Handling Spirits and ETs

38076774 - close-up of a black cat, looking at camera, isolated on black

We’ve said this before, but it bears saying again. Since more and more of you are waking up spiritually and turning your inner lights on, you’re probably encountering more spirits and ETs in your everyday lives — especially as we get deeper into Autumn. Sometimes it’s fun. Sometimes it’s annoying. This post is for the latter.


We don’t understand the rules, but we have to live by them.


Spirits, and some lower vibe ETs, and certain ‘magic’ users (‘magic’ is just manifestation/imagination controlled via will, anyone can do it if they have a good imagination and strong will) are selectively dumb: They cannot/will not hear, or pay no attention to the NEGATIVE in sentences. It’s annoying. It’s inexplicable. It’s selfish. But that’s the way it is for some of them. Because of this, you have to use a certain technique in ridding yourself of unwanted visitors. Here’s how.

GET the %*&# OUT

Be clear and direct when you demand spirits/ETs to leave and stay out. Again, spirits don’t talk in terms of negatives, so if you say, “you aren’t allowed here,” THEY hear: “You are allowed here.”

We always say:

“Only those with our greatest good in mind are allowed here. You must leave NOW and GO where you’re better served. Leave here at once.

It is the same desire, but different mantra. You also have to believe it. This is your will being employed. This is easy to feel. Try saying, “Get out” (out loud) with no conviction. Then say it like you mean it. Hear and feel the difference. That’s your will being exerted. Practice doing this with thoughts like, “REMEMBER SOURCE” right before The Pour, and watch your progress take off.

And yes, some CATs use expletives.

All CATs have had issues with this spirit/ET thing in our various houses, and hence learned this technique. It sometimes takes up to three days in a row to rid your space of really persistent ones, but spirits and ETs eventually get the idea. Be firm, be patient, and… well, be a parent. Use your firm parenting voice.



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60 thoughts on “Handling Spirits and ETs

    1. My fave. I have used this !! (He might have added..”Nor grab my ankle with your fiery whip thingie!”. Etc. ). Just sayin. 😉


        1. Yes, i reassessed in my subsequent post.

          I kinda like the “GET THE %*#@ OUT” approach. Keepin it simple. And direct!!

        2. AND…
          — “grab my ankle with your fiery whip thingie!”

          (holy crap, but Lightworker followers are not dumb…SMH…incredible…)

  1. CATs, are you saying that our Pour will be more effective if we tell any negative spirits to GET *** OUT beforehand? I am not aware of any in my space but I will adopt that practice if you recommend it!

    1. No, it’s more effective when you use your WILL.

      Put ALL your focus forward and THEN say the whole thing (“You are spirit, brother, whole and innocent. All is forgiven and released. Remember SOURCE. [pour]”).

      See how it feels when you do it with your WILL.

      -CAT Eds.

  2. Just tell them the event or shift is about to happen. 🤣 Just kidding I used to do that now I just spray a sage spray and tell everyone to return to source. They get wild around here like unruly kids seeing the zoo for the first time.

      1. Something Laura Whitworth mentioned in her latest video.

        She said “those who have played the dark roles have played the hardest roles…”

        Begrudgingly, I’m inclined to agree.

        But, if the creation of dark was to allow SOURCE to experience every possible scenario, doesn’t that seem a little service to self? Are we supposed to go through countless lifetimes, bloodied, bruised, baying for mercy as essentially play things, experimental puppets for analysis? Makes we wonder “who” really benefitted from incarnation memory mindwipe… Looking from this perspective, the dark players are just as manipulated.

        I could go much deeper here, but I believe my point is made. In answer to the burning question of “Why has my God forsaken me”, uttered upon immeasurable suffering lips, God hasn’t, you’re priceless, you’re data, you’re divine metrics.

        Let’s hope at least, when the raw data is compiled, the SOURCE choice to finish such heinous experiments are brought to a close.

        I’m very interested in your thought on this moot point please CATS. This is a topic I have grappled with all my life. And I always end up here. It is the biggest block to growth I have. It may be the most important topic we all have.


        (I hope I haven’t come across disrespectful, there is simply no other way to express my concerns)

  3. Thanks CATs, M’s, AM 🙏

    So all the time I was saying ‘You do NOT have permission to be here…’ They were hearing ‘Come in, have a party….!!!! 🙃😬

    Very important post and very much appreciated!

    Much Love & Light ALL 🙏✨❤️✨🙏

  4. Har! Thanks youse ALL. Once again, youse have ridden to the rescue awareness. On a whole different subject, WHAZ up with today’s energy? Is it nearing the Lions portal of 8/8? Is it me? Is it Aunt Tillie? The energies to me are different than what they felt like even a scant 24 hrs. ago. I feel like an absolute zombie today replete w/ the obligatory blind staggers. Bed never looked so good. (Except on almost any given day) At least my sparkling good humor is intact (mostly) GOOD NEWS! New hostas are planted. Done! Of course there were not nearly enough as usual. Now I have to wait another week for the next batch to arrive. (I swear, I’m taking this whole garden with me to 5d when I go)

    1. ‘Cantor Cube’ – echo seed eh ?…..CONtinuous homeomorphism ……….someday Deb, I’ll have to visit your Cherry Blossom Orchard & if there aren’t lots of BEEs, Butterflies & Hummers, I’ll bring some !….how many undercover avatars do you have now ?…some days hard to keep track of them all….hugs xo

  5. I personally do not have bad experience with either ET or spirits, I mostly feel good energies around me while meditate, maybe I am somehow protected from bad ones coming near me, I do not know ?

    Sometimes I do feel that they touch my hands or hair, or the head, but it was always the gentle touch, nothing offensive, maybe that kiss one time could be a little gentle, so much that I had physical mark on the bottom lip after that, not that I am complaining too much about that, I can handle it, no worries, keep them coming 😎✨

  6. However, as per “The Rules”, better to say.

    “You shall be prevented from proceeding and from using any accoutrements to harm me (and my fellow tribe members) . ” Not quite as dramatic, or succinct. But whatever gets the job done. 😁

    1. Hm. I think “Get the F___out!” is a bit easier to remember and has a certain rakish flair to it…. 😉

          1. ~AM’s the kind who would give some immense terrible monster the forgiving benefit of the doubt until it proved itself a threat to others, then he’d switch gears from ambassador/saint to fearless vampire killer and jump down its throat so he could destroy it from the inside-out.

            -CAT Eds.

            1. Aaand sounding better and better 🙂 A Love Warrior. I’m glad ~AM is with us…

            2. I wanna’ front-row seat to that premiere…. And lotsa’ popcorn, too….!!

  7. OH! I like this. I already new it but the post…..

    Its like the mischievous lurker / board saboteur is getting an obvious message to GTFO!

    There’s my free WILL …. pushing out what doesn’t belong here with all of us.

    I have also been doing more light pouring activities. California, London, Iran, and then globally. The lightsaber meditation I am using too but I am putting the whole world inside 🙂

    Hope everyone is well and enjoying cooler end of summer weather like me

    <3 kk

    1. OMGawd! Two mornings ago I was yelling GTFO to a spirit entity that had been haunting me for 40 years and who I believed to be fully gone six months ago. I was sure my partner heard me yell and would think I was bonkers.

      The next morning was the hurricane and we sustained no damage except for one tree limb. There were no further hauntings.

      Thank you for this post as the information is very useful.

  8. Thanks for this advice, cats. I’m happy to occasionally use expletives if necessary 😹😹😻😻

  9. Doing just what that David Bowie cat says. I love it, need it, am grateful for the the knowledge you share. I’m with David alot 🥰
    Thank you! Love to all here!

      1. I had a dream about him after he passed he said to me I can’t stand it here please let me out so I opened up a portal for him and shot out of here. I guess that was me telling myself yep he is not coming back any time soon.

      2. Oh that hilarious! Yes, the music must get better. His music comforts me. Hope I’m back when he’s back in….2100 or so, eh? You guys made me laugh out loud and I needed that so much!!!!
        TTMB day 3 and counting! lol
        Much love,

  10. Yes, I have been doing protective bubbles around myself. Friday night, while I was sleeping, I was woken up by three large bangs in my house and then creaking and noises everywhere. I do live in an earthquake prone area but, holy smokes, this was no earthquake. I immediately did a white light protection around myself and the noises stopped. Eerily, later that same night my husband, who died 5 months ago, came to me in one of, what I call, my “other side” dreams. All was white with no depth to anything. There was a path and I was standing/floating on one end and my dead husband was on the other end. He started walking towards me and opened up his arms to give me an embrace (he was the best hugger) I ran into his arms and we hugged and hugged. I said (I never talk in these dreams, it is always telepathic talking) “I don’t want to let you go”. He then looked at me with the most serene, loving, peaceful face that was just glowing with love and light and said that he had to go. That was it. I woke up happy that he was “home” but sad also, because I miss him so.

  11. I don’t know if this is related to this post – I’ve had to deal with this issue – strongly – several times in my life – don’t want anyone to pick up on energies – did I just jinx that? sorry… Anyway … whoops just typed something and encouraged to delete it; sigh…

    So just after I read this post I was drawn to listen to Amanda Ellis’ new post – if you are having coping problems coping in any way with recent Middle East events – it might be helpful to view it or at least the last 10 minutes or so – IF you are drawn to do so…

    here’s the link… much love,

  12. Naw, I’ll keep my ghosty, tyvm, she gives me a warning when something is wrong with the house. I’ve become comfortable with them since I was a wee one, well except for the one evil bastard but he went bye, bye with some help. I’m thrilled tho that people are finally waking up and realizing we’re not alone.

    1. Oh, we weren’t talking about nice ones. They can stay, because they have your greatest good in mind. It’s the OTHER ONES we were talking about.

      -CAT Eds.

  13. Well, this goes right with the purging, clearing and cleaning topic I’ve got going ! Thanks for the reminder and the coaching!
    Hugs to all!

  14. Reminds me of my favorite Father Brown quote.

    Wealthy man: THIS IS AN OUTRAGE! I must insist that you leave this castle at once!!!!

  15. Negatives get stripped off in any communications with the spirit world, and though they seem meaningful to humans (we certainly use them enough!) at a subliminal level they get stripped off in the regular world too. Remember this when formulating ANY speech. Express what you DO want, not what you DON’T want. Same with what you concentrate on: “Where attention goes, energy flows.”

  16. I’ve researched “Magic” in the past and I’ve been tried to apply it to get things that I want. (not infringing on anyone’s freewill, of course) Often times I only manifest things that I don’t care about but the things I want seem to be out of my grasp. All I can say it works very counter intuitive and well, clunky. You can’t speak in negatives or think in negatives, only in present tense and speak as if you already have the thing that you want and act like it’s not a big deal. So frustrating.

    As for ETs/spirits I tell them to get lost but I don’t think they’re are any here, honestly.

    1. The spirit/human ratio is 50:1 on the earth, but they’re more prevalent around certain people, certain places — like the Stanley Park Hotel, wow; with certain “eyes” we can’t even see the building, there are so many spirits. CAT dwellings are similar.

      -CAT Eds.

  17. Cat´s thanks for this message.
    It is very important that good manners prevent us from defending ourselves and dealing properly with this scum.
    Although perhaps in an intuitive way, our higher self already knows.
    I remember what surprised me, when in an unpleasant experience that I already related here, I “heard myself” scream with extreme fury: Get out of here motherf*ckers !!!
    I don’t use that language !! But it was pure magic, they disappeared in a ploof!
    Thank you for reminding us to regain our strength and power.

  18. Not long after I moved in my house, at night an entity had grabbed the duvet my wife and and I slept beneath and threw it off our bed!

    I immediately jumped up and told it to leave in no uncertain terms. Never happened again.

    It reminds me of those old hammer horror film, when someone held a shaking crucifix towards a leering vampire. The vampire would his “You have to believe in it to work”, just before he sank his fangs in. Lack of will!


      1. Does garlic? I have a nice fat clove of garlic hanging on my front door. Call me crazy, but it makes me feel good. :/
        Have always disliked vamps. And never doubted they were real, in some sense. I don’t watch the movies, and don’t read the books glamorizing them. No glamor there. none.

        1. They dislike healthy things, so perhaps garlic is unpalatable for them, but they aren’t afraid of it, or of religious symbolism. They’re actually kinda like a genetic… not aberration… a mutation that came from a diseased subset, combined with addiction (they’re basically pedovores) and mental and physical sickness. But they’re not superhuman, and far from immortal.

          -CAT Eds.

          1. that was kind of a good and bad answer. I guess when the garlic finally completely dries out, I’ll let it go….sigh.

  19. Spot-on advice.

    My experience in/with the spirit realm aligns with this exactly. I’ve often had conversations in lucid dreams with guides who cringe at some of the messages they receive from humans. Our language has been purposefully pointed towards this “backwards/resistance” manner of communicating, especially through “pop” music and movie dialogues.

    Since realizing this, I have significantly stepped back and re-wired my personal communication style to be intentionally/positively oriented. The words I speak and type represent what I desire as an outcome.

    A simple way to understand this is, every word is its own “now”/momentary command. (I also intuitively find there is an additional emphasis/significance to the final word of a statement.)

    Please Don’t Stop! …becomes… Please. Don’t. *Stop.*
    Please Don’t forget! …becomes… Please. Don’t. *Forget.*

    Other aspects of language are skewed similarly. For example, saying “I miss you” is confusing as %&CK to the spirit realm, as you and them are connecting precisely in that moment. Saying that connection is “missed” is the opposite of this.


      1. I don’t understand the problem with “Black. Lives. Matter.” other than maybe the reference to black. Please enlighten me… this is an amazing post
        love to all in the room

        1. BLACK (darkness; the absence of light).
          LIVES (as in all your lives stacked like cordwood).
          MATTER (as the opposite of energy; crude matter).


          There is no darkness. You aren’t technically alive. And there is no matter. It’s a living oxymoron.

          Their spell is their name; a 100% ca8al group that does not have anyone’s greatest good in mind. It’s no surprise that $oros gave them $200M+.

          -CAT Eds.

          1. Are there any books that go into this process more in depth? It would be clever if it wasn’t so awful. Hiding true intentions in plain language is fascinating even if it’s often times used for something awful. Even I didn’t get the BLM “spell” part.

            Seems like this CATs are also part-time Wizards? ( The good kind, of course)

            1. This is our personal experience talking, but we’ll see if we can find some interesting source info. These folks are serious amateurs next to the ones we’ve bumped up against. Yikes.

              -CAT Eds.

          2. wowwww thank you CAT editors. That really helps.
            love to all in the room!

  20. We are having the most amazing storm in Wales at the moment, blinding lightning every few seconds for well over an hour now, thunder making the house rattle … woowzers 😍

  21. May I ask for some assistance please? I feel like I am being constantly “picked on” by outside forces, is it just me? Is there something that is constantly trying to keep the turmoil stirred up around me, and keep giving me anxiety attacks? Or am I imagining it, and I just need to figure out how to bring in lighter energy….

  22. Hi Ann, No, it’s not just you. This is a hard one and I’ve certainly been there. I have found improvement the more I command my space with * Fierceness* …such as the Cats say using your Will … and sometimes a few choice words. ; ) The more you believe the mantra “I Am the Light, I Am the Love, I Am the One, Truth, etc, the easier it gets … or at least it has for me. Focus, focus and more focus on the Truth of WHO you really are and less attention to any trouble makers. Stay strong and keep Breathing Source! Eyes on the prize : ) I sing little songs to myself to keep myself reminded. : ) Love Love Love and a big Hug,
    of what I’m choosing… I hope this helps some.

    1. Thank you. 🙂 Some days are more intense than others. I hope everyone here is doing well with everything. Thank you Joy113 for your reply.

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