At the Crossroads


Some of you are here, right now.

Some of you have already chosen, but some are still unsure. But you’re here, so that’s a good sign.

You can keep going in the direction you’ve been going, or you can choose a brighter path. Look at the crossroads pic again. The brighter path is the short path to SOURCE, to where you’ve always wanted to go but may not have realized it. The other paths are predictable and offer lots of learning opportunities in the form of pain and suffering. Buddhism teaches that Life is Suffering. This is only true if you allow it to be true. Life is NOT suffering. Life is LEARNING. And learning need not involve suffering. And that SHIFT that lots of folks are waiting for… is often more of an internal SHIFT, one that needs to happen before the other, more obvious one happens.

Btw, in that above crossroads image, the director has had about two tons of white limestone dumped and graded onto the upper road to make it more obvious which way our hero should go. Your own path has been treated in much the same way.

Note: Not much is going to happen between now and the end of the year. You have time to choose — NOW is a good time — and then you’ll have a few months to work on things. We’re not saying that that’s when The SHIFT will happen, but… it could happen for you. It could happen for you… right now.


What is on the other side of those trees?


Oh… for those who are thinking of taking the easy way out… those who off themselves have to do this whole life OVER AGAIN. Every. Single. Day. These are the Spirit rules. Negating a learning path is not something that’s allowed. So, you have to live the painful life again, hour by hour, minute by minute. Is that really something you want to strap yourself into?

ALSO… at the next level… they have CAT CURLING. You’ll definitely want to stick around for that.



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109 thoughts on “At the Crossroads

  1. I think it’s already happening in small increments hence my comment in last post about our seamless relocation along 5 miles of freeway yesterday. As a post script, if we hadn’t been moved down the road as we were, there was a funnel cloud that formed where we would have been had we traveled the 5 (missing) miles in standard 3d mode. As it was, we missed the whole thing. Woohoo! Too sweet!

  2. This post message mirrors my dream.

    I dreamt of being in a church. There was a font with holy water within. I wasn’t sure if the water was clean. After focusing hard I could see what looked like impurities was only the bottom of the font, and not the water.

    I wet my right thumb and signed the cross on my forehead. Instantly a feeling of total peace spread over and through me.

    I watched another person enter the church and we both smiled and nodded. A knowing was passed between us.

    After I awoke, I interpreted that it wasn’t the water that was important, it was the symbolism, symbolism that represented an INTERNAL knowing, an unshakable belief.


  3. I am definitely at a crossroads internally. I know the way I should go but I still have things to work on, I am making progress with them. Lately while sitting here at the stop sign and looking down all the paths, I have finally realized it’s as simple as a choice between love and fear. Love is my choice and I make it daily every morning.
    Thank you everyone ❤

    I’m so glad I have been practicing my cat curling for so long, a skill not lost when I move on 😀

    1. You’re right. The choice to allow negative thoughts and even to give them so much energy as to make negative/cynical remarks about anything on this world – or the choice to allow love in either small or large increments – until it comes as waves or pulsations, and nothing else matters.

    2. Thank you for what you wrote. I am at a crossroads with my job. I just have to remember that whatever happens is for my highest good. And to always choose love and not fear for well – everything that transpires.

  4. Hi All!
    I had such a profound experience last night, but I don’t know what to make of it.
    I was awake, laying in bed at around 3am. I began contemplating Source. I said hello and I love you to Source and asked Source to open my heart. I felt my heart open up, and my soul gently lifted halfway out of my body, reaching toward Source (I reach for Source all the time). Then I was hit with a massive wave of energy, it was so intense. The tingling / champagne bubbling all over my body was so strong, it gave my body a headache and a bit of a sick stomach. I have never felt it so strong or complete before. My body became so dense, like my body was a magnet and the bed was a metal surface. All the while my soul was reaching for Source. I had to turn on my side to keep from being sick in my bed, but I still held my connection to Source until I fell asleep. I have no idea how long that lasted.
    This morning when I woke up, it was blissfully quiet, I felt happy, but still a little heavy.
    What happened? I thought I was supposed to feel lighter. I am confused about the heaviness. Did I do something wrong?
    Love 💗 and Hugs 🤗
    ~ Sharon

  5. I have already decided a long time ago. But now “I renew my vows.”
    I, Cristina, wish and decide to go on the bright road, highway to the Source.
    By the way, what do you mean “take the easy way”? To suicide ???

    1. It has never been a choice,I made the decision when I was 5 or younger, I am going home!
      I have known people who chose suicide and they had the hardest time even getting out of the Place they killed themselves, so I can only imagine the huge load of regret they came to know.

  6. I clicked to open my email and noticed your then 2 min. old post of this update. I had just hung up the phone with my beloved older sister who had called to tell me that she’s just been diagnosed with a very rare cancer of the gall bladder. She is a blessed, spiritual Soul of Love, a Reiki healer and nurse at the Mayo Clinic where there is an active Reiki healing center. CROSSROADS, INDEED! You are perfect, immortal Spirit, beloved sister, whole and innocent. All is forgiven and released. Asking for your thoughts and prayers! I think she has made her choice; she has a wonderful family and has much to live for. I am the Love, I am the Light. I AM.

  7. Ohhhhh, I am definitely for some CAT CURLING, count me in 👍✨

  8. Listening to a video — took a break — said to my dog — “It’s you and me holding the fort here” — sat back down — saw the post and knew exactly what it is was and where and knew the next part by heart: “Good luck, cowboy.”

    Wondered if I should share — looked up and saw it was 11:11, which I took as a yes.

    Since the movie came out, this scene has been an “avatar” for me and this life — nice lady and her dog (and a cool pick-up, although in my mind mine is sea glass blue) out in the middle of nowhere creating beautiful things.

    Good luck cowboys and cowgirls.


      1. He was out of practice at making decisions not based on immediate physical survival / decisions with limited options.

        Yes, that’s way up in the panhandle.


      2. The scene was way up in the Texas panhandle, where you can see into Oklahoma.

        I think he was out of practice at making decisions not based on immediate physical survival and/or limited options. He did figure it out in the end.


    1. CAT7, I felt compelled to reply to your comment. I had reread the post 3 times and it still wasn’t clear. It felt like it was coded and I wasn’t privy to the message. Then when I read your comment, the tears started and I felt a huge release. I cried for a good 10 minutes. Its the life I want/had/have, like part of me is there or will be soon? I too am sitting with my dog, looking out my window at my husband’s old Ford truck. I paint, sew, and craft about anything my imagination comes up with. Life has always gotten in the way though, or I’ve let it. Bills to pay, children to care for and chores to do. NE for me is the place where everyone is doing what they love in peace, no worries, no time constraints, just a constant flow of love and creation. Thanks for helping me see my path more clearly. ❤🌈

      1. My response has been rolling around in my head, and this morning the idea finally gelled. There are two stories with the ending of the movie — one person deciding which way to go, and another taking time to share what she knew and offer encouragement.

        For each one of us looking at our own crossroads, there are many others that pass by experiencing the same thing. Offering a smile or a kind word can make a difference, perhaps changing the trajectory of someone’s day. We do not need to offer guidance. We can just be a friendly face with kind words that gives another what they need to move forward. It is amazing what you can accomplish at the grocery store or walking along your street.


        1. CAT7,
          Thank you, yes, for whatever reason your simple comments struck a chord with me. Like a shared experience or memory. Sometimes I think we all forget what an impact we have on each other. In the end it costs nothing to be kind and I try to practice kindness, big and small everyday. Thanks to all CATs and M’s. There was a rather rude comment from some anon earlier today. Admonishing this blog and “followers”. Really irked me. I don’t think of myself or other readers as mindless followers. We’re all kindred spirits sharing a wild ride during this lifetime and perhaps others.

        2. @Cat7 and All – simple kindness can save a life or sanity – I spent a week with my great aunt one summer, I think when I was maybe 11 – not sure why that happened, but I’m sure it saved my life – had already had 11 yrs of abuse – all she did was treat me like an adult friend- taught me to make coffee on the stove, introduced me to her friends in this rural ‘neighborhood’ – her dark red cottage etched in my mind with it’s small-paned window wall looking down over a green hill of grass, old trees around and mounds of myrtle ground cover with it’s little purple-y/blue flowers – my job for the week was to trim it all back nicely – there were books, scrabble, I think and afternoon naps – no tv ( it was 1959 or ’60).
          Some time after she passed I had a dream of being in darkness and just entering an arbor leading to a bright light-filled garden – so beautiful – she was there, but said I couldn’t come there yet – I was having trouble being on Earth with the continued abuse – she made a difference, just by being her…

          I’ve seen just a smile or short conversation make a difference in peoples lives – never underestimate the positive power you have to make a difference just by being you – in each moment – how do you choose to BE…
          I’ve had my times of thinking of suicide growing up, but I didn’t want my family, including abusers, to have the pain of that, so my rationale was to lie in snow banks or winter brook water and get sick enough to die, but they’d never realize it was purposeful – I think I just strengthened my immune system instead. 🙂

          So message today? – kindness, most especially to self – the hardest of all to embrace.
          much love

          1. @Kg. No one deserves to be subjected to that level of abuse. You have come out of it the other side brilliantly. You are an amazing being Kathleen. You are so right about small things like a smile or kind words making a difference in others lives. Love and hugs.💖🤗

    2. Hi CAT7,
      I have been seeing 11:11 and 1:11 all over the place for a little over a week. Hello One! 😃
      Love 💗 and Hugs 🤗
      ~ Sharon

      1. Yes, I saw a “Pleiadian cloud” today while at the store — a tiny cloud in a clear blue sky — and wondered, “Hmm, good cloud or bad cloud?” Then inside the car the clock read:


        Good cloud.


        1. Yeah I saw my first “Pleiadian cloud” last evening while working out. Was laying down doing my ab exercises and as I gazed upon the nights sky there it was. Lit up by the city lights. It was obvious. Why was it hovering above me? Who knows…

        2. What’s a pleiadian cloud look like! I see clouds lately and thimk, they are soooo fake or look superimposed into the sky

        3. Saw one today in the blue sky, just before a good thunder banger moved in. Gave me a “good” feeling at work. Peace.

          1. Aannd, a full length Rainbow after the storm passed. Too Darn Cool. A Beautiful day in Pennsylvania! Got home to chicken, potatoes dinner compliments of Julie. She’s making fresh salsa while Minky and I have a couple of shrimp. Naptime! Peace.

  9. Why would I want to off myself right before the fun part? Sure, sometimes this life feels like a drag… but just because I feel it, it doesn’t mean it’s true.

    I’m with you guys until the very end (beginning). It’s been an honor to be able to reconnect with the CATs during this lifetime, so far.

  10. hahaha….cat curling ?….really ? not sure if my kitties would agree ?? lol……..interesting photo / movie pic choice, just re-watched that a couple of weeks ago….a good one ! towing lots of hidden life messages….& much like the allowance for suffering, being at the crossroad can be similar & a conundrum or maybe not… ‘Castaway’, he certainly had a wide range of unexpected ups & downs, but in the end he drove to this place, following his intuition, then in the moment, he became unsure, he paused, breathed, looked around & took a meditative moment, his guidance kicked in with a few synchronicites which he was open to receive & ‘well-la’…..the rest of the movie – ‘you fill in the blanks’ !….tis the gift, & the beauty that comes with imagination….the Doe also states that in the flow, the higher mind doesn’t choose at all…..much love xo

      1. Doe a deer a female deer
        Ray, a drop of Golden Sun (Source!)….

        Just came into my head!

        Much Love ❤️🙏❤️

  11. Thank you CATs!

    I absolutely, totally, utterly, definitely, along with my daughter, pets and anyone else that may care to join us choose the BRIGHT road and LOVE 🙏🌟☀️❤️

    I am the Light, I am the Love, I AM🌟❤️
    We are the Light, we are the Love WE ARE 🌟❤️

  12. Anyone else feeling really nauseous and head pressure today? Wasn’t bad when I got up but even eating pepperocinis hasn’t helped my stomach and that usually works!

    BTW what is the name of that movie? I remember that scene and know I saw it but for the life of me I can’t remember who was in it or the name. But, I am definitely headed in the light direction!

    1. Replying to Anonymous re: nausea. I woke this morning with a headache (not normal for me). Walked my dogs as usual then became exhausted suddenly. Came home to eat breakfast and rest but have been nauseated and can’t seem to find energy at all! Not sure what this is all about as I usually don’t have “Ascension Symptoms “.

      Regarding The Crossroad: a week from this coming Saturday I move my entire life from my home state to an adjacent state. Complete life change— leaving grown children and grandchildren, all my friends, everything I have ever known. All of the steps leading up to this have been laid in front of me as if on a golden road. Pretty clear I have made my choice. Doesn’t make it any easier. 🌈💜🦋

      1. @kimmcp,
        Best wishes and Godspeed on your stepping out into the unknown/unfamiliar.

      2. Good luck, kimmcp! My husband and I made a similiar move 4 years ago but clear across the country. Best decision we ever made. Our youngest daughter decided to follow us out. She met someone and is now happily married and working with rescued animals.

    2. @Anon. Dizzy, cold and nauseated all day on 10th. Also had bad weekend with digestion, stomach cramps and extreme tiredness. However, I’m fine today. Yippee. 😊😊😊

  13. In my dream state last night I decided that I was ready to let go, my heart gave a massive thump and I woke at 1:11am!

    1. Yeah, the 1’s have been popular for me as of late. 12:34 I’ve been seeing also. Peace.

      1. I’ve been seeing the 1234 for a while now. I see it as PROGRESSION past the 11:11, as movement. At least I HOPE it’s movement because every time I clear something it just comes right back on, even after Source visited. 🙃 I’m holding a big slice of Something (Divine Feminine? Heart Consciousness of the matrix? No idea, but my heart sparking is somehow a weapon against them), and I’d rather Light the Fuse and explode these critters from the inside UP, rather than being held prisoner by 100’s of layers of programs, and AI, and curses, and critters everyday of my existence. I’m pretty sure it’s us SPARKING *boom!* that signals the trigger for the Event. And to quote a great song by LP (Lost on You): “SMOKE ‘EM IF YOU GOT ‘EM CAUSE IT’S GOING DOWN”…or UP, as the case may be. Blessings and cheers to all of us, freedom fighters on levels even we don’t fully understand. Proud of us all! ❤️️🌎⚡️

    1. Ah, but there are at any given moment well over 250 DIFFERENT ETs here on Earth — and probably a million (billion?) different kinds in the solar system bleachers. Probably more. How could you tell Positives from Neutrals? Let the media tell you? (Ha!) Let’s see… a giant POSITIVE friendly spider being next to a heavily NEUTRAL blue birdman….

      Nah. Leave this up to SOURCE.

      -CAT Eds.

      1. I do not know why that post was not under my name (Perica, just in case 😁), and I was logged?

        Anyway, posting this I was thinking more in terms that general population is ready for the first contact and that these days most (less then 50%) would not freak out as during Orson Welles radio show, neither would they considered them as gods like in ancient times.

        But I do not think that negatives and even neutrals would be allowed to make first “official” contact 🙂✨

        And as for individual contact, that is completely different matter, but even that I think is filtered by now 👍✨

        1. Ahhhhh, I meant (way more then 50%), thinking one thing and writing another, ufffff 😣

        2. There are no Negatives allowed here, anymore. And Neutrals wouldn’t dare. We are just as effective as they are, more so, and we are POSITIVES. This means a great deal. We treat all other beings as equals in SOURCE.

          -CAT Eds.

          1. So far you have demonstrated the complete opposite in action, over and over again. Neverending.

      2. Not sure those etheric spiders are friendly? mind you, they are quite small, the ones I’ve seen anyhow! Tried telling them to hop it and I did the mantra but still seeing them, maybe I should persist with the mantra a little longer!

        Much Love ❤️🙏❤️

        1. We were speaking hypothetically, though we know there are (nice) arachnid species out there. These are not aetheric, they’re 5d-15d, and quite large. Which reminds us… we have to get our “levels” chart up. Our human numbering system doesn’t mean anything to the rest of the galaxy.

          -CAT Eds.

          1. I had a wild dream one time where I went out into the void and saw this giant glowing white female spider she was laying cosmic eggs that contained mutliverses. I thought wow the Hopi people’s grandmother spider creator they talk of.

      3. What do you think of this video looks like the ets are hanging out over the bleachers lol unless this is the military or something…

        I have noticed the clouds are getting lower and weirder looking lately like you just know there is something in them. I came inside after seeing a cloud like that looked at the tv that was on a relative was watching a shot of the trojan horse from history was on the screen. Like get it? LOL

          1. How can that be when the people in the audience where seeing it and making comments they could not see through the camera only the camera man could. Did you not hear them talking?

            1. People fake and group-fake things so often now that we’ve started ignoring videos unless they’re really unusual or clear. SO MANY fuzzy blobs at a distance. SO MANY fakes. Even if it was an actual ship… it’s no big deal. There are SO MANY ETs and spirits all over the place right at this moment that one ship is sorta ho-hum… when it’s real.

              -CAT Eds.

    1. If you only could’ve seen Bono walking around backstage with his arms BACK, like he was the Messiah… good grief. (Some of the CATs used to work in a big name concert production unit. O the stories…)

      -CAT Eds.

  14. Btw, we had a smallish CME at 9:07 PDT this morning (16:07 UTC). Not Earth-facing, but we might get an energy bump in the next couple days. Not that we don’t get energy bumps every few hours!

    -CAT Eds.

    1. Ohhhhh, I googled it, CME (Coronal Mass Ejection), but it would fit nicely in the Glossary 🙂

  15. Jeez, maybe the CATs should sponsor an international “Don’t Do or Say Anything Political Day” sometime soon. The MSM is unreadable, unwatchable, unlistenable, unspeakable… bleah, as Snoopy used to say.


    1. I’m trying to make every day a “don’t do or say anything political” day. It’s really just a sh💕tshow of lies.


    2. Hey CAT – just one day??? That’s a pretty big old system-wide question. My advice – turn it off. Approach all politicians with a healthy dose of mistrust and a larger helping of salt. Try not to be lured too much to the dogma of one side or the other. If you find that you are, try to separate yourself from that, and ask what’s really important.

      The MSM is divided into “entertainment” and some “good reporting.” Some of it is based on facts. Each fact and view (perspective) is part of a larger picture. Not sure which “side” you’re on currently (if any) but that’s a big part of the problem. Tribal divisions… we should be done with that by now. We only get “We Are One” by living it.

      In my humble opinion, ANYTHING that pits you against something else is worth kicking to the curb. That includes religion, sports, and politics. As BrotherJ once said to me, “stop making choices!”

      Adam Ruins Everything is worth a watch – he has a few things to say about all this. I don’t always agree with him, but he makes some good points.

  16. Here’s a conundrum for you…
    If offing yourself in this life means you have to redo it,
    Then what happens if offing yourself is part of your life’s path (i.e. Agreeing to off yourself in this life)?

    Just a thought experiment, like the tree in the forest.

    1. It never is. Suicide is never in anyone’s contract. It’s a big deal as it messes up a lot of other people along the way who depend on you for other inputs and interaction. It’s like taking the main character out of a live stage play and the other actors have to totally improvise around it.

      -CAT Eds.

      1. I often wonder what truly happens to those who commit suicide. One of my best friends, Ronit, took her life years ago. Her spirit came to me soon after and we talked in my kitchen. She said it wasn’t what I thought. Not sure what she meant…how she died or the afterlife. She suffered from depression. I think of her daily. So I’m not going to see her after the shift!? She has to relive this life?

      2. *WRONG*

        The higher realms have described every variety of suicide-themed Life Contracts that are chosen by any individual who wants to explore that theme, for whatever reason.

        YOU are a rather dangerous individual, with your arrogant IGNORANCE you are always spreading like black goo fertilizer….because in actuality you know nothing of what you speak of, you are also inadvertently spreading FEAR PORN stupidity.

        Team Dark must LOVE you, man. Doing all their work for them. You are so much worse, than the MSM, because your idiot followers-the-leader actually BELIEVE you, blindly.

        It would do the entire Earth Ascension a huge favour, if you and your never-learning rat pack, would simply SHUT THE HELL UP, and SHUT yourselves DOWN.
        The best scenario for all of us, is if you go inside yourselves with your dingbat meditations and for all of our sakes, please just stay there — so that you can quit spreading consistently dark damaging disinformation.

        1. Ok, well… that’s what Guides are telling us. And Brother J. And all of Dolores Cannon’s QHHT sessions say the same thing. What were you saying again?

          There are SELFLESS life contracts, like Brother J’s, but that isn’t suicide. Spirit is very specific on the subject. Having no choice but to die vs. killing yourself are very different things.

          And thanks for being rude. It’s truly jerky offerings like this that we DON’T delete, as cautionary tales…

          -CAT Eds.

          1. This is a tough subject. Suicide feels like a free will choice rather than a life path destiny. If someone is meant to die, the Universe will find a way (freak accident, illness, etc). It does reroute other people’s contracts, but just like “fate” (aka, our Universal Plan that is mapped to provide opportunities) puts people in each others paths until they meet; “fate” could rework your contract to make suicide fit a lesson you need to learn. But… it’s 99.9999999% a bad idea. Just as timeline glitches come together, SOURCE/Spirit/The Universe is pretty brilliant in figuring out how it is suppose to work out in the greater good (and the greater good doesn’t always feel warm and fuzzy, however, but sometimes necessary). However, there is never a time for rudeness.


            1. This answer in one way open new questions.

              What is a then free will choices we made ?

              I understand that it is free will to come here, sign the specific “contract” to experience something new to learn from.

              But, is then that life we choose already entirely scripted, everything we do, or just some major points in the life, or how do I know what is scripted and what is my free will, that is maybe the big question.

              I always try to help others any way I can, as STO is my way most off my life and I am happy with that, and I think it is the right way, that is who I am and what I am, but I always wonder why it is not everybody’s way, because they sign such a “contract” to be like that, or it is free will choice ?

              Thank You 🙂✨

            2. Meanwhile, back to my solemn question to the CATS B4 my post was hijacked by an angry blogger. So my friend Ronit, who suffered from depression, was on bipolar meds and committed suicide …I’m not going to see her on NE!? Would she already be reliving this life or does her soul have to w sit it out? I was really hoping to see her on NE.

            3. If someone transitions BEFORE The SHIFT, if they are to go to the NE they’ll do so in a new incarnation. People who are messed up are probably not going to the NE right away, but there are always exceptions.

              -CAT Eds.

        2. Sorry for Your perception, We Are All One. I’m one of the “idiots” with a different perception. I believe your anger is blocking rational thinking. Peace.

      3. What about when a person is at the end of life, in pain, and has a terminal illness? We’re allowed to give our pets mercy, but what about ourselves? It seems counter intuitive that Source would want us to suffer for no purpose. Or is there a purpose? Not trying to be confrontational, and I have zero desire to ever kill myself, but it’s something that I wonder about every time the subject of suicide comes up.

        1. And as long as I’m at it, what about the poor souls in the World Trade Center who had to face the choice between dying by fire or jumping out the window? If they chose to jump, are they being forced to that same decision in life after life? I sure hope that falls in the .00000001% category where it’s okay. Again, truly just curious, and sorry to bring up such a wretched topic. Much love to you all!

        2. Everyone has a reason for why it’s ok, but every life experience has its lesson. You just have to get through it so you don’t have to do it all over again. We don’t make the rules.

          -CAT Eds.

  17. Had a weird feeling today, felt like I was phasing between realities. Nothing changed though.

    1. I was at work today and twice over the day I felt a woozy dizzy “what was that where am I” feeling. I figured we were having more little time slips. Anyone else feel it?

  18. 😂😂😂 Cat Curling!! Thanks for loud belly laugh!! 😂😂😂

  19. Felt the headachy, icky funk feeling yesterday…chocolate helped!
    Bright and beautiful today!!
    Scratching my head about the movie too?!
    Peace, Safety, Love to All!!

  20. Have been going up to the cross roads to Maunakea (peaceful Hawaiian stand off with deep state cabal usuals) holding space, bridging mis-perceptions … for the past 5 years I have committed most deeply to Unity Consciousness & Mu Rising …. so I posted this post on my Facebook page … stating the following …

    “… at the crossroads … what I saw up the Mauna on Sunday …. what are each of us choosing … same old same old? … getting consumed & lost within tons of mis-info on purpose planned that keeps dividing us? … or staying firmly within one’s Heart in Pono? … and bridging in 5D … Mu Risings … of quantum leapings of Love?”

    Mahalo Nuis! 💞🌈💞🌈💞🌈💞

  21. Yippee kiyo kiyea ( or however it is spelled). Ride ‘em cowboy.
    Let’s take the short cut. Cay

  22. I dreamed about a giant white Buddha cat they were meditating I went up to them they opened their eyes and did the cat paw swipe on my face. LOL True enlightenment. 🙂

    1. Interesting. I saw ~AM today and had a flash of insight, closed my eyes… and saw ~AM look like Buddha wearing a kind of sculptured headdress that has no Earth counterpart that I’ve ever seen. There were various symbols on the various facets of the headdress that kept changing. Perhaps one of his own facets. Or a teacher there at that moment. Or… both. A very surreal moment.


      1. Whoa!! It’s strange this is mentioned because around 1ish pm central time yesterday (9/10) the image/thought of a Buddha cat randomly popped into my mind! I chuckled and thought, “Hmm..that’s interesting,” and moved on about my day. Haha. I do remember seeing silver tones surrounding the Buddha cat, but I didn’t ask any further questions or have a chance to delve deeper ‘cause I was on my lunch break from work. Now I find it extremely interesting and I’ll ask guides later!

        Infinite love and light to you all, and many thanks to you ALL for BEING 🖤

  23. Got a visit from Tinkerbell last night it showed up in the middle of the road as I walked my dog I thought oh just a weird light reflection from out door security lights but when it poofed away my dog ran to that spot and smelled like crazy as if someone had been standing there. So I started singing this lol.

  24. i have already chosen my road, five years ago, when i followed the instruction of “Dada”, when i started meditation :
    “Brother J you are welcome, and ask you to connect me to Source”
    A big hyperfluid energy entered the top of my head, in a shock, as an answer from my invitation. In the meditation of the day after, my former heart chakra was unlocked…
    Love and light to all !

  25. I woke at 4:44 to go to the bathroom and spoke out loud to my guardian angels and guides to thank them for looking out for me and our family. Then I went back to sleep. I awoke at around 6 am and before heading downstairs to make coffee, I do what I usually do…go into the spare bathroom and look out the window onto our beautiful yard filled with nature. As I stared at the Japanese maple I saw a white bird fluttering towards me so fast it startled me and I backed up–then it disappeared. All day I flashed back and I now believe my angel gave me an opportunity to actually SEE him. It was very special. Tomorrow is the 18th anniversary of Sept. 11th. I will try to keep positive thoughts and remember the lives sacrificed on that day and pray that their sacrifice was not in vein. xoxo

    1. Truth, Justice, Forgiveness for All! I Am The Light, I Am The Love, I Am, x3. You Are Perfect, You Are Immortal Spirit, You Are My Brother/Sister, I Love You Dearly, for You Are Whole and Innocent, All Is Forgiven and Released. Source, Please Enjoy All of This with Me. Peace.

  26. Strange thunderstorm last night starting around 1 am (9/11). Thunder was ‘different’ very loud, normal, but crackle-ly – sounded strange – then the lightning… I don’t have the greatest view of it from my one window, but I swear they were blue – maybe even Cat 7 sea glass blue, if we perceive colors the same way – that’s always a question, isn’t it… It was a light blue, not an electric blue of any kind.
    We haven’t had strange lightning in this area before that I’m aware of. Another weird thing about it was that following the/a lightning strike (wasn’t looking at lightning), behind closed eyes there was a ‘thing’ that made me think of those squares of white/black code that are on packaging – not bar codes – the square things… except what was in my closed eyes vision was round…

    Quite symptomatic last few days esp major pain, both spine and muscle layers between shoulder blades, headaches, neck pain… blah, blah 🙂 Feels different this morning, pain lessened and wonder if TLJ because a bit before dawn had two big insect bites next to each other – woke me up – when I woke a few hours later not a sign of them – usually if I get bites it takes more than a day or two, or more, for them to go away… ABSOLUTELY no sign they were ever there and the tube of cream I had dabbed on them is still by my bed, so it wasn’t dream bites – the cream never made them go away anyway, just relieved the discomfort a bit – interesting – I’ll take a world that if something needs to chew on me it at least disappears after… 🙂

    All have a ‘peace in your hearts’ day,

  27. A thought popped into my brain today.

    I recently have been coping with some emotional challenges which has taken my heart, mind and soul on quite a journey. It’s brought up a lot of questions in regards to life, its meaning, who I really am, what I really am… and even if this is an illusion, there is still a transference of energy… and the thinking that has been brought about by my experiences has led me to think about my thoughts and strip them down to what they are. Thoughts and thinking are a way to try and understand and interpret energy. This is important because I believe that is why we are all here – to interpret, understand and heal from whatever broke us from source in the first place.

    There is a quote I love that I can’t seem to find right now, but it was something like this:

    “the universe knew it existed when it saw it’s reflection”.

    When I read this quote I imagined the universe breaking the mirror into billions of tiny pieces and that’s where we and the illusion of ourselves came from. We are all little reflections of the universe who are in a constant state of experiencing expansion and contraction, working to find where we fit in it all. There are things we need to heal, paths we need to take before we can fully comprehend our origins. Maybe we are helping source (ourselves) to understand why it broke the mirror in the first place. This might suggest that source is imperfect – but really source didn’t break itself – it broke it’s reflection…

    In my attempt to understand thought in its relationship to energy and my direct connection to source – I have found myself connected with my guides and my internal guidance system… something I’ve always wanted but didn’t know how to achieve.

    I don’t know if this makes any sense, but I thought I would post this here. I am still navigating this thought space but am wondering if anyone out there has similar thoughts and/or are able to bring another mode of thought or context. I feel that each individual is proof that multiple dimensions exist side by side in that we all interpret and experience life differently – but we are connected in that all of our dimensions come from source. So from one dimensional being to another – I would love to hear your thoughts.

  28. Heavy sigh of contentment! Some O.C. pruning this morning necessitated an emergency run to my favorite nursery to get some shrubs to fill the hole I cut in the viburnum hedge. The wondrous part is I stopped at one of my favorite restaurants and lo and behold! They had key lime pie! They usually don’t carry it after labor day. This was the last one they’ll make for the year. Talk about perfect timing! M-m-m-m-m good!!!

  29. Great timing on this post as I’ve really been struggling how to live moving forward. I’m guilty of “sky watching” and know major changes are coming soon, yet, as we know, we function in a 3d world. I believe Universe has knocked me over the head with a 2×4 that is a middle ground option, though it will be challenging and offer many growth opportunities… IF I can stay committed to the work, personally and business-wise. Alternatively I could go hide in the woods until its all over… which feels too easy, but also really lovely.(!) Such a strange scenario we’re all functioning in. Crossroads indeed.

  30. ASooo i was taking a nap and right before I turned my phone off the screen said “This device not supported…” then I was laying on my back and had a nice visual experience leaving my body, about my lady & I, yet upon returning could not remember anything expect that it was about my lady. Then I thought I woke up, but I guess I fell back asleep, had a dream that I was hanging with some vlogger kids from youtube talking music and stuff, and this UFO started flying around and we were like WHAAO, and it started circling us and I figured out that if I spun with the UFO at the same speed I could see the actual ship and it wasn’t a UFO at all it was definitely man-made and I could see branding on it like it was a new car. Bright orange. Then they all started spinning with me spinning with the UFO and we all fell to the ground and I woke up. Then I didn’t know if it was 6:28 at night or 6:30 am even t hough I was on military time. Then I talk to my lady and tell her about my vision quest and told her I couldn’t remember what happened in it and she said “that’s what’s wrong with these bodies you know, you have a whole experience leaving your body and everything and as soon as you get back it says ‘This Device No Supported’”

  31. Morning, All… After all the discussions of spiders, terrestrial and extra-terrestrial I found a LOVELY gift this morning – my bedroom window, next to the head of my bed on the left has a crank type mechanism – crank/hinge on the right, opens wide on the left side – I open it 8-10 inches at night for coolness and close it during the day, as it is south facing and gets hot, don’t need more heat, lol 🙂 This morning looking out, the open gap was filled to about 8 in high with lovely layers of vibrantly shimmering spider web, no pattern – lovely quality chaos – there was a gentle breeze moving the strands of silk encouraging/causing the colors to shimmer and change in the morning sunlight – there were VIBRANT blues, greens, silvery white, fuchsia/hot pink and an occasional gorgeous orange and purple… Mesmerizing… couldn’t stop looking at it.

    Have or find a magical day today,
    much love,

  32. You know how in the movies a character goes into some sort simulation to test whether they are ready to move to the next phase or join some secret society. — Yelp, well I feel like that was what these past 5 days have been like. I went down some really dark places. It was bad. Really bad. It felt like I was never going to make it out alive. And then I did. I feel like I’m surrounded by so much light, love and warmth.

    1. Same! Except there was no hopes I was in a secret society cuz I recognized it all to well as how I was and acted like ten years ago. Ugh. Grody. But now it’s like all fine and blissy… for the moment anyways. (shrugs)

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