Jump City 2-17 to 2-20-20 [UPDATE6]


Time for a new jumps post. The previous one’s section was starting to get too… long.

Here’s today:







So it goes.



More jumpage. We call each of these a “short ballestra,” which is a fencing term that means “a little adjusting jump” (surprise: CATs are also duelists, trained in many disciplines); each of these jumps is literally SOURCE making ‘a little adjusting jump’ prior to The SHIFT… whenever that is. Due to many requests, we’ve tried to provide more notes this time. Check it out:

Note that some energies carry ACROSS the jumps this time. This means that some us are being jumped TO, and are not ourselves jumping. What a terrible sentence.
This is not just one jump, but several; SOURCE adjusting timelines for billions.


KNOCK pressure has ended for now. Note the jump at 3:00 UTC on the 18th.
Energies are increasing.
This might be the beginning of that recent CME/ship transit, seen below.


This is a Norwegian meter showing an interferometric riometry keogram, indicating radio absorption on the KAIRA meridian, at a frequency of 38.1 MHz.
Screen Shot 2020-02-18 at 8.30.45 AM
These are muons.


Screen Shot 2020-02-18 at 8.38.43 AM
This is cosmic ray intensity.

There was also another “CME,” though this was in the opposite direction, and like the last one also due to a large ship exiting:


Screen Shot 2020-02-18 at 8.26.29 AM

We can hear the energy pinging as of this writing (8:50 PST), so we do think that recent CME/ship transit is brushing past the earth at the moment.


Can’t say we’ve ever seen a neutron drop like this:

Screen Shot 2020-02-18 at 8.59.09 AM

And at the opposite end of the earth’s axis… check this this neutron detector in Antarctica:

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Screen Shot 2020-02-18 at 9.03.15 AM

Now look at Kiruna:


The PTW are messing with that Looking Glass device, trying to influence the timeline jumps. They’re failing miserably, of course. They probably killed or seriously injured the poor operator. We’ll look into it.


We’re in the midst of another jump:





Big jumps, a lots of little jumps. There’s a reason why the PTW were trying to jump away before this last one.







And then it gets more dramatic:

Screen Shot 2020-02-19 at 10.34.47 AM

Screen Shot 2020-02-19 at 10.35.01 AM

You can see when the ca8al turned Looking Glass off — and the (SOURCE) jump:

Screen Shot 2020-02-19 at 10.43.20 AM
DOMC is Dawson Station, Antarctica.


For those interested, note that Cumiana meters are stuck, due to the timeline shiftage.


We’re late, but here are the jumps from earlier today (Cumiana is back up, btw):






More later.


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128 thoughts on “Jump City 2-17 to 2-20-20 [UPDATE6]

  1. OMG! Black Panthy has turned into a
    black cat!!



      1. Oh no! My 1st thought when I saw that little thing, or You projected that. Peace

    1. @J,
      I listened to Lisa M. Harrison’s latest, #70, earlier today… I don’t think my brain is big enough to live in her Universe – take that any way you want to…
      I’m grateful for Lisa M. Harrison for being the stepping stone that brought me HERE…

      As to a remark by (at this moment can’t remember whether by Cats or Ms) – coming to terms with 3d – for me if a continued percentage on the increase, of population becomes kinder in each moment, certain physical debilitations reduce as time goes on and there might be a release of the debt programming control of the world – it might be enough of a paradise for me… I don’t insist on the whole world changing in it’s entirety – there’s a whole lot of good here, too – even with all the reporting of ‘things’ I do, I can hang in there until I die or other things occur… I’m not sure I could increase any physical activities if they are required, but I suppose I would find a way or collapse, then it would be clear what my limits were…


      1. Kg, Yes, I feel the same way you do. I’m enjoying my life despite the physical limitations imposed by the stroke 14 years ago. I must say, however, that the last few days have been increasingly difficult. I dunno. As I stated a few days ago, I know less than nothing!

    2. Wow! I have experienced some of the same symptoms that Lisa described. Very interesting. Very hopeful. I am curious as to what the Cats and Ms think? We are the Love and the Light. We ARE. Going Home? <3 <3

    3. Thank you for sharing her video, J. It was really interesting. Can’t remember the exact dates, but realized that I could nod my head to a lot of what she said.

      And the warning she told about that went like “any thoughts/ideas that come that are not of an in love, is an offer to accept something other than love. And if you choose to belive it, you are accepting an offer which is likely false. And it can just be that easy.” was a really good reminder since I have to work hard to not engage myself emotionally in a recent situation that emerged that is really disheartening, and that I for some reason have started to doubt myself.. if I am enough. Perhaps it is an old echo of old programming showing up that I need to adress once more.. or it’s just me finally being tired of constantly swimming upstreams.. Keeping my hope that I will find my inner strength again and for brighter days ahead for us ALL🌞

      Loving hugs💖

  2. days getting longer and sun now out-am going out early and working in light during day-till exaushtion-then in and small meal-and off to bed-early but important for healing-if i wake up during night taking melatonin-10-20mg to help get back asleep-before it works doing spinal therapy under warm covers till all else fades-intense days-everybody getting it differently-some being side-swipped and others knocked out-period-makes for an interesting day in the neighborhood-thxs4knowledge-sharing-vip

  3. @CATs, Ms, AM, et Al – I’d appreciate some outside insight if possible or a nod to can’t do, if there isn’t to be any about a ‘thing’…
    I’d posted a comment yesterday about a dream referencing being adopted by a group of dragons and had seen/talked to a counselor/mental health practitioner of some kind about it, but that was where the dream ended – had only gotten a sense of small or far away and varied colors concerning the dragons themselves – felt more like far away than small…
    Last night I asked before sleep to receive some clarification about this… I had a number of wakings during the night – with each waking had gotten number
    ? countdown? 1/1-. 2/10/ 3/10, etc, as part of dream – last waking was 10/10 and looked at time – it was 9:11 am MT – (hadn’t looked at time much otherwise).
    I felt odd and there was a sense of energy or presence (not even sure if that is the right words – different, I think? – also felt like there was no difference between me and this energy, presence, group?…
    There’s also a sense of weight – something weighty – and seems linked to a
    same-ish feeling in chest, heart? ?
    There is something else, but I have no words to even approach knowing about it, but it’s not anything personal about me or my life or people in it – more world related… more world and change, but not describable…

    If anyone can add some clarity about these things – I’d be so grateful… not disturbed exactly, but there is a desiring to know more or others knowing more ( weirdly I feel like I’m sitting in knowing, but other could know more??? – time for others to know more – ok, getting uncomfortable – old programming telling me to “shut up” now…

    Thank you for your time,

    1. correction – first number dream group is 1/10 – hit the wrong key, didn’t catch it proofreading…


      1. @CATs etc,
        Oh geez, forgot… I asked after waking if there were dragons in my dreams last night, not sure why, as there weren’t obvious items or doings that would indicate there were, but I got a strong yes – which was a POINT in asking about things in my 9:11am post (co-inckeydink?)in the first place… brain drain?


        1. Kg … I see 9:11, 1:19, 11:19 and 11:09 ALL the time. Wonder what’s up with that?
          much love to y9ou … haha! i mean’t to type “you”. XX : )

    2. Well… dragons don’t really adopt people. They like to help, but eventually keep to themselves. We’ll try to check, but there are something like a million dragons here, currently.

      -CAT Eds.

      1. @CATs Eds, thank you – I guess it could have been an awareness/perception thing if there are that many’dragons floating’ around – i don’t know what adopting would be symbolically – since it was a dream – I don’t suppose it’s that important – just don’t dream of dragons that often…
        If you guys do perceive anything else – I thank you for passing this and anything else on…

        I’ve been getting weaker and weaker the last week or too, mastoid/occiput pain and headaches and not being able to stay awake – sometimes it seems too much effort to breathe. (different than difficulty breathing), shaky…
        Will keep on rolling…


      2. I keep hear about these dragons. We all.have one. How do we call on one for help? I’ve been asking to see one or mine, but nothing.

          1. Hi cats, the message I got was that the dragons around me were more for my protection rather than acting as guides as such. Is that more the case generally?

  4. Oh my… I KNEW something was afoot! And, interestingly, I was with one of the CATS last night in dream-state! I only just remembered when reading this update! I have no idea who it was (male, I believe) but ‘he’ was telling me some really intriguing information (can I hell as remember what it was!!!) but we had a really massive and hugely important update and I remember thinking, in the dream, ‘Wow, this is one of the CATS I’m talking to!’ and it felt really good.

    Today, at 15:15pm, I experienced a huge download in my left ear. A very high pitched tone lasting for about 5 minutes.

    … and now, TO BAKE! Keeping grounded by making a huge Lemon Meringue Pie for pudding – as well as a birthday cake for my lovely daughter, Anna (39 tomorrow) xxx

    Love you guys, thank you so much for all you do and all you Be… xxx

    1. Happy Birthday to your beautiful daughter Anna! Hope she has a very wonderful day, mmmm Lemon Meringue Pie!


      1. Thank you Lily! Bless you 🙂 I made her a Strawberry Cheesecake Cake too last night. I wish I could share with you and Elsie! XXXXXXX

    2. Happy B-day to Anna from The All. A Beautiful name, Mother Mary’s Mother. Joy in Harmony to All. Peace.

      1. Awww, Christoper. You are so kind… she is actually Anna Grace, so double whammy. And she is beautiful even though I say so myself. I will pass on your lovely message to her xxxxx

      2. Yes!
        Another beautiful name the Angels call her is
        ‘The Serene Mother Anna’.
        That sweet Brother J’s grandmother.
        From the Lineage of Love.

  5. This Timeline jump seems, to me at least, much more comfortable than the one we were on over the weekend. How about you All?

    1. Some CATs had headaches into the weekend, but this latest set of jumps have left us mostly unscathed. Meanwhile, the PTW is desperately trying to “jump away” by creating their own nefarious timelines… but their technology just isn’t working. Tsk. They’re flooding the whole southern hemisphere with neutrons in the meantime.

      -CAT Eds.

      1. @CAT Eds
        Why do they flooding the whole southern hemisphere with neutrons in the meantime? What are they trying to achieve and how is it going to affect anything?

        Thank you for the post.
        Love black cat! 🙂


    2. Well, total opposite for me, I was fine over the weekend, but this one hit me hard, headaches, body aches, exhaustion, had to skip choir rehearsal, couldn’t move…

      1. I’m with you Veni. Wasn’t too bad over the weekend except for some sleepless nights but woke up this morning with neck and shoulder aches, a headache and super tired. Lots of wind here in Kansas and snowstorms so I’m staying in and taking it easy.

        1. Brenda. Mine was all round the shoulders too. Knots giving me stabbing pains above my right ear. Went to work slathered in freeze gel. It’s a lot easier today. Hope your feeling better too. 🤗

          1. Thanks, Newlynn. Yes, feeling better today, hope you are as well. Still have slight pressure in the head but not like yesterday and still some slight aches, but was able to get some cleaning done. Had strange dreams again this morning and slept late, but overall, not too bad of a day. Sun was out melting some of the snow and the wind was down but still pretty cold. Hope everyone else is well.

  6. Thank you Cat Eds for the updates. Staggering charts. I’m awake again at 2am and feeling headachey and nauseous, so I looked at the current Kiruna chart. Oh boy. Is it party time? And…. its still windy and very flooded in the UK. A nice Spring would be welcome. 🤔🙄☺️

    1. Newlynn, tell me about it! We live right by the River Dee in Llangollen, North Wales and boy is it speaking to us! Shouting, in fact! I am taking in the ozone and negative ions and blessing every drop, and so far we’re ok but there has been widespread flooding, including some parts near us… stay safe and warm, lovely xxx

      1. Ladybirdbeau. The Dee is a decent size river even before flooding. York is the nearest large river to us and is pretty high. Hope you escape unscathed. Enjoy the ozone! ☺️🐱

  7. ZERO sleep overnight. Just looked at the Schumann. No wonder. Tossed and turned with pain in my lower spine and hip. Meditated three times, hoping to fall asleep. Repeated the mantras over and over. Now 9:40 am EST. Just back from taking the dog to the vet for surgery. Hopefully he and I will be able to cuddle up for a long nap later this afternoon when he’s done. Feeling whacked. But the sun is shining and that’s something, despite the 22 degrees F outside!

    1. Lauraksmi. I just have a read the many nights I’m awake. It always works, but then I’m tired in the mornings. Hope your dog is recovering well and that you both had a nap.🤗💕

    2. Laura… me too. Pain in lower spine, back and hips. Hubby rubbed some soothing ointment into the painful bits and I slept well… xxx

  8. I gotta ask … what is that 7-legged doggy creature??
    The sun is out today. Spring is getting closer, the crocus is blooming. Yay!
    Infinite Love to Everyone.

  9. hey today wed=feb19=on tues feb 18 2020 did anyone else experience that waking void- over hear me and my cats were catonic-literally-sit down and zapped-watched my cats move into deep reclusivity-almost hibernating

  10. It feels like the last 10 minutes of work where one is just watching the second hand move around the clock face. Let’s hope with the next incarnation we awaken in the beautiful New Earth of our choice. As for now, enjoy what beauty you find in each moment. Cay

  11. From Amanda Lorence yesterday, 2/18:
    Congratulations…WE’VE MADE IT!
    Dominoes Effect will occur, each at their own pace. All so supported…keep going!
    Now we begin. We NOW have embodied the Energy, Consciously so, in the human vessel.
    So much love to ALL. 💙🌍💙

  12. I was very attracted to the idea of carrying a saber light sword at night, so I got one! While looking at the instruction manual I found the setting for flame thrower-( light at a distance) and the ability to ignite the tiniest of God-Spark in the deepest dark ones to flame into big Consciousness. What Fun! When I have used it, I get a surprised looks of “What have I been Doing?!” (self awareness/ Source awareness) It’s all Love <3.
    ps. My imagination is …. Cats, Did I breaks any rules?

  13. Hi CATs,
    In these days I wasn’t so lucid
    I was purging a lot of sadness and trauma and old memories came back bringing regrets and frustration.
    This morning I was catatonic, all of a sudden I realized that I was sitting on a table with Sun in my face…I thought I was a Cat LoL.

    From Monday to today I’ve had the feeling that the day was endless. Even in the night I felt my mind couldn’t stop ,as a result in the morning I didn’t felt rested.
    Now I feel like all the emotional weights are vanished.
    Thank You for your posts, they make me see things from an higher perspective.
    Peace to You All.

  14. Hmmmm! Ever more interesting Re: EveryONE’s comments. Firstly CAT Editors, The note that SOURCE was adjusting billions of individual timelines rang true to me. I thank S for doing it for me because I haven’t felt this good in weeks. I went out into the “real world” today and put my car through an automated car wash. It sparkles and shines (just like my personality today) I then proceeded to the grocery store and had wonderful interactions with the check out clerk. I bought a 1/2 price stuffed valentine day puppy for Ruby the Wonder Dog, then stopped at one of my favorite restaurants to bring home their signature seared salmon tacos for lunch and had an impromptu love-fest visit with owner. Upon arrival at home, I gave Ruby her new stuffed pet. She was very appreciative! The final capper before naps is to go to the mail box to retrieve my package of freshly roasted coffee beans! (Need I say more?)

    1. I suddenly had the urge to change my bedroom furniture around at 1am. I wonder if that’s why! I walked into my room and I thought, ugh, this layout is driving my crazy. Room is still a mess but the bed is MOVED! 😁😂

      1. @ duganknows
        Well, that is something!
        Some 50 years ago, a High Lama of Tibet said to feel free to turn the bed in the direction we sleep best.
        I also sleep with my head at the south end of my bed.

  15. Wow! Something that I have never been aware of or at least paid attention to before. I’ve been blessed to have lived in this house on the farm for 12 years. As I got up from my nap and opened my bedroom door, the sunshine was coming through the dining room window and traversing the entire length of the heart of the house and striking the wall that leads to my bedroom. A distance of at least 80 feet. The house is literally filled with the most beautiful golden light imaginable. How didn’t I ever notice this phenomenon until today???? (Must go open the box of my fresh coffee.) You ALL will be joining me in spirit on the bench on the point, holding a freshly brewed latte, watching the sunset)

    1. J. Ruby is so lovely and is lucky to have her companion buy her cuddly presents. How beautiful regarding the sunlight. We get rainbows down our hallway when the sun catches the faceted door glass. I need that latte and sunset lol. ☺️🐱

    2. J — Sounds like a Newgrange at solstice type moment! But we already knew you’re on sacred ground over there. 😉

  16. Here is some decades-old High Strangeness from the now-defunct Webbot Project.

    Since 2003, Clif High found subconscious language on the internet relating to illness called “Sun disease”, which he assumed to be due to cosmic rays. However, in retrospect, the symptoms described are an exact fit for coronovirus infection. The subconscious plays odd tricks with words, and the corona is a layer of the sun, hence the linguistic connection.


  17. Hi all,
    this mornings sky around 7 am (around 6:30-ish a few clouds still had a pinkish hue) had become cloudy and for some reason, not seen with eyes, thought they were silver-y in some way…

    Dreams this morning had a theme – some were of traveling a river and on the shores, esp the right one (only the right one?) there were groups/gathering of people amongst some areas, amongst (seems to be the word of the day) already established buildings, areas of new construction ( a lot out of cement blocks – straight walls – thought ‘why didn’t they make them curved or circular) they could always fill in the gaps with cement” – then I was in an area of groups – there were discussions occasionally of what was coming or what the next steps were – something like that – oddly many brought huge packages of toilet paper – probably 30 rolls or more, and flowers wrapped in bunches like you’d get at a store as gifts…

    A previous dream was concerning our family getting ready to move – one point I must have made a noise (my window was cracked open for air (it’s a crank style) and a boy had been outside (there are children that play in the space the U shaped our 3 duplexes make and surround) he came to the window and tried to get his arm inside to reach me – very slightly malevolent feeling on top of annoying… I left the room with a slightly disgusted annoyed feeling – there was a sense he couldn’t get in – the ‘screen’ would stop him.

    I’m hoping these dreams are encouraging and indicating soon-ness…

    much love,

    PS: the sun is SUPER bright in between the clumpy dark and light outlined clouds of the overcast sky – I keep having a pull to look at the sky – like if I stop looking I might miss something… pffthhhthhst – now I've got a huge pressure headache – ugh-ness…

    1. Kg, your river dream reminds me of a dream I had awhile ago. It was a newly formed shallow river, revealing mounds of older earth (had dinosaur tracks on them) — so, new energy bringing up old stuff I guess. I was in a large tour group, and we were sort of gathered in small groups here and there, and there were some concrete structures but all this was in a very open flat area. My sister and her family were across the river (on the right) but in view. Suddenly the tour director says we all have to go up 6 or 7 flights of an open air stairway to catch the train up top. So we’re all starting to head up the stairs and the tour director seems to want us to hurry and the stairs are quite steep. I thought this was a lot to ask of a tour group, to go up a bunch of steep stairs — but if you used the hand rail you could help pull yourself up. There was also a large pencil that was part of the hand rail, bending around a corner, which upon awakening I took to mean I could use writing to help raise my vibration – to help ‘turn the corner’? (Couldn’t make any other sense of it.)
      That was the last train dream I had. I seem to be attending conferences moreso of late. (Got to open a door for baby Grout so he could attend the conference too — I had him hold my hand as we walked down the hallway. So sweet!)

  18. At ~M3’s behest, lots of us tried this guided meditation today:


    We rarely use guided meditations, but this one yielded a surprising result — for some toward the end, for others about 5-10 minutes after it was over and you were still ‘in the zone.’ Let us know what happens if you try it. We don’t want to color your experience, so we won’t say anything else.

    -CAT Eds.

    1. Cat Eds. Just what I needed at 4am when I couldn’t sleep. That was a lovely meditation. It sent me back to sleep and slowed my heartbeat a treat. I like having my heart plugged into wellness too. I will do that guided meditation again. Thank you.💕🤗🐱

    2. I did it and was in a golden temple with white pillars, gauzy curtains and white fluffy furniture in the center. The golden light was brilliant but not blinding, very soft and cuddly. I didn’t care for some of the words she was using and subbed my own. I plugged into source not the healing whatever and was physically vibrating towards the end.

      Still have the yo-yoing, tugging of my spirit going on and it woke me up around 530E. Checked the Tomsk and saw the big black bar this morning, knew something was up as I had the discombobulated feeling where I felt like my spirit is detaching from the physical last night before going to bed.

      Going through a bad spell with the constant headache I have amped up and not dropping down to a manageable level. I’ll try the meditation a few more times and see if I can get the dang pain to back down. I’m so ready to get off this carrot chasing merry-go-round.

    3. Just tried the meditation.

      When I “turned the dial” to align myself, immediately I felt an saw a beam of golden light coming down and I was inside it. Then she said a beam of golden light is coming down. As it happened before she said it I knew everything was going right.

      I also saw three female (feline?) beings walking upright towards me in a sunny desert looking futuristic and sparkly and happy.

      Ears ringing now and feeling lighter and calmer. Nice meditation.



  19. Within a few minutes my eyes began to cry, but not of sadness or emotion. It was a purely physical process, as if looking directly at the sun without protection.
    In the 7th minute I left the meditation, because when I was tearing (which did not stop for a single moment), a nasal drip was added.
    They were not boogers (sorry for the graphic), it was liquid, like tears, a real torrent.
    Between the tears and the runny nose, which were going face down, my shirt was soaked, which was quite annoying. So I left it.
    I don’t know if this is the reaction that you cats, you also suffered.

    1. Lots of CATs typically have an emotional reaction like that during deep meditation. No, what we were talking about was a funny feeling in the heart/solar plexus area, kinda like an uncoupling 3d/recoupling 4d thing. We actually felt LIGHTER after the meditation.

      -CAT Eds.

      1. I got what can only be described as heart sparkles, very odd feeling 🙂

    2. Me too! I was crying after 4-5 minutes of starting a meditation….I felt like I was purging my self doubt…
      Than I felt relaxed and visualized all the cool things it mentioned.
      Feel a bit more sure of myself after meditation and even now! 🙂

      Thank you for sharing it with us CAT Eds!


      1. Beautiful meditation, Thank-you for sharing it! My eyes started tearing up right before the golden light cone. It felt like it helped me reconnect to a part of Source that I had been disconnected from. XO

  20. hi Cats, Ms, Superfriends and all the readers..
    today is my birthday.. i just wanna say,
    thankyou for making my life so much better, im so grateful to be here with you guys..
    this blog is the only thing that keeps me sane in this place..
    thankyou.. thankyou.. 🙏🙏❤❤

    1. pvrba ❤️ Sending lots of love on your special day, Happy Birthday!


          1. DESTROY IT! You have my email if no one else on this chat can take it! LOL and you follow me on twitter. you know I won’t talk! I still have this burning need to know all things even tho i’m no longer a reporter!

            Zombie hunter? Not honest? Alien Bad Guy? NEVER A$$A$$INATED?

          2. I respect the CATs for not wanting to shatter what’s left of our illusion of what history was, I do know abe didnt free the slaves for kindness sake, let us just say that it’s cheaper to keep “free range” slaves…

    1. According to Sorcha Faal of Ireland, DJT has 250,000 troops posted
      en masse in Syria, Guam, Europe and other strategic points of earth,
      and nobody knows why.
      And Q all at once says: “Prepare for the storm”.
      Very interesting.

      1. Hi Cats,
        You are very wrong about the Ashtar Command. They do exist and are one of the biggest Commands in the Star Fleets out in the Cosmos. And I’m not referring to anyone who channels them either or that website called Ashtar Command dot net. Those are bogus. And I know what you said about the word Command, well they are at Sources Command and they work with the one you call Brother J.

        I also know that Mark has been asking about them if he wants to know I’ll gladly tell him about them. If he’s interested you can give him my email address, but discreetly please, by sending it to him through his email. But that is only if he’s still interested.

        Thank you for your time, please allow this comment to be shown, as it is truth and I feel Mark needs to make a choice.

        Love and Light,

        1. Sorry, Lee. If we can’t connect to something… it doesn’t exist. There may have been something many years ago, but there is nothing now. This is the PTW yanking people’s chains through the person who claims to be “cobra.” Cobra died five years ago.

          -CAT Eds.

          1. I think Lynn on psychic focus did a reading on it years ago a positive alien guy who felt sorry for humans but I think even she though he moved on lol.

        2. Hi Lee.

          Thanks for the mention. I do have an interest in Ashtar, but only because he purports to serve the true light. Just as I have an interest in anyone who serves the true light.

          But if the CATS advice is to steer clear then that is what I will do. I trust the CATS above all else.

          Thank you.


    1. Sorry to tell you, but they’re part of the PTW campaign to muddy the waters.

    2. @Anonymous
      As with all good things God gave us from the beginning,
      Ashtar Command was the Fleet in space, coming to help us.
      but was hijacked and twisted into a disinformation tool.
      Some 4 decades ago, we knew Brother J was at the helm.

      The original Galactic Federation was formed of the “Magnificent Seven”
      Archangels of God, also called the Rainbow Warriors / Brothers.
      They are definitely here to help, under Brother J’s direct command.
      This is in fact their Sacred Mission – starting with AAMichael, the Prince of Archangels. A few years ago, as the work with Earth & Man expanded,
      the Galactics grew into Universals.

      There is NO such thing as the Galactic Federation “of Light”.
      This term was invented by cobra, who infiltrated the channel
      and corrupted it.

  21. Hi everyone.

    I need some advice please.

    Is there an effective way to remove Alluminium from the body/brain?

    My wife is insistent on vaccinating the kids with Dtap vaccine prior to a holiday. She refuses to see the danger in vaccines. She doesn’t agree with the agressive scheduling, but she fails to recognise the long term harm of the ingredients.

    I understand her not wanting to risk our childrens exposure to disease, but at what price… ?🥺

    This world sucks.



    1. Ask for a batch that’s preservative-free. Ask to see the bottle. Also, if you have a good bond with your kids — and they’re open-minded — tell each of them to think: “Brother J, please enjoy this shot with me.” Don’t tell the wife.

      -CAT Eds.

      1. Thanks.

        I don’t think you can get a preservative free DTaP vaccine.

        I will definitely tell the children about brother J.


    2. You might want to look into zeolite, chlorella (I take this: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00FAB10ZI/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1, but was thinking of switching to pure chlorella, which is more effective) , and cilantro; all are great for detoxing from heavy metals, which is what aluminum is. Also, I’ve been hanging onto this link for some time now, just in case. It’s probably too much for children, but interesting none the less: http://www.tbyil.com/forced_vaccinations.htm
      Oh, and I just listened to this a couple of days ago; an expert speaking out about what vaccines do:

      Best of luck to you.

    3. Hi Mark, in my work I use Medical Medium Heavy Metal Detox foods to help remove toxic heavy metals for anyone over a year old. Wild blueberries, spirulina, green barley grass juice powder, dulse and cilantro. These foods work as a team to take the metals right out of the body. Takes the fear out of being exposed to so many toxic metals everywhere. Apricots and parsley are another couple foods that are beneficial. I like zeolite too but no other clays. Cilantro can cause an adverse reaction for those that most often need it so can be confusing. Being intuitive I have been able to watch the beneficial effects with hundreds and hundreds of people using these foods. I prefer to use foods and brother J To support until those I work with are ready to remember that they are not their bodies. Getting at least three of these 5 foods everyday goes a long way towards bringing the Toxic heavy metal Load down.

  22. Had one of my flying dreams last night. Strange thing was that this time i was not just simply flying about, which has a freeing feeling to it. This was me flying but i was flying over peoples heads, like i was passing over them and they were not happy. Dream had a rushing feeling, like hurry!
    Seen the shumann jump/break from last night and I am now thinking that i was flying over them but jumping over a time line or several. I remeber them trying to grab my feet, ha! Nope I kept flying!

  23. Wow! 4th day of sunshine in a row! The grass is leaping, the birds are singing and Gardener is in good spirits. We’re going to transplant some shrubs that were planted in November since after my original flurry with the dogwoods, We’ve doubled the planting areas in size. The final prep should be done today in anticipation of the new plants arrival in a couple of weeks. Note to CATS: Lighter doesn’t even begin to describe the feeling. Very interesting dialogue with ? (S) Anyway you ALL are invited to join me later today for lattes and stuff.

  24. yup=more coming-out here appears like reverse wave-we back to rains and cold from sun and warm-wave seems to be about every 8 days-from total bliss thru and to unknowables-but feelables-strange times in our universe-manythxs4updates-

  25. Once again, for at least the 10th time, no
    reading with you-know-who! Was told an email was sent but I did not receive it.
    I really don’t know if there is any point in
    trying anymore. I am not feeling very good, for many reasons, and was really
    hoping for some help.

    Wishing the best and sending love ❤️ 🥰


    1. Lynn at Psychic Focus does readings, too, either by phone or email. She has an emergency option, as well, where you can get your question answered within 24 hours. She’s good. Much love to you!

      1. Thank you, Kolibri for trying to help…
        it means a lot to me. With lots of love ❤️ to you too!


  26. So… lots of CATs had the same somatic issues last night. As each wave of Wave X energy came in… we could hear and feel it… and as it passed through our bodies it created huge amounts of intestinal GAS (?)… that had a propensity to come out at the exact moment of the energy passage. Did anyone else experience this?

    Could be a portal thing. Could also be that guided meditation that unhooked us from the third density, perhaps. It’s def not what we had for dinner! Some of us were FASTING and this happened.

    -CAT Eds.

    1. Yep… I’ve been having strange gassy symptoms for a couple of days now. I kept thinking how unusual it was for me and for my body. I’m about 80% vegetarian and have not made any major changes to my diet lately.

      1. Yes me too. One of many symptoms of energy moving through (per my reiki and Healing Touch instructors). Yawning, sneezing, gas, hot, cold (to the point of teeth chattering), muscle spasms, heart palpitations, tingling… sound familiar? 😉

    2. Well, yes, but I had (vegetarian) chili for dinner! However, it was the last bit of a large batch and nothing happened the other times, so…..

  27. Thanks Kolibri.

    I have a lot of cilantro myself, just because I love it anyway!

    Will buy even more now.

    As for Chlorella, I always avoided it because I heard of the levels of mercury in it which is sadly ironic.


    1. You either love or hate cilantro, and I’m one of the ones who can’t stand it! I’ll take my chances with the chlorella tablets and zeolite capsules. But listen to the video; maybe it’ll change your wife’s mind, since it’s a PhD talking.

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