the star nations blocking energies from the sun assisting us as they can only do so much for there is a quickening happening at this time.” I though, “what utter bullsheet is this” regarding “blocking energies from the sun” I Intuited “NO NO NO”!!! and “this does not resonate with me” & started doubting what the message that ECETI & Peter Maxwell Slattery “send out”. Every other point in this newsletter seems “credible”. I thought, “what do the lovely and AWE-some felines & M’s think of this”….

        I don’t think so now, if they’re going to spout this sort of crap & bullsheet! There’s so much bluddy dis-info *out there* it’s appalling that dis-info is *out there* & bluddy hard to “get to the truth”. I shall need to unsubscribe from his mailing list.

        I’m terribly disappointed, but, best to “know now” before I commit to a reading (and spend the $!) & be “led down the garden path”.



        1. This is how we reacted when we saw that message. This might be why The Event is taking longer than we all expected, because of such (self-serving) “assistance.” We revoked any permissions that might be in place to block any SOURCE energy at any time, by anyone, from anywhere.

          NOTICE: All beings who are blocking SOURCE energy for any reason, STOP. Cease and desist. And go to where you are better served. Sorry it didn’t work out. I think we need to make a sign.

          Note that lots of psychics do readings remotely, though medium work and QHHT sessions have to be in-person, alas.

          -CAT Eds.

          1. I felt that it is important for You to get this info as I follow Peter on Twitter, he genuinely look as a nice guy with a good hart, but I maybe wrong, as I always look for best in everybody ? ✨

          2. @Cat Eds. Yes, do you remember a long time ago when you were talking about some beings stationed around the sun who had Source energies in boxes or containers, and were doing something or other?

            My first thought was, “NOOOO.” But that’s just me, I lost trust a long time ago.

            Of course, I couldn’t see them like you could. But it sent up a red flag for me, and I wondered if they had had a hand in cutting us off from Source in the first place, something I have been reading about for all these years. Some Beings who can “manage” Source energies for us, hanging around here, didn’t sit well with me.

            Or maybe it was just the general topic of other beings coming here to tinker with things. I figure many groups have been doing this all along. For their own gain.

            Thank you, Perica, for bringing it up!!!!

            1. Oh, yeah. Back when we thought the ETs here were nicer than they turned out to be; some CATs thought those ships might’ve been conduits — and they were, just conduits going the opposite way. Live and learn. We guarantee that humans on the NE will have a very different reaction to ETs than Old Earthers.

              -CAT Eds.

        2. Well, I don’t usually like jumping into the fray, as I consider Fray
          Jumping a lot less fun than Cat Curling 🐈 🥌, but I did visit the
          ECTI Ranch, several years ago, and met James Gilliland, who I had
          a good feeling about and felt that he really wants to help people. I
          don’t know anything about Peter Maxwell Slattery, but this message
          about ETs blocking energy from the sun is certainly something to question. We are not in ancient Egypt or Greece (I was there in the
          temples) where ETs passed themselves off as gods. It is clear that
          there are a great number of ETs, with competing agendas, who, it
          would seem, have been allowed the freedom to interfere in our evolution for a very long time. It seems, to me, that all of this interference may have delayed the Shift and the Event.

          Btw, when I was at the ranch we would go out to a large field, at
          night, and see lights, in the sky, that would travel quite a distance
          then reverse direction. There was no sound and I don’t think they
          could have been conventional aircraft.

          With love to everyone,


          1. Yeah, we don’t want to cast aspersions. Lots of people made lots of mistakes when it comes to dealing with various ETs… which is one solid reason why we kept away from the unicorn encampments. Perhaps that’s also why we were faced with super-negative ETs so early on: to learn that lesson well. Well, the ETs have learned lessons, too.

            -CAT Eds.

            1. In James Gilliland’s book “The Ultimate Soul Journey” he
              speaks about the Lion 🦁 People or Felines. He says “There
              is a master race of beings that ascended during a time long
              since past. He goes on to say, “They are exquisitely beautiful,
              bipedal and look more like humans than cats. The one I met
              had long, golden head hair, very short, light gold fur, wore
              clothing, and was very busy at what looked like a large
              computer console. When she stood up to greet me, the warmth of her being, her loving eyes and spiritual energies
              we’re almost overwhelming.”

              Once, when I was in Egypt, I became very ill and did not know if I could get home. As I was praying for help I had
              a strong vision of a very large lioness wearing a dress. She
              was standing in a small chapel with the sunlight streaming
              onto the short, golden fur on her face and her tawny eyes. I
              realized that she must be the goddess Sekhmet. She told me to step forward and not be afraid as she would help me. Shortly afterwards, I began to improve and, before along, was able to return home. Needless to say, I was extremely
              grateful as I really thought that I might be dying.

              I loved the way that Christopher comforted Minky when one
              of her kittens died and he told her that her baby was with
              Mother Sekhmet. So very dear!

              Love ❤️ to all,


  13. Is it possible that there are still some negative entities out there attaching to some of us, so that any little thing that comes up could send one into terrible anxiety/panic attacks?

    1. I hope this is just the energies amping up, i find they can make you feel very shaky and anxious too but do still ground, clear and protect 🙏❤️🙏

    2. I wonder that too sometimes, Im on constant g,p,c, Ive added c,c (clear and center) to mine too! I think it is just super sensitivity to the energy rather than attachments 🧡

  14. Cool dream Lily, thanks for sharing! I had a weird moment in a dream this morning just before I woke – I was at the house I grew up in and I stepped out into the backyard, and there were tons of people busily doing yard work and trucks being filled up (apparently there is now a road in the backyard too lol) and we also had a mess inside the house that had to be cleaned up, so there’s Obummer standing there looking at me like hey, don’t overlook me, give me something to do. So I said great, and handed him 3 small trees and told him to plant them, and he looked at me like, 1 is ok but 3??!! Still so arrogant! Then I woke up. Hmmmm….

    1. kt111 ❤️ Thanks for sharing yours too! Obummer being helpful and planting trees? Wow, maybe we really are going to see NE soon 😉

      Much Love and NE trees ❤️❤️❤️🌲🌳🎄

  15. Are y’all familiar with the UT guy 1PacificRedwood. He’s been posting videos using commonly available satellite imagery for years, documenting how “they” have been manipulating the weather with technology that appears remarkably similar to this. His videos show how something is being used for heating, cooling or directing hurricanes, blocking the moisture from CA to create the drought, manipulating developing weather patterns in clearly unnatural behaviors, etc. I don’t recall ever hearing him identify “they” but I’m wondering if there’s a connection to this hopefully last desperate attempt and what 1PR has been tracking.

  16. Loud sky boom in Kansas it made tons of birds fill the sky and get the heck out. I dreamed about an earthquake that even spirit beings felt.

  17. @Cats & All, re: update #2 –
    I tuned in to what you said and the ship, asking what would be a SOURCE aligned appropriate visual/energetic contribution – felt a tiny smile and previous suggestions (to other matters! in a different context) and thought a grounding cord down to Gaia might be appropriate since her substances are being used against her people/ creatures, etc… – I’ve been prone to shaking since – I’ve asked for help riding it out – Hope I felt correctly…

    It’s having an effect on me – I might have to rest a bit – I still don’t like being part of any destruction even being who they are, but I guess that’s my problem to deal with… I may go cry for a bit…


    1. “grounding cord’ around ship down to depths of Gaia if that wasn’t clear…


    2. Kg …sending big love and hugs. Appreciate you so much. Xxx

  18. I asked for Mother Gaia’s help. Huge rogue wave, anyone? If they are still close to Hawaii, maybe I should ask for Pele’s help, too?
    Love 💗 Hugs 🤗 and rogue waves 🌊

    1. Sharon ❤️ Sending Love and ‘shielding’ thoughts. The CATS said visualise that ship in troubled waters…disappearing…


      1. Hi Lily,
        Yes, I got a little carried away. I am just so sick of the PTW and everything that goes with it. Thank you for the Love 💗.
        Hugs 🤗

  19. There’s a theory out there that suggests the electricity in California was cut so that the good guys could use lidar to locate underground bases by their energy signatures, since they don’t depend on the conventional power grid. Then I ran across this video (never heard of this guy), that says 2,100 caged children were just rescued from an underground base in CA. What do you think, and is there a chance that the recent earthquakes there could be from those bases being destroyed?

  20. It sounds like Lily, Kg and Mark all all busy in dreamtime to prepare for something. I imagine more on this blog are doing dream work as well, whether you remember of not. Keep up the good work.
    On another note, aren’t methane bubbles explosive when ignited above the ocean surface? Hum? Just imagining a wake up call to our wayward brothers in the Pacific. That would be some alarm clock. Cay

    1. I had a PRE-EVENT dream last night, Cay.

      It was night time outside, and the moon turned a bright purple/pink. Then, the WHOLE sky turned a very bright purple/pink. So much so it was like a light being shone down. Then I saw the moon change in shape and could see it dismantling itself. Large chunks landed on Earth. They looked like intricately shaped pieces of stone from a Mayan period. I remember thinking “Forgotton Knowledge”. Then I simply burst into tears, saying “I knew it, I knew the signs, I’ve been waiting, watching for them!”. I was eleated but everyone else was confused and afraid. I knew the SHIFT was soooooo close.


  21. 🤝🆗🚦🛥️🔦❇️♾✔️
    Just for fun.
    Who is looking into ships sinking in the next day or two?
    You know when I placed the question mark, my phone screen blinked.
    I wish I could find an emoji that does a double take! Haha.

  22. Why would she emoji it?
    Personal encounter with a nice auto mechanic over a year ago who told me his current life story. . . About his military son and his MOS in laser warfare. About 6 months later I went back to that business and no one knew who I was talking about, you know that nice guy who had a son in the military?🦗🦗🦗

  23. “Last night was different. We (military personnel) all walked from off some kind of worn out square platform. We all acknowledged it was not needed anymore and the role of a soldier on Earth had come to an end. I spoke to an officer and said I welcomed the peace but part of me liked the challenge.

    It seems we are wrapping up things nicely for the denouement.”


    YES, Mark!

    “LEARN”!!! :


    The ending of the genius 1983 film, Wargames.

    ^_^”The Only Winning Move Is Not To Play.”^_^

    NOT………. TO………. *PLAY*


    1. I hear you kiera, I really do, but sometimes, somebody, “from” somewhere, unfortunately has to play the game. It is a cross we bear for the betterment of all.

      There are those in other places that would wish we all just gave up, but some of us refuse.

      I have NO doubt that one day we can all rest in peace, we’ve earned it.

      After all, this is all but a game anyway, is it not… ?


  24. As usual, belovedly amazing STAR TREK took it even further ~
    the “no win” game situation, combined as well with the ultimate Lesson of integrating/overcoming *FEAR*.

    As ladybirdbeau just perfectly revealed, “Still managing to laugh and to find Love – for after all,
    Love is the Absence of Fear is it not? 🙂”

    One of the best STAR TREK enlightenment scenes ever:

  25. I was on vacation at a beach house in California this past week. 1st night, I was there I was having nightmares and I kept calling for source, help, armour up. The nightmares continue and I called in Mary, jesus, source again. Finally in my dream I got tough and survived something. I don’t know why, but I never have nightmares. I thought maybe it’s because my niece was there…She is pretty mean, narcissistic and self involved brat who made my sister cry all weekend. Anyway, rough few nights of sleep this weekend.

    1. P.S. My niece is 27 years old…it’s not like she’s 5 and I’m saying this. 😇. I don’t know why she is mean to everyone, she was raised by decent parents. Only child syndrome

  26. Well here goes. I was in the Lahaina fires last year. It was an attack and many people who lived there NEW something was unnatural about it including me!!! As I saw several things while living there (which to much to go into) & quiet frankly one of the fires stared right above me and me and my beloved kitty Lila (who woke me up and saved our lives and just died two months ago which I posted about) fled for our lives. Funny enough there was an article marking the yr anniversary (which actually showed where I lived at the time) and they are saying they do not know what started the fire!!! Bullsh*t~!!!. I am still dealing with the trauma of it all as I KNEW what this was all about. So shields are up now as me relating this to you all will probably get me some blow back. But I just wanted to confirm that yes this technology exists and thank you Cats & M for explaining it to me as I new it was not natural but didn’t know how it was started. I keep a low profile, especially since this happened to me but felt it was important to post here to confirm what you all have seen. It freaks me out to truly know this and yet it is also confirmation to what I already knew but didn’t have the details. Sorry for the ramble but have a bit of anxiety here even posting as I’m still dealing w/the trauma of it all and this stirs the pot up so to speak. Again thanks CATS & M’s for this information. Here is a link to the article I mentioned if anyone is interested. https://www.mauinews.com/news/local-news/2019/08/lahaina-fires-one-year-later/

    1. Sending Love LC ❤️ Your kitty Lilia was a hero. It’s hard to read all this and not feel anger though I know it does no good at all.

      Will try and put all energy into visualising our beautiful New Earth where there is no insanity, just Love and compassion ❤️🙏❤️

    2. Sending love to you LC wow you are amazing and so is your dear kitty.

      1. Also sending love to LC and Hero Kitty, Lila, the life saver.
        And all those affected then, and now…and everywhere, and everytime.

  27. @Cats & All,
    A dream segment this morning seemed important for hours, but couldn’t get myself to move to post – last 1/2 hr or so doesn’t seem important anymore – relevance passed?
    – dream was of a sky battle between a red hawk and a white hawk – that was it… seems so little to have seemed so important for a time…woke before any outcome, but maybe the fact that it doesn’t seem important anymore means whatever it was has passed… getting redundant…:)

    I’m having this feeling growing – it’s getting harder to ‘make the world’ again each day – not in a negative depressed way/mood. Since recent dreams am beginning to feel less ‘engaged’ with family and trying to keep the boat afloat. The noises that go along with the use of can-be-legal substances used for mental health reasons are very wearying. I can’t seem to care about propping up this reality any more – other things… Not depressed, just feels like it’s time to turn the page…

    Find the tiny joys,

  28. Okay, here’ my report for Wed. I left the farm this morning to go to Costco. I was at a stop light sometime between 9:45 to 10:20 AM PDT when what I can only describe as a rip occurred. It lasted only for a split second, but it was clearly visible. The whole “reality” wavered for that split second and then quickly settled back into “normal”. Any one else out there been noticing anything???

      1. Thanks All. It was somewhat disconcerting, but I also did a mental “shoulder shrug”. We move upward.

  29. Hey, Cats and M’s and All. Been following you faithfully for a few years now and have never posted a comment.In honour of National Feral Cat Day and all. Just wanted to send a big electric catnip kitty of thanks for all your doing here for us all. Love all your posts and the post of all the regulars. http://gph.is/2sXzOse
    Bigs Hugs to All,

  30. The info I got (I feel it was highly filtered, thus this info could grossly be in error) was that the ship is a submarine that usually operates from an underwater base located near land. Sorry, couldn’t get anything more clear than that.

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