Time to practice… Super Terrestrial Patience!

You ain’t seen nothin’ yet. And you think we’re kidding. Stay Calm and Patient.

The Light wins and the Dark will be revealed. Mr. T already won in a landslide, and this truth will come out, and the Dark will expose themselves in the process. STS(Service to Self)’s achilles heel is wishful thinking, and overconfident assumption. They can’t help it. In the meantime, focus on your highest ideas of where you want to be and what you want to be doing — in a Service to Others (STO) light — and in the meantime, be the calm chewy center. Be sure to G+P+C+Breathe. A lot.

There will be no sliding back in Ascension, so focus on The Positive. We’ll get through this. This is literally an ELECTION — by you. What do you elect to do? Black Ice or SOURCE? Same old question. Love, compassion, empathy… and the Space Police… and the SF… and the Archangels… are all here to keep an eye on things. If you feel yourself slipping on the ice, put your attention elsewhere. Zoom. Anchor the frequency of the new reality.

STP: The eRaser’s Edge.


Important note from the M’s:

Anchoring the frequency of a new reality is not exactly what you are in fact doing by being the calm chewy STP center at this stage — it’s more a choosing.

THIS is the time to choose SOURCE over Justice in meditation.


We’re currently in a timeline jump.


Another heads-up. Right now, ET activity is higher than it’s ever been on earth. Be sure to keep an eye on the skies. We saw four different craft in four minutes last night (one of which was of course the idiot TWBs, eyeroll). Some CATs also got roasted by portal energy last night, in advance of what’s to come; part of an upgrade experiment we’re doing for future missions. Ow.

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54 thoughts on “STP ~ [UPDATE3]

  1. Buckle up! The ride is just starting….

    STP -> Source

    <3 kk

  2. Hallelujah! Make it so! Love. Check. Compassion. Check. Empathy I’ve got –almost to a fault! Patience. Needs work, but I’ll get there.
    I’d just posted on the previous thread when I saw this. I’ll ask you about my vivid dream later. We are ONE! <3 <3 <3

  3. I am praying!.praying like the wind! And funny thing is, inside I may be feeling freaked, but all my friends and family, I’m offering very calm and rational reasoning for them to remain calm. I also say stop watching, fox, cnn, msnbc, abc, NBC all news, they are complicit! My physical therapist even asked me advice on what’s happening! I told him the same thing. Made him feel better. Now I’m working on taking my own advice. I did stop watching news. Lol

    1. I so agree with you sweetheart. Nothing gets into my energy field now. No news from any quadrant of the media circus is allowed into my living space! hahaha… Until Mr T sorts it once and for all, that’s how it remains. Love and hugs, Jay xxx

    2. television is hypnotic i don t watch television for most of the time for years as it gives me nothing of value, however passing a televison where there is something the push is to see what is there and to hear it

      beware on backfalls but the only bed to fall in is the softness of source

  4. That last image with the white cat and racetrack is the best thing I have seen all day…and thanks for the reminder post.

    1. Soo, the white Cat is the support for the rainbow Bridge? Cool. Peace

  5. Election Makes sense now. This is the justice timeline. Thanks for the heads-up.

    Going to focus my meditations on skipping the drama and going straight to the SOURCE timeline.

  6. ****THIS is the time to choose SOURCE over Justice in meditation.****

    thank you for this important reminder Cat’s!
    It is crucial to stay calm now because it is all BLACK ICE

    I wish all my friends the best mood ever, love and patience and faith

    Love Alnilam ❤️🌟❤️

  7. Just wanted to drop by and say hi.

    1. Stefan ❤️ So good to hear from you, it’s been a loooong time! Hope you’re okay?

      Much Love 🙏❤️🙏

      1. I’m excellent thank you Lily.
        Hope you and Elsie are doing fine as well. ♡

    1. OMG! Look at these beautiful babies! ❤️❤️❤️
      Thank you for sharing! 🙂


  8. Ahhhh! Youse CATS and Ms— You so sweet and reassuring. I had to laugh at myself for being (shall we say slightly irritable) Wednesday. I kept saying “beware the dreaded Black Ice” to myself (oh, that’s right, I said something about it in the previous post- – -Har! ) Anyway, I think I got it. Will go back to the important work of finishing planting the last of the bulbs in the morning. I’m writing this at this late hour because the power just came back on after a 7 hour outage. Winds of change wind storm last night. WE’VE got this!!!

  9. Cats, Ms, AM, all others involved in this – so much more than a – blog, I want to sincerely thank you. In so many ways you, and all the commenters, have helped me over the last couple of years. All my life I’ve been a “justice” kind of guy. Every relationship I’ve been in I was the Scully to her Mulder. Trusting only the analytical side of the brain.

    After suffering through some emotional trauma I changed. I began searching for meaning in life; in existence. I opened myself to strange, to me, possibilities and found that they made sense. It’s hard to explain this but I think of myself now as the Mulder in the relationship I’m currently in.

    Anyway, up until a few weeks ago I was fervently supporting MrT. Not outwardly so much but in my heart. I truly saw what he was doing as the best hope for a better future for all of us.

    Lately I’ve noticed that I wasn’t getting stressed about the election; that it wasn’t such a worry for me. I didn’t really doubt that he would win. I found I didn’t even think about it as often as I thought I would. it just seemed to matter less and less. I focused on what I thought of as a bigger picture. I.e. what was happening to the human race. And that filled me with joy and excitement.

    I’m trying to pull myself out of the bog of so-called reality (though I’m forced to wade into it every working day) and scrape off the gunk. And it feels like it’s getting easier each day. I’m making an effort to not offer help or advice unless it’s asked for. I do believe that each person has their own path to travel with their own choices to make. I’m worried that the black ice is still surrounding me but if it is, it doesn’t seem to touch me as much as it has in the past.

    I want to thank all of you from my heart and soul for helping me be the person that I want to be. I’ve got a long way to go, I feel, but I’ll get there. I love you all.

  10. Ouch, needing to GPC a whole lot at the moment!

    Trying to distract myself and Elsie from all the chaos and lockdowns with making our home lovely. Have built two flat pack cupboards and am in the process of putting a new smaller fish tank up too ☺️

    Elsie loves her new bed and is currently snuggled there with her Furchester Hotel game on her iPad ( a bit like the muppets) Cookie Monster is her favourite and mine lol! Huge, HUGE gratitude for the bed 🙏🙏🙏 So lovely to see Elsie smiling at bedtime and snuggling down ☺️

    All is well, just need to spend more time in meditation now….

    Love to ALL ❤️🙏❤️

    1. Lily. I was wondering today whether you had Elsie’s new bed yet. That is the best news ☺️ I’m so pleased she likes it.💖💖💖

      1. Newlynn ❤️ Yes, so grateful to everyone who has helped us in whatever capacity that may have been and so, so happy to see Elsie happy!

        We are over the…..Sun & Rainbow!

        Lots of Love & Hugs ❤️☀️🌈☀️❤️

  11. Make It So!

    My dream last week was confirmed by the ‘results’ on 3rd Nov. Doesn’t phase me one bit. I am totally focusing on Source now. I love the pics, CATs – they are so funny.

    Yesterday I was informed by FB that I can no longer post (for 30 days) but my account is still there. I went to deactivate it today as I’m done with the old energy and negativity of the place.

    Big Love to all… I can’t find many words today… feeling exhausted!

    Jay from the Heart xxx

  12. I feel it’s time to ‘un~buckle’ at this point..don’t be pinned in ..restrained..held captive…freedom to be all you want to be…fly

  13. Made me think of this cats and domino video:

    … just sit back and watch the show patiently through to the end and we’ll be rewarded. It’s been carefully, painstakingly crafted for our enjoyment.
    Even though the kitten in me wants to come out and knock all that sh** down!! lol

  14. Source IS universal law. From my perspective it is not possible to separate Source from the JUSTICE required to cleanse the Swamp.

    Totally LOVE the cat racer on the window sill. Ready. Set. GO!

  15. Hi Cats & All – yesterday was a very cranky day all in all, until it ended. The crankiness that is. I had the undeniable feeling that the Pause was good and set. In turbulent seas at that.
    And today, that has lifted. So we shall see what the rest of this week brings, but I’m feeling forward motion again. Mercury aside, things seem to have resolved. Determined. Happy everything. Love, Angela

  16. Yes!! Yesterday chose to take the long trip to Town (50+ min. drive) to exchange the new toaster that didn’t work. Mostly in order to not be in a state re events. On this very rural drive i did my GPC and breathed in Source, and just sent love everywhere. Boy was that the right thing to do. 😉 Thanks to Source, Bro J, Spirit Team, I was able to really get it. Once back home, after a peek on alt “news” my main recourse was listening to ocean sounds courtesy of Monterey Bay live cam, which featured humpback whale sounds (no vid tho, darn). And later, Yellow Rose. Then, the first good night’s sleep in a while. 😮

    Love and Light to All


  17. Thanks for the reminder that Source is the choice for grounding new Earth rather than justice. I suspect truth will also be necessary for all to be revealed. Breathe. Cay

  18. Thank you for sharing about ” Some CATs also got roasted by portal energy last night, in advance of what’s to come; part of an upgrade experiment we’re doing for future missions. Ow.”
    Two nights ago, I felt like I got a blast of a type of microwave. All my skin and face turned a deep red purple like I got blasted with a wave of some kind. Again, thank you for the validation and the greater understanding! 💖💖🙏

  19. My inner timeline gauge is finally up and running. I’ve had the same physical response to the last three jumps. I call it DSS. Drunken Sailor Syndrome. Like trying to walk on a rocking boat, on rough seas, after drinking too much ale!

    1. I had it yesterday evening the DSS. Drunken Sailor Syndrome!

      love Alnilam 💖🙏 💖

  20. My, my, my, my,my! Whatta storm last night. 2 1/4 inches of torrential rains, hundreds of power outages,trees crashing all around. We had no damage. All is well! Lisa, BTW has had no voice for 3 days. Rescheduled towards month’s end. I suspect Texas is a much better fit for her than Virginia was. That location never felt right to me, but it was her decision for her experience. Back out into the garden tomorrow since the rains are supposed to abate for 3 days. NoCal is due for this storm to travel down there tomorrow. Enjoy! <J

  21. thank you Cat’s for the excellent reminder again

    I had a session with Edina, she is awsome and in contact with
    light beings. She lived two years in Antarctica (south Chile-Patagonia) to become in contact and incorporate the beings. They have no name and no form.
    I by myself call them the Elohim.

    Edina told me yesterday, that I am ready for ascension to 90 %
    wow! That’s good news.

    This night I had a dream about an hotel (second dream about hotel- meanin is temporary home) The hotel in entrance and first floor very nice, but upstairs and the highes floor old and ugly floor, overcroudet… I wanted a book to read, but all was allready taken. The rooms full of people. ( I guess waiting for the SHIFT )

    Love Alnilam 💖🙏 💖

    1. 🌎🌈💜🔥 wow the water dragons arrived 🌎🌈💜🔥
      we have rain, yesterday I did a thank you to the skiyes and heavens, to the water ellementals and this night the water dragons arrived.

      Edina told me that my husband and me, we are allready in 5 D bubble
      and this is what it seems. My rabbit comes every day to pick up his carrot since April. My great teacher who showed me to not dive into the rabbit whole. It is all an illusion, it’s truly is!

      I wish all my friends the calm inside and the faith that light wins….allways 🌎🌈💜🔥

      Love Alnilam 🌎🌈💜

    1. Would love to watch but it’s not available, lovely 🙁 On top of which I’ve been RESTRICTED FOR 30 DAYS on FB on account of doing something I know nothing about. Must have put too much love and light out there, eh? hee hee xxx

      (FB-eye) 😉 xxx

  22. saw a round thing the double of the size of venus in the sky behaving like a far distant sun with a lot of turbulence in the atmosphere, it move so i thought come nearer, after i had a bit of a strange vision for a short time and gone

    can be anything to nothing and like most of the time, looking a second in an other direction and gone

    experience noted

  23. One thing that’s held true for me, if you guys can stop watching the news and being obsessed with checking Twitter, you will find yourself in a great mood! Trust it’s all going to work out. We all know T won. Just a fact. Go on about your day and enjoy.

  24. I just watched a Charlie Ward video on Youtube sent to me by my friend… he says that Mr T has 100% won by a landslide victory and that the QVS (Quantum Voting System) was put into place as a ‘sting’ operation to verify the fraudulent votes. ‘Q’ put out a message some time ago saying ‘watch the water’… and it seemed as if the dam in China was going to burst, so all eyes were on that. But… it turns out that the votes by mail had a special WATERMARK embedded. That is how they detected the fraudulent ones! Clever beyond clever, if all this is true! XXX Feeling buzzed, tired and last night unable to sleep but my heart is light! XXX Love all around xxx
    Jay xxx

  25. I looked elsewhere on the blog but could not find the answer. What does a timeliness jump feel like?

    I am also wondering what is meant by Ms and Cats.

  26. Read through the glossary. It will help tremendously! Welcome to the site!

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