26 Questions Answered [UPDATE3]


Ok, the CATs are waybusy at the moment (you’ll eventually see why), but we wanted to answer recent questions that came in from emailers. These are for people who wrote in, and NO we’re not going to do this very often. The questions are pretty easy to guess.

Please note that these answers are for the current timeline. Things may change (for the better) at any time, and may speed somethings up while slowing others down.


1. That clone-in-a-bag thing on twitter is fake, just a stunt… but there ARE real clones. And no, they aren’t as good as the real thing and don’t last more than two years.

2. HRC looks younger because that’s a body double. She has a different chin and lighter eyes. She’d use clones, but money is getting tight for the CF.

3. Most of the gold in the US is gone, stolen. Much of what (publicly) remains is tungsten wrapped in three millimeters of gold. This will be discovered in other countries, as well.

4. Yes, that anonymous fruit gift to the CATs was poisoned. We have decided to give the PTW a gift in return. When will people learn? Leave *us* alone, we leave YOU alone…

5. Those recent Pentagon resignations bring up the song, “The heat is on, its on the street.” Those who resigned know something that people don’t want them talking about.

6. Everyone has a “council of guides” but they aren’t that formal. However, there are councils above councils above councils above councils… it goes WAY WAY up. Each council member has their own council. We are all part of the same Infinite Spirit.

7. The “impeachment” thing will NOT work, and will in fact blow up in the PTW’s faces. Yes, there will really be arrests and convictions. Even HRC is going to prison, but only at “Camp Snoopy.”

8. Australia’s water, and indeed water everywhere, is being “privatized” all over the planet, so the PTW can charge people for water… and of course add things to it at will. It won’t make any difference, though.

9. Yes, as the timeline is right now there are only about six months left. Maybe less.

10. Yes, the mainstream media is nothing but a propaganda arm for the PTW.

11. NO, Brother J was actually a Pisces, born on the 3rd of March. Christmas is a pagan offshoot of the end of year winter festivals. We actually celebrate BOTH days, and lots of others. Just by connecting with J and offering gratitude for all he’s done (and all tat your Guides have done, and Spirit, and SOURCE) you’ll raise your vibration dramatically. It sounds like an AA trope, but giving control of your life to a higher power is part of the Fast Track to SOURCE.

12. No, CATs won’t receive gifts or money, even if we needed it. We are paid in more intangible ways, similar to the way mentors and Guides are “paid” for their efforts. We are a psychic river to all because it’s the right thing to do. HOWEVER, that doesn’t mean we disapprove of psychics charging money for their gifts. If they offer the service, they should be remunerated for it.

13. CATs are not motivated by food, or money, or anything this world offers. Accepting such would possibly get in the way with our mission… which seems to expand all the time.

14. Yes, we are awesome, but you are MORE AWESOME. All of us together are MAX AWESOME.

15. We can’t tell you about that, yet. But you will (all) be able to help when the time comes.

16. No, 99% of spirits leave you alone in the bathroom… except for that one Japanese one… brrr. Uber-creepy.

17. Yes, there are still ‘black-eyed kids,’ but they are now extremely rare. The SuperFriends eliminated the worst of them (an actual ET group that was seriously bad news), but the akrons keep trying to make variants. They aren’t children. There are also white-eyes versions (yikes) and “people-in-white” creepies. Pay attention to how various “people” make you feel. If your gut says run, do so. If you’re feeling brave, look right at them and say (either aloud or mentally): “You are perfect, immortal spirit, brother, whole and innocent. All is forgiven and released.” You might also want to say (mentally): “SOURCE armor UP!”

18. Yes, the NFL is rigged, fake, especially the SuperBowl. College football is being messed with more and more, too. Announcers and commentators don’t mention it as much as they enjoy those big fat paychecks for keeping their mouths shut. Baseball, too. Any sport that has money in it is corrupt.

19. Yes, the social upheaval is going to get worse… right up to 2020.

20. If the blog is dark for more than two weeks, we are more than likely gone. And comments will stop without anyone to approve them.

21. CATs CANNOT FLY, but some of us levitated a few times and it startled us.


22. No, we have no affiliation with “The Cat Report,” or any other site. And we respectfully decline speaking opps and panel opps and video inclusions and interviews. (Having spoken to “journalists” lots and lots of times in our respective pasts, it is highly dubious that we would ever do so again.)


23. Someone asked about how to do forgiveness on Deep State denizens. Excellent question. We direct you to “A Course in Miracles” at acim.org. It’s required reading in CAT land:

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Only $23 for a new paperback. Note that pirated copies online are uncorrected (stolen) drafts and are subsequently incomplete. ACIM is the definitive text on forgiveness, written by Brother J (through reluctant psychotherapist, Helen Schucman).

A non-religious NY intellectual professional, Helen was walking down the street in NY one day in 1965, agonizing over how to deal with a colleague who has turned on her, when she heard a voice say: “This is a course in miracles. You might want to take notes.” LOL.

This complete version contains J’s text, the Workbook (which has existential exercises where J heals your mind over time, very interesting), as well as a Manual for Teachers,  Glossary and Supplements. CATs make no money off these, nor were we paid for the plug. This is one of the (many) books we’d like to take with us to the NE. Not sure how that’s going to work.

The Course is available in… 40 languages? 60? Something like that.


24. We haven’t seen any timeline jumps lately. That doesn’t mean that individuals can’t pop in and out all over the place, as they grow — or un-grow in the cases of certain “leaders” bent on doing anything and everything to save their own skins. The big jumps are for big changes, to keep us away from bad things while we as a group ascend.

25. She turns into a gremlin and hides underground. Seriously, she is such an immature soul. As ridiculous as she is, she is just a puppet. Needless to say, she still has some 3d incarnations left in her.

26. Timeline jumps will increase right before The SHIFT. When you see three or more suddenly happen one after another, pay attention. SOURCE has actually worked backwards from a certain SHIFT endpoint (with near-infinite contingencies), and fine tunes and fine tunes and cajoles and moves things around… jump by jump… but backwards… up until this very moment. This is because SOURCE, and technically all of us, are outside of time. Time (while we’re in it) is like a giant tapestry-tape running across a huge tape head (if you remember what those are), with multiple splices and copies of the universe/omniverse all over the place, stretching into infinity. Only SOURCE could keep it all straight… because SOURCE is infinite. Having seen timelines from the outside we can tell you with great authority that it’s scary as hell. These are GYNORMOUS structures, holy crap.





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199 thoughts on “26 Questions Answered [UPDATE3]

    1. You Cats are Pawsome have so enjoyed this blog the refreshing forthrightness, honesty balance and humour again refreshing in a parched love starved realm.
      Love you Cats fiesty keep it up and hope to meet you all one day 😉

    2. Happy Birthday, wishing you a fabulous day and eve 🙂

      Much Love & Light ❤️✨☀️🎶🎂🌈💕

    3. Have a Most Lovely time, HAPPY BIRTHDAY w/Joy in Harmony. Peace.

  1. Had some dreams within dreams.

    The first one I woke up from I was with my grandmother who recently passed. She was very spiritually connected in life. She seemed happy, I was holding her and asked what she needed and she said strength. I awoke from that dream into another dream that felt very real… was wanting to share with family about my grandma. But I felt a need to close my eyes (something I never recall doing ever in a dream) and I saw this glowing blue horizontal line. It said my name and the line moved and then it broke out in intense white noise – sounded like a radio I could start to hear voices. It frightened me at first but I thought that maybe it was an upgrade so I relaxed into it and it seemed okay. I opened my eyes and was curious if it would happen again so I went to the bathroom and it happened again – I started to levitate and I was sort of floating around the bathroom, but having a difficult time controlling it but was learning. I awoke from that into another dream… I sensed that it was different… that if I closed my eyes I couldn’t access what I had before… other things happened I don’t remember… conversations… arguments… and then I woke up for real.

    Also last night I saw a light the size of a star flying way too fast across the sky – too fast to be an airplane – but then when it got close to the horizon it split into what looked like typical airplane lights and then it was gone… I was the passenger in the car because for whatever reason I’ve been feeling anxious driving at night – my head and vision do strange things that make me worry I will crash – especially on the freeway. It feels like I am moving way too fast and reality is having a difficult time keeping up…
    Anyways – any thoughts on what the light have been?


      1. No pattern – looked like a white distant star floating from practically one side of the sky to the other very quickly.

          1. It took it maybe 5 seconds to cross the sky broke into a couple more lights and disappeared behind the horizon. Maybe it was just a plane?
            It just seemed to be moving far too quickly to be a typical space craft… the person driving the car thought so too.

            1. Aha. When it broke into more lights, which way did they lights go? Was it in a pattern? And did it look like some of the lights faded at that point?


            2. It won’t let me reply to your next comment…
              but the lights stayed together – they were split in a sort of triangle shape – which is what made me rethink whether or not it was a plane.

            3. No sound that I am aware of… Almost looked like it could have been a satellite – but looked like it was within our atmosphere.

  2. I love how #9 is just gently placed in the middle of it all there… plus, since it’s the last Super Bowl, hoping it’s rigged for a Packers win! 😀

    Thank you! Be well and safe everyone!

    1. Go Pack Go! I was born in Green Bay, so it’s in my DNA. Am actually in the car at the moment, heading north on 294 out of Chicago on the way to Green Bay area to spend the Christmas with my sister and visit other family. If this is the last Christmas, then I will be happy to spend it with with people I love in the area where I grew up. She lives deep in the north woods bear country and the sky is totally dark at night, great for star-gazing. Perhaps I’ll get to see some of the star tourists gathered for the upcoming Event. And the Aurora Borealis again. Going Home! We are the Love. We are the Light. We Are all going Home!

      1. I know lauraksmi, its not a choice, its something you’re born into! And that’s a lovely area. I just moved to Ojai, but with my sister and nephews in Oshkosh, there’s many a thought of moving to a cabin in that woods up there. Enjoy it! Enjoy the clear skies and best wishes on seeing some friends flying by!

        1. We spent last night in Oshkosh (where we lived for 10 years in the ’70s) with my younger sister. So much has changed, but it was still like going home. Nice to see another kindred spirit, Eric.

    2. Hey Eric…

      In 2016 the NFL changed their business or affiliation status from “sports” to “sports entertainment” which means it’s technically not rigged. Instead, it is legally predetermined like the WWF. One of the NFL attorneys who was upset about this announced it in Atlanta During a conference. He stated that all the plays have been predetermined as well as who wins. One hour later, him and his friend was found dead, sitting in his Porsche on Peachtree Street, from bullet wounds. What’s interesting is the game has so many variables and technicalities involved that they can get away with it without the players even knowing…..unlike the WWF.

      1. Michael, I’m not surprised by anything nowadays and I’m for all the conspiracy theories, hell, i can’t even believe half the stuff I believe I believe when I’m wondering what I believe… so I wouldn’t be surprised if it is as rigged as you say. That said, tainted, rigged or otherwise, from my very biased perspective a rigged Packers Super Bowl… is still a super bowl.

        Frankly, I know it’s all nonsense, its like the one 3D “normal” thing I still enjoy and that I can connect with some family and friends with. I can say, “crystals, light, energy, ETs, Packers, chakras, past lives, etc.”, and guess the only word they’ll follow up on. 🙂

      2. Getting away with it, alright. We thought it odd later that no charges were brought, and no investigation into so obvious a crime. All about money, as usual. Actually, it was one of the lead NFL attorneys at the time. ESPN never touched the story.

        -CAT Eds.

        1. Thank you for the clarification (being out here in Aussie land, I’d never heard about it, I must say).

  3. Today was pivotal for me in many ways:

    Something is most definitely cooking. People around me are getting more and more upset, heated discussions and drama wherever I go. But it has the opposite effect on me, I feel calmer and more at peace than ever before.

    I finally managed to stuff myself with enough sweets to feel really, really sick. So I promised myself that from now on I’ll only eat what lands in front of me and not go searching for anything.

    I’ve been working on finding someone willing to allow me to transfer donations from the second campaign to their account and give me the money for three weeks now, and now they’re finally on their way. Which I hope means that I’ll get to hug my children within a couple of weeks.

    I’m reading the final chapter of The Course. While there is plenty of wisdom in there, the following question rocked my boat enough that I’m sharing in hope that it helps someone else too. It goes like this: Would you rather be right or happy?


      1. LOL, small world. Was just there a couple of weeks ago (Tgiving), husband’s parents still live there. We’re back in the PNW now 🙂

        1. FYI, CAT5 was speaking (as usual?) as metaphorically as possible. One of the other CATs also asked about this comment. CAT5 explained that he was equating his wife’s behavior with the Hindenburg disaster.

          -CAT Eds.

  4. I’ve got some questions regarding your answers…

    Will the ones who stay behind know the shift happened?

    Is it possible that someone who thinks they won’t make 4D will go to 4D?

    Can someone who knows they will go to 4D end up not going to 4D?

    1. 1. Will the ones who stay behind know the shift happened?

      Oh, yeah. And they won’t want to be on the Old Earth, where the light is GONE. It will SEEM darker. No thank you.

      2. Is it possible that someone who thinks they won’t make 4D will go to 4D?

      Oh, yeah. And they’re truly a danger, to themselves and others. We will have new abilities on the NE, and one of those (depending on “level” and ability) will be manifestation. So, if they think zombies are coming to eat them… we all have to deal with that. We’re certain (just checked and we can see them nodding) that the ET guides there to help us will know what to do. We have to try and keep these people calm and educate them. Some of them won’t be able to handle it (it IS kinda weird), and will go elsewhere.

      3. Can someone who knows they will go to 4D end up not going to 4D?

      Those who “know” they’re going to the next level — and boast about it — don’t seem to us like they’re going… not with that attitude… but we could be wrong. We like to maintain a certain gratitude and humility about the whole thing, because going to the NE is a really big deal. No CAT is arrogant about this, and we don’t really talk about who’s going. Most times Spirit won’t tell us, anyway. There’s really nothing to be afraid or ashamed of if you don’t. All will go to the perfect place for them. Only the darkest and most recalcitrant will stay behind on Old Earth. If you can’t stand the higher energies, going to the NE could kill you.

      -CAT Eds.

      1. Thanks for the reply.

        I’ve been working on controlling my thoughts. When a negative/unwanted thought pops up, I just send it away or transmute it (either with an overlay or being very cartoony)

        I guess you’ll never know if you’re going to the NE until after the shift. I want to go, but I also want everyone to also go to NE.

        The only things that keep me going are 2 messages I’ve had since I was small. They both relate to the shift.

        There have also been things I’ve jokingly said about signs of the shift being near and they have all come to pass. I’m partially psychic, so I wouldn’t be surprised if I’ve been tapping into something unknowingly. (I hate saying I’m psychic as people assume I can tell their future)

        1. We call those “attack thoughts” (from acim.org). When you have one (we still do), label it immediately: “ATTACK THOUGHT!” then mentally attach a lead weight to it and drop it to the center of the earth.

          -CAT Eds.

  5. Thank you Cats 🙏 For everything 🙏

    Had a real wobbly last night, came out of nowhere. Elsie could not get to sleep and I was exhausted and with the PMT and energies coming in suffice to say I was not myself and heard this voice coming out of my mouth ranting on about exhaustion and dirty nappies and more…

    Elsie is definitely feeling the energies too and is so restless. Have increased her melatonin tonight. I usually give her the bare minimum but she has really dark shadows under her eyes and needs sleep.

    Feeling so guilty for getting so impatient with her last night. Need to get my PMT sorted out. Have started using Evening Primrose Oil but I think it takes a while to kick in. Praying for sleep tonight as I can barely function and it’s a real battle to stop myself being a complete irritable poo poo head when tired…

    Love to ALL ❤️🙏❤️

    1. Thinking about it, I cannot help wondering if something messed with us last night, there was a dark, quite oppressive energy hanging around, still here I think although I could just be exhausted and ‘heavy’ feeling. Last night was not good though, felt like something was trying to take over, does happen sometimes when Elsie and I have been really having a good/positive period of time. It’s like something is thinking ‘Ha!’ we’ll see about that! Maybe it’s purely a mix of PMT, energies and exhaustion. Strange thing was, before it all happened, I had managed to do a relatively long meditation just before hand which would normally have made me really relaxed but this time I just felt weird…

      I will now cease mentally beating myself up and move onwards and upwards…again…

      Much Love ALL ❤️

      1. Lily. Sending you and Elsie peace, love and big hugs. 💖💖💖💖💖🤗

        1. Newlynn ❤️ Thank you my lovely friend! Big hugs to you too! I have upped Elsie’s melatonin and also got some H-TTP with magnesium for myself! hope you are well?

          Big Loves and Hugs and so much Light always…❤️🤗✨

    2. Ha! Some of the CATs were saying similar things nighe before last, really venting — with more fireworks this morning. Everyone survived. Seems we all need to clear the air at times. We’ve had lots of discussions about how all the ETs and spirits handle this, watching us. We’ll ask them.

      -CAT Eds.

      1. My method for this: Howl and scream.

        Works wonders for me… “words”, thoughts, and the like that require “venting” are all trapped *noise* we’re subconsciously holding. Language is human made-up noises.

        If you really need motivation to help get it out, I’d highly recommend a cold shower. Assure you stay grounded and loose in your body/muscles… let your mouth do all the releasing and allow your body to breathe deeply/automatically.

        This is a great way to start every day.


        1. Josh ❤️ That’s great advice but unfortunately would completely freak my daughter out! I’ve heard of ‘Primal Scream’ therapy before. Not sure exactly what it entails but I got the impression it was being given a safe space to really let it all out…

          Much Love ❤️🙏❤️

  6. well-said-brief2point //within 6 months=interesting quantum waves growing-me likes 14. Yes, we are awesome, but you are MORE AWESOME. All of us together are MAX AWESOME. which is true7yet through education system dumbed down and out-time is short but each moment a lifetime each day a millinium-if you go manythxs=safe journey and open horizons of hope and gratitude-do zobaczenia i szeroko droga

  7. Max awesome…nice! I just went outside to hang in this weird snow squall we got in NY today, and in the Den, my cousin who helps care for my parents during the week, a true Godsend was fast asleep. Guess whatever she was watching finished, but I digress. The ad on the TV, in huge neon green and black lettering?


    Then I read this post when I went back in the house. Just thought I’d share. Sorry to hear about the fruit gift, but know protection is real deal, and the crew is deep…and as a Cat (or M) reminded me once (and ACIM teaches): sometimes you gotta kick some ass.

    In gratitude to Brother J, the Guides, and All. One Love ❤️

  8. @jones369 best birthday ever!!! It was my birthday too 🎂 on the 16th of DEC. 😀

    I was surrounded by my friends who I love at the beach 🌴but they all hate TRUMP. I just ignore it! It was a fabulous time!

    but I can’t help but wonder, how in the world are my friends going to see the light when they are blinded by so much hate? They all literally drool over HRC & OBAMA. It will be a fascinating reveal on my end if I see them come around!

      1. I wish there was a way to change that, but unfortunately some people don’t seem to have free will anymore.

        1. No, they have free will. They just choose not to use it. If there’s nothing else this blog has taught us, it’s that you just can’t save some people. They don’t want to be saved.

          -CAT Eds.

          1. At the end of the day,
            “You can’t fix stupid”

            And stupid in this context is ignoring the obvious

      2. @cats, so my friends n family who keep drinking the kool aide, one is a gambling addict, I kinda have a feeling we will be in separate places come the shift. But I know I can’t tell her what to do. We have all done interventions and she won’t listen. Not my place to judge. Source knows what’s what

        1. No, we tried with our own (outside the fold) friends and family, too, and… we have to leave everyone in SOURCE’s hands… which is as it should be.

          -CAT Eds.

          1. Sooo, My understanding is: things separate, then after every “one learns lessons of Love, etc. Everything returns to “One”? Yet, different timelines are different lengths. So those on lower timelines experience “time”, yet upper timelines “no time”. Sooo, upper timeliners, are just “there”, yet lowers can experience theoretically, thousands of years. Is that sort of It? Peace.

            1. Christopher. Great description. Very succinct and understandable. Thank you.🤔😊

      1. @lily144 thanks for birthday wishes!!! When I saw your note earlier, I was smiling knowing I knew I could count on lily144 to wish me happy birthday. She is always thinking of others. In my mind I said to myself, I think she’s as angel. Then, wait for it…. Something happened in my head! It didn’t hurt, but it was like a burst of energy that almost made me feel like I was gonna pass out for a split second! Lasted 2 seconds. So intense, I thought, what was I thinking right before this happened????…well, I was thinking lily144 was really ANGEL😇

        1. duganknows ❤️ You’re so welcome! Awwww, that’s so cool. Well this angel fell a little bit a few days ago but am rising on up again lol!

          Big Loves and Hugs and hope your day was fabulous! ❤️🤗❤️

      1. @Kolibri thank you for the birthday wishes!!!! i was crying last night b/c i miss my dad. his birthday was december 6th and then mine. He died several years ago and made me laugh so hard that i would cry. he was hilarious!!! Ever know anyone like that? holidays are hard for me beginning w/ my birthday because he’s no longer celebrating with me.

        love the cake!!!!!

  9. I’m asking for you guys to send a little love and light my way. The universe… And the holidays… Have decided to help me enjoy the intense energies coming this weekend by bringing all four of my EXTREMELY 3D step daughters to spend the entire weekend with us. Ugh… None of them like me and one of them had a very negative entity attached to her that was making my cats sick every time she came over. I finally enlisted professional spiritual help to bind this entity. God I hope it worked. This weekend will be the first test of it. I suppose I’ll spend the whole weekend hiding in the bedroom… Praying, meditating and trying to calm the cats. Maybe this is source’s way of ensuring I do just that…???

      1. I have crystals! Tell me more please…I just woke up from a intense excursion to the galactic center. My head was tingling like crazy while I slept and I felt so many beings around me. It was so cool. It seems I only feel centered in my dreams these days.

        1. Select four crystals and hold them while you meditate (crystals are alive, believe it or not). Ask those four crystals to only allow those with your greatest good inside your dwelling, and to transform all who cross the threshold. Then place the crystals (you can use more if you have a larger house) at the four corners of your house. Then, BEFORE your guests arrive, imagine them in your minds’s eye and do the first mantra on each one: “You are perfect immortal spirit, brother/sister, whole and innocent. All is forgiven and released.” Then… let them arrive and watch what happens. PLEASE NOTE that this is NOT to create a peaceful event! It’s for everyone’s greatest good. Chances are what we detail will cause Xmas party turmoil… but it won’t be boring. And it will be best for all concerned. Looking at it… we see lots of… crying? Tears of release. At least until the timeline goes to Vegas.

          Note: If serving alcohol, and some guests are known to be not-all-that-nice during such ingestions, feel free to water down the drinks in advance. You can’t do it with wine or beer, but you can cut the hard stuff with one-third water. It won’t make you popular, but it will give you a fighting chance. Or you can choose to offer a “safe-and-sane” holiday repast with coffee and tea and punch.

          Ok, CATs needs donuts. Or pastries. And coffee. Lots of coffee.

          -CAT Eds.

            1. Jupiter Daisy. The very best of luck. I love the crystal solution to the problem. Cats- I’m a crystal therapist but that was never taught that on the three year course. Awesome. Christmas seems to be an emotional catalyst for a lot of families. I’m in favour of hermit like behaviour to survive the holidays. Hiding in the bedroom may also be needed lol. I feel for you.😕🤗

            2. @Newlynn…I already did the crystal meditation and placed them in the four corners of my home. The girls come tonight…I feel much calmer now. I felt the crystals talking to me during the meditation. I’m also employing the CAT’s mantra. Thank you for your encouragement. 😊❤️🙏

            3. I’ve been alone at Christmas for 5 years now and I know I should feel bad about that, but I just can’t. There are so many worse things than being alone, like enforced togetherness with people you just don’t vibe with. Sure, I’d prefer to be with my tribe, but since I’ve never met my tribe in the flesh (talking to you guys) and they’re scattered everywhere, my own company will do just fine. Om Shanti Shanti Shanti; peace, peace, peace to all.

            4. None of us are ever really alone. Not only do we have SOURCE and Guides and so many others around us, we’re CONSTANTLY surrounded by scads of spirits and ETs. SOURCE is enough. 😉

              -CAT Eds.

          1. CAT Eds, when I clear, before meditating, I put a Source shield up around my daughter, our pets, myself and our home. Can Jupiter Daisy do this with her home? Would it help her Christmas situation in addition to the crystals? Crystals are pretty powerful though, just thoughts…

            Much Love ❤️🙏❤️

            1. I’ve been using blue domes filled with golden, white Divine light and sealed in electric Violet light around my home, workplace, cars… Etc. I learned this trick from someone about a month ago.

    1. Having lived the last four years in the middle of an entire family like that, I feel you. Still. Try repeating the mantras to keep your vibe high; and whatever they say, smile and answer ‘Is that so?’. Chances are you’ll have so much fun watching them deal with their confusion that you forget to not like them. The more positive energy you manage to squeeze out, the more fun it gets. Insane people always exploit politeness and good manners, or any kind of rules really, but this leaves them with nothing to attack.

      And don’t forget to send gratitude to the CATs, who helped spread the word about these awesome tools.


    2. Sending you my love and light! It is going to be Ok! ((((HUGS))))

    3. A few years ago I ordered several clear quartz crystal points. After being cleansed, I placed them about every 10 feet or so around my property perimeter laying the corners first. I have a small yard and while placing them, facing every direction (front- back up, down- up, in- out,) I asked them to connect and protect this property and inhabitants from anyone or thing which was not for the greatest good of all. Every so often I ask them to reactivate and strengthen if I feel the need for extra protection. So far they are doing a fine job and give me a sense of peace as well as a place of serenity. I have rocks, crystals and specific plants all around which represent love, peace, clarity, abundance, protection and purity. My little sanctuary.
      This is why I understand why “J” feels the need to plant certain trees/plants in specific areas, groupings or numbers. Cay

      1. @cay that is very cool 😊 I was just thinking… Where in this world… Except for in a group of enlightened beings as this… Can you say that you talk to crystals and not be labeled crazy? I love this ❤️

      2. Cay ❤️ That’s so amazing, it’s like a huge crystal grid! I have a tiny bit of cloth I have used before for protection. Principle is the same but on a very little scale (cloth crystal grid!)

        Much Love ❤️🙏❤️

      3. I did something similar with orgonite a few years ago. I put a tower buster at each corner of my property, again at each corner of the house, and one on top of the smart meter. Inside, I have a bunch of the decorative types of orgonite, pyramids and such, making sure to have one smack on top of the WiFi router. Crystals everywhere, too, because I never could resist a pretty rock! Also plants of all kinds; two of my orchids are getting ready to bloom again. Feels pretty good here, I must say.

        1. Kolibri. I love my crystal companions too. It’s a wonder our house hasn’t sunk under the weight of them! Like you, they are everywhere. I used to sell crystals at motorcycle shows and had a brilliant wholesaler who gave me big discounts on the large rough crystals no one wanted (but I preferred them as they hadn’t been too mucked about with and are just their natural selves). I dotted them all over, especially the garden and our wildlife seems very happy to visit. If I had to choose three things to take to NE if I’m fortunate to go, it would be my crystals, my cat and my current cross stitch project (which is a huge colourful elephant and will take years to complete). Anyway I will stop rambling now and get back to sewing lol. Love to to the Cats, Ms and all on the blog and may our near future hold lots of wonder. 😺😊😻💖

          1. I love to sew and knit too, I resonate with you making a lovely tapestry with crossstitch. My spirit animal is elephantine, that can be mammoth, elephants or dugong. One day I might tell you how I came to know that. It’s very good to give elephants their space in art or photography. They are regal beings. And I recently just learned that they might have originated in the Lyra constellation.

            1. MaPanther. How fascinating. Aren’t a lot of us on Earth supposed to have been on Lyra? Most of my sewing projects have been big cats, but I was really drawn to the elephant pattern as it’s so full of vibrant swirly colours. It’s so fulfillng to me to craft and create. I love knitting too.🐘🐘🐘

          2. I love crystals too and have them in every room of
            my house. I don’t think you can ever have too many.
            They are so wonderful for clearing energy and helping
            with healing. My dog, Blackie, has been having a hard
            time getting up and walking. Last night, when I took him
            out to go to the bathroom, he fell when coming back up
            the ramp, covering the steps, and was lying on cold, wet
            ground and I couldn’t get him up. Fortunately, a man who
            helps me with the property, was able to come and carry him
            into the house……he is about 75 pounds now. Today, I put
            crystals, that I thought would help, next to him, on his bed.
            The Vet says Blackie is like a 90 year old person who is at the
            end of his life. I accept this, and there may not be much time
            left, but I am still trying to do all that I can to help him.

            When I first moved to my house I found a crystal that was
            about 3.5 inches long, just buried under the dirt, at the end
            of the driveway near the mail box. I bought the house from
            an older lady and I don’t think that she buried the crystal
            so it remains something of a mystery!



            1. Actually, you CAN have too many! Those crystal caves in Mexico could kill you if you spent too much time in them. Too much energy. We have stories about this, but they’ll have to wait for the NE.

              -CAT Eds.

            2. CAT Ed’s., That is a good point about the crystal caves
              in Mexico. In that case, crystals could be too much of
              a good thing!! I have seen pictures of a good sized man
              standing next to huge horizontal crystals, in a cave, in
              Brazil. Judging from the size of the man I would guess
              that if the crystals were standing up vertically they would
              be 10 to 15 feet tall. Amazing!, but if there were once massive
              trees why not huge crystals, as well.



            3. A friend of ours had a client who bought a 250 lb quartz point AND PUT IT UNDER HER BED. She was dead in six months. She was only 42. Heart attack.

              -CAT Eds.

  10. Can I post Laura Whitworths latest YT vid? (Not sure if it’s been posted?)

    Her client channelled the Council of Nine. The info marries with your timing of 6 months until the SHIFT.

    I spoke with Laura about the session. She tells me she has never seen anything like it. Her clients hair was on end and ribbons of white light were flowing from her and surrounded by orbs.




    1. Hey there, Mark – this was posted sometime in previous days, but I’m SURE there is a reason for posting it again – the energy was high…

      When I watched it, whenever… I had a hard time with the high energy voice Laura was using to relay her client’s voice, etc – probably some latent or left over PTSD within me, but I wasn’t going to let that stop me listening – had to take a break a couple of times and use breathing, etc.

      Thanks for tuning in and ‘seeing’? it needed a return engagement.

      ((( <3 )))

        1. As I recall, she said her client was breathing really hard and shouting between breaths. I suspect that Laura actually toned it down a lot for the video!

      1. Hi Kg

        You are not alone with finding the voice she used to portray that channeling difficult to hear, almost grating, I have always felt a strong connection to other readings, it felt like part of me, but this was very different and I am not sure why. Xx

        1. I think her voice was like that so we would really pay attention! 😉

      2. Kg. Yes I had the same reaction. It was battering but I also carried on to the end. I thought it was just me as I seem to have super sensitive hearing lately. Everything needs the volume turning down around me!🙄

  11. Thank you so much for your existence and uplifting words, it made a difference in my life.
    Happy Christmas and holy days.

  12. I just came across a u-tube video on Hyperspace Connection suggesting two facts that; (1) Jordan Maxwell’s view is that Earth is a “Prison Planet” run by Evil E.T.s. and; (2) the New Earth is a farce/mass manipulation by said E.T.s. I felt it appropriate to share my reply here, as I think it highlights what is mostly obvious from our experience on Earth in these times. I hope my viewpoint is appreciated, as it was speaking to someone who doesn’t necessarily believe in a higher power, i.e., SOURCE, and was seemingly trying to project his own internal fears with the video. Here is the comment…

    “Earth is clearly a ‘school of EVOLUTION’ where one learns important ‘spiritual’ lessons under duress while embodied. If one applies those lessons while embodied, they AWAKEN to a whole new reality: one of darkness or one of light. Depending upon who they are in their embodiment, they continue their lessons in their respective reality (light or dark) to integrate the two into one, i.e., order from chaos or chaos from order (UNITY or SEPARATION, respectively). We clearly reside in a reality of an ordered Universe that manifests seemingly chaotic events… what are your intentions with YOUR manifestation of SELF? If it is order and unity, you will naturally reduce your entropy (chaos) both within and without through a process of ‘true love’ to embodiment and ascend, spiritually; where there is no chaos. If it is chaos and separation, you will naturally increase your entropy (chaos) both within and without through a process of ‘evil’ to DISEMBODIMENT, decay, and descend, spiritually; where there is no order. Your choice should be obvious but your ‘spiritual maturity’ might keep you in a cycle of lessons, especially if you worship the corrupted status quo and think yourself disempowered, e.g., the “prison planet” of cycles. Do you believe yourself to be a Creator for Life or do you believe yourself to be a User of Life? I would suggest that we choose wisely and evolve spiritual maturity! As such, YES, Mr. Maxwell is correct from a disempowered stance. I, HOWEVER; AM, e.g. of the New Earth. ;)”

    1. A few fine-point additions:

      1. This planetary school has been hijacked by insane ETs; there really is no “evil,” per se… but the extreme insanity here can feel like that.

      2. You’re not to integrate darkness. You’re supposed to rid yourself of it. This whole light/dark duality integration thing was created by the insane beings in comment #1 to further their insane agenda. Your main goal is to get closer to SOURCE, your natural state.

      3. We actually don’t reside anywhere. We are all with SOURCE, right now… asleep. This is all Illusion.

      4. We are all ONE. You are, in effect, speaking to yourself here — as are we!

      -CAT Eds.

      1. Thank you for your additional comments! In ONENESS, we ARE all coming together, closer to SOURCE!!!! Some insane (chaotic) ones will go to where they belong in the Creation… probably kicking and screaming the whole way!

      2. Yeah, the light/dark duality integration thing can trip you up. It has the effect of putting you in neutral, just spinning your wheels and slowing down progress. There’s a lot of misinformation out there, I’ve stumbled through lots of it over the years.
        This blog really brings a lot of clarity and has helped me with a better understanding of the ACIM principles. So helpful.
        Thanks CATS and M’s, you all are the best!

  13. I just wanted to express my gratitude for you all and this blog. Truly a lighthouse in the storm.

    I’ve been experiencing much “weirdness” over the past couple years, much of it can be labeled as “cool”, but some not so much. Downright unnerving, honestly. People with very negative attachments. Psychic people with powers. Ugh. I’ve committed your mantra to memory in the event more show up. Thank you again for being here. Makes one feel relatively sane in a crazy world. ❤

    1. Note that mantra is a totally positive thing, not just a defense. You can close your eyes and mentally use it on anyone you’re ever met and at time in your life. It’s an amazing tool of the spirit.

      -CAT Eds.

      1. My life is pretty peaceful and I don’t often run into people that could benefit from the mantra, at least in person. I’ve used it on crazy drivers, but they speed away and there’s no way of knowing what effect it may have had. However, I had to go to the post office the other day, which was a little slice of Christmas hell. People outside were yelling at each other about parking spots and there was one particularly unhappy woman inside who was being quite unpleasant to the clerk. I did the mantra on her and got my stamps. I ran into her again in the lobby where she was slapping stamps onto her Christmas cards. I paid no attention to her and proceeded to stamp my cards, too. We finished at the same time, she put her cards through the slot, held the slot door open for me, and wished me a Merry Christmas! Her demeanor had completely changed. I love it!

        It was still mayhem out in the parking lot, and there was a long line of peevish people building up inside, so as I drove away I encased the whole building in a blindingly bright dome of white light. Had to go back today, and even though it was just as crowded as before, the atmosphere was decidedly lighter and happier. Don’t know if I can take credit for that, but it sure is nice to have some effective tools…..

        Regarding your latest mission, CATs, please stay safe. We’d miss you if you didn’t make it back. Don’t do nuthin’ dumb!

    2. We’re doing this together, it wouldn’t be complete if even a single piece was missing. And believe it or not, you are one of those pieces. So thank you for being here.

      There is absolutely NOTHING that could hurt you in this dream except fear, because fear is what creates monsters.


  14. Just had the most interesting evening!

    Started around 4:30pm UK time. I looked out of our front window and saw two smallish white clouds between the two houses on the opposite side of the road. They caught my attention as they were glowing. It was quite dark. The ‘clouds’ which now started to look like rather large orbs began moving around left and right and sometimes arcing across the sky. They gradually moved a bit higher. I tried to take photos and video on my phone and then using a digital camera but nothing showed through the lens! Dogs were barking outside.

    I had to see to dinner and E;sie’s bedtime but kept returning to the window! Each time, the orbs/lights/clouds whatever they were were getting higher in the sky and bigger and were moving across a greater distance still back and forth. There were also three aircraft with flashing lights quite low on the horizon all moving from left to right.

    When we sat down to have Elsie’s bedtime drink, I heard a loud thundering noise. I followed the noise overhead from the front to the back of the house where I saw four red flashing lights move across the sky. From the volume I would say they could have been those ‘thunder’ planes.

    I got Elsie through her bath/bedtime routine and then went to check again. The lights/orbs were now much bigger and less orb-like, more like huge cloud/light birds! they were high in the sky and I noticed that beams were coming down. I shut off all our lights and had another look. This time I noticed lots more smaller orb/cloud lights all moving around in one huge circle! There were also less uniformed kinds moving a bit like the northern lights but without the colour, just a white/bluish tinge. Then I heard a helicopter, it seemed to be coming from the back of the house so I looked out of that window and saw a very low flying air craft.

    The whole thing could have been going on much longer but I witnessed about 4 hours of it (on and off)

    Has anyone got any idea of what I saw? Whatever it was got the attention of a lot of aircraft!

    Much Love ❤️🙏❤️

      1. Anytime we get UFOs in my area of Kansas the military shows up to chase them off it is quite a show. Stay safe!

        1. SB ❤️ Well, the military did not scare these guys off, they were hanging around well after the planes had gone! Fascinating times hey! Love ❤️🙏❤️

          1. You are right they try to scare them off I should say even around here but it doesn’t really work very well lol.

        1. Jupiter Daisy ❤️ (Cool name!) I had a look online and there was nothing! It was so wierd because I have used the same camera and phone to take photos/videos of other sky related mysteries, but this one was impossible to capture! If my Mum had not seen it from her home about 10 mins drive away, I would have thought I was going a bit doo lally!

          Much Love ❤️🙏❤️

          1. I think there will be more of these type of events coming soon! PS… Jupiter Daisy is the name of of my failed online clothing store business… And it also represents my favorite planet and my favorite flower… As I’m just a space hippie…🚀🌼😊✌️

            1. From one space hippie to another, it most certainly didn’t fail, because there is no such thing. If there was my life would be the epic failure everyone around me seems to think it is, and the opposite is true. It’s a smashing success, because here I am, spreading light, healing and doing my thing; and every little step along the way was needed to get here.


            2. Jupiter Daisy. It’s a lovely name. I used to have a website for my knitted scarves and called it Dragon Fluff Designs. My pottery business was Dreamy Dragon Pottery. I love dragons if you hadn’t guessed!🐉

  15. So I have been having an open dialogue with my guides, spirits and any guests of the white light. Today I was asked in a conversation to share with everyone this:

    “You are being called to light the spark within yourself. To explore your desires as they are the compass in this journey. In order to stay on course, you must understand the course. To understand, is to feel through the felt experience. To ebb and flow as like the windy rivers that lay before you on this planet.

    You are the seed. You are not creating the seed of change. You are the change. Act accordingly and prepare yourself for the shift on the horizon. You are being asked to burst into being. To shine your light individually as bright as possible so that as a collective you will be as visible as the sun.

    We will be connecting with each one of you. Be still and listen. Our voices will be heard through your earthly intuition.

    Your path may appear unknown but trust in source. Remember you are always connected to source. You are being lead to where you need to be. Trust in the divine.” (https://unearthly.travel.blog/2019/12/19/the-december-message/)

    1. This message resonates with me quite a bit. The whole “shine your light as bright as possible” is a theme I’ve noticed in some dreams I’ve had this month (and also the type of daydreams where you’re half-asleep but your mind starts wandering).

      Gonna be tough since my 3D existence is an absolute dumpster fire, but hey six months left! We can all hold out, I guess.

      1. Yeah. It was interesting to write down. Afterwards I thought about the times when the CATs hosted in my mind large scale beam exercises. Where we all put our energy pointed a certain direction. The Texas one was when I felt and saw everyone. It was bananas. It’s also interesting, because after I wrote all of this down I went on Youtube to kill some time before a meeting and I noticed a lot of the Youtubers are asking everyone to be bright and shine. So maybe if we get bright enough that will set off the Event? Kinda like a bat signal? I don’t know. I’m no expert in this space and I’m not trying to be a key player. They just showed up today being like — ahh we need a favor from you — and I’m like okay what is it? lol.

        1. We need do nothing at this point. Enough of us have reached the goal we set for ourselves a long time ago, and we are now waiting on SOURCE to coordinate the Divine Timing logistics necessary to make The SHIFT happen not just on earth, but all across the universe — simultaneously — while not upsetting our ascendant apple cart. No small feat. It’s similar to jumping off a building while assembling a grandfather clock while making a multi-course dinner while drawing a royal flush at a poker game while hitting a hole in one, all the while conducting AND playing all the parts to Beethoven’s 9th Symphony all at the same time, with everything coming together perfectly on the very last note as you hit the pavement. Times infinity. With pretty lights and angels singing and agape off the charts. Easy.


          1. Yep, easy peasy, nothing to it! Gonna shine bright anyway, ‘cuz at this point, that’s just the way it is.

          2. AM. Ok. No problem 🤪🤔. I can see why we need to be multi-dimensional. I had better start practicing. ☺️😺

  16. @ CAT’s
    YES! You are AWESOME!!! 🙂

  17. Hi CATS, another awesome blog entry, thank you!

    I was wondering if any of you, or anyone who visits, has experience with or is familiar with dissociative disorder? To me, it sounds like something that fits right along the lines with what’s going on with the change in vibration and split that’s occurring. However, for a friend of mine, it’s causing a great deal of stress and anxiety. Of course Drs are trying to give her drugs, and of course that’s not fixing any underlying issues. Last I spoke with her, she’s afraid of having an energy parasite of some kind that’s messing with her mind. I guess my main question is, I think I remember reading in the comments to another post months ago that energy parasites are no longer leeching off of us. Is that accurate? I figure if we know that, it’s a good place to start towards healing it.

    All the best to yas!

        1. Oh. This is pretty simple. Have her first start with a good grounding. Maybe do a guided meditation (with you) with a focus on her grounding. She’s just got too much Wave X energy. This is a common problem for millions right now.


          1. Sorry for this late question but I spent two days searching for this posting about dissociative disorder. So please bear with my question:

            Does dissociative disorders lead to memory loss a.k.a Alzheimer? For someone who has vague memories of traumatic events of the past (happened as a toddler and later as a teen n young adult), could it be a way her mind is trying to protect her from remembering these traumatic events? She confided all these to me then and asked me not to mention to anyone. Trouble was, she refused to see a psychotherapy as she felt ashamed and also she had only vague memories of these events.

            Her memory took a turn for the worse after the sudden death of her mother, she felt guilty for not being with her (mother) when she collapsed and never recovered. Till today, sometimes she still grieves over her, even after 10 years, especially when she woke up and “couldn’t find her”. Doctor diagnosed her in middle stage of Alzheimer now, and I was advised “Why dig her past (about those traumatic events) that couldn’t be changed and may further destabilise her? Worse yet, some events could be just her hallucination now.”

            So, please M3, CATs & Ms, I need some advices:

            – how to help her to increase her vibrations if she can’t/doesn’t meditate anymore and I don’t live near her? If I do Mantra 1 and 2 mentally on her everyday, will it help her?
            – will soul retrieval help her to heal? Do I need her permission to do it on her behalf?

            Note that she used to meditate everyday for more than 10 years but along the way, she lost faith after the passing of her spiritual teacher.

            Once again, with much Love and Gratitude 💐

            Any advices will be greatly appreciated. It just breaks my heart to see her doctor increasing the medication dosage at each visit to help to stabilise her!

  18. I just read every word on the home page under each of the sections. All of this resonates so much with me! For the past seven years I’ve been on a personal healing Journey… Which started exactly on December 21, 2012 with three days of total sleeplessness… No seriously. I’ve managed to process through all of these people severe trauma from my past, completely heal several chronic illnesses and am now enjoying my second year totally medication free. Coming off of 20 years of meds induced an incredible spiritual awakening… Which started as a failed attempt to return to Christianity and has now brought me back to the inner beliefs I had as a child when I used to draw plans for a giant community living space. Anyways, sometime recently I’ve begun to realize that my healing is more the result of some innate abilities I have and less the result of the healthy food, supplements and lifestyle changes I’ve made. I’m now on healing level 2. I’ve begun to learn energy healing and meditation. My intuition is increasing by leaps and bounds. I’ve also realized that this healing I’m doing is to heal the past karma and pain of my entire family for many generations past and for the present family members as well as for my future family members. I truly believe this is one reason why I’m here. Lately I’ve even started to think I also was a feline alien in the past… But more so I believe that I am from the galactic sun itself. The two things I’ve always felt a connection to entire life are cats and the sun. Anyways… Thanks CATs… Much peace and comfort has been found here. 🙏😻🌞

  19. Just saw my neighbors cat trying to bark something is happening lol.

    1. And I have a little dog who is so gorgeous she could be a cat!

  20. I believe we just had another positive timeline jump.


  21. Just watched Downton Abby the movie. The takeaway for me was Julian Fellows stating something like with all the horror around that most people are trying to do their best. Very hopeful and meaningful message for me. Very perceptive of him.

  22. Maybe I jumped the gun. Normally when I have a certain type of dream we have a + TLJ.

    Oh well, my days been a disaster anyway, what one more thing.


  23. Today’s Lisa update: She has her voice back. Yeaaah! She said that she will try to get a blog update maybe tomorrow. Much been going on, but we are both still here. Only 11 days to go until the new energies of 2020.

    1. Her voice loss is (now) 100% diet related — and she’s unwilling to change! At least the akrons can’t make it worse.

      Hopefully we’ll have a present for everyone soon.

      -CAT Eds.

    2. One comment Lisa made during this week’s Nation Of Lights gathering was that the key word for next year is Clarity. How fitting that it’s the year 2020.

    3. Yeah, I talked to her too. Lots of crap going on, makes it so that she can’t concentrate enough to see anything. Things should calm down for her shortly.

  24. Does the illusion end as New Earth is revealed, here?

    Or does the illusion never end, and

    That’s why there is a physical moving of people from this earth to NE

    1. As far as I can tell, 3D/4D remains here with recent updates to the consciousness in the astral, as there are new pathways for a modern ascension (compared to what Brother J did) that were paved by the 1st, 2nd and 3rd waves. These updates remain for the individuals to aid them in a future ascension, as ALL are (eventually) ascending. Of course, during these times, there are many that have left and are leaving the planet to seek out more desirable lifetimes on other 3D & 4D planets. Now, it might be that SOURCE plans to quickly update the whole 3D Earth to exist solely as a 4D platform, too. Regardless, there must be ascension to a New Earth for those going to 5D, or if you prefer, the 4th and 5th Density ascending humans. Why do I say must? Simply that lower density consciousness cannot infringe upon the free will choices of the higher density collective consciousness. (It is ALREADY Hell on Earth for the ascension group and it will get better, not worse.) Of course, this is pure speculation based upon my knowledge, experience, and intuition coupled with others’ QHHT, BQH, channelings, ancient texts, knowledge, experiences and intuitions. That being stated, ONLY SOURCE knows the truth! 😉

      1. I’ve wondered about this too. The Course refers to this illusion as a dream. It says “Yet Heaven is sure. This is no dream. It’s coming means that you have chosen truth..” It then mentions “the world of happy dreams, from which awaking is so easy and so natural.” Could this refer to New Earth…a happier place which is much more conducive to further awakening?

    2. The Illusion is still The Illusion on the NE, just a better one: one we can *control.* You’ll get to be like Neo in the Matrix, but less green. And no bad guys, though you still might have conflicts with people and beings.

      We are One spiritual being who has intentionally split Ourselves into a zillion pieces to hide from something we thought we did wrong (we also created this universe for the same reason), but we didn’t do anything wrong. We’re slowly healing ourselves back into being One, acting out the lives of spiritual beings living various physical existences to learn and experience this and that. The higher/lighter the density, the easier it is to be at one with our spiritual self. The physical is all just an illusion.


      1. Thanks for the explanation. Sounds good. So ready to go. 🙂

  25. Do the cats have any comments on studying A Course of Love after studying A Course in Miracles, and then both chanellings in tandem?

    1. ACIM will take you at least a year for the text and workbook (one lesson a day; you can’t do more than one a day for it to work), though the whole thing takes more like two. It’s advanced spirituality, and pretty dense, so it can’t be rushed. We also find Gary Renard’s first three books helpful. “Disappearance of the Universe” is an excellent pre-ACIM read.

      -CAT Eds.

      1. I understand the complexity and beauty of ACIM. I have studied it for years, and I’ve read Disappearance of the Universe. I’ve recently started reading A Course of Love, and I’ve found it helpful.
        I’d like to know if any of the cats have studied both.

  26. That meter that disappeared for a while a few days ago and returned looking almost completely black with occasional bands of activity has disappeared again. Don’t think it was ever determined what that was about, but it sure looked liked a massive timeline jump. Here’s a link to the current nothingness:

    1. I just had a thought…I wonder if the three days of darkness is actually a metaphor for three days of zero Earth energies… Such as with the Schumann resonance???

      1. Some of the CATs posited the other day that the three days of blackout lots of us had in CA this past fall might’ve been the three days of darkness. [shrug]

        -CAT Eds.

          1. Recently, there were few times I was also thinking about this three days off darkness happening, at one occasion, I was driving from late field work and it was a pitch black night, but when I came home, I saw a moon shining down, on other occasion it was very bad weather, sime very black clouds in the skies, my first though in both occurrence was this three days off darkness, hmmm ?

            When I now think about it, it looked more like rehearsal for something in near future, or it was to made me aware off it in near by future ?

            But, as I read here a more and more posts about others mentioning this three days off darkness, I am guessing that it is not a coincidence, but I maybe wrong ✨



    I would like to solve #25 for the DJT Chia-Pet Prize

    Who is Nancy Pelosi?

  28. Beautiful Sourceness what a day!

    I have agreed to give it one last shot with a kitty for Elsie. Am I tempting fate by posting this?! Hope not (I surround this situation with so much light and invite Brother J in to help it all work out :))

    We were on our way to pick up kitty, on a dual carriageway. We had been delayed by about 20 minutes or so. As we approached a roundabout, I noticed police cars on the other side of the carriageway and an empty car completely crumpled and upside down. There was an ambulance there but it was in no hurry to get to a hospital. As we passed, I felt a surge of the most powerful, horrible energy go through me as if I had just picked up on the driver’s emotional/psychological experience moments before the accident happened. Heart palpitations, cold sweats, awful fear and then really bad nausea. I have driven past crashes before but this was different, in went right through me. I am hoping Elsie saw nothing as she had her ipad on her and was engrossed in that (I hope). I found myself sending the Mantra to that space in time as well as a huge amount of light…

    Then, on the way home, another accident, again on a dual carriageway (different carriageway). Police were sweeping up the last bits of whatever it was…glass perhaps…

    Be safe everyone, I have witnessed a lot of crazy driving recently, people in such a rush to get to wherever….

    Much Love & Light ALL ❤️✨❤️

    1. Yes, we should’ve mentioned this earlier. When you pass the site of an accident, flood your car/vehicle with INFINITE SOURCE LIGHT (just think to yourself, “INFINITE SOURCE LIGHT UP”), so you don’t pick up a dark/negative rider. In some cases it’s unavoidable, because the spirit isn’t bad, and they’re attracted to your light. If you feel their emotions, try not to met them overwhelm you. Ground and Protect and Connect with Guides, and ask them to contact the spirit’s Guides to take them where their greatest good is served. The situation will quickly resolve. It’s a necessary bit of housekeeping for sensitives.

      -CAT Eds.

      1. Yeah, I had a similar experience a few years ago when I would drive through a slide area where over 40 people lost their lives. There was such a clamoring and psychic chaos that it was very disturbing. I finally helped put them at rest. Now it’s quite peaceful when passing through.

    2. Dear Lily,

      Sorry you had the experience with the accident. I live in a hilly
      area with steep winding roads and quite often there are fatal or
      very serious accidents, for a number of reasons, mainly that people
      are going too fast and/or not paying attention.

      I was wondering if one of the problems with having a cat for Elsie
      is that she may have a different idea of how they behave, move and
      sound, and when confronting the real thing may feel concerned or
      uncomfortable. In a way, I had this experience as my mother did not
      like cats and I was raised with dogs. It was only when I was living
      in a NYC apartment, and not wanting to take a dog down ten flights
      and then walk two blocks to the park, that I got a cat. At first, I had
      trouble getting used to how high and unexpectedly they jump, how
      they can hide and be almost impossible to find, and in general trying
      to get used to an animal that I had no experience with. I guess what
      I am trying to say is that you can’t take the cat out of the cat, and that
      finding the perfect cat, given Elsie’s reaction to them, may be a very
      difficult thing to achieve. Of course, we all wish you success with the
      latest cat, but also if it doesn’t work it is not your fault or Elsie’s,
      but just the way the circumstances are.

      With lots of love to you and Elsie,


      1. Coriboy ❤️ Thank you so much for your thoughts 🙏❤️🙏

        Much Love to you too and a big hug! ❤️🤗❤️

        1. Dear Lily,

          Sending back lots of love ❤️ and hugs 🤗 to you
          and Elsie!!



  29. I do apologise for posting this for the umpteenth time but I love this and this is what I am going to do on New Earth! You are so welcome to join me! Sheer Joy! ❤️🎶🙏☀️☺️

    1. @Lily, thanks for the music – I’m of the Beatles generation – I was in high school in the ’60’s. I had a friend that was Beatles CRAZY, I humored her when we had to dress each day in one of the members favorite colors, etc and I had to have a favorite member of the Beatles, so I chose George, because I was the quiet contemplative type… 🙂 Do you know when this movie video was made – the girl looked very familiar like a young version of an actress we’d know – esp the eyes – I can’t tell from the vintage of clothing… oddly first time I remember (is that an oxymoron?) hearing this song; maybe from one of his solo albums… but the ‘sound’ is nostalgic of my era…


  30. Although I never wish ill upon others, these “entities” are, well, “not of the light”!

    Could this be “the beginning”? *crosses fingers*



    I find that “practising detatch-ment” from “other people’s issues” is the only way to “survive dealing with *those who are not awake*”.

    For me, reading Stuart Wilde in the 90’s, and keeping up with what he published (and then his sudden death in 2013 *cries*) ,”practising detatch-ment” and “The Serenity Prayer” (and this indispensable blog – of course!) are some of the methods we can employ to “survive the nuts”.

    Thankyou very much CAT(s) and M’s and SuperFriends and Higher-Order Beings for providing and maintaining this blog as a “location” for us to gather to seek respite from the utter insanity of low-vibrationary entities.

    I would also like to thank every single poster on this site for posting their posts, as I have experienced many “a-HA!/”I’ve just worked out something” moments, as well as many “oh you poor thing – you’ve experienced *that* as well!/me too” moments.


  31. I’ve been having quite average dream space for some months, but then you get a “glimpse” of possibly a nanosecond, and it burns into your consciousness like it’s going to take up a place in the history playbooks.

    In my dream of last night, I dreamed of conveyances (buses and trains) and ending up going from a crowded bus to the train platform and waiting for the train with others, but then those others crossed to another platform and took a waiting train, and it was only I and one other of my (soul) family who waited on for the yet-to-come train. The reason we didn’t go with the others was because we knew that this was the most direct route for the destination, even if it meant waiting a bit longer. There was crowded humanity everywhere in the first part of the dream, but then after people made their choices, it got to be quite empty of people. But folks, this was my second dream. My first dream had the nanosecond.

    Without going into the whole dream, suffice to say that I was learning tasks and techniques inside a university (?) and the professor had shoulder-length dark hair and brown eyes (and a nice face, which helped). But then I got interrupted in what I was doing, and when I turned back around to the professor, he was gone, and in his place was a bright orange-haired alien (humanoid type) with a slight shining effulgence, and yellow-turquoise eyes. The eyes more turquoise, but with a yellow glow around them. I think he was dressed in some kind of turquoise space suit as well. It really went well with his carrot top hairdo. This being looked at me kindly, there was no antagonism or anxiety. I have only ever met reptilians in dreams before. I felt like this was the first instance of having met “a relative”. All the blogs and posts and channels say you are likely to meet them in your dreams first. As I say, it was only a glimpse, then he was gone.

    But when you know you are lucid-dreaming, you know the difference between a dream character and a vision. It was like he stepped into my dream hologram for a second so I could get a good look, and then – poof – he was gone again. It’s like something from the ether or extra-dimensional levels where you normally don’t go comes and gets your attention, and does it via a dream.

    It was interesting that this dream occurred in the early hours of 21st December – the summer solstice in our neck of the woods. I know this because I had previously woken up after midnight. I think I have been unconsciously waiting for this date and was primed for something to happen. But when it does, it is from out of the blue, and you have no expectation of the experience that you are to receive. Time doesn’t seem to be a factor here – just the fact that it happened, and the memory was burned in.

    This was a relatively tall, humanoid male alien. Does the colouring suggest any particular race to you?

  32. Hi,

    By the way, what was the 25. Question, or to be more precise, about whom ?


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