Meterage Week 10-13-19 [UPDATE6]


We’ve augmented the previous Sunday post to include the whole week. We’ve had some interesting activity:

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Felt like something was going on… and it was. It’s just Wave X.



These Lyra gaps speak to timeline jumps… but we haven’t seen any other indications.
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We think this was the edge of that recent CME.


Hm. Seems every time we get either portal roastage or a timeline jump, the Lyra meter blanks out:

It could also be blanked out by concentrated blasts of Wave X energy.

Unfortunately, more and more meters keep failing, making it more difficult to crosscheck. The Tomsk SR meter is down, Rome and Medicina and Ottawa and Kiruna are also down. Luckily we have all of us, who are more reliable Wave X detectors.

This is how that one magnetometer looked, afterward:

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Stairs Across The Rift


Note that lots of CATs have been having dreams, for some time now, about going somewhere and doing something, then we return across a bridge or set of stairs or ladder. These connectors are getting worse and worse and worse, more and more rickety. Last night’s stair/ladder had debris on it, and you had to seriously watch your step, so… clearly it won’t last much longer. We may have a final ‘Rip’ of major timelines BEFORE The SHIFT. We’re asking M’s about it. We may have more info soon… on something else.


Btw, it should be noted… if something ever happens to (all?) The CATs and this blog goes silent, do not become angry and seek revenge, or worry about us. We can just as easily (more easily?) do our jobs on The Other Side. Better, in fact. We are all immortal, all connected to SOURCE. We’re not going anywhere. And we’ll still be in contact with SuperFriends, so.. no worries. These bodies are just ‘gloves of the moment.’ We certainly aren’t anticipating any transition, but the above should be noted.

However, an interruption *could* also be… that we’re on opposite sides of The Rift. If you suspect this is the case, do not panic. Go into meditation and feel your way toward SOURCE. Ask Brother J for help. There really is no ‘left behind’ with SOURCE, because you’re actually snoozing inside SOURCE right now, having this crazy dream, with SOURCE slooowwwwwly trying to wake you up so you don’t get startled and retreat into darkness. Even if you’re on one side, there will still be opportunities to get across. Just DON’T PANIC. Panic kills. Take a deep breath and think clearly and logically. It could also be that you’re one of the Other Side volunteers, in which case, you outrank us, and you should be very proud of the work you are doing.

Note: Those who transition in the coming months — DO NOT go into the light (trap). If you feel yourself being sucked into it, listen for that tone in your head and become that vibration. The system rejects those exhibiting enlightenment of any kind.

Uh oh… energy building up again! [eyeroll]

More later.


Oh, someone asked us to put back the Halloween cat:



Well, Tomsk is back up, and what it’s reporting shouldn’t surprise anyone:

An ‘indigo WHOMP’ is brewing again.


Rome is back up.


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One CAT noticed that the x-rays from the sun have begun to exhibit a pattern like a beating heart. It’s been doing this for some time and it has something to do with the earth, we just can’t tell what, yet.

As for one of our projects, we’re getting closer. A certain power company is looking more and more like something run by a supercriminal. At least the military is NOT involved.


So, we’ve figured out where the heartbeat-like pulses coming from the sun originate:


They’re coming from what we call “Portal One,” the portal inside the sun. They appear to be marking time. Some M’s think they might be SOURCE’s warning to those who use the portal system, and when a certain number (of pulses) is reached, or once the rate changes (quickens), then they will have a short time to vacate the “system” — which is used for transportation, among other things — before huge energy floods the system. It appears to be roughly set to 24 hours at this point.


Please keep an eye out for any unusual “wildfires” or fire events in Hawaii. We’re getting closer to the source. [Note: We just took the plunge and posted what we’ve seen… and got an earthquake for our trouble! You don’t realize that you’re getting to them until they throw and earthquake at you!]


Loos like that ship is headed to either Midway or Japan (see above link), but still got off a parting shot.

In the meantime, a WHOMP is developing, which would put a nightcap on the evening’s activities… except this is SOURCE chiming in! Always fun to be caught in the middle:



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Meanwhile… the magnetometer is smooothing out…


A blob of energy may be incoming. Here’s when it emerged:


These were recorded by Stereo A, so… the earth should be to the right of this blob… but the Earth is not only orbiting the sun, it’s also flying through space WITH the sun, describing a spiral shape as everything travels. This means we have no idea if any of this energy will affect us.  It’s pretty slow, so we’re guessing later this week, if at all.

There were also two Portal One blasts that will affect us… sometime… it’s impossible to tell how fast energy and material comes in, but it’s much faster than CME/flare/prominence blobs:



More later.

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137 thoughts on “Meterage Week 10-13-19 [UPDATE6]

  1. My observation, some words evolve, though some humans refuse to. To “google” meant to search(re: barney google w/googley eyes from 1960’s). Now “google” is more synonymous with, to interfere/hinder, hide the truth. IMO. Peace.

  2. What a wonderful Halloween 🎃 cat 🐈!

    Love and happy Fall to all,


  3. I am feeling that Solar Wind while I was wide awake last night I saw a meteor streak across the sky.

  4. Where is Stefan? He hasn’t said anything in a long time. You okay, man? Hope all is well.

    1. @Kolabri, I have been wondering about Stefan as well – hope everything is
      all right. If I remember correctly, Stefan had inquired about you, when perhaps you were busy, and had not posted for awhile. I am sure we all send our love ❤️ and best wishes to him.

      With love,


      1. Kolibri, Sorry 😐 I misspelled your name. Maybe it turned into lab, instead of lib, as I have a lab dog, or more likely, it is that I have trouble
        typing everything on my small phone!


      2. Yes, he asked about me when I didn’t post for a while after my dad died. Didn’t take him as long as it’s taken me, either; I’ve been worried about him for a while now. And don’t worry about the name spelling; as far as that goes, you can always call me Kathy!

        1. Thank you Kathy! I feel like so
          many of the people here are like
          a family and I worry that if anything should happen to this
          site we could no longer stay in
          touch. I hope that doesn’t occur
          but with all the changes that are
          happening it is a concern. And Uli
          wondered about Tea Kay. I know
          we all miss her as well.

          With love to everyone,


          1. Hi Pamela,
            I was just thinking the same thing this morning. I don’t post as frequently, but I love all the commenters, CATs and Ms.
            Love 💗 and Hugs 🤗

      1. I too have been missing Stefan and Tea Kay.
        I really Love our Cat Family here. Wishing everyone a pretty day.
        Big Hugs and Love!

      2. Ad Antoniatailor on the “mia” list. Peace.

        1. It seems she’s been gone since the “black goo” post (we’d have to look to be sure). Some people thought this was evidence of a dark attack infecting the CATs. It wasn’t. Some other people who themselves are tainted by (long standing) contact with light-averse beings have also found various excuses to stop following us, as they didn’t like things we were saying. So it goes. We’re still the same, on the same SOURCE mission.

          -CAT Eds.

          1. My intuition must be on point as I’ve never doubted your intentions. It’s about the only thing that does work well…


      1. Oh good, I’m relieved! As you can see, you’ve been missed. Stay well….

  5. @Cats and all,
    Thank you for this information – I did a last click to here for a quick peek before sleep because I’d become moments before EXTREMELY exhausted.
    I couldn’t get my body to respond enough even to type a sentence or two in response, gave up and passed out. (I also couldn’t connect to the Tomsk Schumann which I usually take a peek at – still cannot connect)
    By the time I could see the time it was already 1:17 am my time(Mountain). I’d been reading your message for a few minutes, trying to keep my eyes open, so I tuned in probably shortly after 1:00 AM.

    The whole family/house group has become ‘sick’ this week – when I couldn’t reach Tomsk a fb group for Schumann popped up and one poster there had a list
    of ‘symptoms’ connected to this full moon; we had them all at one time or another – BUT this hasn’t been like any ascension flu before as far as I have felt. The bone and joint pain (different the the bone pain) has been much more intense and DIFFERENT than any pain I’ve felt before; and I’ve experienced a lot – a connoisseur 🙂 you might say…
    So many dreams last night, all related to what’s happening, but not retained enough for coherent relaying – lots of working with different people. A song arrived with the ending area of the last dream – It was “Surfin’ USA’, Beach Boys, – feeling a bit like (maybe) the world ‘wave’ would follow the people’s wave in America? Something other than then awakening – don’t really know.

    I woke up with another visual migraine thing this morning after that dream, song still playing in head. This one was different – they are usually the tiny spiral that grows bigger until out of visual field made up of tiny geometric shapes of neon colors outlined in black – this time the whole INSIDE of curve that was made up as previously stated was made up, filled, with thick/wider sections of black and white
    geometric PATTERNS. I’ll try to find some examples in a linkable page.

    Hmmm, I started to look on G**gl image for something that could give you an idea of what it was like, but after a minute or two was told not to post any pics… Ok…
    The whole thing also did not grow out of visual field at the rate it usually does – it stayed approximately the same size or growing very slowly for a very long time.

    Thank you for being there/here and for all you do.

    Was saying the “I am” s all this morning after waking – will continue to do so…
    much love,

    1. Crystalline DNA upgrade. I have experienced these more than a few times over the years. Some say these are specifically Pleiadian sent, I don’t Know. Much Love,

  6. Well, here at the farm on Sunday morning, Love is in the air! It is palpable! An enveloping sweet, sweet stillness is present. It truly is a PRESENCE! Here’s sharing it with you All.

      1. You can All join me here for delicious lattes any time you choose. (Maybe you All could lend a hand in some bulb planting. Hmmmm? The portal is in standby mode should you decide to come.)

        1. I suspect that once we gain the ability to teleport, you’re going to have all the company and help you could ever wish for. I look forward to seeing you and your glorious farm!

        2. @J ~~
          I have read your above comment several times and never saw the bulb planting part till now. 😉

          It seems that your “delicious lattes” remark sent me spinning off into a coffee reverie, and I never finished reading your comment till this minute. All three sentences of it. HA.

          I am diagnosing Coffee Attention Deficit.

          Don’t anybody use the word “chocolate”, okay? And, “caramel” is iffy, too. “Pumpkin spice” seems to be fine, at least for now. If you use these words right before a work assignment, good luck.

  7. @Cats Eds
    Oh, I forgot to ask,
    Was there something going on early this morning some light, but pre-dawn – I didn’t have a clock handy – there’s mountains here so we don’t see the sun right away, there is a mountain to the east.
    I woke with a lot of agitation, semi-anxiety… I tried to breathe through it with ‘help’, but eventually had to haul myself with difficulty (was still body exhausted) and take some herbal nerve tonic in water and eventually go back to sleep.

    Just wondered if it was ‘something’ or my daughter’s energy waking up after an upset with granddaughter during the night…?

    1. Definitely. It’s a full moon, a Wave X CME delivered a glancing blow, and all the portals are going nuts, and all that “moon goo” is supposed to be fully integrated today. It’s the 13th, as predicted!

      -CAT Eds.

      1. Well, something was going on in our neck of the woods,…after having had a hard night of vomiting and muscle cramps, my husband and I recuperated just in time for our sweet, sweet, dear dog going into terrible seizures that just didn’t stop and ended up killing him! Our whole family is just in shock over this, he was only 5 years old and such a lover! I have written about him before on this blog, he seemed stable, and now this- such a sudden, terrible death, it all went so fast, he just didn’t stop! I know there’s some rhyme and reason to this, but it feels awfully raw right now! Funny, we went to a wedding yesterday, beginnings and endings, all in one weekend, we truly live in intense times! I know he’s doing well, but please send some love to my sweet big boy! We will miss him dearly!

        1. Veni Vidi. How very shocking to you all. Very sad time. Sending love and hugs to your big boy and you and your family.💖

        2. veni vidi 11 sending so much love 💕 So sorry to hear of your beautiful dog passing. Thinking of you and sending healing 🙏❤️🙏

        3. Veni Vidi,
          I am so sorry for your loss. Sending you Love and Hugs.

          1. Thank you, CAT’s, Newlynn, Lily, and Sharon and everyone else sending support and love! It all feels rather surreal today, all of us heartbroken and our other dogs quiet and moping around…and this post talking about transitioning and possible separation is not exactly helping…Makes me wonder what the whole “being thrown out of the salt shaker” will look like! It’s feeling intense right now, like strings on the bows being tightened and everyone waiting, holding their breath before the orchestra starts playing Beethoven’s 9th, just wish we could fast-forward to the Ode to Joy, but this world symphony masterpiece that Source is writing cannot be hurried! And what a privilege it is to be part of it!
            Lots of love, Victoria
            Lyrics in English for “Ode to Joy”
            (“Ode An Die Freude”)
            Beethoven’s 9th Symphony

            O friends, no more these sounds!
            Let us sing more cheerful songs,
            more full of joy!
            Joy, bright spark of divinity,
            Daughter of Elysium,
            Fire-inspired we tread
            Thy sanctuary.
            Thy magic power re-unites
            All that custom has divided,
            All men become brothers
            Under the sway of thy gentle wings.
            Whoever has created
            An abiding friendship,
            Or has won
            A true and loving wife,
            All who can call at least one soul theirs,
            Join in our song of praise;
            But any who cannot must creep tearfully
            Away from our circle.
            All creatures drink of joy
            At nature’s breast.
            Just and unjust
            Alike taste of her gift;
            She gave us kisses and the fruit of the vine,
            A tried friend to the end.
            Even the worm can feel contentment,
            And the cherub stands before God!
            Gladly, like the heavenly bodies
            Which He set on their courses
            Through the splendor of the firmament;
            Thus, brothers, you should run your race,
            As a hero going to conquest.
            You millions, I embrace you.
            This kiss is for all the world!
            Brothers, above the starry canopy
            There must dwell a loving Father.
            Do you fall in worship, you millions?
            World, do you know your creator?
            Seek him in the heavens;
            Above the stars must He dwell.

            1. Whew! Thank you for posting Ode to Joy, Victoria — I needed that!

            2. Oh, what a young and tender Karajan here…had all music in him, didn’t
              even open his eyes! Amazing inner concentration, while all his musicians
              fighting the waves! Also, amazing unison, for he barely moved!
              Thank you!

        4. Veni vidi, sooo sorry to hear about your doggy. Especially so suddenly, my heart goes out to you. At least he’s okay now wherever he is and knows you loved him dearly!

        5. @veni vidi 11, My heart is with you. Perhaps my Mollie came to be with him – I understand shock. I was walking her home one day (she was a sassy ‘Old Auntie’ type personality, beagle corgi mix rescue ) and the white German shepherd next door leap out of the car in the neighbors driveway and attacked her from the rear – she’d gotten anal gland cancer and I think the dog smelled she was ‘wrong’. Two other neighborhood dogs had tried to charge her a couple of weeks before. I had to put her to sleep less than a week later, she had NO white bld cells. I had time to say goodbye, I’m sorry your loss was so traumatically sudden…
          No ones loss is like any one else’s, but we can understand the shock and pain of the loss, the bewilderment and dissolving of your insides.

          I mentioned Mollie because she immediately came to mind – Shortly after losing her(2010) I had a dream – she was napping on a meadow-ed hillside with tiny flowers amongst the grass and was buried in puppies. I have a feeling Mollie’s got him now – she’s very sweet, but bossy, so she’ll show him the ropes while waiting for you all. Maybe even find him some puppies to play with?

          much love
          PS: I wondered about giving Mollie's name, but the feeling from her was she wanted it know that he was with a friend… only friends have names… 🙂

          1. I love the image of the flowery meadow, Kg! Thank you for sharing that! I am sure my boy will love running around in the meadow with the puppies, he was a very kind and playful dog and loved being silly. Didn’t mind being bossed around either…😉❤
            PS: His name was Emmet

            1. @veni vidi 11, Ooooo, I love your boy’s name, Emmet. – Did he ever sleep on his back with his legs in the air front paws folded at ‘wrists, all floppy? Just got a pic of them bein’ all lazy in the grass and such… 🙂


        6. I am so sorry about the sudden
          loss of your dog. He is, as you know, healthy and well in Spirit
          but even knowing that doesn’t
          take away the 😢 hurt. I have been having a difficult time with
          my 14.5 year old dog, Blackie. He
          has been collapsing and having
          trouble walking. This has happened before and I don’t think
          he can keep going much longer. I
          can’t help much as he is 80 lbs. and between struggling with him
          and Wave X energies it has made
          me feel weaker than usual. With
          lots of love ❤️ and healing to you,
          your dog and family.


          1. Thank you Pamela! Lots of love and strength to you and dear Blacky!

        7. Went through this recently, it’s soul destroying. I feel for your temporary loss. Won’t be much longer until we can leave all this illusory BS behind and reunite with those we miss dearly.

          Mark x

        8. veni vidi,
          So sorry for your family’s loss.

        9. Veni Vidi 11: so sorry about your dog. Sending you lots and lots of love. ❤

        10. Veni Vidi so very sorry for that traumatic incident. I Love my dogs more than words can express so my heart truly goes out to you. 💜

        11. Veni Vidi 11.
          I feel your words and I am so sorry for your loss. I know how empty it becomes after our beloved friends sail away.. But I also feel the love – the love your four-legged brother had for you and your family and the love you all have for him – and since love know no boundaries, you will always be close to each other. He is only a thought away💕

          Loving hugs💖

  8. For the second night in a row, I haven’t been able to fall asleep until 4:00am ! This will pass soon, I hope!

    1. I’m pulling out all the stops myself. It’s not so much about falling asleep but I sleep for two hours and wake up roughly around the same witching hour eyes wide open until my body gives up at 6am back to sleep. Can’t continue this cycle.

      1. Stick around to see new world rising, I have good feeling for next year, so it would be nice not to have a front raw seat on this side ✨

  9. 🙏 CATs & M’s thank you for all you do. I sincerely hope you are all able to stick around a bit longer…❤️

    Was staring at the sky this evening through the kitchen window, the sun was setting and there were lots of heavy dark clouds around. As I looked at them drifting by I would suddenly get a flash/patch of purple! As I looked at another normal grey cloud I would again get a flash/patch of purple! wasn’t sure if it was my perspective, something going on in me or whether it was something external or both!

    Simon Parkes just mentioned 5G again and suggested buying a 5GBioshield…

    Big Love everyone! ❤️🙏❤️

    P.S CATS, the kitty behind the misty haze looks just like our kitty that is coming to us on Wednesday! How did you know?!

  10. The 13th as predicted s here!
    Thank you CATS and M’s for the good posts and discussions. So glad to know I’m not the only one experiencing the waves….
    Definitely been dealing with my share of the goo then today definitely feel a shift for the better…the integration you mentioned. Fasten your seat belts it may get rough again….
    Thanks to all! Injoy

  11. I woke up at 3AM local time Sunday, after sleeping on the sofa as I felt so tired. We had Ransomware attack at our servers in the company I started to work for recently so I was working for 12h at Saturday. That maybe the reason to feel tired (or it was emergency nap thing ?), but not the reason to wake up at 3AM uhhhh 😨

    Also, when I was thinking about this Ransomware attack (while awake), I saw two guys standing behind some table, there was a mist around them, remote viewing ?

    I know it is not OK to think bad about nobody, or to mean to harm them, but maybe just scaring them it is OK 😁

    1. That’s interesting. Try to do it again. Look for a white board, for info, or an address.

      Some of the CATs had their VISION pop back on tonight, after being gone for three weeks. Sweet relief.

      -CAT Eds.

  12. Hello All! 👋
    Just a bit ago (4:00pm central time) my garage(!) smelled very strong like fresh baked cookies. The smell wasn’t in the house or outside. There is absolutely no reason that it should smell that way. Could be something, could be nothing. Just thought it was strange and wonderful.

    When the shift happens, do babies automatically transition? If so, I sure do hope I am going, too. I don’t think I could handle it if I couldn’t go with my 2 (18 month old and 4 month old). I know I shouldn’t be worried, but…

    Anyway, I love All of you beautiful souls! Thank you for being my online family!
    Big, Big, Big Hugs 🤗

    1. Yes. This happens to some of us sometimes, too. That’s actually energy you’re smelling. We’re still trying to ID these “clairscents.” SOURCE seems to smell like coffee.

      As for babies… we don’t know. It will depend on the baby and their life path/mission.

      And thanks. 😉

      -CAT Eds.

      1. Thank you, CATs and Ms!
        I feel extra blessed! I got answers from you and from my dream (higher self, guides?).
        In my dream last night, I first observed a popular radio show host sleeping in the garage of a house. Then I pull up to the garage in my car, and he walked up to me. He says that we don’t have enough money to be in the house. I look at him like he is crazy, and open the door to the house and walk in. The house is familiar, but I have never seen it before. It is empty – no furniture, belongings or people. Right before I woke up, I was thinking that we need to furnish it and make it a home. Unfortunately, none of my family was in the dream, only that radio host. Why him, and not my family? I will ask my guides and higher self for clarity.

        Love 💗 Hugs 🤗 and Gratitude 🙏

      2. Among other strange things, I am getting this strange smells more and more often, which is strange for me as I started smoking again few years ago and I lost smelling sense, so I am not the only one with this weird smells, uhhh, good to hear that 🙂✨

      3. Meditating yesterday (nodding off lol), and I smelt a kind of coffee smell. I immediately thought of your comment about SOURCE!


    2. Your Babies Will teach You, after the shift. IMO. Peace.

      1. Hello Christopher,
        I am sure they will, I already see the Knowing in their eyes.
        Love 💗 and Hugs 🤗

        1. Minky & I send Much Love/Many Hugs to Your Little Gang. Peace.

  13. Thank you for this post, CATs.
    It gives me a lot to think and ponder about.. Whatever happens, please take care❤️

    Also…may I ask if you perhaps could help me with one thing? Since that “spike” in energy (or what ever I should call it) happened on tuesday the 8th last week, my heart feels different. Is there any chance that you could just take a quick look to see what’s changed and if it’s ok? If there is something I should know about that I’m not yet aware of, I mean…

    Loving hugs💖

  14. “See you in the ethers” should transition occur abruptly due to Shift or change in spiritual duties. Love to ALL. Thanks CATS and M’s for your gifts on this site. Cay

  15. Today would have been my father’s 99th birthday; had he lived. He died at age 52. He was a Libra, born on a Wednesday in 1920. He was born in Brooklyn, New York–one of seven siblings and the eldest son. His father was a NY City Fireman. He took his own life in 1930. My Dad was in the U.S. Coast Guard in early 40’s and served in WWII in the South Pacific in the conflict with Japan. We became estranged when my parents divorced and I was seven. This happening at this full moon, in particular, is bringing me some (long time coming)…closure. Just wanted to share. Thanks for listening. P.S. I loved him and miss him.

  16. Also… There’s some noise about the PTW planning to nuke Seattle in November.

    Not possible, right?

  17. I dreamed about trains and buses taking us all to better places. They were even checking us to make sure we were authentic.

    1. Last night I dreamt I had ordered a surfboard and was just getting the notice to go pick it up. Only vaguely remembered ordering it and wondered what color it would be, because I couldn’t remember. Color schemes are important, after all. 😉 I was a little confused as to why I was buying one, as I am not a surfer! Then I was swimming in ocean waves in the dream with a few friends — thought I’d swim against a biggish wave and it had other ideas, so I ended up “going with the flow” as they say. Gonna have to learn to ride on the waves though, it sounds like…

  18. Sorry Cat´s I´m lost in translation again.
    When yo said: “If you feel yourself being sucked into it, listen for that tone in your head and become that vibration”
    What tone and vibration do you mean?
    The one with that light-trap? I understand that no, by pure logic. Maybe use the mantra or invite Brother J, but my understanding of the language tells me to become that light.
    Please clarify it.

    1. Thank you Christina! I have the same question for you Cat’s!
      Please clarify?! ❤️
      Thank you,
      June 🙂

      1. Oh June, do not thank me.;)
        We are all in this together, It’s like in school. The doubts of some help others.
        I enjoy both the messages of the cat´s and the comments of those who participate here.

    2. Cristina ❤️ The CATs are saying do not go to the tunnel of light. The light is a trap. Instead listen to your inner self, for a sound, I guess your frequency and imagine yourself becoming that sound.

      I hope that helps, I am sure someone will explain this better then I have just done!

      Much Love ❤️🙏❤️

      1. Well, THAT light is a trap. It’s truly insidious. It pissed Da-da off, when he and Lynn uncovered it (for certain), he told us and it royally pissed the M’s off, hoo-boy. But SOURCE and Guides stepped in and told us that SOURCE is on the job and that we could stop with our efforts (which were very difficult, FAR-RANGING, and time-consuming). But when it comes to *other* light… jeez, how could you tell if it’s good or bad?! We need to address that.

        -CAT Eds.

      2. It’s not so much listen for the sound as FIND the sound, and then magnify it dramatically; concentrate on it, and use it to rise above the trap if you feel yourself being pulled in. You can also yell, “Brother J, HELP!”

        -CAT Eds.

      1. CATS, Yes, I usually hear a tone/frequency towards the end of my meditations, always wondered what that was!

        Much Love ❤️

  19. Last week, I was a gooey emotional mess. I seem to have emotionally recovered on this full moon Sunday, though the underlying issues haven’t changed.

    Recently, I set the intention that if I was going to be stuck in this body since the Shift keeps getting delayed, I wanted to have some…fun with it. And the universe threw me in a loop. Learned about girls I liked hooking up with other guys and felt insanely irrationally jealous. Later in the week I ended up at a sexually-charged party (which has actually never happened to me before), but then realized I couldn’t do anything because I didn’t actually *love* anyone there. So I guess love matters. Love might be the only thing that matters. Oh god I feel like a teenager.

    I feel awkward typing…but hey Source, can you help me out with this? If end up with someone terrible (which is very likely since I don’t have a lot of experience with women), I’m pretty sure it would wreck me. Yeah I could go back to being a hermit, but then I’ll be depressed and it that would also wreck me.

    Or the Shift could start tomorrow and everyone can be happy 🙂

  20. How is it that you can contact the deceased if most departed souls reincarnated via the fake TOL?

    The PTW are falling right into your trap! Making desperate threats that would actually aid you to where you’d rather be LOL, fools.

    I will look you up wherever you are, you ain’t getting rid of me that easily.

    PTW… clowns.


  21. Had a disturbed night – disjointed sleep – weird dreams.

    There was a whole thing with wasps &, or yellow jackets – I think they are different in UK than US. There were some people I was working with – I haven’t see the series of movies, but some of the people made me think of movies with the old disreputable veterans or old veteran mercenaries – Any way they were giving advice on ways and things to use to deter or get rid of these wasps and yellow jackets – there was a squat cylinder with thin nail type spikes all over it to throw up toward the roof eves (something else involved there) something to prevent them forming nests. Some symbolism there??
    One wasp injected its stinger in my little dog’s side, I hurried over and tried to squeeze whatever out, thinking of those wasps that inject eggs in victim, so their offspring can eat their way out (yuck and disturbing) Was only able to roll this hard ball type thing around inside her side, not get it out – disturbing to say the least – still worries me there is something wrong with her, she hasn’t been eating right a couple of days.

    There was a dream area with LOTs of people, many with their dogs, milling around a place that had a similar feel to the village green type place in one area of my hometown – Everyone kind of aimlessly milling, but not bewildered…

    in another dream… My daughter accepted and held a hug from me and her fiancee did a similar energy from nearby. Neither of them do this in life – my daughter picks up too much info from people with touch and her partner’s difficulty comes from abuse and struggles with some issues with me because of his mother dying and how. So this seems a big deal.

    Perversely, had very strong feeling on waking or before, that my whole family/household is dying, me too – of course we all are, but you know what I mean – Dying has never bothered me – their doing so doesn’t seem to bother me either – I suppose there are some out there that think that horrible.
    The only think that bothers me about dying is leaving ‘things’ around afterwards – belongings and such that people have to deal with… I’d just as soon live in a little minimalist Japanese tea house (in a tree? 🙂 ) by a babbling brook with moss and meadows… visit Mollie, lol and puppies… with my little brown dog, too.

    Hope your days even out,
    much love, to all,

    1. Oh these pups (and kittys) do affect us so, don’t they. I think the animals, both wild and domestic, are the bravest lot to come to this planet, frankly. At any rate, I just had to second the Japanese tea house / tree house and environs — sounds divine! Throw in the sound and smell of the ocean wafting in now and then… And I also wanted to say that I’ve heard dying dreams are very auspicious, like dying to your old self and moving up a level. Cheers to that! xo, L

      1. @ark2arcturus, I’ll second the request for sound and smell of ocean in our new place – It is one of the things I miss about not being near the New England coast anymore – it’s why I added that salt smelling breeze to J’s garden visit. 🙂

        Looking forward to a Cats, etc blog alumnae, reunion picnic… with all the animals, too…

  22. Hello Cats and Ms and everyone! I just wanted to mention that there was a BIG clearing session done with a group coordinated by Bonnie Serratore and 4 of her Accelerator Team members. The focus was Dark Force Interferences (on all levels) It was on Friday 10/11/19 started at 5pm Eastern time to about 6:30pm ish Eastern. Looking at your graphs, I think that lines up with one of the breaks.

    And I think there’s been a bunch of retaliation because I have been feeling more under it then ever past 2 days. I’m like Prisoner Zero. Very hard to get clear and things just come right back…no matter what I do. Oddly the energy of the clearing felt stronger the night before. I have something HUGE (like beyond the Matrix level huge) that blocks things from connecting with me. I call it “Kept Away”…and I think this huge thing stepped into the clearing and tamped it down. The clearing did not feel to me like it really got much stuff off me…and I know they did tons of stuff! Pretty sure that meter even shows it. Several other attendees also felt there was less clearing than should have been based on the amount of power on the session. Does anyone get any sense who or what or where this “Kept Away” is? I have only cleared it accidentally a few times before…after several different clearings happened to be scheduled back to back. A d once it happened after I made a comment on this blog, so maybe one of you pulled something big after reading my comment on a Friday night during summer. And then *wow* it’s like the vacuum bubble bursts and real warmth and life rush back in to connect up me. It’s an immediate thing. But it comes right back…and I for sure think it blasted itself into that session and kept everyone from connecting. Has anyone ever heard of something like this?? It hides expertly. -Sue W Nj

    1. In regards to the “Kept Away” phenomenon. Yes, the same thing exists in my life. It disappears in dreams and I feel much freer, but as soon as I wake up, it descends like a limiting, suffocating cloak. Don’t know what it is, an entity, or just a function of the matrix we live in.

      The current tampered-with human body/DNA is a reducing valve for consciousness, so it may be a built-in feature for everyone, but only recognized as an artificial, external limitation by a few exceptionally perceptive people. Everyone else just says, “Huh? What are you talking about…that’s just life.”

      Would sure like to know what the CATs have to say about this.

      1. Thanks for your input. I appreciate you sharing your experience. If you come across anything that helps lift it for you please shout it out I’d be very interested. For me so far Bonnie Serratore and Christopher Macklin have been great help. But I only get a day or so clear, sometimes only hours. (((Hugs))) to you. ❤️🎁🌎

    2. Hm. We do think there was an effort to block you all. Strange… not sure we’ve ever been blocked from meditating, or had a bad result come back at us. What region are you all in, or are you from all over? And how many people total were meditating?

      Btw, one of the M’s VERY SUCCESSFULLY employs a (white) light saber in their dreams… and now they use it all the time in meditations, too. Lots of us are using them, now. Very effective. You can also scale the light as big (or as small) as you want.

      -CAT Eds.

      1. Thanks for the tips. I will try the light saber but I’m sort of blocked from myself too, so not much I try works. People are not allowed to connect to me, and I’m not allowed to connect to me either. Puts me in a pretty tough bind. Clearings like that one with lots of people from all over, where they accelerate things up to the light are the only things keeping me existing. But they don’t last long and any connection I do make just gets blocked immediately.
        I did see myself talking to a huge Rainbow Dragon in my sleep once months ago, like asking advice or strategy, and the next morning I stepped out of my car at the store and at my feet was a pretty exact picture of the Dragon, made by an iridescent oil slick. This was a huge dragon shaped picture right at my feet. The planet seems to like drawing things for me, maybe because I’m so blocked. A tree drew an exact picture of itself on a leaf for me (including a stick figure catching a leaf), and the next year something drew a picture of the entire trail near the tree onto the first ice of the pond. An exact picture. An artist could not have drawn it better.
        So I’ve been trying to keep my sensors open for any Dragon advice since that, but being Prisoner Zero makes communication a bit difficult. At least on the little girl Sue side of things, lol.

    3. Oh. I just read this with less-tired eyes: “The focus was Dark Force Interferences (on all levels)…”

      There’s the problem. You were going up against the reptiles.

      Note that this kind of meditation isn’t as effective as pushing things the OTHER way (up) for everyone else. We’ve been counseled by Guides not to bother with this kind of tete-a-tete meditation, as SOURCE is already in charge of this reclamation project.


      1. That’s interesting. I’m sure reptiles were in there somewhere, but we went all over, not just alien layers. Hard to explain. And if Source doesn’t want me to be a part of sessions like this it’s just going to have to forgive me cause it’s the only thing keeping me existing. It gets enough layers of junk off to survive, however briefly. And that’s the weird thing about that session, there were 5 skilled Accelerators , maybe hundreds in the group, and the day before felt TONS stronger than the actual session aftermath. And I could feel stuff going on during it, but I just got kinda walled out of it. Like they just threw one of these vacuum bubbles on me AS we were doing the raising up of everything. As if so much Light had zero affect on it, and it could just slide through easy breezy and throw another bubble around me. My description of the level this “Kept Away” thing operates on is “like an Arcturian Mother Ship”. And I don’t know why I use that exact term, you’d think I’d say Draconian ship. But those are the words that pop out of my mouth any time I feel into this thing. I know for sure the Arcturians are the Good guys….but could something have stolen one of their Mother Ships? Or have stumbled upon remnant tech of The Ancients that can pierce or capture Light Consciousness as easily as if it were wearing oven mitts? Because that is what this stuff does, for sure. And maybe even dragons have no answer for it. Well it’s super late and I’m rambling on because no rest for the weary, lol, as all the lovely readers here know from deep experience. Thank you for this space to share my thoughts and experiences. (((Hugs))) to all fellow freedom fighters and Cat and M lovers! ❤️️🌎⚡️🎁🌻

  23. Do you CATS know if anyone in your readership/audience are staybehind volunteers? What percentage will choose this? What percentage of your readership fall into this category? I just thought this was a fun set of questions, if you have time. Thank you!

  24. Hi CAT’s, M’s and all friends,
    First of all infinite gratitude for all you do here and out there everywhere.
    Besides being involved in such important things, putting the greater good of all so high, you share so many amazing, interesting things. For some time now this has been the only online place I follow regularly and I am learning so much. Also from all the awesome people here, you guys have made it all a much easier and less lonely process and I keep learning from you! Plus it’s just great when you get confirmed again and again that these energy upgrade symptoms are experienced by many others as well!

    What I also love about you CAT’s is that you are for real and are a charismatic, bad-ass fresh wind of air, as opposed to lots of unicorny spiritual internet sites, and no judging here, we need and love all, but this feels more like my corner to feel at home.

    I hope you will be here with us for a long, long time yet. Although I understand what you write and sure other important missions and situations can come up, I couldn’t help but feel a bit sad with the idea to not read your posts again and connect with you.

    You are very much appreciated and loved!

  25. A certain power company, indeed. Luckily they didn’t turn out our electrics, even tho we had fire on both sides across the hill. Prob cuz our town, which lost a thousand homes or very near last year, has a suit against them now.

    PS. Love “how that one magnetometer looked, afterward:” just before the stairs;-)

  26. And this message is for Lily: Hi Lily, I hope Elsie and you are feeling and doing amazingly well. After 2 weeks of daily energetic knock-out, enhanced with all the various physical symptoms that you are all familiar with hehe, I’ve started to finally feel energized again.
    Now we can do what I promised you, that is if it’s still necessary. Hoping of course that all these strong energies washed out all that stuff! But my offer is still on, so let me know. If you want you can ask the CAT’s for my email so we can talk privately.
    I’m traveling in 2 days and will be back home next week.


  27. Anyone notice noise louder than usual? Just regular stuff like on stereo I have had family even say wow you were doing the dishes but it sounded like someone was breaking into the house. Just the traffic noises in the city are so loud they are shaking the walls just seems out of sync. I guess this could just be another reality glitch there are so many it comes and goes. Plus thumps inside the walls…

    1. Yep, I have been experiencing elevated senses. First it started with my vision where everything is super crystalline and now sound. Everything is amplified. Don’t know why its happening but it’s getting annoying.

      1. I’m reacting more and more like an infant to loud noise every day, and it seems to be beyond my control so far. I’ll strike out my arms in the direction of the noise while pulling my body away before I have a clue what’s going on, all I know is I need to get out of there.


    2. Sounds and scents here as well but on some days my vision is actually worse. It seems like all background noises are amplified but at times It’s like people are talking all mumbly or in a different language. I’ve actually jokingly asled my husband if he’s speaking English. I’d really like a list of what the scents mean. Cats say coffee is Source. I’ve also smelled watermelon, honeysuckle and bacon for no reason.

      1. Yes, we keep experiencing the *same* scents:

        -Watermelon: seems to be the New Earth
        -Honeysuckle: I just smelled honeysuckle in my hallway (again)… so I suspect those are spirits or HOBs… but I’ll check
        -Coffee: is SOURCE
        -Bacon… i haven’t smelled bacon unless someone was cooking bacon!

        And lots of CATs are experiencing the sound anomalies, but then again we’re nearly all clairaudients. Vision has been the most frustrating, it’s hit or miss.


        1. M6,
          Hmm, interesting. I oftened smelled honeysuckle at our old house. We were only there a couple of years and it always had a bad vibe to it. Since we moved to a new to us home last July, I haven’t smelled honeysuckle but frequently smell watermelon. This whole location, neighborhood and house feels peaceful and calm.

  28. Shroom season is finally here, so I set out towards my secret fields of liberty caps. One step inside the forest I run into yellow amanitas, which is not something I would usually pick; but spirit insists so I reluctantly pick ten or so nice ones.

    At my chosen destination, the liberty caps don’t speak to me like they used to, I would happily crawl around for hours and hours to spot them but today I couldn’t care less.

    So I walked on, mostly following my nose. And suddenly in the corner of my eye, a cluster of red amanitas. So I ask again, and spirit insists, amanitas it is and pick them I shall.

    I can only speak for northern europe; but as far as that goes, red amanitas are very deeply braided into the culture. They’re practically everywhere, I have a childrens book right next to me about a gnome-family that lives in them and wears them for hats. There’s some pretty reasonable theories out there about where Santa got his colors and what he (aka. the village shaman) was bringing to ease the winter depression. And apparently reindeers are crazy about them too.

    What I “learned” about them growing up was that you die if you eat them, but confusingly enough the vikings ate them to get into battle mood. Not a very convincing story if you ask me.

    Being the original shaman, I stepped up to the plate in the name of science. I soaked my red amanitas in water for a few hours and then cut them into pieces and fried a handful in butter with onions, garlic and salt. All I can say is yum, and I’m far from crazy about shrooms in general. I got a slight, comfortable raise in frequency with accompanying light-headedness but nothing even close to deserving their reputation. I’m definitely putting the rest of them in the freezer to munch on over winter.

    What my heart tells me, and my experience so far; is that there are precious few truly poisonous things growing in wild nature. Most of what they told us is half-truths and lies. One may speculate about reasons. I know our liztards well enough by now to have a theory or two.


    1. ha, that’s a nice story!
      There was for years a movie with a lovely big bear. After mother-bear got killed
      by a rock, the small, orphan bear ate some red mushrooms…it was just rolling
      on its back, so dizzy it was!

      certainly, food is energy. It is said that Rasputin was about 10 times poisoned
      with arsenic, but he did not die!

      otherwise, I noticed you put onions and garlic in your tasty pan! These are powerful cleansers.

      interesting to talk about Santa. Would you also discover who Klaus was?
      Btw, such thing like Santa doesn’t even exist in the South of Europe.

    2. Agree, I tried pokeweed root a couple of years back, as I was guided. Taste like raw potatoe. A Strong “purge” ensued, every orifice was very active, even tear glands. Yet I felt “new” afterwards. The American Indians used this, as I have read. I would not advise it, follow Your Guides! Peace.

      1. I’m chuckling because Susun Weed mentions that ‘purge’ regarding pokeweed — says you won’t know which part of you to point at the toilet first! She herself takes 1 or 2 dried pokeweed berries for joint pain. Very important not to chew them, just swallow whole as the seeds are what’s toxic, but only when broken open. I have some dried berries (stored somewhere in this house…) but haven’t quite made the step to try ’em out just yet.

  29. I dreamed I was singing Somewhere Over the Rainbow and if My Friends Could See Me Now while a white swan kept appearing near me. And everything is extra noisy today my dog keeps growling at the noises and they are just every day ones but way too loud.

    1. It seems that I saw a whole lot more roadkill than normal on our country roads this morning! All sorts of animals, deer, foxes, raccoons, squirrels, not just the usual armadillos. Thought it was unusual, seeing your post makes me wonder if something is making them less cautious. Poor things, so many of them!

    1. Video has been removed.

      It was probably a Gaia portal releasing excess energy. It happens all the time, now. If Gaia didn’t vent, then the energy would go into *her* and eventually come out as a catastrophic event. Gaia understands that lots of us are awakening and will do nothing to disturb that, not if she can help it.

      -CAT Eds.

  30. Been feeling overwhelmingly angry as of late with no specific reasoning ( ut easily latching onto previous wounds as fuel). Feels like something is holed up inside me. During meditation yesterday I saw it as black goo that I was scooping out and trying to disperse, not really sure what to do with it, but didn’t do much. Tonight I started scooping it out and holding it to me and it transformed and then shifted in color and just “became”. I then realized I didn’t have to scoop but just visualize the transformation taking place inside me. I then remebered the post about the goo from a while back and how you mentioned it being coding… I am wondering if thats what I’ve been experiencing… As I understand it, new coding is good, but can it have the potential to overwhelm, invoke tension/anger? When I was transforming it, my body was twitching a lot. Feeling calmer now, but I sense it’s something I’ll need to repeat a few times.

  31. I am sorry for my delayed reply, but I was somehow not able to even ‘like’ anything on the blog for a day or so, and life got a little crazy trying to catch up with work and helping my family. I wanted to thank everyone so much for this incredible outpouring of love!!! Your words and thoughts and love are so very much appreciated and really helped me immensely! Love not only does not die, it also knows no bounds and borders, how amazing to feel so connected to you all, when we are scattered all over the globe! Thank you, thank you all so much!
    A very grateful Victoria

  32. The Camera is motionless all the time
    Because it’s not moving
    The sun isn’t moving neither
    The sun is in its own glass house
    Like the earth is

  33. I thought I would add a little cheer from my granddaughter into the energy mix today. Last evening I was watching her while her mom was out. I let the dogs out back and closed the door(back door is in her room) and latched the top of door DIY gizmo, so she wouldn’t let them in too soon; she got very upset and she was also flapping a couple of those ponytail things with the two balls on ends of elastic you pull around each other to fasten. After I let them back in she got by and scooted outside – It’s been cold her, so got a coat and grabbed some shoes (none fit her anymore) because there’s some dog poop out there (which she never seems to step in).
    I got the coat on her when I found her around the corner of the house, outside her window…
    I guess here is the message from my granddaughter – she was very carefully, with precision, attaching the ponytail hair ties, pretty colored crystal faceted balls to the dried out Christmas tree from last year. I left her to it… She came into my room later patting her rib areas, quoting(from her videos, “You did it, You did it” and lay down next to me for a bit. I didn’t totally ‘get it’ til later because I was feeling very intestinally sick last night, like I’d eaten acid (not the stomach sick – lower intestines) – I wasn’t the most patient, but at least I did quote her back to herself and we had a few minutes.
    Thankfully she is pretty forgiving of our shortcomings.
    So, she is bringing Christmas early –

    So… my two cents to add quietly to the announcement, in my corner of the Universe, is: Christmas is coming and nothing and no one is going to stop it – There is a song lurking there in those words – that last phrase… IDK, it’s still lurking. 🙂

    See the best world you can see out there today
    And in yourself, too.

    1. @kagee3 There was no reply option for your earlier post about Emmet… Yes, yes! He loooved lying on his back with floppy front paws and would do this playful romping around on his back, stretching all four paws out at once with a big snort, that was his happy romp…I am so glad you saw him like that, looks like he found some new friends…😊💖

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