Warm-up for The Main Event?

So, we can now tell you that we were told that “it all begins on 4/2,” hence the ’42’ thing, and the subsequent 40 days of meditation.

Looks like it’s borne fruit: we’ve had three solar flares in the past 24 hours… but ignore the fear in the link. Here’s what it looked like, energywise:

We know that extreme sol-ar activity in Sol, our Multi-Dimensional “Reality” Projector (MDRP), equates to spiritual acceleration here on earth (and on other planets in the solar system).

Four hours later, two of the M’s reported the same experience:

this morning at 4:45 am PDT i awoke thinking there was an earthquake starting… but then noticed that it was ME: *I* was vibrating from the waist down. (my S.O. woke up, too, and the house creaked like something was happening.) this soon spread to more of my body when, with my eyes closed, i saw a wave of color roll over me, along with a doppleresque low whistling sound. THEN i felt myself start to go UP, like in a slow elevator, and my body started feelng lighter and lighter, at an atomic level. this went on for an hour. i never did get back to sleep.

now, i’m vibrating more “cleanly” if that makes any sense. and i have ENERGY, whereas i had very little the past year. air feels different, smells better, too. it was basically The Event!… but just for me?


(For the record, M4 lives right next to a portal, so they experience energy more dramatically than others.) Anyone else feel anything? Here’s what it looked like in the D-absorption at that time:

We were wondering if these might be “pre-Events” that are meant to “warm” some of us up for The Main Event… which is coming in about three months. Yes, we just called it. Cabal can’t stop it now.

AIIIEIEEEE! We just called it!

FYI, there’s also a medium-sized WHOMP in progress, earth reacting to the energy:

NOW… this is interesting… look at these new coronal holes:

We’re just speculating, but see that tree structure growing from the south? That wasn’t there before. Note how it has two branches that reach up toward the two most active sunspot regions — that’s timeline related — AND how that one line at the upper left reaches to the north polar region hole? Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to tell what may be going on. Time will tell. Bottom line: if you get a chance to sit in the sun: do it. (But don’t OVERDO it.)

PEW PEW! (That’s pretty much overdoing it, but what the hell.)

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49 thoughts on “Warm-up for The Main Event?

  1. Everything about this post makes me immensely happy: The joy, the info, the gifs. Two days ago I woke up feeling content, like the feeling you have when all is well. Today I heard the ringing and then sound vacuum that happens when I hear an energy wave. I checked the wimhob (as I call it) to see if there was a womp in progress, so it's always nice to have you guys post telling us what's up to confirm. This blog is absolutely my fav. (along with psychichfocus) so THANKSSSSS AMIGOSSSS!

  2. Everything about this post makes me immensely happy: The joy, the info, the gifs. Two days ago I woke up feeling content, like the feeling you have when all is well. Today I heard the ringing and then sound vacuum that happens when I hear an energy wave. I checked the wimhob (as I call it) to see if there was a womp in progress, so it's always nice to have you guys post telling us what's up to confirm. This blog is absolutely my fav. (along with psychichfocus) so THANKSSSSS AMIGOSSSS!

  3. I must concur. I feel like nothing can stop us now (plus, I also felt that M4 felt.) I feel so much… LIGHTER!~M2

  4. Those three months include​ April, I hope? So excited!! I don't think I can stop myself from counting the days! I wonder my growing desire to live off grid is leading me to prepare to live on new earth, I've always wanted to live in the country side but because of financial reasons it wasn't a possibility… Still isnt, but now it just feels like it will happen sooner than I expected? The air and environment near our house has been feeling a lot “lighter” too…

  5. July 4th event anyone?I've been experiencing a recently increasing feeling of sinking/drowning. I guess I feel like a clogged sink because of the extremely high water flow (& various deposits which have built up inside) recently. Wim Hof (or square also works) breathing is a must to calm down and release some of the anxiety in air.We've all had a part to play in this thing that's coming together. Anticipation and curiosity are at an all time high. Possible signs of giddiness in the very near future. My advice to you is be your own advisor ;)Yesterday it finally clicked why we don't teach lessons in theory. It's a nice thought but useless in any kind of solid reality.And the reminders are everywhere once again. The birds are signing songs of remembering. People are increasingly talking to each other fully. The epogenetic lines of fear and doubt are being rewritten. I'm part of the latter effort. Sounded easy in theory… hahaha!Cake is all about dancing for me.-Dog23

  6. I think it's going to be before July 4th… but Dog23 makes a good point: it's possible that this is going to be happening to each of us PERSONALLY, at different times, or in bunches. There are no rules, here, so follow your own counsel.~M5

  7. A lot of dreams lately some strange others not, I don't give them any mind only as self healing. Lots of synchronization going as well as truths coming to the surface, all is well. Studying engineering now and I see many of my fellow classmates still programed either that or confused, but in general the atmosphere in many areas like engineering academia/ industry is one the cold and rigid, full of the ego. Not all but many. I'll just carry on a higher frequency lol.Oh and I can't wait for all the new earth has in store!~Robin Hood

  8. I'm having some kind of event over here, that much is certain. Started feeling like I was plugged into a wall socket on acid after sitting a couple of hours in the sun during the afternoon. Massive energy rush, haven't been close to this kind of buzz since my 3 month Kriya Yoga adventure. But then I look out the window, and the Zombie squad are performing their regular drooling routine. How can you not notice? The general level of numbness around here never ceases to amaze me. If this is the warm up…Damn…This is going to be a wild ride. Seat belts, check.~sudo

  9. Aaaand, I'm turning 40 in three months; best. gift. ever.~sudo

  10. I am currently experiencing Whompitis. Glad it's not Personal.In The Air Tonighthttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YkADj0TPrJAThe Year of the Cathttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xlypypRdN3s

  11. Since last November I have been having dreams that I look up to a beautiful sunny July sun and then I go into a very gently and deep sleep laying in the soft and warm grass. Perhaps this correlates to the July 4th event!! If so we just go into a gentle sleep and BAM we wake up to 5D Earth!!Cosmic Gypsy~

  12. Stay tuned: our favorite sunspot — AR2644 — may be back in about 27.8 days. When/if it does, be sure to sit out in the sun. Seriously. Sit out in the sun anyway (with care), as the reprogramming being offered right now is profound.Note that the sun's equator rotates faster than the poles, so sunspot reappearance times are a best-guess since the sun is basically a constantly exploding, convecting, vibrating, and rotating multidimensional liquid hurtling through space. Gesundheit.-CAT3

  13. BPearthwatch must have accidentally detected my neighbor with his monitoring equipment. Don't worry, my cats have him surrounded, and he is being hypnotized by them. I think he will end up taking an Amnesty deal and getting a job in a kitty litter factory. 🙂

  14. The antichrist is a guy that preaches against spirituality and teaches his followers to consciously break down their mental barriers to make them “better” (more susceptible to mind control). They're going to make their push after the 'Event'. Will be a war on all religion that I have to deal with so no worries. -RF

  15. Hey guys, I am a little confused by the U.S. bombing syria. Things do not add up. Not worried/scared/fearful, just confused. I did not think Trump was this stupid. Unless I am missing something.

  16. I have had a similar daydream since I was a small child. Please note that it's *not* July 4th, but around then.~M2

  17. This antichrist thing is patent nonsense.There will be NO MORE WAR after The Event… except on that nasty timeline for those who refuse the light.~M5

  18. Frankly, we were shocked. We sense that Trump is trying to make people realize that the US is not weak and won't bow down to anyone… but we're worried that he's gullibly falling prey to an obvious false flag operation (Syria wasn't behind what was going on). It feels like perhaps the US supplied them with the chemicals, and then we bombed them for what we gave them… it's confusing. We're still sorting it out. -CAT Editors

  19. Fulford's saying it's because they have black mail of trump raping a 12 year old they were about to release if he didn't go along with their plan… Of course if they had black mail like that wouldn't they have released it sooner?

  20. In one blog post you guys mentioned being able to talk to animals after the event and I wanted to know what kind of cognitive skills will animals have before the event and after the event. will they understand abstract ideas and thoughts – I.E does my cat understand the emotional significance of a painting, knows but doesn't care, or doesn't know at all?

  21. This will vary animal to animal, person to person. Some people will be able to speak with animals telepathically, others not. We won't know a lot of specifics until after the crossover.As for whether your cat can understand a painting… cats understand “cat things,” but are excellent listeners (and often rat out their owners to psychics, as do dogs). Try talking to your cat. They are highly intelligent, though some males can tend to be nothing more than fur-covered stomachs. Note that, for a cat, a double-eye-blink is a hello, a greeting. Try blinking back and see what happens. Just don't be too upset if the cat gets bored and walks away. Cats are scale models of chaos and inertia and may be late for a nap on your black wool sweater. ~M4

  22. Interesting, I guess it's fitting for your pets to gossip, they don't have much else to talk to! Also one more question about animals in general- my cat likes to go out and kill mice and other small creatures, do animals have a different understanding of life than we do where it makes killing like this not such a big deal?

  23. That's instinct. Cats are wired to hunt, even space cats, with tremendous focus. They don't see it as killing. They see it as a hunter/prey thing. They see “lesser” animals as food. (I hear, “Don't talk with your food.”) This will change dramatically at the next level, as our “death” economy — everything living on the deaths of other species — will be removed. Those old pressures and drives will be gone. If anyone mainifests that kind of activity, they will vanish from the new level and find themselves elsewhere, where that activity is tolerated, like at this level.~M4

  24. I honestly don't know. I don't think there are any specific rules for this and that, or that people have to act a certain way, or eat a certain diet. We should drink plenty of water and stay away from alcohol (save for the occasional glass of wine or beer). One does need to meditate and do things mindfully, but that doesn't mean someone who has never meditated will not go. No one knows exactly how things will transpire. Everyone will wind up where it's best for them to wind up. Try to forgive (overlook) things as much as possible and watch out for “attack thoughts” within your own minds. Otherwise, RELAX… and know that everything is going to wind up PERFECTLY. Perfection has only one SOURCE.~M4

  25. About Trump/Syria, I suggest a bit of patience before judging/freaking out. I remember someone mentioning that the reasons Obama was awarded the peace price have yet to manifest. The universe works on a different time scale and genuine light workers don't give a shit about reputation and opinions.http://www.voltairenet.org/article195904.htmlA young cat with amazing chaotic colors has been playing around outside my house lately, I have no idea what he's chasing but it sure looks more fulfilling than the current human drama.Be well,~sudo

  26. We don't freak out. We've seen things you wouldn't believe.~M2

  27. This from one of our honorary cats, with original (ironic) subject line:===========================================================Subject: ZIONIST-OWNED WAPO REVEALS THE CABAL RULING EARTHhttps://www.washingtonpost.com/news/animalia/wp/2017/04/08/the-new-bbc-dad-is-a-latvian-mayor-whose-live-video-was-crashed-by-his-cat/“Anything can happen if your office is ruled by cats.”-CAT5

  28. Personally I don't think it matters what the original intent of the day is supposed to be. Most people just use it as an excuse to hang out with family and hide pocket change and candy in plastic eggs for kids to find… At least that is what my experience with the holiday is anyway.

  29. thanks for sharing. enjoyed that. makes you think, ya?-karategrandpa

  30. This from SophiaLove: “What About Syria?”http://www.sophialove.org/my-blog/as-we-shift-what-about-syria-CAT3

  31. BTW, please be warned to IGNORE any posts about an incipient WW3. They are fear-mongering. There will be no WW3.-CAT Editors

  32. Interestingly, I had a dream about cat humanoids coming into being last night.-RF

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