(Yet Another) Timeline Jump ~ [UPDATE3]



This shows how important it is to think positively, and meditate often. If you need to know how to do that, click on the SOC Meditation Primer on the mainpage. If you’re reading ths blog, you probably want to be on the highest possible timeline…

…but don’t stress about it. There are so many beings working to keep you safe and ‘movin’ on up’ it would make your head spin.












Feels like Monday… but it sure is CALM out there… hmm.

Screen Shot 2015-10-03 at 10.22.37 PM
(FYI, this is NOT a timeline jump image; it’s a ScroogleEarth photo glitch Da-da found.)


Lots of energy at the moment (at 9:45 pm PDT), but just wanted to share this one Cumiana graph, which is quite beautiful; looks like the energy is dancing:




This one put all but one of the CATs out:


That white line at the right looks small, but 99% of CATs… fell asleep! (Or nearly barfed.) Are we there, yet? Still feeling it.

Btw, look how fast the weather is changing at the northernmost edges of this MIMIC recording. Imagine a plane trying to fly against that.


Then there was more:



These lower freq “waves” are looking more and more prominent.




Timeline jump.

More as we develop.


Kiruna, which is in Lapland, north of the Arctic Circle (you’ll need a jacket), is having all the fun. Here’s another singular offering:


And the Siberian Muon Telescope has been looking bumpy:


Notice the recent (major) timeline shift.


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64 thoughts on “(Yet Another) Timeline Jump ~ [UPDATE3]

  1. Ouch, BoInG … I don’t mind the jumps, but I sure have a hard time keeping my paws from getting dirty when that happens. MeeeOW

  2. Wow! Remarkably dizzy today. Amazing clarity in the PNW today. I just read Lisa Gawlas’ blog for the 15th. It explains much.

    1. P.S. I meant “it”, obviously. Still trying to get used to this new system, not to mention I’m a bit discombobulated myself. Must be the Monday air…

  3. Take a look at this (before it’s deleted): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E6O6DEmfJy0&disable_polymer=true (The top of this remote Island ( Annobon ) has been turned into an
    “Arrecibo-Sized” Weather Modification Site(!). WEATHER MOD TRANSMITTER DISH SITE FOUND AT MIMIC BEAM SOURCE(!)
    I wonder what the cats think about it. It’s Technology fighting Ascending Consciousness. I suggest we all start actively dreaming about the I-st and Permanent World Peace on this troublesome planet.

    1. ” Seanconw1 • 22h
      I don’t know better than you. But, I do know why.

      Katriana98 • 22h
      Care to share, here or in pm?

      Seanconw1 • 19h
      Edit: Sorry phone hard

      of course!! I’d love to.

      Look at the words you’re using. Actually analyze the syntax and individual words used.

      The things you say/text and share with others is really just an expression or representation of your thoughts.

      Thoughts are previews or examples of your beliefs. Beliefs are just thoughts that you repeat again and again.

      Your beliefs form the constructs and hold the lens from which you perceive through or judge your personal experience and world.

      “So… What about its!” Well… Give yourself a break from the past. Pump the breaks on judging your situation so hard. You wouldn’t safely or enjoyably drive a car while looking at the floorboards. So don’t live that way either lol.

      Look through the windshield and allow yourself to be optimistic about all the good stuff thats on its way and coming. Judging the past or events as you perceive them will only create resistance and keep those things around you or in your mind. THEY AREN’T WORTH THE RENT IN YOUR BRAIN… like at all. I implore you to stop trying to give these things meaning and figuring out the why. You already sent out your request for expansion. Life gave you all these “problems”, ……but…., in reality the solutions are coming. Your “problems” and “rough” month is something you GET to do. You get to go through this to know yourself that much deeper. Your pushing the boundaries of YOU. How awesome is that!? After this post I challenge you to look up & out and know things are changing for the better. … ps: They always are, like always.

      You’re powerful and becoming more powerful the more you actually believe this.

      TLDR:/ You asked for this energetically, maintained it mentally, and are now removing the last bit of resistance to allow BETTER to come in to your life.


    2. “ObsidianOrbital🥝🥝🥝🥝 • 17h
      On one of the websites that I follow https://schrodingersothercat.blog/ the commenters feel like The Event would happen in the fall season. Now they never said which year, but it’s very interesting that the dates you mention represent the start of fall.

      And yes, craziness is everywhere. I have very few friends left because I’ve disconnected myself from the craziness. I don’t care for material things, or about politics or sports etc which apparently makes me a boring person


  4. A few years ago, I dropped my phone in between the driver’s seat and the center console in my car. . I looked for DAYS for that phone and never found it. How could it fall in that crack and then not be there?? I was convinced I had skipped to a new timeline it was so weird. Had to get a new phone.

  5. Got whomped big today. Hunger and exhaustion. Ear ringing, dizziness.

    Otherwise tickety boo. Has the show started yet?


  6. BTW, Ruby The Wonder Dog has been pensive since last night. Be sure to give your pets extra love and reassurance. They are sensing things they don’t understand yet. (like we do?)

    1. Yes, my cats are sitting in unusual places (for them) and staring at things I can’t see (then again, my house is haunted). My poor dog is terrified of everything, and has been for about a month… even me!


      1. I came across this podcast about pets and the ascension process – I haven’t listened to it myself, but I love the speakers on this show and what they bring forth.
        Definitely helps me in all the madness and reminds me what it’s about.
        The recent Wendy Kennedy is amazing, with light code activation of the P’s.


        For the pet ascension podcast: look for Denise Mange, the second of the replays. Or just look for a pretty lady with a dog!

        ♡ Nuni

    1. Ughh. ‘Ear thingies’ just now, like pressure changing in an airplane. (Ear ringing is literally you processing energy as it comes in and goes out.) Back cracking. Body heat. Heart and head issues. Weird errant ouchies. DYK that your spine is an antenna? Mine was torn off and whacked against a wheat thresher a few hundred times.

      Repeat after me: “This is GOOD for me…” ow.


  7. Up all night with heat, body becoming hot,but without fever or a temperature, and itchy. My wife was scratching all night too only she was asleep, she’s obviously a professional. No flea bites so all is well 😉

    Head still going “BING BONG, BING BONG!”.

    Good job I am practically a recluse, I must look like a recovering drug addict or something. Best times. Still, must not grumble. On a plus note, I’m probably an anchor for this energetic insanity, so that’s nice.


    1. Mark, I’ve had the same thing. Super itchy, inflamed skin, especially on my right hand.
      Saturday night I woke up feeling super hot, my skin was just unbearably itchy, also around my eyes and neck. Couldn’t sleep for hours.
      I had to get a cortisone cream for it the next day, as much as I’ve been trying to heal it naturally over the past month with CBD salve, bentonite clay etc. My skin is starting to look normal again, although still itchy – so relieved!


      1. Not itchy anywhere except for the eyes. And this has gone way too far. It’s been going on for two full days now, (no specific reason, btw) to the point that I realised that the most comfortable thing to do is to turn off all lights and just close the eyes. I was wondering if this unusual phenomenon is experienced by anyone else. Both eyes are irritated by an unknown whatever and well, extremely itchy. What gave me a noticeable relief is rinsing the irritated eyes with baking soda solution (I put the powder in my hand and added water to it as was needed) and also organic coconut oil. Please, note I didn’t apply the two remedies together, just one at a time (=one is enough). Each of the remedies did make the itchiness disappear immediately. But the next day it resumed.

        Also, as I retired to the quiet dark room, I though I’d remote view the Sun state as it seem to be a lot of talking about it these days. To my amazement I saw that the Sun was in a very fluid-mobile and over active kinda state, like a cluster of streams all moving hectically everywhere without a chance to come to a coherent something as more various energies were erupting, unleashed, moving etc here and there. And there was another interesting thing in the midst of all that. The Sun was surround by a swarm of different ships- of far too many different species. I’d say around 20 and more were coming. Anybody else here spotted anything of this kind?

      2. Anonimus.
        Yes. My eyeballs are burnin’. That feeling when you know you have the flu and it feels like your eyeballs are burnin’. For months now. Itchy too.

  8. Bleah indeed. Great description of bodily yuckyness. Hit yesterday with sudden pains in right side. Neck and shoulder then hip and knee. This morning horrible headache and sick feeling. Shoulder seized up. YES ITS GOOD FOR YOU. There, has that made you feel better! Probably not. My cat has been sleeping in weird places for weeks too. Currently at the side of the toilet. Had to put a blanket there.

  9. Can we talk about traffic? I have had four near misses in two days – people pulling out in front of me like I’m just not there – what’s going on?? (I’m still here right??? 😉

    1. People are getting supertwitchy. Couple that with staring at their phones all the time and their brains turned off while piloting a 2-ton automobile…

      Drive Defensively. And note that a lot of traffic delays are intentional, to keep you from being in an accident.


    2. Yes me too cars appearing out of nowhere nearly hitting me the drivers don’t appear to have any idea I’m there in my red car. Drive defensively absolutely!
      Had a dream last night about many planes suddenly appearing all together in the sky but only half of the plane showed like there was a glitch so the whole plane wasn’t visible. They all then started falling from the sky. There were at least 60 flying in the same space in all directions, altitude etc. Crazy crazy

  10. This is going to sound weirder than usual, but where I have been seeing a household product almost ran out, I have also seen it with a replacement.

    It is like I am in two realities, WTH?

    Anyone else experiencing this?


  11. Regular CAT blog readers won’t have a problem with all the current symptoms, but please help normalize people around you who may be having similar issues. Some might ignore you, but others will listen.


  12. This has been by far the strangest and most intense month for me in a long time.
    The weird thing is I go in between feeling entirely knocked out, mostly energetically and emotionally and then I get into clarity, peace and balance. To then get back to feeling stuck in about any practical sense in my life. I keep telling myself that it’s part of the purging process, old programs that I can’t be taking with me anymore, the period between the old and the new, that it’s just illusion and that I can change my reality in a moment. When I’m in clarity I feel the possibility of it all, excited, inspired etc. Yet I find myself slipping back into just feeling so stuck. Lots of instability in my sense of safety atm – home, finances etc. This plus all these ascension symptoms is just so much. Not mean to be whining here, I know everyone has their own challenges to deal with. But if you have any suggestions to get faster to the understanding of it and being able to process it already, I’d be very grateful.

    Sending my love to all!

    1. A reply to the Anonymous Cousin who ended their post with “if you have any suggestions to get faster to the understanding of it and being able to process it already, I’d be very grateful.”

      The reason you slip back into stuckness state is b/c you resist (in a very sneaky(=hidden from yourself way way) processing/acquainting yourself with all those feelings/emotions/chaotic thoughts etc (that you one way or another collected and accumulated in your field/being). SOLUTION: When you feel/are stuck again, allow yourself to feel into ALL AVAILABLE ASPECTS …of this very feeling of stuckness and sense of instability to begin with. There is a whole bunch of suppressed emotions, i.e. trapped energy states that you, in the past would rather not address/be aware of (for your own personal reasons). Those suppressed and therefore trapped emotional states are rather subtle b/c they are too old, meaning u used to them so much that at some point they became “normal”. When the new energies came around, they showed the contrast between what’s yours what’s foreign to you within you. I hope this offered a little clarity. You can’t simultaneously judge/reject/resist an energy and be FULLY aware of its nature at the same time. To make a new decision in regards to the undesirable energies or emotions you’d like to rid yourself of, you must first desire to be aware of their content/nature AND all that which made you accept these uncomfortable energy states in the first place. Then you can make a new decision about whether those energy states and attached to them decisions stay with you or go. In order to resist sth, you must first align with it and hold this alignment in order to continue resisting it. You say “When I’m in clarity I feel the possibility of it all, excited, inspired etc.” Next time you are in clarity, from this very state look at your stuckness and insability and whatever else comes with it and notice what you immediately become aware of. I do energy psychology and teach people how to expand their consciousness and awareness that naturally causes the requested self correction and raising of vibrations- effortlessly. So I have seen this kinda cases many times, the offered above technique works. But that’s just a hint into the right direction. I could possibly work with you, however, I think that 1- you can help yourself just fine by yourself. 2- I don’t find it either ethical or appropriate to offer my services on this site. That’s a cosmic cats playground after all))))))))). I only posted it as it may help more cats in here that are in a similar situation and we want a happy playful cats around. So there.

      1. Yes, many people have many ways of NOT facing the truth. We stopped telling people Truths in public because we got tired of being stared at. But people seem to better believe things they see in writing, so…


      2. Unidentified Humanoid thank you so much for addressing this, everything you write truly resonates with me and it’s a great affirmation of what I know inside, but struggle to connect with when I’m in my perceived stuckness. When I’m in my essence like now I can’t even relate to those states, it’s such a different reality. Interesting phenomenon.. I also realize that I not always distinguish between my own stuff and that of the collective which I am very sensitive to. Many lessons along the way!

        Thanks again and all the best.

  13. Too funny! Yesterday I went to Costco for gas. The crazy woman in front of me was 5 feet from the pumps talking on her phone and was totally oblivious to me or anything. I had to wait until the car in the adjacent bay pulled out before I could get out. The guy behind me in line also wouldn’t back up so I couldn’t back up either altho he could clearly see what was going on. It saddened me. Ruby The Wonder Dog is still freaky. BTW Lisa Gawlas posted today

    1. Remind people NOT to use their phones while pumping gas! The wireless energy can cause a static spark, under certain conditions, and ignite the fumes and BOOM. The life you save could be your own.


  14. Not itchy anywhere except for the eyes. And this has gone way too far. It’s been going on for two full days now, (no specific reason, btw) to the point that I realised that the most comfortable thing to do is to turn off all lights and just close the eyes. I was wondering if this unusual phenomenon is experienced by anyone else. Both eyes are irritated by an unknown whatever and well, extremely itchy. What gave me a noticeable relief is rinsing the irritated eyes with baking soda solution (I put the powder in my hand and added water to it as was needed) and also organic coconut oil. Please, note I didn’t apply the two remedies together, just one at a time (=one is enough). Each of the remedies did make the itchiness disappear immediately. But the next day it resumed.

    Also, as I retired to the quiet dark room, I though I’d remote view the Sun state as it seem to be a lot of talking about it these days. To my amazement I saw that the Sun was in a very fluid-mobile and over active kinda state, like a cluster of streams all moving hectically everywhere without a chance to come to a coherent something as more various energies were erupting, unleashed, moving etc here and there. And there was another interesting thing in the midst of all that. The Sun was surround by a swarm of different ships- of far too many different species. I’d say around 20 and more were coming. Anybody else here spotted anything of this kind?

  15. And now it works again. I didn’t 20 mins ago. Anyway, I just wanted to share that over the last 2 days I have experienced an extreme case of both eyes itching, nothing else, just eye and area around them. The most comfortable thing to do was to close the eyes and turn off the lights. Which I eventually did and it felt way better. By the end of the second day I spontaneously discovered 2 remedies that eliminated the annoying eyes itching immediately and for a prolonged period of time. 1- you could wash the itching eyes with baking soda. 2- you could apply pure and organic coconut oil. Leave the oil there (in generous amount) for at least 10 mins (or longer, it feels wonderful anyway). I used one of the two remedies at a time. If you use the first one you don’t need the other. It was a relief to know others have the same thing going on, so thanx for sharing as this phenomenon is not just highly unusual but also very annoying. Although, it does prompt one retreat into a meditation and remain there indefinitely.

  16. Good MORNING to CATS & M’s & everyone reading this (from Melbourne!)
    Woke up this morning with Cerebrospinal Fluid leaking from my ears onto my pillow-case. Ug. Lower Paws (er human-feet) were more than vibrating (half-way between vibrating and buzzing) in bed as I was falling asleep and as I woke up, . As I am typing this my Lower Paws are “merely” constantly vibrating. There have been previous days where my Lower Paws would be BUZZING. I would be sitting at my lappy & think, “Oh, okay, this is supposed to be happening”.
    Last night (my time) as I was tapping away at this lappy, my left ear started to “ring”. I focused/concentrated on the “sound”/vibration/Energy, and BREATHED into the Energy. I then started to experience “vertigo whilst stationary”, and then this feeling started to pass/integrate with “me” (whatever “me” is now)

    I also have heeeeaps of questions, but I shall post each question as a separate post.

    CATS & M’s and our “off-world” assistants, thankyou SO MUCH for all that you are doing for us.


    1. Wow. You’re having a tough time of it, but you’re doing all the right things.

      For those who think they aren’t going to make it, KNOWING that you’re going to make it is 99% of it. The Event will be worth it.

      -CAT Editors

    2. Hi Din.

      Sorry you’re having a tough time of it, you’re in good company.

      Regarding the fluid from the ears. I’m not sure that’s correct. To me it would indicate some kind of head trauma. It would be prudent to get it checked out just in case.

      Good luck and keep smiling, on the home straight now!


        1. Greetings CATS & M’s and Mark! Thankyou for your concern. When I mean -leaking- this happens every few days, and not a constant “gushing”.
          I haven’t bumped my noggin, so no head trauma. I “intuit” that I experience an upgrade & then “fluid in both my ears”.


          1. Everyone has a path w/different experiences. I am trusting and send healing energy. Peace.

  17. Why don’t I get ‘ascension symptoms’?
    I know I’m going through the event and ascending, I feel it very clearly.
    Yet I don’t get any physical symptoms of timeline shifts, ascension or the event.

    1. Some people came into this lifetime already ready to go. Consider yourself lucky! Two of the CATs are this way. It’s maddening to the rest of us who are bringing up the rear!


  18. New Gaia Portal:

    Separations for the next phase are completed.

    All energetic ties to the past are cut.

    Higher Light enters.

    Strengths are amplified.

    New pathways begin.

  19. Wouldn’t it be nice if within a week or two everyone would start posting something like “started to telepathically communicate with every life form on this planet and within our solar system. Started having consistent two way communication with intelligent fabric of Creation. Dropped every notion of the limited self, its projected images and identification with body and mind. Feeling primordial peace which now became the main reference state as well as oneness with all forms of Source Consciousness. Completely lost any sensation of physicality and as of now I am transforming into light, so it looks like it’ll be my last post here. Anyone else is experiencing this?”

  20. As I sit here and feel my body burning up, I am reminded that this is still the better way to do this. Nine years ago, I went all at once. I was just casually walking to the kitchen and zap! A thousand experiences happened to me simultaneously. I can barely find the words to describe the spiritual experiences, let’s just say I knew I was connected to Source and everything, and this was amazing! But. The physical. Oh boy. I was stunned and a part of my brain was like “can I move?”, okay, I can move. A part of my brain was screaming “what’s happening?”, even though I knew. And another part of my brain was screaming in agony. I felt like every single cell in my body switched on, filled with light, became self aware, electrified. I mean, really electrifying. I thought I was going to fry, short circuit or spontaneously combust. Imagine each separate cell in my billions of cells, each individually frying. It was the most painful experience I have ever had, and I’ve known pain before. And another part of my brain screamed “this is too much for the human body to handle!” And it stopped. Instantly. Then I collapsed on the couch, thinking, WTF was that? Although I knew. The entire experience lasted just seconds but felt like so much happened in that short time frame. And just when I was starting to forget about it, zap! Two weeks later, the exact same thing. Even me screaming “this is too much for the human body to handle!” And again, instantly it stopped. This process now, is uncomfortable but bearable. But nine years of physical transformation? Ugh. Enough already. Let’s go.

  21. I would like to share the ear worm that I’ve had for months. Dolly Parton singing “There I go again” or words to that effect. Dolly has been a boon companion . EEEeeeee! Of course I have to be careful turning my head so that I don’t fall over from the dizziness.

    1. My Guides often communicate with me (for fun, it seems) via music and repeating digits — as well as via direct visual or aural communication, which is always nice. The songs are typically “whammy songs,” aka ear worms. The past few mornings I’ve suddenly heard the song, “Rock. Steady.” which I think means we’re in the pipe, 5×5.


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