Your 4D Earth Help Desk

Help Desk is fun!

Hi. We’re to be your 4D Earth Help Desk during this transition… well, one of them (thanks to John for the nudge). If you have any questions, just ask. There was some confusion even amongst us about where and how, so we compared notes and got more clarification. This is what we know right now, along with a rough timeline. It’s changed, so please read carefully:

  • 3D earth is this earth now; 4D earth will be the next step for many; some who need to continue learning certain lessons will stay on 3D.
  • The Event is to be “soon” (spirit guides have a different definition of “soon” than you or I!), but we got a sense of urgency from them; The Event will be a bright “rainbow” fog yielding a 3D/4D (3rd density/4th density) split
  • After The Event, if you find yourself on 3D, GO HERE 
  • Once on 4D, you “First Responders” (you know who you are) please help those who are confused about what’s happening, quell their fears. This will probably take some time. We’ll then all figure out what to do, help with logistics, clean up as needed; you’ll probably get some personal directions during The Event itself, as well as via dreams and meditation. All will be well.
  • Live on 4D for a time (time will pass strangely, so we can’t tell exactly how long we’re to be there)
  • NOTE: 5D = “New Earth” (NE).  We finally got clarification on this; it was hard to see as it was mixed up with 4D stuff, and that the New Earth itself is still forming. It will take some time to build, a few years (but time is kinda wonky, so we’re unsure of how long)
  • Eventual 5D/NE invitations through dreams, visions, etc.
  • Literal bridge to 5D appears. Some stay, some go. It’s up to you.

In the meantime…
  • When you ground before meditations, ground to the New Earth, not to the center of the 3D earth. That is, do this if you feel compelled. Not everyone will want to go to 5D.
  • BREATHE in the Wave X/SOURCE energy during meditations, but don’t hyperventilate! 
  • Think only good thoughts; thoughts as seeds
  • TURN OFF the damn computer (we’re taking to ourselves here, too) after 4:00 pm. DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT WITH YOUR ENERGY FROM 4:00 ON. Listen to music; read; create something; make it more of a soothing time.
  • Take care of yourself 
  • Be outside when you get the chance, and overlook (forgive) anything unsightly that you might see (trash, landfill, chemtrails, etc.).

Bottom line: Have fun. It’s all going to all be ok. Let us know if you have any questions. (Please note that we will NOT be advising people on where they’re going, or where they’re to wind up. This would take forever. All you need do is meditate on this and all will be made clear.)

Not that much fun.

Hey, we said RELAX. You’re sitting in the cat-bird seat.
Not that kind of cat bird.

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71 thoughts on “Your 4D Earth Help Desk

  1. True, but we're conscious and aware and it's hard not to see what's right in front of us. I think the trick is to bear witness while remaining emotionally uninvolved. Balance, not ignorance. But really, the Event can't get here fast enough!

  2. Event isn't going to come until enough people actually realize/understand what and why 'the cabal' does what 'it' does. It's true, what people say about the truth being terrifying, but it's more than that, so much more. If you aren't deeply troubled by the implications of 'the truth' down to the very core of your being, then you don't actually know 'the truth' yet. If you don't figure it out, you'll get eaten alive, which is a choice in and of itself. I hope I'm wrong about what I'm saying, but the signs and signals I've been getting are deeply, deeply unsettling, mostly because they make a terrible sort of sense, the type of sense no sane person would ever dare share. Feel free to brush off what I'm saying as an empty attempt at fear mongering, I can only say I hope you're right, but I also wish you the best in case you're wrong.

  3. Sorry, that's not true. The Event will come when it's perfect for The Event to come. Ignore what others (Cobra, for one) have said about the magic number of people necessary meditating on The Event. Cobra has been infiltrated and has his own cross to bear… and perhaps he's always been this way. Plus, The Event is cabal-independent. The truth isn't terrifying in the least, it is merely sad, and at worst insane, but it is something to be pitied, not feared. We know the truth, thank you, having worked hard for it, and having been targets for the better part of a decade because of it. Anything unsettling is to be isolated and looked at dispassionately — then after examination, dismissed. We are not wrong about much, but when we find that we are, we tell you immediately. That said, we are all having Event visions, nearly every night, now. We can with 100% certainty that it will happen in 2018, but from the signs we're all currently seeing, we're guessing less than 45 days.~M5

  4. I really really hope you're right. I've been having the dreams too, they've just also been colored with other stuff. I'm just as prone to misreading and misinterpreting messages as anyone which is why I even hesitated to share that, but I'm glad you responded. Maybe I just take things too seriously, but what I've been seeing seems to pretty strongly suggest that sadness/madness you're referring too is actually a literal and integral part of the very psyches of every single person in existence. People claim it's not part of them and push it away and lump 'the cabal' together as some sort of dark and nefarious 'other', but as far as I can tell they actual force of their mandate is real and legitimate and comes from unresolved issues in the minds of their 'victims'. Maybe I'm just breaking down under the load, my own part in this project appears to be to run as absolutely large an amount of as much as I can handle through my system in order to process whatever I can take and it's taking one hell of a toll on me which is made worse by the fact that I can't actually talk to anyone about it. Isolation does have a tendency of making things appear much much worse than they actually are, so I can only hope I manage to see the day where I can actually talk to someone in waking space rather than dream space directly as opposed to having to play coy and hiding my feelings and experiences.On an interesting and probably unrelated note, d a neat experience the other day where my right ear started ringing and I got a feeling I needed to stop what I was doing and just listen to whatever signal was coming in and the moment the 'signal' stopped I picked my cellphone back up and it had somehow burned itself out completely from having worked fine moments before. Perhaps coincidence, perhaps a sign of actual major localized anomalies capable of crippling electronics. If it was the latter rather than the former I actually take back a lot of what I said, because cellphone burnout being caused by something like that in such a way is a Big Deal.Anyway, you folks are cool. I like your style and we'll all get through this one way or another no matter how dark the terrain I appear to be getting dragged through appears to be. Best wishes etc. etc.

  5. I can't tell you how many times I've broken under the load, only to return to it an hour later, a day later. There are many many of us who are waiting out the last days of a war we've been fighting for hundreds of thousands of years, a war no one else can see. Funny thing is, we've finally won! We're just waiting for the official armistice and the fireworks, and the train ride home. THEN… we have to figure out what we're doing after THAT! That's when this blog really takes off.Btw, that ringing is you sensing changes in the magnetic field around you. Totally normal.-CAT3

  6. Lisa Gawlas is back. Interestingly, her description of the energy waves, one backed by the next different one vibrationally validates my hear/feel description of the other day. Whee! It's always good to know that I'm perfectly normal! Nyuck, nyuck, nyuck! (Me channeling Curly Joe from the Three Stooges) Happy Mothers Day out there.

  7. “Event isn't going to come until enough people actually realize/understand what and why 'the cabal' does what 'it' does.”Everyone with the slightest amount of interest, and even many of those without any, know exactly what the cabal is and does, and who is at the top of their pyramid. This news has been widely disseminated for a couple of millenia. The only reason they have been allowed to persist is because humans are endowed with free will. The outcome of the contest has never been in doubt.

  8. See how “Cobra” is now backpedaling as fast as he can? He can post all the retractions he wants, but he's done.

  9. Latest from Diane Canfield ~, are we feeling all of these, esp. the lung thing.-CAT11

  10. FYI, someone wrote in asking about various UFO videos. There are so many UFO fakes out there on the 'net that I've stopped looking. But this recent cellphone video is the latest fake: this is fake: frustrating.If you want to see real ET ships, go outside and look at the sky from 9 to 11 pm, especially on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Ships galore. Why during those times? No idea. Note: Some things in the sky aren't ships. No offense to our ET brothers, but those beings that need ships for travel aren't as advanced as those who DON'T need ships to move around (like dragons, angels, et al). These latter higher order beings are often mistaken for spirits. Once you set SOURCE protection — and only allow those with your ACTUAL greatest good past your SOURCE protection — if you see something weird, just say hi. One of the M's had a blue dragon just pop in and ask if she needed any help with anything!~M4

  11. I wish this blog had a way to show ones appreciation for some of these comments….ex: @ M4…LOVE the 'blue dragon' popping in to see if any assistance was needed! LOVE the dragons…and asked for my own personal guardian dragon ….and was given one!!!

  12. That's awesome. What color? (Sometimes you can't tell.)-CAT5

  13. She is silver and blue. When she came to me, she was a little taller than me and an adolescent, now she is HUGE, but I'm not sure how dragons age either, lol!

  14. Dragons can change sizes at will. That's not an adolescent, but an adult dragon.-CAT5

  15. Hello Ms and Cats!Could you please write how and when ( approximately) the event will unfold? If I see dreams about flights and airports its a sign that I will transition to 4d? Can I take my dog with me? Or he makes his own decision?Sorry for my english:)~K

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