The Event Has Begun; Break Out That Bad Unicorn

Aha. Batman is CAT5!

Two things we’re definitely sure about:

  1. The Event has officially begun, and
  2. We aren’t sure when The Event will happen.

Talk about duality. Bear with us, here.

THIS… is the official (public) beginning of The Event:

This energy originates in the region of the Constellation Hercules; basically the direction of Polaris and the Little Dipper. That region of space will slowly and consistently (too slowly!) become “brighter,” but with a wavelength of energy you probably won’t be able to see, until perhaps right before its crescendo. We’re guessing that waves of (Wave X) energy will become increasingly concentrated before you’ll finally be able to see it with the naked eye.

We originally predicted The Event for summer because when we saw it happening, we saw it was a warm evening, and we were wearing summer clothing. Is that the summer of 2018? Or during an “indian summer” in the fall of 2018? We don’t know, yet. But we do know that this leads up to The Event.

Now, we don’t think the following is going to happen because it would have some untoward side-effects, but for the sake of argument let’s suppose that some light source grows in brightness in that region. What would the PTW do? MILK THE FEAR OUT OF IT. (They’d also step up their already stepped-up and increasingly public human sacrifice program.) SOURCE is too smart for this, so we’re guessing that there won’t be a visual component till the absolute last minute. So, we ask those in the know to help us quell any fear that the MSM tries to stoke, if any. One site had a figure of 16,000 degrees for this incoming energy! Don’t worry, Event energy will not burn you to a crisp… unless you think you deserve it because of various perceived transgressions, in which case we have no idea what’s going to happen to you. For all we know, the energy will cause you to get feisty and ride a bad fire-breathing unicorn.

We’re all already experiencing weird somatic effects of Wave X/Event energy, bad unicorns notwithstanding. At least now you have a direction to point to. That said…

We’re right back where we started. We’re sure that The Event is going to happen — because it’s been happening for a loooong time, building sloowwly — but we’re just not sure when or how it will crescendo. However, when we DO know something, we’ll be sure to let you know.


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28 thoughts on “The Event Has Begun; Break Out That Bad Unicorn

  1. Yeah, this is the thing that's so difficult to get across to people: The Event is happening RIGHT NOW, just in super slo-mo. It's happening for us here on earth, and ETs out in the multiverse. We're ALL affected. When you meditate now, you're meditating IN THE MIDDLE OF THE EVENT. But if you wait till the fireworks, it'll probably be too late. Best get started NOW. July will be a crusher. Ground + Protect + Connect. GO GO GO! Meditation instructions to the right of the site.~M2

  2. Oh, brother. Any (other) CATs care to comment on “Cobra's” latest announcement? What a bunch of useless gobbletygook.-CAT8

  3. Hi y'all, took a pic of a cloud dragon today and would love to share it with ya but I don't know how. 🤔L&L Mo

  4. Is that photoshopped rainbow askew on the blue, or is that cat attempting to douse the flames using it's second hand water?Mark

  5. This song is an excellent description/feeling of the NEW: night after a mirror gazing meditation, and then some floor/roller meditation (both with relaxed eyes, akin to ) I reached the point of feeling the “separation” of the hemispheres of my “brain” and how they connected to my body from the eyes down… to realize that the wiring is all “reversed”, i.e. as if working like a mirror. “Left right, Right left”… over and over was the mantra that begun to play in my head as I experienced this.Today I have been very cognizant of this.. for example, if I want to lift something with my left hand, I assure the right side of my brain is initiating the command and then remaining open. If I notice a tension in my right side, I intend my left hemisphere open to release it. One must find balance,Before truly knowing how to operate outside of it.One must become the dreamer,Before realizing they have been the dream itself the whole

  6. But wait… there's more! You know that latest SpaceX launch of the Falcon 9, “carrying supplies for the ISS”? It went up, it went down. There was nothing in it. It was all for show. There were no supplies. The ISS is a complete sham. I don't know what's worse: the constant lies about this, the “scientists” talking about it, or the massive amounts of money wasted.Bring on 4d.~M6

  7. I know… the whole thing makes me crazy, and the fact that SO many people cannot see it (it just isn't their time).~M3

  8. I thought it was 4d and then a piece of straw iss landed on my front lawn

  9. No, it's just the way she's holding the grapefruit.-CAT5

  10. using a foam roller on the floor. I do VERY slow yoga-like moves, as in almost slow motion. That night I was rolling the tensions out of my lower stomach, downards, while resting on my elbows with hands out in front of me, thumbs touching each other. Relaxed eyes creates the potential to “see” my body as a mirror with itself. Did much more of this last night, in a recliend floor chair, hands/fingertips touching and legs out in front of me, feet/heels against each other. This created the same “mirrored” feeling. Holy ca-noles'! I was there. I was new for a VERY long time. I brought this into bed, and my wife was feeling INCREDIBLE jolts of energy through her simply being next to me… to the point she had to shake it out and move, mainly in her hands/neck, same areas I'd felt release myself.

  11. Hello Cats and Ms !I am quite astonished about the article on this energy burst around of the region of Polaris…the last week, i dreamed i was in a warm evenning, with pristine starry sky. I was with the people of my family, parents and siblings, who are not awake about the changes occuring now. There were symbolic figures in the sky, that look like the Zodiac, as i managed to remember their position, and the Gemini was brighter than the other. But quickly faded away and became as less visible as the others (the end of summer solstice? Gemini 21 May-21 June). I said to family to look at Vegas, because something will happen this night and that will be beautifull! But nobody wanted to believe me. While i pointed Vegas, two or three Big flashs came from Pölaris! I was suprised as my family about this happening. As bright as the middle of the day! My vision zoom in to the star and i could see two other little stars at a position of 4 and 5 o'clock.I told to them that exactly what i was talking about, even if i pointed the wrong star (don't know why it was Vegas…), but they started to be upset, confused and angry about this event, even if i kept telling them that it was alright, all good and beautifull, and they just need to accept this fact and be joyfull, but didn't happen…In the other side, still purging with bunch of uncorfortable dreams, spider sens buzzing everytime, quite awkward when the strongest of them happen while you speak to somebody, and this person starts to seem me gazing in the void, while i am struck by the intensity of the feeling (where you feel yourself splitting in two), and asks if i am alright.As a everybody here, i really want all this deception and denial ends… the Event can't come soon enough… Can't thank you all of you Cats and contributors of this blog for this amount of invaluable informations, that we can have in the simplest of ways and all totally free! And thanks to all our benevolant Super friends, whose it will be a real pleasure, love and joy to thank in person, when the time will come, for all the help they have given to us.

  12. In all seriousness do I have to reverse this anger thing I did? I'm clueless literally.

  13. I agree, M2. I think Ascension is happening right now in super slo-mo (according to our perceptions). I suspect, sometimes, that the growing collective awareness and multiple perspectives have influenced timeline changes and the pace of unfoldment. Indeed, looks like time might be “breaking apart” for some. Influence not just from Eartheans. Channeled info provides us with the enormous perspective of a plethora of Energies/Beings/Life Forces here for this transformation (some from other Universes). They, too, influence. I've been led to re-read and actually study the “Hidden Hand interview” from 2008 to correct my understanding of evil in this world. I don't think we've actually begun the Fifth Mayan Night yet, which may be the fireworks of which you speak. Just a thought. I could be wrong. My best to all. Life is good.

  14. A facebook message from Amanda Lorence today: “WAYSHOWERS:Another piece of information today. I received this information through my ears/hearing. So not via third eye, dream time, vision or channelling or data download. It was audible, heard DIRECTLY through my ears. The message:“They are coming…The dragons are coming”

  15. So, here in the country, the last week or so has felt like the movie “Groundhog Day” Lovely cool weather, tranquil momentum through the day. Repeat next day. So the question is I know that I'm holding the ever increasing energies, so what's up? The knowing expectation is sometimes difficult to allow. Any Ideas? I'm in an almost continual state of connectedness.

  16. Jeez, we are getting so much spam now. Fake AIs working overtime to justify their phonybaloney chipsets.-CAT5

  17. Well… technically, the dragons are HERE, and have been here for a while now, but perhaps they're going to make themselves more mainstream… so, get ready for more BS stories about LED pigeons and Venus' light bouncing off of swamp gas — or my favorite: “mass hysteria.” Everything will sort itself out. Just remain calm, no matter what.~M6

  18. Yes, you have to reverse the anger thing. Get to work.-CAT4

  19. FYI, folks… all the crop circles from the last three months or so are made by humans. Kinda embarrassing, really. Look at the ones from the past (real one). Note the difference. Hmm… we should look at…~M2

  20. Something is 'in the air'. The vibration is palpable. I am, pretty much, living in the present and without fear of the future. Looking forward to the reunion party and meeting y'all!

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