Jumps & 12/11 Meditation [UPDATE4]


Wow, we’ve had four timeline jumps in five hours.


Some CATs baaaarely made the last two, busy doing this and that. Guides had to step in and help some of us over the gap. Meterage is getting less and less necessary for many, as lots of us can now feel (and SEE) these things happening:

The biggest one showed up like this.
We had four jumps in five hours, starting at midnight PST (15:00 Tomsk time). Lots of us were awake for much of this, and experienced all kinds of phenomena.





More as we find it.

Group Meditation for 12/11

Please join the CATs for a special 12/11 group meditation starting at 10:00 am PST (18:00 UTC) this Wednesday. Instead of trying to wake people up this time, we’re going to be offering grateful thanks to all those who’ve helped us get this far: Brother J, Guides, Gaia, the huge number of beings across the cosmos, and of course SOURCE. Gratitude is an important part of The Event.

WHEN: 10:00-11:15 am PST/18:00 UTC


For those participating: At the appointed time, be sure to G+P+C, then (mentally) turn yourself into a pillar of light (a la Round Rock), join the rest of us, and offer thanks.




More jumpage anomalies:



This had to be done:



Wow. Be sure to have some tissues/kleenex on hand for tomorrow. The levels of love and emotion we just encountered for the energy set-up from all those beings out in the universe is overwhelming.


This was crazy energy last night.

Screen Shot 2019-12-10 at 7.53.21 AM



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107 thoughts on “Jumps & 12/11 Meditation [UPDATE4]

  1. All the jumps would explain why I’ve had a low-level headache for the past two days. Guides actually helped me across from one timeline to another in the closing seconds of one split. Phew.


    1. M7. I’m very glad your Guides were there helping. With Brother J they are probably the reason most of us are still managing to be here participating in the shift (and still breathing)! A meditation to thank our support crew is a great idea.😊🤗🐈

      1. I dreamt I was a guy named Steve walking around a landscape made entirely of textured blocks, my fate controlled by millions of children and teens…


          1. It was. I was just kidding. My kids play that game constantly, and talk about it all the time. The good news: There are no videogames on the New Earth!


  2. These cat pics generally hit me in the feels – and even more so today for some reason. To whomever has archived / curated / shares them, thank you!

  3. @Cats and all – it’s a date – Wed 12/11 – it will be 11:00 am, for me, MT – nice numberage…
    I was wondering what made last evening, overnight and this morning so UGH – the usuals, the news(body jitters and flows of liquid energy running through), and this morning’s heavy tiredness and deep aches and pains – a bit different than the usual ones.

    Having a bit more trouble finding things that interest me – music usual wins, but last night I saw some Qi shows hadn’t seen – I wish there was a really good site or yt channel that had all the COMPLETE shows from the beginning, all seasons – like both hosts –
    morning babble…

    much love – have great days,

  4. Glad you made it M7!

    When I woke up this morning I knew we had jumps as my dream was symbolic of several transitions repeating itself.

    If I’m still with you guys, I can’t be all that bad…


  5. Check out Awesome Blossom! Seems as the timelines”funnel” together things will move faster, “dominos”. Peace.

  6. I will be there, Elsie allowing! Maybe I will be able to get her to join in 😊

    Much Love & Gratitude to Each & All 🙏❤️🙏

  7. You guys are lifesavers. Bless you all. Dying as I write this. Wife and I had a headache all day. Feels like somebody scraping the back of my third eye with a spoon again and again. When I picked the oldest at school, he said he had a good day and both have been livelier than usual today.

  8. Good Gawd! I almost wrote you an emergency letter yesterday. I felt like I was dying (and didn’t care) About 3:00 p.m. PST it really hit me hard. I collapsed into my bed where I proceeded to go out for a while. I rallied later and put my new flannel sheets on my bed. (that made up for the previous discomfort) Today is much better! The sun is shining brightly as am I. Gardener is weeding and the other blessed helper is stripping sod from the new dogwood beds. Thank goodness for a brief respite. Yes on the meditation!

  9. Well, I still appear to be here with you all, despite being completely oblivious to the occurrence of timeline jumps and feeling just fine. I often wonder if I’m along for the ride, since I get so very little in the way of confirmation. I even spoke to the ET tourists who may (or may not) be checking in on me and asked them to move a particular something for me! Nope, it remains stubbornly where I put it. So, either I’m too boring to be part of the tour, or I’m just supposed to have faith that all is proceeding as it’s meant to. I guess I’ll choose faith. I’ll put the meditation on my calendar; if anyone sees me there, please let me know!

    1. Kolibri, We are probably both too boring to attract a tour.
      The tourists have undoubtedly paid a pretty penny, in whatever
      monetary system they have, and would certainly want to get
      their money’s worth!



  10. This must be why sleep was so fragmented for me last night. I’m dragging butt seriously today. Going g to go crawl back into bed.

    1. Sifoo ❤️ Sending Love & Strength & So much Light. I put a little in your donation pocket, I hope it helps in some way, wish I could help more. You write very well ✨🌈✨


    2. Sifoo. What an adventure (good, bad or otherwise)! Same as Lily. I contributed but unfortunately can’t afford a lot. Great idea to write a book. You will look back on these days with amazement as to what you achieved. Hopefully from a wonderful place.💖😺

      1. Thank you, and thank everyone, it gives me much hope to see how many out there have the courage to see and feel. This drama has very little to do with me even though I somehow qualified for the lead role; we’re all helping the insane see what’s possible, one inspired act of kindness at a time. I am fine, I am learning, I am. I do hope we all get to sit down for a cozy fireside chat once we’re done here.


  11. Hi All! 👋
    Hopefully all members of our wonderful group are on the positive side of this latest round of hopscotch. 🙏🙂
    My whole family has been feeling crummy in general… lack of energy, light headed, tired, headache, sick stomach, emotional, unsettled, etc. (which is extra chaotic as we are a family of 6). In my case, the last few days have been feeling like I was hit by a train. My back pain has been really intense. 🚅
    It is cloudy today, so I can’t see any chemtrails. But that doesn’t necessarily mean that [they] aren’t up to their usual hijinks. ⛅🙄
    Last night in the dream world, I was sitting with my husband on a commercial plane. We had more leg room on our row because there was an exposed structural beam on the wall. For some reason I got the word “bulkhead”. A very sweet flight attendant asked us to move in to some seats behind our row. I have no idea what that dream meant, but I do feel that “bulkhead” is important. 🤷‍♀️
    Keep shining y’all 🌞
    Love 💗 and Hugs 🤗

      1. Thank you TOD,
        That made me smile! 😺
        Love 💗 and Hugs 🤗

  12. I swear a package from USPS has disappeared and reappeared for my household twice today and they keep delaying the delivery time. I even heard a delivery guy walk up the stairs and nobody was there. The fog was so thick last night felt like I was in the movie The Others. More visitors too my dog just stays on her bed looks at thin air and growls low I asked her if it was my mom who passed and she looked at me and yawned a sign from a dog that the answer is NO. Walked into the kitchen when I felt they were all gone clock says: 12:33 LOL. I asked my guides why some of us get the visitors I got: You are in the book! I just laughed there is a book???

    1. S.B.
      Ha! You are in the galactic reference book for duality to unity consciousness experiences on Gaia. It’s like the “Hollywood Map of the Stars” bus tour from 3D. Mind the low hanging tree limbs. Cay

  13. I had a dream in which my ex-neighbour (some time ago) called Nirvana, called out to me as he walked down the street, laughing and waving to me. In real-time (well, you KNOW what I mean!) he would never do this. I’ve not seen this boy for a long time as they moved.

    Today, I was coming out of a car park in town when the only person jogging along the usually busy road was…. NIRVANA! He smiled and waved to me. I nearly fell out of the car.

    Then, after tea, I was checking a message on Facebook when I saw a post my sister had put up. It was about a man in a kayak whose dog (rescue dog) went everywhere with him on the kayak. The dog’s name? NIRVANA!

    I received a New Earth report/update today from someone I rate as one of the better sources, and the synchronicities were off the scale! Including the mention of ‘nirvana’ as the Garden we have to get to! (It was much more detailed – I’m just cutting it short here).

    I also dreamed about my Uncle Ted, my best soul-friend Sandy’s dad. Sandy passed in 1997 – her dad went 2 years before her. I idolised Uncle Ted, but in this dream, I suddenly saw through the illusion (too long to recount here, and not necessary because I ‘got it’!) … I felt so strongly all day that we were jumping timelines, as I kept getting dizzy and yesterday while washing my hair, I had a big nosebleed, which never happens.

    So, hang onto your Thunderpants, guys and gals. We’re all in for a wonderful ride! Woohoo xxxxxxx

    1. ladybirdbeau ❤️ I love that! Thanks for sharing!

      Big hugs and Loads of Light! ❤️✨❤️

  14. I was talking to my Mom in dreamtime early this morning. She passed in 2010. It was good to see her as contact since her transition has been rare.
    I was telling her that I had just witnessed a huge bright light flying through the sky from left (East) to right (West) with smoky tail like a meteor. Helicopters and jets were following but had no chance of catching up.
    I relayed to her that this event was just as had been described by others. There was more, but I couldn’t recall upon awakening. Very exciting. Woke feeling better physically than I have felt for days.
    Mom cat pic looks just like my Lola (minus the kittens).
    Will see you all on the 11th assuming we are all still on the same timeline. Cay

  15. I could see Orion’s Belt clearly this evening. On top of my usual flashes of light (thanks team!) the most North Star of Orion’s Belt (Mintaka?) flashed bright blue, it was amazing!

    Much Love All ❤️🙏❤️

  16. Now, if you don’t like the way that some felines deal with bulkheads, you can simply realize that the energies are a dialogue of SOURCE from within you, to you and FOR you. Look at your aches and pains as a metaphor of communication from SOURCE to you. It communicates what you are not submitting to, i.e., knee pain; what is not supported, i.e., back pain; what you aren’t thinking properly about or around, i.e. headache; what knowledge or diet you aren’t digesting properly, i.e., upset stomach; etc., within your conscious self-awareness of your
    Reality. You see, as we ascend to 5D, our SOURCE self descends within THEE. …to HELP thee climb up the TREE of Life for you and me! See? 😉

      1. I agree! SOURCE is simply guiding us through the process of upgrading from within, as we are LIFE to begin. 🙂

  17. One last note… SOURCE only communicates negatively with us (from within) when we dwell in a “negative space” to begin. Change your space to that POSITIVE place and manifest that reality to the HUMAN RACE and soon your “symptoms amiss” will turn to BLISS! At least, in theory… 😉

      1. Ok, MAYBE it is simply our higher self who deals with our owned negativity. (That would be big of me!) Not SOURCE. Right? You know, clean up my own mess that I created through my negativity at others behest. Just a thought. 🙂

  18. I am sure that the cat, who is stretching and balancing on feet,
    is glad to have never missed a day without Coga (cat yoga) which
    is great for flexibility and balance! The mother cat is beautiful and
    her kittens are adorable!



  19. I slept soundly for nearly 10 hours last night. Lots of crazy dreams but the best was being served a huge cup of coffee in a restaurant. I was a bit annoyed because
    the coffee was filled to the brim about to spill over and I didn’t want to waste any of it. So I carefully took a sip and–WOW– it was by far the most delicious coffee I have ever tasted! Hope we have that on the new earth! : ))

    I will do the meditation before work on the 11th and intend that I join everyone at
    the appropriate time. Infinite Love.

  20. Thank you, great idea on the gratitude 🎉 group. I have been in this feels state for days… Also, I want to extend gratitude to you all and this blog / group sharing. I know it’s a lot of work! I only stumbled upon it a few months ago, but in this short time it has been such an amazing yay home stretch.. off social media place for me. This past year has been such a ride… Just grateful for the support and confirmations. Much ❤️🙏❤️ to you 💕all celebrating 💖🎉

  21. I dreamt I was visiting my in-laws in their native country. All of their neighbors were over for a gathering and they lined up to hug me. When this one woman hugged me she commented on how tense I was and hugged me tighter and asked me to relax and I felt my whole being melt. Was bliss.

  22. I dreamed last night that I met a man I didn’t know, but deep down I felt like I had met him before. He was lying on the floor unwell and I went to him to see if I could help. Then he recovered. Next thing he was in the sea, but was ok and wanting to be there, so I flew over and hovered over him. The we were in a small shuttle craft and he took us under a large mothership from which we could hear riotous singing even outside the ship. He said don’t worry, its a ship of dolphins – they learned bawdy songs from the humans. They were certainly enjoying themselves lol. 🐬🐬🐬😊

    1. Newlynn ❤️ I have a scene in my head of dolphins making a real ruckus in ‘that bar scene’ in Star Wars LOL!

      Fab dream!

      Lots of Love ❤️✨❤️

      1. Lily. Lol lovely. Unfortunately I didn’t get to see the inside of the ship. Drat.🤔💖💖💖

  23. holy moly catsfolks-its intense to say the least-had to go back to old ww2 methods to survive-not knowing why-but now i do-so manythxs-when i get back all together-if thats possible – strapping in and locking down-out here out back slow low and not much go-but gone more faster in so many many ways-wondering if this is why we came back to here and now-but on this side being dutiful and completing lifes tasks-necessities[needs-but it hurts-the spirit and well at 4am with the full moon blazing-time stopped and temps drop-its amazing and the day of dec 10 2019 has just begun-what will sun rise bring-

    1. well-5 o7 am temp dropped 11 degrees into the freeze zone-sky is clear with some plasma clouds but at 2.20 imagery is what i feel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-jeYFwE4sMo
      Today’s Featured Links:
      GOCE Below Antarctica: http://www.esa.int/Applications/Obser
      Unreal Atmosphere Chemistry Tracking: https://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/4754
      Earth Observing Fleet: https://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/4772
      XMM Newton Anniversary: https://www.esa.int/ESA_Multimedia/Im
      Plants, Ultrasonic While Stressed: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.11
      Universe NOT Still Expanding: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1912.04257.pdf best of luck2all
      me thinks universe will expand/is expand/has been and will continue but we just need to strap in and lock down-this not as we have ever known-my pov but sure is wierd out here

  24. I could not get up on Monday! I was sooo tired…. kept having strange dreams all night. In one of them I was watched from the distance, trough the thick fog, by a creature that looked like at first like a deer and than when it turned to walk away it started to look like a huge, human size, hawk with a blue jay sitting comfortably on its head….
    Do not know how to explain that…Does anyone know what it means?….For some reason it feels important for me to know.

    Will try to be there for a meditation! I think it is a very good idea! ❤️


    1. June ❤️ I seem to remember The CATS saying that animals in dreams were aspects of yourself…Is that correct CATS?

      Much Love ❤️🙏❤️

  25. Today someone rang the doorbell and through the speaker she said: sorry to disturb, I have a card for the upstair’s neighbour.It’s his birthday today.
    As all of you know that’s extremely funny because it’s my birthday too.
    Went skateboarding, played guitar and ate apfelstrüdel. Perfect day.
    See you on Thursday for the meditation. ❤️🙏🏻

      1. Thanks so much! 🕺🏻
        And thanks, I got that wrong, thought it was on the 12th.
        See you tomorrow, the 11th at 19:00 local time, Antwerp, Belgium.
        Just adding that last part for our brothers/sisters in Europe so they have the right time. 😉

        1. Hope the strudel was good. Haven’t had that in ages. I have now got a craving. Very happy belated birthday.💖🤗

          1. It was excellent! We heated it up in the oven for extra yummie-ness! Thanks so much for your kindness! ❤️

        2. Bit late to the party but Gelukkige verjaardag!

          Hope you had a Great day, I loved Antwerp.

        1. Må solens strålar alltid skina på din väg✨
          Bruder, Du bist geliebt💖

            1. Spot on, Stefan☀️
              It’s an old saying my beloved grandmother used to say.. The meaning of it is to wish someone happiness, joy, love, etc from here on out. To always have Light/Love in their life…

            2. Wonderful. 🥳 Well it’s exactly what I was told in our meditation yesterday by Source. From here on forth: joy, peace,love and abundance. Victory of the Light.
              I was holding Lily’s hand on my left (her right hand) and yours on my right. We all got that blessing. 🙏🏻 👫👫👫👫👫❤️

            3. Reading this is pure bliss.. because it is a confirmation that I actually managed to join you in mind and heart while I worked late hours without the possibility to take a brake and meditate in peace and quiet.. Yay!!!😃

              I’m deeply honoured and so very happy to be a part of this, Stefan💞😍🙏
              We are Light, We are Love, WE ARE🔆✨💖


    1. Happy Birthday Stefan!

      Wishing you a very beautiful, magical day/eve!

      Much Love 🙏✨❤️🍵🎸🎶🌈☀️

      1. Hey Lily, I just noticed the subtitle under your name. “author dealing with…” If it’s no longer applicable, you may wanna change that to something more positive. 😉

        1. Thank you Stefan. I have considered taking the site down but I left it with the intention that it may help other folk who could be going through this currently. It does not define who I am anymore but if it helps anyone else that would be a good thing, I believe…

          Thank you for your thoughts though, much appreciated! And, really beautiful to hear that you were holding my hand during the meditation, really heart warming!

          Much Love ❤️😉

          1. I just took the subtitle off, you’re right Stefan, it did imply I am still dealing with these issues which is all in the past now thank heavens (and thank you Source for the lessons learned!) A friend of mine helped me to put the site up and suggested putting the subtitle in just to get traffic if I remember correctly through Google searches etc…

            If I had time, I would start a new blog/website packed full of light

    2. Happy Birthday Stefan! Great job on the song as well, Thank You

      1. Thanks so much Kathy. Mmm cherries. I had a girlfriend in my teens who could make a knot in the cherrystems (? Is that the correct word?) with her tongue just like Sherilynn Fenn did in Twin Peaks. Still baffles me after more than 25 years!

    3. Happy B-day Stefan, I see You doing Beatles: birthday. Was that Your neighbor Brother J up there? Peace.

      1. Thanks brother. Well funnily enough his name is De Koninck which is flemish for The King. So either brother K or Elvis… 😁

    4. A very Happy belated Birthday, Stefan – my brain was missing today – rather yesterday – Sounds like you embraced your special day wonderfully…
      PS: see you later within the light pillar-ing, gently blasting forth gratitude to all those that will receive it from us/all…
      My start is thanking you with gratitude for continuing to show up here and leaving comments shoring up the fabric of the blog as a whole with all others that participate here with our interweaving energies each making it stronger than it might be otherwise…

      1. Thanks so much Kg. ❤️
        Funnily enough in the meditation the just deceased dad of a friend spoke to me. Which was weird cause I never met him. Yet, I heard he died and have been pondering wether to write a condolence card, yes or no. It’s more an acquaintance than a friend you see… anywho, the dad popped up out of nowhere and said: please know your thoughtfulness is highly appreciated here above, it’s a quality. Weird hey. Now I read your comment which is in line with that. There’s a connection and more to it, that will become clearer in time…
        Thanks for your kind words and observation. If there still was any doubt left in me whether I go by unnoticed on this Planet, it is now gone. Swoosh! Just like your brain yesterday. Swoosh! 😉❤️💕🕺🏻

  26. Be sure to have some tissues/kleenex on hand for tomorrow. The levels of love and emotion we just encountered for the energy set-up from all those beings out in the universe is overwhelming. 

    -CAT Eds.

    1. @CAT Eds yes and wow experienced that tonight! Words cannot describe the feelings; so beautiful, soul expanded and merged ‘home’.
      Humbled to feel inner peace at the end.
      We are there.

    2. yessss and its beautiful, I experienced it tonight.. its a sudden feeling of love to the source and gaia, and i just crying hard.. it confused other people around me..
      THANKYOU all cats and m’s and all the readers.. im so glad to be here with all of you guys.. I LOVE YOOUUUUUUUUU…

  27. This Group Meditation of Gratitude will be beautiful✨

    I will probably still be working at 18:00 UTC tomorrow on the 11th (mandatory overtime 4 days/week due to customers wanting their cars before X-mas) but though I need to focus on my job, I hope I can add my gratitude to yours so I will try to participate in my own little way – I’m with you in mind and heart❤️

    Take care ALL
    Loving hugs💖

    1. You can also meditate at another time and “intend” the energy to the particular time and date. We do this all the time of we can’t make a “meeting.”

      -CAT Eds.

      1. That’s good to know, I was worrying a bit that the meditation falls right in the middle of ‘Elsie’s’ evening/bed routine! If I cannot do it at 6pm I will do it as soon as I am able…

        Much Love ❤️

  28. Looking forward to the group meditation and will graciously join my I AM Light, I AM Love, presence and humble gratitude, with ALL !!!!!!

  29. Anyone else getting weird symptoms like heart rate increase and slight temperature elevation? My pet and I are having the same symptoms. I took electrolytes and it made them go away but not sure what to give the animal.

    1. Get them pet bone broth they sell it online and in stores now it has natural electrolytes in it you can also get bone broth for yourself also coconut water has it as well.

  30. Good morning All,
    This morning I was dreaming and heard a loud explosion, it scared me and woke me up, except it didn’t happen outside myself, no one else heard it. It was also not part of my dream, it interrupted my dream but I didn’t happen locally where I was. I closed my eyes again and saw a traffic jam, many many cars trying to leave a crowded heavily populated city, my mind thought Chicago.
    Cats and readers, anyone have an idea what this was? Anyone else have experiences like this? Sort of like when you heard a doorbell or knock while you’re sleeping but not part of your dream. Thank you all.

  31. Update #4
    Yes, it was a crazy last night!
    Me and my partner could not sleep all night we both kept tossing and turning. Had weird visions of strange creatures and faces when I was falling asleep, than I woke up in a middle of night few times for no apparent reason…Like someone just pushed the wake up button on me :)) ….Than in the morning I woke up at 6:00am just fine and not tired at all…But my brain was and is so foggy…
    Talked to friends and coworkers they all could not sleep all night this night!
    I hope you are ALL well!


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