Mixed Bag Observations [UPDATE8]

Whoosh. There goes summer?

Some observations on current events:

1. Leaves on trees in N. America are already starting to turn, beginning around June 1st in N. America, just as they did the last five years. An early fall in the N. Hemisphere is in the offing, and since it’s not really stopped snowing in some places… well, you do the math.


2. Besides Schumann Resonance WHOMPS (like the one above)… and painfully intense ones like this one from early Sunday morning, 6/19/16

…not to mention freak lightning strikes from an upper atmosphere that’s crackling with huge amounts of energy, it should come as no surprise that local magnetic fields are also going crazy. Two CATs have (analog) TriField Meters (Model 100XE) and have noted sudden spikes of up to 4 milligauss — as well as Z-axis (positive- and negative-value) field fluctuations.

Unfortunately, we’ve noticed that we can feel this magnetic and Schumannic phlogiston coming and going, resulting in increased heart rates and blood pressure, followed by sudden drops in both, not to mention weird temperature swings and tendencies toward run-on sentences.

3. Cosmic radiation (neutrons counts) are plunging, though this could be artificially suppressed by recent LHC activity.

Sprites over Oklahoma.

4. And finally, something big is brewing in Oklahoma. We expect something to happen there, soon. No loss of life, per se, but something serious (and natural) is building. Earthquake? Mass Prairie Dog Attack? Anything’s possible. It’s our hunch that this could be a precursor to the actual EVENT.

5. Anyone else having dreams about looking expectantly at the sky? Or seeing lights/things in the sky? 

6. Aha. We have just been told that there a “time-space restriction” has been placed around the time/date of the event, keeping any beings with that capability from traveling to that exact instant to see what happens. THAT’S why beings (mostly higher vibrationals whom we cannot see) have been arriving in scores to get ring-side seats: like us, they too aren’t allowed to know the exact time and date. We were also told to meditate more, to increase vibration. You can achieve higher vibration FASTER if you envision yourself in the future as a higher vibrational. Manifestation, basically. 

7. All is very well

8. WHAT is it with the incense-scented breeze at night being reported here and there??

9. One of the CATs reported seeing a BIG “shooting star” in the West above N. CA. It was white and appeared regular, “like a Tic-Tac,” streaking at a 30-degree angle. No explosion. UPDATE: it was a shootdown. One CAT said: “They look like ETs from the moon, but I couldn’t see their faces.” The craft went down in the Pacific and the military recovered it off the coast of Pt. Reyes.

10. Hm. Past two days, THREE of the CATs — East Coast and West Coast — saw pairs of F-15 fighter jets on patrol, some with full armament,” flying low. One MEOWRACLE said: “Something is going on.  I saw 2 fighter jets flying low on my walk today.  We’ve also been chem free for a few days, and then the spraying started again today… something is going to happen and I can’t see what exactly.” One CAT wondered if the chemjets have been threatened with shoot-down by one faction of the military. 

11. Wow. Between 10:15 and midnight… watch the skies, high up. Two CATs had a massive UFO show to the north Sunday night (6/26). Watch carefully and be patient. They look like stars, then WHOOSH! Flashing, sparkling. One huge one brightened up such that it was brighter than Jupiter before fading.

12. Sadly, the whole FBI-declaring-crime-ok thing has convinced those aircrews who were on the fence to return to spraying as of 7-8-16 in most areas. Maybe they were just on vacation. Either way, there will be hell to pay after The Event.

And that’s it. Now, can someone please airlift this dog off me?

Not all pressure can be put off on The Event.

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33 thoughts on “Mixed Bag Observations [UPDATE8]

  1. This is just about the cutest picture I've ever seen. Is this perhaps a “Law of Attraction” in action? Or is this what happens when an Unstoppable Force meets an Immovable Object? If only I had been able to muster that look of innocence on my own face I might not have gotten into so much trouble in my life. LOL

  2. The new fifth point just strikes me. That what one of the “scene” i played in one of my dream this friday (i think)… looking the night and clear sky and see two stars moving like one was a satelite to other one… which in my dream, i concluded it was not stars but objects. I see often movings things high in the sky in my most vivid dreams. Often very briefly, but enough to keep an important “moment” in the dream. Never know the meanings… And that one dream where i see the full moon in the day, moving fastly from the horizon to the top of the sky. The gravity disappears and i try to catch my brother lost in the weightlessness in the garden and all come back to normal quickly… this dream was so clear…

  3. I've seen stars “transform” into moving objects three times this past week. I was looking at Jupiter and noticed one star start moving UUUUP… till it passed jupiter, then began heading to the East before it vanished. Had to be enormous. Best viewing times seem to be between 10 pm and 12 am, on Wednesdays and Saturdays — and on other days as well, but those are the best times for whatever reason (thank you, John Keel).-Da-da

  4. I have had “visions” of weightlessness, all of a sudden, people, things floating up. Also, the shutdown of all electronics via an electromagnetic pulse. From the silence that occurs after, you hear how noisy it is normally.

  5. Come for the articles, stay for the gifs and pics; that made me laugh. Thanks for the updates. In my meditations, I keep getting “rotated”. I like to send helaing to Gaia, and the one day I had to open my eyes to make sure my chair wasn't spinning. Every meditation lately involves being spun around or rotated – any ideas? Am I feeling Gaia shifting?? It's when I connect to the earth or send healing. It's a new sensation.

  6. I back from one of your staff who said in the previous comment post section that the Event will start when adults will all dream the same thing. One of my most intense dream was a celebration day, like big official ceremony, where 6 or 8 (blured in my memories)women on military uniform (all different style, army section) brought a giant letter to a stage, which they hang horizontally like a flag. It is a very happy moment, feast, everybody are smiling and screaming of joy. I saw my elder sister, her partner and their two children (which is my closest loved kids) full of joy and a female voice in the background (very familar to me but impossible to put a face on it) said to me: “to be aware of what the children will see in their dream”. so ? Link with yours ?

  7. Hi and good day sir…Would a possible reaction to these energies be a feeling like one is “tripping balls”…. Was warned by the I Ching that I should probably not leave the house until it passes. Having some visual distortions as well. And me not having anything stronger than a cup of tea this morning. Don't think I am having a neurological episode murp……

  8. We've all had this several times, already. Totally normal.-CAT3

  9. Mystic dreams start to show this days. Last wednesday : ” I was starring at the day sky in the garden. The clouds had a rounded pasters shape, spreaded like a grid. I remembered to ask myself if it was natural or man-made (look like chemtrail). Suddenly appeared a bright and thick white fog (not the usual grey tone) all over the place. Waves of white/silver/platinum color crossing it, and when things and myself were into them, our skin/layers color changed to the hue of the waves. I checked the house to see if my sister was okay. I remembered to talked with her about the ETs out there. She asked me how many they are. I answered there is more than 1 species who wait for us, around 180.” I often see strange cloud formations before things happen in my dreams. And this number 180 which comes straight about the number of ETs species….

  10. Thanks for the link. Stunning readings from Andrew B. about the 4 step of the event… the first step seems to synch with my dream about the children's dream ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ok6QXaNg_gYOther dream came yesterday night about a strange little red light in heavy overcast sky and suddendly appeared the big symbol of the “tree of life” in a strange blue sky. I screamed to my older brother that i saw this right now, but not him, even if he remembered something like this. I tried to help him to see it by put my right hand on the back of his head, which help him. The tree fade away in the horizon, at my, and a big hand with a bow appeared at my right on the sky. Though at first it was a Thor/Odin representation in the star sky, but the bow made me wonder. While the whole big body of the bowman shown itself, i smaller nordic woman (warrior nordic gear like) was by his side and planted trees around the shape of horizon, and right above my house… all this characters felt nordic. The tree is an universal symbol of wisdom, spirituality and rebirth, so ?Dreams start to be crazy lately… not all, but the rate of this epic dreams accelerates.

  11. So happy for the updates – thank you!Does anyone see “trails” off cars and people as they go by in their peripheral vision? To me it looks like a cars exhaust, but it comes off the top not the bottom of cars and people. Could this be anything to do with chemtrails and reflective particles? I did have vision years ago but mostly lost it. I could see the matrix at night when I woke up to go downstairs or I would see writing or images on the walls, Greeny blue colour. But I don't think that's whats happening with the cars. Anyone else?

  12. Huh. That's a new one on me. Anyone else?Wait… I HAVE seen that greeny-blue writing, symbols i didn't recognise. I've also seen it while sitting in the sun (thru closed eyes, o'course), but the writing was golden.-CAT3

  13. I thought it was just me, or I was crazy. It's one of 2 things for me, either what seems like an afterimage of any given object as long as there's a physical outline; and then sometimes it's like a swathe of light in someone's wake.

  14. OH MY GOD YES – I literally thought I was crazy. I started seeing the “trails” about a year ago and have never mentioned it to anyone, until I just read your comment.How wild.

  15. YES! Thank you! When someone/thing is passing me, it's typically a dark afterimage – even when I'm driving down the highway, I see black coming off the tops of trees, but only when there's motion; if I'm standing still, looking at a tree, I don't see it. I don't think of a tree's aura as being black and smokey so I wasn't sure what I was seeing.

  16. Your “trails” make me think of the movie, Donnie Darko. I never could figure out what those weird tunnel-y things were all about.Something to do with a person's aura or life essence, or future self????The things in the movie remind me of the creature on the sea bottom in The Abyss. Hope that is the right movie, it's been a long time since I saw it.I'm very intrigued about your “trails” and what that might mean.

  17. I would like to share this. I wrote it down years ago, before I knew how to “save” things off the net. In appreciation for the Coursian Mantra, this was translated from Aramaic and is entitled,”The Original Christian Lords's Prayer” O Thou Cosmic Birther, from whom the breath of life comes Who fills all realms of sound, light and vibration May your light be experienced in my utmost holiest. Your Heavenly Domain approaches. Let Your will come true in the universe just as on earth. Give us guidance and wisdom for our daily growth, detach the fetters of faults that bind us, like we let go the guilt of others. Let us not be lost in superficial things, But let us be freed from that which keeps us from our true purpose. From You comes the all-working will, the lively strength to act, the song that beautifies and renews all from age to age Sealed in trust, faith and truth. I confirm this with my entire being. Amen

  18. (as per American Kabuki)…Till the event… sometime each day, use love and light to think to yourself:”TURN OFF THE JOY KILLING MACHINES.”Imagine a being switching it OFF. This will help a lot.~CAT2

  19. You said that Sunday morning there were painfully intense Schumann Resonance whomps.On Sunday, all day I had this dull, persistent headache concentrated right on my crown and the area where my third eye is, and it wouldn't go away all day long. When I touched the area(s), it actually felt sore to the touch and hurt. Ever since then I haven't been able to have a good night's sleep all week, and I wake up several times a night. Could this be related to the Schumann Resonance whomps you spoke of?

  20. Yup. Same here. Note that several of us had been using crystals to ameliorate the symptoms at night… but then some of us realized that it may be better to suffer through it w/o crystals for a few WHOMPS, to see if that brought things along faster. This seemed to work. Drinking LOTS of water helps.-CAT6

  21. HEY Y'ALL!! This just in! The Event is really just All of The Universal Gambling Addicts along with their extended Selves (Us) finally giving up and going to a Gambler's “Not-Anonymous-Anymore” Rehab Meeting!! I betcha fifty bucks it's gonna be more fun than we've had in all of our lifetimes. Oooops….I don't think I have fifty bucks. I guess it was that Astral Gambling Dream I had last night 🙂 LOL http://americankabuki.blogspot.it/2016/07/the-origins-of-what-if-experimentwager.html#moreWhat's REALLY funny is this all makes sense to me. There's just gotta be an excuse for this reality and I've always felt like it might be this pathetic. It is hinted that there is just one Being involved, so I guess we're just God's Thoughts, which is what I used to think. Now the pain is so intense I can't think anymore, so I'm open to other suggestions.

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