Stand UP and Be Counted [UPDATED]

Mystery of the Long Man of Wilmington SOLVED
Until now, no one really knew what the Long Man of Wilmington symbolized.

Hello, all. We were given explicit instructions early this morning on what to do. This isn’t for everyone, just for those who can do it. You know who you are. If you have some imagination and some energy, you can do it. You’re not being asked to do anything unless you feel called. This harkens back to this post, which we hope you explored.

For those who know: we are all literally known as “The Event People.” We are scattered all over. This is what the spirits and higher-order beings keep calling us, but we just thought they were being nice. They weren’t. They were being literal. We are to take a much more active role than any of us expected. Here’s what to do.

From now on, at each meditation, after you ground + protect + connect, those participating are to imagine their “light bodies” expanding to ONE THOUSAND FEET, standing tall. Your body is an imaginary one, made of light, just an idea, but a powerful idea that is all-powerful. Imagine yourself huge and tall and glowing, towering over the surrounding area. Then imagine you hold two staffs of light — one for the One (that’s all of us), and one for SOURCE. Those participating are The Event People, acting as light bridge in the middle, a conduit for SOURCE energy coming from another dimension as well as from inside you. As you stand tall, hold the staffs as per the above example, then extend the ends to the center of the earth, the tops into the sky past the thin blue line of atmosphere. Remain vigilant. You are a literal light anchor.

Do this as long as your meditation lasts, as long as you reasonably can. Sometimes it will be quite difficult, or overwhelming. Hold fast. Our job, the reason why we’re here, is to literally serve as SOURCE conduit for The Event, holding enLIGHTening rods for SOURCE energy coming in (aka, “Wave X”). THAT’S the meaning behind The Long Man of Wilmington carved into that chalk hill, only it’s not a man, it’s a giant light being — it’s US that someone saw long ago. Many of us have been doing this anyway, but with only one staff. Now we’re going to ratchet it up a notch and invite more people to do it with us. 

Now, as to the countdowns, some extra info. The countdowns are for OUR activities as light anchors. We didn’t fully realize this, before. The SOURCE energy comes in all the time, gets stronger all the time, to the zero hour (and well beyond), holding fast at our light stations as long as we can. This was always to be the way The Event happened — that is, with our help. It’s not just SOURCE. It’s all of us, working together with SOURCE. Those who were waiting for the heavens to open up and do everything for them need to set that fantasy aside and do the work. We cannot be passive any longer.

Stand UP and be counted!


PLEASE don’t go stand out in the weather with lighning rods to try and anchor the light. You’ll only get yourself killed.

7.26 gigawatts!

UPDATE 11-14-17

Ok, we were just shown why we’re to use TWO staffs in this exercise. One staff is for one major timeline, the other for another. Choose one of the staffs and extend its base to the center of the earth, but have the second staff only rest on the ground. Both still go up into the sky. The Event energy shift will happen regardless, but with our help, it will be easier for everyone via this technique, especially the earth herself. Also, there’s an extra benefit: when “tall,” you can experience more of the sun’s energy on various chakras (that still sounds so hippy to us!), but especially #6… during the day, anyway.

Also note that the geoglyph pictured at top has various levels of meaning: the secondary meaning of the Long Man of Wilmington is that of a light being walking through a “light gate” into a new world; the third level of meaning is to show how the ancients used to mark out calendars on the ground with poles, rocks, etc., as well showing the use of leveling rods in the work of the surveying the various sites.

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36 thoughts on “Stand UP and Be Counted [UPDATED]

  1. And look at your timestamp! 11/10/2017 12:34:00 PM 1-2-3-4 energy is growing, we're on the right track, stepping stones, stairs going up, etc. THANK YOU!

  2. Btw… don't let a thirst for justice/vengeance get between you and SOURCE. Don't take the separation bait.-CAT5

  3. I shot up until I was as tall as a someone standing on a beach ball ( in relation to the size of the earth) so I brought myself down in size and looked for others. Sometimes I see myself as holding the Earth in my lap as I protect it – then I saw a cartoon of a tribal warrior woman holding the earth in her lap, so I know I'm not the only one who pictures it this way, and we're all connected.

  4. That's good, but you really need to be about 1000 feet tall and stand in your locality, to anchor light in that area for your brothers. This is a team effort!Let us know how it goes! -CAT10

  5. Note that many of us were doing the same thing (getting really big and cradling the earth!), but the we thought it might get too crowded if we all did that, then thought it might be more efficient if we carved out territories/localities. The 1000-10,000 foot size felt right when we were all actually doing it. A bit of a weird thing to coordinate!(“Dude, you're TOO TALL. Back off 50,000 feet.”)-CAT5

  6. I considered going to areas where strongholds of dark energy resides and neutralising it, like the Vatican?I have done this before and had remarkable success. However when I attempted the above meditation it didn't feel right?MarkP.S. What about omittin the poles and just use arms reaching upwards and feet sinking downwards?

  7. Basically, do what feels right… but don't be a hero. SOURCE already thinks you're awesome.-CAT4

  8. The poles are new for me as well – typically centered my feet in gaia and worked from the inside out (through the crown, heart, hands etc) but I'll get used to my cool new poles!

  9. Oh I got my Chalk Men mixed up and was visualizing The Cerne Abbas Giant Chalk Man.

  10. What is 1-2-3-4 energy? I see 12:34 quite often on my clock.

  11. That's the Oversoul's way of showing you that everything is moving along according to plan. Some of us see that one all the time.-CAT3

  12. And this from the latest Gaia Portal:==========”Generations of conscious Hue-beings assemble for the final phase.Illuminative elements prepare the foundation.Stealth workers soon to be visible.Descriptives concur with the final phase.”===========That's what we're doing: preparing the foundation. Get on it!~M2

  13. Did you really read him? Like just picture someone finding this blog, leaving his musings, and then coming back to see that – it's making me laugh.

  14. Hi CATs, is something going on? It could be the weather near me, but I've got a direct pain in my forehead, extreme dizziness, pressure and fatigue all of a sudden. I grounded and protected again, to be sure. No need to reply or post unless there's more to it than my weather.

  15. Yup. Us, too. It's certainly not weather. Pls note that something is ALWAYS going on up until The Event (and probably afterward) — that is, the energy just builds and builds and builds… until we all catch fire and explode over haddonfield, NJ. The good news is that, once you reach a certain level, it doesn't hurt so much afterward (it's just mildly uncomfortable). Hooray! (Ug.)~M4

  16. If I didn't know what was going on, I'd probably wind up in the ER. So many weird pains. (ER visits for unexplained maladies must be skyrocketing, with no clear resolution.)-CAT2

  17. The strangest thing, every time I try this expansion, instantly I feel light as a feather and rise like a gas filled balloon.I literally have to conciously stop myself getting bigger or I wouldn't ever stop.Seeing more inner light and feeling euphoric. A very interesting experience.Also have quit drinking alcohol, for ever. Always struggled with it, but now, somehow it is so easy?This change is so cool, so subtle yet so significant.Bring on #42!Mark

  18. So Cats. Today's funny story: This morning, after a full night of being busy, I awoke only to discover that I had fudged re-entry a bit. My body was at a 90 degree angle to the bed. (My head and feet were aligned with the sides of the bed. I'm just sure that I went to bed with my head and feet aligned with the top and bottom of the bed. I was flabbergasted! I vow to be more careful with my re-entry next time.

  19. After some observation, it seems that this post's exercise is more for The CATs, though we were encouraged to open it up to others. In terms of what's happening to you, Mark… I'd say just go with it and try not stopping yourself next expansion experiment. If you start floating UP, it's probably not a bad thing! (And good for you on the changes. Many of us have made that same choice, as well as ceasing eating meat. Just doesn't feel necessary or desirable anymore.)~M3

  20. Folks: be sure you're drinking plenty of water. Think “SOURCE” when you drink the water. Step 6 seems to be a long slow one that's starting its ramp early.Also: there was a big ET (?) energy release on the 14th that we're tracking down. Looks weird on one of the energy meters. (It was actually recorded.) Not sure what they were doing or who “they” are, yet. More when we know.~AM

  21. Yesterday I dreamed of ships in the sky and down to earth while walking down a street and I found a group of people, robotic devices watched the people I seemed new in the city while they explained to me that the ETS controlled people through robots I purposely hit him and he sent a signal and everyone said that the ETS would come, I ran laughing and woke up

  22. I like this meditation, VERY effective. Gratitude for your sharing insights.It makes a lot more sense with one staff on the surface and one at the core… my feeling is, to 'bridge the gap' of consciousness between all the various levels of humans -> those who operate from the surface (outside) vs. core (inside). I'd been doing a similar meditation, including growing larger (though only ~100 feet vs. 1,000), and I had the two columns of energy spiral like a DNA strand through my light body channel. Doing it this way makes a MUCH wider channel of energetic flow! Lots-o-crown tingles, with my head that

  23. For many months, an occasional spontaneous visualization which has suggested itself while drifting to sleep, has been something to “do” while snoozing. It's felt comfortable and pleasing, and I've gone with the visual which is this: I'm by myself in the dark, feels like outside somewhere, sitting covered by a cowl or blanket or similar, usually with imaginary eyes closed. My perceived function has been simply to sit indefinitely, holding or keeping the peace, in a manner of speaking. It's felt good to sit there, contentedly holding the mood, while my physical body got some rest. It was apparently at night, and with thick streamers of black fog constantly moving around, leaving me alone. Except lately, the suggested imagery has changed a bit. It wasn't quite so dark for a period with lessening evil mist, and I got the feeling and occasional glimpses to confirm, that there were a few others quietly doing much the same, scattered in the near distance. Then, over some time, it wasn't as dark, with perceptible lightening of the dim landscape, and perhaps more of us were present. Now, it's like an early dawning, with the sky itself brightening with no black fog beyond faint streamers in shadowed places. Many others of us are visible, closer together, and some appear to be chatting. A few look up at the sky now and then, continuing to perpetuate the mood. I sense that something will occur; we all seem to feel it somehow. When I think and feel my way through this curious lovely memory during waking hours, I feel distinctly excited. The interpenetration of the spheres accelerates. The immanentizing of the eschaton heats up. Co-adunation approaches. The izness of the bizness boils over. Love is now the law, love above will for something a little different from now on. Eris drools with apple juice but it's easy to get a bit slack-jawed once everything which isn't slack-jawing disappears. I know exactly what I'm going to do with goddess once I get my hands on her. Oh yeah…

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