We have a place for that.

Now that that’s over with…

The Golden Age timeline has officially begun. Let that sink in. And no, we’re not speaking politically. No schadenfreude, please. This is interesting. Trump winning was an expression of WILL and intent; it could have gone many ways. What transpired on this timeline sends a crystal clear message to… let’s call them our SuperFriends (SFs)… sends them a clear message that the majority of us want the PEACE path. (Peace is SOURCE’s natural state.)

In the meantime, our real jobs have now officially begun — that is, being calm and peaceful columns of light, beacons for folks lost in the fog of war. Some of us can actually feel the energy around us, starting to radiate. Know it, learn it, live it. Turn it on and use it, especially in public places. If people around you are exceptionally freaky, attach grounding cords to them, rooting to the center of the earth. If they’re dangerously agitated, leave them to the SFs, and SOURCE. Reassure those you can reassure that everything’s going to be okay… but know that it’s going to be BETTER than okay!

In the meantime, be good to yourselves. Bask in the calm and peace that is right now displacing all the fear and hatred. Talk about that long hard slog up a glassy vertical face without ropes you once took while you get some coffee. Have a danish. Ride a unicorn. Relaxxxx…

P. S. Yes, the title of this post was a wag at Tom Lehrer’s, “Vatican Rag.”

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38 thoughts on “2 – 4 – 6 – 8… TIME TO RECOMBOBULATE

  1. I know many people are upset, but stop for a moment and think about what my oldest boy did for the better part of yesterday (while he was home sick): he spent 5-6 hours making the Starship Enterprise out of Legos, with no plan, no directions. On the day before we stepped onto the Golden Age Timeline, he calmly searched for every perfect piece and made his own symbol of our hope for the future.Hope: Without it, we're just mass without gravity.

  2. This Golden age can't come soon enough honestly, it's shocking how childish and hateful a lot of people are after seeing the election results. I'm trying my best not to be upset at them myself.

  3. On rare occasions when caught in proximity to Earthlings, and political insanity surfaces, I deflect with humor. I simply tell them that I'm not allowed to vote because I'm not from this planet. And then I maintain a VERY insidiously serious countenance. Works every time! LOL

  4. A “Provisional Petition” has begun:http://operationdisclosure.blogspot.com/2016/11/democrats-are-attempting-to-steal.htmlI saw this on Gary Larrabee You Tube channel, but he is just reading this report. He has another insider, Kent Dunn who gives updates that are juicy. Seems Kerry's trip to Antartica was to meet with the 13 ruling bloodline families down there, to receive instructions for their next move. Previously he reported that there were two ships of cabal that tried to escape but were shot down. All were terminated. He then went into Lightworker lingo that left Gary puzzled and shocked. Don't start talking about going into 5D to a fundamentalist Christian! Most of them do have good hearts, they just need to get more updated information.

  5. I'm sorry, I love teaching and guiding, but I ADORE our comments section. I get to learn so much more! Thanks to all who share.~CAT2

  6. So how about them riots huh? Will these calm down soon? it's very hard to believe these people have anything to do with raising the vibration of the planet.

  7. Paid shills and troublemakers. Strong winds cannot blow all day, as Da-da says.-CAT5

  8. Erm, not strictly true. Have you ever partaken in a panner vindaloo washed down with dark ale? That will raise your vibrations guaranteed…

  9. All Aboard! the Recombobulation Expresshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3OFOZQ6pMGohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ePfoBCMSpUY

  10. I cannot believe you posted that picture of the girl in the grass. When I was very young (8-10 yrs.), my dad, an Army officer, was stationed in Taiwan. We lived just north of Taipei during primitive times–the mid 50's. I would wander out with rather simple tunafish sandwiches (translate as mayonnaise + tuna slabbed on two slices of white bread) and hike through the hills all day–sometimes with my sister (ten months older) and sometimes without her. On one occasion, I vividly remember lying in the grass and looking up at the sky during a day hike and seeing the huge expanse of blue sky (not chemtrailed blue) with huge puffy white clouds and, spread-eagled melting into the Earth and absolutely in love with this Earth and Sky, experienced a rapturous moment in which I was one with that sky and earth–and wondered…who was I and what was this wonderous moment?

  11. Anyone suffering from M A J O R vertigo today? Supermoon kept me awake last night too. I am literally bouncing off walls…

  12. Many of us have had vertigo off and on for the past 6 months. I would say it's an ascension symptom, but technically we're already ascended (literally waiting IN SOURCE, while SOURCE watches us slowly wake up), so… it has to do with adapting to the new energies. Lots of wall bouncing in CAT land. Also, really weird, disturbing dreams at times, too, but that's just plunging the clogs before the drapes get opened and company arrives!Prepare the Way.-CAT3

  13. Couldn't we plunge the clogs with the drapes open? Makes cleaning that much easier.-CATof9

  14. Things do seem to be frantic and weird overall. I do not feel comfortable, especially since we changed the clocks back. My kids have been super high energy and not very well behaved since then as well. But damn, all of these psychics/guides/lightworkers/channelers contantly posting stories about the event and ascension is seemingly overkill. Especially if you follow blogs and alt-“News”. How many times have they announced the RV is tomorrow or that Paul Ryan is the next president or General Dunford went to the bathroom.Are they just writing what we want to hear? What I do know is that i have less patience dealing with fake people and the games that people play in life and at work. I see through it, it seems easier now. Unfortunately, the people around me aren't seeing the same things.It is my feeling that we are not close to something big happening. It is my feeling that this all will play out slower than people want.I love you guys, just try not to get sucked into stuff.

  15. I totally agree about the RV and the Dunford and the weirdness (which is why we haven't been posting very often), but the Traveler's 12/16 “Bounce” line feels very right-on:http://anunorthodoxview.com/the-shape-of-things-to-come/We shall see. Plus, Lynn over at PsychicFocus has always said that she sees “the end” being at the time of Xmas trees.Given today's “pizzagate” news (and recent Meowracle dreams of the same), I'm ready to leave all this stuff far behind. ~CAT2

  16. excitable1,Manipulators always tell us what we want to hear. Source tells us the truth. We WANT to hear that we will be revalued, rich and free. We don't want to hear that you earned your karma, you are valued to be rich on your service to life and humanity, and you have a free will that MUST BE WEILDED WITH RESPONSIBILITY towards said life both internal and external. Of course, to many, victory over life would come from someone telling them to trade in a “Dong” for a “Dollar”! Or do they call it a Zim-job?!?! 😉

  17. According to Prime Creator, it seems the Source of Life took over all. Funny thing about the celestial and spiritual hierarchical order. SOURCE Trump's all. Prime Creator just created what was PRIME! You know, what “he” thought was positive and of the best quality for his Universal Creation. SOURCE showed him the truth through the absolute abomination that is manifest through Prime Creator's Creation. Prime Creator apparently got a PRIMER ON CREATION! “Oops… MY BAD”, he says! “There you go, SOURCE!” Gotta love the epi-God games!!!! EMBARRASSING CREATION, this IS!

  18. WE ARE THE WORLD WE ARE THE WATER (please circulate link)http://earthempaths.net/wp/2016/11/17/update-from-standing-rock-standing-strong-in-absolute-surrender/

  19. Great new post by Lynn – and we all know whats said to be under the Denver Airport.

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