

Breathe breathe breathe.

The energies began this morning around 5:15 am PDT and the only way to handle them was to BREATHE through them; with each inhalation, think: “SOURCE… … SOURCE….” Otherwise, you’ll probably wind in the emergency room. The energies are just too intense. Several of the CATs thought that The (main) Event was starting this morning at 7:00 am… we definitely felt lighter. It’s close.




Here’s the timeline jump:

Now… check this out. Those recent Alaska earthquakes? They were at (or very close to) the actual HAARP site! Look at the depth (earthquakes typically occur deep in the earth):




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38 thoughts on “BREATHE

  1. Seriously. BREATHE. The release of Laputa is near!-CAT6

  2. I saw two light beings outside my window this morning (they looked like glowing white orbs), watching me BREATHE.~M6

  3. If I hadn't learned this breathing technique from Lisa Gawlas and the M's, I wouldn't have made it this far. It's the only way to handle the energies… not to mention get closer to SOURCE! -CAT3

  4. Oh. We had another timeline jump at that time. Wow. The energy is high… BREATHE!~M4

  5. This is totally random, but… I saw that the DIMENSION right next door is ruled by… telepathic super-orcas! Wow. Random. They have a hugely developed civilization. Dolphins are their henchmen!~M2

  6. Hahahha this was a great morning smile! One of my guides was visible as light with me while I meditated outside, then in the mirror last night. My wife had a VERY vivid dream of a space ship with a heart shape on the bottom of it stop close by to our house then wiggle away.BREATHE!!!!! Imagine your body is a balloon, each cell being a tiny balloon in the BIG ballon that is your energy field… They need to constantly be refilled with SOURCE (until we've let go of and patched/healed all the 'holes' that we have allowed to form over a lifetime). love/lightlooking UP

  7. Giggling helps too. Of course beware of the blind staggers.

  8. Sunday afternoon I began feeling odd and uncomfortable — like the cubist painting of a woman on staircase I mentioned before. I felt as though I was moving back and forth in time / space / dimension. Later that evening, it stopped, and I was in a new place. Still in my home, on my street, with my family, but a bit different at the same time. This morning it has been the same, and I’m working out accomplishing my usual chores. Got some confirmation from my dog. He is a big fearless guy, but this morning he was perturbed when we were outside. He was sniffing the air in all directions, whined a bit, and came close to me. He’s been rather reserved this morning, which is not his usual state. On the humorous side, I’m watching for certain things to happen such as no more scam phone calls and spam email. That is my personal litmus test of getting past this gradual separation.-CAT7

  9. Got up to go to work after me and my 20yr old cat stayed in bed 45 mins extra. Unheard of as he can't wait to get in the garden. Energies punishing in the night, but different to usual. Had a pleasant edge if you could sense it through the battering. Slumped on sofa and wondered if I could get up! Had two days off previous week through vertigo so forced myself. Anyone else had a feeling last week that they had been hit hard on the side of the head with it reververberating inside like a huge wave whooshing backwards and forwards. Weird even by my standards!

  10. Urgh! I was hit hard today! My body feels mostly fine, but couldn't say the same about the “rest” of me… I am only now starting to feel better after a shower and a nice dinner. It definitely feels like we're closing in to something REALLY cool, though… perhaps Step 11?-Francis

  11. Mmm, don't think so; only some (of the more sensitive of us) were smacked with this latest energy; the Steps whomp all of us. I for one had to really breathe through this latest offering. However, I'll ask the rest of the M's.-CAT5

  12. It's now about 8:20 PDT. It is so eerily quiet here in the country. It's like the collective breath of everything is being held before a wave comes washing over all. Wow!

  13. FYI, I was curious, so I asked J how many dimensions there were and He said: “An infinite number.”~M4

  14. “No one was able to remain on the other side of the eclipse energies, so the whole planet moved into a new frequency for their accelerated growth, ready or not!!!”Has anyone seen the TWBs lately?? Are we finally rid of them?-CAT11

  15. This is a bunch of us: “Think about the “or not” part, where there is an acceleration of frequency, there is also an acceleration of energy, of electrical pulses. We will see more heart issues and breathing issues at the very least. The heart region is effected the most since it is the electrical pulse of the body. That is not to discount the brain, it too takes in electrical pulses to charge the chemistry as well as the neural functions of the body.”-CAT Editors

  16. FYI, the TWBs are trying to figure out how to reprogram their shields for the new energy, to be able to reach us on this side of the “U” (at least with their silly zappy ROVs)… ~M5

  17. Thank you cats. That explains the agonising headache all day yesterday and still some today. Breathing through it does help. Usually get the racing heart with the headaches too. Thank you so much for the explanation.

  18. FYI, I moved this post to the top, as it's more timely. -CAT2

  19. ugh. i also woke up at 3:00 am amidst an extreme chakra #1 upgrade. had to breeeeathe through it. this must mean that i get to do #2 through 7 the next week or so. hooray. thought i was done!-CAT5

  20. Check out Lisa Gawlas' blog today. Wow! Reading scheduled for Sat. Stay tuned.

  21. Btw, that mechanic who “stole” that plane had not set personal protection, and got consequently mind-controlled by the cabal. Don't be a cabal stooge: Ground + Protect! -CAT5

  22. You are not going to believe this CAT8, but ten minutes prior to reading this the vibrations in the back of my calves began!!!Not had leg vibes for a long time…thanks.Mark

  23. FYI, LOVE feelings are getting stronger in meditations, but there's something new to it… can't put my finger on it… it's like… LOVE is a fabric, and there's a new thicker/stronger strand now threaded in the core of the weave. It felt like something you could more easily grab onto and anchor yourself with.~AM

  24. You guys previously mentioned seeing the Event taking place during a revolution of sorts.Do you think it is related to the 45 thousand indictments that Trump has signed? Will a mass arrest of the cabal trigger this unrest?Thanks.Mark

  25. We aren't sure. We see things literally, symbolically, and metaphorically, and then have to figure out what we saw; some things Spirit won't allow us to know directly. We also think that the requirements for The Event change, depending on billions and billions of variables. -CAT Editors

  26. Note: when we commune on an an answer, and there are more than two of us who chime in, we use the group term, “CAT Editors.” -CAT Editors

  27. Oh. Sorry, i don't think those colors pertain to chakras. They may represent the new element that Lisa Rising Berry talked about in the above post — “azoth,” which is a combination of water and fire, not sure how that works — or The Event will happen in the middle of a football game between the red team and the blue team? Or this was a nod to the revolution/strife between republicans and democrats? [sigh] Sorry, wish we had some stright answers. We're all getting antsy for concrete news.~M2

  28. Wow. Dr Smallberries has joined the party! Welcome. -CAT5

  29. Has anyone of you experienced any old emotional stuff coming up lately? I've had different kinds of physical manifestations with all the energy upgrades for a while, but I understand them. Emotionally though, I feel so caught off guard, since the past few months have been overall balanced and I was under the impression that I had cleaned up the necessary stuff. Last Friday I started to feel a heavy energy, with difficult, even aggressive interactions, some of them (verbally) aimed at me. I've also become aware of some of my old personal programming that I thought was done and it felt almost stronger than ever. Is this just old stuff leaving me to make place for the new or showing me what there still is present in terms of density? I'm not sure whether this is about observing and letting go or if I'm firmly invited to take some action? So many things feel so messy that I don't even know where to start!

  30. Comes and goes for me, but definitely increased lately.I'm guessing as soon as enough progress has been made, the next batch of remaining trauma is loaded from cold storage. And the rate of progress is moving off the charts as we speak. My advice would be to relax and enjoy the show as much as possible, notice the change in perspective since last time you thought about the same scenario. It's a spiral, not a circle.~Sifoo

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