TLJ for 11-3-20

We were expecting a timeline jump…

…but not this early. We might have another one soon. Or not. Anyway, here’s how the latest one looked (like us — small, but definitive!):

This is the result of that (slow) CME we had on 10/27…

…which, since the sun is our multi-level “reality projector,” means that we just got a “reality” programming upgrade. (There was a double CME yesterday, but not earth-facing.)

More as we find it.

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71 thoughts on “TLJ for 11-3-20

  1. NOTE: For those new to the site, note that we don’t allow rude or quasi-insulting comments (and with so many of us stepping in to approve and comment at different times, this benchmark varies). If you want to be rude, you have twabber for that. On this site, try to keep it positive, or… keep it to yourself. (The compulsion to make a snide comment should tell you something about where you are in your process… and what you need to work on.)

    < CAT Eds.

  2. Went to sleep sometime after 3 am here US MT – kept not wanting to sleep last night feeling – then VERY active ‘working’ dreams – this morning after waking to the recent ‘normal’ vocal coping? energies of this family have been struggling to keep awake – feel like I want to go back to ‘working’ as was during dreams last night – I’ll have to trust I’m also doing that as well as being awake here, too.

    Seems increasingly difficult to be be in proximity of family’s working through THEIR journey, such emotional pain – yes, illusion, illusion, illusion, but still feels painful – Seems the only mantras I can consistently remember is the SOURCE related “I am’s” one – so it’s my ‘go to’…

    Feels weirdly like I’m lifting vey heavy weights in some way???


    1. For You K; You Are Perfect/Immortal Spirit/My Sister, I Love You Very Much, for You Are Whole/Innocent, All Is Forgiven/Released! W/Sparkles, as Lily/LC would convey. Peac3.

  3. Great, now I want a burrito! Anyway guess that explains my exploding head the past few days, whew! Today slightly better. Just watched a new Yellow Rose from Texas video – does ANYone understand what she’s talking about?! Please enlighten if so – one minute she’s talking about the matrix which makes some sense, then it’s about fingers and tweezers putting new batteries in the sun and keeps placing an arrow pointing to a grey blob within a grey blob with no explanation … whattt??? But being the curious cat that I am, can’t resist checking these crazy things out 😉 Thanks for the updates CATS!

      1. a strict selection fits better it seems in terms of videos

        the biggest wisdom comes from inwards are we all know but ocasianally forget to look there

      2. I’ve never watched one of Laura’s because I can’t have sound on at work, but I’ll have to check one out from home if I ever have enough energy after work to do so! Thanks for the idea!

    1. I saw Yellow Rose’s video yesterday. Matches some of the data from Lisa Harrison.
      The thing w/ Rose is if you are new to the way the present things, you will be lost, same w/ Lisa.
      You’d have to start from the beginning and that could be a lot of videos.

    2. If you are new to the way she present things you will be lost. Must start from the beginning.
      The fingers/ tweezers the way I got it was from the those outside this matrix/realm.

  4. timeline jump
    thank you for this big advice
    that’s like I feel today: a bit lost in trnslation….
    I look every day on Kiruna, but this mornings was not showing the KP index 9

    love to all my friends on this holy journey we are on
    and love to the cat’s from my heart

    Alnilam ❤️🙏❤️

  5. This time line shift relates with the yet to happen events? I hear much of a “broadcasting” and these elections in US….

    I hope people let aside impulses for insulting or rude comments, that’s just not helping anyone getting through this current time.

  6. So, I have been setting the intention for the last week or so… that *I* Want to be on the timeline where TRUTH, PEACE, LOVE Prevails…..

    So I hope I chose the right timeline… 😉

    I also this morning felt compelled to put domes / shields of protection around lots of things… myself, my kids, my family, my city, my state, my country.. the planet…. each one I filled up with a big light pour and set intention “REMEMBER SOURCE”

    Even though energy felt THICK this morning.. I am peaceful….

    Looking forward to seeing what we create next….

    <3 kk

    1. And to the last three emails…

      Stay Calm and Patient.

      We have an old STP sticker on the whiteboard to remind us… STP: Super-Terrestrial Patience.

      STP: The eRaser’s Edge!

      < CAT Eds.

      1. but even the most patient ones start to become a bit impatient

        love and laughter for all so times is filled with use

    2. I met Tony B on a tour of duty. Well, actually I scared the Dickens out of him, I couldn’t resist. Earnt three nights gate sentry for that stunt and subsequently bitten by a camel spider on my face when I could snatch some sleep. Woke up with partial face paralysis, so who’s laughing now! 🤣… 🤔😳🤬


  7. Greetings CAT(s) & M’s & everyone who reads & posts

    Time is now 6: 30 AM in Melbourne & I can’t bluddy sleep! grumfph

    Somatic experiences – my lower paws (feet) are not just vibrating, they’re BUZZING. This “buzzing” feeling has been extending up to my upper-leg muscles & then stops, & starts up again. This has been going on for about two or so days.
    I am hearing THREE distinct, different tones in EACH ear. Just to be clear, that’s SIX distinct, separate tones/sounds. There is this “crinkling” sound (both ears, but sounds are different in each ear), a sound of “Tibetan singing bowls” & reverberation, and a “metallic” sound.
    As I’m typing this, I’ve got FOUR tones/sounds in my right ear. Now, there’s a “sound” *on top of* these sounds.
    I have read other’s experiences of “heart-beat/thumping” *inside one’s head* & I experienced that on Monday, whilst I was on the loo. Sorry, but, that’s when I heard it! This “sound” is usually in my Left ear.

    My “solar plexus area” is doing this “wobble” from the front of my body to my spine (and returning), I’m experiencing a “rolling forward” feeling whilst sitting at this lappy, typing these words. BOTH these feelings are constant/continual.

    To any of the newbies reading this “DON’T PANIC. YOU are NOT “going nuts”. SOURCE is upgrading us. We just have to some how “hang in there” & do our jobs & go food shopping & live in third-density & detach from possible emotional triggers & be happy that we know “what’s going on”.

    To everyone reading this who is in USA, I hope you don’t “get caught up” in the possible negativity & other stuff that may happen.

    Um, I think I’m tired now. Lucky I’m not working today.

    DinMelbourne (Victoria, Australia)

  8. CAT(s) I stuffed up the formatting of the HTML coding.

    We just have to some how (emphasis on “how”) “hang in there” & do our jobs & go food shopping & live in third-density & detach from possible emotional triggers & be happy that we know “what’s going on”.

    To everyone reading this who is in USA, I hope you don’t “get caught up” in the possible negativity & other stuff that may happen.

    Um, I think I’m tired now. Lucky I’m not working today.

    DinMelbourne (Victoria, Australia)

  9. Interesting that the solar winds will almost be a direct hit. Won’t be surprised if the next one puts earth in the “eye of the storm” so to speak.

  10. My family and I have decided to NOT watch election returns tonight. Partially, because 2 of us are really obsessed with it on the daily. And it’s really all FAKE NEWS and PROJECTION. I’m pretty sure the anchors and reporters are not PSYCHIC! Can I get a, “YOU ARE RIGHT” FROM THE CATS? The reporters are not psychic? LOL So we have all agreed to shut down the tablets and watch the last season of Downton Abby. That should take us into 1am…maybe, hopefully we will get a result.

    1. The next time You get truth out of a TV, will be the 1st time. Breathe/Ground in Nature. Peace.

  11. Thanks CATS ❤️

    Yes, ‘STP ‘is so, so necessary right now 😉

    Big Loves ALL ❤️🙏❤️

  12. Huh! Imagine that. Somehow I expected it. Dreams last night- – -I was admiring someone’s BLUE flowers. They were riveting- – -and I didn’t express a modicum of plant envy. Progress is most assuredly being made. Journeyed out today to my favorite nursery. Of course I needed some more shrubs. (Almost done) Other than trying to keep on the road all went well. I stopped at market on way home. It was amazing, I didn’t see one maskless face. (I wore mine on my chin. It’s great for lifting and firming.Har!) Pouring rain here in the PNW. November rains have started in earnest. Cheers

  13. Egads!!!!!(I know, ground, ground, ground) With that said, I think a large part of me is elsewhere today. My poor body is seemingly acting on auto-pilot. I am dropping, spilling and missing grabbing stuff. I reached to get my freshly created latte and promptly missed the sucker and spilled it all over the counter. Now THAT was a singular tragedy! I think I’ll TTMB out of safety and sanity concerns. Other than that I know nothing. . . <J.

    1. Oh, we’ve been doing that for weeks. Feels like a bi-location/dual timeline thing. 3d and 4d/5d are literally layered right on top of one another.

      < CAT Eds.

      1. ****Feels like a bi-location/dual timeline thing****
        CAT Eds.

        that’s what my husband and me, are feeling since some weeks too.
        People seems to get more noise, all is making more noise, as the machines etc.

        And this feeling of not wanting to stay here anymore…

        Love Alnilam ❤️🙏❤️

      2. That explains a lot. I’m a “a place for everything and everything in it’s place” type of person and for the past couple of weeks I’m constantly opening the wrong drawers or cabinet doors. I also have put things back in odd places and then can’t find them. Speach is effected as well. Talking has become a chore, can’t remember words, think I said something out loud but didn’t. Things are just really crazy and it feels like it’s just ramping up. Gotta just laugh at it all!

      3. Cat Eds and J. Same here. Real butterfingers! Thought I’d worn my fingers out from too much crafting. Dropped my lunch onto my front yesterday at work. Egg mayo on an oatcake gooey side down of course! Wished I had worn a yellow top. 🙄☺️

      4. I know you cats have said T wins but do you the see the Steal that is happening with ballot harvesting? In AZ, joe had 11 ppl show for his rally and T had 48 thousand. Yet Joe, that criminal wins AZ? THIS IS NOT HAPPENING? WE had WI, gone.

          1. CATS, Thank you for answering. Lots of us are floored that someone who didn’t rally, or even made sense when he talked could win 1 state let alone a red one.

      5. Well, truth be told, so have I been not-all-here for weeks/months. The spilled latte was adding insult to spaciness. On another note: I’ve named today in the U.S.-“Black Ice Wednesday” for obvious reasons. Har! Of course, despite thinking otherwise, I allowed myself to pay attention (ever so slightly) to the theatre of the absurd long run in d.c. Yikes!!! Oh well, back out into the garden. Cheers. <J

      6. Wow @J

        I had a similar thing the other day… all of the sudden I am spilling everything.

        And then @CatEds – I went to make my smoothie today and I had all the ingredients on the counter. I turned to grab the wild blueberries and they were done. Not in the freezer or the counter. So I went outside to my other Freezer to grab another bag, came in the house and the blueberries are sitting on the counter.

        This is like the 4th time something has disappeared and reappeared on me in the last 2 weeks. Feel like I’m loosing it… 🙁

        <3 kk

    2. I’m with you there J. After a thorough spring clean of cupboard under the stairs, I picked up a 10 kg bag of organic brown rice only to drop it spilling rice all over the cupboard floor and hallway. Managed to get most of it into a container, got the Hoover from upstairs to get the rest, especially all that rolled under the shelf of a tall wooden shelf couldn’t reach without taking everything off the shelves and moving heavy shelf unit by myself. Carrying Hoover up the stairs, as I reached the landing I somehow jostled the bookcase where a large agate oblisk sits on top. I watched in horror as the oblisk tumbled down the stairs in slow motion and smashed into my 4′ Quan Yin,
      (40th birthday present, 59 now). It was very loud.
      It took me several days before I could clean it up, know it is just stuff but meant a lot to me and her presence brought a measure of peace and calm into the house.
      Sun is out today (UK), had major breakthrough late last night, treating myself to baked cinnamon rolls in the oven, (shop bought), and cup of tea. Bliss

    3. today i was accident prone, knocked a few time my knee, the coffee capsule landed in my coffee and a good dozen others things today

      lately i wonder even more often where my head really is

  14. Hi Cats. As we wait patiently for the Change, curious if your comments in the past of seeing Mr. T. winning on all timelines that you saw, has now shifted with all the TJ’s, and we’re now sitting on top of potential newly materialized timelines of T losing. Not a pleasant thought, since we’re all still here navigating away from the Black Ice.

  15. Was curious about the election results and see that the PTW are stealing the election without any resistance.
    I honestly thought I was on the positive timeline…
    Something big and undeniable has to happen now, like the shift.
    Still keeping positive though.

      1. @Kamagawa

        Yes I feel you regarding picking the timeline…

        I had an impression when talking with a friend earlier. Apparently this election chaos is meant to be, it allows more people to wake up to the fraud and corruption and puts all of us on better footing ….

        I felt the landslide…. I saw the media freak and backpeddle just like they did with HRC, their games and tactics are super obvious and they are caught red handed.

        This is part of the movie…. let it play out … watch and GP&C

        I feel peace with all of it… so I know good things are coming.

        <3 kk

  16. i’m worried. on many fronts. i know what is at stake.
    i cannot listen to any talk of illusion as that i have a young fam.
    this isn’t about me. its about the next 100 years and the loved ones that will be in it.

    again, i’m worried.


  17. So besides the obvious bs on the elections… it really felt like deja’vu. HRC v T where they tried to stop reporting when the election wasn’t going their way. The movie still plays….

    But …. my dream last night was very vivid….

    I was travelling, it was a long journey and I was looking after a young girl. It seems I was escorting / protecting her during the journey. The first part of the journey seemed dark and difficult. I sensed danger and was worried about the girl with me. We arrive and I am at a desk with a woman who is giving me a paper asking for a large number of credits(?) (Felt like over 10k)for the trip. I gave her what she asked to cover me and the girl, and we went through.

    Something on the second part of the trip which was not quite as long but also a difficult leg of the trip, the girl and I got separated. She made choices and I could no longer protect her. I remember crying when I got to the desk this time with the same woman giving me a paper with a smaller number of credits needed. ( Felt like 8k)I felt loss, upset, it felt like she died (?) and I was inconsolable. The woman then reminded me… there was a little girl off to the side trying to get my attention. She was trying to travel with me the rest of the trip. I was hesitant at first, but the woman at the desk pointed out her aura color, which was pink, and something about it felt like…. Ok, she goes with me.

    We got on and traveled very briefly this last part. I went to the desk and the same woman gave me the paper for the credits and it was super cheap. (40 credits this time). The girl made it safely and we parted company.

    When I woke up I was exhausted and I could completely remember vividly the whole experience. It seems I am doing spirit work in my dream time… and waking up tired.

    I have things I think this specifically means…. but I thought it may be of interest to others.

    <3 kk

  18. today since long ago i have slight headaches again, sounds returning, logic i have to go to bed at a good time and hope for a good night sleep

    yesterday i saw a nearly complete circle of a cloud whatever in the sky, if it showed up a heart shape and the sun in the middle i would have an outburst of emotions in the bus, emphasis on the IF

  19. It is very sad what a PTW trying to do with US election…How long are they going to get away with everything bad they do to humanity?!… 🙁
    What could we do to help to American people to get a fair voting calculation and support if we are not in America?…

    I wish patience and courage to all American people.
    I hope we all are now in a strong hands of SOURCE!…



    1. Thank you so much, June! Laurie Ladd’s videos were so helpful today…she had a couple of particularly pertinent ones. They were _Very_ useful in helping a lady I work for calm down about the election…the trigger one was such a blessing in that moment (it helped me stay calm & not take it personally, but rather hold a space of love for her so she could work through her anger). I’ve just avoided all media and haven’t talked much about it today…just sending out love to everyone. 2020 Year of the Mirror. Keeping Egrets & their wise words in mind! 🤗🕊️🌈💞🏵️✨ And being grateful for cute cat videos posted by lovely lilies…profound gratitude for you all radiates out through the ethers!
      Go Epic Love Team!!!
      Rockin’ it in the free world! 😉

  20. My god, what a day.. I generally don’t get upset these days too easily, but nearly succumbed to self pity. Managed to pull myself out of it just… and re focus on the outside myself and others. If this is a taste of things to come this will be an intense time ahead. Breathing but slightly battered. I know the election results were never going to be a clear cut moment of sanity reset, quite the reverse, but I do feel we have rocky times ahead.. I hope we can find others to be there with us on this journey. ❤️

  21. I’m not surprised the democrats are trying to steal this election. This is not going to be pretty, no matter what way it goes. It looks like Trump might lose this election. What are your thoughts?

    1. All’s Cool! The whole corrupt system Is being exposed, for Removal. They Must show All! Sooo, Calming Light pours of Faith for All. Peace.

    2. He will win. He actually already won in a landslide, but the media is in cahoots with the Dark. Talk about going down with the ship. Oh, well. Did you really need to see CNN ever again? This is why we were telling everyone to remain calm, and patient. Try to infuse these two qualities into everyone you come in contact with. Calm and patiently rational.

      < CAT Eds.

      1. Thanks, I knew the media were going to try create as much confusion as possible about who won. Surprisingly, Fox News showed their true colours by calling a Biden win prematurely in Arizona, and a lot of people caught on to them trying to deceive people. No news network can ever be trusted, hopefully people will understand this when the cabal are exposed for rigging the election.

      2. our tv chain is not cnn and that style but terra tv, what is on it? all that makes us laugh dance, be happy and so on

  22. Re: the US election…I did a tarot reading on both Trump and Biden’s prospects a few days ago. It showed Biden losing in the final analysis, and Trump winning the electoral college through hardball legal maneuvers but losing the popular vote.

    I don’t know if this reading is correct, or if the recent timeline jump has changed all this. However, the contest is not over until the legal wrangling is through. Trump prepared a legal team ahead of time for just this potential outcome. He is a fighter and will not give up easily, unlike Al Gore in the last contested election. So don’t give up hope yet!

  23. I have to laugh while I still can, as I picked this week to stop my hormone replacement therapy.
    If the demonrats steal this election it may be a long way around for humanity to get back on an optimal timeline. I have to trust that Source has this too. Cay

  24. Not sure if the energies are “grinding me up” this afternoon, but something was kicking my virtual butt – painful contraction of a singular neck muscle would **not** let up for several hours (unresponsive to the usual NSAID / water-by-the-gallons / etc.), finally let go about 20 minutes ago. It occurs that I did forget to speak to AA Raphael – Jeez! Hope everyone else is doing well, and that I’m the only one whining…

  25. I am relieved to read your recent comments! I sensed that whatever this last TLJ did was to put the most stress on the populace in order to initiate a great unveiling of the Truth.
    I spent last night listening to angelic music and not watching the election returns My Muggle yelled results to me off and on and I did a short online check before bed, finally starting my last meditation around 2 am. I became very warm and had to put on a fan, feeling cooked. We’d already had snow on Halloween, so it was strange to throw off the covers and need the fan. I awoke around 7 am and I saw a news update and was rather shocked at the results. When I came down, exhausted, to begin the day I felt very spacey and groggy, tripped, spilled coffee and felt that my concentration was phasing in and out and was seeing light auras around the fringes of my vision. I have never experienced that before. I had to TTMB before noon and fell into a very deep sleep, which is not normal for me, only to awaken at 4 pm. I had a most vivid dream which I will not describe here now for the sake of brevity. Maybe tomorrow, since I’d like to have an interpretation. This evening I had to watch some Black Ice updates while eating dinner. The dire news seems to be turning.
    So, will we still be getting some sort of “Announcement” to precipitate the shift?
    Trusting in Source, <3 Laura

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