
Two of the M’s (who are married… to each other) were awakened at 5:20 am this morning by a loudspeaker blaring downstairs in their home. Seriously.


It was an ET tour bus.

We are now to the point where ETs from all over the universe are touring the earth to see what things are like right before The SHIFT. What’s weird is that the announcement was NOT in english; the M’s minds heard it and interpreted it into english.

And the ETs left the front gate open!

Your bus is leaving.

Speaking of road food…

subway front barf

While we have you… truly (non-)groundbreaking news:

Subway Loses Lawsuit Against Journalists
Who Discovered Chicken Strips Only 43% Actual Chicken

It’s interesting to read what the “independent food scientists” say in this article in light of what we found. We (unpaid, independent psychics) were curious: if only 43% of Subway’s “chicken strips” were only 43% actual chicken… what was the other 57%? Ew. We saw that it’s some kind of chicken-flavored gluten base used as filler, which gives the human body a false sense of being full, so you want more food sooner. Great business model. Yet another cautionary tale to tell little kids on the New Earth.

Speaking of aliens on the road…


[Note: The term, “Zontaran” is from “Zontar: Thing From Venus.” We have no idea where the ETs in question were from… but they had a good time.]


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123 thoughts on ““ZONTARANS, YOUR BUS IS LEAVING…”

  1. Amazing! And also feels absolutely ‘normal’, what is happening in this neck of the Universal woods must be fascinating to watch!

    Does that mean that the frequency of Gaia has lifted so much that high frequency beings are able to come and go without being affected anymore by ‘low’ vibes of old 3D?

    I often wonder what it would feel like to walk through a door (if one existed) back to say 1990! Would you be knocked out by the low vibration? Feels like we have come a long way…

    Much Love & Light 🙏❤️🙏

    P.S I am so very relieved that I do not eat anything from Subway!

    1. I’m so relieved that I went vegetarian (except for a very occasional bit of fish) a few years ago! You avoid all kinds of nasty crap that way, pans are easier to clean, and you can look critters in the eye. I’d rather love them than eat them at this point!

      1. I was strictly vegetarian for a long, long time before my life turned upside down. These days I will eat whatever is offered, the more energy the better. I am still trying to figure out what exactly Source is trying to teach me here.



        1. Yes, you’re certainly undergoing a trial by fire and who can say what the purpose may be? Maybe you’re burning off the karma of a thousand lifetimes all at once? Or something to do with humility and surrender? Or maybe it’s to provide you with a huge contrast so that when the Shift finally happens, the joy will be that much greater. Whatever the reason, I truly hope your situation eases soon. And absolutely, eat whatever is available.

          1. It’s not all about survival either, having gone through what I did and come out in one piece I worry less about my body than ever. But when someone shines so bright and offers me to share what little food they have without expecting anything in return, how can I say no?

            I used to only eat the absolutely best organic stuff I could find, yesterday we ate the worst kind of glutamate infused noodles mixed with pieces of unidentified meat with our hands from a shared plate African style and it tasted like heaven because of the beautiful setting.


    2. @ CATs
      TARA being Original Landings in IRELAND?
      Thank you, CATs.

  2. I always knew this was happening.

    That’s crazy LOL.


    I can personally testify that asking brother “J” to enjoy hitting yourself in the face with a frying pan does NOT work.


  3. Another thought.

    The fact that 2 M’s are being visited by an ET tour proves you guys are fricken LEGENDS! Whether you like it or not, your group sacrifice and deeds have not gone unnoticed. You are all officially important pit stops in the brochure of Earth heroes… and I can say “yeah, me and the cats, M’s, AM and Da-da are good mates of mine!”.



    P.S. I may get a discount on interstellar travel when word get out 🤭

    1. Factually, ALL of you are gaining a following. Seriously. Being a human during The Event is a very big deal, even if you DON’T go to the New Earth. You’ll understand after The SHIFT. Just saying “I was there” will gain you tremendous kudos. CAT houses get more traffic because of the portals (which are ALIVE)… and because of the beings whom we’re friends with. The SuperFriends are ultra-exotic beings whom nearly all in the OMNIVERSE have heard of, but never seen. (Only on Earth are we so sequestered. Everyone else talks to each other.) You may recall a few years ago when ‘pedestrian’ ETs were flying around in what humans would term an advanced ship — and who were startled *and started shooting at* a rainbow dragon (RBD) because they’d never seen one before. (The RBD then destroyed their ship. Don’t shoot at dragons.) The other beings around here are even wilder. Note that the SF in general are WAAAY high up, vibrationally, and only some CATs can see them (and they act as interpreters for the rest).

      -CAT Eds.

  4. I wonder if this is what my cat is seeing over my shoulder lately. We’ll be sitting here communing and he’ll suddenly be extremely focused on something above and behind me. I asked him what he’s looking at but I’m not up to his level of telepathy yet and can’t hear his answers.

    1. I was wondering the same lately, as if someone or something is watching me, also my dog sometimes start to bark for no apparent reason as somebody is near house, and I when I opened the door to check if something is outside (as he usually barks if someone or a dog is near house), but at some occasions no dog or person was even near house, so… ?

      But as I am seeing ships high up in the skies more and more often, I am wondering how close are we to the Event, also my dreams are getting very strange (nice, but strange), so I think we are really close, really close ✨

      Perica ✨

      1. Dogs are funny creatures. Some of them love me instantly, pulling their owners right across the street to greet me. Some bark like crazy, but not in a threatening way. And some just hate me for some reason, like they would just love to tear me into pieces, luckily those are often behind fences. Thinking about it, maybe I am the funny creature.


      2. Second the dreams. I did not dream at all for the last five years or so, nothing I remembered when waking up at least. But since my adventure started I am sure making up for it. Last night was all about dealing with snakes out in the country side, they were literally everywhere, and people got bitten left and right but for some reason I remained pretty chill the whole way as if I somehow knew they could not hurt me.


    2. My dog is doing this too and she is doing the wide eye thing and then looking at me then looking behind me. I have a list of beings I go through when she does this. She always gives me the low growl or a lick on alien and sometimes angel lol. But, none of the fun words cat doggie treat etc.

  5. I want to go on a fun long trip on that psychedelic hippie bus. The Zontareans can come along for the ride too. Would love to meet a friendly ET (under favorable circumstances)….

      1. Hahahahahahaha…. how true!!! I remember it well, although the good ol’ Patchouli Oil came in mighty handy if you were in a tent for 4 days at a Festival! XXX

  6. According to Laura Whitworth, the Event is imminent, with craziness really ramping up to a peak in 6-8 months around August 2020 as people decide one way or another where they are going. There won’t be any fence-sitters left, folks will definitely be on one side of the great divide or the other.

    Hopefully she is correct, we have had so many promises of “It’s almost here!!”

      1. I definitely would not mind if it is sooner right now. It feels very weird to go through this whole thing so close to the finish line, to suddenly have to work so hard simply to make it another day. But I can certainly see how I am helping people by giving them a chance to be their best, and right when you think you just cannot get more humble or loose more or your ego, Source always seems to find a way. Without The Course, this would be hell, it has helped me tremendously along the way. Though in my darkest moments I admit to cursing myself for opening the book, as I have a feeling I would not be here otherwise.


    1. Last night’s dream was that my current travel tour of the South Island of NZ (which is the dream reality – not my current life) was on the last 2-week phase and I had a number of travel destinations still to go, but definitely counting down to the end of that scenario and it felt like going home to Australia was the next big thing. I once spent 2.5 years in NZ, but I felt so connected with that place I’m not surprised in my dream world that is THE place that this life is happening. I saw green dots on a map, and heard “You will go here and here, but then it’s winding up and that will all be over”.

      1. I always had a soft spot for Italy. 15 or so years ago I started studying Italian and went on a 2 week solo road trip in a rental car without GPS. I often wondered what that was all about since nothing more happened.

        Since then I have kept looking for a place to call home, Sweden never really worked for me, but I found nothing I enjoyed as much as Italy.

        4 years ago I met an Italian friend in Germany, who ended up being the one who pointed me in the direction of Riace, which looks like my final destination from what I can see. And my previous experiences certainly helped me a lot.

        Source sure moves in mysterious ways…


        1. Sifoo – Italy is a beautiful country, energetically as well as geographically. I spent some time in Puglia two years ago and it was like being in permanent (what I termed at that time) 5D! Sweden calls to me, too. But it could just as easily be Italy! XXX

          1. I enjoy walking up and down the main street or sitting outside of the cafe for a while just to greet people, and I take every chance I get to introduce myself. Try that almost anywhere else I have been and you would be greeting the police from behind bars in no time. As a result, plenty of people already know my name and will yell across the street to ask me how I am whenever they see me. They are simple people, especially here in the country side, and enjoy simple pleasures. Just like me.

            Sweden and Germany almost killed me, in the end I did not feel like leaving my home since doing so drained my hope and faith in humans, it feels like no one is home. I used to tell my partner that I already have a computer when she asked why I did not want to meet her relatives any more. Not very nice, and probably part of the reason we are not living together any more. But I tried my best and they hated me every step of the way since I remind them of what they are missing.

            I also like the fact that everything here is really old, patched up and falling into pieces. Nothing is perfect or clean. People wear torn clothes with stains and most cars are seriously banged up. Just like me.

            I definitely recommend Italy, especially Calabria which is as far South as I have been so far.


          2. Italy is not only a beautiful country, but I found the people to be very warm and friendly. When I was traveling in Italy I had
            pain from TMJ and had to take a type of fizzy aspirin that looks
            like Alka Seltzer. Since I don’t speak Italian, at all, when I went
            to a pharmacy, to get pain relief, I would try to show what I needed through pantomime. I would put my hand on my
            mandibular joint and say “ow”, “ow” …….which always worked. Then, one day, I did my pantomime for a young woman pharmacist who said, in perfect English, “now what exactly is
            wrong?” People were always sympathetic about my problem and, using pantomime, let me know that they had had pain in their mouth too.

            With love to all,


  7. That’s funny my dog keeps looking at the ceiling like there is someone watching us through it. I just told them they need 4 tickets to stare at us lol.

    1. I had my dinner plate on my lap the other night, and just lifted it for a second to do something. My cat immediately jumped into my lap space (of course), followed by a flash of light near the ceiling — was it funny to someone? 🙂

  8. I get woken up occasionally by what sounds like the TV blaring downstairs. Sounds like junk I don’t usually watch, and when I become fully conscious, I realize that my house is silent. No TV. But, boy, it can be loud! Bleed through from a parallel universe? ETs with bad taste in TV programming? Clairaudience tuning into gossipy news programs?

  9. got a bus-blue in front yard-been waiting for departure for quite some time-all memory systems@on=always ready = ever ready=diy let go

  10. Another school dream last night where I was moving into a large dorm room with 5 other females. I guess the learning is endless. Exhausted sigh.
    Maybe it’s because of the numerous timeline jumping.
    I wonder if the bus that dropped off the crazy folks at my house the other night were just tourists? Thank goodness they did not stay and left the next morning. They had no regard for the another’s property or personal boundaries. I do not even know if they saw me. Different rules must apply for them than exist here. Cay

  11. I did an experiment with the visitors I asked them to move one object in a room that would be closed up and nobody else would go in there. So today I went in there that object was moved and positioned in a totally different place facing the other way even so there you go something is up. And yes my human brain was trying to find an answer even then LOL.

  12. I keep seeing movement out of the corner of my eye – but when I look there is nothing there… this has only been happening the past couple weeks or so… wondering if it’s shift related and now wondering if it’s ET presence related. Or if I am just seeing things…

    My vision has also been a bit strange, experiencing tension headaches and I experience mild vertigo from time to time. Had my eyes checked at beginning of summer and nothing came up…

    1. I get this too and I have noticed when I get it then my dog is reacting to something but she is looking at it full on and upset about it.

    2. Been going on for a few years,(out the corner of the eye) now I occasionally get a direct view for a split second. Peace.

    3. Yes, have had this for a year or so now, it’s become ‘normal’ 😉

      Much Love ❤️🙏❤️

    4. Speaking of eyes, looking into mine always made most people really uncomfortable, which in turn made me really uncomfortable since I feel everything around me. But since my personal Event started, they have developed a really weird glowing ring around the center. Thankfully, I usually feel people internally more than look at them, otherwise I doubt anyone would dare to even speak to me anymore.


  13. Either way! NOT leaving earth on ANY ET ship!

    Lisa Gawls is correct that line is being drawn in the sand between those who have CEASED to HEAL and those of us who continue.

    ACIM is CLEAR on commitment TO heal and speaks often of the pitfalls of the UNhealead “healer”

    I won’t be a part of THAT crowd

    Nor drinking ANY kool aid offered to those boarding ET ships. NO desire to be “harvested” in the least.

    And i DO look forward to an earth FREE of those Uninterested IN “healing”

    NOT my crowd
    NOT my scene

    I’ll wave and hope THAT experience of “following” gurus instead of INNER guidance serves them well. No judgement but NOT participating in THAT scene period.

    We ALL must choose
    We ALL MUST experience the repercussions OF our choices


    1. Your post reminded me of one of my favorite Twilight Zone episodes, To Serve Man.

      Everybody thought the ET’s were there to help and serve humanity…but it was a cookbook lol.

          1. So is it actually ok to get on ships, I mean I wouldn’t blindly trust any old alien that turns up, but do the cats have any suggestions?

            1. Sorry I didn’t really explain, I was thinking about the Laura whitworth video that talks about the splitting of earth and that lots of ships will come down to take those not going to the new earth, are those ships ok and if so what’s the best way to tell. Thanks

            2. @Parman

              I will definitely NOT be getting on ANY ship for ANY reason

        1. Where we are going, we will not need ships. Best case they are here to enjoy the show, worst case the food.

          At one point I was looking into the secret space program side track, and one thing I found hilarious was a patch for one of these programs which had “Tastes like chicken” written on it, since supposedly we do and someone thought reminding the soldiers was a good idea. True or not, I still find it equally hilarious.


    2. Iota, thanks for your observations. After reading your comment, I immediate heard Jiminy Crickett singing “And always let your conscience be your guide” (Don’t forget to give a little whistle) Anyway the song was followed by energy rushes of confirmation. (In other words, use our discernment.)

      1. @J loooved it! Made me smile! 😌

        Memories from a time of innocence … Before betrayal became a personal experience BY following others instead of INNER guidance … Sigh…

        TY J 💓💜💓

  14. Someone in Africa where they have an abundance of natural food could organize a music festival with all the contemporary famous musicians and bands.
    They can then raise money for the poor people in the USA to have healthy food and call it Africa for USA.
    Wait, I’m channeling a tune: we are the world, we want real chicken.

    1. From my experiences lately, the Africans are now in Europe teaching the word of Brother J by example. Returning the only favor we ever did them I guess, despite everything else we did.

      I am writing this on a laptop owned by an African friend who upon hearing that I had nowhere to sleep invited me in into his family to share food, wash my clothes and offer me a warm bed as well as help with networking and translating to get me out of my mess.

      Compared to the catholic service I stumbled into on my way here, with some old creepy lizard mumbling about shame and guilt in Latin in front of a mesmerized crowd of victims, it is definitely a breath of fresh air.


      1. Sifoo. A real friend indeed, showing such kindness. I’m so glad someone is helping you.🤗

  15. Get this dream! I dreamed about an old friend of mine who threw me away after 30 years of friendship when I wouldn’t pay for her kids college and her dead parents. in life, her mother and father were the classic trash parents. Her mother was huge and unclean w crazy hair and screamed and cursed at her father who drank. he was sweet to me, but he was verbally abused by friends mom. the mother was cruel to my friend wishing she never adopted her. Anyway the dream. I was walking into the principals office at school and I saw a video of me and my friend being played on the screen. We ditched. 😉 I was trying to protect her from something. my parents showed including my dead father and he looked amazing!!! And I said dad, I need to tell you something. I was not scared, I was acting the age I am now, but there. Then my friends parents came in. They looked AMAZING TOO! THE MOTHER HAD SHINING WHITE HAIR WITH SHORT WAVES, LIKE FROM THE 40s. She had on make-up and was thin and striking, wearing white silk dress. My friends dad was really healthy looking. He died when we were 18. My friend showed up and as we were about to get in trouble from the principal, and I said “I don’t care, ground me, this girl (my friend) has been so abused by these 2! You have no idea what she’s been thru and she needed a break, so we took the day off and had fun. My parents who looked healthy were proud of me.I woke up.

    I haven’t spoken to my ex friend in 7 years. Why dream this about them?

    1. Things Are coming to the surface to be dealt with, all’s normal. Peace.

    2. Seems to be a lot of ‘unfinished’ or ‘unresolved’ stuff taking place in dream world lovely. We don’t have enough hours in the day to go through what it might take to do it physically, is my take on it! My hubby dreamed about his ex the other night and was literally taking back his personal power that she’d undermined. Bless her… I am also dealing with stuff in dreams. You just know it, don’t you? When something big has been resolved.

      Love and snowflakes! XXX

  16. I was just agreeing with a crowd on an awake forum that the frequency of shadows moving around our vision has intensified. Tourers?

    Or it may just be the rising frequency is revealing more of what is usually hidden from us.

    Maybe both.

    Either way, when I focus on these darker places, I then see them “whoosh” away. That’s right, “I know you’re theeeereee…”


  17. I am loving this thread! My sister called me yesterday and said she had the most awesome dream. She said she was looking up and every single star in the Universe was dancing and moving around, like a celestial firework show. Then she watched as a portal began to open in the sky… at this point she was so excited that she must have been making strange noises and her hubby woke her from her ecstasy! Bummer! hahaha

    Feeling it, feeling it, feeling it!

    Love you guys xxx

  18. Since we share dreams here occasionally I’ll share a snippet of last nights adventures: I was watching dolphins swim and frolic in the water in front of me. A former co-worker was hanging onto/ riding one of them.
    I was told by Simon Parkes (in a Skype session in November) that my first incarnation whereupon I took a physical body was in the Pleiadies. I understand dolphins originate from the Pleiadies. Hmmmmm🤷‍♀️

    1. I always had a thing for Dolphins, Orcas and Whales. When I went through my Yoga initiation one of the things they did was have us sit in a circle and take turns solo singing what animal we were and what we liked doing as such without music and with everyone else trying not to laugh since they knew they were next. I was a Dolphin, I remember that much 🙂



  19. They are spraying the sky like god is about to show up or something never seen so many spray planes and they are in a hurry. They are even turning their sprayers on and off not even pretending to be real planes.

        1. Last Thursday, after the rains, Los Angeles was pounded by planes. It was the worst it has been in a long time. And there were even u-turns right over the city. Felt more blatant than usual.

          1. We’ll take a look. They might be attempting to thwart Wave X energy, which is patently ridiculous; Wave X energy dissolves the crap they spray. Or they’re trying to set up an earthquake matrix.

            -CAT Eds.

        2. I noticed it too in western Kansas.
          Been feeling pretty good most of the week but was quite off today. Must be that big wave x thing I just saw awhile ago.

      1. Houston, too. It has been really bad the last few days.

      2. Southwestern PA as well. I actually saw a line of spray curve after it was released. Something is certainly going on. Sky is completely covered now.

  20. Not sure what is happening but all evening there have been loud ‘pop corn’ bangs going on, is this more Portal stuff? Xxx

    1. Yeah seriously there’s something to this! All night the area above out glass door looking outside snap, crackle and pops. Sometimes it moves to another area, but 90% of the time it’s there. The CATS under a previous post said it was part of the process, but didn’t explain more than that.

      I looked it up last year when it happened maybe once a night, and I found articles about ‘ice quakes’ where it gets cold enough and the frozen moisture in the wood of the house just kinda gives way. But first, this is a totally new phenomenon to anyone I’ve mentioned it to, and second, it happens ten times as often this fall/winter and it isn’t nearly cold enough for that to happen this far. I’ve always assumed it was the house, regardless of the reason. Now I wonder if it’s something else entirely…

      1. It’s both simple and complicated. It’s your (illusionary) surroundings reacting to Wave X energy smacking into… energy pretnding to be substance… rewriting said energy and turning it back to substance… so it can more easily come apart in a safe and predictable way when the Divine Timing point is reached. It’s SOURCE doing what SOURCE does. Nothing sinister about it.

        -CAT Eds.

        1. Last night the floor felt fake and made out of paper again lol. That is the creepiest one I will take all the weird noises in the world over that one.

  21. Tonight I was driving the car going home back from some field work and it was a pitch black night with some thickets fog I ever saw in my life, all the lights from other cars and street lights were glowing with bright high intensity light, and first thought which come to my mind was, is this beginning of three days of darkness as I read somewhere that would happened just before the Event ✨

    Then I park my car in front of my house and there was the moon up there glowing ?

    I do not know what is behind this moon story, as yesterday I was watching the moon moving fast below the clouds, and today first there was no moon in the sky, and half hour later it was there, huh, what is going on, am I the only one to see this strange moon behavior, is this some message for me ? ✨


    1. I have seen them move the moon like a car some say it is just fake anymore just like the sun. You watch the sky enough you will see how fake it is. If you can see beyond the spray that is.

      1. The moon and sun are not fake… and they are. The moon is part of the illusion, but the earth and sun have Spirit and SOURCE associated with them on the inside, so those parts are as real as what we all are — from the inside.

        What’s real is: SOURCE; all of us as ONE; and Our Memory of SOURCE here in the illusion, what some call The Holy Spirit. Nothing else is real, so you have to take our illusory “reality” with a grain of salt. Absolutely nothing can harm the actual you, so no worries.

        -CAT Eds.

        1. What about that QHHT Laura did about the elite putting up the fake white sun to cover up the real one? I really thought she had something there. I do think they are messing with stuff up there with tech so we don’t see what is going on with the solar system.

          1. It’s more like floating an idea out there. Some people believe the idea and it becomes “real” for them, and takes on “reality.” But it was just thought taking form in action all along. What’s most telling is how we view “reality” vs how beings on the other side of The Veil view “reality.” THEY can see how fake everything is, but most of us cannot on our side. In the end, it doesn’t matter; it’s a non-issue.

            -CAT Eds.

            1. For me it is an issue that new sun they put up burns my skin so bad I cannot be out in it very long. And the white light is so intense it is hard to see in it. I loved the original sun the yellow one so this is very sad for me. I am sure it is still there but it is being blocked from us most of the time.

            2. Us, too. The sun is being affected by its Sister Sun as that system passes by our own, the extra gravitational stresses causing the sun to burn hotter. It won’t be an issue on the New Earth.

              -CAT Eds.

            3. I don’t know, people keep complaining about the brighter sun but I enjoy at least as much as usual. I used to burn my skin occasionally when frying on the beach entire days, but have since decided that’s a stupid idea for a bunch of reasons.

              The heat does get to me out on the plains where there is no wind, but here up in the mountains by the sea it’s just perfect. I spent two hours topless in the grass catching rays and carving a wooden spoon today, pure bliss.

              I feel like we have a tighter bond lately, but that’s probably more because of me. I like calling it and asking it to shine the clouds away when it rains, and it works more often than not.

              The moon is different, I get no connection at all. It used to feel slightly negative but now it’s neutral to me. I used to feel icky around full moons, but since the energy started going really wonky around new year I felt icky most of the time. Now I can’t even tell any more, it’s just life and putting it into labeled boxes doesn’t make any sense.


            4. I’ve wondered about the internet. I must say there really is something to a faked illusion, the flat earthers remember when it was real. . . er. I have, in this life seen curvature, yet mandelized now. I really wonder if they believe they can hide our energy from ourselves.

  22. By the way… what’s all this about “space mine bombs” and “toplet bombs”?? Real or fake?

    1. Fake. There are no toplet bombs, no “space mines.” It’s info coming from “Corey Goode” or whatever his real name is. We pay no attention to him or Wilcock, anymore. Or “Cobra,” who actually died back in… 2015? The rule is: if it foments fear, ignore it.

      -CAT Eds.

      1. I find that there’s a progression of awareness that one needs to go through with all these spiritual/HiddenInfo people.

        Ultimately, most groups are cult-like, some worse than others.
        Sometimes they start off with good intentions, but get corrupted. a good example is Cliff high. He went from positive regarding the future and meditation to very negative (happened 2 years ago when his reports went from being accurate at 10$ to inaccurate at 100$).

        I have opinions on the cats as well, but ultimately you guys are a good resource regarding spirituality and the shift.

    2. Space mine/toplet bombs = complete and utter codswallop! Are they still spouting this stuff?

      Much Love ❤️🙏❤️

      1. Lily,
        What is codswallop? Sounds like a cow’s cud that has been regurgitated for another chewing session.
        You are a treasure of information. Cay

          1. Seems like the ORIGIN of codswallop is PURE codswallop! Perfect in every way! 😉

    1. I found “powerful, happiness, and love”.
      That was fun. Thanks.

      1. Hahaha , fits of the giggles , Stefan your hilarious😂. Xxx. kCwtch

      2. Stefan, oooh! Now they are very exotic words! I do not think I can top that even with a Lilyism 😉


    1. BRAVO… Enjoyed the performance, and it was Free(could’nt find the coin slot). Peace.

    2. @Stefan, BRAVO… Thank you – lovely
      I like your voice a lot.


    3. Always loved that song, and you did it justice! From one space oddity to another, thank you.

    4. Stefan. Thank you. Well sung and played. My choice too. Nice of you to do that for us.☺️

  23. Had two near life experiences today, both cat related. Cats are literally everywhere here.

    When I woke up and sat down outside my new friends house to have a smoke a cat that looked just like one of the kittens I had to give away but slightly older laid down right at my feet and meowed loudly for as long as I sat there, his name is Fritz and it was really nice to meet him again. I told him I know, but it will get better soon.

    Then at the main square I saw a larger cat eating a lizard, which are also everywhere, while the lizards tail was dancing around on its own a couple of meters away. He was just finishing his meal and then slowly walked over and did the tail as dessert. Felt very appropriate to me.


    1. A patt on the back for Fritz! He Is The Light,Love, He Is! Try not eating the ones you’re forgiving. Karma! Peace.

    2. Sifoo. I do so love cats, but eew – their eating habits! We had a cat called Stan who loved catching bluebottles (flies) and eating them. 😕🤪😺

  24. This was an interesting dream in it I am in a school and a new text book that is supposed to come out in 2020 is out now because some students stole copies of it and they are selling it to other students now in 2019. This book is the new math physics and will change everything. I did not buy a copy but I looked at it just looked like another 300 dollar college textbook. 😉

  25. https://youtu.be/KjYk9RJSVYo
    Conscious Awareness channeling for those interested. If correct, those living in the U.S.A should hold onto your hat’s and imagine the future you want to unfold as the collapse begins. Light’s on folks. Cay

    1. Thanks Cay. Truth will be a hard pill to swallow for many. I’m excited about the events unfolding here in the States. Excited to see my family, friends, and community learn the truth so they can free themselves from the burdens of manipulation.
      Yes it will be chaotic at first. Especially for those living in big cities. Here in my small rural community, most of us grow our food and already barter goods. I stocked up on seeds and my pantry is full. My door will be open to help those in need. My Love and Light will shine strong!
      Let Freedom Ring!!

    2. Thank you! I lost track of Cosmic Awareness a few years ago, when the channelings posted on the website became so rare. Didn’t know he/it was on Youtube; got a bunch of stuff to catch up on now. And I am so ready for the truth to come out. I just checked the Great Awakening board over on Gab, and the FISA/IG report was indeed released today. Turns out today is International Anti-Corruption Day! Very nice timing. A link, for those who maybe interested in what the anons over on Gab are uncovering: https://gab.com/groups/2043

  26. Timing seemed to come tonight concerning something felt guided to some time recently – Tonight (well late 12/8/19) posted the two mantras and grounding and using grounding cords as a status update on my fb… I trust someone needed it. Hope no back lash from daughter direction…


    PS: had bunches of full body restlessness these past days – like restless legs, but whole body – other assorted ugh-ness..

  27. Strange question…anyone know a good QHHT practitioner in Belgium? I can’t seem to find one that seems legit.

    1. Anonymous, I asked Laura Whitworth and this was her reply, hope it helps 🙂

      Laura Whitworth

      Right – none of my cohort who I personally trained with are Belgium. But literally any of the official Practitioners have had the same training as me if they are Level 2. Level 1 Practitioners have completed all of the training and have hypnotised at least 25 people. Interns have hypnotised at least 10 people and should not charge until they are signed off at Level 1 xxxx If your friend goes onto http://www.qhhtofficial.com and types in Belgium in the filters all the Practitioners will come up xxx

    2. Are you Flemish or French speaking?
      Apart from the official QHHT page, you might want to take a look at Candace Craw Goldman’s page for BQH (an of-shoot of QHHT; they also do online sessions, the page gives all the info)
      There’s a practitioner in Brussels, and one in Middelburg (the Netherlands). Have no personal experience with them though. But I quite like Candace, she does video’s as well.
      Best of luck, Henrietta.

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