Here We Go Again: The Choice Approaches (STO vs. STS)




Someone admonished the CATs for not trying to stop Hurricane Michael as we tried to do (and partially succeeded) with Hurricane Florence. Anyway, this time we were told asked by Guides and higher-order ETs to not only GET OFF THE FLOOR REGISTER [but it’s so warm]…

…but also to please NOT interfere with 3D weather. (This goes for the dopes playing the various HAARPs out there, too, but they don’t listen.) Spirit asked ’cause beings above us are working with a specific SOURCE energy to weave and unweave various energies for various reasons, releasing some of us from various burdens, and unleashing more truth. It’s named Hurricane Michael for a reason, with all that that SOURCE energy paradigm entails.

[Please note that, yes, some of this sounds familiar, but more and more people are reading this blog and they may not know all of this, so… in some cases, we’re preaching to the choir. Or kicking the hell out of a cat post. But note that we got something out of this that we weren’t expecting, so maybe you will, too.]

Hello. My name is Michael, and I’ll be your energy server for the next few days.

Spirit also said, in terms of Hurricane Florence, that we “First (Spirit) Responders” were reacting to FEAR without realizing it. Indeed, after thinking about it, we were afraid for people, for what might happen to them if we didn’t help… so yes, we mistakenly interfered. But Spirit was right: there’s no need to fear. Everything that was going to happen was already set to happen, and those involved had already agreed to it. (Fear in this case, and in most cases, is fear of death… but there is no death.)

Anyway, we were told asked to let Hurricane Michael take its course as a harbinger of truth. The energy it’s bringing in will do and undo many things, resulting in what Spirit called, “a permanent uptick of truth,” afterward. (Note: When Lisa Gawlas mentioned in her latest post about Michael not being an angel, she means not the being people think of. Michael and Gabriel and other “angels” are basically SOURCE energy… things (not personalities) that are one step below SOURCE, if that makes sense.

That’s HAARP at the ed of the clip.

Most importantly, we were told (just this morning — at 5:00 am! jeez) the meaning of what Lisa Gawlas’ recent post mentions. (Btw, the upcoming “black-out” she talks about is a psychic black-out — which we’re getting a lot more than she is! — where we won’t be able to see anything…. because no one knows what’s going to happen, not even Spirit.) Basically, this is the time for everyone to pick a lane. Before, we were calling it “SOURCE or Justice,” but here’s the fine-tuning we got:

Everything boils down to two choices (which we’ve all heard before but here they are again): Service to Self (STS), or Service to Others (STO).

Justice is STS, believe it or not, because those who want that WANT IT (duh). They want it for themselves, for their families, etc. They want to see “Justice served” before they’re willing to move to the next step. This is fine. It’s not what we CATs want, but there’s nothing wrong with that choice. And wanting something for yourself, because perhaps you think you deserve it, or others say you deserve it, is also STS. There’s nothing wrong with it, but it’s the old programming and will be part of the old 3D timeline, not the 4D, hence the choice.

STO/STS manifests in so many subtle ways. Brother J was entirely STO. He’s our model, so it’s not that difficult to know which lane we pick. Despite that, one or two of us were hearing, “Stars & Stripes Forever” yesterday, unaware that they were carrying around, inside us, old patriotic “packages” from previous lives (now reviewed and discarded). Those with past military lives (and there are a lot of us) have this in there, somewhere.

Anyway, after all this shakes out and the dust settles, don’t expect things to look like anything you expect. Instead, try to understand the dynamics involved… and trust in the process. We were told that people need to lose their fear of the unknown (which is why we tried to stop the LAST hurricane, driving the poor ETs trying to manage all this for us crazy). The Event will be about as UNKNOWN as it gets, so you might want to work this out, now.

Note that that energy black-out Lisa Gawlas talks about on the 16th/17th is due to our ‘free-will froth’ being so thick that no one can see through it, not even Spirit. In the past there were “timeline motifs” that you could spot and ID from a long way off, but things now are so flux-y, with so much waking up and associated free will being sprayed all around like a fire hose, that at this moment the outcome is unknown even to Spirit. The only way to know the outcome for sure is for all of us to give up free will. (We’ll do a post later about what this means for Individuality in the future.)

So. Make your choice: STO or STS. If you’re not sure, or even if you are: meditate on it. There’s time. (That’s why we were whacked over the head with this, to give everyone time to think.) Do the G+P thing and meditate with Michael. Some of us were told to… and it worked for us. Michael helped some of us remove some old ideas about ourselves; we had no idea they were in there. Some need this help, some don’t. Spirit and SOURCE are just getting us ready for The Main Event.

Oh, and of course, please note that the Seat Belt Light is ON.

Is this really necessary? Well… maybe for Toby.

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83 thoughts on “Here We Go Again: The Choice Approaches (STO vs. STS)

  1. The 13th-16th is an energy wave this month. Very important days

  2. I want to be FREE.
    Living in freedom. For all.
    It this STS?
    I don’t think so, but I’ll meditate these days …

    1. Hi Antonia
      You can want anything…but you ARE free and have always been. Now become just conscious of it. Love!

      1. Hi Morris,
        I don’t mean just the knowledge that I am free; I live in a society with rigid structures restricting my sense of freedom and my actual freedom.
        I want to live in a different kind of society/community where people AND nature are free (from greed, from over-exploitation, from abuse, you name it). That kind of freedom. Actual freedom.
        Love <3

        1. Right. And no mandatory indoctrination (aka official formal and msm “education”) and also- no government of any kind. And may everybody’s awareness be encouraged, developed and celebrated. You may think yourself as free as you like but try going to another country without a passport, visa and with “a free choice” to bypass/avoid security x-rays and the rest of idiotic checks for moab that you may be secretly carrying with you. The whole modern premise is anything but freedom, is supported by main stream people and can be described as “guilty unless proven innocent”. I no longer care how we got to that point, but i do find it necessary to globally and irreversible destroy this “global outdoor prison policy”.

    2. Here’s my take on the polarity of STS vs STO. Golden Rule Jones said: what I want for myself I also want for everyone else. The highest manifestation of STO really is STS in this light.

  3. Yowzer! Major backache today. I’m getting tired of my head being in a vise. Perfect weather in the PNW today except for the obligatory cleverly (ha!) hidden in plain sight chemtrails. I guess they think that if they don’t make continuous lines that they somehow look more natural. On a more pleasant topic, a rescheduled Lisa reading on Monday. Stay tuned!

    1. Yes! I thought I had a kidney stone. And to all those who spray poison in, on, and above the earth… you are just dooming yourselves to countless lifetimes lived in poisonous muck. And who will be the Punisher? YOU.

      Let us know how Lisa goes.


  4. About the unknown factor regarding the event and things related to it. I have noticed that the movement towards this unknown nature of the outcome (event) is rather unpleasant. Here is what’s taking place, plain and clear: all those channels, QHHT practitioners, ETs, EDs and their representatives facilitating the upcoming transition told us that it’s expected to be amazing, beautiful, liberating, etc- a great wonderful surprise we are gonna love. Now…. the fact of the matter is…. (and I invite you to recall all your recent physical/mental/emotional/etc experiences to begin with- over the last 5-6 months) it is anything but beautiful, liberating, enjoyable, amazing, etc- it’s cruel and insane, as if we are in the midst of a terrible fight where most of the fighters are invisible and there are too many sides that want to kill one another and one must manage to ascend and not be accidentally killed and also somehow get a solid orientation in the midst of a war zone where nobody knows any more what the hell is going on and when and how it is going to end. I just no longer can believe that we are going to meet and greet the promised “tsunami of love” that will upgrade us all and make us remember the original truth of who we are and move us up. It’s a pretty crazy, tense, slow, tiresome and energy draining ascension- i am pretty sure i never signed for that creepy version.

    1. Jeez, did a CAT write that?? That is pretty much exactly what we’ve been experiencing. Not sure we group-signed up to be the smiley-face bullseye for… a lot… of black-eyed psycho-whacko ETs and dark entities the size of houses. Well… ok, that sounds well and good, but actually I am sure we volunteered for this, to get the opportunity to work with some truly amazing beings who are now our Omniversal team for millennia. It’s like the cameraderie we experienced as soldiers in various battles over the eons. Given a look at our past track records, we were the logical choice to do what we’re doing, having had it much much worse in the past. Haven’t lost any limbs, yet! Or drowned. Or been blown to bits. Or eaten. Or tossed into a black hole. (That *hurts.*) But we can tell you with great authority that the “tsunami of love” is already here. We feel it. We already remember who we are. But the DARK was so entrenched here that it’s taken a few extra wash cycles to get this place clean. (If you’d all give up your free will to CATs, things would be much easier. 😉 That final LOVE TSUNAMI is coming… in ne form or another. Bottom line: after all this is over, we are going to be SO MUCH FARTHER ALONG our paths to SOURCE that, after we see how very far we’ve gone compared to where we were, we’ll all sign up to do it again. Anything’s better than 10 billion years of civil service meetings (no offense, galactic councils) and whispering advice to the “living” who promptly ignore it. This is *much better* than the LAST one, lemme tell ya.


  5. Thanks CATs, that’s a reminder of what is important! I also tried to help with Hurricane Florence, joining in with a mass meditation, Ooops, apologies dear ET’s!

    1. Here’s a tip I’ve found helpful. Set your intent to get help to help those who help you. Ironically – they always do – that is help you help them help you. 🙂 Then you never have to apologize, because you know that you will always get the help you need to help them help you get!
      (lol does that put your brain into pretzel mode? oh well, welcome to my world – the funniest and best part is that its true.)

  6. Thanks for clarity, for news in any form is feeling old. It is nice to know bad actors Will get what is coming to stop them. So if needed, I’ll come back in service, unless my I Am already figured on that. Peace.

  7. I’ve been thinking for a while that service-to-others is almost impossible do define because service-to-self includes being service-to-others as it requires action/thought. It is impossible to not be service-to-self at all. Even your guides are technically being service-to-self. If you choose a timeline, you are being service-to-self. If you are in a meditation routine, you are being in service-to-self. If you do anything involving yourself, you are being service-to-self even if you wand to be service to others.

    I think people like me who are simply bored of the way things are and just going with the flow, will be on the service-to-others timeline.

    1. Yes. This is why we didn’t bring it up before. It can be confusing… but if you think about what you personally want, you either want to help others or you want to help yourself. Perhaps there’s a third category of people who don’t want to do anything, but that is ultimately STS. Selfless vs Selfish, if you will. It really doesn’t matter at the end of the day, as SOURCE WANTS US TO BE HAPPY. There is not the teeniest shred of punishment in SOURCE. SOURCE will look at who you and and what you want to do and put you in the best possible outcome for you as a person. Trust in that and we don’t think you’ll be too disappointed.

      -CAT Eds.

      1. The only thing that truly makes me happy, is adding joy/love/truth to other peoples lives. For the longest time I was projecting this and more on others, which was very confusing since adding these qualities to my life is pretty far down most priority lists.

        When I was five, a guy at my day care punched me unprovoked. I didn’t do shit except look surprised since my mom had told me that you’re not supposed to hit others, period. So she had to adjust the rule to allow hitting back in self defense. Next time he started messing with me I hit him so hard that I fractured my hand.

        I don’t feel like my priorities are even up for discussion after going through this hell for the greater good.


      2. SOURCE can never punish, because SOURCE is ultimately responsible for every decision we make.

        In fact, I would say SOURCE relies upon people making bad choices, because SOURCE created this experiment to better understand itself. Without variation, the experiment would be pointless.

        This is why SOURCE forgives all, because we are SOURCE.

        1. No. We are responsible for our own decisions. This is free will.

          SOURCE did NOT create this experiment. WE did. We, as Extension of SOURCE, were happy being with SOURCE in a time before time. Then, for a crazy moment, We wondered what it would be ike to be SOURCE… and started toward splitting ourselves into smaller and smaller fragments while creating greater and greater complexity of the Omniverse to hide in, for we felt we’d done something terribly wrong. This is the source of guilt and fear, the “original sin” if you will… but there is no sin. We’ve done nothing wrong. We should’ve simply laughed at our folly (and this is the main reason irreverence is so greatly appreciated across the Omniverse). Word will eventually get out and our minds will be healed. SOURCE is Home with Us right now, watching Us dream this crazy dream, gently blowing across our faces to wake Us up. If SOURCE woke us too quickly, we’d become frightened and retreat farther into our illusion.

          SOURCE does not forgive. SOURCE DOESN’T NEED TO FORGIVE. Because SOURCE doesn’t think we’ve done anything wrong, in this, the illusion.


          1. If we are extensions of SOURCE, SOURCE did create this experiment…

            1. Mmm… no. WE created all this. We, as SOURCE Extension, are the Son of SOURCE, with free will. (We use the term “Extension,” as SOURCE created us… well, asexually.) Our gift is creativity, hence the creation of the Omniverse. We have (all?) the powers of SOURCE, but are in fact a *finite* scale model (still, we’re as big as the biggest constellation in the sky — seen from this far away. SOURCE is infinite. And awesome. Literally awesome.

              This is compounded a bit by the fact that, when creating the Omniverse to hide in, We brought Our Memory of SOURCE with Us. And since We have (all?) the powers of SOURCE, Our Memory of SOURCE… is another SOURCE… attached to SOURCE… and Us. Except this intra-Omniversal SOURCE saw everything happen and is literally what some people refer to as “The Akashic Records.” So… there really is a Trinity… but all the pieces are basically SOURCE. It’s kinda comical, really. If We screw up again, We’re gonna have a whole Hockey Team.


          2. Thank you, AM.
            I thought the divine creator/Source is feminine energy …
            Your comment makes me think I am wrong. It is both masculine AND feminine (androgynous?), as it is depicted in the myths and legends of many cultures – a memory of what the first humans used to be a long, long time ago.
            Please correct me if I am wrong.

            1. Yes, SOURCE is both male and female. The feminine energy coming in that people have been talking about is due to the sun’s companion, Trudy, coming by as she does every 70,000 years or so. Our sun is masculine energy.


          3. And then, how does this narrative relate to the story of Aeon Sophia,
            dreaming the dream of us …

          4. The gnostic (as much as I hate the word, it’s what people are used to; it basically means besserwisser) legend of Sophia. The feminine aeon, or creator goddess, who got tangled up in her creation, projected herself out from the center of the galaxy to our little dusty corner and materialized into Gaia Sophia. On the way there, her energy crashing into dense matter resulted in the unintentional creation of the artificial intelligence known as the Anchovies. The material is very difficult to find these days, but Tesla among others managed to “create” insects the same way using nothing but magnetic fields.

            I named our kitten Sophia as a reminder, and because she crashed into our life in the same fashion.


  8. This site has the best comments of any site on the Internet.

  9. I meditated on this subject and was informed that when I gave my partner a lovely set of quality bed sheets for their birthday, nicer than I would buy for myself, that I was being service to self because I would get to sleep on them occasionally. Thank you Guides. I will do better.

  10. After seeing, hearing and receiving more event-based signs and messages than ships thru the suns portal this last week, I’m impatiently waiting for this thing that may actually be a marathon instead of a sprint… and wonders, “if so, is this mile 2 and I ran out too hard, is it mile 25 and I should run instead of leaning on a porta-potty or… did I take a wrong turn and end up back where I started(?).

    That quasi-angsty bit aside, a challenging conundrum that exists for me regarding this post and the two timelines is that I have been on a fast-tracked ascension over the last couple years with an emphasis on self-love and self-compassion in order to raise my frequency to better help others. So… umm…. yeah. Perhaps we may require to develop ourselves further in order to properly help others. Any thoughts on that?

    Thank you all for your posts and comments… now back to lurking and hitting this blog’s ‘refresh’ button every four seconds. 🙂

    1. We will need to develop ourselves for a time WHILE helping others. It is a lifelong pursuit for some.

      Spirit views time differently than humans. Very differently. They say soon, we wait six months.


    2. Eric, you can’t love others and have compassion for them unless you sincerely love yourself and know how to give yourself quality attention and loving care. Once you have this, you will give to others from the place of abundance, not from the place of lack or need (the place from which the majority unfortunately operate). Many people give to others because they need to give themselves a permission to receive love too, so they give others, expect others to be loving/grateful to the giver in response, so that the giver finally feels entitled/good enough to receive love from those others and give a little bit to himself/herself too. This is a sneaky manipulation and a business deal, not giving generously as you have more than enough both for you AND for them without any effort. If you give away out of self imposed moral principle or need, it’s not giving, it’s a taking in disguise to take what you are lacking to fill the void within that is self created and that only can be permanently filled with one’s own rejected light.

      1. The word “soon” has become an equivalent of the “f-word”, a version of a swear word that must be banned from usage by those who live outside time when they talk to earthlings. If ETs and universals speak our language it is important for them to understand the meaning behind the words we use. Speaking in indefinite terms confuses and sometimes hurts. They misuse the word and the term “soon” and I think they are aware of it. If/when they don’t know/not sure, it must be articulated. I do not care if 2 weeks here means 2 secs there, the question was asked regarding the earth time, I do not believe they are that dumb.

          1. I am not mad at them, I am simply not ok with their use of our/earth language. In fact, I have never heard at least ONE contemporary report where those on the other side of the veil would say sth like :”from our standpoint, perspective and interpretation such-and-such event will happen between this month and that month/after this event and before that other event. It is outside of our capacity/vision to determine the date/moment when the given event will take place on your planet/given country/etc”. Even the maya tribes while chatting with Ets and universals were given a sort of time map- and a lot of things that were predicted then came true, – so it is possible for the ETs to give some sort of more or less precise time identifies which are much more clear than the damn “soon”. I am not angry or sad, i am simply dismissing, from now on, everything that comes from any channel that mentions any upcoming event or circumstance with the word “soon” attached. How was the catnip, btw?

      2. You should first learn to love those Japanese vending machines with the live crabs in them. Buy all the crabs and set them loose! FREE THE CRABS!


        1. This is hilarious)). I’d prefer to get my mind out of this planet 3d vending machine first though. Then I’d probably free the crabs…lol

  11. You bring up archangel Michael … isn’t that being part of the galactics that are harvestors of our energy?

  12. In my view

    STO and STS are similar to conservative/liberal, right/left split , good/evil duality concept. The key is BALANCE… , We don’t choose sides (of a coin) we just throw the coin altogether .

    If you’re sick STS is the way, if you’re healer STO is the way, and within short time you can be both STO and STS as you navigate through your life. If we are hinged to ‘one is better’ mindset it will be not pleasant .

    The current energies are called ‘re-balancing’ energies for nothing…

  13. I do think there may be wisdom in following our own inner guidance as well. I too was compelled to pray/send energy to calm Florence; but when I saw Michael approaching and gaining strength, I felt in my heart, “not this one.” It was quite clear in my waking consciousness that this was somehow different. I like to think everything for a reason, lessons and all. The Great Mystery is still as such. A Mystery.

    I enjoy the comments here. A wonderful perspective.


  14. I don’t feel that giving up one’s free will is going to benefit us. I learned that in Orion and Atlantis. Allowing One’s Higher Self to give Guidance seems appropriate right now.

    I love this site and the insights it provides. I just disagree with what has been posted.

    1. Ha! We were kidding, using the giving up of free will as an impossible example. This is how Brother J’s words have been so misunderstood over the millennia, not to mention the fact that his original words were crafted from a desert/agricultural language which was not as rich and descriptive as modern english; consequently, this is why J dictated The Course in 1965, so we could finally have his advanced teachings in english (now translated into over 25 languages).


      1. Oh goody. The give up free-will aspect seemed more like a cobra/Gaia post. When I read it, it was the first time that the CAT’s posted something I did not fully resonate with.

  15. And what if we simply choose to be of service to everyone? Ourselves and others, after all we are all one.

    They both seem very important to me, we can only take care of others if we take care of ourselves first.

    So as to who am I giving the chocolate cake to, myself or others? Let’s make many cakes and share them all! Yum..

    1. This!

      From my meditations and use of Reiki I’m sensing that balance is the key in everything. I should take care of the many and myself, for I am simply one of the many.

      I know my personality is predominantly STO, though. I don’t need much at all to be content, and it always puts a smile on my face to know I was able to brighten someone’s day by helping them or spending time with them. It quite literally gives me life. 🙂

  16. When I first heard the idea of moving from free will into freedom, I kind of liked the feel of it. The difference between the two seemed subtle at first, but the more I felt into it the more distinct the two became.

    Free will feels like a bit of force is still at play: there can be a clashing of wills; I can exert willpower to restrain myself. It’s a mental energy and it is what we used to get to here. Feeling into freedom, it seems more spacious, like there’s room for more options. There’s no forcing energies or directing them according to any perceived will. In my own experience, when I am in the space of freedom I can more easily be in the STO mode. Maybe because from that space I can more easily access my heart and follow its guidance rather than be stuck in my mind’s debate on how best to be in service.

  17. I love that Lisa’s most recent post, also uses a picture of two CATs hahahaha


  18. A little off topic. Found these supposedly “privacy oriented” (or so they claim) search engines. Check’em out, sometimes it’s good to have 2-3 at hand. (a german one, but u can set a one time start page with english as the interface language). (a french one- servers r in france (and the rest of eu), with english interface).
    duckduckgo is based in the US – where it is legal (if not mandatory) for all i-net and communication service providers to disregard i-net/communication right for privacy.

      1. Interesting arpanet showed up the other day when I was investigating the origin of a word.
        I have a better one for you though.
        I was thinking about some questions for my higher self.
        Then I had a dream I woke up from.
        So I was at a cash register. An Asian man was the cashier.
        (This slammed me. What do you think?)
        I was buying my way out of being a godparent. We’ll Gee. .
        Interesting godparents are a Catholic releck and I was seeing an Asian cashier. Hmm. Also note I am not a god parent or of the Catholic faith.
        I think this is an unconsious smear campagne. Or I am one evil sh*t! And I don’t believe that either. I think past life guilt they are trying to hook us with.
        Boggles my mind. Don’t tell me anything sh#tty about me as I could probably think it up all by myself, seriously who goes to an Asian to buy off karma?
        It was really nasty of them wasn’t it.?

  19. If you believe Source is perfect and is controlling everything perfectly, then you see everything is perfect!

  20. Very floaty today, I guess that makes tomorrow a pound into the ground day. And since today was sunny, that means it’s very likely tomorrow brings rain sideways. I get it, contrast makes things easier to spot. But I’m sooo done with contrast, overdone, burnt to a freaking crisp. I’ll happily take a thousand years of groundhog day over this.

    A car came bouncing up the side walk at high speed today and would have hit me pushing my son in a stroller if I hadn’t managed to jerk us both sideways enough for it to miss. It was never safe out there, but it’s definitely getting worse lately. Stay aware, don’t trust others to give a shit about your life; most of them are playing some sort of video game.


  21. @M6

    M6, FYI there are a few (modern/actively used) languages where the word sun is still of a feminine gender. That probably means that it’s the way it used to be originally until something changed, artificially or naturally is another question. Also, I’ve read it somewhere that in some pagan cultures they considered the sun a female being. There are also a few modern languages where the word moon goes under a masculine gender.

      1. That’s interesting, I have spoken to the sun numerous times myself, and it never had a male voice, neither it had a female one, it has always been presenting itself as a collective consciousness with many voices all unified and coherent. I could never get either gender orientation of the entire sun collective entity. Also, this celestial body is not hot inside, the heat seems to be created on the periphery of it somehow. What the main stream astrophysics say the sun is -is a complete nonsense.

  22. Three things:

    1) Consider putting a spoon tip of cardamom and natron into your coffee filter when brewing your love potion. Takes the game to a different level if you ask me.

    2) I’m very curious how many here are 0-negs and carry anatolian bumps (a bony outgrowth where head and neck meet). My experience tells me that these genetics are more likely to wake up early and experience clair-something. If anyone feels like sharing, please do so anonymously just in case. Genetics are a much bigger deal than we’ve been told. Consider the energy the “elite” and “royals” put into making sure everyone gets the right partner.

    3) Considering that flying, or levitating, is generally considered impossible. Does anyone else find it odd that most people remember flying in their dreams? Ask around and see for your self, it looks universal from here. The native peoples of Australia don’t have any concepts in their language to make distinctions between dreaming something and experiencing it while awake. Either you did, or you’re lying; and they don’t lie much either. Mr. Adams said something along the lines that the most difficult part of flying is forgetting to fall down, I’m thinking that’s exactly how it works.


    1. “natron”?? where the hell do you get that? this is literally the proprietary concoction that ancient egyptian (bonehead) priests used to soak their mummies in for a month. no one knows the true recipe.


      1. @M6

        Well, the ancient egyptians probably took it from the lake located in the modern northern Tanzania, on the border with Kenia. The lake’s name is Natron btw, and it contains large deposits of salt and soda, hence the name of the mineral -natron. The “secret” chemical formula of the salt from the lake bed consists of hydrated sodium carbonate. As far as I get it it’s a mixture of salt and baking soda, why they used this solution to soak their mummies is self explanatory. All salt lake beds contain this mineral- so there is nothing mysterious about the formula. They mummify fish a similar way in some countries- for food/sale.

      2. I wouldn’t recommend mixing mummy soaking with coffee making, unless you’re soaking them in coffee I guess. Now that you mention it, that could explain the way they look. The baking kind, sodium bicarbonate. These days in Europe it’s not uncommon to find it in the cleaning department since that’s another of it’s awesome qualities. I put some in my baths together with salt, and even use it to Yoga-clean my sinuses once in a while. It’s relatively tasteless (slightly salty in high concentrations) and alkaline, which is the reason the coffee tastes better.


    2. I’ll tick off point 2.
      Didn’t know that was the term…
      Isn’t it related to race(s)?

  23. Dear CATs and M’s,
    I would like to know if the law of karma – the law of equivalent exchange – is still in force in 3D. I’ve been reading – and hearing – contradictory opinions.
    Also, is a person awaken if they see the Mandela effect? I do remember “mirror, mirror on the wall” and the lion sitting with the lamb in the bible, but then I read of the Mandela effect, checked with the bible at home – and, ah, surprise, surprise! there was no lamb! it was gone! How do you change printed words? I must be on a different timeline, which means what?

      1. mundane 3D pleb question here: how many levels are there that you know of? is 12 apparently the limit?

        1. There is no limit, per se, as there really aren’t any levels in the illusion. However, we (and the ETs and Universals) compare each other, and have come up with a comparative structure. The Universals we know say that most HO (Higher Order) beings consider there to be 40 levels (not sure why they chose 40). SOURCE is at 40 (INFINITY). Most humans are level 3-8. Elementals are 2/3. Rocks and plants are animals are at 1, with some animals between 1/2. The CATs (on the current 3D earth) are at 10/11. Pleiadians are at 12-15. Dragons are 25-35. Space Police are at 28-30. Our highest friends are 36-38, with one special one at 39 (one step below SOURCE). Brother J is 38/39. Note: These are arbitrary numbers, but are useful for energy/Spirit comparisons. We don’t know how this maps against the whole 3D/4D/5D etc. model. We’re working on it.


          1. thank you kindly for the reply. much appreciated.

  24. Here is a Tom Campbell interview about consciousness, free will, and choice. And how determinism and materialism relates to it. It is a thought provoking in the best sense of the word. Wheather it’s right or wrong and whether you agree or disagree with it is entirely up to you and is not the point, i just like his invitation to explore this area, maybe it will provoke someone here to get aware of what you pretend you are not aware))))). So, enjoy!

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