Day 12: Cosmic Bike Lane Open(and a Quick Q&A UPDATE)

We don’t always understand the details (velocipedal?), but Gaia Portal’s latest message is pretty clear.  Things are zooming right now. The really good news is that the recent tremendous influx of light has caused dark-entity attacks (usu. at night) to dwindle to nothing (at least for us). Phew.

Anyway, here’s the latest:

Aaaand… this is Day 12 of the 40/40 meditation-a-thon. You’re probably (nearly all) now feeling a difference in things. It’s supertingley. (Yes, that’s one word, now.) We’re in the back straightaway heading for the clubhouse turn…
That’s supposed to be mirth. Looks more like appendicitis.


As many are expecting a certain thing to happen in terms of The Event, we recently asked M2 some quick questions and felt you’d all want to know the answers:

Q: With The Event, do you ever see this dramatic MOMENT that we’ll all remember? 

A: It really feels very gradual. Not one moment, but several small ones.

Q: Is it happening now?

A: The Event does feel close (like it is slowly happening RIGHT NOW).

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40 thoughts on “Day 12: Cosmic Bike Lane Open(and a Quick Q&A UPDATE)

  1. I like the date stamp it's very apropos to the topic of countdowns.

  2. Velocipedal , it seems to be link with encoding. Or maybe the form of the big wheel of a velociped ?Three days ago, before i went to sleep, i asked my Higher Self to tell me what is happen and the essence i am related to, in my dreams. I set protections. I was dreaming a big bright light being, like a white wisp with sparkles inside its mist ( something like this) invading my parents house, while i was outside witnessed strange things in the sky. I went inside to see all my family possessed by it. All had strange full light bright bluish eyes. I asked why it did that ? We wanted to participed to this change. They responded in ones “it is irrevelant now, because your world will merge”. The rest of the dream i wandered with this beings (who changed to someone else than my family member)to do different things. I woke up because the end felt off.After a moment to examine the dream, the house seams to be “me” and my family members, different aspects of myself. (mother = confort zone, sister / brother = own behaviors, etc.) Was a strange encounter ! Btw, my head can't stop to buzzing, but it seems i support better the energy this time than before, even if it strikes my pineal sometime.

  3. Often, when you dream of houses, you're actually dreaming of your own body. The fact that it was your *parents'* house… perhaps that means something with DNA, and how much you're comfortable with changing. Interesting.~M2

  4. James Gilliland's missive (update) was so uplifting…it literally caught me by surprise. As a lightworker who has been in this game for my lives than I care to imagine, and one who has grown quite weary–James' perspective captures where humanity finds herself and for once…and Finally…it is truly positive! The energies are here, they are rising…we are rising! Glory Hallelujah!

  5. I have just awoken from a dream which was unique for me.Unique in that it was missing something that had always been present, evil…I dreamt I had arrived at a location of a notorious child killer, one of the worst kind. The apartment was like something out of Resident Evil!BUT, what was strikingly different was the TOTAL removal of dark energy???I have ended up in some very dark places before during my astral adventures, sometimes rescuing souls, sometimes battling forces, sometimes just trying to escape, but EVERY single time the dark viscous oppressive icky and threatening sense of evil was permeating the area.But last night, NOTHING!???Where was the residual energy? All that remained was simply a dirty dark place. I still wouldn't have booked it for a short stay, but nevertheless it was inert and clear.I sincerely hope that THIS place was not ME, like the above posts are implying in that a place can be interpreted as a body, AAAARRRGGGHHH.The rest of the dream was separated into situations and interactions between individuals at different frequency levels. For example a group of bad men were speeding in a recreational area and I was angry because of children around and could have been hit.The car crashed when the police cornered them. They escaped on foot and came my way. I was about to complain and I could see the driver was bleeding heavily. I instead offered my help…Other elements about choosing what type of people to integrate occurred ect.I really got blown away by the energy myself last night and had sever restless legs. Even when I woke I was buzzing, in fact i still am.Other than feeling calm and happy the way things are settling into place, nothing else further to report as yet.Thanks for the continued updates Cats and company :-)Blessed Be

  6. Dig the white cat making the scrunchy face and wearing a human body! What breed is that?I certainly welcome any moment, small or big, that would move us up.

  7. And I do mean OMNI. That cat eats everything. Grapes. Blueberries. Bagels. Pizza RIGHT OUT OF THE BOX. (He's not s'posed to, of course.) He literally white-ninja-steals pizza out of the box and runs. My neightbors must think I'm constantly yelling at a kid named “MERLIN!”

  8. It could have been worse Da-da, if his name was MERLOT your neighbours may have thoughtfully posted a plethora of literature for recovering alcoholics, worse still, brought round a few bottles and a Bombay mix, terrible!

  9. If everything is Light…moving the speed of Light- there and back- all the timeWould seem like”walking”When “all” you are able to recallis the “sludge” around youDerp

  10. Two light ago while sleeping around 4:00 am in the morning I was awoken almost to fulbody zapping it was not painfully but it was a sportingly sensation. it last for about 15-20 seconds then subsided and I plunged into sleep again. Never had that experience, almost as if things were vibrating and tingling at a micro level very strongly.

  11. Some aetheric just told me that I trust scientific instruments (which I was just looking at) more than myself! (It's true, I have been doing this more lately.) Must be one of my new Good Friends! This is rather exciting. It's just starting, now!~M5

  12. I've been thinking about the the fake committee planned “yuppie” culture that is currently happening in my city lately, I don't know if this is a problem elsewhere but it got me thinking- I don't think the US (or much of the world really) has really had a genuine culture in ages! Alot of it feels recycled, we hold onto the past but don't make anything genuine for ourselves. I mean, how many new modern spiritual festivals do you see that aren't watered down comic-cons filled to the brim with burnt out hippes selling crystals and assortments of chinese-made magical Nick-nacs spouting whatever new-ageism that's popular at the moment. We have stagnant our own creative development as humanity for a long time and I want change. I guess you can say I yearn for realness and the shift or whatever it's calling itself cant come quickly enough. Or, TLDR: burning man sucks, when does the real party start?

  13. Synchronicity. Some of the CATs were complaining about this very thing last week. Perhaps after the dark schmoes are clear we can work to create something new and good. We dislike the term “culture” as it has “cult” as its dark heart. We're going to need some new and improved terminology.Note that The Event is, believe it our not, happening RIGHT NOW. For whatever reason, it's taken an individual approach (we think)… for now. Not sure if this means there will be a big TA-DAA or lots of little ones. -CAT4

  14. Geez I typed out a whole reply and I resets on me, how lame. Anyway, it just only really bothered me very recently. I think my bfs bussiness has something to do with it. They interact with the committee people a lot for T-shirts and I see the corporate side of all these trendy music festivals through them. Funny you mentioned the “cult” part of the word, i noticed too and when I was typing it out I thought about the hidden, mostly dark, meanings within our own language. We definitely need a vocabulary update! As for The Event, I would prefer to just get it done with. The rollouts have been fairly too slow for me at this point​ but I'm the kind of “drink the cough syrup in one gulp” kind of person so I suppose it is for the best if it comes out in bite-size pieces -you wouldn't want to freak everyone out. I have a feeling we're going to get a big pay off, though.

  15. It's been a while now and I think they're overdue to roll out the fabulous fifties “culture” – again. Of course this means that the vulgar and criminal pimp “culture” being currently promoted will have to take a rest on the back burner while we all Rock around the Clock. Like the domesticated canine that doesn't even know what food it's to eat unless “master” spoons it out in it's dish…we don't know what it's like to be a real human any more. Send in some positive roll models !

  16. That white-bread '50s model won't work. People were thoroughly naive and trusting back then, and petroleum was uber-cheap. People spent the entirety of the '60s and '70s reacting to the '50s. Then '80's GREED came along and we've been stuck with Gordon Gecko's ever since. I think only a new, from-scratch approach is going to work now. This world is over for those who can't stand capitalism lords being paraded around and worshipped by feudal serfs. Service to self is over. These will never be looked back on as the good ol' days.

  17. I had a visit by not so nice ntity or somthing on the 23rd March in the evening. I first felt nausea than a psychic attack. The room felt heavy of folded energy. Stood my ground it left.

  18. They're both getting desperate and coming out of the woodwork.-CAT3

  19. This describes my feelings on our situation exactly! I'm no mathmetician, but I have read how Creation is based somehow on mathematical principles and “equations” to put it simplistically. (I have no idea what Pi is but I know solving it is a Big Deal, LOL) I have the theory that when Original Source was creating, one of the “computer codes” (so to speak) got messed up somehow, and created an “error” which became the archons and all the rest of the insanity. People around here always used the phrase “God Don't Make Mistakes”. Well maybe not, but one of the “Creation Program Codes” could have gotten damaged after it was written, and created something that was not what was intended. Don't remember many dreams, but do remember one where I was with some friends in a beautiful house made of carved wood, VERY large and very elaborate. And I was happy that they had arrived so I could show it to them, as it was my home. As I was waking up this morning, I was leaving a dream, and was hearing the words: “You are a Mountain of One”. ???

  20. FYI, we thought we were done with this, but…Three of the CATs were accosted on Friday by some dark entities we will not name. Next to Mr. Nasty (what we call him), they are arguably the worst of the lot. It was a five alarm event. These things are horrifying and sneaky as hell. Anyway, we bring this up not to scare you, but to remind folks to NOT let their guards down till you know it's safe to do so. When will this be? You will most definitely know when. It won't be much longer.-CAT Editors

  21. That “house” you were showing is the New Earth!Btw, SOURCE did NOT create this omniverse: we did. This is why certain things are a bit wonky. It's complicated. SOURCE doesn't make mistakes.~M2

  22. The inclinations/attributions which are spiritual are definitely compartmentalised and there have been many attempts at approximating this understanding…astrology,east Indian traditions,cabala,magic squares…Dees book of soyga etc. The best breakdown of these various takes on the makeup of the universe was the book of Enoch which is not the stuff we see being passed off as that. They were two written on copper and were provided by God himself. The paradigm under which we exist has God as the most high, the pinaccle of purity and divinity. It is simply not accurate to refer to it as 'source'. This is a substitute for the truth provided by he who appears as light and admits to aspirng to 'be like the most high'. When Jesus said that God is love it is very true…meaning that under a different brand of authority the things we have preference for would be very different or simply wouldn't exist…like family. The further down the spectrum you go the worse it would be. We were made by God for his own purposes and in his own image and his enemies very much do not share that propose…and have no use for people except as a matter of convenience. Sound familiar? This is exactly what the money people running the earth have been telling us and the reason for it is obvious. God has created this compartmentalised structure to reveal something pure and good and to make it permanent so that as Jesus said it will not be possible to have the evil within our thoughts that has caused so much grief. Since in creating this structure God is the standard for knowing whats good and is the only avenue to what can be permanent (life) sin is anything other than this. I have said this many times because it is so true in so many ways. Mistaking the cool things you can observe for something other than what they are is digging your own grave. 'Weeping and gnashing of teeth'. The life we have been given is the only chance there is to keep the gifts God has given us. The reason there will be such a reaction to being without 'life' is because people are not paying attention to what the alternative is. It does not matter what Elon Musk says about soul transference. If he gives himself over to such an alternative what he knows himself to be as human will not exist. The things we have preference for exist only with God…because the 'other's are different and don't have the same wants.

  23. Words words words. We are an extension of SOURCE. We made this omniverse to hide from SOURCE for something we think we did wrong… (imagining what it would be like to be SOURCE)… but we've done nothing wrong. SOURCE is not mad at us. SOURCE has no enemies. There is only SOURCE, us as EXTENSION, and our Memory of SOURCE (in this omniverse) what some call “The Holy Spirit.” That's all there is in “reality.” The rest is mumbo jumbo, word games.~M4

  24. this is so cool i am not the only one who has had these dreams of these large wooden homes. (i am the author of the loveinactionnow article – t/y for your very kind thoughts on it too!). i had one woman write and tell me not only did she have the wooden house dream but also in her dream others were in overalls as well. all of this is leading somewhere… at least there are many of us on this same timeline creation which i think is mostly the Will of our Higher Self/Soul – my brain is just helping things along w/focused intention. 🙂

  25. I hope you guys are ok?Since Friday I feel a lot of unrest in myself and in those all around me. The Chemtrailing was also insane yesterday.

  26. Speaking of recall, when meditating a few days ago, I seemed to be 'reliving a partial traumatic scene.I was in a small coastal cove on a pebble or shingle beach. I was carrying a small child in my arms who was either dead or unconscious?I then ran up the beach to a small single storey house on the beach in a panic. That was all there was of this memory.BUT, there was one significant difference, my body…I was very tall and lean, I would estimate around eight foot. And i also recall looking down at my huge feet, although I loped up the beach, I didn't struggle due to my size and form, weird!

  27. I made a typo, in that it should have said “HAD” a theory. I have had so many! When I started reading about Quantum Physics, I used to endlessly postulate because I felt lost and therefore driven to figure out why I was here and what I was supposed to be doing. I bought “In Search of Schrodinger's Cat” by John Gribbin for my older brother who is the brainy geek of the family, and read through it somewhat before I gave it to him. I say read “through” it because the details are way above my pay grade, but my voice within told me that the “Altering of the Results by the Observer” was part of having Free Will. This is originally also why this Website name caught my attention and I clicked on the link the first time. I'm so glad I bought that book for my brother! The CIM knowldege is what I now believe because it is what makes sense. Of course Source isn't mad at us, and wouldn't want to punish us for anything. We're just being allowed to stay in our room until we're ready to come out. Some of us are sneaking out during sleep time and visiting outside The Room while we wait for everybody else! :)@MamaT – See ya later, back at the Forest.

  28. I'm feeling it too. The world is out of balance due to a power struggle between globalist and anti-globalists.-RF

  29. Woke up with a headache last night and there was something like a psychic snake biting me!! I tied it into a knot and threw it to the side. Feel like a million bucks this morning. I understand psychic abilities are new for many, but we don't have to live in the Stone Age. Only use this power for good such as communication and healing, otherwise I will tie you into knots.-Ryan Belding Finley

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