
We may have had another timeline jump, just after 11:30 pm PDT last night…


…but we’re not seeing corroboration from any other meters, yet. Still looking. FYI, looks like it might be a busy night tonight, energywise.

Sorry for the lateness of this report. Busy week. We had a sekret tree project. Shh…



Ok, it’s confirmed: we definitely had a timeline jump around 11:00 pm PDT on the evening of the 18th. Here’s the raw muon data correlation:

Screen Shot 2019-03-20 at 2.09.52 PM
Note the column on the right from one of the detectors; it zooms up almost 13,000 points, drops to zero, then zooms up almost 50,000 points, then back to “normal.” Typical timeline jump.



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31 thoughts on “YATJ #50 [UPDATE1]

    1. That should read yesterday or Tuesday’s ‘post. Happy Equinox! My morning latte is in the garden with the birds.

  1. Had a weird dream last night that contained a possible vision.

    I saw a sun on the horizon and noticed the sun was high in the sky as well. When I looked back at the horizon, there was more golden light and a voice said it was the new earth. It was like the earth was transforming into light. I was then about to be attacked by a dinosaur, but I trapped it in a jar. Then i woke up feeling very happy and refreshed.

    Have you cats had anything like this?

    First time I’ve had a vision of a transition moment.

    1. Ha! One of the M’s had a similar dream.

      Did you know: the dinosaurs did NOT all perish in an earth cataclysm. (Only about 60+ dino skeletons have ever been found, btw.) They were moved elsewhere right before the catastrophe. NOTHING on earth is wasted. It’s all too precious to our Spirit and Sky brothers.

      -CAT Eds.

  2. Thank You Cats & M’s for all the updates 🙂 love the cat looking in the mirror “like a tiger” or hello new earthers 🙂 thank you for the clarity on the Emerald energy – Evergreen New Earth. I don’t feel a Solar Flash will occur what I am sensing is that our Internal Light Bulbs are being turned on “flash” everyone will have “light bulb” moments, Solar Consciousness lights up & Christ-ha-la Consciousness activates. Sacred Space for healing is ready for all, surrender to Sacred Love for Miraculous healings can occur & accelerated higher transformation is happening
    Very interesting I was meditating when the timeline jump occurred & I saw the Galactic Core Open like a door & then quickly shut, I was like huh? then it quickly opened again & is staying open. There was a removal/escort of negative entities out of here & taken somewhere else with no return ticket. It all happened in a blink of an eye & I feel the negatives didn’t know what hit them until the last minute (why the door closed quickly) & was wondering if it might of been the twb’s? if so its happy days for all cat’s & m’s & for Humanity. Also I feel that NZ was their downfall last attempt? the Carnage is over the “clean up” can begin. My mission the past 2 years has been to assist in reversing the reversal’s, feeling there is an ending & new beginning occurring for all 🙂 July keeps popping up for another transition so I gather until then Magenta/Violet is here to stay. Funny I keep receiving we are over the half way mark there is still a ways to go but we are already there. Sharp Left ?

    1. NZ was the ca8al trying to stall/dilute/pollute the equinox energy coming in… like that’s gonna work. We’d set up an equinox meditation, but we’re all gonna be meditating anyway, right?

      “Sharp Left” is on our calendar, but we still don’t know what Spirit means.

      As for a “solar flash”… unknown. Note that Brother J and Guides ALL said today, loud and clear: “YES, there is going to be a SHIFT.” Before we could ask when they said, “VERY SOON.” Does that have a “flash” component? No idea. We’re all in Acceptance Mode right now.

      TWBs… nothing they do will make any difference. We saw them just tonight, and some of us were initially pissed at seeing them…but then the feeling changed. It was very interesting. I looked at the ship and said, “Love and Light”… and the ship vanished! Then it came back… and I said it again… and it vanished again. Very interesting.

      Just stay in a high vibe and be happy. When you see monsters, just smile and wave. You don’t need to do anything anymore. Let people make their own choices. The TWBs are supersmart and accomplished… and dumb as a box of dead crabs. Can we change that? Maybe over eons. The choice is theirs. You and I and most other CAT blog readers have already made our choices. So be it.


      1. Thank you M2 🙂 agree the ca8al are still active but fruitless for we are now the fruitful ones. Awesome yes acceptance mode & so deeply grateful 🙂 turning the light on in a dark room allows no darkness to remain. Fascinating, yes super smart maybe they had a dumb moment “in the blink of an eye” so be it 🙂 Sacred Love to All

      2. My 10 year old daughter drew a picture, one one side was rainbows, green grass and lollies, on the other side she had put sad words and made it red, she said mumma pick which one left or right? Left had the green grass!

        1. I also had a dream where I was in/on the sea I wasn’t aware of a boat but I don’t think I was swimming, anyway these rainbow vibrating circles were coming towards me all over the sky, then i went through one and woke up

  3. Hi Cat’s. The sosrff.tsu.ru chart showed at gap at 13.00hrs yesterday 19th. I think that’s 6am in the UK. Not seen any gaps on there before.

  4. Sharp left means right brain is in charge, and left brains will make the turn as required. Left brains will play second fiddle to right brains, who know the score.

  5. Thanks CATs & M’s and everyone!

    WOW! What can I say. We have had quite clear blue skies for a while here but today, I think they have employed every single pilot and plane that they have. The sky is so thick with chemtrails. Could they be ‘trying’ to stop something a wee bit special from happening on this equinox?

    If so, do they seriously believe that a few planes and chemtrails are going to stop SOURCE? Seriously! They must be absolutely desperate to maintain their domination and control. Such a shame they cannot just give up and turn to the light.

    I shall be meditating tonight, I think the equinox is around 9:58 pm UK time?


  6. Check ignition and may God’s love be with you. 👽🖖🏻✨

  7. saw something that triggered me to remember a dream. a liquefaction of the soil, a (shock?)wave in the ground and a huge forrest racing by (from left to right in my vision, at about 80mph+) as if on a river. the trees were douglas-fir trees. this raises the question; is there anything to this cascadia earthquake involving the coast of the PNW and B.C.? have a TON of family in them thar hills, so to speak.



  8. Was forced to lie down this afternoon. Could only take a few minutes due to my daughters care needs. Whilst lying down I saw a pulsing violet orb in my third eye. I felt paralysed for a minute or so. When I opened my eyes I saw sparkles everywhere!

    Went straight for the coffee afterwards as daughter needed me functional!

    I am looking forward to this evening and seeing what meditation brings.

    Love, Light, Peace ❤️✨🙏

  9. FYI, we’re getting some anonymous commenters who are taking psychedelics and then posting their “communications” here. You can really spot it when they do. (We’re not gonna point people out.) Psychedelics are a cheap and… well, lazy way of exploring your spirituality. They’re also dangerous, as you have no idea what you’e getting unless you harvest the supplies yourself. We don’t condone this type of thing at all. Besides being a potential health risk, it offers you NO protection and actually OFFERS YOU UP to the bad-spirit realm, turning you for a time into the biggest bad-spirit target around. And the information you gather under the influence has questionable value.

    -CAT Eds.

    1. Thanks, youse guys. I’ve always felt it was sad to use drugs for travel when you can get farther using your inherent Source gifts and abilities.

    2. Well the last time I took any psychedelics was a long time ago, in my teens when I did not know any better! The only thing I touch now is medicinal CBD oil to help with my Ulcerative Colitis and joint pain ❤️ You really don’t need psychedelics, this ascension process is magical enough! 🙏✨

  10. May all Cat readers be as balanced as the black and white cat above looking in the mirror during the equinox. Ground, breathe and smile. That which comes has been determined by our highest self. Cay

  11. Hello everybody. Just Wake up from my afternoon nap after my work.

    I dreamed to be on the beach, with lots of people and family. The tide was very, very high, like all the sea was already submerged all the sand. The alert ring of the safe guard, suddenly rang continuously. The safe guards asked everyone to leave the beach, to take refuge on the parking, or climb the dune to enter their building, facing the coast, to see the incoming waves. They were all smiling about this event and were not worried at all, becaus we had plenty of time to cover ourselves. We could see the big monstruous waves roaming on the horizon, galloping towards the coast.

    Seems to be a every huge incoming energy for this equinox. Have a good dive everyone! Love all!

  12. (I don’t know if this post has already been posted, my navigator has done some strange behaviors…delete if so, please. Thank you)

    Hello everybody. Just Wake up from my afternoon nap after my work.

    I dreamed to be on the beach, with lots of people and family. The tide was very, very high, like all the sea was already submerged all the sand. The alert ring of the safe guard, suddenly rang continuously. The safe guards asked everyone to leave the beach, to take refuge on the parking, or climb the dune to enter their building, facing the coast, to see the incoming waves. They were all smiling about this event and were not worried at all, becaus we had plenty of time to cover ourselves. We could see the big monstruous waves roaming on the horizon, galloping towards the coast.

    Seems to be a every huge incoming energy for this equinox. Have a good dive everyone! Love all!

  13. You know the one thing that keeps popping into my mind when I doubt or question the event? A dream I had several years ago that has never left me. I was 20ish and the clairaudient thing happened to me when a voice told me to WAKE UP 3X. OF course me being a SCAREDY CAT, I freaked and slept with the TV on for a year! But I also had a dream that I was swirled to the top of the skies and surrounded by a rainbow 🌈 of magnificent vibrant colors. I saw tiny souls running past open gates…at the time I thought pearly gates of heaven. It was the most amazing dream. When I ran across ppl talking about the event last year, I immediately thought of this dream. never had that dream since or one like it unfortunately, but I can’t shake it thinking that is what the shift would look like for me! When is this sharp left to occur?

    1. @Duganknows, I also had an experience several years ago, it was 2005 or so. I had this amazing vision, the most beautiful thing I had ever seen/felt/heard…like all my senses merged into one. It was a beautiful rainbow 🌈 with white light and something that was a beautiful gold, but I couldn’t identify what it was. I knew it was a present or a gift but not what it was. I saw gold for the next year after that but nobody could ever explain it.

      Then last year my Mother (who passed in 2004) came to a psychic friend of mine and told him to get in touch with me. She sent a message for me to “wake up”…to develop my spiritual/psychic abilities. So I listened, and it has been fast-track speed-learning ever since. Since then, the rainbows and the white light and the gold have all come back, along with so much more – travel dreams and waves, so many wave dreams and symbology 🌊 and memories of being in school and planning something for the earth with others before I came here, and so much more.

      I think my Mom came to tell me to wake up and to start getting ready for the shift/ascension/the event. That’s why I always still feel that something is going to happen – otherwise why would she wake me up? (Xoxo thanks Mom 💜🌊💕🌈)

  14. Regarding going ‘left’, this reminded me of a dream I had a couple of months ago.
    I was in a retreat of sorts and there were many people walking around, everyone seemed to be in a good mood. I overheard a group talking about a holiday where everyone(mostly) would be traveling that day, by train. I also overheard that the train staff was concerned about the sheer amount of riders on that day and if everyone would be able to get on board. Then I ‘saw’ an image of the train line going up through the middle of the US and taking a sharp left when it got to Colorado.
    All aboard!!

  15. Hello everybody. Just Wake up from my afternoon nap after my work.

    I dreamed to be on the beach, with lots of people and family. The tide was very, very high, like all the sea was already submerged all the sand. The alert ring of the safe guard, suddenly rang continuously. The safe guards asked everyone to leave the beach, to take refuge on the parking, or climb the dune to enter their building, facing the coast, to see the incoming waves. They were all smiling about this event and were not worried at all, becaus we had plenty of time to cover ourselves. We could see the big monstruous waves roaming on the horizon, galloping towards the coast.

    Seems to be a every huge incoming energy for this equinox. Have a good dive everyone! Love all!

  16. It’s just been ‘raining’ light again and now the most beautiful pink skies! Energy is totally bizarre! ❤️

  17. During the recent rise in the Schuman resonance starting on the 16th, I have had three days of absolute energy, feeling confident and totally alive. It is as if the Earth’s vibration were catching up to where I am vibrationally. It felt so good! Anyone else experience this?

    1. Oh yes, I have.
      I have noticed I feel energized on the days of higher Schumann frequency.
      Some of my friends feel the same.


  18. FYI, the title of this post was changed to “YATJ #50” when we got corroboration that it really was a timeline jump. AND… again, the numbering of these is arbitrary.

    -CAT Eds.

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