Friends On High (“All Aboard”)


Look at the above. These are a bazillion comet fragments that the earth and the solar system transited a month ago, on September 10th (those are also historic fragments, there weren’t that many).

These were basically huge ice and rock chunks in the earth’s first Lagrange point (L1), and a bunch more at L2… and our kind ET/Universal friends parted the ways and let the earth move through this debris field unscathed. Please thank the ETs/Universals in your meditations.

Meanwhile, we also had this spiritual bump early this morning…


…where we were shown the 16th and 17th as Lisa Gawlas saw it, as basically the separation between 3D and 4D. We were awake when we saw it, and then (AGAIN!) heard the tail-end phrase of “Marrakesh Express” by Crosby Still & Nash, specifically the last four words: “All aboard the train.” (Except, we only heard the four-word phrase and the tune, but finding the specific song was driving us nuts… and holding up this post… till we figured it out.)

So… is The Event this Tuesday or Wednesday?? If not, it’s a significant milestone.


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58 thoughts on “Friends On High (“All Aboard”)

      1. I intended to state the opposite, the repeating cycles are apparent this year, for the first time. This year has repeated a LOT of the energetic patterns from last year for me. And some from other years, max about 3 years back.

        I had not noticed it in years’ prior.

        This year’s experience feels to have reached ever-deeper levels. It may simply be, my awareness of it all finally ‘clicking’.


  1. Hey could you answer this question? How does Cats tolerate snakes? especially those on C letter, you know whom I aks about?

        1. Which implies the airplanes). You/someone must have been jumped from some kind of a plane with a parachute, right?

  2. Marrakesh is a very weird place- almost all over the place, esp in the central (historic) market ….multiple realities are bleeding into each other. One of those cities where u r here and there simultaneously and may spontaneously access some upper D-s. Also… i guess not without a well grounded reason, perhaps the one i mentioned above… the very name marrakesh (2 berber, not arabic words) mean the “land of God”. There is one other translation though which does not resonate with me all that much (i sense there is sth twisted in it) which reads “the land of journey”. The first one sounds more accurate to me. Psychically gifted when there are destined to be occupied with a number of things at all times- more than in any other place let me tell you. I hope this gives you some hints.

  3. Ow wow, sparkly kitty!

    I’ve had so many dreams about trains over the years, getting to the station on time, missing my connection etc…!

    So much gratitude to our ET/Universal friends…thank you!

    Love & Light xxx

  4. Oh good gawd please, soooo ready! I’m onboard! Love to all! ❤

    BTW, interesting info from Amanda Lorence (I hope the image uploads):

    Today’s incoming wave, a new energetic pattern.

    Incoming energy takes 3 days of sunrise to integrate. So day 1 = incoming energy. Day 2 = integration absorption into cells and we feel like we know nothing again. Day 3 = absorbed, so we unpackaged data, seems like a download but it’s coming from us inside. It’s a 3 day cycle based on the sine wave pattern that our sun and Gaia follow in terms of energy. If we tune in to our physical and intuitive feelings they become more obvious. Like a muscle being flexed…so it’s easier to observe etc.
    Hope that helps.

  5. Thanks C’s & M’s. I feel great again, been dragged over the coals, but now I’m back. A strange mist today. I’m ready for Sunny & 75. Time for a beautiful manifestation. Everyone take a second and think of that. Much Love/Joy. Peace.

  6. EEEeeee! At least I’ll be visiting with Lisa tomorrow. The big question now is should I drive into the city on Wed. or should I reschedule? Any oracles out there? It all may become moot. Again I say Beuhler? Anyone?

  7. After looking at it closer (as much as we could see, which is not much), we’re leaning toward the timeline shift. However, we’ll see what the graphs show. We sure hope it’s The Event.


  8. Peace Love and Light

    Much love & gratitude for all that you do and be. I too had a weird dark train dream. In the dream I was with my family, they got off and I got stuck in trying to haul their luggage and then the train left the platform. I then waited for the next stop to get off. I couldn’t handle all the luggage so I threw it off the train. After I got off I was looking for the luggage. Someone had taken a bag, but I could not find him or the bag. It was in this state of confusion I managed to find myself stuck in a high place with an old hag who was severely handicapped stuck with me on a kind of ledge. After scoping out my descent I proceeded to climb down, the hag was surprised I made it. As soon I hit the ground my father was waiting for me. He had come from the previous station thinking I would get off here. The backdrop was a train station and it was nighttime.
    I know that this dream is my subconscious trying to tell me something. This was just before the latest spike of the Schumann resonance.
    I am still trying to figure it out.

    1. If we had a dollar for every stuck-at-the-trainstation/airport/platform/up the stairs/stuck on a high-level dreams… it could be one final piece of the puzzle that you either need to find, or eliminate, or integrate — or simply wait for it to show up. We’re guessing the latter, since we’re having those dreams, too.

      -CAT Eds.

      1. In my train dream the station was at a funfair, but the rides had this weird energy, I kept telling people it was time to go but they loved the bright rides and ignored me so me and my family got on with some other people, it was a bit like the TARDIS with the inside more like a hotel lobby we found some seats and the train left I watched the people outside with sadness but also excited about where we were going.

  9. I’m feeling the energy build-up in my (old) heart chakra today (not that we have chakras, anymore). It was the lower back last night, so Wave X is marching its way up (again). Note that we (M’s) typically feel everything about two days before everyone else gets it.


    1. That little Pleiadian device helps ameliorate some of the energy intensity… but the spaghetti and meatballs and glass of red I had last night aren’t helping any. 😉


    2. Ah okay, I had really bad lower back pain a couple of days ago, it’s only worn off today, could it be wave X? Also felt like someone had turned on the tap and drained all the energy away, mind you that’s become quite a regular occurrence of late! L&L ❤️🌟

    3. Today my lower back is much better, but it’s now my head. The whole top of my head is blasted wide open. Lisa visit in an hour. We’ll see!

      1. Lisa couldn’t see anything much today like youse . Rescheduled until after this full moon. She has no idea today if she’ll be able to see anything ’til then. She sends her love and thanks!

    4. Had a back pain too yesterday, which is atypical for me, and there was quite a dance of energy around and on the very top of my head. The heart area too had some interesting energy moves. Fascinating, same places as M6 mentioned. I haven’t felt all those sensations for a while.

        1. No worries, I enjoy being who I am no matter what until the moment I can’t detect any difference between myself and the Source))). Also, I am indifferent to cookies and cakes, I can only crave for tropical fruits sweetness. Although… yesterday for some truly inexplicable reason all of a sudden some pastry did attract my attention in 2 different shops. But I remained faithful to my natural preferences and walked away from those cookies in surprise. OMG!!! IT’s HER craving!!! Thanks for letting me know, I gladly return that M6 tendency back to her. No more food preference entanglement! How the hell it works across the continents i have no idea.

  10. We still need to intergrate 10-12D mid November so I’m betting an event after that… who knows though lol

  11. Still don’t understand the meat thing ( and I see I’m not the only one still working this out). Even if eating meat is an illusion, it still matters to the animals. They’re still suffering loss of their babies and physical abuse and terror. Everything is an illusion, but we still don’t cause harm to others or murder others. So murdering someone is still an illusion but we’re still know not to do it. To say that eating meat is an illusion sounds more like an excuse to make us feel better about ourselves in the here and now. Don’t our actions and intentions still matter right now? Doing what we can now to ease suffering for ALL sentient beings makes sense to me in the truest form of love. The post about the new world with animals as friends sounds so beautiful. How are we so ok with their suffering today and expect to be neighbors with them tomorrow?

    What does that say about animals rights individuals? Would source say they’ve taken on a justice role? Like how addicts have signed up for that lesson – they need that experience this lifetime. What are animal rights individuals looking for in a cosmic sense? Are they “stuck” in a role? What have they taken on, and does it matter?

    1. So. Brother J used to eat whatever was offered to him wherever he went, while he was still “in” a body. Eating with gratitude and without guilt is key. Some CATs eat meat, but we’re careful to (sincerely) connect with and thank the animal, and you can feel them relax. Those who do eat meat don’t necessarily like to, but have to because of their blood/body chemistry.

      Animals aren’t individuals, they’re part of a collective animal spirit (that’s shepherded by various elementals, or at least it’s supposed to be). Same goes for the plant world.

      Again, gratitude is key, as is understanding that none of this is real. Be sure to ask Brother J to enjoy whatever it is you’re consuming (or doing) and all is well.

      CAT Eds.

      1. Cats ARE individuals.
        I know one in South Africa, who is a princess.
        They have high level missions.
        Called “God’s eyes on earth”, for they observe and send up messages.
        They incarnate like humans.
        Great Anchors of the Light on earth, just as whales and dolphins.

    2. 1. Everything you have said about animals and taking pity of them (as they become the source of food for some ppl), you can say the exact same thing about all fruits and vegetables and also all flowers that some ppl murder to beautify their homes, someone’s funeral or someone’s birthday.

      2. Are you seriously planning to interfere with the nature and disallow some species of animals and birds to eat other animals, birds and plants? Think of the chaos that might create…and other consequences.

      3. How much of you taking pity of yourself (for whatever valid reason) is projected onto this “poor animals, it’s not fair, it’s not right” topic? This is worthy of exploration as it may bring you some enlightening insights.

      I have seen cases when someone would start doing yoga and force themselves become a strict vegetarian. Ok, fine everyone is allowed to experiment on themselves for educational purposes. Then I would witness how that person would take a privilege and ultimate right to force their entire family to stop eating meat and become a vegetarian. The family would eventually get convinced (i.e. forcefully pushed) to become a vegan or a vegetarian and the next thing that usually happens in those cases is that the just converted into veganism or a vegetarian lifestyle family members end up in hospital with iron level below any imaginable norm and other symptoms that require hospitalization. I am not kidding, nor am I exaggerating, I am talking about real cases.
      The bottom line is you have every right to decide for yourself what is right for you here. You have no right to decide or choose for others what is right for them. That includes the animals (both camps, the ones who hunt and the ones who get eaten). You can’t decide for them what is right for them.

      I would invite you to get sincere and intimate with yourself and examine the real source of your frustration that you feel in regards to this situation.

      1. Iron levels…..really!!!!! Most green leafy vegies have a much higher content of Iron than meat could ever have, if these people really became sick they weren’t eating a balanced diet.
        The whole Iron propaganda associated with meat is just that, propaganda, used to sell a product.

        1. Why don’t you check the iron content of say, spinach in 1960 and compare it with the percentage of iron in 1999 (the data can be found in the i-net)? The difference is alarming. I personally don’t eat meat and it has never affected my iron level or anything else, had only positive results. However- no meat works for me, it doesn’t mean other ppl bodies are the same. I mentioned real life cases. Noone mentioned in the hospital that they became vegetarian as at that moment they never connected the change of diet with the compromised health condition/body reaction.

  12. And, are there other beings on other planets who eat animals?
    We know there are cat beings – do they eat birds, mice, moles, etc.
    Avians, dog beings, etc.
    What do our galactic friends eat?

    1. “Galactic friends”? There are millions of varieties of beings in this neighborhood alone. In the omniverse, the number is infinity minus one.

      A lot of them consume energy in some form. Lower viber ones (but still higher than us) have special nutrient drinks once a day/week/month. CATs eat mostly donuts.

      -CAT Eds.

    2. Ashtar Sherran eats deer and bear meat.
      See TerranCognito site.

  13. Didn’t have a good night’s rest. Lost my 18 yo kitty over the weekend and it really hit me hard losing her. This morning as I’m waking up, you know that half way spot were your coming up. Well I felt like I was being shaken inside my shell, kinda like a wet noodle. Now I know why, Russian meter has a big ole black mark on it. Headache and exhaustion. Gonna be a tough day and I have shit to do.

    1. We’re really sorry. Note that you’ll probably see her a lot… in a way… for a while. She’s still around. That which is loved never dies.

      CAT Eds.

      1. Thank you. I know but it still makes me cry, she was a spunky little bit of fluff.

        1. I am very sorry.
          When I lost one of my kitties – he was running like wild and jumped out of the window on the fourth floor; I rushed down to him, but his neck was broken … He lived for 24 hours at the vet… – I couldn’t help crying for months. I cried at work, at the hairdresser’s, at home … It’s the bond we make with them that matters most.
          <3 <3 <3

    2. So sorry to hear that Mo, sending love. I bet she is still with you. HUGS XXX

    3. @ Mo. So sorry about your lovely little bundle of fluff. Think mine is leaving soon. So lucky to have had them in our lives.

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