Meterage & More for Week 10-1-19 [UPDATE4]


Just a  quick update, as we’re currently busy with something very complicated. Energywise, things look rather heavy for the next few days:

Here’s Wave X streaming in via MIMIC:

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If you look at the current solar satellite images, you’re see nothing but slo-mo strobing, with notable exceptions:


Hang in there.


We’re seeing lots of the same comments. If you’re feeling out of sorts, or downtrodden, or suicidal, or somesuch heaviness, you need to MEDITATE. Meditation is reconnecting with SOURCE, just like sleep. Without this SOURCE reminder, we all start to go a little crazy. (And for those who don’t meditate at all, a LOT crazy.)

Also, be careful about investing in the illusion too much. Thought takes form in action. So, you literally cannot afford a single negative thought, so you might want to let the news go, or just skim it. If you’re having negative thoughts (aka, ‘attack thoughts’), attach “rocks” to them and drop them to the center of the earth. And don’t be afraid to ask Brother J or Guides for help (AFTER you’ve Grounded and Protected); we typically ask Brother J to enjoy most everything with us: meals; walks in nature; vitamins (as symbols), etc. We even asked him to enjoy this long hike up into a cave system once (a rare CAT group event a few years ago) and afterward… no one was sore; there were something like 1000 steps up and down steep concrete stairs… and we felt fine the next day.

Try experimenting with meditation and manifestation now. You have never been so powerful. And SOURCE has never been this close.

Special Note: Alas, we cannot accept help or talk about what we’re currently working on, even amongst some of the CATs if those comm links are unsecure. You’ll understand when we’re done. It’s a very complicated, involved project. We also have some new extra-galactic guests whom we’re getting to know better, so we’re a tad distracted… but it’s only temporary.

Thank SOURCE we’re out of September.


FYI, we looked at October. Not too many surprises, energywise. Wave X will be more heavy toward the end of the month, but not too bad. Consider October a little (welcome) respite. This is good, because The CATs and SF will be busy. We have given ourselves a nearly impossible task…


We’ve had another timeline jump:

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Whoa, we’re having what looks (and feels) like either a timeline jump or a reconnect with another timeline:


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This muon detector has been off the reservation since the middle of August, but now it’s back in a big way.
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It’s the second to last data feed to the right… it goes from zero to 26,085 counts in 34 mins…
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…and it keeps spiking… and we keep feeling the spikes. Ugh.

Here’s more:









Ugh. Breathe through it if you’re feeling it.

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170 thoughts on “Meterage & More for Week 10-1-19 [UPDATE4]

  1. Thank you for preparing us. It knocked me out Sunday night 7pm UTC +1. Had to go to bed ask for assistance and breathe through it until 11pm. Oh boy, what a roller coaster. Still here though and thankful for it.☺️ Hope everyone here sails the waves well this coming week. Windblown cat is so gorgeous. 💕

    1. This is the second of Oct. and this wave X mimic photo reminds me of the Chem trails I am seeing over here in Ohio. Very similar and right now it is the toughest wave very hard on my dear old dog and on myself…good health and good luck everyone and bless us all.

  2. Every dream I had last night no matter how boring or interesting an intense light would hit everyone in the dream.

    1. I live near a portal too, its no wonder why I never get visitors for very long.

  3. I have a non-energy question. Do you guys see anything happening with this Trump impeachment nonsense? It seems so ridiculous.

    1. Yeah, we don’t see it getting too far… the Dems are freaking b/c all their people suck, so this is their new (sad) strategy. It’s utterly pathetic and desperate and infantile, and seems to seem increasingly like a gullibility test for the bell curve. After Trump wins in 2020 (yes, he wins), THEN we see some movement on putting an end to these shenanigans… and when we see actual law being restored via arrests and prosecutions. Also expect a whole bunch of these fools to pretend to get some illness or disease which will take them out of the spotlight, so they can hide from prosecution… but it won’t work.

      -CAT Eds.

      1. So according to this, there is no Event / Shift this year the, or it could be ?

        1. No idea. It could happen tomorrow. It could happen in a year and a half. We would LOVE to know why it’s taking so long, but we’re slowly moving on to existing without it, ignoring the PTW’s Dumb Show, and enjoying our greater proximity to SOURCE.

          -CAT Eds.

          1. Oh Yes Cats, Definitely we are in greater proximity to Source, I feel it more and more everywhere, for instance, I had to drag myself to the city and as I was driving I saw a vanity license plate that said ” I love it” it made laugh and smile and so I talked to source in prayer then I looked at the clock and it said 10:10 and I kept smiling and laughing then someone had painted and hung a sheet on the overpass I drove under so that everyone who came into the City would see it and it said “You are Loved” I teared up still do every time I think of it…

      2. I have another question related to this- will the division and anti-white narratives be delt with? This whole generalized experience through race/gender mentality is getting really annoying at this point.

        1. Once actual reality hits them, they will freak… then go quiet as they downshift into self-preservation. It is also a choice thing: those who go that way will go that way, those who don’t…. won’t.

          -CAT Eds.

          1. that’s a fascinating way of putting it…”downshift into self-preservation”. I’ve been trying to put that into words but just couldn’t get to it. honestly not saying i saw that happening but those words ring true and make some thoughts click into place.

            i also loved hearing about the technique on asking Brother J to share in experiencing something and the examples you gave will help me do that in a broader sense. thank you for that. the hike story was also cool to hear about.

            would like to also pass on prayers of inner strength and hope to Elemental who posted in the last thread. stay in the fight! the alternative to that won’t work towards what Elemental would want. what jumped out at me was Elemental’s writing and expressiveness in that could be a tool for their well being. stay in the fight!


            1. Thank you for you kind words.

              Perhaps when people are focused on self-preservation instead of divisiveness, people will listen. For now, all I see are people arguing about politics and posting Greta Thunberg (who is obviously propped up by the PTW) memes on social media.

  4. Morning all, I haven’t caught up on comments yet this morning – I’ll be curious to see if a decision I made this morning will find relevance/concurrence with comments – or the heaviness mentioned – the last hour or so I was doing the mantras for myself and family members and also a couple of past things I also used and thinking of what contribution I could be to myself, my body and my family today (sometimes that question ends up feeling heavy to me, like I can’t find the ‘right’ attitude within to approach that question); my challenge with joy came to mind. Wouldn’t that be a contribution to all (esp ourselves) if we could embody that more? Wouldn’t that have more impact, automatically, without ‘DOING’ things in particular of conscious choice?
    So, decided to make a new Mantra for myself to add to the others
    So, I started saying, ” I am SOURCE joy, I feel SOURCE joy, I be SOURCE joy, I am the joy of SOURCE.”
    Interesting, the last one changed somehow. I can’t remember what it first was (in proof reading I remembered and added it- the third – probably Freudian deletion) – I think because of HOW I perceived the phrases had changed from when I first thought to do it… When I first contemplated doing it I came from my difficulty with feeling joy or having any sustainability with it if I did feel it. Then the concept came as I repeated the phrases of the joy that is often felt by parents. The parents joy for and with their children coming into their lives (NOT mine – also with proof reading, it feels like the last phrase is healing to the child that was wanted dead, literally, with actions taken – I welcome SOURCE to heal that wound) – joy in their children’s BEing, their antics, their very smell (some smells, lol) and with that thought came, that we ARE SOURCE’S joy, literally – we are SOURCE’S children and the ‘joy’ of the phrases refers to THAT joy… the joy that SOURCE holds for US, each and as a whole… contemplate… what if SOURCE IS joy – that the whole of the Universe(es) are joy? – the energy of joy is Prime. What could we make of our world then? … the joy of that creation (noun and verb) – how would we hold each thing in our lives hearts if we embraced that concept? … What would blossom from that? …

    much love,

  5. Well I’m so glad I’ve today and tomorrow off for my b-day tomorrow, because I’ve been really hit by these energies! Tired but can’t sleep, stomach all nervous and I went from being really happy Sat. to a grouch Sun. I’m waiting for my snow tires to get put on so I can walk over and get my car back and I just want it over with! My favorite feral cat is still missing, my dog’s fatty tumor has gotten bigger, my cat just puked all over the rugs (never on linoleum of course!) and I just want out! Oh well at least I’m in good company – and Happy Birthday Nuni, hope you had a good one! Thanks Cats and gotta say that sun pic looks pretty strange…..

    1. Kt1111 ❤️

      Happy Happy Fabulous Birthday to You!

      Wishing you a magical day with some relief from the ‘energies’!

      Much Love and Light and Birthday Giggles! ❤️🌟😁

    2. Thank you kt1111 and happy birthday to you! 💗
      Mine was an interesting combination of blissful feelings and insanely intense physical symptoms with great chocolate cake and even better company.

  6. It feels as though I have had a dark cloud loom over me for the past week. Could this be X Wave related? Has been quite a intense feeling.

    1. You could just be purging. You could also be letting some of the crap out there stick to you; it doesn’t take much these days. It’s rarer, but you could also have a sad/depressed (recent) spirit nearby. This just happened to one of the M’s after a car crash near their house; they noticed that they were feeling sad for no reason, and that the feeling followed them. Turned out they had a recently separated spirit from the crash following them around. If you sense this, try to G+P really well… then give notice (in your house, alone) that the spirit should sit in a comfy chair or couch that’s obvious in the room, and ask their Guides to come get them. Be gentle, but firm. Then walk out of the room and put it out of your mind. See if any of that works.

      -CAT Eds.

      1. I’ve asked brother Michael to help and lead the departed to where they are supposed to go.

        I did it with a ghost child in my house a couple of years ago. The bedroom door to my daughters room wouldn’t open, yet there is no lock or working door knob. After I forced it open I saw a little hand holding the door knob on the other side and then it vanished. I felt it was a girl, about five.

        Although things have moved since, and I’ve seen people, it’s not been the little girl after the Angels helped out.

        In fact even tonight I felt I was being watched. I instantly looked up to my back window and saw a shadow quickly move away from the window. Dunno who or what it was, but hey, who cares, let them look, let them look upon the personification of awesomeness.

        Hey, has anyone heard of the Golden Ones/Beings? They are to apparently assist us in ascending into the fifth dimension…


  7. I keep seeing yellow and red colours during my meditation and reiki healing sessions. Mostly yellow…
    Does anyone know what it means?!


      1. Now that June mentions it… I’m seeing colors as well on my end when I center myself or do Reiki. They’ve always been blue/indigo, but recently they’ve been bordering on violet.

        Same thing, I imagine?

  8. So, I was going to comment last night around 11:11, but I deleted my comments to see what today’s energies would bring. I feel somewhat guilty (not) about reading of others difficulties. For me, I commented on literally feeeeling on the literal threshhold of this grand new adventure. I cannot find adequate words to express how this feels. I tried to use all those descriptive adjectives in the comment from the last post, but joy and peace seem to be the operative words. It’s here! Here’s hoping and knowing that You All will soon be experiencing this wonderment!

  9. I just watch 2 videos by Sarah Westall with a lot of information about globalists identifying characteristics. This simplified a lot of events, both current and previous on the world stage. This is the second of two (with the link to first video listed beneath)
    Thought I would share if anyone is interested to help in awareness with discernment in relation to : MSM poop, political events and scientific study sellouts for $.
    Not as fun as Laura Whitworth videos but it is good information. Cay

  10. I think that my cat, Cori, might have liked
    the feeling of the wind in his face and the
    wind blown look. He couldn’t get the look, though, as he was a Siamese with
    short fur.

    Love ❤️ to everyone,


      1. Newlynn,

        Thank you for your kind comment about Cori. He was a
        very special cat who came into my life about a year before
        my companion, of 30 years, passed after suffering from Parkinson’s
        for many years. Cori would sit on my lap purring and taking away
        my sadness and grief. He was an Apple Head Siamese, a type of
        Siamese that is more like the original Siamese before breeders began
        developing the thin, sleek modern Siamese that are more popular today.
        He was very sweet and loving and I am so glad to have had him in my

        With lots of love to everyone,


        1. Pamela. I hadn’t heard of that breed of Siamese. He looked like a contemplative cat. Although my boy is black ,and a moggy, we always wondered if there was Siamese in his genes as he is so talkative. So glad you had Cori to help you.💖🐈

        2. We Feel You, w/Much Love/Compassion. Here is to Furry Friends. Peace.

    1. Pamela,
      I had a Siamese that looked and had the same presence as your Cori. So strange, my Max was such a wonderful companion too. ❤

  11. Apparently I’m on a roll. Whee! So I went to my friend’s restaurant tonight for a salad and we talked as we always do. She asked me how I was doing and I replied “Amazing” She then proceeded to tell me that when she awakened this morning something was decidedly different. She had no pain! She was nearly killed in a severe car wreck several years and has spent those ensuing years in sometimes debilitating pain. Not today! I said that I, too didn’t hurt like usual. Wowzer! I have been permission to recount the rest of the story. Several members of the Heavenly Host showed up about then as a reminder that all is well. Let me tell you this, They don’t make many personal appearances in my life but when they do it’s pretty profound. It usually presages something miraculous. So with that in mind I’m welcoming October energies with an open heart. Lisa Harrison has some very timely comments in her latest update:

    1. I also viewed that Lisa Harrison episode #66 over the weekend. Like many others, I have been feeling “down” the past week or so, caught a cold for the first time in a year and am dealing with some other health issues. Last night (after the usual C+P+C) I did the meditation that Lisa Harrison posted from her recent webinar –which I didn’t attend because I was traveling–and found it very soothing. Here is the link to that meditation: If anyone here saw the entire webinar, I’d be interested to know what you thought/learned. I also welcome the October energies! My favorite month, of my birthday and those of my three children, many other family members and friends. We are the Light. We are the Love. We ARE.

    2. Oh! I forgot to mention in my ramblings that I have been having encounters with the most gentle and loving people in my daily dealings with people lately. What a sweet and encouraging sign. So my advice to All of you out there echoes the advice in update 1 , focus on the positive and give no attention to all the ridiculously negative sh** being thrown about. Also an editorial correction: It should have read “I have been given permission to recount……..Enough for now. Enjoy the ride!

  12. Will humanity learn about all that is hidden? It seems like we’ll never learn the cool stuff.
    If yes, when might that be?

    1. Much of the information is already out there. Just start looking for it and the journey will begin. None of it is real, of course, so it’s actually a form of distraction.

      -CAT Eds.

      1. I seem to have mis-phrased the question.
        When do you see all the secrecy ending?
        You can say starving and needing to eat is a distraction.
        Some say the whole world will be in a more advanced and peaceful reality in the coming years. do you see this too?
        i understand you believe in the shift, but it is possible that it wont happen for decades and that it may be a distraction to get people to look inward.

  13. Thank You for update 1, We Are with You, benevolently(in spirit). Every One have Beautiful/Joy Us day. Peace.

  14. Thank you for the update and reminder. I do the GP daily and transmute negative energies but last weekend was a doozy for me as well with super angry and pissed off feelings. My sisters and I were having an estate sale and one sister was being deceitful and telling lies and I just blew up and the rest of the weekend every little thing I was just so pissed. I had to keep reminding myself of the illusion and to keep transmuting and letting go. But I also had the eyes hurting, dizzy, foggy brain thing which makes it hard to hang on. Nevertheless, we’re in October and I’ll just keep on transmuting and know things will get better.

  15. Well, I have to laugh. As the energies are amping up this morning (Tue) I’m getting more dizzy. Boy, they must be very intense since I haven’t been dizzy like this for quite some time. Yeehow!

    1. Well, there are CATs all over the place today who are teary eyed and can’t breathe… they’re laughing so hard. Someone brought in a couple of Jeff Allen comedy CDs and none of us had ever heard of him. (We don’t get out much.) And the comedy is 100% clean. What a concept.

      -CAT Eds.

    2. Fun, ain’t it! Harmless enough, but it’s really hard to get anything done when you’re walking like a drunken sailor. Mine only lasted for a day; hopefully yours will follow suit. Got a Lisa reading today; turns out I’m not from around here, but am a small fairy-like being from a planet very like the one in Avatar, where I’m a nurturer of the landscape. Oh, and sometime in mid-November I’ll experience a major evolutionary event of some kind and will develop the ability to see in all directions, with my physical eyes. Eyes in the back of my head, as it were. Kewl! I wonder if those eyes will be nearsighted, too?

  16. Wow, things are feeling really “off” today. I can’t explain it. Crazy energy. And there was a 9.0 quake anomaly in africa that showed up but is not actually a quake there, and i just heard the USGS is down. My daughter has been bringing spirits home with her from work, which has been interesting. Nothing bad, just like they saw her light and followed like moths. And my energy has felt like I am coming out of my skin today. Is this what October is going to be like? wow….

    1. Woke up hearing my dog bark and a loud explosion sound that shook the house not sure if it is a fracking thing or a portal thing anymore lol

      1. Just gaia portal venting. It kinda sounds like a 105 mm cannon… though CAT2 just said, “…sounds like a French 75 mm.” At least half the CATs died in WWI and have vivid memories of it. That and WWII. And lots of other wars. We are at least 80% solid multi-war vets.

        -CAT Eds.

        1. My father who believes in nothing weird heard something similar yesterday and he never hears these things. Never had one weird thing in his life lol. Interesting to see the weird stuff showing up for regular people.

        2. “We are at least 80% solid multi-war vets.”

          Aha. Just knew it. FELT it.

          You have just summed up the problem with your entire unbalanced ‘masculine energy only’ core group and all of the issues you’ve displayed nonstop are obviously tied to that — and consequently why you have all trapped yourselves on Lower Timelines with dark
          entities, souly because of your 3D ‘battling’ agenda mindsets.

          Battlers do not ascend, to 5D.
          5D+ will not support such dark virus infected frequencies.

          Battlers, like you, trap themselves within 4D and lower levels.

          1. Lots of the people here have been in and lived through countless wars across eons of lifetimes. This certainly doesn’t make one MARTIAL, or BELLICOSE. This experience actually makes one quite circumspect in their actions and unwilling to use force except as a last result. But yes, we are here to do things that no one else wanted to do. We are here to serve SOURCE — and all of you, as ONE. And you criticize us for it. The universe is a fine place so long as lower-vibe beings don’t have their clawed feet on your neck. We don’t have the luxury of that here, where dark ETs have been using us for food and screwing us over for well over 70,000 years. We do have a bit more YANG than the touchie-feelie unicorn types who scorn us, but then again none of you could’ve blocked the Negative and Neutral ETs from roaming the planet at will and causing mayhem. Some welcomed them with open arms, encouraging the “Space Brothers” to swoop in and save us. Balderdash. Did we remove some of your friends?

            We aren’t “battlers.” We are Protectors, Guardians, Stewards for the New Earth. And YOU are sleeping under the very protection we provide. You’re welcome.

            We are respected by all ETs in the solar system, from Negative Levels (Mr Nasty at Minus Level 30) all the way up to SOURCE at Level 50. Your “5D” crap number isn’t even an accurate measure. The number doesn’t mean anything. ETs use different numbers.

            And the higher levels not only support beings like us, we will be some of the first ones on the New Earth — we have already been given commissions by SOURCE as a new kind of Earth Steward — to keep unicorns safe from the wolves that prowl around the periphery under the guise of beneficent beings, and to protect Gaia from any and all incursions. Yes, higher vibe beings still need this level of protection, until everything is fully established, and a culture with protection integrated into it can come to fruition.

            You belittle and underestimate us, but that’s fine. Smug, overconfident humans and beings are the easiest to handle.

            Factually, none of The CATs care if we actually reach the New Earth, or not. It would be nice, but we’re more concerned with assisting Gaia, and getting as many of our brothers awakened and New Earth-bound as possible, and getting rid of as many roadblocks as possible along the way. Guess what category you fall under?

            -CAT Eds.

            1. Cat Eds. Very well composed response. Good job I am not one of the Eds. I just couldn’t be bothered to respond to that type of comment. You have a large collective store of patience. 🙄😸

            2. Personally, I find a touch of the Divine Masculine and a do no harm but take no shit attitude to be quite refreshing. And if you folks are doing what I think you’re doing (having read something elsewhere), we’ll all have major cause to be grateful to you. Thank you for your service, and be safe out there!

            3. What else can I say to All CATs and Ms for their STO except “THANK YOU WITH ALL MY GRATITUDE”

              Keep Safe!!!

            4. Thank You for the A-1 response, for I have been in numerous wars. Have killed/been killed, numerous times. And I have learned to Love/Appreciate Everything, though I Am a child w/alot to Learn. Much Love/Gratitude. Peace.

          2. People have given their hot takes already, but you NEED Divine masculine to get stuff done! Devine masculine is action!

            Besides there has been enough attack on the masculinity already, it’s refreshing at this point.

            1. We’re used to being attacked by idiot ETs and dark things, so a plain ol’ email-flame is almost welcome. We also would never use the term, “divine masculine” for ourselves, but we appreciate others stepping in to offer it. Note that we are in fact a 60/40 split of males and females… but only two of the M’s are women. And some of our females are like female preying mantises: they’ll gladly chew your head right off if you look the wrong way. 😉

              -CAT Eds.

            2. Good grief, I hope it was one of the women that wrote that! ROFL

        3. I’ve been following for quite some time, this is my 1st post. 🤗
          Your comment about being vets made me remember that we are all veterans ….(shown to me during kundalini awakening)…
          Love the blog!

      1. Lol, well I hope it is going to get better, because today has been some sort of roller coaster ride that I want to get off of. It’s been like the puking teacups and the upside down roller coaster all in one.

    1. We use “Brother J” instead of “Jesus” for two reasons: 1. J’s real name was “Yshua,” but at the time we knew him (back then) we all called him “The Master” (because he was The Master, spiritually, wow)… but now we just refer to him as Brother J or J, and 2. The name “Jesus” has SO much religious overhead and evokes such a response from all kinds of people that we downshifted into a new moniker. It takes the edge off, and allows the message to come through. Brother J was basically a single-source SOURCE rep the first time (just like the original Isis), a first-incarnation-from-SOURCE being. (We know of only one other, who now outranks all others.) J’s spirit came right from SOURCE and incarnated. (None other than The Pleiadians actually had a legend about it a 1000 years before J appeared.) J’s lessons were truly advanced spirituality… but there was a bit of a time/language barrier. So after his first appearance, he came back to Earth as a kid of mental filter that anyone can access. All you have to do is say, “Brother J you are welcome” and BOOM, J is right there. It’s as close to magic as we get on this world. He also wrote a book through Helen Schucman (who never believed she was worthy!) called, “A Course in Miracles.” THIS is the most advanced spiritual text we know of. Even ETs read it!

      Helen, you were worthy.

      -CAT Eds.

      1. This is really fascinating additional info. As Various below, some of this I never knew either. Would you consider copy/pasting it into the glossary? Thanks!

      2. “I who remain as God created me would loose the world from all I thought it was. For I Am real because the world is not, and I would know my own reality.” ACIM

        One of my favorite quotes🙏🏽💜

      3. I try, I really do. G & P and then I welcome Brother J, or my higher self, and I ask that they commune, or let themselves be known to me, and I get a pressure in the lower part of my forehead, and my ears start ringing like crazy, and my head gets really light. I can keep that up for 5 mins or so and then it fades away, and then I lose concentration. This has been going on for a couple years lol I know I’m a novice, but it’s discouraging!

        And ACIM can be daunting to some people. I started with Disappearance of the Universe and would recommend it to anyone who doesn’t wanna commit themselves to the course and workbook just yet. And the follow up books seem to be just as good. I’m part way into his second and have heard good things about the Jesus/Buddha connection!

          1. “The Lifetimes When Jesus and Buddha Knew Each Other” by Gary Renard. Have a friend at work reading it and it speaks of how J and B incarnated with each other often

            1. Yeah… this is where we parted ways with Gary Renard. Brother J was a first-time incarnation direct from SOURCE, and then went on to become a kind of filter/bridge to SOURCE in the astral plane… but he never had any other lifetimes, just the one. Unless Renard is dipping into one of the myriad OTHER timelines, where Brother J was Batman and Mary Poppins. We have met Renard and he seemed a nice enough guy (though the “I love you guys” seemed a little forced)… but we simply could not understand why he wrote this book and told him so. We’ve actually had CAT meetings where we wondered aloud if his guides Arten and Pursah were later subverted by something pretending to be Arten and Pursah. We’ve kinda been afraid to delve into this much further because his first three books are so good, we didn’t want to besmirch his reputation. Perhaps we’re missing something.

              -CAT Eds.

            2. Yeah it’s funny because I was talking to her today about it, and I told her I think Arten and Pursah must be mistaken because in the J & B book they tell Gary the US will be hit with a nuke at some point, and to not be afraid due to it being part of the illusion. I told her after the last two in 1945, because of the damage they did on multiple levels of dimensions, it will not be allowed to happen again. She went on to tell me how the book is sorta freaking her out (there’s info on 9/11 and abductions too, new info to her) and is a bit triggering for her. It does make me wonder.

              And lastly, the book says to get off blood pressure medication by taking Potassium and Magnesium. Realistic or not, just seems weird for them to ‘go there’.

              I’ll relay your reply to her. Thank you

            3. Ah. That confirms it. Renard might be following the Course, but he isn’t Grounding or Protecting, so something has moved in there to subvert the messaging he’s getting. OR that was for/from another timeline.

              Abduction-wise, most abductions aren’t abductions at all, but are ETs reconnecting with their brethren/agents here during this time. 90% of this work is positive, but people at the 3d level are very apt to lapse into a fear mindset since they don’t fully remember what transpired, due to the extreme density of this matrix and perhaps their conditioning.

              -CAT Eds.

      4. Speaking of brother J, my friend and I were talking about Him last night and religion. He’s Jewish and I was raised crazy strict Catholic. I said my family “literally” says I’m going to hell because I don’t go to church anymore. And we were comparing theology . We are very good friends and I think he was just trying to get a rise out of me but he said, I think J slept with men because of the whole love thy brother thing I’m like, dude, I think he was married or with Mary Magdalin (sp) who was not the whore the male dominated society in the time tried to portray her as. So, you CATS were there, what’s the story, was J?

  17. God Bless Us, Every One.

    Besides Mark.

    Meowy Christmas & Happee New Ears

    Loud & Clear

  18. Feeling like lead the last few days, wake up and pinned to the bed by sheer density/weight of something!

    Daughter destroyed quite a few of her books today, the ‘lift the flap’ type. Could hear lots of noise from her room, sounded like velcro. I thought she was playing with her slippers. When I went in, there were lots of colourful, ripped bits of book all over the floor!

    Craving some lightness of being, some WELLbeing!

    Much Love & Light to ALL ❤️✨❤️

    1. Lily. Yes it was a knock you for six day yesterday. I had to leave work as I felt yuck. Seems like a few of us here had problems. Energies feel much better today and it’s sunny.☺️ So I hope you have become a bit lighter. I have a spotty memory for dates but think it’s your birthday tomorrow? Anyway Happy Birthday for when it really is. Xxxx💕

      1. Newlynn ❤️ So happy you are feeling better today 😊

        Am dealing with a lot physically still. UC is pretty challenging, not making it to the bathroom and seeing blood all the time gets you a tad down. Will try fasting again for few hours. Taking herbals and probiotics so hopefully will see improvement soon. I keep smiling and trying to stay positive for ‘Elsie’ and in the hope my body will start to get the hint and feel happy soon too!

        On a lighter note, we may have found the right pussycat! A grey and white ragdoll 3.5 years old. Gentle, intuitive and not very demanding at all but likes a fuss if one is going!

        Birthday is on the 4th Oct. Although pussycat will be for both my daughter and I, she will be a welcome gift into our lives.

        Much Love & Light & Hugs 🙏❤️🙏

        1. Much Love/Hugs from Minky & I for a Happy Birthweek. Peace.

          1. Christopher & Mindy ❤️🙏❤️ Thank you, much Love, Light, Peace to you both ❤️☀️🐱

        2. Lily. Sorry the UC isn’t improving yet. I take it prescription drugs are not on your agenda? I hate pharmaceuticals but when my partner had UC, she took them for about eighteen months and it worked. She has been asymptomatic for the last 15 years. Happy Birthday for tomorrow and I really hope the new puss is the one.🐈🐈🐈❤️

          1. Newlynn ❤️ Thank you so much for the lovely birthday wishes.

            I have taken the meds in the past but they made me worse! The side effect also gave me arthritis, liver problems and very lowered immunity. I know I can get well, just need to listen to my intuition a bit more and follow the guidance I get. Yes, really hope this pussy cat is the one. She sounds perfect for ‘Elsie’. I would be happy with all cats but ‘Elsie needs a very special kitty! It does ‘feel’ right, fingers and toes all crossed!

            Hope you are feeling well after ‘those’ energies!

            Much Love & Light ❤️✨❤️

            1. Lily. The side effects you suffered were dreadful. No wonder you don’t want to go down that route again. Stick with your intuition. Thanks for asking about my health. I’m good at the moment thanks. Still convinced my atrial fib moments are triggered by energy blasts. Look forward to hearing about new puss when she arrives.🐈🐈🐈

            2. Newlynn ❤️ So glad to hear you are feeling good at the moment, may it long continue! ‘atrial fib’ sounds like a character from Harry Potter! Sorry, shouldn’t joke!

              Have seen a couple of lovely kitties online, just finding out if any of them are right for us and still available! Will keep you posted 😉

              Much Love & Light ❤️✨❤️

        3. HUGE HaaaPY Birthday Lilly ,good luck with the new pussycat and sending you lots of love and Cwtches 😻😇💖xxx

          1. Kay ❤️ Thank you so much, so looking forward to having new pussycat, not sure exactly when it will be but hopefully soon!

            Much Love & Light ❤️🙏❤️

        4. Happy Birthday, dear Lily!

          1. June Happy ❤️ Thank you for your birthday wishes and so many hearts ☺️

            Much Love & Light 🙏❤️🙏

    2. Dear Lily,

      I want to wish you a very happy birthday!🎈 🎁🎂 🌺 💐🌈 🎈I hope that you and
      darling ‘Elsie’ have a wonderful, happy
      celebration. I think you said you are 44.
      I so wish that I was your age as I will be
      78 on Nov. 3rd. (Double Scorpio) and am
      only two years away from 80!

      Sending lots of love ❤️ and hugs 🤗


      1. Pamela ❤️ Thank you so much for the lovely birthday wishes x

        Hey age is just a number, it’s how you feel inside that counts 😉

        Much Love & Light 🙏❤️🙏

        1. Happy birthday Lily! Wishing you the most amazing, love-filled new year in your life. 💗

  19. I had two dreams in the last hour or two this evening (10/01) of a light grey dragon – the first there was a Living, ‘wood cut’ … animated? wood cut of it – the second dream was a light grey snow dragon a more life like pencil or pen & ink drawing also moving – the first, wood cut had two sets of wings, the nearer the head set of wings smaller (in the wood cut), but I remember thinking there was something wrong about the wings, like they were inaccurate. Both dragons were the long and sinewy type. I can’t remember the wings of the snow dragon as it was coiled in and around itself, didn’t see the wings.
    In the dream with the light grey snow dragon there was a dinner involved with two men and a woman like a powerful housekeeper – the type that was the ‘keeper of the keys’ type, was asking the ‘host’ man, then the guest something, but they weren’t listening… self absorbed. She had been almost whispering after it was clear they weren’t listening, like ‘why waste my breath’, with a bit of a sneer..

    Came here to write this when I woke up.

    Haven’t read new comments yet, but I saw the 10/10 date above that I remember coming across earlier in last month. Hmmm…

    Extreme headaches and neck and body pains today – very nap-py with eyes not working right.
    loves, and AM’s

      1. @Cats Eds… I’m trying to ask/get a sense of – they were both (in the dreams) living drawings, the first like a Medieval wood cut style( carved into a block of wood then printed, but moving) there was something else to the left side of drawing that the dragon was facing, hmmm, thought maybe a tree, but I’m getting – mountain – I would like to deny, but it just stays as a solid fact, SOLID emphasized – I’d say half the size of the mountain.
        The second dragon, living drawing, took up whole ‘paper’ and didn’t encompass all of the dragon (dragon too big for paper size – I get IMMENSE! and in contemplating what it had to do with the dinner – host and guest with woman – I feel the woman is/was also the dragon – the ‘keeper of the keys’.
        Both living drawings were black and white, not colored -neither of the dragons were colored in drawings, but words were ‘heard’, described or labeled, 1st – light grey dragon and the second, light grey SNOW dragon.

        Now thinking they are the same dragon, but separate in times or separated in time – the first wayyy back ,the second more now… great sense of attention from the second ‘Snow dragon’.Attention focus of first dragon on something else, the second more looking at me…. just got a nauseated headache… and eyes feel funny, like smoke in them, ache also – in forehead, to the left of third eye…whoozy/dizzy…
        – now ache in back of ears.

        Does any of that help?
        – quite sick and weird feeling…

  20. Been seeing 1 s and groups of ones all day this past day (10/01), not just the date, but many times and other occurrences, too.


  21. I’ve been contemplating whether to post this ‘comment’ since I woke with this artist and song this morning – this talent is one of those couldn’t post about a week or so ago… We’ll see if it posts today…

    I’ve only listened/viewed this performance once – not brave enough to go through it again – If you feel drawn to view it or need a purge do a Ytbe search; I won’t post a link. artist, Hua Chenyu, ‘cancer’… no lyrics, just vocalization. He only performs this once a year in concert, I don’t know if he even does it any more as it rips him apart physically, emotionally, spiritually – He first performed improvisationally as part of a charity event, asked to compose about cancer. 2014? originally. The one I viewed was from the ‘Mars concert’. (red shirt)

    This morning I thought/felt it in relation to those ptw types and similar and the self review they will go through if they have any touch of SOURCE left in them, and this is the pain they will feel, stages they will go through and perhaps come to and end in forgiveness and peace… Their negative energy IS a cancer that will eat them alive and leave them empty… makes me sad – the pain suffered by their victims feels like a ‘cleaner’ pain to me – don’t know if you can feel what I mean by that.
    I feel no joy in what self caused pain they (mean, unawoke types) will feel in their self examination.

    Be the love,

  22. Ah, Kg, Bless you for your kind and sensitive words. You are a treasure! (I may have a slight crush on you, but don’t tell anyone) In other business: YATJ today feels soooo much better than yesterday’s energy. It is so much clearer and cleaner. In the midst of planting numerous p.g. hydrangeas and hostas today. Bulbs due to arrive Friday. Yaaay!

    1. The air definitely smells fresher here too, and people seem more cheerful today.

    2. @J, I’m very fond of you as well, J. Here’s to meeting in some way in some ‘ soon’ and sharing a piece (or whole) key lime pie and lattes. 🙂 I’d love to sit and feel a GENTLE warm sunlight and the smells of your garden – if a salt smelling breeze can be arranged I welcome that, too…
      may much love be yours,

      1. I feel like a kid listening to my big sister/brother’s phone call. Peace.

  23. @lilli144 try many oz of aloe juice (no citric acid) throughout the day to settle things. Been working with clients and MM for many years and the aloe helps most people some.

    Today was a cosmic brick Thrown kind of Day. Timeline jump where the illusion falls away for a moment or two and knees buckle as it happens. G&P and take the rest of day to re identify. Here hoping October is just a bit more gentle so we can all get a breather. Intending powerful clarity and stamina to CATs project!

    1. JLK ❤️ Hope your symptoms have subsided now and you are feeling lighter ✨

      Thank you for the suggestion I have some aloe juice in the fridge that a dear friend sent me although I think it does have citric acid and apple/cranberry in it so maybe I should keep it until things calm down. Will look for some pure aloe juice.

      Much Love & Light may we all feel relief soon! ❤️🙏❤️

  24. First rebel I ever knew. . . Was me. I am no cabal. If I was I probably wouldn’t have such an aversion for those who think they save me from myself. . But he tells some good truth.

  25. Whoa, lots of us are feeling this latest one. It started around 9:00 pm PDT (2:00 UTC) and is still going strong at 11:15 pm (6:15 UTC). It’s manifesting in different ways: abdominal pressure; palpitations; nausea; extreme fatigue; extreme heat (usu. in the abdomen); the inability to bowl a score above 200, etc. Herbal tea seems to help, as does repeated G+P+C, and of course BREATHING in SOURCE. Some of us are going to fast tomorrow, just to make things easier.

    -CAT Eds.

    1. Helpful hint: Be sure to EXHALE, too. Breathing in SOURCE repeatedly ad infinitum just makes you explode, which is contraindicated in proper ascension practices.


    2. Ahem. On a more serious note, all the M’s and clairaudient CATs — and our terrestrial cats and some dogs — can HEAR this latest round of energy. It sounds like… a distant rumbling mixed with wind blowing “inside” your ears… along with the ubiquitous ringing. It’s also causing our dwellings to make “settling” noises, which is odd; lots of bangs and whacks and ticks. All told, a rather uncomfortable night.


      1. Thanks M6.

        I awoke last night to the strangest rumble noise. It was coming in waves. Eventually it tailed off.

        Can I ask a question about brother J. How does brother J feel about the cross symbol?

        And can you tell him to tell his parents (not biological) that Mark is fully ready to move dimensions with his family, and that he is getting really impatient and that if nothing happens soon, memo’s will be sent.


        Mark x

      2. Yep to last 3 comments,
        Had to go to bed at 9 P.M. last night after drinking electrolytes, bilateral copper bracelets and rubbing CBD ointment on many ouchie areas.
        House was settling from NE to SW with most emphasis on East to West. Settling noises had stopped after underpinning the foundation this past summer. (That is until last night.)
        Next door neighbor needed house to street sewer pipe replaced today. It reminded me of Amanda Ellis’s message to “check the pipes”. Cay

      3. No kidding uncomfortable! Seemed to hit especially my kids really hard, lots of anxiety, confusion, fears coming up. Spent half the night counseling them and breathing with them, tying rocks to certain thoughts etc., all while feeling like a ton of bricks had hit me and was weighing me down… and yes, Tulsi tea seemed to help…
        Lots of love, Vic

          1. No kidding! I’ve been getting really horrible thoughts, always when I’m having quite special, close moments with my daughter, settling her to sleep etc.. These dark thoughts come in, images of someone doing something really horrible to her, it takes all my energy to try and get those nasty pictures tied to heavy rocks and sunk. I try and visualise bright light surrounding her and pushing any negativity out, out and away. It’s really hard work. I wish I knew where they were coming from so I could perhaps stop it once and for all…

            Much Love & Light ❤️✨❤️

      4. Yes this new High Frequency is intense & same my house was oddly making settling noises in the midst of gridwork & thought its gotta be the energy cause its fully grounding. When it first arrived 28th every time I worked with it I felt so nauseas, thankfully after 3 days it settled. Feels like a Massive Wave hit & is now spreading out. We have reached a new Octave in Consciousness 🙂 Could it be we have gone thru an Event Horizon?

        I dreamed the impossible dream & reached the unreachable star doing gridwork Cats & M’s … spirit says nothing is impossible when the timing is right 🙂 I’ve had that song in my head the past 2 days … indeed the world will be better for this!

  26. @m6 is that what just happened? At my house I heard something crash in the bedroom and I called out to my mom to see if she was ok and no an so I ran back there and nothing. She was asleep and nothing was amiss. Nothing fell or broke. And I walked away and heard tinkering again!!! I literally stood in the middle of the hallway for several minutes waiting and watching

  27. Thank you so much CATs and Ms for your update and ALL that you do 🙏🌟🙏

    Thought I was dying last night and took a superhuman effort to get out of bed this morning.

    Last night heard lots of strange noises, bangs and other noises I cannot describe so maybe I was hearing a little bit of the energy.

    I was sitting on the sofa last night just breathing and gazing around the room enjoying the peace when I saw a few little ‘drops’ of light drip off my mantlepiece! Very pretty like liquid fairy lights!

    Much Love & Light ❤️🌟❤️

    1. Happy belated Birthday, Lily! The energy the last few days is about knocking me out too!

    2. @lily, – light drops… maybe your New Earth birthday candles. 🙂 Happy Birthday, Lily

      1. Kg ❤️ Thank you for birthday wishes ☺️ Ooooh, yes I like that! New Earth Birthday Candles! it was just like liquid light, so pretty! 🙏❤️🙏

    3. Ha! We all sent each other messages saying the same thing, thinking we were goners because of the energy. Funny how we all heard noises. We’ve got to look at that.

      Btw… if you see that Victorian guy (as your mother did), let us know. 😉

      -CAT Eds.

      1. Yes, that energy was quite intense, pheweee and odd that we all heard noises, would love to know what that was all about!

        It’s funny but when you mentioned the Victorian guy my first thought was that ‘being’ that walked down my drive but perhaps I am mistaken. It was very dark…it was also well over 20 years ago that she saw him but I remember getting shivers when she told me. Mum believes she may have been a witch or herbalist in a past life and burned!

        I have had a few odd things happen around that time. When I was about 14 years old I stupidly did a ougie board and asked a spirit to go through me (I know!) friends said they saw something inside pushing out of my back. Ever since then, things got very strange! I changed ALOT, dramatically, dabbled in drugs etc…self harmed, did stupid, stupid things got into all sorts of trouble that I spent the good part of 29 years trying to come to terms with and forgive myself. doesn’t feel right to go into it all but I think I am finally healing a lot of old stuff…

        Going back to that time. I was out one night and my parents and dog all thought they heard me come home. They heard the back door open and close and someone walk upstairs into my bedroom. When I came in half an hour later, they thought I was an intruder! Had friends tell me they had just seen me on the other side of town and places I had never been! Once when mum and I were in a quiet supermarket standing looking at the selves, we both heard someone whisper my name very loudly between our heads, looked around, no one there. Had a friend over to stay who told me I had come and sat on her bed in the night but I know I never slept walked and had been in my room all night. Around that time the sleep terrors started. I would wake up (within a dream) a dark hooded figure next to my bed, I could not scream although I tried. A few times I have had my hand grabbed in the night and so much other strange stuff.

        I remember right back to being a very small child and being on a family visit to (I think) Hampton Court or somewhere like that. There was a roped off corner and no apparent reason why it was roped off. I stuck my hand in it through curiosity. The air was thick and cold! Also remember we had a tiny toilet room before the wall was knocked done to make a big bathroom. I remember sitting there and seeing the floor rise up beyond my knees!

        I used to have so many flying dreams as a child and spent so much time gazing at the sky. I was bald up until the age of three! A recent Laura Whitworth video reminded me!

        Not sure why I’m telling you all this and it’s not a dot on what many of you have experienced…

        Much Love & Light xxx

  28. Well, I sat bolt upright at 2:00am PDT. Wide awake and lucid.(Huh, imagine that) Anyway, I got up and muttered to myself. Something about “This is for something(which I can’t remember) I can do this!” Anyway I stepped outside. It was so absolutely still and profound. Nothing could be be heard. It truly was being in the void. I’ll report back if anything else comes to mind. As I’ve stated previously, I know less than nothing.

  29. I had a strange experience today. Most likely timeline related. I walked up the road in the town where I work and saw two girls in their early twenties walking towards me. I particularly noticed them as they were both very tall and fashionably dressed and one of them had striking ginger hair. I walked straight on for five minutes not stopping anywhere and there they were again coming towards me. It wasn’t possible for them to get past me unseen and turn to walk towards me again. No back routes to circumvent me, and they would have had to run to do it that quickly if there were. They were chatting to each other both times I saw them. Fascinating.

    1. Newlynn ❤️ what a fab experience! It reminds me of something my mother saw a long time ago, well over twenty years ago. We were living in London then. She was walking to the railway station on the way to work and saw a gentleman in really old fashioned (victorian?) dress on the other side of the road. She thought it was strange but carried on, boarded the train and after the train had been going for about twenty minutes it stopped at a station and she saw the exact same man walking along a road parallel to the station on the other side of the fence. It would have been impossible to have walked from one place to the other in that time and he hadn’t boarded the train!

      Much Love & Light 🙏❤️🙏

      1. Wow that’s interesting. My mom had a ghost experience too, in a bedroom of a very old farmhouse. I don’t see them though. Hope you had a good birthday. Sounds like Elsie enjoyed it lol.😸💕

        1. Newlynn ❤️ Yes ‘Elsie’ has a lovely day! Actually managed to get out after being housebound for over two weeks. We just went to the local garden centre and shop as its nice to walk around the pond, a little bridge there etc.. Ended up buying Elsie a toy tea set, kettle and toaster!

          Hope you are well and riding these energies with ease!

          Much Love ❤️🙏❤️

    1. Awww Kolibri ❤️ Mmmmm, that looks sooooo yummy, anyone care to join in for a slice?!

      Thank you so much! I had a gluten free,dairy free chocolate cheesecake but could only manage a few mouthfuls as my body was saying noooo! ‘Elsie’ managed hers very well though and carried a chocolate moustache around on her lovely face for the remainder of the afternoon!

      Much Love, Light and delicious cake! 🙏❤️🙏

    1. That explains the black goo. Lisa also told me this morning that some of her clients had also been seeing either GREEN or PURPLE energy, lately. Interesting that The CATs saw both oscillating last night.


  30. Infinite Love and Gratitude to Cats and M’s and All! Wow. Feeling a Huge Shift this morning. Such relief! May all be in Joy and Beauty today 🙏🏼❤️

    Happy Birthday to our lovely Lilly!

  31. Gaia Portal ❤️

    Waters of fulfillment are ingested by the hu-manity collective.

    Gatherings of Light increase.

    Accelerations of Illumination are experienced throughout the Galaxy.

    Many awake to Jesus’ laughter.

    Missions are completed.

    1. Yeah- today (10/4) is one big head-squeezing woozy blurrr – ugh

  32. Dreamed that my dad goes there are giant dolphins in the sky they were looking down at us. I said oh goodie it is the event you see the dolphins and whales always maintained their connection to source they never lost it now it is our time to get it back. Then my dad started playing a flute (I looked that up represents male spiritual energy and a spiritual event). Best dream yet lol.

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