Meterage for 9-24-18: or, “COME FOR THE EVENT, STAY FOR THE PIE” [UPDATE4]


We’ve had another timeline jump… or two. And Kiruna…


…continues to live in the Twilight Zone. Speaking of that…


…a new addition to our meterage line-up is the Stereo A satellite “GIANT UFO SHOW,” which registered an average of approx. 200 NEPTUNE-sized crafts (not Jupiter-sized, sorry) exiting the sun in the first half of Monday, September 24, 2018. We’ll (try to) keep a running tally so we might get a daily tally… but no one wants to do it. Does it matter? There are A LOT of gynormous thought-ships tooling around the solar system, cloaked. Oddly, the ships don’t have that many beings on them, which for a ship that big is a bit odd.

Dat’s pretty big.


Perhaps they’re really into free parking.  And at this rate, perhaps we should start charging a toll on entries into the solar system and hourly parking. COME FOR THE EVENT STAY FOR THE PIE.

Here’s one we made earlier. Mmmm, cat pie…

We’ve also had some recent GRBs:


…and more WHOMPs and timeline jumpage:


But what else is new? More as we develop. (Psst… we’re trying to look inside the giant ships, shhh.)


Another timeline skip (or two); looks like a big one. Half of us felt this one in the gut.



And more from Kiruna. Look to the far right, it just happened:


And then there’s this, though it basically just says, “Energy is UP….”

Screen Shot 2018-09-25 at 7.32.07 AM

Oh. A really interesting tidbit…

1 1

We’d looked at the “Sphere Ships” before, and seen various beings (the blue birds, some blue-grays, some who were very cagey about letting us see them)… bottom line, they seemed… neutral. This was back in 2012/2013. But we just looked at these new visitors coming out of the sun… and these folks are really high up there. When we tried to focus on the inside of the ship, we just saw lots and lots of bright white light (like we were even squinting in our minds!). We’re gonna consider that a really good thing.


Oh, man. We’re burning up tonight. Look at the volt readings for 30 and 38Mhz at Kiruna:

Whoa. Something’s happening here.

This equal match-up of energy frequency perhaps presages a major timeline SHIFT?



HERE is the energy signature of the Wave X roast that caused many of us to feel like we were burning up last night:

14 is midnight PDT. (Why can’t Tomsk use UTC?)

NOW… look at this:

Looks like separation.


There’s some lift-off for ya. Anyone notice how, when you’re drinking water now, that the water feels less dense? Try it. This has happened twice before.

Also, it’s been confirmed: the Universals in these huge ships are balancing out Event/Wave X energy so we don’t get fried:

See how they’re taking up station equidistant from each other?

As you can see in today’s Kiruna update (at top of this update), we had another timeline split, also recorded elsewhere:

Timeline jump.

There’s also this new… separation, perhaps… from lower frequencies:


More as it happens.


In the meantime, try to maintain.

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88 thoughts on “Meterage for 9-24-18: or, “COME FOR THE EVENT, STAY FOR THE PIE” [UPDATE4]

  1. Empty ships coming in, to take whom back out with them?

    1. One ship the size of Neptune could put the whole earth in it! There are something like 400+ ships a day. The must be here to help deal with the energy.

      -CAT Eds.

  2. All I want at this point is for someone to give me a new box – with a lid … and a comfy blanket, and a catnip kicker that I can beat the snot out of … DIS kitteh is about done with all this fur-rufflage. MeOW!

  3. Geez, first almost choking to death on some fresh halibut, now the blind staggers(again) to craaaazy fools racing down a dark country hiway passing on blind curves. (at least I remembered to drop a few grounding cords on them.They were gone before I could see the results) I’m going to bed!

  4. Thing seem to be accelerating for me. I think the event is coming soon. I wish I was able to meditate though. My mouth produces a lot of spit, forcing me to swallow every few mins, preventing me from getting into the meditation.

    I have had an idea for a while…what if everyone experiences the event at different times? For example, it is 25 august 2018 for me and 8 July 2018 for you and 17 November 2012 for someone else. Once each person goes through the event, they “pop” into the same space-time as everyone else. It will appear as if everyone went through at the same time, but they both didn’t and did.

    Sorry if it sounds confusing.

      1. Thought it would confuse you, sorry. I’m basically saying that I feel everyone’s perception will be different (though similar). I know it is happening at the same time. Sorry about the misunderstanding. I tend to understand time-travel and timeline stuff that confuses everyone else. The timeline jumpage could very easily be Source getting everyone on the exact same moment.

    1. I like your idea! However it happens it will be awesome. Time doesn’t exist so really going at the same time or other times is the same thing!!! :)))) all ideas are good. We need thinkers on this journey

      …. and more sandwiches

  5. Exciting shifts! Thinking about the near empty interplanetary vessels… I don’t recall the source months ago, but I remember hearing that anyone in possible danger at the time of the event such as flying in a plane, riding a luge, etc., would be transported to starships in the short term until their safety is secured, then they’d be returned to earth. Just throwing it out there. 😀

    1. Mmm… not this timeline. All will be on the ground, and if in motion, will kind of go into a slow motion stop. Then all will STOP. (Blossom’s Guides called it “The OFF.”) Afterward, those on the new timeline (if there is to be a new timeline, things might’ve changed) will have to figure out how to turn things back on, if those people who do this function aren’t there. Might take folks a little while to get things moving again, but then, they’ll actually have a say in how things work because the PTW will be GONE.


  6. Thanks for your effort, much Gratitude. Nap time. Peace.

  7. This would explain the constant 3rd Eye headache & tiredness I have been experiencing this last day-and-a-half.

    Pain-level was so bad last night (my time) I took two Nurofen Migraine. I hate taking pain-killers.

    I wish that the Upgrades to my physical 3D body were not so bluddy painful…oooowwwies

    To the CATS & M’s (and everyone else who is reading this) who have “9-5” jobs & businesses etc, you peeps are better than me.

    I know this is 3D-bullsheet, but SOURCE, please take me, I’d like to go home!!

    Spyware on phone fears as Dutton pushes new security laws


    1. The funny thing is: you’re ALREADY home, with SOURCE, right now. You’re SuperSelf is having this dream about this omniverse thing, with you in a body, and you’re slowly being awakened by SOURCE, a bit at a time.


      1. Dear CAT2, I hope Source knows how difficult it is to maintain one’s composure (see above) with all the s..t around …
        I joined the Off-TV Club years ago, thanks goodness (no membership fee required). A friend of mind actually threw his TV set out the window (hope there was no passer-by …)
        I am jumpy, yes (see above again), and just like janielaurel I want a new box with a very, very comfy blanket, thank you so much!
        I’ll keep smiling while breathing out,
        with gratitude and love

      2. Wait a minute? What!? So my 4day migraine and insane fatigue is a dream? And did I choose this body?! Bc it’s very short and fluffy. I think I would have gone with a taller model.

      1. Hello and thankyou CAT2!

        Am doing as you say.

        Are you saying that Solfeggio Frequencies are “not useful”? Confuzzled here.


        1. No, not at all. They’re very helpful. We used them for years… but we can’t listen to them anymore. They somehow… pull us down, or interfere with other things we’re getting.

          -CAT Eds.

          1. Thankyou very much CATS!

            Ahh, I’m “getting it”. Solfeggio Frequencies are “tools to get you to -certain levels-“, but, once you are “there”, in existence are “more advanced” tools to get you to “more advanced levels”! 😀

            Thankyou so much for helping me to understand! Yay!! 😎


    1. Love Meditative Mind, watch it through the tv every night, so many soothing meditations. I too have migraine, nausea, pain everywhere, no painkillers seem to work very ouch and drained right now but still sending love vibes out to you all xxx

  8. This one has been wild! So much energy I could explode! No pain but a constant need to do something. The solar feeds have been super fun to watch! The idea to charge for parking made me laugh 😛
    Couple notes
    The constant loop from the solar feed available on some websites has clearly blocked out sections. Profound laziness on nasas side. In my day they took the time to photoshop out the ships individually. Now they just slap on a black sticker and say fuck it. Ridiculously obvious

    Also in a lighthearted way (I promise!)…So whats up with all the blossom stuff lately? I think she’s super awesome and it’s cool to see the post.. but I noticed it’s become the referencing point in answers to a couple of questions already. I’m interested to what led you guys to choose her channelings with much certainty? Just in my opinion *take it if it resonates, if not, still cool* I worry that what some of her guides say seems very pushy and specifics which I don’t ever see in the higher realms. In the higher realms, in my experience it’s all about love and everything is ALREADY as it should be. I worry even more if light workers hear another date and then watch it come and go it’s going to hurt morale. The galactic federation channelings as well as the ashtar have many times now given certainties that haven’t come to fruition. I believe they are positive and light however I don’t know if they know too much more then we do about dates and what’s gonna happen. They are fun and uplifting to listen to. Kinda like a pep talk but I personally try to shoot for a higher density as it seems to flow the easiest and I don’t get let down consistently. The higher trajectory being: looking at the last few years and the huge changes already with gratitude. The earth didn’t have to keep us around, but she did. So many things to be stoked on! We went 5d in 2012, wave x first rolled in sept 2015, the high timeline jump in sep 2016 no one though we could do, spring 2017 at all its glory… to so awesome. Another thing is raising MY vibration to bring on my own personal EVENT. Which is the only one that really matters to me because without clear mind and open heart how can I bring about new earth?! Just my opinion

    1. We are nearly all clairsentients, so we know the truth when we encounter it. When know when someone’s lying to us (and boy, people sure don’t like that! esp. in business meetings!). We know when certain CAT followers are PTW trolls (Scroogle was awful). It started out as intuition, but has become a concrete thing we’ve learned to trust. We trust Blossom and her Guides; they’re the genuine article. We trust Lisa Gawlas. We trust Lynn at Psychic Focus. And we trust each other — and esp. our Universals. (We’d tell you about them, but they’ve asked for privacy.) You kinda need to take visions from all those whom you trust to get a reasonably clear picture of things, as everyone’s sight in a little bit different.

      -CAT Eds.

      1. Oh totally. I don’t think they’re lying at all. I just think they tend to tread overly optimistic sometimes. Thoughts on Sandra Walter? To me she’s been the most helpful.

  9. Do you see people having to “do” something once the Event arrives in order to go to 4D, or will people just automatically go where they are supposed to, whatever dimension their vibe matches? I have heard some people say portals will appear and you have to go through them, other stories, etc.

    1. Of course not!
      You’re already in 4D and everywhere else you’re going you’ll just match with your vibes… no worries! Just don’t get into the metallic ship.
      The candy they claim to have is bunk 😉

    2. Mmm, well you could breathe in and think “SOURCE”… otherwise… you’re either going or you’re not. Whatever is in your greatest good will occur. Some will go to 4D, but not like it there (it will be kinda boring if you like this current fast-paced tech life), and will return to 3D. SOURCE cares about you so much that, if you culd feel even a hundredth of the love, you’d burst out crying. SOURCE has everyone’s besyt interest in mind, as do your Guides and Universals helping with The Event. As for portals appearing… we’ve never seen that. Anything’s possible. It’s more of a shiny-bright wave that envelops you and then… something happens.


  10. Greetings CATS and M’s!

    One of the CATS (please correct me if I am wrong if an M saw this) mentioned they saw “The Event” occurring during a “revolution”

    Is this “your” “revolution”, perchance??? (I am in Australia, & I have -no idea- how this would affect me….)

    EMERGENCY REPORT: Signed Executive Orders reveal Trump is planning mass arrests, military tribunals for deep state traitors like Comey, Clinton and Obama – UPDATE –


    1. We see things all the time. But what timeline are they on? It is nearly impossible to tell BECAUSE THERE ARE A BAZILLION TIMELINES. It’s maddening. We saw the “revo” thing… but that looked like a social upheaval… which is going on right now (yes, here in the US). It wasn’t a 1917-type vision, it… looked a lot like the Supreme Court thing, poor guy. And… who cares about mass arrests? They’ve been promising this for so long it’s become noise. We’ll believe it when we see it. It’s interesting, but we’re certainly not going to pine for it.

      -CAT Eds.

      1. Thankyou CATS & M’s.

        As you say “Do you want justice, or do you want SOURCE”.


  11. Everyone around me keeps talking about this Kavanaugh Supreme Court thing (btw, he’s a nice, smart, honest guy; he doesn’t deserve any of what he’s getting, but he came for this; i really feel sorry for his family). Anyway, that isn’t even in the same TOWN of interest when compared to what we saw inside the sphere ships. Wow.


  12. Ok, we’ll put this here, too, since it’s so awesome. A really interesting tidbit…

    We’d looked at the “Sphere Ships” before, and seen various beings (the blue birds, some blue-grays, some who were very cagey about letting us see them)… bottom line, they seemed… neutral. This was back in 2012-2015. But we just looked at these new visitors coming out of the sun… and these folks are really high up there. When we tried to focus on the inside of the ship, we just saw lots and lots of bright white light (like we were even squinting in our minds!). We’re gonna consider that a really good thing. 😉

    -CAT Eds.

    1. Hmmm, maybe the far side of the ship was double glazed and you were seeing the sun?

      Or perhaps it was a race of giant chickens, crammed with heat lamps above mahoosive nests?

      Or you stumbled upon a galactic race of pot dealers using hydroponic equipment with enormous energy saving bulbs?

      Or it could have been a medical ship, with thousands of surgeons operating on a creature that was several miles long, and when you interrupted them they turned and shone their head lamps in your general direction?

      Universe is weird.


    2. So the “Blue Avains” that Corey Goode talks about are real? The story he gives is these beings are extremely positive in the “Sphere Being Alliance”. Can you elaborate on these beings please?

      1. Yup. As for “extremely positive”… nope. Look at that recent “bird-man” geoglyph they (the blue avians) recently carved in the desert in Australia. That’s a peremptory, master-servant image, with humans as whipped servant (that wand is a tool of obedience). Agenda-city. So many beings want a piece of the old earth/new earth. If they’d just been honest at the beginning, we would’ve been a lot more open. But after all the lies… forget it. They made their choice when they lied, now they get to reap the benefits. No idea if “Corey Goode” actually has the capacity to understand these beings, but they’ve played him for a fool. I see the name now and I think: “IGNORE.” Same goes for Wilcock, who’s fully latched onto the JUSTICE timeline. So be it. OR… this is a veil they put over themselves for some reason we as yet don’t understand… but first impressions are usually correct. The blue avians are fierce and aloof and not friendly.


        1. Interesting observation, M5. I have always strongly felt “a veil of inauthenticity” in both “Goode”(doubt it’s his true name) & Wilcock. Couldn’t fight this feeling. The latter one is more into a show off kinda thing, whatever he claims his true motives are, but one can say verbally what they choose yet they can’t fake their vibrations, to me the vibs speak louder and way more clear. I though I was the only one who noticed the things you mentioned about both of them, “Goode” in particular. To put simply, I don’t trust either of them, and seriously doubt the claimed capacities of Corey, his true motives in particular. And the avians… there are multiple games taking place amongth them, I wouldn’t call them a peaceful star nation. Will keep the rest to myself at this point.

        2. Time to step in…. that is racism. You guys can’t claim to know that either way. The large blue people in my experience have been the most positive.. as well as my lineage.

          Not cool, not high vide of you.

        3. I should also add, Just because those two sell outs (Goode willcock) claim to know anything about the blues shouldn’t discredit an entire race. We’re in an age of disinformation

      2. Not sure if many of them are still around. The neutrals started to evacuate when the Universals and… well, ANGELS… started arriving. All kinds of changes going on — for the better. This is the time the PTW feared. Oh, well. They had their chance to change.


        1. Yay, BIG fan!

          Do you think we will be able to get to know them better after the shift, the Angels?


          1. Well… we use the term “ANGEL” here when we’re talking about a Universal SOURCE representative, as it’s easier to understand; they may not technically be historic “angels… or perhaps they are, it’s tough to tell without them appearing and saying hi… but those of the higher “levels” appear (unshielded) as blinding light you can barely look at, unless they tone it down to look less eye-ouchie. The Universals we integrate with can only be seen by the most gifted of us, as their vibration is very high — or if they lower their vibe so we can see them better. For all we know, those Neptune-sized ships only have ONE being in them, it was impossible to tell. We’re *still* squinting. (I don’t think I’ve ever squinted in a viewing before.) Brother J appeared to me, once, and he was just like that, but my eyes were wide open. I’m getting more and more used to it.


  13. Past two days have been interesting indeed. It seems like the truth is leaking out everywhere. People I have known are showing their true colors, good and bad. Like people are confessing, truth wants out and be known. It is amazing to watch all this unfold and finally be free.
    Thank you to all you CAT’s and M’s. Your diligence in providing updates and the info is greatly appreciated.
    What a time to be here on Earth, It is why we came after all.
    Peace, Love & Light to all 🙂

  14. One-aaa ‘dem WOMP kinda days!!!

    Aloha~ Seems lots of new traffic/names on the new site. 🙂

    Closer. Every. NOW. Already. There. Here.


    1. Hi All…I’m new, love this blog, have wanted to comment for so long but the G place with the name I will not mention would never allow it…time is now going by so fast for me
      there is so much to do in such a short amount of time I cherish a meditative moment, my cats and dogs are acting sooo much more human with their ability to communicate and they are either eating or sleeping and I have to force myself to eat, these whomps get me in the stomach and the lower back and wake me up. And my pet family 2 dogs and 3 cats follow me almost everywhere and pile around me when I sit down, they are all very needy right now. I so enjoy all of these cat pictures and antics on this site and everyones comments and sense of humor.

    1. Oh, my, this post went out twice … How can I delete one of them?! Will you please delete one, thanks!
      Stranger things have been happening to me since last night. As I was sitting in a chair, I kind of switched off – and then switched on again … I looked at the meterage, and the one in Kiruna showed the 38 MHz graph was swapped for the 30 MHz one. I decided this was the reason for the awful feeling of being switched off and on … This morning I was sure it was Thursday (no, it’s Wednesday) …

    2. Can relate to that…it feels like it got bent.

      Well, Hello…long time….”peacepat” mentioned to me the other day she saw you posting here. Happened just now to run across this post today, and tho’t I’d say hello and ask if you been doing OK. Miss chatting with the old gang.
      Don’t visit Hatter anymore. Subjects have gone in another direction for me.
      Love and hugs…CaTsRuLe

  15. 8:30 PDT Felt a very HOT surge of energy. Can’t seem to get enough water. Is this what’s showing up on the charts? I can’t seem to co-ordinate local time with charts.

    1. Yeah, same for me, what’s with this sudden thirst and insatiable craving for water? I get up (in the middle of the night), drink what feels like enough, and then the same thing happens again! I am just surprised at the intensity of thirst and I am typing from the desert!

      1. I meant “I am NOT typing from the desert”. Whatever happened with the comment posting process, sth (not sure what it is) does strange thing when the typed comment reaches the other side.

  16. Awww Dave, you poor one! Sending you hugs!

    I’m considering having a hair-cut as it’s becoming warmer down here (Spring then SUUUUUMMMMERRRR!), and long hair does send me bonkers in the heat, as well as getting caught in my hand-bag/backpack/cross-body bag and as well as saving $$ on hair products.

    CAT6 (and other CATS & M’s) as our hair is an antenna, if I got a hair-cut, would I be doing myself a dis-service?


    1. Have you considered wearing a head bun or have your hair plaited for convenience? It usually takes 3-5 mins to do. There are plenty of home made inexpensive hair products that cost almost nothing and that are better for you than the toxic chemotherapy that they call commercial beauty products. Search the net if your hair IS REALLY a problem. I sense you just wanted to either comment or complain)).

      1. No, you don’t “get it”.
        Today’s temperature in MELBOURNE, where I am & live presently is a predicted top of 25 degrees.
        Temperatures It is -SPRING- in AUSTRALIA right now. Today’s UVI (Ultra Violet Index) is predicted to reach 6.

        I am already experiencing open pores & acne on the back of my neck due to my long hair (which happens every Summer). I find this quite annoying for me.

        When I am back home in BRISBANE for SUMMER for CHRISTMAS with my Mum, I wear a long hat with mesh covering my face. I feel comfortable this way. I hate going out in the sun (but I will go out when I need to) and pretty much freak out if I do not wear sunscreen (SPF 50+ Australian Standards), even in winter. I also wear long-sleeved blouses & long linen trousers. I feel comfortable this way. The UVI is predicted in BRISBANE in SUMMER (this is to give you an idea) to be what it is projected to be in the linked article.

        When I visit my friends in SYDNEY in November and January, I wear and do the same as paragraph 4.

        We do not know when Step 12 is going to happen. We do not know when “The Event” is going to happen. Step 12 & “The Event” could happen in the next 5 minutes, or it could happen “when”-ever.

        I am trying to prepare myself for “The Future” – what-ever & when-ever “The Future” is going to be. We need to live our lives in the now, but prepare for “The Future”.

        I am trying to do things for myself (and in the process my questions may & will help others to live a better life, because people will most likely have the same questions I do)

        My hair currently covers my boobs & my (presently) long hair is annoying. (Yes, I do know Life in this Incarnation is how one chooses to “re-act” to external stimuli). You do not know -my- lifestyle. I am trying to make -myself- comfortable in SPRING and SUMMER in AUSTRALIA. When one makes one’s life more comfortable, one is able to operate more efficiently & one is able to operate more effectively, and then one is able to worry about the “big” things. “Little” things make up the “big” things. I am trying to make myself comfortable in this Life.

        I asked a question of the CATS and M’s.

        I do not waste the CATS & M’s precious time on trifling or petty questions. I have learnt in my 47 years in -this- incarnation, that if I do not know something, I ask someone who knows more than I do. I humbly and with deep respect ask them for help. I then reflect upon the advice & if it resonates/connects with me, I action the advice. I do not assume that I know more than anyone else about something.

        There is no such thing as a stupid question (although I was told that by someone [who I knew, knew -much- more than me] in the early 90’s)

        I am here in this incarnation to learn & grow & assist those who do not know as much as I do (and to avoid those who are toxic for me, & to not persist with those who are toxic for me) But, if people choose to be “tone-deaf” & only think about things from “their” perspective, & not what something “is”, then I cannot assist them & I need to walk away, otherwise they will be harmful for me. (My Mum, on the other hand, although I do love her dearly, does not possess “self-awareness” at the same level as I do, so we need to “leave people -where- they are”, sadly)

        And when it comes to hair products in AUSTRALIA, any products that are organic and of ‘good-quality” with natural ingredients are VERY expensive. (Are you going to buy them for me?) They may not be expensive in -your- country, but they are in mine. (If you came here, you would die at the prices & lack of choice. Yes, we do have, but even then, it depends on who chooses to sell “whatever” on ebay. Amazon? Do you research on how badly they think of Australia) I’m thinking of myself here.

        Do you know what my income is?? Do you know what I do for a job?? Please stop assuming that everyone is the same as you are.

        If you happen to be Australian/in the Southern Hemisphere, then I am assuming you would know that summer & long hair & handbags & backpacks = annoying.

        I am enduring & enjoying the changes/upgrades to my physical 3D body. I am open to and receiving the random bliss & lurv frequencies that randomly wash over me as I sit at this lappy.


        1. Ok, let’s all take a deep breath and get along, please. You are actually all pineapples about to have a piña colada experience…

          -CAT Eds.

          [Note for other CATs: “CAT Eds” is an abbreviation, and requires a period. Ahem. -CATX]

    2. Everything in my within is shouting recently: “don’t shave, you gonna need that hair”. But you know, kinda strange, wearing a skirt and heels and 70-ties hairy legs in the office

        1. Yeah, you’re right! The middle way, Buddha said – so I shaved them partially

    3. Look like Rudolph the red nosed reindeer
      sneezing sore puffy runny nose that just won’t quit.
      Found some Daytime/Nighttime liquid green stuff for
      temporary relief…though, don’t like the way it makes me feel

      Much rather have some super brownies/cookies instead
      Will have my antenna up and running in short time

      Thank you DinMelbourne for your well received hugs
      Your friend from Detroit Michigan


  17. Yes, hot surges of energy. In my case it’s a pleasant experience though, just unusual in terms of frequency and intensity. Has anyone noticed they need more hours of sleep than usual? It’s like the other extreme now, before it was no sleep, now it is a lot of sleep which feels like normal for some odd reason. I am talking about 10-15 hours of sleep a day.

  18. Here is some beautiful music that in my opinion fits the current mood of the ongoing moment, so to speak)). It’s called “Now we are free”. Don’t try to translate it (I just read the underlying meaning (=intention) and like it), the singer invented the language of the song (and she does it for all of her songs). Here is the link:

  19. The Kiruna charts for today tied in exactly with my going offness. I thought here we go again. Couldn’t wait to check on your site to see what was happening with the whomping. Thank you for posting so much valuable information. Otherwise we would all think we were either on our last legs or going bonkers. The Autumn pics are beautiful.

  20. Thank you CATS



    And DaDa

    1. I sure hope that uploaded. If not, be free to delete.

  21. When does Da-Da expect step 12? As step 11 was stated to be on the 22nd of Sept.


      1. Is it around October 10-11? In a YouTube posting (see link below) Aluna Ash (clairvoyant)mentioned early today those 2 days as potential dates for The Event of something major taking place worldwide.

        1. We don’t like to announce dates, ’cause if things slip for whatever reason, people get kinda despondent. We can tell you that… rather, it’s our understanding that it’s anytime between now and Halloween, hence the countdown on the site. There’s a good chance that it will be well before that, and the meters and our feelings are really pointing to that. We hope her date is right; it is earlier than ours. But she’s absolutely right in saying that there’ve been little “pre-Event” tests; we’ve felt them, too. And frankly, our families are tired of hearing about The Event. They just want it to happen so we’ll shut up about it!


          1. Greetings and Good Afternoon (here in Melbourne) M6! (and CATS & other M’s)

            No, no-one can “give the game away” to the c8b8l or they’re going to stuff everything up again…..

            10-11 October is 15 days away AND Hallowed Eve is 35 days away & for those of us who are adults, we have the “adult” things to have money for to pay for in 3D! (you know, rent or mortgage/phone bill & internet/FOOD/car-anything [if you have a car – see, I’m most certainly not assuming a thing at all!]/transport/day-to-day living expenses/having funds for dependents in your care

            I’m eager for things to progress swiftly as well, but things happen “when they are supposed to happen”, not when we want them to happen. sigh

            The day of “The Event” will be the BEST day of ALL of our Incarnations!

            All we can do is sit tight & continue to be hi-vibe & live our lives with Love & “keep on keeping on” (as we Australians say)

            With love & gratitude for all of us “being here”


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