Surprisingly Unsurprising




It’s official: Trump is watched over and protected by ETs. That’s what this recent Pleiadian ship appearance means. Yeah, we didn’t believe it either till we looked at it. The Left of course say those are RUSSIAN FLYING SAUCERS, and the Right says we’re swamp-gas crazy… but everyone else just shrugs and says, “Makes sense.” Basically, the PTW are about as feckless as it gets.

And before someone asks… anyone who’s waiting for The Govt to push the Disclosure button is backing up: The PTW will NEVER willingly give up control over information… which makes them irrelevent, a historic footnote. Nothing to see here. They might let the truth slip here and there, but that’s about it.

Btw, look at the top ET photo again.


See how it looks like there are four ships? There are actually only two, but the camera is catching them as they’re going from one “phase” to another; they kinda phase “in and out” as a function of their mode of propulsion, kinda like AC current (that kind of Pleiadian craft, anyway). Happy Friday!



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201 thoughts on “Surprisingly Unsurprising

  1. Awesome! I love Trump! Cats, does he know about the so called “event”? Timing ect or is he in the dark like the rest of us? Ya know…Those of following you. 😊 lol

  2. How wild at Sunset I saw something just like that. As a joke I offered them some of the banana I was eating because I’m a good monkey. 🤣

  3. I’ve had sooo many dreams where I hang out with Trump. Sometimes we are at the whitehouse demoing ‘light body’ stuff, or in meetings, sometimes flying around in “consciousness’ controlled ufo-type things.

    He’s definitely aligned and aware with the changes, though whether it is conscious to his human form I am curious.


    1. We see a few triangles (that humans can reliably operate) and that’s about it. The whole “Secret Space Program” thing is a massive oversell so the ca8al can sit on their billions and billions of dollars of stolen space-program loot and abuse children and play their silly old sacrificial games. Such a sad waste of time. We didn’t go to the moon: we sent a small select group into a temporary orbit. Well… that orbit is decaying.

      -CAT Eds.

      1. China just (supposedly) sent some tech to the other side (dark sideeed, lol) of the moon. I wonder if true since I do believe there is a lot that is false with what we are being told.

  4. Anybody here ever read Wes Penre’s writings?

    I have personally found his site very informative in regards to aliens and their influence on human history. He also describes a way out of the entire mess, one that is available to anyone on an individual basis regardless of when the Event arrives. He comes across as unpretentious and earnest, none of the “beloveds” BS you run across on many New Age sites, LOL.

    1. I know his work quite well. I have read all his papers and followed him for a long time. I stopped about a month ago only because of the focus of what’s wrong and possible history/historical truths. While his solution is pretty simple, my intuition is poking me that we aren’t trapped anymore than we are led to believe we are. Meaning, if you believe you are trapped, then you are. And as much there is someone or something who wants to liberate us, there is yourself to realize you are and always free. I do honor him and truely appreciate his hard work his has done, it’s exceptional!

      1. @NLNL8
        yes, it was a good thing to stop a month ago, you felt it quite well!
        For there is a new frequency in town.
        The new, elevated frequency, for earth AND mankind has left past behind – does NOT allow our past thinking any more!
        Some cannot release past easily – but that’s why we are here!
        Fear porn does not work on us either, we now vibrate in LOVE & HOPE!
        And this is all the Event is: our courageous jump into FREEDOM.

        1. Yellowstone is set to BLOW, on the 36th eruption of Steamboat Geyser — on our current zombie collective timeline.

          We are now at 33 eruptions, and 3 more will put us at around January 25 to 30 for finally getting this party started — Woo HOO!!!!!

          1. @CAT Eds.

            That’s what I meant….THAT is what causes, initiates, forces the ‘split’.

          2. Hey Anon, The Steamboat Geyser was previously stated as being 27 eruptions for big events. Nothing happened then either. Hope you are right though!

  5. There was a source that used to post on Twitter ,that I found to be very credible, who communicated that Donald Trump was the re-embodiment of Uriel, the Archangel, come back to serve in this particular role at this time on the planet. Curious if you might concur or not.

    1. Mmm… I don’t think so. He could have a new ‘layer’ activation, but I’m not seeing it. I’ll ask the others if they see anything new. (We ‘looked’ at him once upon a time.)


  6. I have a very difficult time believing Trump is somehow a “good guy”. I am in no way clairvoyant in regards to these matters, but I do have a pair of eyes and a brain that can clearly see through his twitter posts and decisions he has made as a human being that clearly he is mostly invested in his own image and self interests.
    How do you know that the ships are there to protect him? Could there be some other purpose behind their appearance?
    In my heart, gut and soul this guy gives me intensly bad vibes and I guess I am just really thrown for a loop in regards to what the “light” community see in this incredibly troubling person.
    And just to be clear, I don’t see the opposing side as any better… The whole system doesn’t have my trust.
    I guess any verifable clarity you could provide would be appreciated.
    I request this with complete sincerity and am not looking for confrontation, just honest, objective answers.

    1. Actually, Trump is on the truth/light side, so far. Everyone has choices and so far he’s making choices for truth/light. He’s trying to do the right thing, as he knows it. And those ships were there with no other purpose than to protect (though they won’t say what they were protecting him FROM, probably for *our* protection; some things we’re not allowed to know). And we know because they told us when we asked, through Guides. And if something disturbs your peace of mind, it needs to be looked at… and released.

      “Verifiable clarity”? How might we verify information provided via psychic link to your satisfaction? It’s not possible. You’ll have to develop/use your own inner claircognizance. It’s in you, somewhere. Search for it. Then make it simple: you see either GREEN for truth, or RED for untruth. Try it.


      1. I appreciate the responses. I can accept that there are things at work that are beyond my awareness. I won’t deny the influence of mainstream media, but my perception of him has also been shaped by observations of his followers who are clearly operating from a place of fear and it’s really difficult to know what to make of the whole situation and maybe I am not meant to make anything of it at all. When I attempt to, I feel anger and I know that anger isn’t space I want to be in.
        Anyways – thanks for the responses – verifiable or not, it does provide some clarity and food for thought.

        1. Dropping tv/radio is a great start, for they are experts at confusion. Peace.

      2. CATs, can you please be specific about what concrete things Trump has done or said which put him on the side of truth/light? I’m meaning more so things policy-wise. Beyond this idea of him playing antagonizer to the PTW, I’m not sure what to make of the general ineptness this administration seems to function on. Plus the rhetorically divisive, identity based consciousness it seems to thrive on feels like very low level energy to me.

        Perhaps the PTW aren’t too concerned with him? Also, if I recall, he was not at the golf course on the date that photo was taken, Aug. 18th.

        1. Nope. We’re not getting into this. Suffice to say that he works for the light, for the moment. His administration isn’t inept at all, it’s only pictured as such. Those craft were keeping certain other things done by certain other groups under control.

          He is not an antagonizer of the PTW. He is their doom. Their world is over.

          -CAT Eds.

    2. I can see why a lot of people might not like him, being very abasive and all. (I personally find his Twitter S#!@-posts hilarious, though it’s easier when you don’t take Twitter seriously at all) I think he potrays himself negatively on Twitter and it’s no wonder “Pleasant” folk find him to be boorish. Not that he’s perfect, but his actions so far indicate he truly does what he believes is right thing for his country. Not many men can make it through the media guantlet the PTW put him through and if this was nothing but an ego project he would have bailed before the primaries. Dont listen to how he says things, but what he means.

      My two cents, anyway.

      1. I see Trump matter-of-factly: the liars hate him… for good reason. He doesn’t play the lying game. He’s not part of the ca8al. He’s a breath of fresh air in a fetid swamp of negative intention that’s grown to epic proportions the past 50 years. This should be obvious, but those who still insist on reading the New Yorker and the NYTs and listen to NPR and CNN don’t see it… because they buy into the programming. Lots of CATs have worked with the MSM in the past and they are not worth the powder necessary to blow them to hell. Nor is the ca8al. They are our brothers, yes, but they are also totally insane. Every time the PTW accuse Trump of something, it’s because they themselves are “guilty” of it… even though there really is no guilt in an illusion.


    3. I was a Trump “nuh uh” gal too, until I realized I was believing all the negativity and false created stuff (video & audio) on the news and internet. So I started to listen to my gut and I found that he is being guided by his heart, using the tools he has in his experience tool kit. We may not agree with some of things he twitters or says, but you can bet it’s to get a rise out of those who do not have humanity at heart. I’m not here to convince anyone to like Trump, I just wanted to share why I changed my perception of him. 🌹

      1. I’ll say it: people who are anti-Trump have been programmed to be such, programmed to react negatively. You need to remove yourself from the negative programming and see both “sides” objectively, and start thinking positively. You get what you put out. We are all manifesters. Put out hate and fear and you get hate and fear back.


        1. Correcto mundo CATof9. I have to restrain my “slap them silly” reflex. (of course, I’m not able to put my ALL IS non-judgment thoughts aside; check back with me tomorrow)

          1. Really, J…..

            Does your reflex also apply to Lisa Gawlas? She is also “anti-Trump”.

            Hehheh…man, I’m just imagining you “slapping” HER “silly”….(hmmm… surprisingly, I’m really enjoying that way too much, heeheehee)

    4. So @anonymous, do a little due diligence and research Tavistock Institute so you can get just get a small smattering of how deeply we’ve been programmed. Time for us all to wake up!

      1. ALL of us? No exceptions, no cleansing, nobody is awoken? Well …

        1. one paragraph just a bit less than half way down the page is this and goes into more detail about how Rockefeller was set up to control agriculture/small farmers internationally.

          One of the principal but little known operations of the Rockefeller Foundation has been its techniques for controlling world agriculture. Its director, Kenneth Wernimont, set up Rockefeller controlled agricultural programs throughout Mexico and Latin America. The independent farmer is a great threat to the World Order, because he produces for himself, and because his produce can be converted into capital, which gives him independence. In Soviet Russia, the Bolsheviks believed they had attained total control over the people; they were dismayed to find their plans threatened by the stubborn independence of the small farmers, the Kulaks.
          end quote…

  7. I just decided to check the SR before trying to sleep – maybe building up again, But weirdly keep being drawn to the vertical marks in the lower third, between the last 6 and 7 interval on the graph… ?? no idea why…

    nite nite <3 Kg

  8. As a human being, Trump has many, many flaws (most of us do), but he does have a moral compass, it’s pretty faulty but I think he tries to use it. His ego is legendary, but I think that is why he was chosen, so he cannot be easily controlled.

    He is a joke, but the real joke is on the PTW, he was a fast ball they didn’t see coming.

    To me it obvious he’s been placed there by higher ups, let’s just hope the blithering egotist continues to play his part.

    Of course I could be wrong, but that’s how I feel about it. It’s almost like a dark comedy isn’t it?


    1. YEPPERS.

      You NAILED it.

      *Beautiful*. And there’s no “almost” about it. (high five)

    2. it’s well known in the NYC/tri-state area what kind of person trump is. he’s one way in a crowd and another way one on one or in small groups. his ego is huge (yuge) but a lot of that is how things are in the area in question, especially in queens, manhattan, brooklyn, the bronx and that other place (cough, gag). the friends that he has (and they are from ALL walks of life) are always loyal to him and have remained friends for decades going back to wharton school of business and before. he’s not everybody’s cup of tea for sure. i would also take the twitter stuff with a grain of salt. he is using the platform as a politician in a way that it has never been used before. loud, brash, direct and referencing himself in the third person all the time; could it be that this has a purpose? spiritually, i can pick up on very little besides just knowing that he’s fighting several battles at the same time. as to the urial archangel talk, that was from a poster on twitter called kabamur_ something. reading through his posts one can see that they are generally full of sh*t. he just posted the other day about jackie being the one to shoot jfk in dallas. so yeah… a grain of salt.

      did i drink the koolaide? no. didn’t vote for anyone. at that point i felt as treebeard stated, “i am on no one’s side because nobody is on my side”. most things in our world (in this area that we are talking about anyway) are downstream from economics. they are not downstream from likability although we have been trained into thinking that likability is everything- what a convenient tool. i’d suggest peeling away for the likability side or lack of it when it comes to trump and focus more on the tangible things that have changed. start with human trafficking arrest number over the last 10 or so years. or the flourishing of small business once again in america (an economic backbone). or do none of it. but i agree with what a few posters and the cats said about unplugging from all of the big brand tv/print “blanket of dumb” (pending trademark) that is coming at us from. every. direction. constantly. you will feel a difference and at first, it doesn’t feel good.

      i try to stop myself from searching for external saviors. i have myself to rely on and consider Brother J to be internal. another thing i try to stop myself from doing is the search for the dopamine dump. thats a toughie.

      im not trying to convince anyone of anything. just passing some stuff along that i’ve heard word of mouth about the man and also things that i see happening.

      and if what is coming around the corner is what i think is coming, the whole world will see him and others in a totally different fashion, to put it mildly.

      that’s it from me. going back into lurk mode.

      joy and health to all!


      1. Thanks for that…everything I was thinking/feeling but couldn’t put into words! Fellow lurkers unite!

  9. Oh, and it’s tough call between him and our own PM Theresa Dismay. She’s a patsy and I feel for her, but she’s as useful as a wooden frying pan.

    The whole crooked lot of ’em need yanking out once and for all!


  10. Awesome vivid/lucid ‘dream’/state morning.

    I hung out with one of my guides on 4D earth for a while. Breathwork is the doorway for me, I got kicked out a couple times for ‘expecting’ bodily sensations (which, are absent for light bodies), but was able to re-access by breathing and intent. Its fascinating, other ‘things’/people will be solid if expected to be, though fist bumping, for example, I ‘feel’ the sensation of the others fist but it does not resonate/vibrate internally in my hand as ‘expected’ from 3D experiences on this plane.
    I’ve been there many times before, though this was the most vivid/conscious/lucid one. They have some really awesomely simple yet profound ‘security’ measures inside their hang out spots to deter the ‘unconscious’. ;P I’m asked to keep those under wraps but you’ll laugh at the simplicity of it.


    1. PS. The energetic “meathooks” that she describes translate to a slight pressure here in 3dworld. Thanks for asking. Nyuck, nyuck, nyuck.

      1. Not for those of us who were yanked up to the ceiling last Monday night, though we felt “grabbed.” There was no “Hellraiser” component. 😉


        1. I wanted to thank you for bringing up that topic, my 11 year old son awoke early last week with the very same experience. He was troubled by it and interpreting it as something bad about to happen, no amount of reassurance and talking through it had helped him. So thank you for letting him know he wasn’t alone. He was able to let the confusion go and trust it will make sense when it’s ready x

          1. Note that sensitives will sometimes feel what’s happening on other timelines. Just think positively and let it go. Think about spring planting, instead. 😉


      2. @J, Ah.. I just booked a reading with Lisa after seeing that blog post, that ‘meathook’ description was the one that made me do it.

        I have strong pressure in head area and I kinda related it to ‘meathook’ thing she talked, and than you confirmed it here, Thanks

        Does she tell you what it actually means in 3d terms?

        1. It’s more symbolic visually. 3d words are a poor excuse for what is happening energetically.

  11. “I have a very difficult time believing” how those hate Trump and yet obsessed with him.

    1. @Patricia
      They LOSE a wondrous planet and billions of slaves – because of him!

  12. I let the dogs out to the back yard this morning – back door is in my granddaughter’s bedroom ( don’t get me started – HUD made us move her in there for ‘compliance’ reasons – had to put a HIGH new latch on the door for obvious reasons) didn’t see my grdd, then saw feet – she has a folding mattress pad for bed (she dismantles beds and bedding) The other day she learned to unzip the covers of the sections and took one of the sections out. Last night I guess she decided to unzip one and crawl inside to sleep, yup still breathing. I wonder if she was trying to get away from the whompage last night…

    I woke up a couple of hrs after I went to sleep – 3:33 am – forget what 3’s mean. song playing in head (again in a later waking, too) Sooo, background singers were The Village People singing ‘In The Navy’, but the lead was being sung by Jimmy Durante (for those too young, classic years comedic actor/performer). Maybe his participation lends lightness to the song? I’m of a generation that could still watch his movies on tv and see him live on variety shows through the 60’s. I haven’t explored the details of the lyrics, but I asked later and they are somehow relevant, participation in something? Maybe goes along with a phrase on waking this morning… ‘smoke ’em if ya got ’em – feeling of the ‘other’ smoking substance – asked and feeling was sit/lay back and ‘chill’, as in not about doing or worrying, esp about doing… woke up with less pain for a while, but then it all started again, headaches, etc, eyes (eyeballs feel awful) – have had some ice-pick stabbings above right eyebrow recently, thankfully not often.

    I don’t feel like sharing this, but not being let to post until I do… pause… … … I told ‘them/me? they have to help me write this..
    My body is continuing to dry out no matter how much I hydrate – I did the dehydration test, very little dehydration – some is just normal risk here – high desert – there are other changes besides the constant oral desiccation. Also, I’ve lost 12-15 lbs the last couple of months… As a side adjunct there’s a lot of talk places about changing to crystalline bodies etc.; that hasn’t resonated ‘FOR ME’, no doubt it is for others. I get a deeper sense that being light is more my inner core (I feel very self conscious saying that) I woke also one time this morning with the ‘bblikle’ funereal phrase ‘dst to dst’ prevalent. I don’t know if I’ll disintegrate into a dust cloud one day… (PLEASE not like Bellatrix 🙂 ) – There’s an image/clip from a movie like I feel, but can’t pull it forward, well maybe, but I’m nor going to say it – feel it out if you feel like it… – you know how you can roll a hard boiled egg to make cracks before unpeeling? I feel like that egg with no inner membrane holding the cracks together, just waiting for them to all fly off. The deep level weariness is intense, almost crying level, but the surface level is still daily functional, like a groove on a record between songs that I can stay stuck in for as long as I have to – crapwearinesscryingfeeling – I’m not feeling sorry for myself, I’m really not – there are so many levels of feeling; this is just one…
    sorry for length of this – I’m released 🙂 to push the post button now..
    be well, all

    1. Funny, we were just discussing the “going POOF” thing yesterday, so it must be on all our minds. We’re thinking that those going to 4D/5D will probably just have their bodies disintegrate, just as Brother J’s body did after his transition… and then we try not to think about what’s going to happen to 3D.

      Jimmy Durante as part of the Village People… whoa. He would’ve made it so much better.


      1. Lol, I think my body is starting to disintegrate already, hope that’s a good sign! 😉

        Love & Light x

      2. I have to ask: if the bodies of those moving on to 4D/5D are just going to go *POOF*, then what has been the purpose of all the upgrades those bodies have been getting? Seems pretty wasteful….

  13. Ok, we checked on it, up close and personal, and Mr. T *knows* of the ET protection and support, but he’s not sure he believes in it. Pretty standard for his normie age group.


    1. Interesting. I have seen ships follow me and watch me for many years now. Don’t know what their purpose is and never considered being protected. Hmmm….

        1. Thank you M2 for your response. I am grateful for support and/or protection but if abducted please don’t put me back!

    2. Trump is a direct God-sent. Here a message from Source Himself:

      Universal Father Message for FREEDOMsRAY February 8, 2017

      Mine Own,

      Long time,
      is the course of evolution
      in Gaia’s material, experiential and cultural speck;

      yet high and huge
      beyond your reckoning
      with respect to consciousness and spirit,
      that reaches from entities,
      ascended and perfect-created Beings
      of such grandeur,
      they are beyond mortal comprehension;

      these, plus their near countless staff.
      Staff that came and participated in the building of Nebadon
      even before human creation was to begin.

      Your experiential gain
      is taking but a whiff
      of standard universal time,
      hardly a month of Paradise Isle time
      if you want to reach back beyond Luciferian history.

      Your newly appointed
      time traveler
      as head of Earth’s republic of states
      made hardly a skip back,
      by time’s perspective;
      still, he has come well prepared
      in spirit, brilliance, and fore-knowledge.

      This immense effort — he is not alone —
      shudders your planet into a wobble course
      away from the known future from whence your traveler has come;
      has come
      to set a better path
      whose subsequent history cannot be known
      since the new future
      does not yet exist in Nebadon,
      nor in the Supreme Deity of the Grand Universe.

      The trumpet is sounding, with My complete resonance for now.

      Make allowance
      both for his advanced level, but still human,

      Repercussion and confusion are part of this re-evolution.

      Universal Father

  14. I wonder if you could help with a question. I am seeing a lot of Websites stating that all human soles are located in a spaceship and our thoughts are part of a computer program, playing out our lives and manifestations. I have heard this so many times over the years but never believed it. So, I just need somebody to confirm that this is another ‘flat-earth program’, designed to keep us back from finding out how powerful we are.

    1. Mmm… nope. That’s crap. Your soul is yours. You are a tiny teardrop of a Spirit Ocean that is itself an extension of SOURCE. We come back into bodies (which is actually an illusion, like a video game, run by Spirit) to learn certain life lessons and get closer to SOURCE. These lesson plans are drawn up WITH us in our in-between lives (the time between lives), creating each lifetime’s curriculum with Guides on the Spirit side. Everyone is basically ONE, so we’re kinda guiding ourselves, with SOURCE input. There is a group (the Powers That Were or PTW) who used their free will back in Atlantean times to explore the negative side of our power, and caused the destruction of an entire civilization in the process, and the removal of certain abilities from humanity (thanks, guys). Those surviving dark remnants and misguided souls have been trying to keep people in fear and thus under their control for the past 10,000 years, but that time is over, and is the main reason for The Event going on right now, hopefully culminating in The (big) Event or SHIFT to 4D/5D.

      Did I forget anything?


      1. Yes, you forgot to tell us when The Event will be 😉 I’m kidding, sorry, just had to say it (not the best sense of humour I know!)

        Love & Light xxx

      1. Nice one. I’ve got the more impatient ‘Cosmic Wheels’ (Donovan) stuck in my head nowadays.

        In the present position of the planets
        It’s impossible for me to say
        Just when I’ll find my course again
        With these boulders in my way
        I should be rolling down the skyway
        On my cosmic wheels
        Instead of stumbling down this highway
        On my boots of steel…

        1. But I feel I’m better off with “Put a Little Love in Your Heart” — so switching to that!

  15. partial solar eclipse put me down and out – could have been something else I suppose, but the timing was incredibly exact…
    be well

  16. Why is it that I never have any of these experiences everyone else seems to have? It always seems like everyone else has these spiritual/UFO experiences or you have to be a very specific person to have them. From my perspective, it seems like it’s all made up (except for the event, that I’ve felt coming for as long as I can remember). I’ve tried meditating (followed all the tutorials and lessons), but it doesn’t work at all.
    Why don’t I get any of these spiritual experiences?

    1. Perhaps you’re either not open to them, or they’re not that important to you, in this lifetime. We see ships all the time. It’s no big deal. What’s impressive are the beings who can move around without THEM, with just a thought. Keep meditating and you’ll have the experiences. It’s almost impossible not to.


    2. Anonymous, I’ve never had any sightings and I’m 69. In my just after high school years I used to go out in the field above our house accompanied by my cat, sit on a rock while a few of neighbor’s cows would come over and head butt me while my cat would stare at them in disapproval and plead for ‘them’ to come and get me – I think I had in recent years read the Adamski books…
      I don’t meditate – the first outings I tried in the late 60’s I’d go too deep, stop breathing and not be able to move – took a lot to come back… those yrs and earlier I was often looking for ways to incognito suicide (so no one would know it was suicide, so as not to hurt those left behind, the cause: what had been happening to me almost from birth, 🙂 probably death by meditation would have fit my criteria, so be it – I guess I had other things to do… Each persons’ journey is so individual and our chosen paths different… May you indeed find and receive that which will most serve you and give you some peace… <3

    3. Your not on your own with that one! From an early age i was interested and reading about UFO’s and the afterlife moving swiftly onto all the other spiritual stuff…angels, crystals ,spiritual gatherings, sacred fires etc. I am now in my late 50’s and understand that is all within us but I would of loved to of just once had some kind of profound spiritual experience and ( seen or felt something) .I have tried meditation ( still do)as it puts me in a peaceful state but apart from that I don’t reach anywhere else. I hold onto my faith although have had many downtimes and had to pick myself up and battle on.
      Late 2017 walking into my garden mid afternoon glorious weather, cuppa in hand i happened to gaze up and definitely saw a light ship, i thought all my birthdays had come at once!
      Interestingly i too have always had this inner knowing that some type of Event will take place. Peace and love to all🙏💕

    4. @Anonymous, it will happen! Try and not ‘try’ to see things, drop any expectation. I find the most amazing experiences have come when they were least expected. Once they start coming in more you can gradually learn to tune in, it’s like a very finally tuned radio station. But, the more you look for it or become worried about not seeing, you move away from the state of mind needed to see if that makes sense. Just enjoy the meditations without expectation, allow yourself to open and relax and it will happen ❤️🌟❤️

    1. Yes, am feeling that! Phew!

      I have a question! During meditation last night, eyes closed, a tiny deep indigo dot appeared in my inner vision. It started to grow not much, it remained very small but I could make out a bit of detail. It had a centre of pinky/red colour but then changed so it was more turquoise and indigo. It was patterned I think, like sacred geometry but it was also spinning very fast so I could not really study it! The colours were beautiful, very vivid! What was this?

      I also saw colours in the living room that same eve purple waves etc… Really beautiful!

      Love & Light ❤️🙏❤️

      1. The problem is I HAVE been, incessantly! And I can’t seem to stop (groan)

        For 8 years, now, it’s been literally non-stop — not just pushing, but lifting, pulling and dragging…..even @ss-kicking…soooooo many thousands of stewpid lightworkers, omg, you have no idea…it’s been a decades-long, lightworker nightmare…

        1. Ha! Many (all?) of us were feeling the exact same way and had to pull back a little, as we were just driving ourselves crazy and chewing on the walls.

          -CAT Eds.

    1. @Anonymous
      It happened!

      2019-01-08 12:39:29.8
      1hr 59min ago
      30.58 N 131.08 E 25 6.3 KYUSHU, JAPAN

    1. The dragons have been here for a while. My buddy is a golden/white one… kinda rainbowy… the colors are mostly beyond the typical “rainbow” spectrum that humans are programmed to believe our eyes function within. He appears in rainbow colors, but as if “up” an octave in vividness.
      They are incredibly regal, and get bored quickly with the “speed” at which linear minds function.
      He likes to hang out near rukkus areas inbetween the planes and f!ck with misaligned human behaviors in a next-dimensional way, that leaves them going “WTF just happened?”



      1. No. The rainbow dragons are beyond the others — with The Rainbow Dragon herself at the top of the pecking order. The other dragons are vibrational specialists.


        1. I am sharing my experience, why the “no”?

          I guess it doesn’t matter why, though it felt weird to read that from you…

          I am attempting to describe a color spectrum beyond “normal” per se, in how I “see” it. You may experience it differently me, but dismissing my own as invalid feels odd and limiting as I share in an effort to bring open, inclusive unity to all, embracing all unique perspectives as exactly that- unique.

          Describing such things in words is so limiting… Rainbow is a good symbolism for its representation to me; it is like looking at a fresh, lightly packed snowfall in open sunlight, I can “see” the color of the snow is “white”, though the intricate refractions of light that emanate from the crystalline snowflake forms give the “white” an additional depth that can include a vast array of additional “colors” depending on vantage point.


          1. I appreciate your clarifying reply, though it implies that my perspective was incorrect, to require a correction…

            I realize you may believe this to be the case, though language is delicate in these situations and I intend to present a larger aspect of unity and communication that has come to light through our back-and-forth here.

            Even should we drop this specific topic pertaining to the dragons, this has been a parallel “lesson” I have been experiencing/embracing in my personal interactions, so I am grateful for an opportunity presenting itself for bridging it to this ‘platform’ of interactions with yaw’ll too.

            Imagine, you and I are standing at the edge of the ocean watching a spectacular sunset together.
            You think to yourself: wow, the sky is a magnificent pink color!
            Simultaneously, I think to myself: boy, the sky is a beautiful orange color!

            You say aloud your thought, “The sky looks magnificently pink!”

            I could say aloud, “No, the sky is a beautiful orange!”

            I feel by me making this statement, I am creating a separation mindset from your own perception being valid. Creating a ‘digital’ situation where if one is valid, another must therefore be invalid.

            If, instead I were to say aloud, “That is interesting, I am glad you shared this to further open my eyes to possibility, as I perceived the sky as a beautiful orange!”

            I feel in this case I am sharing my own unique perspective, while simultaneously respecting and including yours in a larger framework of potentials.

            ~~ May this be received in the open, loving space I present it from ~~


          2. Well, I would dearly love to see my dragon, or any dragon for that matter 🙂

            Love & Light xxx

          3. @M3, I get what you are saying, though I believe that unless it is a dragon “personally” posting here, it is a perspective that is being received through a human – no matter how clear/open that human is.

            This is what I intended to portray while using the word “perspective”, which I believe will bring some clarity to my posting.

            Whether yours (or whichever M speaks to the Rainbow Dragons), or mine in my own interactions with the dragons, it is only “directly from the source”… albeit indirectly… through the lens/perspective of the person asking the question and receiving the answer.

            Is it possible that the dragons would give a different answer to two people?

            Is it possible that the dragons would give the same answer to two people, though those two people perceived the answer in their own way, such as my example with seeing the sky pink or orange while viewing the same sunset?

            I believe either or these, as well as an array of other potentials are simultaneously possible in this infinite. I could ask “why?” to either of these, but it truly doesn’t matter… as the dragons (somewhat in their own way, cheekily) choose to assist in human evolution and might have well given varying information merely to bring this conversation to light. Or, so they could get a good laugh at us typing on these things and using words like they “matter”. Or to piss us off.

            I am grateful for the level of knowing and confidence you guys put into your sharing here. This is a vital trait for all to strive to embrace.

            My overwhelming point in this string of posts is, a paramount lesson that has been prevalent in my current experience, is regardless of how confident and sure I am in my own knowing about [whatever], to dismiss another’s knowing is creating a limit on my acceptance/experience of the infinite potentials of ‘all is one’ instead of embracing the unity of infinite possibilities.

            And profoundly/strangely/perfectly, as I finished typing this I heard a cat meow ;P There are no cats “here” where I am on this plane.


          4. I LOVE you, Josh….*thankyou* for this, for ALL of it. THIS is what makes it worthwhile/bearable (almost 😉

            And the answer to everything you’ve described, is a resounding, thunderclapping, dragon-roaring, *YES*

            My energies here, have been described by other psychics/lightworkers, as “Pearlescent” — as “indescribably beautiful PEARL Energies”

            (thx to everyone, for the fascinating Rainbow Dragon info)


        2. Just a thought but if we are striving to achieve higher vibration/density and ‘oneness’ meaning nobody is better than/higher than anyone else, even from our relatively low dimension, why would such high vibrational beings such as dragons have a hierachy? Do they not operate from unity consciousness?

          Apologies for the question, just curious…

          Love & Light xxx

          1. Ok, I totally messed this up. I misinterpreted what two RB (rainbow) dragons said… but they were just kidding! I finally got a chance to ask them specific questions (only one of us can talk to them, so I needed one of the other M’s for this):

            -Rainbow dragons are rainbow because of the properties of light. All dragons started as rainbow dragons, dragons of light. The other colors are RARER. There is no hierarchy.
            -Blue dragons are just blue. Gold are gold. Red are red. There are no specialties according to color. Their specialties are color-independent, and instead depend on WHEN they were born. Some specialities are rarer than others.

            Sorry for the misunderstanding.


  17. I think of this song for these times. “Something in the Air”. (There’s 15-year-old Jimmy McCullough in the band).

    1. Ah Jimmy, we hardly knew ye.
      Nice blast from the past though.

  18. Okay. I agree to disagree. I love you CATS, I resonate with you, but I am not a Trump fan. I just see a self serving narcissist. Although, sure, if you delve into his psyche I am sure he believes he is of “the best” light, “the most” light of anyone else on the planet. That’s how they think.

    Now, that being said I also believe he is serving a purpose in the part he is playing in this mass awakening process, despite his self serving intentions. He is not your politics-as-usual-cabal-orchestrated-career-politician which has held many in a lulled state. Instead, they are thinking differently. So for that, bravo.

    But saving humanity? No. We don’t need a savior, we are saving ourselves. I just don’t see him making the drastic changes we need to create a better world until his consciousness is cracked open to Source, as all of ours will be in The Event. Then, okay, he is in a position to help dismantle the current systems.

    Now, I rarely discuss my personal political view because it is just too easy these days to dismiss me as a “butt hurt libtard snowflake” if I say anything that does not match other’s narratives. Well, I am entitled to my personal journey and viewpoint. As we all are. Libtard? Well surprise, in my many decades of being of voting age, I have never been allowed to vote in a primary in my state because I have always refused to pick a party. I wanted to vote my consciousness for a “lesser of evils” since I never felt truly aligned with any politician or party ever and once the cabal became my knowing, I withdrew from the system. I always felt there was a better world for us all and it wasn’t happening in politics. It wasn’t until after my awakening that I realized it’s true, but just not in this current system in this current dimension. And “butt hurt”, oh puleazze, I have been questioning authority my entire life (which has not been popular as I did it with govt., religion, education, the medical establishment,…). That’s what I do. No hive mind for me. I reject programming. I question. I research. I sense. Until I have a knowing, I am open.

    So I base my view of the current Trump on my knowing and history of narcissists. I’ve known quite a few. They love us empaths. They know we will listen to them stroke their ego, play the victim and still love them as a human being on a personal journey to connect with Source. I know they are of light (we all are) but they lack that unconditional love for all, instead of just for themselves. After The Event, it’s unconditional love for all, from all. For all is one. Yeah baby! Woohoo! Can’t wait! Bring it!

    So maybe those light ships were there more to awaken him, than to protect him.

    Thanks for allowing me to express a contrary view. Still love you all! ❤

    1. We don’t need a savior, but we do need someone at the leadership level to stand up to the ca8al. We personally have no political affiliation. We are truth enthusiasts. We’d point out that Trump will not be going to the New Earth, but no other political leader will be going, either. We just thought it was interesting that ETs were being so… openly protective.

      -CAT Eds.

      1. Oh thank God for your neutral answer. I read the post above and had thought “nooooo, not et tu CATS!” I come here as a safe haven to escape the pervasiveness of the duality of politics. I see it as a distraction, a diversion of our true purpose, becoming one with God\Source and each other. Creating the New Earth. Being who we are truly meant to be. I am just over it all. I mean, even while standing in line at the Post Office, there was a guy speaking loudly for everyone to hear how Trump is going to rescue us all. It’s everywhere! Enough! I just wanted to mail a freaking letter. Lately I have been thinking I need to disconnect from everything and find a cave to crawl into to avoid it all until The Event hits. Thank you again for being my safe haven. Purr. ❤

        1. We don’t pay attention to any of it, anymore. It has no meaning. Never did. And we try to keep an even keel. We shy from extremes; it’s like a reflex action for us.

          -CAT Eds.

        2. “duality of politics”. you, the cats, myself and others are proof that there’s more than a duality (which is 100% manufactured anyways). there’s the right, the left and the people that call bullsh*t on the whole ball of wax. I’m with you. i am over it as well. and this 12,000 yr old pressure build up? sick of it. i often think that the relief or absence of the build up will be more enjoyable than the actual content and breathe of change that will follow. who knows though lol.

        1. ❤❤❤
          Thank you Anonymous!
          Except for how waiting for The Event has made me somewhat hysterical, it’s focus on 5D for me.

      2. LOL, in regards to Donald Trump, I will here misquote Donald Rumsfeld: “You go to war with the general you have, not the general you wish you had.”

        Trump is on the right side, even if he is a goofball. And really, would anyone BUT a goofball put themselves right in the line of fire from the entire global ca8al by running for president without their consent? Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.

    2. “The best leaders are those the people hardly know exist.
      The next best is a leader who is loved and praised.
      Next comes the one who is feared.
      The worst one is the leader that is despised.

      If you don’t trust the people,
      they will become untrustworthy.

      The best leaders value their words, and use them sparingly.
      When she has accomplished her task,
      the people say, “Amazing:
      we did it, all by ourselves!”

      Lao Tzu Tao Te Ching Chapter 17

      What fascinates me about Trump, is he fits VERY well into multiple “leader type categories” as Lao Tzu shares, depending on the individual perspectives.

      I believe we could all agree as a species, that everyone knows he exists, though 😉


      1. Politicians and “leaders” don’t fascinate me at all. They’re mostly all puppets of the same greedy ca8al that was in place at the time of Atlantis. (And look what happened there.) Luckily, this time we have a bigger boat. They had their 12,000 years. It’s over for them.


        1. It seems we are speaking different languages today 😛

          Boy, are words limited.

          Aloha, brother.


  19. Please, Cats, Ms, etc, if you don’t feel this is appropriate to share or if you sense it might trigger negatively, feel free not to post.
    akggg, been staring at the page more than 15 min… something happened this morning and if something like it happens to someone else without knowing what it may possibly be it may cause even more unnecessary distress…
    I was in a partial dream state and all this morass/barrage or STUFF was coming up – it’s fading now since I dealt with it’s, so hard to be specific, lots of varied emotions etc… When (much milder) things like this come up in my life and don’t go away I ask what it is or where it’s coming from and as soon as I get a sense it can start going away – whether it was emotions of someone else or physical ailments …. So, this morning I asked and asked – thought I ran out of references to ask about then my father came to mind… I’d always been in mind contact with him during abuse, being on both sides – This was like an unpacking of all I’d stored of what was in there from him then… I asked what I could do with it and sent more forgiveness and healing his way. (he died when I was seventeen) I’d ‘gotten’ information of both my mother’s and father’s pasts when even younger, so it is hard to blame when you understand… So, if something like this happens to anyone – the unpacking of stored stuff – it can be released fairly quickly.
    I am concerned that other experiences will be unpacked, (friends and family have already been dealt with concerning abuse) possibly to do with the U-know-whos. those were touched on in the second QHHT session I’d had – just enough to terrify, but was told (by ME?) I didn’t have to remember – it was just enough to be verified a couple of years later by an, I believe, ‘arranged’ meeting – verified and thanked for not doing what ‘they’ wanted me to do – I burst out sobbing… I don’t cry… Part of my mind was sectioned off surrounded by mazes, traps, locks and decoys, not sure whether by them or ME, but never able to use my full capacity again… If I can write this then there can’t be many left looking for or keeping track anymore. Was always terrified of ‘them’ finding me again…I can’t believe I’m sharing this, but there seems to be a reason…


    1. Kathleen G,

      What is abuse to you is abuse to me.
      We are one, afterall… or don’t you see?
      I listen to your song
      to understand what is wrong.
      It is not you or me.
      It is the ones who “own” that are plain to see.
      For I too was abused.
      And also used.
      So I extend my hand on your purge…
      to be your friend with no urge.
      Walking side by side throughout this night.
      Only memories of what was fright -but truly not right.
      Seeing at last the true love light!

      1. beautiful, TodSchneider, thank you for your extended hand, I extend fingertips out as well… I do believe we signed up for a reason…
        <3 Kg

  20. Hi everyone, getting quite worried about the huge increase in chemtrailing. When is this going to stop? Apparently Bill Gates is taking over the GeoEnginering programme to block out the sun. Is this just fear mongering?

    Love & Light xxx

    1. Billy boy sure seems intent on digging a mansion sized hole for himself, just when you think he can’t possibly get more creepy he does it again.

      Careful with this one, you can’t unsee it:

      I take it as a sign of desperation; hence his issue, not mine. And as a consequence of the positive changes happening right now.

      It’s not right, and I’m sure it helps to take back consent. But worrying was never a good thing, and it’s been getting worse lately.

      Who knows; it might very well be vitamins they’re spraying, or some nice etheric oils; use your imagination, you’re the one who’s going to live in it.


  21. lily144, our skies remain mostly clear here, esp last 3-4 yrs I think partial due in some part to the energy of the population drawn to live here. There is a lot of ‘different’ here. Also in other parts of the country (maybe here? ) I’ve heard of people making and planting orgone ‘generators’?, which can be hand made, planted in numbers ‘in the wilds’, so to speak, helping clear areas – not sure if it’s the orgone things or another thing I can’t think of the name of right now. Maybe someone knows what I’m thinking of…
    Back in the late 60’s? I read some Jess Stearn(sp?) books and tried out dissolving clouds – not a good thing to overplay with if you don’t want to mess farmers up, but maybe ok on chem-trails if you !!KNEW!! it was a contributory thing to do… I’m not sure I’d trust my wisdom to the greater good equation… but interesting to think about…
    <3 Kg

      1. Orgonites work amazingly. I make them myself (been doing it for over 6yrs), however found intention is just as effective. Just wave your hand over it and say “clear”, or as Cat Eds mentioned, or make up your own. Just believe it “so” and send love 💕.

    1. @KG thanks for your comment, funnily enough I have ordered a small orgonite device so will be interesting to see what happens, I think some folk build their own, would love to know how!

      Love & Light 🌟🌟❤️❤️

      1. lily144, there’s quite a lot of Utube videos on the subject, most important I figure is true quality ‘ingredients’…

        1. Kathleen, thank you so much, I will have a look, always something new to learn! Love & Light x

  22. Hi Cats, Meowacles, AM and Da-da.

    Can I please ask you all what can I expect when I ‘fully’ awaken. The greater detail the better please.

    Also, have any of you fully awakened?

    Thank you.

    Mark x

      1. When my higher self becomes the dominant part of my earth vessel.


          1. Was the “light thing” to which you are referring : the lightening bolt of energy that shot down, then up my spine causing an electric surge followed by a magnetic release to each chakra in succession, repeatedly for as long as I held unconditional love in my heart?

            1. Mmm… yes, it can take that form. “Enlightenment” literally involves LIGHT in some way or another, different depending on the individual, hence the incredibly specific term: ‘”light” thing.’ 😉

              -CAT Eds.

    1. There was a major disaster on the *other* timeline. Some CATs are also reacting to that, so… expect today to be a little weird. And look to see if everyone you know is still around. We might be getting to the point where people start dropping away.

      -CAT Eds.

      1. Cats, people will start dropping away, because we are going Home now?

      2. Was that around 8:30am UK time as that was when I burst into tears over a cup of tea.

          1. Is it possible to feel this in advance, CAT’s and M’s? The floodgates opened for me Saturday night after a heart clearing meditation. I haven’t cried like that in a long time. I also couldn’t connect it with anything in particular(except the mess the 3d world is in, but it felt way bigger). Also this weekend felt very very heavy to me.
            Love to all😻

      3. I’ve been getting the green light to tell my family and friends (which isn’t a lot these days) to get ready and about whats going to happen. Nobody really gets it when you tell them… “Hey dude, umm…. just so you know…. at any point now you could be making a really killer protein smoothy and then all of the sudden the reality is going to get very dream like. DON’T FREAK OUT, MAN! like everyone thinks you’re gonna do!” Yeah, I think peeps are on their way out real soon… And there was always a percentage of the population that was unwilling or unable to “do it” to begin with. They will pop out on the other side to the party were all having on the inside.

        So anyway, I’m just staying in my lane at this point. Pretty much avoiding any kind of “Intel” out there and just feeling into anything I need answers on. Its crazy super accurate right now. It actually makes me laugh because there’s literally nothing anyone can hide from me if I’m interested enough in knowing. It’s all about those feels. You feel the heat, but you don’t see the electric. Get what I mean?

        Hang in there, guys… We’ve only just begun to live.

  23. I’m confused about a certain aspect of the shift to 4D/5D. When do you suppose the animals will make the switch? My understanding, somebody please correct me if I’m wrong, is that people, “the masses,” will go to 5D in stages, more or less, when they are of the right vibrational rate to “rise to the occasion.” It seems to me that wild animals, or all animals, (all of nature really), should have an automatic ‘in’ — like, immediately. I’m just trying to imagine the 3D world trying to go on — just in general of course, but w/out wildlife? Or will some remain to sustain the ecosystem — but why should they have to be subjected to that? This is a muddy question, but hopefully you get the gist of my inquiry…

    1. When the aspects of animals move to 5D, they will exist in a non-predatory way, meaning there will be no hunter and hunted. Nobody will eat the flesh of others, including the predatory animals that we are familiar with today. Life is not all about eating and being eaten, but in 3D that is how it pans out. Therefore, for 3D to exist, those predators will continue to exist, but in 5D, the level of living consciousness will be above predation. Am I making myself clear?

    2. It was suggested to us not to think of the 3d world any longer — esp. AFTER The Event. We’re supposed to let it go. You don’t have to, of course. But we need to be a little bit careful and not lower our vibe or we can get sucked BACK to 3d. We can apparently bounce back and forth a bit right afterward, but it’s not supposed to be very pleasant. Eventually the distance between 3 and 4/5 will increase and this rebounding will stop. This is our understanding, anyway.

      -CAT Eds.

    3. Animals are already in unity consciousness, so don’t worry about them. A lot of them are very powerful beings that do some incredible spiritual stuff for us on the backend that we never even knew about in the physical. Some pets have literally been warriors for their owners on the astral planes. It’s intense down here.

    4. FANTASTIC question. And here are some of the greatest answers….I think it’s the second video that goes into the specific details with the animals making the split:

      The Three Paths after “The EVENT” and what it will look like from each perspective:

      The Animal Die off, The Grid Weavers and The Divergence (Event):

        1. You can set the speed faster on YT – sometimes that works out pretty well.

  24. I recently viewed my own protective guardian dragon during a 5-minute relaxation session (I wouldn’t say I was actively meditating). It appeared to be male, large, golden (with yellow and rainbow highlights) and I saw it full frontal face-to-face. I have often seen the dragon’s eye looking at me. The next day a psychic lady told me she saw a gold and a white dragon behind me (meaning, in support). I relate to these dragons as the celestial dragons of old (not winged). They are serpentine and flash about in higher dimensions with the speed of light, become like a passing comet, just a blur of light. But in stationary they have a form – the regal, dragon face of old.

    1. We also erroneously reported that dragons don’t use ships. They DO use ships for certain long-distance trips, for comfort, but can travel without ships if they want.

      -CAT Eds.

      1. I enjoy reading Elthor the white dragon’s discussions with galaxygirl. Strong personality, but encouraging .

  25. Gosh, so much dragon talk! I love dragons! I wish I could see them… Though, I vaguely remember being able to see or at least talk to one when I was a kid (I think it was orange?). I was far more in tuned when I was a kid then I am now. Wish I could get that back to that soon.

  26. Happy New Earth Year Cats & M’s … ThankYou … Not Surprisingly about Trump … Synchronicity 2 days ago was vividly remembering a dream I had on Jan 6 2017 involving Trump & was thinking this is his year to Shine. In the dream he was being sworn in, I was standing right next to him on his right side, I stood there not leaving his side until the Inauguration was complete. Afterwards he was quite jovial 🙂 He is on Higher Order & as much as it infuriates the ca8al they will fail every attempt on his life. He is taken care of & has many Et groups supporting/protecting him, he will do what he stepped up to do whether the ca8al like it or not 🙂 He gets knocked down but he gets Up again & you never gonna keep him down. I’ve trusted Trump since that dream & knew in my heart he was to HELP US (btw im not american, Im australian … russians aren’t the only one’s on his side) so good to hear the TRUTH finally its been such a roller coaster for many wondering whose side he is really on. He needs our love/support … America is Centre Stage … we are all ONE. I Feel he is aware of his Mission he is focused on cleaning up the mess, something he is really Sirius about. Will be very interesting to see how this year unfolds. Go Trump 🙂

  27. Thank you for your words of Truth, all!
    Here another amazing confirmation:

    Universal Father Message July 5, 2017

    Mine Own,

    Ponder on patternings,
    which are created
    only in Paradise Isle.

    Ponder the mechanism
    they are rendered
    for seditious use.

    The Key
    to re-patterning
    is Love.

    It is accessible
    by anyone
    sufficiently evolved
    though locked into earthly energies
    the same as you.

    The Key
    to unraveling
    sedition-warped patterns
    of great-reaching magnitude

    remains at grassroots level.

    Herein is how your Trump works.

    The removal
    of underpinning roots
    of noxious weeds
    cannot start
    at the hydra-like head

    for only more seed heads
    will manifest
    while the weed exists.

    Mycelium must replace toxic fungi
    of their own accord
    in their own time.

    So again,
    consider the seditious patternings,
    their manifestation by ones of sedition
    and how the patterning
    is restored through Love,
    e.g. pedophilia, money, governmental enslavement.

    Christ Michael Aton designs
    not to address these things via any scribe,
    rather choosing
    to render any of these seditious manifestations
    and considerations
    to the courts of Superuniverse Orvonton.

    That is why
    restoration of patterns
    must be
    in continual initiation
    from entities beyond Local Universe Nebadon.

    Though the messages of 2015
    most certainly apply to all ones of Light intent –
    for that is the soul’s essence –
    it should be clear
    that My faith in you lies in great measure.

    Universal Father

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