89 thoughts on “By the way…

  1. Oooh, and those blue bananas don’t need a tropical climate to grow in … “mediterranean” is just fine. Better, you’ll have your first harvest in about nine months from planting. THAT is a miracle in and of itself. I love bananas, but a banana that tastes like vanilla ice cream? That’s a “banana split” without the mess. Good Monday, every BEing of light 🙂 WWG1 … well, you know.

    1. @lily144

      hope you are well?
      Big hug to you my friend <3
      I am allready in 5 D
      the birds chirping the flowers and the beas
      the sky blue with some light clouds

      New Earth is allready here in Portugal!

      1. Peace Love and light
        I can personally attest to being in 5D heaven in Portugal. Was called there by mother Gaia. She even hooked me up with some hash twice there. Didn’t even have to pay for it. People are so nice. They all understand and speak English. Look forward to coming back soon.

          1. Ha! You jumped the shark with this comment, dude…. hash is a drug now? OKAY Meanwhile, whole countries of good people produce hash as a means to survive on this planet and it’s a huge part of their cultures.

            I’m calling shenanigans on this post, sorry. That sounds like some programming and beliefs, which I’d like to point out, you aren’t immune to. Creation is about all possible things. It’s about the all. And when you hear from some you still have to hear from the other to make it all.

          2. I wouldn’t count hard drug use as immediate 3Dness, personally. There are drug users out there that are truly good people, just victims of circumstance and the substances.

            Plus how many pharmaceutical drugs we suck down daily I guess a lot of us will be stuck in 3D. 😛

            1. If you intentionally take steps to lower your own vibration, by drugs or alcohol or base actions… that is a free-will choice for 3d. No way around it.

              -CAT Eds.

            2. Pharmaceutical drugs are not recreational. And yes, hard drug use is a 3d thing. If you’re an addict, you know what you need to do… you just may or may not do it. It’s not a judgment, it’s a choice. It’s hard, but anyone can turn their life around IF THEY MAKE THE CHOICE TO DO SO. This is from Spirit, not us.

              -CAT Eds.

          3. But using free will to choose and eat the flesh of dead animals is perfectly reasonable and not detrimental.

            1. Did we mention this? No. But choosing to have a big steak or a double cheeseburger may lower your vibe… but for some people, the vehicle (body) they chose this time around might have dietary requirements that include these things. It’s possible to eat meat without any karmic charge or lowering of vibe provided you show gratitude and (mentally or verbally) thank the animals that provided you with this susthenance. (Karma will be mostly gone on the New Earth, as karma is an Old Earth thing.) However, drug and heavy alcohol use, as well as down-vibe activities (you know what those are) are free-will choices that will keep you at 3d. None of this should come as any surprise.

              -CAT Eds.

          4. Still can’t get over how hypocritical this argument is on animal rights. You wouldn’t murder someone because that is wrong. But the agonizing suffering pain and torture of animals is just an illusion. Because cheeseburgers taste good. My diet requires them. Ridiculous. Would you do the things to your cat that happens to cows? No. Because it’s wrong. Would you eat your cat? Why not? You’re gonna shoot me down and tell me I don’t understand but basically I wrote this because I wanted to thank the above person who defended animals. My kind of hero. And you cats and Ms are also my hero’s for making this blog available. But this argument, this stance against animals is the pits.

            1. It is all illusion and doesn’t matter. Anything that disturbs your peace of mind should be meditated upon. We are hardly hypocritical, by any stretch of the imagination.

              -CAT Eds.

          5. What about those who use hash with the intention of raising their vibration? I’ve read several sources posit that conscious use can help to raise your vibration to that of the plant. The only thing in nature yet discovered that interacts with our endocannabinoid system (which regulates a range of bodily functions) are the cannabinoids from this beautiful plant. In case you’re not aware, hash is a natural resin made from the cannabis plant containing a wide range of cannabinoids, including THC & CBD, with generally much more of the latter in contrast to the dry herb form. Higher CBD levels counteract the THC ‘high’, allowing greater medicinal benefit from the full range of cannabinoids without the psychoactive effects. I often wonder what the world would be like if this truly amazing plant hadn’t been outlawed. Hemp production could have stopped deforestation, plastics, fossil fuels and more, while proper medicinal use of cannabis could have prevented the proliferation of pharmaceuticals, possibly even providing a cure for cancer, epilepsy, chronic pain, other neurological issues and autoimmune disease.

            I’m hopeful that none of these issues will persist in 5D, but until then, perhaps intention when ingesting the plant determines whether it raises or lowers your vibration. Were it not for hash I would almost certainly still be cycling between various barely-effective pharmaceutical psychotropics and their associated side-effects while still enduring constant daily migraines so I thank God every day that it has helped me and so many others on this planet. I’m not advocating for anyone else but in my experience it can also help alleviate ascension symptoms from the WHOMPs of late, especially when setting intention while eaten in small doses (hash can easily be dissolved in oil/butter on the hob and used in any meal).

            Just offering an alternative perspective, much love to all and thanks again for the updates.

            See you in 5D,

            Mark x

      2. @ anonymous1444 ❤️ Hope you’re okay?

        We have had a couple of very trying days. Frequent, persistent psychic neg attacks. I downloaded the book kindly suggested by our fellow commenter Mark Bryant on here: ‘The practical Psychic Self Defense Handbook: A Survival Guide’ by Robert Bruce. It is so good and is the most common sense easy to understand book I have come across on this subject. I have already started applying some of his methods.. The very same night I started, I could not sleep, there were shadows moving everywhere around my room. When I finally dozed off, another attempted attack took place and I clearly hear ‘YOU DO NOT HAVE PERMISSION’ I think it was my higher self telling the spirit/energy to get gone!

        It’s work in progress but after an attempted possession, continuous attacks on my daughter and myself I think I am starting to understand things a bit better. I need to read it all and I desperately need some good sleep to enable my mind to function enough to follow the advice properly!

        We have been in hospital most of today. My daughter had an MRI scan and it was pretty traumatic. They had to put her to sleep in order to take the scan. She struggled so hard when they put the mask over her face and they had to hold her down it was pretty distressing. She had no idea why she was there or what was happening. When she came to she was choking and screaming, vomiting etc… Really distressed. Wish I could have taken her place….

        Much love to ALL ❤️

        1. @ lily. Oh how awful for you both. I really hope the scan was worth the trauma. It’s terrible to have to see that and dreadful for your daughter to experience. There must be a better way for them to approach this. I feel for you both. Xxx

          1. @ Newlynn. Thank you for your words. It was pretty awful My daughter could barely breathe at one point, felt so helpless, looked like she was fighting to stay alive. Because of her autism and communication etc..it was impossible for her to be prepared or understand what was happening. She has a lesion in her brain which needed checking but oh boy, not a nice experience for her…She is only seven and having a crowd of big male nurses around her, one pinning her down was just horrible. I hope she never has to go through anything like that ever again. Much love ❤️

            1. Lily you are amazingly strong to come out of the other side of that experience as well as you have. You also have a wonderful daughter to have bounced back to being cheerful. Much love to you both. Xxx

          2. @ CAT Eds. YES it was VERY dramatic. pray tell, why did i have to experience that? It was like watching legalised assault of my child and witnessing her choking and fighting for breath was pretty awful…I know there is a bigger picture, reasons behind some incomprehensibly terrible things in life but that was not nice! ❤️

          3. @ Newline, Bless you! Huge hugs! I guess there must be a reason to all this. I am just so grateful that my daughter is home, safe and sound, snuggled in her bed and back in her ‘routine’. They took about 8 vials of blood for genetics testing and for other tests. Just like mummy she also has Inflammatory bowel disease and they took blood for that too. Better to take it whilst she was asleep but bless her she has a really black bruise on the inside of her arms where they took their samples. She keep pointing to her arm and saying ‘Sore’.

            If anyone had any advice for natural healing of bruises it would be much appreciated ❤️

            Love & Light to All ❤️✨

            1. Ahh bless her. I would recommend arnica ointment. The osteopaths I used to work with said its really good for bruises. I agree with them. Wonder what she will say when the bruise goes yellow and purple. She might be interested in it. Xxx

            2. @ Newlynn, thank you so much, I used arnica but I cannot remember when I bought it, it might be quite old. I’ll order some more! Much love ❤️❤️❤️

  2. Interesting mysterious post.

    My two cents on this riddle: we’re about to get disclosure (Assange) about other life forms aka aliens (bananas) on or coming to Earth (cat going down the elevator to the ground).

  3. By the way when I opened this and watched the kitty The SUN Came OUT!!! and is still OUT.

    1. Good for growing thousands of flowers, w/a little water. Peace.

    2. Feel free to try this next time you have a cloudy sky:

      Imagine what it feels like to sit in the warm sun, imagine it shining through the clouds and clearing the sky. Send it your gratitude for bringing life, health and knowledge to this world.

      Of course it’s possible, I do it all the time 🙂


  4. Intriguing post…
    I love the black and white cat!!!
    He reminds me my kitty….

  5. Breaking news: le Notre Dame de Paris is on fire. Almost completely burnt down.

  6. I understand Notre Dame is burning. Do we suspect the ca8al?😢

    1. Today is the 1-month anniversary of the Christchurch attack, right to the day. Yep, it’s the work of the ca8al again. They love numerology, and cannot resist putting a very obvious signature on their atrocities. They are rubbing our noses in it, and laughing their evil heads off at naïve members of the public who believe this is just a weird coincidence, if they notice the dates at all.

      “Bwahaha! Why don’t you try to do something about us…we just dare ya!”

  7. Hmm, is there otherworldly significance to Notre Dame burning down?

  8. Love watching the cat elevator. What fun! And blue bananas that taste
    like vanilla ice cream. Who could ask for anything more?

  9. What’s with the pic of the guy and the other guy’s reflection?

      1. Actually Cats, take a real good look at the pic again as the guy is not taking the picture someone else is because the guy in the reflection is giving Assange the thumbs up sign.

        Just thought you ought to know.

  10. Def a weird day today. Just last night we were talking about Napoleon III and Haussmann tearing down Paris to rebuild it… and today Notre Dame burns down. And we also talked of the Titanic — and then learned that today is the anniversary of “Titanic” sinking (it was actually its sister ship, the Olympia).


    1. Notre Dame, a symbol of the city. distraction to stop the yellow vests?

      1. Definitely crossed my mind while witnessing how fast the ass-hats, including Napoleon Jr., jumped at the opportunity to rebuild. They’re usually not so keen on parting with their gold, say to allow the people to live decent lives with roof over head and food on table.


    2. ‘…of “Titanic” sinking (it was actually its sister ship, the Olympia).’


      Small correction — the “Olympic”.

  11. Just a weird experience note – this morning when waking several times(as is normal pattern for my sleep) I felt in a no-time zone – like I was in a pod of my own universe surrounded by no-time – interesting feeling – I can still sense it a bit out beyond all that’s necessary for daily life interactions… kinda loving on the weird…

    PS: On N D burning – I mourn the loss of the Architecture ( almost chose to become an Architect – after Archaeology and before Astrophysics – I was stuck on the A's 🙂 )
    BUT, it does seem symbolic in some way – a cleansing of energy by fire?
    (just kidding here, but I wonder how big a smudge stick would have had to have been inside… :/ )

    1. Honestly, we are not all that outraged over ND. It’s a little sad, but it’s also illusion. No place is any “holier” (whole-ier) than any other place. That’s reserved for your insides, where SOURCE really is.

      -CAT Eds.

      1. If you’ve ever looked at the statues on the outside of ND you would know it’s quite sinister. Some of them are really strange, full of demons and children and weird symbolism.

  12. I have a couple of questions: Has Wiki Leaks been compromised? A massive data dump was posted on Twitter, then some body else said that the Wiki account was taken over by black hats. IDK anymore, there’s intel & there’s disinfo.

    Do you think Trump has tweaked the 5G technology to where it will not be harmful to humans & nature? this is a huge concern. It’s been banned in other countries. I”ll post this video for you consideration, its only 1 in a sea of dreadful new about 5G. Thank you!

    1. Ahh. There are some beautiful souls on this planet, including the cats of course. They are so loving towards their rescuer. It’s a lovely video thank you. 🐈

  13. Understood.
    I have also chosen, at least for now… that I will not share on social media, what intel I received from Source, as ‘that’ all went ‘down’.
    (First time in a long time that I was guided to witness anything on ‘news media’).
    Like you Cats… I Will say, its a Good Thing.

  14. Is anyone else being splatted by the energies today (Tuesday)? Woozy head, weak, sick feeling and bad digestion. Wondering if its the coronal hole or??? Spoilt for choice as there are so many things flinging themselves towards us.

    1. Same here Newlynn.
      Hot flashes, nausea, extreme tiredness around the eyes (that’s a new one!) and feeling weird.

    2. Same here… since this timeline jump Sunday 2:00 pm UTC, everything seems super weird
      Feeling weird, dizzy, nausea, exhausted and like not in my body….
      And normally, i do not get affected by jumps or Cmes like that. I feel them, but more in empowering way, nothing like this dying feeling now.

    3. Same, dizzy, nauseous and just generally wiped out. This is about 3 days feeling like this for me.

  15. Looks like that sunspot finally had a little activity: flare-ish thing at 19:33 UTC on the 15th. We might experience a “programming upgrade” within the next 36 hours.

    -CAT Eds.

    1. Does that programming uograde cause serious head spinning, dizziness and nausea??? And nice ppl around me r crazy cranky!

  16. Someone asked us about Notre Dame. Its burning (by the ca8al) was indeed intentional, meant to send a message. We’re not gonna say any more as Lynn said she was gonna do a special post on it. Stay tuned.

    -CAT Eds.

    1. I strongly feel there is MUCH more to that raging fire, than only “send a message”. Feels more like a message of defeat! And my Guide says YESSS. Love.

  17. @Newlynn, I had the worse headaches in a long time last night – May have been between 11:30 pm and 2-ish am, not sure as head was pounding and remember trying to go to sleep earlier than usual (sometimes not before 2:30/3 am or more…) then sleep was weird in some way?? Oh, I remember, terrible restless leg/BODY syndrome – UGH


  18. We got another question: “On whatever timeline we’re on now (for the moment), does anything happen justicewise to Oblama? or HRC?”

    We think it may be happening already.


    1. So, this timeline is different, as we’ve seen O and HRC totally get away with it on past future-peeks on other timelines.

      Past future-peeks? We might need a new language. 😉


  19. I just read Lisa’s blog ‘Void of creation’ – I wonder if that is related in anyway to my ‘personal universe pod in no-time surround’ experience/perception the other day?

    I thought I posted the following, but there it was again in ‘leave a reply’, so if this is a duplicate, my apologies…

    @Newlynn, I had the worse headaches in a long time last night – May have been between 11:30 pm and 2-ish am, not sure as head was pounding and remember trying to go to sleep earlier than usual (sometimes not before 2:30/3 am or more…) then sleep was weird in some way?? Oh, I remember, terrible restless leg/BODY syndrome – UGH


  20. @ Cats, Ms and commenters,
    Something has started running through my mind and perhaps I’m supposed to share it as a discussion point – drug use, lower vibs – 3d etc
    It was on my mind due to the fact that there are family members, for various ‘reasons’ use substances which plays into challenges I’ve mentioned occasionally here. – some factors they have ARE escaping or trying to control ptsd or submerged feelings from extreme abuse paired with biological prone-ness to addiction/alcoholism – others use a plant substance to try to alleviate medical syndromes/pain/mental instability/disorders, but also there is a factor attempting escaping overwhelming input of feelings and information(another family member who is empathic and is unable to forget things – everything in memory is as it just happened and can’t edit memories – (none of this is me, but I can understand it).

    Now, in my opinion – what the Cats etc were saying was not from a personal judgment of actions and choices, but a physics type of cause and effect.
    If you choose to jam your hand into a high frequency running fan because the wind it is causing causes you irritation and distress it will cause you harm and long lasting consequences, but it WILL cause the fan to slow down and the high frequency wind will slow down as YOU feel it – so you will be in a lower vibration environment – is it for your best? – maybe maybe not – what is your chosen path?
    Not a judgment question, just a physics equation… certain substances with lower frequencies+intention=lower vibration environment as apposed to higher frequency input and gratitude and intention= higher frequency environment…

    just something to think about…
    <3 Peace <3

    1. If you use substances for health reasons, that’s one thing. If you use them to get high, or to check out, that’s another. People know what they’re doing, and why they do what they do. SOURCE does not judge: YOU do. YOU judge YOU. You’re here primarily to do soul work. If you make a free will choice, then you live with the consequences — your own consequences, with YOU as judge of YOU — of your choice. People can make their arguments to their Guides when the time comes, we’re not the Arbiters of the NE; we’re just telling you what Spirit told us. It goes without saying that, spiritually speaking, you can get closer to SOURCE and the NE — and learn what you’re here to learn — while *sober*. This should be plainly obvious. Worst case scenario: you have to come back for another 3d lifetime to learn this lesson. This is what time is for. It’s not a punishment. It’s a learning opportunity.

      -CAT Eds.

  21. Ya know, this blog is like standing back a far, far distance and observing the remarkably complex silliness going on in 3d world and being able to draw a deep breath without having an emotional charge attached to the action. It leads to a greater sense of understanding. Thanks, All.

  22. Well, normally I resonate with Lynn, but this time I got a different tid bit than what she read on her vlog (she’s awesome by the way!). This fire was no accident, and it was set to imprint an energy signature to keep to the “plan” of submission of the population. The renovations would not have done this. Cleansing by fire, I think someone here posted, and I agree, but at a ca8al’s perspective (not divine). I do feel that more of the church was supposed to burn. But something intervened and I will say it felt like it was the community, the people who love this nostalgic and aged architecture (mislead, but love is love ❤️). I also did review the Nostradamus prophecy, seems he supposedly predicted this, but reading the translated passage didn’t spark any tie to ND with me. As for Assange…can’t wait!

  23. Woken up to beautiful sunshine and a smiling daughter, the first night for a while not filled with shadows!

    Had a ‘spiritual’ spring clean yesterday, and everything feels better ☺️

    All windows opened, fresh bedding a lovely breeze and beautiful sun! Thank you! ☀️☀️☀️

    Much Love & Light to ALL ❤️xxx

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