136 thoughts on “Get Ready for Change

  1. Good god! Today gave me the realization that I still have a vast amount of de-programming to deal with. So much for my calm country composure. Too funny! Here goes that good ole gnashing of teeth. (they are getting stubbier from all that grinding)

      1. At first I couldn’t tell whether it’s a dog or a kangaroo. After 1 min of looking at it I decided that it’s a genetically modified donkey. Although, I must agree it also resembles a bat!

  2. Are you truly ready ?

    This Higher aspect of your Self goes to explain that before you can enter this gate, you need to first make a final decision once and for all, to permanently leave behind all of your 3-D belongings. You cannot take with you, anything that is 3-D in nature, past the gate. You must let go of everything that is no longer serving you. For this gate acts as a portal to the higher dimensions, and only souls with the highest spiritual maturity and readiness levels can enter. Only souls who are ready to constantly be the Light and Love that are their True Nature, can move forward and take this final step.

    There is no faking it, dear ones. Your Higher Self will instantly know whether you are genuine in your intention when declaring your readiness to permanently throw out all of your 3-D baggage and no longer taking them with you. Ask your Higher Self to transmute all of these into Divine Light, and give thanks for all the lessons; the valuable experiences they had given you – helping you get to where you are today.


    1. @astro
      Nice piece of preaching with a patronizing flavor. I neither like it, nor buying into it. Get real …dear one. lol

    2. Can I tell you a secret? No one is ever 100% ready for something until after it happens.

      1. Here’s what’s not a secret. You may or may not be ready, but if you are aligned with your Original Blueprint you will always be prepared.

  3. Last night at midnight I woke up. Felt hollow like the world had drained out of me. Took an hour to get back to sleep. And this am I looked at the Schuman. That’s one stiff column of energy at the same time. It use to be soular winds that I knew of before the graphs posted. Now it’s the Schuman. The feeling was very odd. And no it isn’t the first time. That column was different imho.

    1. @higherdiscernment. In the last week or so, as the Schuman zoomed, I would wake in a stupor for no reason. After resting for 8 hours, it felt like I hadn’t slept. Typical for me: a pattern of 1.5 hours after sleep I wake, then every 2-3 after that. And then a good 2 hours in the morning to feel clear headed. As I bump into/experience the grumpiest attitudes in others on my way to work. Last night I woke up and my first thought as I sat bolt upright was something changed. I was me yet clearly me, no fog. I didn’t think oh what time is it, or notice any underlying 3d preparatory daily thoughts. I clearly felt open at both ends almost like a node on a column. Hollow. My impression was I was in use. Minus all the emotional drama. Clear.
      As we all do, I looked at the Schuman scale, but found nothing until morning when I found the corresponding column. It didn’t have a prodromal build up, just very strong. Like the energy was checking out the runway. We got blasted and survived another day.

      This was not a ” this energy is just for me moment”, it was more of a testing 1,2,3. . . Moment. And hooray we survived.

  4. Things r gonna change for the better big time? Last time we heard it on this blog was in your “star trek kinda future” post. Well, things haven’t changed for the better since then and we are still driving petrol fueled cars with strangely behaving batteries. I am just noticing. Things did get more confusing for some and somewhat /or tolerable and managable for others, but in general, we are where we were 3 months ago. My point is this. The presence of say specks of bright yellow and blue colors in a dirty green stream still looks like a dirty green stream with specks of yellow and blue. I do notice the yellow and blue, but I also (and I am not the only one) notice the dirty green which remains a dominating color here however you want to put it.
    Why don’t you guys tell us about the nature of the current delay, that NOBODY denies or argues with and that everybody wants to know more about? Don’t you think it is more relevant and more relatable?

    1. We don’t tell you about the causes of the current delay because no one knows. We tell you what we know when we know it. Why don’t you develop your own skills and look to your own future.

      -CAT Eds.

    2. These cats are learning just like the rest of us that guessing dates doesn’t work.

      The current “highest” prediction imo is that we’re intergrating 12D at the end of this month. That will allow more people to feel into the 5th density which is the new earth, event, heaven, divergence, what ever you want to call it.

      Waiting for an event is a dark trap. Trying feeling into that one 😉 my little bit of psychic shit talk for today. Happy Scorpio season guys. We’ll get though this

    3. The ST future is a 5D thing. Only those going to 5D are doing that (whoever they may be). And no one will know about 5D till we get to 4D. And no, we don’t know when that’s gonna happen, either; no one does, not even Guides or Spirit. So, G + P + C and make some (safe) connections and ask Spirit your questions; perhaps then you’ll get the answers you want. We’re not a wishing well. When you hear something, let us know, too!


      1. Well, I was going to 36D, but I turned it down.

        I said I’ve been rubbing shoulders with the lowlife, so I might as well ascend with them.

        The things I have to do, tsk!

        Mark (better than all of you…)

    4. Maybe it is time to take a real break from waiting for the event or any kind of waiting…maybe just be..:))

      1. When you can meditate for a moment and feel SOURCE bubbling up inside you, and then realize you can expand yourself to a thousand feet tall and SEE things for what they are — in 360-degee X-ray vision — becoming a kind of proto-galactic being such that you give pause to a ship-full of negative ETs flying by… and sense and feel the thoughts of all beings in this locality… it makes it tough to just be. Or it makes it easier. One of those.

        [I like this guy’s message, but I must admit to feeling… uncomfortable… seeing those smiling adepts in the audience, having seen too many of them in insane groups of the past. This is one reason we remain anonymous. There are many paths to SOURCE.]


        1. FYI cat eds, there are a few “adepts” in here on this blog who look at you the same way mooji’s adepts look at him. So, it’s good indeed you remain anonymous. And btw, mooji does not require any following but he has to deal with those who follow him in this idiotic manner (like they are below and he is up there and all this worship business), he explicitly said it many times that the only thing that brings him joy is to see others waking up to their own truth, all he can do is to ask questions that promote awareness. He is a humble guy and doesn’t really like all these fireworks ppl who choose to follow somebody perform. I don’t follow him or anyone else btw, but what he does and say has its value, it’s real, authentic, and brings one out of self-imposed hypnosis. I personally, just like you, detest these “devotee faces” who treat him like god and not as an equal, they mislead themselves and then others.

          1. We are not here to be worshipped; neither was Brother J. We are YOU. You are us. We are all SOURCE… well, a very small extension. Like a tentacle! You all have the same furry talent tentacles we do. And we certainly meant no disrespect to Mooji. He seems like he has it together.

            -CAT Eds.

        2. Thank you. You emanate good vibes (excuse my English, it’s not my mother tongue). What I mean is, I feel well when I read your messages and this blog in general.
          So, thank you,

  5. For the time being these event dates and promises or grand changes for the better of our COLLECTIVE state of affairs sound more like “next month there will be a great celebration on Neptune that they are having for the first time in the history of the planet, lets rejoice”.

  6. Wow, I’m kind of surprised at the negativity this positive message brought out in some. I read this blog for the humor and positivity it brings to a vast and scary experience. I’m not looking for answers outside of myself, I’m just looking for like minded souls to connect with on my inward journey.

    1. Agree to Brigitte
      Please drop your angry “mimimimimimiii-why is nobody telling me something” comments at “The Portal”

      1. Just my irrational fear of the unknown…trying to rise above my control issues! As my 3D days go by I’m working on transmuting any fear into faith and excitement.

  7. Try some faith to go with the blame, doom and gloom. It wouldn’t be a test if it wasn’t challenging, and faith is clearly part of the test since brother J couldn’t stop talking about it.

    It’s all good; giving birth it takes as long as it takes, patiently waiting or kicking and screaming.

    If you really want to get out of here faster, I know I do; work on raising rather than lowering the collective vibe.


    1. “If you really want to get out of here faster, I know I do; work on raising rather than lowering the collective vibe.”

      I tried my utmost to do just that, for the past 7 years — it still has not worked.

      The human Collective, *especially* the conflicting, issue-damaged Lightworkers, ironically enough…pose too much of an intestinal blockage in this shitehole reality construct.
      I can personally attest that one single Fearless ascended-master-level person, or even together with a combined handful of lower level but very high frequency Beings right now, still do not hold enough POWER to move this train wreck from within.

      My latest method to escape from this circular-looping Cuckoo’s Nest, is to take my Higher Self’s latest advice and mainly pay attention to the currently occurring, long-awaited accelerating planetary disasters we are finally being blessed with …(earthquakes, hurricanes/tornadoes, volcanic eruptions…super-volcanic rumblings, global massive earthquakes in the works..)….in order to gauge how close we truly are, this time.

      Because we know the divergence MUST occur, if a global disaster is about to be unleashed. We know those disasters will be separated/removed from our Ascending Earth(s) timelines, to be played out only on the Descending Earths.
      Hence, the splitting of the Earth Constructs, and thank christ, the releasing of the beloved (Solar Flash) EVENT, *finally*.

      FYI — I continue to receive the higher message, that Yellowstone will kickstart THE EVENT….(much more so than the San Andreas — yet another nice being set up right now)….which of course launches right BEFORE the imminent disasters that are to be experienced only on the descending 3D Earths….
      From very insightful YTuber to
      Caroline Diadem: *Eternal Life* (6 days ago):

      “Sister, the lord is referring to yellowstone erupting when speaking about the heart. The lord has shown me over and over again yellowstone being the severe kickoff Event. I was shown the steamboat geyser erupting 27 times then yellowstone erupts. Just 3 days ago the steamboat erupted for the 24th time.”

      *(UPDATE: As of November 3, it is now the 25th time)*

      “This is very serious and very close. Many will perish. Earthquakes follow the eruption as they did in hawaii. Perhaps even tsunamis following the earthquakes. I have not been shown tsunamis but i was shown severe earthquakes following yellowstone. …Please pray about what i have told you so that you may release the truth on the heart being yellowstone. God bless :)”

      RE: Video below ~ I can never get enough of pleasurably watching this — inject this emotional energy baby into the dumbed down Consciousness Stream of this planet enough, and perhaps WE can get this dam thing started fast, without being forced to stand around with our ***ks in our hands, “endlessly waiting”:



      1. No, no, no. Your job is NOT to “raise the collective vibe.” Your job is to raise YOUR vibe. Only. Others will pick up on this.

        Save yourself and you save the whole world. Lead by example. Be a beacon. Everyone who will come will come. Just worry about getting YOU to where you need to be.

        And don’t watch horror or fear-porn. It lowers your vibration. Leave the 3D world to 3D.


        1. The amount of times I have heard that phrase, about becoming a bacon.

          What is so special about Kevin anyway?


        2. 1. Yes, yes, yes. My “job” was to first raise MY VIBE, then use that to raise the Collective Vibe. Both were accomplished to the very highest degree over the past decade.

          That was done. That still did not work.

          2. ??? Being on AND creating/generating the highest ascending Timelines means that you AND those going with you, are automatically “Saved”.
          But more to the point, I have no need to “save myself” in the first place. I am an immortal indestructible Being.

          3. I don’t “worry” about ANYTHING. Did you not read my post at all? It said very clearly, FEARLESS.

          4. Commanding me (control over others) what I am supposed to do, according to YOU? And your issues? Seriously? WTH?

          I am actually a master of and neutral observer of ALL “horror/fear-porn” because I created my Soul Contract of Duality Extremes to include immersing myself in ALL-THAT-IS dark for most of my younger life, in this Dark Duality Experiment….which served me incredibly well in single-handedly and rather immediately deflecting and defeating the Reptilian’s global lightworker attack back in 2012 when I was of lower (but continually rising) frequency and they could still “see” me.
          Now, however, I am nothing but a blinding flash of White Light to them.

          What is going on here? What level are you at, ‘AM’? In making such ridiculous and instant 3D personal assumptions about me?
          This was an incredibly LOW FREQUENCY reaction from you, and I had considerably overestimated, obviously.

          You have just demonstrated that you are emanating massive Ignorance and Fear.
          So there you go — this is why none of you can ‘unite’, at a 5D Level.

          And thanks to all of that 3D Projection Crap (and all of your negative “No this” and “No that” and “No, no, no, …to the nth power of NO”) you totally missed the glorious point of my post.
          (…..sigh) Dammit.

      2. A global disaster is not about to be unleashed. That’s why SOURCE & Spirit created the last few massive timeline jumps. Relax.

        There are only two main timelines, now: JUSTICE & SOURCE. We all keep going back and forth on both of them. Time to pick a lane — again.


        1. “A global disaster is not about to be unleashed.”

          Of course it is. Many of them are. All versions of them will be. Because ALL possible Timelines ‘play out’.
          We are in duality. The Ascending Constructs *must* be balanced by the Descending Constructs. Neutral observance, of All-That-Is. Neither Good, nor Bad. Simply IS.

          You as well, are showcasing your own Personal FEAR.


          Play with it.

          1. A global disaster is not goijg to be unleashed on the timeline WE are on. If this is what you’d like for yourself, well… enjoy. We have no fear, though we’re getting annoyed at shepherding comments.

            -CAT Eds.

          2. There will be those that will see a lake of water (Source), others a lake of fire (Justice). I prefer non dual like a unicorn with a rainbow of perceptions.

      3. what you are focusing on will be yours
        If I want to change the world, I beginn by myself

  8. Well I Thank the C’s &M’s for sharing with us children that are in training. Peace to All that see or feel these words.

  9. About getting along:

    I grew up in Sweden. The reason Swedish people won’t ask you many questions is that it’s considered impolite (rightly so) to dig around in other people’s brains.

    Last few years I’ve been living in a Germany village. Germans buy food in stores and get medicine from doctors, to a greater extent than any other country I’ve been in. Which means that I immediately stick out when I’m sitting out in the middle of a field digging for mushrooms.

    The Swedish thing to do would be to pretend not seeing the other person, since (s)he’s obviously minding their business. The German way to deal with it is to stop the car, ambush the person with a thousand questions and demand to know what they’re doing. And they call that being social, which is apparently a good thing.

    I don’t buy it. It looks like conditioned bad manners smeared in cognitive dissonance to me. It’s not like anyone enjoys being interrogated for doing anything out of the ordinary. And there’s no way you’ll be trusted with any telepathic skills until you can learn to tell the difference between your business and other people’s.


    1. That will be a tough few months, once we ALL have telepathic capabilities. Guarding one’s thoughts will be a deal-breaker for some, while others will find a calm inside them they never knew they had.

      So… Swedes don’t buy food in stores?


      1. It runs deep, thousands of years of bad manners cleverly hidden under cultural muck. I’m still struggling with plenty, like not measuring people up physically at first sight; damn that’s a tough one, sex and violence are mighty triggers. Not peeping or staring period when given the chance. List goes on.

        Or you could make it easy and realize that it’s all about leaving other people alone and give them space to do their thing. Live and let live, do unto others etc.

        Depends where, but not as bad as the Germs. Most wouldn’t believe you if you told them there’s PLENTY of good stuff to eat growing everywhere in nature most of the year. They all have fruit and berries growing in their gardens, but I have yet to see anyone do anything more elaborate than watch them rot.

        I had no clue how bad it is until I lived here for a while, left brained doesn’t even begin to describe it. If the traffic lights suddenly stopped working, it would only take one; no one would get to work that day. They wouldn’t get anywhere, because they would be standing there on a line waiting for the signal to move.

        Having to live, and it’s not as if I haven’t tried to escape repeatedly; in these kinds of cultures is one of the lessons this time around, no doubt.


        1. It looks different, that’s all; less jumping up and down and making noises. And it’s only a problem until you realize you’re not obligated to put on a show either. Up in northern Sweden, which is the part that really appeals to me; they used to cut down trees between houses in the autumn to prevent people from going crazy in the dark during winter. It’s more telepathic if you ask me, more sharing moments and feelings than compressing every single detail into words.


    2. @Sifoo

      Germans are very much left brain orientated
      I am German but do not understand them anymore
      cause I live for over fourty years in latin countries where the HEART
      is much much more important than all this analytical thinking.

      I love my portuguese people, also brazilian people who are much more warm hearted….

      1. In my experiences with different cultures, warm climates tend to breed warm, friendly people. I come from South Africa and everyone talks to everyone, though you obviously don’t strike a conversation with someone who is obviously in a hurry. Northern Europeans are generally cold, unfriendly and hate others interacting with them (though they do seem to be getting better). Southern Europeans are generally warm, friendly and will happily talk to you if they aren’t busy.

        Family members have been to South America and they say the people there are warm, friendly and approachable.

        Us Africans are loud, friendly people and enjoy the company of others.

        1. It depends on the nation too, not just climate. Irish are very friendly (to the point of being notoriously nosy) while they live in a cold climate with cold-hearted catholic authorities who have run the place for centuries (and they still covertly do).

        2. @

          wow you lived in South Africa
          I know the African people cause I lived two years in Luanda-Angola
          we went with car to Cape Town and felt the people friendly, but it was still the Aparheit Time that maked me sad. South Africa is a beautiful country. In Australia (where my whole familly lives) the people are friendly and say hello on the street or in the supermarket. I enjoyed it very much.

          But you see Sifoo, I will not judge the people about who is more open. You are right it has to to with the SUN.

          In Brazil the emotions are on a very high level. All that countries as South Africa, Australia and Brazil, Argentina…. are a mixture of all the European countries from Italy and Spain and even Japanese who are mostly in the agriculture in Brazil. In Bahia the population is mostly 90% African. I loved the spirit of Brazil, their openess and humour to take every challenge with a kind of music. It is the Samba gene they all carry in there blood. Even the language sounds like music. I lived 11 years in Brazil.

    3. @anonymous

      Standoffish or nosy, all western European countries are being invaded and their cultures dismantled and destroyed at the same rate by Ca8al governments, and the ordinary citizens do and say nothing about it. So I’d say they are all slavish NPCs incapable of thinking for themselves, whatever their superficial differences.

      Not impressed at all by western Europeans, in their present condition they will follow their reptilian leaders and go where they go at the time of the Event, and we all know where that is…and it’s not 4D.

    4. How funny!
      I find the German people adorable.
      I have a high respect for the whole German folk.
      Sane and upright and full of dignity.
      Well grounded and cultured and of a subtle humor.
      Some people say, whatever you judge might be simply your own projection.

    5. That’s the same treatment I get from the rest of the Village of Brain Dead Zombies. I live on the West Coast of Canada and have learned that I cannot stay in my front yard for more then a few minuets. To do yard work, I get up at 6 AM and get back in the house by 10 AM. If I’m out there during prime time – it’s a barrage of stupid questions and stupid comments. Like I’m some type of tour guide or side show. “They” call it Building Community Spirit, I call it rude. I am seriously wondering where to pack up and move to regain peace of mind, I guess Germany is off the list.

      1. Ok, this is fun. Note that it isn’t violence, it’s just a kind of wake-up call…

        Next time you see someone who’s obviously asleep, and you have say ten seconds, look at them intently and think (loudly):


        Memorize it. Use it. Mean each word. This creates a kind of quiet miracle between you and your brother/sister, since they are you.

        More people than you realize will HEAR you… and react. But everyone hears you. It’s very interesting. Give it a try.

        It’s hard to be a monk in the valley, but not impossible.


        1. Here is something I read today:
          “How can we take a leap of faith when the future feels so uncertain?”
          I think this is wrong. If you have FAITH, you can accomplish ANYTHING.

  10. It’s really about surrendering to the process at this point. People are still giving too many fucks about 3D BS that means absolutely nothing and distracts you from going inside and doing the real work. What’s the real work? Deprogramming all these whack beliefs and trauma that makes you keep on spreading it to others like a virus. Because that’s what we wake up to everyday… A big amalgamation of everyones beliefs. Hello World. That’s why shit sucks the way it does.. Because everyone BELIEVES IT TO BE this way.

    Yeah but you’re like “Dude, Wizards Potion… I gotta feed my family and pay for my shits, yo!!” Yeah it get it… Well look at it like this – you set that reality up for yourself because you drank the koolaid and bought into a lifestyle that requires you to pay for all your shits nonstop. That’s just the simple fact. Why do you think the hippies drove around in RV’s and shit? Cause they weren’t buying into the lifestyle that is essentially someone else fantasy gone full blown critical mass.

    At this point you gotta turn off the TV. Stop dressing like everyone else and getting the same haircut. Stop being an echo box regurgitating some shit you heard some other Mofo say that you thought sounded intelligent so you can be perceived that way too. You gotta stop all the nonsense and be you and believe in the cools things that you believe in and forgot about all the crap someone else told you to believe. Stop waiting for external events to save you from yourself. You are the Event. We are the Event. But nothing is gonna happen until we make it happen. So get ready for a whole lot of nothing happening until people let go of the things in this world in a way that they can change their belief system with a snap of a finger.

    On that note… I’m ordering a pizza tonight… fuck all the bullshit!

        1. It’s not a ca8al. How many interviews of Jacque Fresco (the founder of the venus project) have you watched? He reminds me of George Carlin in many ways. Maybe sometimes you should do some research and double check before you categorically state sth.

          1. Research? Sorry. Our Guides say ca8al. We tend to believe Spirit.

            If you could see the structures they want to lay down, in the patterns they have in mind, there’d be no doubt. Pass.

            -CAT Eds.

          2. It’s also not how I see us interacting with nature to provide food, we will be in tune with the plants and the water to get the food we need, it’s a bit complicated to explain as I don’t really know yet just what I’ve seen, that and there will also be replicator style things until we can just use energy to create what we need

    1. What??? Wizard Potion, u r ordering a pizza??? Isn’t it what everybody else is ordering???? In the light of what you just said, shame on you! ))) Kidding. I got your point. Stop being a repeater and be original, be the unique you, not the copied and pasted made-up-in-the-image-of-everybody-else-fake-you. I fully agree with it. But the commenters here are also repeating each other or as you rightly put it, they are being: “an echo box regurgitating some shit you heard some other Mofo say that you thought sounded intelligent so you can be perceived that way too”. The thing is, even those who are here tend to habitually, as their brainwashing suggests, perceive everything in positive or negative terms only. Like there is no other option. And yet they claim to recognize the unity and oneness (which implies variety) of things. How??? You split reality with your polarised thinking and perception every time you look at it, and that includes what other people say and what you allow yourself to think and say! When they read another person’s comment they only see it in terms of negative/positive, right/wrong, good/bad. What if it’s neither? What if it’s just an observation and the commenter is neither approving nor disapproving what they comment on but he or she is simply pointing out at sth that is a repeat and/or has no or little practical value? But other commenters AUTOMATICALLY decide that the comment is negative, which means (according to their before mentioned filter) it’s bad, which means the person who posted it is aggressive, depressed, in a bad mood and intends to spread it. Then they AUTOMATICALLY suggest to focus on the positive aspects of the current reality or this blog or Source or whatever. And the funny thing is that the original comment was never about what was attached to it by other commenters who basically responded to the suggestions of their own positive/negative filter not to what the original comment actually said (they never read the comment, they read their own meaning attached to the comment).

      I noticed that everybody is tired of waiting for the event that is not happening, which is true. It’s just the way it is right now, it’s not what we expected and it is disorienting. Honestly, I do not know what to think about it and what’s the most practical way to go about it taking into account the whole variety of contributing factors. I never suggested it’s bad, I said it’s uncomfortable, which may be a necessary or unnecessary piece of whatever it is at play here. I also noticed that many of the channeled or just made up explanation for the delay are not making any sense any more and it’s none of what has been said on the matter by various sources. I noticed that all the promises regarding the event timing are not correct and by now it is self-evident. I noticed that nobody actually is in the know when and what will happen. Glad to know cat eds officially agreed with it and someone else yesterday got it too and expressed it in a very to the point manner. The fact that nobody actually is in the know when the event happens and what will happen is not good and not bad, not positive, not negative, it’s just the way it is, it is the current nature of the ongoing reality. It does not mean we should get into a state of anguish, nor it means we should blindly believe in anything supergood to come and desperately try to find a confirmation of this fantasy in someone’s channeling, and if we fail to do so then try to find a few people and convince them to believe in the supergood thing to come some time in the future to allow ourselves feel better now. This is not awareness, this is anti-awareness and unconsciousness. I noticed that the collective reality, for the most part retains its status quo which you can’t deny if you are present here and now. All that was pointed at as a response to the posts that stated (I am paraphrasing) “the things are now improving/we jumped to a more positive timeline/source has won, etc”. I only pointed at the ongoing reality which simply does not support these claims. THAT’S ALL. I never said, meant or suggested that I myself expect to be saved by the event from the horrors of this reality and b/c it hasn’t happened yet I will cry all night, and everything is bad. Other commenters DID assume it and attached this meaning to what I said and then criticized me for saying what they assumed! I never judged or criticized any person in here (while those other persons did criticize, label, condemn and judge me as a person). What I DID do- I argued or disagreed with WHAT others here STATED, I questioned some of their OPINIONS, beliefs and standpoints. I never once labeled any commenter here as aggressive, negative, positive, depressed, loving, grumpy, etc. I only used my discernment and awareness and commented on WHAT THEY SAID, stated and concluded in order to get to the truth of things and out of the hypnosis of either positive or negative fantasy supported by many which does not let us get aware of simple things. Exactly how in the company of those who claim to move towards consciousness and awareness is this a crime?

      1. Brother… sister? I send you the most amount of love another brother can send over the interwebz. I appreciate your astute comment and perception of this reality. My comment wasn’t directed at anyone in particular, though. I just like to get on and ramble about shit that flows through me… And today that was the message that was flowing. Sometimes the messages aren’t so fun. That’s why I order a pizza… you might as well live it up and have as much fun as you possibly can in this anti-fun environment. What are you making this reality mean to you everyday? Me? I’m not gonna beat myself up because I ordered a triple bacon deluxe from this reality. My whole point is to just get out and live and who cares whats supposed to bad and good and whatever… It’s really up to you to decide that for yourself. That’s what’s got us in this log jam to begin with. Everyones in copy cat mode. Find one or 2 things… or 20 things that bring you joy and focus as much attention as you possibly can on that and let go of all the rest.

        As for the Event, well… People still have too many expectations of what it supposed to be/look like/feel and expectations are our limitation in this reality. When you expect a dream to turn out a certain way, the dream ends. So that’s gonna have to change… meaning surrendering to the process and detaching yourself from outcomes of all kinds.

        Anyway, Keep on keepin on, brothers and sisters. I love you all and we’ll figure this all out soon enough!

        1. @Wizards Potion
          Sorry, Wizards Potion, I kinda united 2 comments into one. I should have clarified this. The first part of my long comment was meant for you, the second part was a reply to cats, ms and especially other commenters recent remarks and judgements, -not your remarks. I get what you say and what you mean, no need to clarify it and I appreciate your honesty).

          1. Hey no worries.. it happens. You get in those stream of consciousness type posts and they practically post themselves. Text is generally pretty lame, too. I tried to hate it when it got popular on the phones but I was out voted by like…. everybody I guess. Apparently everyone likes to take 20 minutes to convey something they could on an actual phone call in 2 minutes.

      2. SOURCE does play…
        With you and I every day!
        In that play, we subject each other to our internal delay…
        Forcing ALL to UNDERSTAND our OWNED DISMAY.
        Element TARRY.

        1. Waiting for that Event?
          I think the delay is EVIDENT.
          For I do not quip,
          YOU must process IT.
          What’s that?
          YOUR owned sh*t!

  11. For all those negative nancies…
    I am a phychic as well and the problem with visions is they are just that, visions, snapshots. There are never things that give dates in the vision. When you watch a movie, do you see a timstamp on the screen all the time? Are you always looking at a clock? I had a vision 10 years ago that only recently came true.
    Everything is on track, yet we will only know when it will happen as it is happening.

    So enjoy the show and smile when the eastersgg (event) shows up.

    1. You know, sometimes we DO get dates in visions, clairaudiently, etc., but (so far) they’re rarely the dates we think they are. It has (so far) meant something else. Took us a while to learn how to interpret that, like everything else. A big part of “becoming psychic” is understanding what you’re seeing and hearing, and what Spirit is trying to tell you — and lots of those messages have meaning on multiple levels. And also learning to make the unicorn t-shirt look good is a big part of it… 😉


      1. Once you can pull off the unicorn Tee unphased, life feels like a series of “easy buttons” floating on the riverboat cruise.


    1. Madness induced by repeat playing of Fairy tale of New York…


  12. An odd sense of anxiety and loss has been assailing me ever since the weekend, and it hasn’t gone away completely yet. It’s making the process very gruesome for me this time around, right when I was starting to enjoy it a lot, too…

    How bothersome.

  13. Having lots of trouble with electronics today and the energy rain is back, now inside, bit like a snow flurry, it’s very pretty

  14. Let’s play a game. At this very moment, what would be your most joyful, high vibe, most inspiring inner mental image for you and the entire collective that you would be happy to contribute into the collective consciousness? Only one rule: no copying or repeating of other people inner images, your inner images must be unique and original, if it’s somehow the same as someone else’s or similar, make a new one!
    So….who is in?

  15. Curiosity.. is any aware there is certain factions of Argathans and Alliance groups whos patience is running thin, and are wanting to come above ground and begin military action (open war) with all cabal factions?

    ..this could well spell doom for us leaving the surface of the planet uninhabitable and humanity wiped out..
    apparently Light Forces are not doing enough and dark forces are doing way too much.
    Now RM etc are wanting to roll out a DELTA option –

    Instead of waiting for the optimal conditions with toplet bombs removed and non-physical Archons removed, a certain “special forces group” would initiate removal of some factions of the Cabal within USA only. None of the Chimera, Archon, Black Nobility or Jesuit members would be touched in this operation. They would keep a low profile and show a friendly face. All other factions of the Cabal within USA would be taken care of. “Special forces group” would provide tactical support for Positive Military to carry out the operation. Mass media would be freed from the Rothschild control and US dollar would collapse. Limited disclosure would begin immediately.

    This change within USA would trigger a strong international reaction and we would have an unstable and chaotic transition towards the Event. Worldwide financial system would go through extreme volatility, but would most likely not collapse. There would be a worldwide purge of lower Cabal members. Mass media worldwide would gradually release more and more intel. Definitely there would me much more intel coming forth about the matrix we live in.

    The whole situation would then first slowly, and then not so slowly accelerate into the Event.

    Nothing can be said about removal of Chimera, Archon, Black Nobility or Jesuit members under Delta Option plan at this point. Removal of the Cabal factions mentioned above and full disclosure can happen only when all toplet bombs are removed.

    Please be aware that Delta Option does NOT mean Delta timeline.

    There is one huge aspect of Delta Option plan which must remain classified for now.

    Final decision whether Delta Option will be implemented or not, has not been made yet. Less stable and worse the situation within USA is, more probable Delta Option becomes. The Jesuits are trying to polarize the situation within USA with artificial left/right political divide. Actions of Jesuits in the coming months will be one of the key factors in how the planetary situation unfolds. Their actions need to be monitored closely.

    Militarily, the Resistance is preparing for the possible upheaval on the surface and has received reinforcements from the bases throughout the Solar System that arrived under the surface of our planet in the last few weeks. At this moment, the Resistance is 140 million members strong, and that number may and probably will still rise significantly.
    >> http://2012portal.blogspot.com/2018/11/delta-option.html <<

    Just wondering if the CATS or anyone else has any thoughts on this?..

    Love and Light.

    1. There are no toplet bombs. There is no army underground ready to take out the ca8al. I don’t know why Cobra has propagated this nonsense. Our brothers who retreated from the world so long ago and who have been living underground… they are very sweet, and cautious, and intelligent, and shun open warfare. They find us insane and unstable. The best thing we can do is exude peace and stability — and kindness and understanding. Basically, we all need to be decent people. Forget all this fear-mongering. It’s pointless.

      I don’t care what any military, or any militaristic org is planning. They have no idea what’s going on. They have no idea what they’re doing. Though their higher-ups know that there are THINGS out in space, above them, huge things that they cannot comprehend, and this scares them deeply. So be it. They live by fear. We choose not to live in fear.

      Spirit knows what’s what, as does Brother J, and SOURCE — and increasingly, more of us. It’s not resistance people should be doing. Instead, move your mind and heart to love and kindness. Instead of resistance, we need a species-wide return to sanity. Sending the ca8al love and healing light is, to them, burning them with lasers. Pew pew, love love!


      1. It’s these calm, rational, grounding comments that make me keep coming back to this blog time and time again.

      2. thanks for your insight, I kinda was thinking along those lines also.. as soon as I read the update from Cobra it didnt really resonate like other things had.. as for the toplet bombs umm wow! it kinda drops the floor right out of ..or umm shatters a lot Cobra has been on about since 2012.

        tbh im now unsure what to make of all this, as always Love must lead the way.. and I strongly agree with what you say about our fallen ones, to attack with war etc plays into thier hands, and love is like kryptonite to them.

        I choose love not retaliation.

        and p.s. love the work and all that jazz you CATS do, thank you.

        Love and Light.

    2. It appears informative, but honestly, nobody knows what, when, and how it will happen. We have all discussed it here already, and what I have just said is THE ONLY thing we know for sure. Everything else out of what has been reported, including this your piece of report, is rather misleading.

  16. Now, here comes the BIG question that I am sure everyone reading this is asking within. ‘When is this Great Event supposed to take place?’ There had been many different answers. Some channels recently reported that it will happen soon this very month, in late March 2018. Some wrote that it will happen before the end of this year. Others predicted it will occur much later, perhaps between 3 to 10 years’ time from now. Which one of these answers is the correct one?

    Predicting the future is a risky business. That is why when you go to visit two different psychics at two different times (say, one visit in your early twenties and another in your early thirties), there is a big possibility that these psychics will give you two very different answers to the same question you had asked them. Out of the INFINITE number of potential, future realities lying ahead of you, i.e. your probable timelines, these psychics can only provide predictions based on your vibrations and intentions you held, at the time of your visit. Every single person you met in life, who played a part in your life back then, or, who would (in the future timeline) play a part in your life will, have the power to change your probable future. It is really ‘Forks in the Road’ stuff for everyone who will play a potentially significant role in your life.

    In the case of the timing of this Great Event, however, the risks of a misprediction is magnified a million fold. There are many micro and macro factors, coming from the human collective, that can influence space and time to produce a different timeline than what was originally predicted/estimated/forecasted.

    That being said, here comes our final answer to your BIG question. With the presumption that all things/all matters continue to develop at their current velocity of change, there is a 56% possibility that the Great Event will probably take place within the next 3 to 6 months from today. This answer is based on current Light Data and planetary vibration level of Earth. Please do not be disappointed if it comes slightly later than the above forecast. There is even a 30% chance that it will take place before the above time range.

    The most important thing, regardless of when the Great Event will actually occur, is that this cosmic, magnificent and miraculous Spiritual Event is inevitable. It will definitely happen. The Light is already victorious! Absolutely nothing can prevent Nova Earth from being manifested into your physical reality right here, right now.


    1. It really doesn’t matter. There are thousands of years of history of bazilions of people waiting around for the end of the world, or for the beginning of the world, or for the Messiah, or for a golden floating cat to give you a magic telephone that can call anyone in the omniverse. (Psst… that last thing is real and already happened! Twice!)

      Just live. Go to lunch. Meditate. Be understanding. Help people who need help. The rest will happen when it happens. We have no idea why the Spirit Bus is hanging onto the mojo, but they probably have a good reason. We personally know for a fact that they have our greatest good in mind, so… let go. It’s one of those odd incongruities: The sooner you let go, the sooner it’ll happen.


      1. The golden floating cat had happened? Twice???
        Oh, you mean the event …
        I wonder if we were there … old souls …
        Atlantis? Lemuria?

      2. “The sooner you let go, the sooner it’ll happen.”

        That’s exactly it!

        And what is letting go? Well, on paper the shit looks really easy, but it’s not. Ms. Cleo can’t save you on this one, sorry. WTF Why?!?! Because you have to get real with yourself and admit some shit you don’t really want to admit to yourself. Eventually no one escapes the wrath of “dealing with yo shit!” and you will find yourself becoming aware of the programming within you in real time soon enough if you don’t already. You will have to listen to all the whispers inside that say “Dude, you’re being totally lame right now.” and break down whatever that programming is that caught your attention and awareness and release it on the spot. You will fight it. It will come back until you don’t fight it anymore. There will be synchronicities to help you figure it out. Pay attention to them. The more you do it, the better you get and before you know it you’ve reached Grand Master level of zero fucks given.

    2. My family is making preparations for the next 400 years, so for us personally we wouldn’t expect an Event before then. It seems to me that the only thing that matters is the now and planning for the future regardless of when the Event might take place.

    1. hello with Queen’s hype I’m curious to know that Freddy has been and what he does now

  17. Methinks that today is an excellent day to complete the final planting of next spring’s bulbs. That’s my focus. De-programming in process! Cheers!

  18. Oh, by the way, here’s what I read today (about the age of the frog god, which is ours):

    “Imagine a program created to replicate human behavior. It appears human in every way to the outside observer; it laughs when you tell it a joke, cries upon receiving bad news and gets angry when insulted. However, it can’t think. This machine simply uses a complex series of if-then statements to determine its actions, there’s no level of synthesis. It simply follows the trends outlined for it, never able to create its own thoughts or feelings. That’s the essence of an NPC, a fundamentally unthinking being that nevertheless appears human.” ~Anonymous

    Their wish is to become human…”

    What do you think of it?
    What made me ponder was the phrase “it can’t think” … Haven’t you met such beings? I have.

    1. *can’t* think vs. *chooses not to* is a fine line.

      chooses not to = regurgitates the accepted belief system in lieu of following SOURCE/soul guidance in each new moment.

      The kicker is, they already ARE human. They simply need to desire to be THEMSELVES instead of what everybody else and society tells them “human” means.


    2. Regarding NPCs. As much as I agree that some people just don’t appear very human at all in their present state, I also remain convinced that it’s mainly unconsciousness. There’s great danger in labeling groups of people as less than human, it’s one of the favorite tricks used by the delite to divide and enable us to do horrible things to each other. The meme served its purpose as a reminder and a nudge in the right direction for some, but in the end we’re all sitting in the same stupid canoe heading for the Niagara falls.


      1. Yes. Every person you see is a teardrop of Spirit. SPIRIT runs this show, not the ca8al, not the reptiles. Alas, too many have “sold their souls” to the PTW — an act that is technically impossible — but those unfortunates *can* hand over their free will to the PTW for a time. This regret will haunt those who do it for a looong time. But it’s never too late to change. All you have to do is say: “I take back my free will NOW.” And then reapply it with SOURCE in mind.

        -CAT Eds.

    1. That I can affirm, things indeed are getting increasingly ridiculous to the point that I can’t believe adult people are acting this way when interacting with other adult people. It looks more like the patients from one mental hospital playing football or basketball with the patients of another mental hospital and both teams take the game seriously (instead of realizing/remembering who they are and where the game takes place).

    2. Ha, I was pondering this today, except need only look at the shift in the comment section of this website. Jeezum, lots of contrast going on!

      Deep breathe.

      Nothing matters.

      You’re a cloud of energy that learned how to control a “body” in this “physical reality”.



    3. Oh just take a look at this recent thread. The comments are… woooha, spicey here and there. Event horizons pull at its strongest
      You announce big change with a struggle to get along – the readers comments mirror it perfectly.
      So many unproductive, useless discussions only validate your words here. When we got THAT aggressive at this blog folks? Just chill and purr for a moment
      There is an imperative need for everyone to go into their inner temple and remain silent until lovingly (pew pew, love love – best one!) constructive, or funny, share-worthy thoughs appear. Incl myself obviously or I’m just super tired, its already late here.

      But I had to say again, deep from my heart, before going to bed, I appreciate your fantastic work CATs and Ms.
      I does not resonate with me in every detail but who cares! You make me smile on a daily basis so thanks for you being you
      Nighty night

    4. Didn’t the left hate Sessions?

      What’s mind boggling is that people STILL can’t see this as a Mafia turf war disguised as politics. Absolutely incredible that these crooks still won the house despite all of this blatant shit… Not that I’m partisan, of course. But the left is displaying almost cartoon villan levels of evil doing.

      1. It’s comical. The Left will grab onto anything and attempt to twist it to their advantage, because they sense their own end coming. (They lose on every timeline.) This also brings us to why we think The Event is necessary. A whole segment of the population WILL NOT look at truth and light unless it is delivered in as obvious a fashion From Beyond as The Event can bring. This same (very small) controlling faction will undoubtedly use The Event to foment fear and spread their agenda, but… that’s not our problem. If we had 15 million years, we might be able to save everyone, but we don’t. So, we won’t. You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it THINK.

        -CAT Eds.

  19. Rephrasing a famous joke: Theory is when you know everything but nothing works. Practice is when everything works but noone knows why. On this amazing planet theory and practice are combined: nothing works and noone knows why.

  20. what is going on. feels like i have two different swords piercing my skull. on opposite sides, making a V. strange. ow.

    1. Mmmm… nope. Who are they?

      In this case, ‘M’ stands for “Meowracle” (meow + oracle). We know that sounds stupid, which is why we went to “M.” It was either that, or we used famous cat movie names… but since there aren’t any…

      -CAT Eds.

  21. Ugh, something just hit over here. It’s amazing how fast it drops from feeling fine to please just get me out of here whatever it takes.

    And I just slept 14 hours straight, so I was in unusually good shape.

    It seems like many want proof that the event is really going to happen. Here’s your proof, there’s no chance that I would have agreed to go through this for any other reason.

    Which makes me wonder what they promised Trump & Putin, there’s no chance I would have done what they’re doing for anything. Imagine having that much hatred directed at you from all angles day and night. Makes my life look like a Sunday walk in the park.


      1. You’re asking me about time? 😉

        I feel obliged to inform you that most days I don’t know what month it is or how old I am, I have no clue how old my daughter is and only a vague idea about my son.

        I was always like this, can’t be bothered since it seems so meaningless to me. For the longest time I did my best to keep up appearances, but that’s going the way of the Dodo fast. Which of course bothers the hell out of everyone else.

        Don’t get me started on Geography…


    1. Me too! Was fine all day, content and peaceful, then around 6pm mst I suddenly was agitated and anxious. I’m definitely here for some sort of “Event” because I wouldn’t have agreed to this either. At least now I know when those shifts happen it’s for a reason, if if I don’t understand it all. I just try to center myself and know that this too shall pass.

  22. A little calm in the center of the storm…

    Natural Ethics

    When there are enough people who resonate with the new frequencies, a new matrix is formed, one made of the frequency of love. This matrix will work as a net of support for the entire planet.

    When people live in communities that focus on harmony, equality, and inclusion rather than on domination and greed, a new social system naturally emerges based upon what I call “Natural Ethics.” Everyone in such a community agrees upon a new basis of consciousness as the foundation of society where the qualities of respect, personal sovereignty, inclusion, and abundance for all are the norm.

    When you are “known” for what you bring to others—your talents, skills, and generosity of spirit—you can relax and grow naturally inside the community of man. There is no desire to commit crimes against others because your level of consciousness accepts that what you do unto others is what you do unto you. This is the Golden Rule applied to a social structure. Once the unnatural structure based on greed and fear are removed, the human can return to his natural self, and the world becomes a veritable paradise as we care for the earth and all upon her.

    And should you ever come to question what frequency you want for your future, see how you respond to these words:

    “Freedom, wholeness, love, equality, co-creation, unity, self-sovereignty, harmony, balance, authenticity, interdependence, grace.”

    If you feel these words as a pure truth in your being, then you are squarely in the vibration of the New Earth. These words are not mere abstract concepts, but full spirit-in-body expressions that are part of a whole new frequency, a whole new timeline.

    —An excerpt from Unplug From the Matrix

  23. I’m sure everyone will want to know that all the bulbs got planted today. (Now that’s important news!) Peace,love and light, and all that other stuff. Enjoy the ride!

      1. white with green throat daffodils with an intoxicating sweet, spicy scent. mmmm-mmmm-mmmmm. ( just read the next blog before I saw this. I choose Source/ with daffodils)

    1. Great! Thanks for letting us know.
      I love gardening, too.

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