Your New Home in the Trees [UPDATE 1-3-17]

Like this, but with LOTS MORE TREES.

Regardless of what others may say, everything really is happening… for some, anyway. The following might be for a few, it might be for many, we have no idea. We’re just sharing what we found, which is all we ever do. That said, M2 had an hour-long vision and it’s a doozy. A few notes:

  • What M2 described as a gynormous “Golden Event Ball” is approaching us from BENEATH (outside?) the space-time continuum (don’t ask us how that works). It’s slowed some, which is the reason it’s not here yet, we think so some folks can prepare more, mentally (not in a “prepper” way).
  • Once the “energy ball” pops up into our “reality,” we’ll all basically go through it, somehow, or it through us. (M1 saw something similar, with some people panicking.) Whatever it looks like, it’s literally SOURCE, so there’s no reason to fear it… unless fear is your middle name.
  • At this point, a number of things will happen. Basically you’ll end up where it will do you the most good. Some will take a number and sit in a big white room for 483 years, waiting for their number to be called. Yes, we’re kidding. You might go one place and stay there for a while, and if all goes well, you may then go to another place, and another… to the tune of about ten upgrades (give or take ten). If you go berzerk and don’t do well wherever you are, you’ll wind up in another place that suits you better. It’s really up to the individual.
  • The most promising of these realities has been called Terra by some. If you suddenly find yourself in a world dominated by a bazillion trees, then that’s it! It’s one place for those of a certain spiritual bent (no, not Druids). There you’ll be given a puppy and an espresso… no, that’s the DMV Dimension… for Terra, you’ll be given a headstart, foodwise, and shelter will be provided (in many cases, “familiar” shelter, like your house). Electricity will work in the houses, but don’t ask us how that works, as there are no wires; alas for those addicted to them, no electronics of any kind will work. (Read: NO TV OR INTERNET.) M2 was unsure about water, that may work too, or you’ll have to go get it from a local source. Your bodies will be changed, such that you will live longer, about 150-200 years, disease-free. Days and years will be longer, 30 hours and 400 days, respectively. So… you get to sleep in! Food plants and trees will grow twice as fast there. Each person/family will be given basic necessitites (one horse, three cows, two-to-four chickens, etc.). Seeds and farming know-how will be provided. Some stores may still be around, but will eventually empty of existing inventory and turn more into old-fashioned markets. Nothing toxic will transfer. There will be no money, just bartering. Eggs will be a big thing, as will the necessary daily collection of (ample, dead) firewood. No animals or trees are allowed to be harmed (for food, or other purposes), unless you want to find yourself in another, lower vibratory place. You will be able to converse with both (!) animals AND trees, so killing them won’t be much of a temptation. Most of our existing pets/animals will be there, albeit in “a changed way” (e.g., your cat will be skinner and more lively). There will also be NEW animals present — along with some previously extinct! M2 saw a dodo and a small (nice and peaceful) six-foot-tall T-rex! All water will be fresh and clear, available in streams and rivers and lakes. The oceans will be there, but salinity is in doubt. The terrain/land masses may be totally different. There will be no cars and no roads, no planes, but there will be boats… and the occasional ET craft. You will do a lot of walking. All people will belong to small tribes that have already been planned. It will basically be like living in the 19th Century, but with electric lights and no weapons. And global peace. People will find that they have been assigned new roles: those good with animals/horses will wrangle. Those who are natural healers will do that job. Entertainment will be provided by YOU… live. The play’s the thing. Some things that you already own, that are “desirable” for your existence, will follow you (like crystals and card games and some books). The air and water and sky and stars will be simply amazing. ETs and spirits will be there in profusion, and this will scare some people (who will refuse to leave their houses) until they understand that they’re friendly and not a threat, or they vanish to someplace else. Get used to things changing a lot (for the better). Anyone who freaks out and/or harms anyone will immediately disappear and reappear where they need to be. Those really good at musical instruments will be especially valued, as will woodworking skills, or any artisan-/craftsman-type skill the tribe can use. Those in attendance will basically all be turning Amish without the Amishness! Terra will be a peaceful and friendly Shangri-la.
  • If, after a time, you do well (mentally and spiritually) at whatever level you’re at, you may be “promoted” up the ontological ladder, or be given this choice. Families will be kept together as much as possible, should that be desirable.
  • Schooling for children and adults will be done by spirits and ETs, mostly while you’re in a meditative state or asleep, so no schools, no colleges, not at first, anyway.
  • You’ll never have to commute or pay bills or taxes ever again.
  • There will be no tea or coffee right away, until we learn where to find and cultivate it. (This was the only bummer we experienced.)
  • ET tech may eventually find its way into our lives as we mature.
  • This is basically the beginning of a whole new civilization made up of humans and ETs and spirits — and of course SOURCE.
  • If you don’t like trees or cooperation, or you can’t live without your smartphone for more than three seconds, then you’ll find yourself elsewhere.

NOTE: Timeframe is tough to pin down, as people haven’t yet learned to focus, together, en masse. When it gets warmer where you are, try meditating with your back against a big tree. If the tree “accepts” you, you can become one with their morphogenetic field… and then talk to trees.

That’s it. Questions?

Accurate except for the truck, and the road. Oh, and LOTS MORE TREES.

Oh, and a Russian mystic wrote about it over 70 years ago.

The Happiest of New Years!

UPDATE 1-3-17
This is interesting. Today’s SDO coronalhole looks rather… cat-like… activating something…

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80 thoughts on “Your New Home in the Trees [UPDATE 1-3-17]

  1. Actually, it eventually changed to the Washington State fight song, so be careful what you wish for. ;)Oh, and despite that experience, I have NOT yet ascended… that I know of. My feet are getting bigger, however.

  2. FYI, as happened a few times in the week prior (with about 5-6 each time), I saw 2-3 more Big Nasties get sucked into the Byebye Portal early this morning, heading for their Final Reward, all the while surrounded by gorgeous indigo energy. Their horrified faces disappearing into it was a bit disturbing. Could this be what the message from January 3rd meant, “IT IS COMING”? The Big Vacuum cleaner? Or is this the purge before the surge??~M2

  3. Interested to hear any updates on our benevolent space friends. Do you guys interact on a different/”astral” level, with them? Also, Da-Da's book about the whole thing, I can't wait! I am assuming we will still have the methods to obtain this book after everything goes down.

  4. A purge M2.I dreamt of Jesus blazing in white fire, it was a spiritual fire.He was with many others who had been purified, an blazing white fire from then.I also dreamt of a human heart that had been bleached pure white by fire.

  5. This is a tough and very interesting question. Most of 'ours' are of a 'higher-up' and 'way-up-there' level, vibrationally… but this doesn't mean anything since there technically are no levels in the illusion. Most of us go by feel, so if the being 'feels good' and can get past our protection, then we pay attention. We don't talk much about this because it's so weird, and whatever we say can be traced by some beings; negative beings can actually read these words, don't ask us how. (Da-da told me today that he had a weird da-da-esque hologram of humself (!!) appear somewhere to freak people out, but people realized it wasn't him and it vanished.) The CATs talk to a bizarre hodgepodge of higher-order beings that don't fit into the traditional WOO cosmogeny of 'newageyness' (a classification which we hate), so we just don't bring it up. You're either working for SOURCE or you're not; we don't care who we're talking to provided they're high vibration and have everyone's best interests in mind. It's easy to tell after you've been doing this awhile. We see spirits and dragons and (very specific higher order) ETs and interomnidimensional travelers and light beings that are all AWESOME and defy description… and we love one of them. Not much surprises us anymore!Da-da is documenting all this as it happens. It's incredible. One day, you'll all know why!-CAT Editors

  6. So I just saw “sing” the animated movie and it was cute but they really seem to be pushing the “moon”. The characters name is mr. moon, moons feature prominently throughout the movie (the “real” one as well as props, pictures, etc.and in one scene there is a posted of a ufo and the bottom says WE ARE NOT ALONE and it is easily visible on screen for at least a minute. There's also an ad that says “Times flies”. Also Hidden Figures is out right now, about the first trip to space. Are they planning a moon narrative? Some planned soft disclosure about the moon or ETs soon?

  7. While you may see ghosts of what it was to become, the PTW's narrative/world is over. SOURCE is close. And angels are everywhere.~M3

  8. Thanks guys for providing a place for discourse! There was a post on above top secret a few years back by hidden hand, a supposed elite bloodline, where they did a question and answer. Very interesting. The one thing that stood out to me was the concept of the harvest. There would be some going to 4d negative 4d positive and others who weren't either they called Luke warm would be moved to a replica earth and people wouldn't even know that it happened. I wonder if this has happened already, ie the Mandela effect and people saying that things are different here.What that would mean is that we are in the Luke warm timeline that will continue trying to perfect ourselves. Just an interesting thought to ponder.

  9. in a meditation yesterday, i asked to see “the week ahead” and saw this enormous, indigo (it’s always indigo now!) wave rise up and enfold me, bringing with it this incredible peace. i think it was coming from the direction of the constellation Aquarius. could be why Aquarius is depicted as being “the water bearer.” cosmic purple water. all is coming together perfectly.~M1

  10. All I know is that every time I relax a little and have a few beers/glasses of wine, I feel like I drop back two or three steps and have to work my way back to where I was. Pretty sure Traveler is right in surmising that there are something like 12 timelines going on right now, and we need to work to stay on the top two or three… until we're each assigned our new permanent timeline, dependent on our greatest good.Btw, note the rare M1 comment below. Some denouement is close.-CAT5

  11. Someone on Lynn's site asked a question about a dream they had that sounds exactly like The Event; it's also exactly how author Gary Renard described how he felt when he was reconnected to SOURCE for a moment:==============Q. Can you comment on this? It seems to describe a dream I had a long time ago. I was walking in the city and suddenly there was a massive energy pulse. I felt to the ground in slow motion, felt a full body orgasm, then time sped up again and it was as if nothing happened, but I knew it had. Every last ounce of darkness had been cleared off Earth and was to set the wheels in motion for monumental change. I am feeling so frustrated by the control matrix, I hope it is true and happens soon. We are going (slowly, with occasional bursts) through an energy shift. It looks to happen spiritually before it happens physically. It is and has been occurring for a while. Many of us (especially if you are sensitive) are feeling the effects. =================

  12. A youtube personality has put out videos referring to an entity named “Dhor Kyristyl”, who is Karistus. does this ring a bell with you guys?

  13. Thank You, I at times come to your site and Love it, and All that I take in, including All of You. A penny for my thoughts? I'll double that in sense. I see some walking a fence, called source. I'm half that, I only believe in Light and I Love it, as I Love every Living Thing, Bar None. So, Source, Is the Source of everything. Good, bad, Light, dark, heal, kill, You get the idea. I don't think I'm an Angel, for I'm but a child learning. So some that slip up on that fence, fall to Ego and the slippery slope of darkness. So be careful, not to be caught up in so-called power of sorcerer/sourcerer/source. I talked with one tonight, and I feel for that person, and wish the highest good for that person. We of the Light, Love All, PEACE, LOVE, JOY, Bugs.

  14. Very nice comment, thanks. Lately, several of us have either had dreams of conversing about SOURCE with “darkness servers” (!!), or being confronted with dark beings themselves. Even the darkest beings are our brothers, but they're just taking the very loooong road to SOURCE. All will return to SOURCE… except that one uberdark being that's really an illusion. When the universe vanishes, it too will vanish. POOF!-CAT Staff

  15. Ok, the one person's dream of The Event (which appears in comments below, but here it is again)…==============”[Here's] a dream I had a long time ago. I was walking in the city and suddenly there was a massive energy pulse. I felt to the ground in slow motion, felt a full body orgasm, then time sped up again and it was as if nothing happened, but I knew it had. Every last ounce of darkness had been cleared off Earth and was to set the wheels in motion for monumental change. I am feeling so frustrated by the control matrix, I hope it is true and happens soon.”=================…THAT strikes me as the most accurate description of The Event I've seen. My own (above) experience was simply the reification of my own existing SOURCE connection, with Brother J as go-between/SOURCE booster. My experience was not like The Event. I didn't really know that until I read that comment and remembered the correlation with author Gary Renard's experience; both people described it as a “whole body orgasm”… which does sound very similar to the whole “rapture” thing, as the experience will indeed be “rapturous” (in the original definition of the word), but we won't be taken up in the sky, etc… unless of course we are. Note: anyone brought up into the sky wearing a bunny suit will be given candy and a puppy. No giggling.

  16. Note to all readers: many info updates appear inside all these comments. Not sure how to make this easier to see, we're kinda stuck with this forum structure. Anyway, be sure to look for Da-da's latest comment (on his previous comment), in case you didn't see it.-CAT Editors

  17. Btw… American Kabuki recently reported:”Galactics are seeing “BUBBLES” form between the realms between them and us, indicating their isolation may be about to end.”This is actually an indication that the timelines about to coalesce.~M2

  18. Also… looks like QEII is in a coma. Her body is being made to breathe, but she's already 90% transitioned. Looks like they are keeping her “alive” till they get their cabalistic ducks in a row.This comment mysteriously vanished the first time!~M2

  19. Seems this website is simply for amusement. Here is the preamble:Welcome to GlobalPowers!”GlobalPowers is a realistic and diplomacy-focused spin on the nation-state text roleplaying genre. We offer a unique environment that aims to simulate a plausible future, complete with a weekly United Nations, economic forecasts, and a dedicated group of players and mods who are dedicated to the community. Whatever your strengths and goals, we welcome you – so pick a nation from the available listing, and hop in!”Quite a coincidence that the poster was on the money in such a close time frame!

  20. Hm. She was seen in a church about 2 weeks ago. It just came to me what happened, I wasn't looking for it. I think lots of people want her to be gone… and now she is. I just heard, “She's gone.”~M2

  21. I find the remark about 483 years in a big white room to be very interesting. Was this a legitimate number in your vision or just added in as humor? The reason I ask is that in prophetic terms, 483 years corresponds to 69 weeks which in turn brings to mind the Prophecy of Seventy Weeks. -RF

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