The World With a Clock in Its Walls [UPDATE1]


Now that we’re closer to the end, we can tell you a little about what’s been going on behind the scenes… and what’s happening now.

First, some backstory… which will seem like fantasy/science fiction, but it really happened. This episode involves one of the M’s, who had been almost killed a year and a half ago by one of the (now mercifully dead) gigantic dark tentacled things that once inhabited this planet; they went by many names, and looked very much like those giant things from “Hellboy”, but we mockingly called them the calamari (one huge female and five smaller males). Anyway, the calamari are now dead, which is another completely amazing story in itself, but we can’t say anything about the players involved till after The Big Show. Anyway, the calamari were as bad as it gets and good riddance.

Before they were eradicated, they almost got this one M. In this attack, the lone female calamari reached a tentacle through a nearby portal (this is how they moved around), reaching through all our defenses and house shields which we didn’t think possible, and lightning quick, stuck a black needle-sharp end of a tentacle into the ear of a sleeping M, injecting “darkness” (among other things) into that region of the M’s brain.

The results were serious. The M had to be healed four separate times — by the all the M’s and CATs, by Guides, and by visiting ET specialists TWICE — but despite all that work, the M never regained full range and ability on that side. However, there were no ill effects other than a dull ache and complete loss of psi ability on one side. [This is the same M who stood up to the TWBs, after being hounded by them since age 3, and who made the TWBs rip out all their (unsanctioned) clair-X wiring at one point… taking most of this M’s abilities with it… another long healing story.]

We thought this story was over. Nope.

We learned just last week that this M was being painstakingly “remolecularized” by two dedicated Guides (Spirit-side) and one higher-order ET specialist from another galaxy (!)… and it took them five days of 24/7 rebuilding/healing work to do it. This M is now completely healed and better than new… but now they have to wear these cool steampunk goggles all the time… yes, we’re kidding.



So. That said, here are the raw notes from said M’s amazing meditation session last night:

things inside me are finally turning back on, since being “remolecularized” last week. i’m completely healed now, and much better than before. wow. the energy streams through me again.
anyway… last night, during meditation — in which i skipped dinner beforehand, which helped immeasurably — i saw all the waves of new information from those recent CMEs coming in (so thick and loaded with data that they looked black), first from my right, then the middle, then from my left… then there were more, larger dark waves of information/ reprogramming washing in one after another. at one point when it was thickest, i heard my youngest child moan in his sleep in the other room, and hoped it wasn’t causing him a nightmare. anyway, after this data washed over me and was somehow integrated… i could suddenly SEE the framework of everything that was being upgraded, the underlying machinery of reality, if you will. wherever i looked (eyes closed) i could see the infinitely complex mechanisms that make up our reality (which was actually my mind-created metaphor to explain what i was seeing), but it was zillions of teeny clockwork-chunks all built together… but EVERYWHERE… stacked one on top of another everywhere into infinity, always moving, always working. incredible. i also saw all the “levels” rising above us — and wow, are we on the ground floor! — going up and up… 49(?) levels with (seven?) levels in between each level, and more levels in between those. and the machinery, which was a dark gold and constantly in motion, made up the structure of what looked like the inside of a gynormous cathedral, with great clockworkd columns and struts going up to vaulted arches. as i watched the structure was rebuilding itself, with lights turning on here and there in tiny amounts, glowing more and more until it looked like a massive golden clockwork made from Xmas lights. then, as an experiment, i breathed in SOURCE and sent a thought wave into it… and it totally changed and rearranged itself into whatever i was thinking! talk about thought taking form in action. then, as if all that wasn’t amazing enough (for which i expressed great gratitude in being able to see), i stood up… and i was *lighter.* i am lighter now, weight-wise. my arms feel like they weigh less than a few grams. absolutely phenomenal.

We thought you might enjoy reading that as much as we did. Sounded to us like the basis for why so many writers and artists have a fascination with clockwork imagery (a la, The House with a Clock in Its Walls, the steampunk genre, etc.).

(Unaffiliated) Artist link.

[And here’s another one we found.]

(Unaffiliated) Artist link.


FYI, besides the CME effluvium, the below Wave X energy was also present during this experience:


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92 thoughts on “The World With a Clock in Its Walls [UPDATE1]

  1. Hmmm….since I was a kid, I obsess over clocks and watches! I have dozens of wAtches and several funky clocks! Not enough walls and I only 2 wrists😜. I always wondered if it was bc I thought I was running out of time.

  2. Wow astonishing. And, So glad that M was made whole. Love to you all.

  3. yes, the clockworks part of the story has similarities to an experience I had a few years ago – then the infinite multi-dimensional clocks transform to become living organic spinning vortice clocks, thru your 3rd eye, you see & understand their interconnected function & structure that holds the 3D matrix in place, & like the lock & the key they are as one, they are also associated with the rainbow bridge. Even Einstein made a similar reference to this vision in saying “Finding the clockmaker”, which usually follows next. Am happy for ‘M’s recovery & returned health ! xo

    1. Glad you’re feeling a whole lot better, M! This reminds me of a meditation visual I used to get some time ago… it looked and felt like a giant carousel with me sometimes sitting in the middle, sometimes observing from outside. Similar to what bev37H30 calls a “living organic spinning vortice clocks.” My ‘carousel’ was huge, definitely alive and part of a larger thing. Never saw the larger thing, but now I have an idea of what might be there.

  4. Wowzer! Thanks for the update. It sorta explains my comment to someone about whatever is in charge is unfathomably complex when you think of all the blades of grass, grains of sand, well you get my drift.

  5. thank you cat’s what an amazing story
    I am so happy about the healing of M!!!
    Love to y’all cat’s <3

  6. I’m relieved to know M is in full health again and got the old or even upgraded abilities back. ❤️

    Hopefully we will all get a similar happy ending soon, and by soon I mean now-ish. ⏰

  7. Always felt we were meant to be a a planet with a steampunk aesthetic. If you analyse the digital revolution and tesla’s tech, it almost seems like digital tech is from another planet. It’s a bit like going from making yellow file to suddenly making blue fire.

    1. Met the calamari a couple of times. Reminded me a lot of the Dalek, from Dr. Who. And just as squishy on the inside… 😉

      Been to that cathedral too, but one with a yellow brick road. After being there I realized churches are just copies of that. Uh, those. But then copy n paste is how a lot of things get done, throughout eternity really. Well blessings to the Ms and the cats and those working towards a better future / now.

  8. Thank you for sharing that. It was fascinating and I’m so glad you can’t keep a good Cat down. What an experience to have come through and thankfully be healed from. X

  9. Wow, what an incredible story M, so happy to hear you made it through and are fully healed! ❤️

    Thank you M and CATs for sharing this. Sometimes reality really is more fantastic than stories!

    Do I take it from this post that we might be very close….? ❤️

  10. The healing of M is awesome, congratulations.

    Do you know that trees are being chopped down to make way for 5G and total control over the population?

    We should soon be able to see the seen and the unseen, and to this end we should change our frequency. It seems to me that the Schumann frequency which is getting so rhythmic is telling us just that.
    The good news is that when (not “if”) the Internet goes down, we could keep in touch because everything is connected mentally.


    1. The SHIFT will happen before this gets implemented. But… well, Event enthusiasts need to prepare themselves mentally for what’s so come. It’s not all doves and bunnies, not right away. You’re going to have to show some serious WILL. More on this, soon.

      -CAT Eds.

      1. What’s the best way to deal with people who confused, stressed, angry at the time? Or will them emotions not be a problem when it happens?

      2. “It’s not all doves and bunnies, not right away.”


        Not true for the Higher Timelines.

      3. I was not talking doves and bunnies …
        I am optimistic about the future of humanity.
        There are some who are coming in with greater/different skills and abilities,
        There are those who have restored some skills and abilities they weren’t born with (part of their DNA),
        There will be more and more of those who will be able to see both the seen and the unseen,
        There are quite many who keep in touch telepathically … but you know this,
        No matter what your current circumstances are, if you can imagine something better for yourself, you can create it <3
        You can. Have faith.
        <3 <3 <3

  11. Wow, an amazing recovery and so thankful for M’s strength and courage too! 💕✨🌹

      1. 🤣

        Michael Garber and Brad Johnson et al. would need to use that clock in their preferred *thousands-of-years* personal Timelines….

  12. Another Laura Whitworth video, thought this was important as it addresses the anger and frustration which is already brimming over in much of the world…So important to stay heart centred ❤️

    1. Back in 2011, I remember on those lower Timelines the estimation for those ascending to the 5D New Earths was less than 100,000.

      So thanks to us agreeing to delay our unendurable energy torture for another 7/8 years, we have managed to raise the Human Harvest into the “many millions”.

      re: the (rather outdated) Law of One material….the ET’s have told us not to pay too much attention to the 51% information ~ they said it is not as cut and dried (Ha, harvest again) as that.

      They advised to not pay attention to such strict numbers and ‘rules’, because there is much more involved in the higher heart determination, than humans are aware of.

      Perhaps to just ignore the number percentages and simply let the Blob Barrier figure it out.
      The Blob………

  13. Just prior to reading your blog today, I glanced through some images I had stored weeks ago, hoping there would be a reason to send them.

    I’m not going on board that ship, but it is there, waiting, tickets are not needed.

    Two days before Xmas, I moved from a old orange grove ranch near Los Angeles to a row home on the border of the ghetto in Baltimore, like I was sent here air express. I’ve found a personal happiness here that for me is historic. I’m back in my old neighborhood where I grew up in and life has become much simpler and full of good food.

    The spring flowers were phenomenal. The climate has changed in the 35 years that I have been gone. There are thousands of photographs, but this says it best:

    1. I just returned to the Midwest from a month in Baltimore, having celebrated the birth of my first grandchild, a boy, on 4/14/19. He was 8 days overdue and even then had to be induced. I feel that he was reluctant to peek into this realm with the strong energies that were incoming during those early April weeks. He seems to be thriving but feeding often and my daughter is getting little sleep. Baltimore is a curious city where many areas are borderline ghetto, pockets of poverty with million dollar homes just a few blocks away. Although crab season is a ways off, the food was good and, having seen wisteria in bloom for the first time, I agree that the spring flowers were phenomenal! I would take that ship in your picture if it would guarantee a speedy arrival on the NE for me with all my family together. I hope that I can will that into existence. Is that possible, Cats, with me being the only family member who is awake?

  14. incredible story. I have seen those ‘calamari’ things once before myself! I had a very odd moment (it was roughly a year and a half ago, also, coincidentally) where I woke up in the early morning feeling very disoriented and I saw one of those calamari things on my wall right behind my bed. It appeared as a shadow, and was pulsing, with its tentacles moving. I was incredibly surprised when I saw it, and somehow it knew I was looking at it, because as soon as I saw it, it got the heck out of there really really fast. It actually seemed like the shadow on my wall somehow jumped off the wall, up into the nearby closet, and then it was gone. Scared the crap out of me lol. Glad those things are gone now.

    1. Yeah, that was probably something else. The calamari weren’t afraid of humans — or anything else. They were BIG, and shape-shifty (the old ones, anyway); the young ones are as close to evil as it gets. In fact, the planet’s resident subterranean reptiles (not sure if they’re still around) were terrified of them. They had many famous magical names throughout history and had been magically active here for a looong time. By the time the CATs encountered them, we were waist deep in idiot TWB shenanigans, as well as being attacked 24/7 by their dark friends sent to attack the portals we were protecting (along with our families), but we were in War Doctor mode. Funny, CAT leadership are big fans of Lord Nelson, whose battle motto was simply, “Go right at them.” So, that’s what we did. Like the TWBs, the calamari weren’t expecting us to fearlessly go right at them. No one ever did that. Both the TWBs and calamari were used to most beings being afraid of them… so, by not showing fear and going after them matter-of-factly… it really threw them. In the end, they must’ve figured we were just dumb… and they got cocky. In that moment of hubris, we took the advantage… and the most powerful of us used a kind of little-kid strategy that made them drop their guards in supreme overconfidence… and it was game over. We can’t tell you what we did, or how, but it was an epic bit of strategy. Besides that, they just couldn’t get a handle on us. Bottom line: our champions have tons and tons of ET fans now for that battle alone. We of course would’ve been toast without our special friends, as well as the million+ rainbow dragons running cover for us, whose appearance here was no accident. What a life.


      1. I described something very similar to this in the comments a few weeks back. I’m dealing with a shadow thingy with tentacles in my upper right vision. It’s there right now. I’ve described it to friends as an octopus-like shadow, so you can’t imagine my interest seeing your posts here today. This is in my physical vision, way up in the upper right corner of my vision. It’s bigger when I’m online, for some reason. One of the tentacles reaches down nearly to my eye, then it will retract somewhat at other times. I’m a fierce energy clearer and usually very effective but I can’t clear this damned thing for love or money. Really bothered by this thing. Any advice?

        1. Ok, we looked at this. You’re experiencing what’s called a “floater.” We get those, too. It’s basically dead blood vessels (hence the “tentacle-y” shape) and dead cells INSIDE the aqueous fluid of the eye that are released over time, usually when you rub your eyes; it’s totally natural, and prevalent in older people. Pretty sure they can be lasered out now, but it’s an elective surgery. (None of our insurances pay for it.) There’s nothing supernatural about what you’re seeing.

          -CAT Eds.

          1. Thank you for taking the time to investigate and respond. Very grateful.

      2. This makes GOT so very dull!

        You guys are simply incredible. Isn’t it utterly fascinating how events all lead to a critical point. SOURCE is the supreme author…

        Bless you all, honour to tread the path with you.


        1. Thanks, but it was more the higher-order beings helping us. Without them, we’d be dead. Humans can feel like contributing members of the same spirit team, now. “Mere humans” no more.

          -CAT Eds.

      3. Again so astonishing M2! So glad you guys have time to write your blog with all these amazing battles!! Thank you for your portal protection service and everything else you do for humanity! Love love !!!

        1. We were just trying not to die… while also being Fearless Monster Hunters. Those things definitely qualified, in every sense of the word.

          Note: There are still nasties out there. One peered at us through our shielding last night. They tend to be higher capability things, from farther away, trying to get their jollies and pound of flesh before The Big Show. *Be sure you’re all Protecting as well as Grounding.* Until The SHIFT, there are things you want to keep at arms-length… farther than arms-length. Turn your light on and you have nothing to worry about.

          -CAT Eds.

          1. Thank you so much CATs and M’s, so grateful to you and all those uncredible being who have/are helped/still helping us.

            I have a question if you don’t mind me asking?

            i have been feeling like I have something crawling under my skin around my shoulders and neck. Really odd sensation. I have tried clearing and asking guides, AA Michael and Brother J to help but it still remains. Feels like someone is tickling me bit from the inside out 😮 have dull throbbing pain in the same area…Do you have any idea what it could be?

            Many thanks and much love ❤️

      4. One day, please, you have to share. Wish I was a legend like you guys, but without the danger and fear LMAO.


          1. Hell yes!

            No hubris here either, a winning combination.


  15. My drive to and from work is a long one. On the way home today (around noon US CDT), I felt as though I was driving through a cubist painting – like moving through fractals. It was not always smooth and sometimes it seemed as though I was lurching from one space to the next. It was very disconcerting, and I passed out when I got home. Got up, ate chocolate, walked around outside, but still feel weird.


  16. Do the Cats know of anyone that can do healing for someone like me that has had their Psy abilities tampered with big time? More info on request.
    Thank you,
    I Love Cats

    1. We would suggest a session with Lisa Gawlas or Psychic Lynn. They’re both excellent for getting you a “baseline” for where you are and what you need to do, and they won’t break the bank. Or a QHHT session would also be great, but it takes longer to get an appointment, and it’s more expensive… though arguably more comprehensive. You can also meditate (and Ground and Protect) and ask your Guides to heal you. Often, all they need is your free-will permission to heal you.

      -CAT Eds.

      1. I have heard ETR (Energy Transfer Reset) coined by Beverley Nation is doing wonders. A group of dedicated Arcturians heal and reset a person, removing all prior contracts, karma and implants which inhibit spiritual progression. Apparently only 20$.

        What are your opinions on this please?


        1. We think this is disingenuous, because the energy coming in IS ALREADY DOING THAT. There can be no karma at the next level, as that pertains to the 3d earth. Your contract is your contract. You can change it if you want. You don’t need to pay someone to do all this form you, it’s already being done. People inhibit their own spiritual progression by not being open to their spiritual progression. Be open to it, to SOURCE, and you don’t need to worry about anything else.

          -CAT Eds.

  17. Thanks for the update and insight. Good riddance to the calamari’s who will not be missed. I hope those biting silverfish are gone as well. So glad to have the attacked “M’ upgraded and better than ever. We will need your skills in the next few months.
    I keep thinking I see rain falling the past few days when looking outside, but the sun is shining. It seems to be some sort of reflection of falling light or coding. Sporadic flickering on and off like lightening bugs on a summer evening. As soon as you look at them they disappear. Cay

      1. Even weirder when you see the odd drop of rain falling inside.


    1. They won’t be able to. SOURCE will be dealing with EVERYONE, not just those in this locality. This is a universe thing. Then, other universes. The Event/SHIFT has happened here before, and elsewhere.

      -CAT Eds.

  18. Two nights ago I dreamed about my father. He was singing Heart of Gold by Neil Young. Weird because I think he didn’t even know who that is. My father looked awful, a mixture of total despair paired with angst and hopeless frustration. Perfectly in synch with how he felt before dying, except he never showed it.
    I now know he has finally (after almost 6 years) left this realm and his soul is in peace.
    That dream interaction quite a toll on me as I’ve only just finished transmuting his energy before writing this comment.
    Back to yesterday: after I woke up from that dream, went to the kitchen and felt I needed to lay down again. Slept another 4 hours, from 8am to noon. Had a lucid dream in which I was asked to look at my hands. When I held them close together there were huge strands of energy flowing between them, in very vibrant colours of the rainbow. Never seen such a thing. At the same time I noticed the room was upside down because the floor lamp was on the ceiling. So, as I always do in lucid dreams, I started to shake myself awake. I awoke myself, or so I thought, and found myself in my room where everything looked normal. Yet it wasn’t until I actually woke up a bit later that I realized I hadn’t shaken myself out of the lucid dream before and was still in it. That’s a first for me and it reminded me of the qhht-stories where people fell asleep and simply woke up in NE.
    The rest of my Monday was low energy and sleepiness. Went for a walk only to find myself surrounded by noise. The only place I am able to find silence is my bedroom. And even then I often use earplugs.
    I checked all the meters and online info for Sunday night and Monday: apart from some usual spikes in the SH-meter, nothing special. Which fortifies my knowing that CME’s and the likes (in casu those from Sunday afternoon) arrive here much faster than the predictions, almost à la minute. At least that’s how it works for me.
    Since I haven’t read anyone commenting about the effects of these latest energy bursts: buckle up, they’re nasty. At least they were for me.

    1. Still trying to decide which whine goes best with whomp, that’s all. 😉

  19. Just thought I would share a weird dream I had when I was about 4 or 5 years old. This post reminded me of it, one of the few dreams I remember from so long ago, it kind of stuck in the memory, I was pretty scared!

    In the dream, my dad was due home from work. There was a small garden gnome by the back door. I remember looking outside through the glass on the kitchen door and the gnome morphed into a huge black tentacle that then proceeded to wrap its huge body around the entire house. I remember feeling terrified knowing that dad would be in danger. That is all I remember!

    Strange times….❤️❤️❤️

    1. Yup. That was them (one of the old ones, anyway); despite their scary size and malevolence, we think the new smaller ones, fresh from their hell-planet, were much worse. They’re all gone, now.

      -CAT Eds.

      1. Why did SOURCE create the Dreadsquids? Why were they allowed to progress?


        1. One more thing… all kinds of high-vibe beings have come here to help at one point in the distant past… and got caught in the low-vibe 3d karma. Some were transformed by this, along with the fear, into something else. But deep down, they are still angels. They’ve just forgotten who they are. The fact that beings have to come to this “level” with no memory keeps hanging beings up. But this has to be so, for this level; we have to become blind for a time, so that we can learn how to see. (We have heard that some beings were so far gone that they were “unmade,” but this has not been confirmed.)

          -CAT Eds.

          1. Ok, weighing in here…

            We spoke with Guides and no one thinks you can be unmade… you can have problems, lessons to learn, even be low-vibe and have to sort out the balance with karma later, but never unmade. And to answer another CATs question… I don’t think the calamari or TWB were ever “good” or high-vibe beings (since things are measured in vibrations and not “good” or “bad”).


          2. I think the question is really “can the unique energy signature of something be unmade”, and the answer is that no it can’t. The energy continues and so does that signature. It’s a unique template we all carry within us. For those who can see it, our very writing on this page carries it. All different swirly colors and patterns. So whatever form we take or temporary confusion we take on, we are still “us” regardless. It’s not something that can be lost or given away (i.e. you can think you’ve sold your soul to the devil, but that too is an illusion!).

      2. Thanks CAT Eds, I had a feeling you were going to say that. Well, that Calamari dream has stayed in my memory for almost 40 years. It was not pleasant, thank Sourceness and you CATs & M’s and ALL for de-squiding our planet and dreams! ❤️

  20. hi… I’m being urged to leave a comment again – have been feeling odd lately – besides the energy affected-ness, I mean. (new intense shoulder pain was experienced yesterday on top of my usual symptomy stuff).

    Yesterday a thought occurred that may explain a few things around here, but sounds weird… makes me sound paranoid or something, but I’m not…
    I’m getting the feeling that my family and our house-guest are not seeing me. So when I do come out of my room to get something from the kitchen say, if they are around there is almost a startle reaction and uncomfortableness until I go back in my room – If they remember me on there own – like they need something from me or recently my daughter has been offering me food from what she cooks for her family which she hadn’t done the previous three years. I accept whatever it is as the gift it is and invite Brother J to share it. it’s like most of the time I don’t exist to them unless there is a reason to, like they remember they need someone to look after my grandchild while they work. It’s weirder than it seems writing this – It’s ok to tell me I’m crazy, but if I’m not does anyone have an explanation?

    Also, it seems my dreams are being kept from me, no matter how much I ask about them or anything else going on – don’t know what’s going on with that either…

    I’m very happy to hear of the M’s survival and healing – All you Cats and Ms go through so much, I wish you all only the best…

    There seems to be a weird sadness in the air today…

    much love to you all,

    1. It’s simple: you are moving up and they are not. (We have actually been practicing being invisible, raising our vibrations so high that “regular” people can’t see us.) In your case, those folks not seeing you is a choice they’re making. They don’t want to look to the light, or be reminded of the light, and seeing those who do reminds them that they’re not doing their work — and then visor of denial snaps down. We see it all the time. People ask us questions all the time (in-person), and then our answers don’t compute and the questioners vanish like scorched cats. Everyone will be accommodated and brought to where they will be best served in this whole thing. You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it see the light and ascend. You can offer it, but people don’t have to take it. Free will and all that. It’s sad, but it’s not permanent. Even the calamari learned their SOURCE lesson.

      As for your dreams, you’re doing work elsewhere in your dreams and your higher self doesn’t want you to see it, for whatever reason. Because of this, we prefer not to peek into “restricted areas” as Spirit has good reasons for what It does.

      The “weird sadness” you’re feeling is your reaction to those around you not embracing the light as you are. Just continue beaming it out, unconditionally. Love and light are never wasted, they linger forever. All is well. We have passed the final turn and are not only in the home stretch, we’re near the finish line. Watch for big tornadoes and earthquakes together…

      -CAT Eds.

      1. Kg, Your questions about not dreaming and the CATs’ answer are very helpful to me personally. I haven’t remembered a dream in like 10 years and also don’t recall HAVING dreams. For the last 5 years while on my ascension journey, I’ve been wondering if something is wrong with me , yet i trusted source. But today, CATs, you confirmed that I’m doing my work as is right for me. Thank you all so much!!

      2. @Cats Eds – thank you immensely for responding so quickly – I was able to read it before I had to sleep off some intense top and bottom of spine pain – the shoulder pain from yesterday has reduced today – just mentioning because they are new-ish to the symptom stew… and when others were mentioning heart stuff last week? my vertebrae at that level felt like they were disintegrating – fun…

        Thank you, you confirmed perceptions that I had, but tend not to trust what I think I perceive. I can’t relay how much the confirmation means to me. I was more than a bit teary.

        When I read your response about the dreaming it clicked that the not remembering coincided with commenting sometime in the last few months about feeling like I was living in four different places in the world right now. Still feel ‘out of touch’, but I know it wouldn’t be happening without good reason – I just needed that confirmation that I wasn’t doing something wrong…

        It’s not fun living with present company (thank goodness for all you guys) the waves from them, a combo of wishing I didn’t exist or at least ‘in a galaxy far far away’ combined with a sense I don’t CARE enough. (I’m just trying to flow with these energies and I KNOW I don’t have it as bad as a lot of people) Sorry for whining…
        It would be grim here except for benefits of smiling mind exchanges with my granddaughter – who has her own agenda for being here – I look in on her and tend to her needs and she runs across her bedroom with a smiling thank you, shoves me out her door and locks it, all quite cheerfully – “you have supplied my needs, now go away…” 🙂 I caught her reading a book the other day and it was like “whoops, you aren’t supposed to see that – doesn’t fit my Autistic persona” lol… My other life saver is a small Chihuahua mix (I think part Dachshund – she’s very long). She was a stray that my daughter brought home from freezing at a gas station winter before last – my daughter lost patience with her – she spends most of her time with me sleeping against parts of my body that need it, esp my spine – sometimes the top of my head- awkward esp when she starts beating her tail rapidly into my face or ear 🙂 – she’s a great help to me – often – really often, I feel she’s like a tiny little dragon – I can readily imagine invisible wings sprouting from her milk chocolate back – I don’t care if imaginings, she just smiles her big eyes at me and slithers up close – yes, she slithers… 😀

        Don’t know why I’m rambling on…. Thank you all for your responses to me everyone…
        Be well all…
        Oh, I was thinking awhile ago when the Schumann started having all the thin lines between the whompages that it reminded me of a harp – seemed appropriate…

        love to you all,

        1. Dear, sweet Kg. Yes, I can certainly identify with your invisibility concerns. My current lesson,if you will, is that I have an unwanted house-guest who is a de-frocked priest. (reasons are not relevant) When I try to talk with him all I get back are insincere platitudes and shallow retorts. I did some serious questioning in meditation and the answer I received is to just allow. We are all at different levels in our growth. I gotta tell you, it’s easier said than done for me. I suspect that this is my “take-away” from this encounter. ( I have to smile at the “timing” of this visit.) We are all fine. Thanks Cats and Ms for your constant support and advice.J

          1. J, this reminds me of a difficult time I had with my husband’s cousin — I was feeling very wronged, and the reply was “people are imperfect.” I was most unsatisfied with that answer at the time [ha] but at the same time I knew that was basically the only ‘answer’ there was.
            Hang in there, as I know you will!
            xo, Laura

    2. Sending Love and incredible Light to you Kathleen, keep on shining, it’s not long now…❤️✨

  21. Wow, what a amazing story ‘M’, so happy to hear you are better than ever! Absolutely awesome healing efforts from all the ‘M’s’, Cats, Guides, and Higher Beings.

    So grateful and thankful and sending Love to each and everyone of you Cats and M’s, you are the true Cat warriors.

  22. Wow what a story. I’m so glad it ended the way it did. Much respect and love for you guys and girls and all you do.

    Crazy to think what’s all out there and mostly how it’s a direct result of our creation power. There is so much more to us than we ever thought. Or knew and forgot! And remembered again.

    I’m looking forward to soon one day meeting everyone visiting this magnificent space of realness and only “news” I follow nowadays.

    Homemade coconut macarons and ice cream for all on me!

    Until then, much love everyone. You all make this journey so much more pleasant and much less lonely.

  23. Hi All.
    First of all.. I am so Very happy to hear that particular M has been healed. SO happy! And Truly relieved. I have seen these Huge ‘calamari’. Fought with a team against one (that I can remember) via DreamTime, and was guided very closely by other team members on how to remove the ‘tenticle’ from me. Oh.. it burned. And did so a little bit when I woke from this D/T. At this time, one of the ‘Team’ was ‘taken’…. right at the end of fighting this ‘thing’. Not through the portal though… he went up, and faded into a dark area. Like a whirl wind area. There was a large portal the ‘calamari’ had come through. I’ll never forget it. The size of it!! I have it all recorded in writing, if anyone is interested. I’ve also dealt with these ‘things’ in other ways… when they would take advantage whilst I was asleep and in a vulnerable time… but they got more than they bargained for, sometimes. I remember tricking one of the ‘tenticles’ into thinking I was asleep and unaware. When it came up my body.. all the way to my face.. I grabbed that *ucker, and lit up like a Sun, whilst informing ‘it’ of its place. I haven’t always ‘won’… I’ve also been attacked ever since I can remember. It took a long time to ‘work it out’ in myself… by myself. How did I make it? All I can say is that I have always had a ‘core’, a part of me that ‘they’ could never get to, and I held on white knuckled many many times, fighting the strong suicidal thoughts. Soul family, Spirit, Source… Guides, Ancestors… They have all helped me along the way. I’ve also helped others with this kind of attack. I can truly relate to the intensity, the horror… the attacks, the illness’.
    Also, 2 or 3 days ago, I saw what was a network of cogs, and the starting up of some that had not been moving for some ‘time’. Huge to tiny… and covered in rust and dust. Other ones I saw were shiny and golden… the area was Vast.
    Personally, I have been working through an intense and very long ‘thing’ that has been required for my (and others’) healing/completion. I can’t tell you how Happy I am to Be where I am at, at this point. I commented to my husband that I could feel and see the clogs turning again.
    Golden…. I Am Golden.
    And… I’ve earned it 100 fold, here, on this Earth, in this time/dimension/plane.
    Today, I made a personal and very Big achievement. Huge!
    Tomorrow, is my ‘BirthDay’.
    I Am… and I will be Celebrating this ‘marking in time’…
    with Abundant Relish! In whatever form I choose 🙂
    LOVE to All,

    1. In case I forget tomorrow, which is normal these days:

      Happy Birthday Tea Kay! 🎈

      1. Hi Stefan, thank you so very much xx
        I haven’t felt well since last night, and am on the bed today.
        My Grandmother, in Spirit, came in with a birthday cake, just like the ones I remember her making when she was here. Her beautiful Light… her smile… her Love. All the candles lit up, with Light glowing from behind her, filtering through her soft hair. I’m wearing a BeautyFull necklace that my Grandfather gave her wayyy back when they were much younger. It’s stamped 1928. Its a large gold locket, and I have a thick piece of my ‘child’ hair within it. I wore it yesterday when I went and signed a very important ‘thing’. I felt them both with me… All of us, holding my inner child. I am also very fortunate to have had the support of a most wonderful lady whom has been helping me with the ‘thing’. So… here’s to Bravery, BeautyFull people, and Love xxxxx

    2. @ TK, Happy ‘Belated’ Birthday, so sorry I missed your comment. Hope you had a fabulous day? Much love and light ❤️✨

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