
NOTICE: Power to CAT homes may be cut in the next 48 hours, so we may be gone for a little while.

Before this, CAT comms were severed to stop us from uncovering and revealing crucial information. This is all part of the PTW’s plan.

It would greatly assist us (and lots of other people) if everyone who reads this would please imagine FOG all over Northern California. Thick, wet fog. The thickest, wettest fog imaginable. This will stop a number of nefarious plans.

Many thanks from all the CATs.



Be sure to MIST is up in Hawaii, too!

Screen Shot 2019-10-24 at 10.20.11 PM


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29 thoughts on “RED ALERT: FOG IT UP [UPDATE1]

  1. Northern California: Foggy and soggy as can be, so commands Me! 🌎❤️️⚡️
    Be well Cats and M’s and the rest of us beings of Light. ✨💕

  2. I see leaves and branches dripping with collected mist. Fresh, cool and delicious to breathe in deeply. Good luck and much love. Cay

  3. I’m on it, fur babies … that top image is the way I remember my home state. The fog creeping in on little cat feet. Let’s vision lionine fog roaring in off the ocean … grrrreowl Cats. I’ve got this.

  4. I’ll do my best. Take care everyone, CAT’s and all.

  5. Thanks for the shout out –
    I feel like I’m being dragged off to sleep, perchance to start up the ol’ fog machine… now would some classic rock music and a light show go with that beneficially? I’m hearing from someone who’s offering help with that. Will go to dreamland and start with the fog, see what other help might show up…

    Be safe, with best possible outcomes for y’all,

      1. Hear hear
        Some of us have volunteered to experience and help to bring our collective light into the darkessest recesses of the human experience. While this may be an illusion unpicking luciferian knots is not for the faint of heart.

      2. Thank you for all you do!
        Love, gratitude and appreciation!

  6. Skating awayay, on the thin ice of a new dayay! In My ear, As a great Fog rolls in. We Are The Fog. Peace.

  7. I am the Light, I am the Love, I AM. I AM the Mists of Time and as I breathe the breath of Divine Love, the mist weaves its magic across the lands. Imagining the mists of Avalon slowly blanketing my beloved Hawaii (was there in ’97 with my soul sister Sandy) descending like a soft blanket of protection… I AM THERE xxx

    1. Interestingly, today the fog and mist covered the valley where I live. It was hanging like low cloud all day – raining too! I kept visualising it going over where it was needed the most, communicating with the water vapour (as it’s very speedy in taking its messages).

      More fog on the way! XXX

  8. I’m doing my part!

    Imagining the fog rolling in like a pride of big Cats!

  9. Pulling moisture from ocean, blowing waves of moisture, east.
    Wet, heavy fog clings to All things Earthly.
    Blanket of Protection for All that is Good.

    Asking Source to move the PTW to the Light.
    Enough! Humans and Gaia have had enough!

    Time to Heal, to Love, to Be!
    Make it so 😉✌️💚🧚‍♀️

  10. Fog-worthy sentinels in Northern California – my, it has really fogged up in your neck of the woods, kind of like an oozy blanket sopping up all vibration. The fog is clinging to the lower depths of land, but it’s also descending from cloud-rimmed mountain tops, where fog and cloud form one dense white shawl. Transport, both air, road and train will shudder to a halt while this misty fog has its day.

  11. The fog is so thick and wet all over Northern California….The thickest, wettest fog imaginable…. I barely can see my feet walking here….
    This fog ruined all PTW’s plans!
    So be it!! 🙂


  12. The fog comes on little cat feet.
    It sits looking over harbor and city
    on silent haunches and then moves on.
    poem by Carl Sandburg

    May fog and mist lay heavy and thick, from the western coast to the Hawaiian Isles
    And sailors logs on crooked ships, tell tales of seas, with knocking knees , and very little smiles.
    Much Gratitude to All for your sacrifice and contributions, keep on shining Your Light! Scott

  13. It is done – let there be thick blanket of fog..

    Loving hugs💖

  14. Rolling FOG, MIST AND SMOG, Spread your densest cloak Over Hawaii, Over Northern California let it roll and linger, thick and wet covering everything with your protection…

    So Be It, So Be It and SO IT IS


  15. I’m playing my part here – visualizing thick, THICK fog rolling in off the Pacific Ocean covering everything from San Jose to north of the Oregon border, and east to the Tahoe. Expecting that I am contributing to the success, sure that others are much more proficient at this than I happen to be.

  16. It’s getting so quiet, the fog is so thick, the leaves don’t crunch any more. Just the sound of the foghorn that pierces the grey.

  17. Gaia Portal ❤️

    Flashes of the white sceneries are viewed in awe.

    Castle highlands present and are glorified in the emerald Light.

    Fortifications dissolve.

    Highest peaks are viewed.

    Climbers are engaged.

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