Screen Shot 2019-04-05 at 8.49.54 AM

Finalmente, indeed. Check this out. Even the POPE is ready for change!

At a recent meet-n-greet, the Pope was acting quite un-Pope-like. watch:

So, what’s going on, here?

M3 said: “I feel like the church has had such bad press that this is some kind of disgust he is having toward it… like he’s pushing back somehow.”

You’re basically seeing his frustration with… The Church! Folks, even the Pope can grow.
Talk about being at the end of things.

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64 thoughts on “FINALMENTE

      1. When I watched the vid, the first thing I got was ‘not the pope anymore’. A walk in? But yeps, I also got that ‘he’ is the last one. Thanks for confirming Cats 🙂

    1. @merlinthewizard777,

      This is according to the prophecy of St. Malachy (a 12th century bishop of Armagh). It supposedly dates back as far as 1139, when he was said to have written it, and definitely as far back as 1595, when it was officially published.

      “In 1139, then Archbishop Malachy went to Rome from Ireland to give an account of his affairs. While there he received a strange vision about the future that included the name of every pope, 112 in all from his time, who would rule until the end of time. We are now at the last prophecy.”

  1. sounds to me that maybe this ,not so nice ,guy had a walk in … i sure hope so .

    “finalmente” made me think of a part from the opera Tosca ; were the bad guy [scarpia] is saying ; “Finalmente mia” to the angel-like Tosca

        1. Well, wait… we didn’t say he flipped. He’s just tired of the pomp and circumcision and is starting to push back a little. What he does with that fed-upped-ness is another thing. We’d monitor the situation, but… really who cares? He’s on his own. He’s known the score for a long time, and what he needs to do. Doing the right thing isn’t that hard. Free will, and all that.

          -CAT Eds.

      1. Now if that isn’t a good idea, I don’t know what is.

        It doesn’t take that many slime balls changing their minds before the whole thing comes tumbling down.


      2. If he is at that level of the game he needs all kinds of protection they are even more brutal to the elites who turn on them.

        1. [shrug] He’s been playing this game a long time. What did he expect? This is often what happens when you come back to exhaust a particular emotion or desire in various lifetimes: you’re SUPPOSED to get sick of it. He’s been at the top of the big bully group for a long time. If they turn on him… it’s what he thinks he deserves.

          -CAT Eds.

      3. The pope is not pope any more.
        Last week or so, he was forced to abdicate. His first 3 cardinals formed a triumvirat and took all pope’s powers.
        “Not to scare the people”, they keep him in place, but he is now…the Fake Pope!
        Accordingly, his ring is…the Fake Ring, so it may not be kissed.

        Same happened on July 13, 2018 in London, where queen Elizabeth II gave all her powers to Trump, the fanfare was playing for him, the flag was a totally different one, and at the end of the ceremony the queen was, for the very first time, giving Trump the honour place on the right!
        All, while Melania held the place in the highest, most wonderful dignity. Guess she was the only one aware of that monumental act.

        As a result, at the opening ceremony of the Parliament a while later, the queen was not allowed to carry the Crown and that shamelessly expensive hermeline mantle, with all its empowering hidden meanings.

        1. Yeah, we pay no attention to any of this, the cult of power and celebrity. Such a dumbshow. Let them have their gewgaws and fancy plumage. This is what Brother J meant when he said, “Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s.”

          -CAT Eds.

      4. I for One will hope for the best of intentions out of him in the Now. Peace in Harmony.

  2. I used to work with a Dutchman in an office.
    One Friday he told me,
    “Thanks goodness, today is POETS day.”
    I said, “What? How come?”
    He laughed and said,
    “It’s that day, you know,
    Piss Off Early, Tomorrow’s Saturday”

    As far as I know, someone stole the stone from the Pope’s ring while kissing it …
    So the Pope decided he’d had enough.


  3. I’m not sure what just transpired with Mr. Bergoglio (being Italian, myself), but this kind of good news is always welcome.

    Bring out the change!

    1. Well, the regular solar satellite feeds are either down, or heavily processed/limited. But nothing is “attacking” the sun. They’re actually using the sun as a massive portal. Or they’re adjusting things for later.

      -CAT Eds.

  4. Cats, I have a cat question. My kid’s cat, Oreo, female, about 1y old, underwent surgery today. Turns out she was bitten around the navel by another cat. Doctor took out a lot of pus and sewed it back together.
    Why did this happen?
    If it were a dog, I would know. It’s symbolical for the owner and it would mean his power is being yanked by someone else (navel chakra). Yet in this case it’s a cat of which I know nothing so I leave it to the experts. More clues: the perpetrator is a mean black cat from the hood. Bad Cat! 😉

    Thank you!

    1. Hm. Terrestrial cats (and other animals and all plants) are inhabited by bits of spirit that belong to local groups of spirit, like a small spirit pool for a certain area. These are then watched over by benevolent beings like elementals and higher. Cats fight. They’re territorial. They’re spooky. AND we now know they can take on what some call “riders,” spirits that live in them and who may or may not direct behavior. That one’s a little murky. Best thing to do is surround that cat with love and light in your mind. If it has something “bad” in it, it will flee. Other times, the cat simply explodes. BOOM. Gets cat hair everywhere. Yes, we’re kidding with that last part.

      -CAT Eds.

  5. Not sure where I read this, but the article said that he was taken out of power and to kiss a pope’s hand is a high honor, and he withdrew his hand because he knows he could not accept that. I just wanted to share that, not saying that I believe it, but I will try to look for the article. Interesting times.

  6. Similar finale theme for a dream yesterday morning. Was at a conference with my best friend. I notice out the window that the sky has gone purplish and I excitedly tell her so (I explained The Shift to her only fairly recently). The view turned to pink waves of light in the clouds (which effect was repeated while we were on a boat suddenly, like sheets of pink skud-like energy under the water, coming and going). She wanted me to explain 3D to 5D again, so I went through it but as I was explaining 5D she was distracted and looking away. Then we’re back at the conference and she and a bunch of people were going to go ‘see the Clintons,’ i.e., B&H were on the premises somewhere. I started to go with them just to stay with people I knew but realized I didn’t particularly want to see the Clintons, and turned around and went back. Then it occurred to me, hey, I could just go home now. The conference was nearly over — though I wasn’t sure how many days were left, I was sure there was no more learning to be had, it was just in the final wrap up stage. And I really wanted to just go home. ~ Fin ~ 🙂

  7. Stupid that we watch illusionary rules and laws trying to skrye the future.

  8. Or they are confident in their reset bullsh8t and he just knows the kissing the ring phase is over. Just a straight bow will do.
    I will bow if I do it backwards and the pope can kiss my a$$.

    1. Re brexit. Hoo flaming Ray. Every person I have spoken to here (the UK) is so sick of the subject. It has crystallised peoples opinion of their govt being a right bunch of numpties. They even go to sleep during parliamentary debates! Probably a good thing though, they might do less damage asleep. 🤔😕

  9. We didn’t show this to indicate that the pope was some great guy who was now on the side of light. We’re just explaining his strange behavior. Someone asked, we explained.

    -CAT Eds.

    1. Hard to believe that anyone would call and yell, “The aliens are coming!” [eye-roll] ETs have been here for 4.5B years. Everyone on earth is part ET, and have been ETs in all their past lives going way back. And there are a near-infinite number of ETs in the omniverse. The ca8al is desperate to create fear. So sad.

      -CAT Eds.

      1. They never learn, do they?

        I, for one, am ready to get the hell out of here when SOURCE deems it proper. Sick and tired of this 3D survival game. The longer I play at it, the more I realize that I’m not made for this at all.

        I want world where we and our children no longer have to fear being manipulated or damaged in a colorful variety of ways. Devoid of drama, politics, and dumb celebrity bullcrap. 😉

      2. My immediate thought when I read that article. Interesting I have been watching a new series called Project Blue Book “government cover up” of UFO’s so I gather this is a an old agenda to raise the fear because all the other bs isn’t working anymore.

        Thanks for the Reminder Cats & M’s … I saw a similar video on twitter 25th March, he is doing it on purpose their foundations are crumbling, the root of all evil is exposing itself. Spirit keeps highlighting the number 72 & 39 indicating there is more work to be done, sigh I was enjoying quiet time. the Purple Haze 🙂

        Funny this showed up … the pope is pooped even his mean cat is angry lol

    1. In response to the Pope’s speech in Italian (I assume?), since I don’t speak that language, how would I know if those interpreted words are actually what he is saying? I tend to think this might be someone else’s idea of what they WANT him to say.

    1. “History would be a wonderful thing — if it were only true.”

      Translations are like that also. Might want to read the comments.

  10. Plus, the SOBs used chemtrail chemicals to produce the effect, which NASA said “pose no hazard to residents in the region”, SMH…

  11. But they still grovel at his feet and bow down giving power to the uncreative false light working memes of this AI copycat constructed universe

      1. Will you please explain the term “true AI”?
        Do you think there are AI-human hybrids?
        Thank you.

        1. No. AI is an Ego pipedream perpetrated by the ca8al. An idea originally created by a soulless thing Brother J terms “The Ego” — which was Our First Illusion (it’s kinda complicated to describe; if you’d like to learn more, get a copy of “A Course in Miracles” at — “True AI” means an artificial entity that is AWARE and can truly think for itself and place itself in the SOURCE position at the third-density (3d) level a la Gibson’s “Wintermute”. There are lots of sophisticated programs out there, but they aren’t aware of themselves, they aren’t conscious, and they certainly don’t have a spirit. It’s not a necessary development because EVERYTHING IS ALREADY ALIVE. The whole omniverse is alive. Rocks, crystals, trees, animals, planets, stars, the ocean, galaxies, the wind… with SOURCE as the glue that holds it all together. Some dark civilizations have created “machine people,” but they didn’t understand what they were doing: in making what are in essence robots, they were actually splitting parts of their own SOURCE sparks into these constructs as they created them (diminishing themselves in the process), making their constructs actually alive… and they had feelings and were aware, yet they were used and abused terribly, tragically. It’s a terrible idea.

          -CAT Eds.

          1. Hmm … These beings that you say were actually alive … and they had feelings and were aware … this is what I meant by the term “AI-human hybrid”. Awful.

            There was interesting piece of news about a recent accident in a Japanese robotised facility where one robot killed two human workers. It was added that the robot was controlled (received commands) by an external source (off-earth or satellite). Investigators believe the robot had become AWARE of itself vis-a-vis the human workers. This is also what I termed as an “AI-human hybrid”.

            For lack of more evidence or information, I remain very skeptical about whether there are or will be “actual AI” or “machine people” on the Earth.
            I hope not.


            1. Those weren’t humans we described. Something else, entirely. Their looks would probably scare you. Luckily, this was many many light years away, but they have been on earth in the distant past as part of a treaty amongst warring civilizations… looong ago. None remain today.

              Do you have a link to that article?

              -CAT eds.

          2. I cannot find that article, I must’ve watched a video, but the Internet search offered these (I do not think it’s a conspiracy theory any more than Neil Armstrong’s fake landing on the Moon):


            Last week Simon Parkes was asked a question about the Japanese facility. He replied to it in his video of 5 April 2019 (uploaded on 6 April):

            (link to YouTube, not to the video itself; I’m not posting videos here):

            As I commented above, Simon considers that AI is and continues to be the greatest danger to humanity.


    1. I just listened to Simon Parkes (Connecting Consciousness video of 6 April 2019).
      Replying to a question, he said that in his view, AI is and continues to be the greatest danger to humanity.

      1. I also listen to Simon’s info/intel. I agree with him 100% on the AI threat. Simon is about the only one I tend to give any credit to for info, which I check with my higher self on my own verification.

        1. Hi bettyblue1212,
          Nice to meet you <3

          There was an interesting confirmation of AI development yesterday, 8 April 2019. The European Commission published an Ethics Code for AI:

          Not for robots. For AI.
          The Only difference between robots and AI is this:
          YOU control robots.
          AI controls YOU.

  12. Hmmm, that green mist is back tonight!

    Have been having very odd dreams. A couple of nights ago I dreamt about cats and Magenta Pixie then the night before last I dreamt about Simon Parkes. I do not remember his role in the dream but I do remember that I was a very happy lumbering Bigfoot!!! Now I really thought I would be of elf origin but maybe I was just trying it out for size! Last night I had really busy dreams but cannot remember anything other than whatever it was I was doing was good and something to do with NE!

    Then I came across this website, look at those amazing buildings, I would imagine NE to be as beautiful if not more so!

    Love & Light ❤️

    1. @ lily. Those buildings are so beautiful. We need a temperate climate in the UK then we could live in them. Maybe better suited to the new earth. Can’t wait. X

      1. @ Newlynn yes, they would not be so practical in the UK in this paradigm 😉 We will be able to create whatever we choose I hope on New Earth 🙂 ❤️

  13. Interestingly, the left side of my body has been effected by the energy all afternoon. Feels like goose bumps or hair follicles are on end while a loud high pitched white noise is in both ears (which woke me from a siesta). Static electricity on cat and blanket with no wind on a sunny, calm 72F day. Core of my body felt cold along with slight movement deep within various areas. Cay

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