Day 28 Graph-ic Update

Welcome to Day 27 of the 40 day meditation challenge. Anybody else feel this, or this…

Heart palpatation city from about 3:00 to 6:00 am PST.
Also, while we’re being graphic, check out this advanced magnetometer reading of the earth’s magnetic field bowshock from last November, as taken by India’s new magnetometer (whose name escapes us because it has no live public feed; once it has one, we’ll remember the name):
See that “ghost” behind the earth? For you scientific-proofers, THAT’S THE NEW EARTH (at a higher vibration). Welcome.

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42 thoughts on “Day 28 Graph-ic Update

  1. I laughed out loud about the Universe comment! Yes…everyone seems to be feeling the huge energy fluctuations. I was speaking with a woman this morning who mentioned that she had had almost no sleep last night so I told her about the intense energy/radiation coming from our sun during March. She appeared relieved. My muscles for 3-4 days have been intensely achy, but I am much better today.

  2. I relegated all aches and pains to extreme gardening. I am also taking a while to realize I'm not 20. I have been looking at various earth / space measuring graphs for a few years and I have never seen so much off the scale readings. If India's magnetometer uses similar data to create the image model in the illustration as does NASA and NOAA, I must say I've never seen readings and lines of force like that. I figure I should be staggering around with complete vertigo. Oh well, here's to good health and new digs.

  3. Hi, maybe this is not related, or then it is? I have been receiving some kind of scripts, codes or writings for almost 2 years now. I got the last one yesterday, while in meditative state. It looked like a one page, where there was writings and some kind of codes, maybe 5 to 6 lines. It came suddenly, like a sort of download (like they always do) with a flash of golden light. They always appear so fast that I am not able to memorize the content afterwards. Instructions for DNA? I have always felt they came from “me” from higher levels. Thank you, Christina

  4. If you still as yet do not have a relationship with SOURCE, or a striving for one (via meditation), then you need to start one NOW. I can't make this any plainer.~M4

  5. These are DNA re-codings from the Oversoul/SOURCE (which are connected). Nothing for you to translate. Give everything over to SOURCE and trust in the process.~M4

  6. Wonderful, thank you M4! DNA re-codings, what do they do? Christina

  7. If this was for me? Yes, connecting source is part of my everyday practice. Always :-DChristina

  8. Extreme fatigue and dizzy and head bliss. Took advantage of the energies and Sun gazed then went and found a load of Yew trees and made friends and asked for healing!

  9. Interesting. I will add that The Event is much more probable AFTER the date they mention, March 25th.Tick tock!-CAT3

  10. Strange day! different mild pains, in neck and right wrist(not being uplifting, much) Anyone who mentioned Dr.'s or hospitals, I strongly warned them(stay the f away from them) The same with crap food. NOT the normal me, sooo I did alone time in woods and home alone. Feel better after talk with guides, etc. Thanks for open mic, Bugs

  11. FYI, we asked one of the M's to look at last night's silly Statue of Liberty's lights-going-out thing:'s what M3 said:”I see it as just more passive aggressive crap in the name of the women's movement. It's really just something else to keep us divided and arguing. I am for equal rights, but some of these marches feel very angry and not in the name of love and Divine Feminism. People fail to realize there is a Divine Masculine that is being ignored. If men were encouraged to abandon their jobs, can you imagine the backlash?”-CAT Editors

  12. Thanks for that – agree. These marches are political and therefore divisive, regardless of the theme or cause of the march. the womens march seemed more about women for hillary, against trump. The love was lost.

  13. None of the instruments are showing anything, but I too am dragging. Could also be allergies on my part. Trying not to fall asleep.-CATof9

  14. reporting a new sense of something “pulling” me diagonally up, raising forward and up, like in the water being pushed up to the surface

  15. I had a dream about a bowling ball with way too many holes. -CAT3

  16. What is it with all the heavy spraying in Northern CA today?? The sun is blotted out and the temp is up 10 degrees. I thought we were done with this crap.-CAT5

  17. This spraying feels like they're counteracting some kind of energetic thing tied to Yellowstone. I don't see anything major, so don't be too alarmed, but lots of energy going on over CA in general. They're trying to avoid Yellowstone activity. N.CA is prob going to get colder weather soon. ~M4

  18. Two links in regards to energies:Diane Canfield (9 day geomagnetic storm) Stone (5 gamma ray bursts incoming) have been getting a nice boost today. Although could be that I was laid out for over 10 days between Feb. 23 & Mar. 5 and body is welcoming in any increase in energy to recover.Blessings to All!

  19. Arrg. That is IT. I gave David Wilcock and “Corey Goode” all kinds of chances to do the right thing, but one is too much in love with his own “best-seller” pseudo-celebrity, and the other is too much a disinformation agent. I recently read notes from their latest (high-paid) performance and got to a certain line and then stopped. No more. No more lies. No more half-truths. No more co-opting of the “narrative.” Here's the line that made me stop reading: “The solar event/solar flash will still happen but it is now in the range 2018 to 2024 —- an updated time window from the SSP Alliance. The spheres are acting to modulate the Sun from being too bright.”[]Sorry. This is a lie. The “SSP Alliance” has no control over The Event. No one does. The sphere beings are doing no such thing. They're not filtering anything for anyone. They have no idea when The Event will occur, but are waiting patiently. Yet again, someone is trying to “seize the narrative” so people will use their free will to think X and then X will happen. That's not going to work anymore, because SOURCE and the Oversoul and your ET/spirit brothers are in control of the illusion. (Factually, that's all this is, so I shouldn't get so angry.) YOU are in control of your own free will. Everything *will* happen… perfectly. Trust in this. [deep breath]This latest blahblah from these (increasingly blatant) half-truthers suggests that we cannot trust their information. We recently warned people about Cobra… and then he turned his own narrative-steering around to a positive direction. Not saying it was us who did it, but this is the kind of emperor-is-naked/will-power pressure that needs to be applied when we discover that people of influence are lying to all of us. No more lies. We sincerely hope these people learn how to discern truth from lies, dark from light, and start back UP the road in a positive direction. Until they learn the difference, their “intel” is of questionable value, and lesser import.~M3

  20. According to Diane Canfield (yay, Diane!), we’re gonna have 9 days of geostorms. Some of the symptoms:Extreme tirednessDizziness or VertigoBouts of NauseaFlu Like SymptomsBody Aches and PainsBody HeatAppetite ChangesBreathing IssuesIncrease in Paranormal OccurrenceaI’ve had 8 of those (no nausea so far).… YES on The Event target date. That's what I got, too.]~M4

  21. Btw, if you're looking for the comment just referenced on twitter, it's from M3… um, 4th one up from here (give or take), starting with “AARRG.” Sounds like M3. 😉

  22. I don't like to call people out, but I can't stand the lies being foisted on people anymore. The Event is already “pre-loaded” into the sun. No one can stop it. It'll be interesting to see how long it lasts… and how it'll look from earth's nightside.~M3

  23. On a totally separate topic… did anyone else eat two pineapples yesterday?? I have the weirdest cravings. Cauliflower. Red cabbage. Lemon water. Peppermint/blueberry tea by the gallon. -CAT4

  24. Oh, weird. My mouth watered when I saw the word, “cauliflower”! I don't even LIKE cauliflower!-CATof9

  25. Extreme tiredness and appetite issues have been up my ally for the past week,hope this clears up soon!btw the weather has been quite nice this month~!

  26. Ya know its funny. The things you guys refer to as important…and other things (people) you reference as worthile have sounded so similar for so long and so unverifiable and so completely unfulfilled…for me it sounds just so nauseatingly fake. Some of it is just so drippy I don't see how anybody can read it. But there are some interesting things you talk about..I personally don't see how anybody can be so nonchalant about what Kathryn is doing. Ever since i found out I've been shocked that people ignore what shes been saying. Now that's useful information. The entire financial system (everything money) has been deliberately designed to be one huge ripoff. So many people ACTIVELY PLOTTING against the rest of us to bring in a totalitarian financial system. I'm sure your very pleasant people and im sure there have many times and places where people have tried to wish the evil away….but it never has worked that way. I've tried to find it but 'The Portal' used to be called something else. Its name was changed sometime after 2012…and theres a reason. It doesn't have anything to do with what cobra is saying…its the pourpose he has for saying it. Maybe the shift you talk about has some legitimacy…but is what cobra saying that much different? That shift falls within a scope of concern that is not within your perogative and isn't likely to be of any benefit unless its approached in the manner prescribed by the one in who's perogative it is. Cobra and Wilcock can be taken for what it is.. an unavoidable truism cause that's exactly what people do. For me I can't see why you consider yourself so different. It all looks pretty much the same to me. You might be nice. You might be talented. It makes me wonder why you don't comment on Meier. What an interesting story that is. You wanna talk about VERY HIGH LEVEL DECEPTIONS. It was exciting first…then i started reading.

  27. What an odd thing to say. This is the utter tip of iceberg when it comes to the lies being told…and frankly are the last ones that should be complained about because it has almost no impact on anybody. Why aren't you going about the lies coming from those who masquerade as government? You think your gonna wish away thier plans the exterminate 95% of the human race? Not talking about it or worse ignoring it is what allows your escape? The timeline changes some people are willing to talk about were not done so that you could catch the tail of passing comet.

  28. We rarely comment on what other people are saying; instead we only share OUR OWN OBSERVATIONS of things we see. Otherwise, it's just part of the psychobabble phlogiston. And if we're so cloying, then why read this blog?~CAT2

  29. None of the PTW human-race-extermination plans are running, anymore, save for their propaganda components. Wake up and smell the Golden Age. CAT2's right: this blog isn't right for you. Go troll elsewhere.~M5

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