Truth 201: Fallout From Phantom CMEs and SO MUCH MORE [UPDATE1]


We’re not sure why NASA (seen above) is squashing data from the last two CMEs, but we suspect that it’s due to the “geniuses” at NASA and the PTW trying to secure The Event/”solar kill-shot” narrative (for maximum future fear value), not to mention Truth Pressure from all sides threatening to pop their dot.LIE balloon. Since we’re psychic and stuck for the time being on the Justice timeline (among others), let’s get to it.

This post and the previous CME/truth posts (here and here) are being heavily suppressed. Huh. Wonder why. First, here’s the impact of the latest (glancing) CME that wasn’t supposed to exist. First, here was the CME (a better version than our crude one from the earlier post):

Then we have the impact:

Nothing to see here.
Must be fake energy.


Once all this fake energy hits the earth, the earth processes it and messes up our fake sleep…


There’s also the International Space Station (ISS) lie. There is no ISS. This is an international boondoggle, a pile of junk hanging in low-earth orbit that’s all Fakey McFakepants windowdessing. Pieces of the movie-set fiction occasionally fall to earth as “mystery chunks” that no agency will claim:

Mysterious object South Carolina (1)
Must be a Disney logo in there somewhere.

This is actually what’s behind the mysterious “hole in the window” story that Putin keeps pushing out, suggesting that he’s about to unleash the truth about this international ISS farce.

Then we have the PTW’s/NASA’s first major lie: the fake moon landings, which we’ve not covered much, but looked at extensively. Ok, if you’re going to censor us, PTW, here ya go. Here’s an early test shot with full details:


  1. Fake astronaut: a ‘failed’ actor. It’s just a job to him, like doing a commercial. They couldn’t use actual astronauts for this, as it would’ve been too insulting; even the PTW couldn’t ask them to do this; the huge lies the astronauts were already facing were too much as it was. The first Neil Armstrong man-on-the-moon video was also done by an actor, who was killed later (poisoned), though the PTW made it look like an unexplained illness. He had dark hair and dark eyes, the saddest looking eyes. Poor guy.
  2. The Assistant Director, who interfaced with Kubrick on making the shots “convincing.” Kubrick would always say, “You’re not selling me. I’m not believing it.” And yes, that guy is is really sporting a sidearm (a .45 pistol) to maintain “control.” He never became famous. He worked for Kubrick and for the government (he knew what the govt wanted), but Kubrick called the shots; this guy was there to get the technical shots. There’s some some significance to the flag being backwards, some ca8al “America upside-down” symbolismthat gave them jollies.
  3. That’s a real TV cameraman, who only made about $100k for this work; not much money, considering. He’s not looking at the camera’s monitor since they’re in the process of talking through the set-up of the shot. (Note that the “LIVE” red camera light isn’t on.) All told, this whole set-up cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, but not millions; the money was a one-time thing for the crew. Gosh, makes you wonder where the actual space program billions went, huh?
  4. This is a ca8al stooge from a certain group (our Guides aren’t letting us see too much for safety reasons). The PTW wanted as few people in on this lie as possible. Kubrick consulted with people on technical aspects, but would couch the discussions within the bounds of other film projects, so no one knew exactly what he was consulting them about.
  5. That’s a rear projection of the earth onto a screen. They decided that they couldn’t do the stars, as it would’ve had to be perfect and they couldn’t get it right. If you were actually standing on the moon there’d be stars; however, while the stars are clearer on the moon, you don’t see the quantity that you see from earth, as the reflective properties of the bauxite-rich soil (on the sun-side of the moon) make things too bright. [Interesting that the moon only shows the earth one face, right? There’s some careful engineering and planning for you. ETs in action.] Note the edge of the backdrop.
  6. The whole thing was shot at the Lookout Mountain facility in the Hollywood hills. Kubrick had an eye for detail, and wanted this project perfect if he was going to be tied to it. The moon dust is just fireplace ash, which they later dumped out in the desert.
Lookout Mountain facility, which has several very large levels.

Kubrick was working on “2001: A Space Odyssey” at the same time as the moon landing fiction. This fake moon landing project actually inspired him to do 2001, but in a different way than originally intended. There are some fake-moon-landing references in the film, but we’d have to look at it again.

Here’s more. When you look at it all as a whole, it’s easy to spot the fakeness:

In this montage you can see the outline of the walls behind the shot, as well as a lighting stand.

Here are more “moon” shots:


When you see it, you can’t STOP seeing it. Note the obvious backdrop in all the shots. This would be invisible in the crude video they used at the time, but not in photographs (waay before photoshop):

Lens flares from the actual lights. Note the backdrop distance (about 40 feet).
project-apollo-archive-1 1
That’s a scale model of the lunar rover! The actual wall is, again, only 40 feet away. The orange smear is just a light leak onto film in the camera, from before the image was exposed.
Same backdrop distance. See the pattern?
An experimental shot with no backdrop, but it’s still the same distance.
And again.
Lunar backdrop looks pretty fake.
See how they mounded up the fireplace ash to cover the edge of the backdrop photo?


So, let this be your official wake-up call.



Here’s this again (it’s also at top), the original CME from this past week, a less jerky version than ours:

Which resulted in some interesting things. Lookie:

This is usually THE most boring graph of all of them… but look to te right, at around 12:00 UTC on 10/6/18. That line corresponds to the CME energy reaching us… somehow. We’re still not sure which direction it went, as NASA has shut down that satellite feed.

We need to do this as a new post.


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71 thoughts on “Truth 201: Fallout From Phantom CMEs and SO MUCH MORE [UPDATE1]

  1. Thanks, aand, If neil was first, who held the camera? Too obvious of a hoax. I see more waking, Love in Gratitude.

      1. Control by trauma, shaming children into accepting obvious bullshit lies against their intuition. Add a touch of sexual abuse and 10 years of mandatory indoctrination and you have a perfect split personality slave. Until source manages to smack some sense into them, that is.

        And lets not forget the moolah, not that stealing billions from the people stops them from whining about their funding at every turn.

        Loosing fake sleep, you felines; I nearly spit coffee over my keyboard…


      2. I was 7 in a catholic school. They marched us into the basement to watch. It was a good day no religion class. One of Our past times was lifting the girls skirts. Funny, I never remember anyone getting in trouble for that. Nuns & preist probably enjoyed it more than us. Peace.

  2. May I suggest the possibility that a fake moon-landing movie was made, *AND* that we actually landed on the moon? My understanding is that the astronauts did land on the moon (or were close to doing it), but were threatened and chased off by the hostile races who had already established bases there. There are actually many races with established bases on the moon, territorial but co-existing in a tense truce. But it was decided that images of non-Earth races and their technology certainly couldn’t be shown to the public, so a fake moon-landing movie was made for the public.

    Either way, the truth was not told to the public. I get the idea from what I have read that the astronauts involved suffered greatly for bearing the burden of these un-truths through their lives.

      1. And all those billions went into the ca8al’s deep pockets. America has been seen as a gullible profusion of rubes ripe for the picking by the ca8al since before WWII.


    1. I had a look but hadn’t concealed myself (rookie error). I was fired at with energy weapons by grey aliens. (I think it was green energy.)

      They have submerged highways in which they travel, with A frame lights that shine downwards, like our street lights.

      If they shot at my non physical self, Johnny ain’t landing nothing on there!


      1. Mark: You might recall us berating you for this reckless behavior. It is incredibly foolhardy to look at the things we mention without a whole bunch more experience and protection — and UNIVERSAL ALLIES flying cover for you. None of the ETs on the moon (there are about 5-8 different kinds) are to be messed with. Most don’t like humans, one bit. These beings are NOT your friends. They’re *very* territorial and fanatic about being left alone, hence our not landing there. And while they can’t trap your snooping astral form, they can very easily attach to you — to the point where they will find you in the 3D — and find your loved ones. This isn’t a game. This is self-destructive, dangerous behavior. We looked at what you did and M5 shouted, “Is he insane?!” Show more sense, please.

        ~ALL the CATs

        1. I appreciate the concern, but who are they to threaten us? What they have done to us is appalling. It is they who should be concerned.

          ArchAngel Michael and my ET family protect me, (I know because they showed me), as well as having SOURCE protection as we are all SOURCE as you continually point out, and I do thank you for that.

          Am I insane? I cant answer that with any clarity 🙂

          I have waded in when you guys needed help, woefully inexperienced, but that is what friends do for each other, that is the ‘right’ thing to do.

          Mark x

          P.S. They don’t like humans because we can moon walk without even being on it! Probably why MJ got whacked…

          1. Like I said, you’re dealing with xenophobic ET dickheads. Your goal is to get closer to SOURCE, not poke hornets’ nests. LEave them to learn their lessons, while you learn yours — separately. If you want to be childish about it… it’s your funeral. We would never ask someone who wasn’t prepared and protected, to help with the TWBs or their lesser dickhead counterparts. This is not a game.


    2. NASA flat-out murdered the astronauts of Apollo 1; burned those guys alive in a capsule fire because they’d had enough of the lies and were planning to talk. Look it up.

      -CAT Eds.

  3. Well, then there is Buzz Aldrin’s flat out denial recently.

    1. Yeah, look for the Neil Armstrong tribute (on youtube) where he makes a speech with tears in his eyes. You can tell that something is very wrong with the narrative.

      -CAT Eds.

  4. Is the earth flat or round? So many are talking about flat earth lately. I prefer the hollow version. What do you guys say? And the ISS is as fake as the moon landings? Light and love to you all

    1. If noone ever told you whether it’s round or flat, what would you imagine it to be? What would YOUR awareness suggest?

      It’s neither flat, nor round, it’s a mental construct. However, if you look at it through your visual perception it appears round. Same way the Sun appears round. But it’s really holographic. Are you confused enough by now to keep thinking about it logically? Try using YOUR other senses, you were designed to use them after all)))).

    2. The earth is both flat AND round, as there are people who think both ways (thought takes form in action), so both versions exist. And while the earth isn’t hollow, there are lots of big pockets of space here and there, like swiss cheese.

      -CAT Eds.

    3. The only signs of curvature I’ve seen around here is map globes and fisheye lens pictures from the clown squad and their hangarounds. It just looks really, really flat to me. Same with the spinning, I don’t feel at all like I’m spinning. If someone wants me to think otherwise, they better have some pretty good proof. Go back a couple of hundred years and that’s what people in general believed, people who were in many way more rooted in reality than we are. It’s always enlightening to consider the thoughts you’re not allowed to think. Real science is empirical, not authoritative; it’s about using your senses and testing your assumtions.


  5. Ahhh you already wrote about iss. Sorry missed that 🙁

  6. Well, if last night’s energy didn’t kill us, we might actually survive. Even breathing through it didn’t lessen it. We haven’t looked at the meters, yet.

    -CAT Eds.

    1. A question about the proposed by you “time (lines) quake”. I get it that it may have been the case and I jumped the timelines or it was some sort of a “time quake” when I slept around nine hours, then woke up and it felt like I slept exactly one min which made me utterly confused as all parts of my perception were telling me that i just went to bed a min ago how on earth was it possible I woke up the next moment and the whole night was gone together with around nine hours. Now, that started/continued happening nearly every other night, so… what would you call it now? The only difference is, it feels a little longer than a min, maybe 5-6 mins but not longer than that. It can’t be a continuous timelines quake, or can it?

      1. I think one of us was joking when we called it a “time quake.” (That’s a quote from the scifi movie, “Millennium.”) but time itself is indeed very “quake-y” right now, so literally anything’s possible.


  7. Anyone else feeling a slight shift today? The energy is no longer that overwhelming anymore, at least from my point of view. All is well!

    Are we done yet…?

    1. It feels like it has eased up a little. For the moment. My observation of the recent dynamics suggests that it’s a temporary quiet before the next electromagnetic (?) or some other energy storm initiating another set of upgrades. Ah, can’t we just step into the sunshine and turn into light…easily and effortlessly. I’d prefer to really bypass or exclude all this political, social, and common sense circus. How about we just choose to relocate all the upcoming scheduled and unscheduled shows of the “mayhem international industry” to another planet and those who wanna be a part of it can attend any time they choose. The rest of us may well prefer to bath in the sunshine, chat with the local and distant stars and galaxies and play with our feline friends and cousins.

  8. So has anyone ever have a black star in their room? I was waking up from sleep and in my vision I saw the faintly glowing star in the front of my vision.

    Perhaps I’m seeing things.

    1. Huh. That’s a new one on us. We’ve seen just about every other shape, but not that one. Do you remember any sounds or smells, or perhaps the dream you were having? How many points on the star?

      -CAT Eds.

          1. I did have a bad argument with my mother the night before, I was worried it might have been attracted something negative.

            1. We’re seeing less and less problems with dark (2D/3D) things attaching to people, so it’s probably not that (unless you live near a place known for ancient/historic spirit activity). It’s just you all processing the various energies going in and coming out of yourselves. One afternoon about a month ago, two of the CATs started yelling at each other about something really stupid… when we all stared at one another and they said: “Where did THAT come from?” Sensitives are picking up on the mass purges and unless you know it’s coming (how could you?), you think it’s YOU. It’s probably not you. We hope the ice cream helped.

              [Note: One of the CATs, the strongest medium of us all (she is AWESOME), likes to take vacations to… abandoned state mental hospitals (aiiee!!) to help heal and release those spirits trapped there. Good grief. This even gives some of *us* the willies.

              -CAT Eds.

        1. I once carried around a basketball sized entity attached to my solar plexus.

          It was onto black with a ring of diamonds inside. I suppose it could have looked like shining stars.

          It was ancient and neutral.

          I had it extracted and received a soul reintegration.


          1. I think I get it, Mark. I’m of the same fearless ray.

            But besides getting people out of trouble and self defense, it’s simply more constructive to put your energy elsewhere. Pick your battles.

            Part of my gig when I’m not tangled up in 3D is searching out and neutralizing negative energy centers, and keeping good intentioned but overly enthusiastic freedom fighters like you and me out of trouble.

            I would give you some examples of crazy shit I already tried to get to this conclusion, if I could be sure that you wouldn’t try it yourself.

            Chill, catch your breath 🙂
            All of that and more will be needed soon.


            1. You don’t want to battle with beings who are more advanced than you are — esp. if said beings are vengeful xenophobic dickheads. You esp. want to avoid this kind of contact if you have a family; you don’t want to subject innocents to these kinds of beings.


        2. A hint: one way or another you somehow attracted it to yourself. Why?- I think it’s for you to find out. I wouldn’t immediately conclude it’s good or bad or neutral, but somehow you either attracted its attention or allowed yourself to know of the connection between the two of you. It makes sense for you to meditate on it- just observe the whole experience and this star with your attention and notice what comes up. There are things you are aware of that you immediately deny that you are aware of them. I’d say if you brought it all the way to this chat, it probably matters to you, so look at it. I personally get an ambivalent feeling about it for some reason.

          1. Don’t be so quick to judge Cat Eds!

            I had space for an entity because a my soul fragmented. They only do that under severe trauma. I had the entity attach because back then I knew nothing of protection.

            All these things served as important lessons. The entity was just hitching a free ride, but of course it needed to leave. After an agreement was made, it was extracted to probably leach energy from somewhere else.

            I integrated my fractured soul part and thanked it for its sacrifice, taking my pain away from me.

            At the same ceremony, I was introduced to my spirit totem, a Fox. A few months later while driving down a country lane, I saw a bright silver disc in the sky. I slowed the car and looked up again, it had turned a rusty red, just hovering above a field.

            I pulled in the car to where it was, and it had disappeared. Then, lying in the field, directly below where the disc had been, was the largest red fox I have ever seen. It sat as we both watched each other, then got up and slowly walked away into the trees.

            It was exactly the same animal behaviour as the white deer I was led to find directly after my EVENT visions, weird. AND they were both much larger than they should have been.


          2. It was just a new experience for me really. I’m not usually clairvoyant and I’ve never had anything pop into my vision like that. Perhaps I’ll look into it more.

  9. Well, I just had a weird experience. Sitting cross legged on the sofa watching Magenta Pixie on You Tube, had Meditative Mind on the tv. My sofa started moving ever so gently (or so it felt) backwards and forwards a bit like a slow motion swing. Colours around me glowed and there was a slight mistyness. All objects had an aura, still do. My vision is pixilated! Did my sofa move, or did I move or was it my astral body! Hmm, these experiences keep getting stranger and stranger! 🙂

  10. Strange experience number 2! I take my daughter who has severe autism and mobility problems to this country park once a week. She hates crowded places and this park is just beautiful, lovely to get out and about amongst the trees etc…

    Well a couple of weeks ago we were in the gift shop there and a lady seemed to appear from nowhere. She came right up to me and acted like she had always known me. looked very deeply and intensely into my eyes, it was quite disconcerting and I felt my defenses go up which is strange because I’m usually very open and friendly. Something wasn’t quite right. Anyway, we went there again today and once more, in the gift shop she appeared out of nowhere and said ‘so we meet again!’ I was polite and asked how she was etc… but my mind put up a barrier and I could feel my inner voice telling her that I was going to walk away…It was like she heard what my inner voice was saying and sort of let go of me mentally…Again, she really looked into my head, it was very intense. It’s been bothering me all day, did the first time I saw her.


    1. Ok, that is admittedly creepy. Always trust your feelings. That being was preying on her daughter. You did the right thing in moving away.


      1. OMG, I had a feeling she was some kind of energy vampire. My daughter has A LOT of light. I’m a single mum, left my ex when pregnant due to domestic violence/control. I had the same experience with him unfortunately. Have been dragged through the courts for the last 5 years as he has tried to get her and myself under his control. A psychic told me his intention were quite literally to drain her of her light and possibly mine. He saw very dark energy within my ex. Hard to explain but I still feel it sometimes. The court case ended in August this year. Both my daughter and myself have suffered immensely. Unfortunately courts do not understand this sort of thing! My daughter’s autism saved her in the end but we are not sure how long for…He can come back again in 3 years and apply again. The energy he has felt exactly the same as the lady I described. very dark, intense, wanting control of some kind… All I can do is hope and pray somehow we will be free of this one day permanently. I feel his shadow A LOT…Blessings x

        1. P.S Have been wanting to share this for a while but have held my silence. The whole thing nearly destroyed me literally! Still feeling very vulnerable and know how important it is to protect my daughter who is doubly/triply vulnerable, not being able to speak/mobility problems/autism is severe. She is also incredibly gifted and full of love! peace x

          1. You are a Guardian, Lily. You are hugely powerful in this role. Feel that SOURCE power within you. Each morning, before your day begins, ground to the new earth, and to SOURCE, and then say (to yourself, with WILL), “SOURCE armor UP!” and imagine a big ball of glowing white energy all around you, and think: “Only those with my greatest good in mind are allowed past my protection.” You can adjust this from a few feet around you to the size of a small town (enclosing people around you). If you consciously do it together with others, who are doing the exact same thing, you can stop… anything: weather, buses, spacecraft, you name it. We give Angels pause in this role. Our thoughts are tremendously powerful… after all, our spirit, MIND, and WILL all come from SOURCE.

            Factually, most people who read this blog all serve in this function — or will serve.


          2. Lilly, search the i-net (via duckduckgo preferably) for the article about the connection between gluten food and autism, how to heal autism completely via eliminating gluten food, MSG, dairy and corn (and their hidden containers in the form of flavor enhancers, etc). I’ll see if I can find this article, i have uninstalled the browser with those bookmarks as it kept crashing. But those articles are written by ppl who tried it and it worked in every single case. Also, for you, find the books by George K Simon. One is called “in sheep’s clothing”, the other one i do not remember, it’s sth about the disturbed characters (type it in in the search engine, it’ll find the right title). There is a free pdf download available online, btw. The info in the books will give you a lot of clarity about your personal situation with your ex-hubby and his substitutes. It’s a bit too analytical and primitive in some places but you’ll get the main idea, just skip the boring parts. I went through the material for professional reasons and i recognize what is at play in your particular case. Get the book, there ‘s some practical info for you there.

            1. Autism is part of a life lesson (that’s agreed upon in the in-between life), but it is also oddly tied to heavy metal build up in the liver and brain, as well… somehow it’s inter-related.


        2. He will not make it past the next major level upgrade. In the meantime, remain calm and turn the light ON. If you’re feeling low on energy, imagine a giant plug and cord going from you to the sun (but G+P first), and sit in the sun for a minute. The energy transfer is fast. Once you can locate gaia portals (you’ll start to feel them, they’re all over the place), you can plug into them — again, only AFTER you ground and protect. Don’t forget to G+P before you do anything, especially considering you’re dealing with dark entities.


          1. Thank you AM and M6, so grateful for this, have spent the last few years running scared literally! Moved with my daughter to the other side of the country to get away from him, I guess psychic attacks/dark stuff needs more than mileage distance! I will try those methods thank you. I know he tries to attack me often spiritually, feels like some kind of dark magic. I have tried clearing, putting a mirrored ball around myself and my daughter (mirror facing outwards) I will try these methods though and pray you are right that he will no longer be able to hurt us ‘soon’ I hope! Blessings ✨❤️✨

    2. The number of children who disappear in parks is just one of the things we’ll have to deal with. Never. Never, ever leave children out of sight in this shit hole. It’s almost over now.

      I ran into something similar a couple of years ago when my son was around one year old. A friendly lady came up and gave us the same treatment right outside of the park. Kept her hand in a bag at all times and I could feel a strong smell drifting out from there.

      At the time, I didn’t consciously see any of this; I rarely do. What I get is shields going up all over the place and time slowing down to a crawl. This one definitely could sense that I wasn’t buying her show and just waiting for her to make a move which I suspect is why nothing happened.

      Icky, slimy lizard wannabe crap excuses for humans. May all their plans fail and their blood lines die with them.


      1. It’s not just the reptiles. There are scads of dark 5D “neutral” things coming out of the woodwork (forced out by the light) that can latch onto you and yours if you’re not paying attention. EVERYONE needs to learn and practice G+P till it becomes second nature. Humans are no longer pushovers. If you want to amplify things, put a two-inch quartz crystal in your pocket — or a piece of moldavite, or a well-made lozenge of orgonite. When in doubt, ask Brother J to help you select the right piece. When you’re at full power (which you can attain by thinking, “FULL POWER ON!” simple as that), any gesture has gynormous power: a “talk to the hand” gesture, used with WILL, stops every single living thing. Even lions and rhinos. We are limited only by our imaginations. You can stop time with a word.


  11. I have done a lot of research about the moon landing. I do think much of it was faked. I think the astronauts were messed with mentally. I feel like we went to the moon, but we never needed a rocket to get there 😉

    The ISS I never really focused on, but i do believe the theories floating around that we cannot leave outer earth’s orbit. So I was always ok to think the ISS was below that max orbit level like the satellites. Now I will have to go meditate and find the real truth here.

    And I had the discussion with a close friend a while back about flat earth and the sphere, and I agree with some of the above comments. I believe based on your perception and perspective it can look like a sphere even being flat. It is after all a construct of thought and reality…..

    much <3

  12. My favorite NASA story is about the Voyager probes. They sent the earliest out around 40 years ago and up until very recently they claimed to still be communicating with them. That’s wireless communication over 40 years travel distance, through insane amounts of radiation and noise; using late 70’s technology. Quite a feat, if you ask me.

    All they ever did was stealing money, telling lies and causing more pain and suffering. Partly because pain and suffering keeps us busy, partly because their puppet masters feed on negative energy.


  13. Will the negative aliens be cleaned off the moon by the Event along with the underground nasties?

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