Enter The Stillness

Everything happens for a reason.

It is time.

At the proper time, ground and protect and connect (you an also do it now). As the eclipse happens, calm your mind and invite SOURCE in. Imagine SOURCE moving within you, just as the moon “moves inside” the sun. Then as the sun is revealed, imagine its light is SOURCE light, ringing in a new era on this planet, in this universe.

What you really look like.

Now, TAKE THE LIGHT WITHIN (where it’s been all along), and think…

— CALM —



Find the stillness and quiet and light within. That’s SOURCE. Hold that within you, forever.


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23 thoughts on “Enter The Stillness

  1. And again, there won't be any terrible things that happen during the eclipse. That's an ancient fear/superstition that is being purged.-CAT Editors

  2. Btw, this post is a *symbolic* way of connecting/reconnecting with SOURCE. There isn't any magical mumbo-jumbo going on with the eclipse itself. Just wanted to make that clear.~M4

  3. Indeed, the magic is what people are doing with it!-CAT2

  4. Heck yes, I love group “meditations”! Thankfully it was scribed into our “consciousness” programming that it still counts even for those who don't consider themselves meditating, muhuhahaha…I feel the magic is a resultant of the unification of a wholeeee lot of people/beings/consciousness focusing on the same thing together at the same relative space/time and time/space…The potential for a couple minutes when nothing else matters for millions of people except the same unifying event, in this case that is based on neutrality/love/balance.If a fraction of those people throw an intention into the mix, oh boy oh boy the strength of that beacon! We're definitely scribing a blimp into the universal radar. I can feeeeel the energies already when I ponder it :)See/feel yaw'll on Monday :)much love,Frosty

  5. How do you even know what to feel with SOURCE? I'm having a hard time connecting even though I try I can't seem to feel anything-I try to clear whatever negative emotions I have but when I do get them I feel like I set myself so far back for thinking hateful thoughts… People just frustrate me so much!P.S I think I figured out my commenting problem!

  6. When you experience an “attack thought,” do this:1. Pause and recognize the attack thought2. Imagine pulling it out of you3. Attach a(n imaginary) rock to it4. Drop it to the center of the earth.This process takes time. To speed things up, you can also give your dreams to Brother J/Oversoul/SOURCE (Brother J is the easiest), but note that your dreams will be pretty awful for a time, as things are purged from you. When you wake, just let it all go.SOURCE is always there. You're actually ALWAYS connected. It's just that, for a number of reasons, you've decided to wall off that part of yourself. All of this is to remove that wall and let the light in. Forgiveness is HARD, but it gets easier the more you do it.~M5

  7. Note that nearly ALL people have built that wall, and must dismantle it. IT's not just you. It's me, and all the M's, the CATs, the mail carrier… everyone. I can't tell you how amazing it is to finally get that one brick out that allows a sliver of light to shine through! It's worth the effort. ~M2

  8. I recieved this quotation in an email from OBOD (Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids) this morning, I wanted to share it here if okay?'Joy appears now in the little things. The big themes remain tragic but a leaf fluttered in through the window this morning, as if supported by the rays of the sun, a bird settled on the fire escape, joy in the taste of coffee ~ Joy accompanied me as I walked to the press. The secret of joy is the mastery of pain.' ~ Anaïs Nin

  9. Did anyone else notice a momentary triangle/eye-in-the-pyramid transmission attempt during the eclipse meditation? I dispelled it as it was forming. Ridiculous.~M4

  10. I couldn't get that far to see it, lol. But how annoying regardless. I guess that's the best they can do now, slide shows?

  11. The eclipse was weird. It started slow, and then it was like time was skipping. Felt like a shift, or a birth of something (but not sure what).~M3

  12. I just remember a time when I was a kid and only knew good. In the eyes of a child there is no evil but only mistakes.

  13. Note the second to last paragraph. ;)”The practice this week is to stay grounded in your body, and consciously unify your lower 4 body system into rest mode each day. Take some time in meditation each day to breathe into your physical body, connecting to your physical sensations, and allow your body to surrender into physical support and stillness. Breathe into your emotional body, which mirrors the element of water, and allow your emotions to come to a peaceful resting point, like a still body of clear water. Breathe into your mental body, and bring your mind to a resting still point, grounded in partnership with your heart inside your chest. And breathe into your spiritual body, connecting your spirit with the universal frequencies of Unconditional Love. Every inhale is nourishment and replenishment, every exhale is surrender, as you release and let go, resting deeper and deeper at peace. Practice this each evening before you fall asleep to ensure your rest mode is holistic and replenishing. Watch the tendency to force or push your energy throughout the day, instead take a deep breath and soften, opening to allow for something more expansive to move through you with grace and ease. We’re opening to new ways of operating, new ways of being within ourselves, and in relationship with power and energy. The goal is sustainability, endurance, efficiency, and grace. This new flow of energy will create new results and unprecedented possibilities otherwise unavailable.”http://galacticconnection.com/christine-clemmer-cosmic-consciousness-weekly-34/-CAT10

  14. FYI, we sincerely hope that the tall whites thoroughly review and understand our most recent message, and that they learn to leave us alone. -CAT Editors

  15. Got up in the middle of the night and felt the weight of my body, extremely heavy and cumbersome, like carrying a thick long blanket around me sodden with water!Now today I feel like I am between world's, like if I don't concentrate on this reality I will phase out of it, and I am feeling lighter now, or maybe numb to the weight?Anyone else?

  16. Like JFK said in Berlin: “Ich bin ein Berliner.” Roughly translated, he basically said that he was a jelly donut in German. This is kinda how I feel today, too.Dude… don't phase out, phase UP!-CAT5

  17. Thanks for asking! I woke a little after two, went out to meditate/nap. In the morning, I feel like a kid in these energies, strong, energetic, I Love It. Love in Harmony to All of My Brothers/Sisters

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