809: Thoughts on Meditation

Some thoughts on meditation.

CATs spend a lot of time meditating, but not as much as you think. Each instance is always a little different, as Wave-X energy and… well, LIFE… exert various forces. (NOTE: One can only meditate while your cat is well-fed.) Anyway, here are some things we’ve noticed, lately:

  • Interestingly, CATs don’t “meditate’ anymore, we commune. Traditional meditation is too “Godless” for CATs (we are STO CATs of SOURCE, after all)… yet prayer is ostensibly too needy for our tastes. There’s a necessary distinction between MEDITATION, PRAYER, and COMMUNING. Brother J used to commune with the Holy Spirit (or HS, the HS being J’s bridge to SOURCE; J has since been acting as bridge for all of us). No, that doesn’t make us communists.
  • Untenable segues aside, words are annoying. They fail us constantly as we try to find our way “closer” (in our minds, and illustrated with language) to SOURCE… while we are technically WITH GOD right now, asleep, self-incarcerated inside a little cell of our own making, thinking we are separate. Meditation helps break down those illusory walls. We are all part of the Son-ship, individual atoms of an enormous finite Extension of Infinite SOURCE. Anyone who tells you different is selling something. That said, we don’t like bugging God for specific things in prayer, which we find old-fashioned — and frankly, kinda weak. We are not weak. We are Sons of God. (Overlook the whole gender thing, please, it’s so juvenile.) Instead, we place everything in God’s hands and leave it at that. If you trust in God/SOURCE, then you have nothing to worry about. Besides the near-constant healing of all our minds, we basically need nothing but occasional guidance, for the most part. A good, illusory cappuccino helps sometimes, too.
  • CATs have realized that for the most part, less is more. We meditate deeply for 10-30 minutes, sometimes going an hour if there’s time (because it feels good), sometimes going to five minutes when there’s no time. We have also been practicing our “walking meditations,” and especially our “driving meditations.” Giving your drive/your commute to Brother J is huge. And driving from Point A to Point B without getting angry at other drivers is the Final Frontier. (~AM recently went on a long drive, for a complex set of erands, and was mindful the entire time… until the last turn for home when he snapped at someone! Men have more of a problem with this than women, we think. ~AM is for intents and purposes a full-fledged ANGEL now, but still terms himself an “AIT — Angel in Training,” because of little lapses like the driving example. The path to salvation is as a razor’s edge…)
  • Some asked about guided meditations. CATs dislike guided meditations, which is why we don’t offer them. There are a lot of them online, but… so many people and so many institutions have been corrupted and are untrustworthy that we’ve learned to do it ourselves. (Some meditations online have weird subliminals inserted. No, thank you.) Bottom line: Eliminate the middleman. The newest CAT meditation guide update is what we all do, now. It’s just God, Brother J/Holy Spirit, and you. New age types have to use ETs and “Ascended Masters” and channeled voices from who knows where. It’s become an intentional distraction. To forgive means “to overlook.” It doesn’t matter, so let it go. Overlook the Event. Overlook the ‘Justice phase.’ Overlook and sidestep the various “deep-dive rabbit holes.” Overlook fake elections and fake government and fake UFO invasions. Overlook it all and spend time with SOURCE.
  • ~AM and the M’s have noticed a change in their communing lately, and brought it to the rest of us. When we first started grounding to SOURCE, we noticed that the grounding connection went to what used to be termed our “3rd chakra.” (Technically, we have no chakras; we’d say that we have a “light body,” but we don’t even have that, except in the Illusion.) From now on, when we say “chakra,” we’re just talking about a general location. Anyway, after communing with SOURCE more and more, that grounding point/connection has moved UP, closer to what used to be our 4th chakra — but not at our 4th chakra. Also, since we give our minds and will to God/SOURCE, those points (kinda in our third-eye chakra) are also migrating to what used to be the heart chakra. (“Will” is kinda like a greek lambda, or an ‘A’ without the crossbar, located between the heart and the mind. English schools used to teach something similar when they’d say “minds on point!” which means using will and mind together — with your mind as the cross bar of the ‘A’ and the lambda arms compressed together.) What we’re trying to get at here is that all these points are gradually coming together in the middle.
  • For the more advanced among you… once you reach a certain “level” (though there are no levels) and you become more and more like Brother J, you begin to realize that you are communing with the Holy Spirit, as J did. What is little understood is that Brother J has actually moved back totally into SOURCE… and the Holy Spirit has taken the place of Brother J. No one has ever returned from SOURCE — they don’t want to. So, the HS has kindly stepped into that role, acting as a “Brother J interface.” (Again, please note that the HS is Our Memory of SOURCE, a Memory so complete and WHOLE that It basically IS SOURCE. That Memory has been with us throughout the past 14B years of self-confinement. But those who meditate are starting to change things for the better. But until you’re closer to the HS, it’s best to aspire to a connection with Brother J. We don’t know why this is different, it just is.) Bottom line: The universe’s days are numbered.

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