And Now For Something Completely Different

Time for a new post. This one will be short.

It’s also time for (some of) you to discard what you know about yourselves (some already have) and be open-minded about what you’re becoming. Why do we say this? BECAUSE YOU ARE ALL PSYCHIC. Seriously. In some way or other, or number of ways. This is what the PTW have been trying to suppress for the longest time, what they saw in all their magic-mirror devices (which only show LIGHT now), because once you realize what you can do, you will be uncontrollable. The PTW loves control, but those days are over.

Being open to being a new you is part of this process. Keep your eyes open. Note that your new abilities will only work if you DON’T look like that magic unicorn guy; it’s a brave new world, but not that brave. Actually, if you put a mustache and wig and unicorn shirt on anybody, they get brave. Why is that? Ok, change of plans: EVERYONE LOOK LIKE THAT GUY. There. All done.

Btw, if you haven’t, please do the “3 Eclipses Meditation” to keep up with what’s going on — and heed your gift. It’s an important milestone. Also, please (carefully) mention this meditation to people who you see having Wave X symptoms — or just meditation in general. Some are open to the process, some aren’t. Some grow their own mustache, while others have psychic mustaches THRUST UPON THEM.

Huh. Looks like we just created the PSYCHIC MUSTACHE.

Well… guess you could also use your psychic mustache as a toupee.

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17 thoughts on “And Now For Something Completely Different

  1. Good. We needed to say this. People have no idea how powerful they really are.~M5

  2. For those dozen early post readers, pls note that the text and images of the post have changed… a little… for the funnier. It was Da-da and his magic mustache that did it.-CAT5

  3. I want SOURCE…..the 'justice' thing is non important since we are ALL ONE….so I really don't want to get my butt kicked…just want peace, love, joy!!!

  4. Good call. You have your science together and easy to read. DOPEThis is 5D!!!

  5. Hey! That magic unicorn guy is Doug Henning! My favorite magician! I saw his show once and looked for the tells, how did he do it, and nuthin'. He had me suspend belief for two hours. Then he met everyone in the lobby afterwards. What a cool guy. In the spirit of Doug Henning and with the knowledge of our true selves, let the magic begin! Now, where's my sparkly unicorn shirt? Oh. I know. I'll just conjure one.

  6. I think that's an SNL guy pretending to be Doug Henning.-CAT4

  7. Funny. I was thinking about making a video today using a moustache on a stick as camouflage.Since no one ever figured out who Zorro was, they will never know it is I behind that stache. To the batcave! ����

  8. Pls could be kind enough to link or direct me to thease wave x symptoms .Ty

  9. Dang last night this also came to me but it was specifically telepathy and that it couldn’t be given to us in the past because we wouldn’t use it wisely and would create chaos and that’s why they’re trying to prep us to recieve it or something like that. Great to see this post and get validation cuz it all sounded pretty crazy and I’ve been thinking about it all day. So thanks again for the peace of mind and constant update posts as we all try to hang on for this wild ride !

  10. I wax my (slight) mustache every week. And I certainly don't plan to stop doing that. Sure hope the psychic one remains invisible and isn't affected by the waxing….

  11. So very relevant to what the past period's reflections have been like for me. A few nights ago before a day that was so full of symbolism that it could not possibly get more obvious (I just love that!) in my dream I saw this clear division of my life's story and experiences until now and the clear understanding of a new reality, that had nothing to do with the decades of the previous. It was such a serene, simple, amazing realization of freedom and infinite possibility! That night was sure full with lots of action because I slept for 10 hours. I woke up feeling fantastic and so very rooted in my power all day long, discovering one powerful message after the other in the everyday things. The next day I was feeling woozy, tired and challenged by some of the energies around me, but hey that's part of riding this wave and it's so exciting!

  12. Btw, we might get a surprise from this latest CME. Stay tuned!~M5

  13. Mmmm, no. None of us are celebrities. Unless you mean the Greater Space CAT population… there are dog people, and there are CAT people…-CAT4

  14. Yeah, the CME hit at 7:30 pm PDT today. I must say, it's not as bad as being hit by the TWBs!-CAT2

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