CAT Check for 2-18-17

Well, there it is, plain for all to see: HAARP being used against the Oroville Dam (that concentric radar/energy signature right over the dam). The PTW have made their choice against the American people very clear. The PTW and MTW (Media That Was) have chosen their lane. We bid them farewell and wish them luck on their inevitable timelines. We’d hoped they’d make a better choice, but there you go. It’s the long path for them, now non-negotiable even if they did a 180 and wrapped themselves in unicorns and sparkle bunnies.

In the meantime, to show where we are in the process, Lisa Renee just posted a must-read about a new structure that’s forming in the solar system that you might find enlightening, as well as a precis for what is/will be happening in the next few months. The following excerpt is especially revealing in terms of some people’s problems with our Cobra post:

Currently, with the bifurcation shift (see Sept 2013) and the opening of the consciousness corridors (see Oct 2014), many people are aligning to the new timeline based on what they choose to be in consent with. This phase may feel very out of sync or change day to day relationships because people are aligning to timelines based on their everyday choices. Some of those choices may be on our timeline or not. This creates a strange and surreal experience when interacting with people on earth that are not on your same timeline, and one will feel the challenges increasing when trying to communicate with people that are not on your timeline (see July 2016). Communication lines between people on different timelines and reality bubbles are made difficult now.

Tick tock. Spring can really hang you up the most… and it can set you free.

Finally, and most importantly, M3 said that Event energy has been “programmed” and pre-loaded into the sun for all levels (the sun is a big, positive player in all this, basically a gigantic multidimensional “matrix projector” operated by the light).  It’s been pulsing light already, off and on, here and there, but when it eventually lets loose, don’t be alarmed. Just go with the flow. In the meantime, refuse to be manipulated. All is well. You are ALL perfect, immortal spirit, snoozing fitfully within SOURCE right now. Nothing can hurt the real you. Almost time to wake up. Think positive.

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12 thoughts on “CAT Check for 2-18-17

  1. I'm hearing rumors of a 'color revolution” being cooked up by Soros and co. There's hints of a “American arb spring” in the works in the months ahead.I know the cats say all is well, but I'm having g trouble seeing it.Am I being too fearful again?

  2. It may appear at times that things are headed south, but this is mere appearance. The light has already won, so all this dumb-show theater is really just that. Past present and future have all already happened, as a kind of 3-D movie, with us experiencing it holographically in the timestream, jumping timelines as we grow and evolve. Give the NOW to SOURCE, and let SOURCE handle everything for you and you have nothing to worry about.The PTW are such cry babies about losing their Hillary puppet, they will stop at nothing to cause chaos. Luckily, even chaos can be used by the light.~M2

  3. My inability to “let go and let god” is probably why I have difficulty trusting earth's future. I've had enough of the PTW'S temper tantrums and I don't want to give them any time or opportunity to start crap. They needed to be dealt with years ago. Thanks M2, Much of what you said I sort of knew deep down but I guess I'm still having problems trusting my gut.

  4. It was Da-da who got us to stop using all those religious words that kept activating us every time we heard them; they've been used so negatively over the years as to basically be triggers in most people. Thus, we use terms like SOURCE, etc. If you only knew HOW MUCH that SOURCE wants us back (we've been gone a while, it's a long story), and how SOURCE doesn't judge — at all – you'd have no hesitation. SOURCE is utter perfection. We are not (actually we are, but we don't THINK we are). Check to the power! Don't feel badly, even BUDDHA had to come back for one last lifetime after achieving “nirvana” because he had done everything but include SOURCE into his equation. Boy was he surprised. He figured it out quickly, though.~M2

  5. As I just said on Lynn's blog…Close your eyes and spray yourself with spiritual teflon and don't let all the muck stick to you as you move through it. You're on to bigger and better things.

  6. For me was the endless, “St. Augustine the Hippo” moments as in wondering why a creator who could make the universe in 6 days couldn't manage to come back and do some house cleaning in 600 years ? Makes one an easy aetheist. Thanks for the links to Gary Renaud's book. I did come across it years ago but having it paired up with the cheesy sounding “course in miracles” was a real “run away” motivator. I often wonder if I would have been happier just knowing the world was stupid and corrupt and I should just try to make the best of it until it's time for the big one. I have experienced my own personal, psychic episodes here and there but didn't have anyone to bounce them off of. Also nothing to tell me of anything special planned, just mostly confirming that alternatives are out there. I read this blog as it seems to be the most sane, grounded collection of individuals with more in depth confirmation of alternative. Thanks for keeping the candles lit cats and Meowracles. In my dim rainforest here it costs 30 organic eggs to buy one pound of organic coffee. Coffee grows 1000's of miles from here and you don't want to hear how city girl was almost pecked to death by a shed full of hens who didn't want to part with their children. My apologies to the trees but I've been visualizing this rather neglected beach in Hawaii for years now as a dimly lit forest canopy is rather damp and droll. It seems I/we can look forward to the explanation as to how our file managed to get jammed into the wrong part of the filing cabinet and we all slid into drawer hell.

  7. 'Twas not SOURCE who made all this. It was us. We are an extension of SOURCE, and have all of SOURCE's power, though our particular gift is… creativity. For the briefest of moments, long long ago, we wondered what it would be like to BE SOURCE… and then immediately felt guilty and alarmed, as we knew SOURCE could see our thoughts and would be angry at this thought — and punish us for it. Basically, we forgot to laugh — at ourselves, at the absurdity of our thought. Instead, terrified of a perceived punishment from THE supreme being, a tiny part of our mind fragmented and gave us a bad idea: create an omniverse to hide in. SOURCE would never find us there. And so we did. And we've been regretting it ever since. Now here's the funny thing: we are a toddler-God, you see, so we did what any scared and overexcited toddler would do: we fell asleep. But we still had this crazy “omniverse” dream subroutine running, with us in it. Thus, we are right now safe and sound and immortal and perfect and sleeping in Our Father's House, and SOURCE (who's actually both male and female, we invented duality) is slowly waking us up. SOURCE is LOVE. Love could never punish. We made a mistake, but it's no big deal.That is the actual truth of everyone in the universe's current existence in one paragraph.'Disappearance of the Universe' is literally what will happen once we all put our pieces back together again (see the shell of that old story in there?) and wake up, and this illusory omniverse (there are many universes) that serves as our punishment, will vanish: POOF. Gone. And we will awaken… and laugh at ourselves. In the meantime, there are trees on all those beaches of the new world, waiting.~M4

  8. Well said, M4. FYI, we just call the book that Renard references, “The Course.” It uses the word “miracle” to describe how the book heals the damaged parts of our mind, with our memory of SOURCE (what some call “The Holy Spirit”) collapsing time around us as we heal and eliminate the needs for various dark timelines, forwards and back in the timestream. Is it any wonder why Brother J had such trouble explaining all this to people 2000 years ago, and having it be fully understood? (Brother J 'returned' in 1965, in spirit, to write “The Course” through Helen Schucman, and further explain this rather complex concept.) It sounds like a Star Trek Voyager episode!~M2

  9. I almost don't know what to say, except of course a great big thank you for your response to my despondency, cynicism, grumpiness. We can have the beach and the forest?! Unheard of, well for me. A father who cares for his children ? I guess I've just been surrounded by insanity for so long, it's really just my 'magination to consider other, better things. Well I hope I can sleep tonight, seems like I've got a lot of things to think about all over again. I really wasn't expecting any answers to this mess until I kicked the bucket. Boy we really messed ourselves up – stoopid kids ! Thanks again Meowracles & cats !

  10. Our pleasure. We are here to help. Try grounding and protecting, and then meditate. When we meditate, we get closer to SOURCE. It also takes you outside the timestream, so you temporarily stop aging during the meditation. Give it a try. Note that PEACE and stillness are SOURCE's natural state. When you sense those… you're there.~M2

  11. Somebody said something about the rocks melting. Environmental front companies for the CIA told what to say. Then 'wal-la'. Deep state companies lining up for the manufactured work. And the puppets in government warned us ahead of time….'infrastructure'. Then other technology ushers in the rain. Witness the words of Jesus. None of these deep state mockingbirds knows whats really happening…its only for the love of money they support evil. Believe me. There are many places throughout the federal demonocracy where people know they are contributing to things they know aren't right. They keep thier mouths shut and do so anyway because theyre afraid for thier paychecks. Didn't Amschel say this very thing? Yes he did. Amazing is far to inadequate a word that's such things are possible. Truth is. It is not by human hands that it is…

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