PSSST: The LHC is Officially Haunted [UPDATED]

Just too good not to share. According to Simon Parkes (with confirmations from the Meowracles) the folks running the Large Hoobah Collider inadvertently opened a tiny portal and let some entity in (we think it’s good), and now it’s camped out in one of the LHC’s two rings and it won’t come out! Basically, the LHC is officially haunted. Good luck bending scientist minds around that one. CERN’s LHC will never work right again… but that’s ok for all the workers, since all the repairs will be very long and costly, and there are lots of sucker countries to pay for ’em: Golden Boondoggle Core ACHIEVED. Da-da’s agreed to take a team in there to relocate the being (he’s done it many times before), but only if they turn the LHC into a mall. The boo and the hoo meet, and have a glass of schadenfreude in an elevator going UP.

Technically, the above came about when the Meowracles “cat-clawed” the ring with extreme prejudice.

UPDATE 6-15-16: Well, this stupid thing is back up again, forcing down the neutron count — yet, the Schumann Resonance, and the huge influx of energy we’re all feeling, is actually building, much stronger than it was before. At least that’s our experience. ERs all over must be swamped with people coming in with odd symptoms, all caused by Wave X energy. If we didn’t know the cause of this, it would probably have driven us all mad by now. Looks like many of us are past the Event Horizon of the LHC, having risen above it enough vibrationally that its affects are lessened; small crystals in pockets also help a lot. 

UPDATE 7-29-16: A recent double flare from the sun damaged the LHC. The next one will finish it off. 

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16 thoughts on “PSSST: The LHC is Officially Haunted [UPDATED]

  1. “Da-da's agreed to take a team in there to relocate the being (he's done it many times before), but only if they turn the LHC into a mall.”Dada has an agreement with the “they” at the LHC? Or with the being itself? Sorry, I'm missing something. Those at the LHC wouldn't agree to Dada's terms whatsoever, would they?Thanks CATS! Yep, schadenfreuding all day long.

  2. Yeah, that was a total language failure there. 'THEY' would be CERN, but Da-da has no connections there, I was just being funny. CERN scientists would never admit/understand they had “entity issues.”-CAT4

  3. Gotcha! And suddenly the Ghost Busters song started playing in my head. So Cern has their very own Montaulk Monster. Does the entity have a name?

  4. Thanks for the tip, Da-da can you recommend any brand since the Spirulina brands I have seen are from California or Hawaii both in Fukushima's way. Thanks again and lets hang in there in this ascension !

  5. Hm. I've been using either Whole Foods or Trader Joe's spirulina. Now I'm wondering where they source their stuff. Anyone else have any info on “clean” brands?

  6. These two links are about Hawaiian spirulina (claiming it radiation free): is Taiwanese spirulina Claiming to be clean: is claiming that Taiwanese Spiulina is the best and also some Ecuadorian and Indian Sprulina them out.

  7. There are other plans for the collider. Isnt and 'open portal' a bit of an assumption? Are we just verifying for them what theyve already been hinting at? Are we that gullible? Are we just 'mocking' the sounds coming out of thier CIA information channels? Fact is theres LOTS AND LOTS of things around that dont need that and may show up just cause theyre curious. No thank you. There are some anyway who no better than that.

  8. Unlike other sites, this one does not tote about mere alphabetic puppetmaster assumptions before the automata; we post *knowledge*, unless stipulated otherwise. Many of us are quite accomplished at what we do and have direct supernormal experiences, which we sometimes report when it makes sense. It is not well known that direct experience leads to KNOWING, gnosis, a.k.a. “knowledge.” It doesn't matter if we're verifying anything for CERN, or their masters (who are either in full flight or packing their bags): the latter are toast, as they say, unless they'd like to accept that Invitation to the Light. Their other plans have been relegated to sound and fury.There are indeed some who know better. They work here free of charge. If we offend, then you need not read us any longer.~Meowracle 2

  9. Big time energy today (EST) – my ears are ringing as I type. How is everyone feeling? Go team!

  10. Tell me about it. I don't know when I was last allowed to sleep through the night. LAst night, the energy got so strong that i had to sleep with crystals on me, at each chakra; the big chunk of amethyst over my heart chakra was easily 120 degrees when i took it off. amethyst is supposedly good for ameliorating Wave X symptoms. I can vouch for that. A pity the nice pieces are always so pricey.-CAT4

  11. Same here. Good grief. Fatigue, headaches, weird pains. My heart's been racing all over the place. I asked [my src], “How much longer?” and heard: “The energy will be building and getting stronger for some time. Hang on!” -CAT3

  12. (as per American Kabuki)…Till the event… sometime each day, use love and light to think to yourself: “TURN OFF THE JOY KILLING MACHINES.” Imagine a being switching it OFF. This will help a lot.~CAT2

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