Latest from Gaia Portal & Notes [UPDATE2]

Notes From Aboveground

  • Some of you may start having dreams about packing things up and throwing some things away, like the last day of school.
  • FYI, we saw dragons showing off in the upper atmosphere last night. They don’t look like dragons at that altitude, but instead as bright lights that FLASH (like an explosion), then fade… then FLASH, then fade… if we maintained high-end video equipment at various locations, we’d have already made a fortune from showing this stuff.
  • One of us was watching “Gravity Falls” (a big time cabal show that doesn’t bother hiding anything — which makes it a good tool for instruction; still, it’s pretty funny), and noticed in one episode that the character STAN (who often wears a cabal eyepatch and a red fez, if you know what that means) unleashed a balloon that looked like him smiling above a music festival, along with the sign, “I HEART KIDS.” But then the balloon caught fire and started to fall apart, some of the letters of the sign on the huge balloon dropping away, so now a gynormous flaming fez-wearing monster with big teeth was descending upon the kids and teens at the concert, the sign now reading: “I EAT KIDS.” Wow. Talk about hiding in plain sight.
  • Several of us are having a bit of a tough time living amidst all the HATE flooding everything in our culture, right now. We’ve told endless people to turn off their TVs and ignore the media, but it seems like they *like* the media telling them to feel a certain way. Their arguments are based on emotion and feelings, but not facts. Facts don’t seem to matter. You can’t argue with an irrational person, so we’ve learned it really isn’t worth the effort (even though it’s still maddening). It seems like some people live in a vibe of wanting to be offended to feel they have a purpose in life. Some folks we know totally flipped out when Trump was elected and have let the FUD virus (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt) destroy their happiness. We see so many people literally walking around with scowls on their faces. At one point, one or two of us would smile and suggest that things will get better… and the scowling people SCREAM and say their life is being destroyed and their rights being taken away… despite the fact that no rights have been taken away and no lives being destroyed. But society has told them to feel a certain way and they jumped on the bandwagon. It’s hard to get away from it. Sometimes you just have to take a breath and shake your head and walk away. Come on 4D earth!

UPDATE1 6-22-18

Wow. Another timeline jump. Lookie:


UPDATE2 6-23-18

And just for fun, here’s Ken Wapnick (an honorary CAT) with one of the cats.

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40 thoughts on “Latest from Gaia Portal & Notes [UPDATE2]

  1. Glad somebody finally said it. People have been driving me crazy.-CAT3

  2. FYI, WHOMPs on the march. Had them all night and they're still going.-CAT5

  3. Kiruna is back up, btw. They got hammered with the recent energy influx and couldn't make sense of the readings… so they just shut the meters off! -CAT12

  4. thank you Cats for this post. I had a very bright dream about packing a suitcase a couple of days ago. I remember that when I woke up in the morning I was very surprised that nothing happened in this dream, only a suitcase packing that lasted several hours. That I, I endlessly moved things, throwed some things away and so on.

  5. Love you Cats…all on one path timeline one mind where all voices make the whole. I'm in Oregon getting brightness beHind closed eyes.Glad us first wavers still breathing and loving being Hue Man . Tom is 60+ ��

  6. It's not that weird to me, though still frustrating.Even the most dense of the dense can sense that something is wrong, and the standard response is to find something/one to blame (which is as close to solving problems as the ego will ever come). And along comes the MSM with a solution; it's their fault, the other team. Finally, there are real enemies to focus all the anger on; at least punching someone in the face feels like doing something.Like someone said; forgive them for they know not what they do. The more I witness the battles my brothers and sisters have to go through, the easier it gets to accept my own fate. Being awake and seeing is no joyride, but it sure beats running the hamster wheel of pain, fear and suffering. Once the carpet is yanked from under their feet I remain optimistic that most will choose life.My bags have been packed for a while now…~Sifoo

  7. So I had a dream two nights ago and I was led to an upstairs room (very long staircase and the room was quite beautiful!) and my friend who led me was or had died rather, so she was a ghost but not really (don't know how to describe it)…anywho….she set my phone and my LIFE to 5G (I thought that was interesting 5G instead of 5D…hmmmmmm). Anyway….can anyone explain what that might have meant? or was it just a stupid dream?

  8. This weekend I am draining a damp sock off, to ascertain the level of shrimp-life that has accrued, and the viability of starting a temporary sustainable reintroduction to the Oceans. I am also finding every knot in my laminate flooring and cutting them in half, then figuring out which different half knot looks best together, after conducting a formal introduction of course. When the sawdust settles, I intend to watch the sheep casually amble to their pens, and every time I count to five on a foamy grass grind, I “may” feel inclined to stroke my lapel badges, but that's a BIG maybe…Mark

  9. Space is Always expanding…without being created or destroyedso… where could it be expanding from..?Is there a point where you began expanding from, and can you find it

  10. Yeah, we've been having dreams like this for a while, now. We seem to keep throwing things away in subsequent dreams. Pack light!-CATof9

  11. I just had a dream where I folded up and put away a big projection screen (before the projector was even turned off) right after a football game had been played, while a new game was warming up. Then I left the gear with an old acquaintance, threw away a bunch of old notes, and walked out the door.~M2

  12. Space-time, past and present and future, is constantly being trimmed and expanded and augmented by Uncle Ho (what CATs call the Holy Spirit, which is our/ONE's memory of SOURCE — a memory so powerful that it IS SOURCE) to accomodate the huge amounts of learning and healing that's currently going on.As for the original expansion point (which was just an idea)… it's gynormous compared to its original size; it was originally an infinitely hot and infinitely dense white dot, if you can imagine that, and from it spawned not just the universe, but the Omniverse. What would you do if you knew exactly where it is? Erect a plaque? It would be an illusion, as well. Again, it's just an idea. Imagine that you've just painted it purple. Now it's a purple idea. ;)~M6

  13. Just had a reading w. said an Emerald Dragon (just the head) came out of my flower-girl basket and was planted into my immediate field (like a flower;-) No fire coming out of it's mouth, but the mouth was open and it nonplussed her for a moment (reader).

  14. Hmmmm, I wouldn't say Stonehenge is fake, as mentioned, it's been restored.Also, these megalithic sites are chosen to harness and direct Ley energies, specifically the Mary and Michael lines. I have not dowsed it myself, but I would expect to see a node, or juxtaposition I these Leys present. Be interesting to hear Lynn's insights?Mark

  15. From what I get, the nasty nasties are parasites with a preference for reptilian hosts (which most humans are to some degree), not a special kind of reptilians. A mind virus of sorts, the native Americans call it Wetiko.~Sifoo

  16. Heat is a power that moves most things…(Love is a power that moves beyond heat)What is the power to move Light that and will it ever stop

  17. So funny; you said watch for dreams abt moving so, right away, I wake up in the middle of the night w. an argument going on in my head: I was moving, but the day after was jury duty. So do I just notify them I won't be around? Or am I beholden to put myself thru it? As an awake person, I think: well that's bogus cause …and right away laughed! Cause it was a dream abt moving;-) PS You might Think Stonehenge is fake, but just go stand in one of the doorways. You'll think again!

  18. Holy Moly, last night was some intense energies! While breathing in bed… repeating the intention “LOVE, LET GO, LIGHT” I was suddenly overwhelmed by an inner noise, a tone that then turned into a RUSH of so many past moments of trapped sounds exploding through me. I could hear the voices, my own and others and picture/re-experience all of the moments at once as if purging the depths of my mind. I have experienced this sensation before while “consciously fainting” as I call it, but this was different. I was more aware by an uptienth degree, fully watching it, consciously… vividly. In past experiences I was an observer as if watching a dream. This time I was the creator, with full knowing and allowing of its – Anyone else notice the energy at the event column is SO INCREDIBLE now that the entire area feels like it is rumbling??

  19. What a great question. Why don't you bonk one of them on the head and ask them!

  20. Ok, that's true. But its restoration took quite a few liberties. Like the gift shop in the basement. Still, they have the best postcards and Stonehenge fudge…-CAT5

  21. Oh, that must be why my Druid is malfunctioning. He's just dirty.-CAT5

  22. Well, those of us who live pretty close to it (the column) feel that all the time. Some passersby walk by it sometimes (but can't see it); they look over in alarm, then walk away really fast!~M4

  23. I feel like the walking dead. Too many nights of too much energy. I can't believe I'm still alive. Ug.-CAT2

  24. Just an odd question for the CATS, how do you see people making a living/making money in 4D? People will still have bodies and physical needs so that implies some kind of economy to support them. Will the financial system still be functioning? I assume some kind of currency will be used because barter is too clumsy. Will the stock market and 401Ks still exist? Taxes? Social benefits such as EBTs and Social Security for the poor and elderly?

  25. Did you happen to find any spots..?Space Weather June 25… Suspicious0bservers

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