Seeing 2020 [UPDATE3]



Considering we’re in a totally new energy field (that we’re still figuring out) and the timelines keep jumping, the CATs keep re-viewing things. So, some of the M’s and CATs (who live close to one another) got together for a recent meditation-meeting, and we wrote some of it down. Here are the highlights, as they came up:

  • Everyone was abuzz about their recent Lisa Gawlas sessions, those who’d had them. (If you haven’t, we urge you to read Lisa’s latest post.) All psychics and sensitives (and really everyone) have unique views on things, and Lisa has her own viewings that CATs find useful (psychics often enlist the services of other psychics). Lisa said that those of us who made it this far have had a “Guide upgrade,” in that our Guides’ Guides have come to the forefront; that is, our Guides fulfilled their missions for us, so now their “higher-ups” have stepped in to work with us at the next level… if that makes sense. Lisa and some of the M’s (via new Guides) saw storms and earthquakes and volcanoes coming up… but there was no fear associated with these, as these were apparently GOOD things which will release energy, etc. All but one of us saw nothing but white going into what Lisa’s is now calling, “The March Gateway.” Big equinox coming.



  • We are going to have lots of energy surges in 2020, more than 2019. We get that SOURCE was waiting for it to be 2020 — read “20/20” — and the eye aspect is no coincidence, as many people will be waking up to see things clearly.
Was on tightrope. Fell in box.
  • Most important: One of the CATs asked the M’s to imagine 2020 as a line, with regards to SOURCE’s Divine Timing (for The SHIFT) in 2020. Does a blip show up in the spring, summer, fall, or winter? or not at all? The M’s said: “There are energy waves here and there, but they seem mellow…. the most “action” happens during late summer, like August or early September.” In previous viewings, this “action” occurred right after the US election. Please note that this could change if we have any more timeline jumps… which we always seem to have…


  • On a totally different topic, we had a good 15 minutes on how some thought Dr. Who was lame, now. Then someone HAD to bring up who their favorite Doctor was and some CATs insisted on voting, while other CATs considered this a big waste of time [eyeroll]. Then a juicy tidbit came up and was bandied about, since some CATs didn’t know the Doctor’s real name; the “real name” is what the producers and writers trade amongst themselves, their little secret. Earth to BBC: We know your secret. (And for you Whovians… you don’t wanna know.)
Who’s idea was this?
  • The BBC thing segued to a talk of the recent parades. This year’s Rose Parade had hardly any floats compared to previous years (due to companies cutting back; those floats are expensive), though there were some new companies no one had ever heard of. We noticed there were fewer domestic marching bands compared to previous years, as it’s increasingly expensive to travel, and band programs are being cut so much that there are fewer and fewer young musicians… and with budgetary impacts, kids aren’t playing instruments so much anymore, opting instead to play video games and stare at their phones… and there was the whole global agenda thing being pushed. Still, the crowds at the Rose Parade looked happy — in stark contrast to the weird London New Years’ Day Parade where people were grouped behind cordons like political prisoners, none of them smiling (unless the camera was turned on them), with those along the edges waving occupation flags while the announcers tried to put a happy spin on a clearly unhappy gathering. Could just be Americans’ interpretations of a British parade, stiff upper lip and all that. 😉


  • On a totally separate topic, Psychic Lynn and Da-da are working on a new piece about the planets that’s fascinating. Look for that this week or next. Very interesting.


We also just had a CME that will hit around that Saturn-Pluto conjunction/meditation. We have no idea of the effects, but the timing is interesting.

That’s enough for now.



Ok! Now the flip-side of growing spiritually. Lots of CATs had tour bus visitors again last night, starting early. (Scared the crap out of our actual cats.) Spirits and ETs were all over the place. It’s not dangerous or anything; both spirits and ETs alike are curious about what’s happening with humans as we near The SHIFT, and they want to see for themselves. Driving a “flesh” vehicle is difficult, and we seem to be mastering it pretty well, even if we take out the odd stop-sign or two. The M’s houses are especially mobbed, it’s crazy. Anyway, don’t be surprised if you see more activity in your vicinity. Perhaps it’s because of this upcoming Saturn thing, but more beings tend to show up when you get a bunch of spiritual growth.

Btw, be sure you’re meditating with your new Guides. They are no-nonsense and FAST.


A WHOMP may be starting. We’re seeing beginning meterage…



…and feeling that internal “champagne bubblage.” Note that that recent CME may have early effects.


It appears we had another timeline jump…


…and a bunch of GRBs…


…AND some of us had the wink-outs around 10 or 11 am PST… and we’re falling asleep right now, so g’night.

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122 thoughts on “Seeing 2020 [UPDATE3]

  1. Those cat pics are a riot, especially the cat in the box and the ‘planet cat’
    with the rainbow 🌈 rings!!



  2. Weird. This last week, I had a session with a healer who talked about a guide that has been with me my whole life. Different than typical guardian angels / guides. And that this guide was now stepping back for me to grow more. I often hear another comes in their place, but he didn’t mention that this time.
    Also had a cool dream of walking and talking with a Big Foot in the Forrest, but after looking at him 3 times he changed into a man.
    BTW, I just learned about your site a month back. It’s fun!
    Also. What do you call a pile of kitties? …
    A meowntain!

  3. All’s calm here! Hope everyone is feeling Well. Peace.

  4. Now find out what will happen to the rest of us on the much higher Forerunner timelines.

    Dr. Who ~ ‘Who’ cares.

    Rose Parade ~ Who cares.

    U.S. Politics ~ Who cares.

    Saturn/Pluto ZERO POINT brand new crucial 3D/5D *Portal* alignment 22 – 22…… sending completely NEW higher dimensional matrix Masculine Codes from Galactic center to Earth as a solar flash to replace and upgrade the entire 3D matrix coding and currently causing the acornic forces to cr@p their pants by starting |-|ARP earthquakes worldwide AND attempting like mad lately to start \/\/ \/\/ \/\/ 3 as their last resort ~ ?????

    1. Hm. I first read it and it seemed a lot worst- but he still went all in!

      1. And one more point- at one point of the monologue he mentions “we’re all going to die soon”. I feel like there was more to this? he should have said something like “we’re all going to die some day”. It just sounded like there was more to that comment.

          1. Yeah there are a lot of woke celebrities speaking massive truths and stirring the pot. Full on no f***s given. This is part of acceleration. I love it.

  5. Thank you. Love the cat pics again. Interesting comments too. I read the Lisa post when J posted it and the comment about guides was very interesting. Fitted in with things I’ve previously read. I’m a lifelong Dr Who fan, old enough to have seen them all. I watched the first one of the new series and was uncomfortable with it. It didn’t have a good energy to it. Also wondered if there was anything energy wise happened Sunday night 10pm UTC? My heartbeat went haywire and I ended up in hospital again?

    1. Indeed. Same for some of us (haywirewise). Some CATs thought they were goners. The heart is an ENERGY ORGAN, first and foremost. Ground and breathe through it, thinking, “SOURCE” on the intake. But going to the ER is a good idea if you’re not sure. Lots of CATs did this back when it first started in… 2013? 2014?

      -CAT Eds.

      1. The CAT(s) That Lived/CAT Eds. Thank you for the reply. Much appreciated. I’m in good company with my haywireism then! At the time I was in hospital I did do everything you advised and asked guides and brother J for assistance. You trained me well!
        There was a really sad young girl in the opposite cubicle with mental health issues that had been admitted over 280 times to A & E as she wanted to kill herself. It was pitiful seeing her in the state she was in so I said the mantra and grounded her. Very soon afterwards she went to sleep. It puts your problems into perspective.
        I keep being told by the doctors and ambulance crews that I’m weird as my trace shows two different things at the same time and usually you only have one or the other. I am proud to be weird lol.🤔😊

        1. Hey, Newlynn!…
          Remember when Frankenstein had a check? HA!
          The doc put his gadget on his pulse, and…THERE WAS NONE!
          THAT! knocked the doc off his chair!

      2. I’ve had weird heart things most of my life – disappearing heart murmurs – would often show up in doctors offices if then go through testing at hospital stays no sign of them or anything else heart related – at 9 it was thought I had Rheumatic fever, all they found were DEEP varicose veins – at 9 yrs old – they were perplexed – I have a theory why they developed, I won’t go into – in later years had a number of emergency room visits heart pain, etc related – did extensive heart testing – no sign of heart disease, so now I breathe, etc… (also, after learning about my ‘multiple personality’ stuff – it is a factoid that one Alter can have health conditions that others don’t – the Rheubenfeld Synergy practitioner had a eye doctor friend that asked if I’d be willing to bring out different Alters and have vision testing done as evidently eyesight can be different, too – brings to mind the ‘reality’ of what we choose to keep as ongoing health conditions if they can change at the ‘drop of an Alter’. I never had it done as some integration took place then my spine exploded and I stopped going for RS therapy…


    2. Newlynn ❤️ Sending so much blooming LOVE your way!

      Huge hugs! 🤗🤗🤗❤️❤️❤️🤗🤗🤗

      1. Lily. Ahh thank you. That is so lovely of you. Hope you haven’t encountered any tall strangers again. If so, I hope he is dark, handsome and Darcy ish.💖🤗😘

        1. Newlynn ❤️ Hope you’re feeling better 🙂

          The beings that I saw inside and outside the home remind me of the sculptures by Alberto Giacometti, really tall and thin…

          Hmmm as for Darcyesque fellas I will leave all that charm alone thank you, I have no need for any of that! Perhaps on NE I will give that sort of love another go but here meh, not so much! 😉❤️🤗

    3. Newlynn, My heart ❤️ was off today too, as I found out when I went to
      have wax removed from my ears, after I attended a class this morning
      and was not able to hear what was being said. I have been deaf in one ear since an infection took out my hearing at the age of 25……and, of course, I get a bit panicky when I can’t hear out of my good ear. While at the clinic a nurse checked my heart and picked up an irregular rhythm. I said I had been under a lot of strain lately caring for my 80 pound dog and I thought my heart would improve with rest. Meanwhile, after putting drops in my ears, the wax could not be removed and I will have to go back Fri. for a second try. This will be inconvenient tomorrow, to say the least, as I have volunteered with an organization that cares for, and tries to find homes for older dogs. I don’t know if I can help much if I can’t hear the instructions on
      how to care for the 🐕 dogs!! Right now, the only sound I can hear is very
      distorted. Well, let us send healing to our hearts that they will all function



      1. Coriboy. Gosh it seems to be affecting lots of folks hearts. Even my 52 year old boss who is pretty fit. I had the ear bunged upness for several weeks last year. Did so many ear candles on myself but I had to get them sorted out at the doctors in the end. The NHS have stopped funding it now so a lot of practices up here aren’t doing it !! I despair, there are so many that need this service, especially those with hearing aids. Really hope they sort it out for you this week. It’s not nice, especially if you only have one good ear. You will be a real asset to the dog organisation with your experience. 🐕🐾

        1. Newlynn, It seems like if it’s not one thing, it’s another!
          I usually try to stay away from allopathic doctors because
          they often prescribe drugs rather than trying to cause of the
          problem. I do feel, however, that they are wonderful in
          emergency situations, or in my case, stubborn ear wax.



          1. Sorry, I left out the word find,
            where I meant to say “find the cause of the problem”.

          2. I have chronic eat clogging problems myself. I usually rotate using either Apple cider vinegar or hydrogen peroxide in them.

          3. @Coriboy, another natural way to unclog ears is by using ear candles. They gently melt the wax and a vacuum is created from the warmth that pulls the softened wax up the candle. I’ve been using them for 20 plus years and love how they work. It is something you’d have to have a friend/loved one help you with. I hope your ears heal up quick💕

      2. Hi Coriboy, I do use something that works on ear wax buildup. It takes a bit, you have to consistently use it. A combo of hydrogen peroxide and rubbing alcohol on a paper towel, and squeeze little bits into each ear. I squeeze 3 times each. I had a completely blocked ear, and was using it. But it only started working when I did both ears, not just the one with the problem. Not sure if that was a coincidence or not, but now I do both ears about 3 times a week for maintenance. Good luck with it if you choose to try. Just don’t give up right away, it takes a week or two, depending on how entrenched it is.

        1. Angela, Thank you so much for your suggestions on dealing
          with ear wax, especially being able to use products I already
          have at home. I should try to keep the wax from building up
          as last night it was quite scary to just hear strange distorted
          sounds. Fortunately, it seems better today.



  6. With regard to “The Doctor” I agree…

    In light of all the seriousness going on, we must have some silliness.

    Otherwise we might take life too seriously, and we can’t have that!

    Therefore I vote for K-9.

      1. Just seen they have all the modern Dr who on BBC I player, series 1 to 11

  7. Things have changed this week, mainly dreams. the past 2 nights have been like reminders of what we have been through, lessons learned, things like that. I had a feeling that maybe I was getting off track and my support team was like, hey, hey!… remember this? Yes, yes I do and frankly I really did need the reminder since things were getting all discombobulated.
    I’m thinking the new guide stepping in is kinda clearing up a path or organizing something for us.
    Pretty interesting and yalls post confirms.
    Thanks, love you all.

    Oh and yes. I prefer the doctors from about a decade ago. I stopped watching the new ones. Just a preference personality thing I think. Cant recall their names, it was 2 back to back.

      1. @Cats Eds – ‘My’ Doctor was Tom Baker in the early 80’s – my first introduction in the early 80’s – they played on a Long Island station that we were only able to get reception to that station when it was raining- there was a really good children’s art teacher, too, that had kids do amazing stuff with simple steps.

        David Tennant my fav of modern version, next Matt… I got used to Capaldi – helped both being Scottish – I have a few genes floating around from both sides of family and I’m a sucker for the accent.. 🙂

        1. Kg. Yes I liked David Tennant too. I’m watching the current series as I like Bradley Walsh. Shame they don’t give his sense of humour more of an airing. He is so funny in The Chase. A natural wit.😁

  8. well well well-that cme is direct and powerful eta 01-10/11-and those celestial events and timing-appreciating the wisdom of the cosmos-and those eq-s in puerto rico-just keep rolling thru-the first was 5.8 this am 6.4-during am info share with friend checked usgs 30 Days, Magnitude 2.5+ U.S. 650 of 1906 earthquakes in map area. and another number world wide of 3120 plus so much movement-also noted heat anomoly off of or and ca coast re yt dutchinse updates plus on yt wages world is now monitoring schuman res almost daily-noting changes like calm last night and return to normal?? and then also on yt mike morales and weekly weather forecast has some intense winds coming from northwest which will lower temps dramatically and around jan 16 snow in northern mexico possible-forming on east side of sierra madre mnts-which will effect the south usa-and then there is mans involvement with finances-credit-politics-religon-these sure are interesting times-manythxs4sharing&updates- over here 2 of the older cats have been sleeping inside and last night was the first time ever they slept thru night-and snored and me up at 3am and checking data sources-but they have never slept thru a whole night-usually they wake me up and want to play-hope all are aware and safe-joining all in meditation and union-manythxs

  9. Has anyone else here ever done a QHHT session? How does it work? I’m getting a little nervous about my session. I hope it works for me. 🤔🙃🙀

    1. It’s fine, but the gasoline smarts when they light it. Yes, we’re kidding. You have nothing to worry about… and… lots to look forward to!

      -CAT Eds.

      1. Getting my first qhht session this month also for my big 40 🙂 will let you know what I discover, really excited.

    2. Jupiter Daisy,
      I trained in transpersonal hypnotherapy back in the late 90’s. Similar to, but not as cool or directed as QHHT. Relax and enjoy the ride. You are completely safe in your inner discovery which is both protected and guided. Your higher self is in control by design.
      On another note I kept getting the repeating phrase in dreamtime last night, “You will perceive things differently”. Should be interesting.

          1. @Lily, I agree – I had an abusive encounter (was I a magnet or what 🙂 )with a clown under the bleachers/stands at the only circus I went to when I was 4 or 5, nope just got corrected – it was 4 yrs old – NOT fond of clowns – fast forward a few decades when I was volunteering with the severely, multi-handicapped at Ct Southbury Training School (they closed it down when so many were closed in the 70’s thru 90’s? ) ?And WHERE did all those poor people go?? It was huge city type complex mostly developmentally disabled – ‘my’ section/building was that plus severe physical disabilities. They were going to have an outing at one point to a circus that I was going to help with – I couldn’t do it – didn’t know why – caused me to quit – it did eventually bring to the surface the younger me encounter… – oh, the joys of being triggered…
            Yup, DO NOT send in the clowns – Can’t believe I actually some years later made it through watching the first IT Steven King movie – Blechhhh…


            1. Kg ❤️ You deserve a medal and the biggest dollop of NE happiness when it happens, huge hugs 🤗🤗🤗 Clowns should be banned from everywhere in all time and space…


          2. Lily & Kg. I have nothing I can recall that puts me off clowns, but I can’t stand them or circuses. Yuck.😕🙄

            1. Newlynn ❤️ Perhaps you have something from a past life or maybe it’s just that ‘clown energy’ it’s just creepy, nasty, yuck! The clown I encountered in my horrible dream was very much like IT from Steven King, psycho clown! Where did clowns come from? Hmm!

              Much Love ❤️❤️

            2. I excuse Emmet Kelly, he’s not scary, but he’s a sad clown – touches our humanity…


        1. Cat 5,
          Your comment caused a flash back to “Alien” when a creature popped out of Sigourny Weaver’s abdomen. I was out of the room in 2 seconds while other film watcher’s laughed at my sprinting exit. That was my first, last and only “monster” movie.
          Some deliterious ideas are deposited in one’s mind while masquerading as entertainment. Cay

    3. JD – I would love to hear what transpires, lovely. I’ve got a lady near me that does it and I’m really tempted! XXXXXXX Nothing bad will happen… xxx

    4. @jupiterdaisey I did qhht it was amazing!!! You are not so completely under, you don’t know what’s happening, it’s like napping knowing the tv is on but can’t quite make out the dialogue. I saw my sister, who is several years older than me and always acts like my MOTHER, as my step mother in a past life!!! She kept my half baby sister away from me. In this life, she did the same thing, never let me see my niece. The session helped me forgive her and everyone in my life who has ever been cruel to me.

      I was a baby in India who starved to death. Strangely enough, in this life, I have blood work that shows I have a condition that thinks I’m starving to death, but I’m easily 50 pounds overweight. Lol.

      I did experience physical symptoms during the qhht session. My lower back was on 🔥🔥🔥 plus, I’m not one to cry, but I saw the love of my life, the man
      I married die and I went to his funeral. I was very young holding the hands of our young babies. In the session, I was sobbing hysterically. The practitioner had to help calm me down. I vowed never to be with another man….see what happens??? Your next life you become a spinster! Lol😂😂😂.

      Just relax and allow the meditation to work. Don’t fight going under hypnosis. Just breath and relax,and be calm. It’s probably not going g to be what you expect. 😉

      1. duganknows, Your comment about starving to death as a baby, in India,
        reminded me of a lecture given by Joan Grant, in NYC, where she said that her husband, Denys Kelsey, who was a Psychiatrist, regressed a man, who was quite obese, and found that this person had lived a life,
        in India, where he had starved to death.

        For those of you who are not familiar with Joan Grant(1907-1989) she was
        an English author who wrote a series of books based upon what she
        called her past life memories, although one of my spiritual teachers said
        that a great deal of what Joan Grant wrote about was actually based on
        the past life regressions of her husband’s patients. For me, it doesn’t
        matter as I enjoyed the books and felt that they brought back parts of
        my own past life memories.

        Some of the titles of the books are: “Winged Pharaoh”, “Far Memory”,
        “Return to Elysium”, “Lord of the Horizon”, as well as several others.



        1. @Coriboy. No,I hadn’t heard of her, but I’ll check it out. I never thought I would have a past life regression and literally feel myself die of starvation! It’s amazing how you take things from a previous life into a future existence. For example, I buy food “just in case” and never eat it! I have candy bars in the freezer I completely forgot about. But the food is there, just in case I need it. I have a rare stomach condition, pernicious anemia, autoimmune gastritis, you feel hungry (hunger pangs nonstop), even after eating!

          I wish all my friends and family could have QHHT SESSIONS!!

          1. I’m getting so excited about my session on Saturday. I wonder if it’s a good or bad omen that I scheduled it on the weekend of the eclipse, full moon and Saturn/Pluto conjunction? I’m going to say that’s it’s a good omen. I’ll dedicate my QHHT session to the planet as soon offering of love and as one long meditation. I’ll be doing meditation for most of the rest of the weekend as well.

            1. Dear Jupiter Daisy
              In my understanding, this Lunar-eclipse and Pluto-Saturn-conjunction weekend is about new beginnings. To me that looks like sharp but perfect timing for your session. New beginnings are best realized with knowledge of the past and light, nurturing “luggage” to create the Future.
              I thank you for your courrage to look deep into your unconcious. The elevating joyfull experiences lift you up, the dark and sad ones hold you down and they often hide real deep. The more you get to know, the more darkness you can conciously leave behind as a made experience. It’s allready done, You have lived it for us ALL – so for whatever you may discover, I unconditionally say: Thank You!
              You lived this “part” of Our 3D-Journey, now you can lightheartedly release it to the Fields of SOURCE. There is no blame nor shame, no Persona/Ego relation – just this ever growing Sea of Wisdom – Our raw, unpersonalized Universal Encyclopedia.
              We prepare to relocate, so just hold on to what You want to create Our Future with. That’s Saturns speciality, he’s the one to give a first suptlemost Structure to the Ideas. And Pluto, like a Cat in the Dark with his exeptional Vision, seeing it all from far away, he will make sure that no outdated Structure sneaks through to our bright Future. In my view, every Planet has a Soul and like us, when given the choice, she/he loves serving the highest goals.

              I send you courrage, strenght and Loveing Light for your journey.

            2. OMG…I love this! I have actually come to the realization over the last 7 years that one of my purposes in this incarnation was to heal the past trauma of my entire family line. I’m keenly aware that my personal healing journey is also healing my family’s karma. However, I’ve never thought that I was contributing to the healing of everyone on the planet. It’s a very nice idea. ❤️ I hope I can live up to the needs of the planet. I’ll do my best. 😊

    5. @Jupiter Daisy, I had two QHHT sessions about about 6 months? apart several years ago – guide badgered until I did – there were only 4 practitioners at all in my area and only one was on repeated inner question, was drawn to, and she travels back and forth to Texas and back( me – SW USA). The first appt was between 5-6 hrs long – it’s a process – not all of it ‘under’. I’m on SSI & SS income and she let me pay over time(the standard $ Delores Cannon recommended charge) – if you break it down to hourly was similar to what I’d had to charge back in the day in my Massage Therapy practice… – They take good care of you. and don’t push if things get hairy(if you have a ‘hairy’ life). 🙂
      Have your questions and concerns prepared if you can before you go and ask for any ‘help’ and support from your team, too. I wish you much enlightenment that you desire.

    6. I had my first QHHT session one month ago. It gave me the most profound gift: Source! ✨

  10. You’re right about no nonsense.

    Some folk like me could have done with guides like these a loooooong time ago.

    As for the “2020” link to vision, I made that link over Christmas, made me grin.

    Here’s to shining and sharing!


    1. Just had a car chase gunfight go by neighborhood people emptied out a persons house and the police caught them by blowing out their tires.

        1. What is even more wild it wasn’t even interesting enough to make local news too much other stuff going on that trumps it.

  11. Cold, grey, and wet here in PNW. We’ve had 7.86 inches of rain in last 7 days at the farm. Most definitely getting mildew on my north side. Somehow, I’ve lost my desire to plant. (Do you suppose its because it’s the rain?) Anyhoo, I’ve stopped buying Dr. Who seasons as they have been released. Too dark for me these days. Stopped probably 2 years ago. I certainly enjoyed Matt’s portrayal. I will be glad when I integrate these new energies. Seems to be quite an adjustment. New guides seem to be rather insistent. Daily ramble complete. Carry on ALL.

  12. Ricky Gervais … my HE-RO! I love his ‘out-there-ness’ and love everything he’s ever done. Clever and observationally brilliant (if there’s such a word as observationally?)

    The Golden Globes expose was off the scale. I can’t stop watching it! Woohoo… I noticed Keith Urban was stoney-faced throughout… hmmm…

    Energies have felt really bloody weird for days now, and I had a bit of a meltdown 2 days ago following a couple of weeks of extreme ‘flu and other crap (eliminate, eliminate) and tiredness like you wouldn’t believe. Anxiety and heart stuff causing more panic but managed to hold onto my pants in the tsunami of mental poop bombarding me. Thanks to our KCWTCH, bless her, I am still standing. Just.

    Blimey oh Reilly. 2020 really is proving already to be one helluva year!

    Love to all… Jay xxx

    1. Regarding Keith Urban, he’s married to Nicole Kidman. I believe it was Sara Ruth Ashcraft who had plenty to say about her and her Luciferian family. Just saying….

      1. Actually, it may have been Fiona Barnett, now that I’m thinking about it; she’s Australian, as are the Kidmans.

      2. Yes Kolibri… I knew he was married to Nicole Kidman. I’ve never felt comfortable about her, either. Something about her eyes made me feel incredibly ‘cold’ and creepy… 🙂 xxx

  13. FYI…I will be participating in Lynne McTaggart’s Intention Masterclass this year. It starts February 1st. I’m really excited to hopefully gain more insight into how to direct my intentions and to open up my intuition further. I’ll be sharing some of my experiences with you guys along the way. 😊

  14. I just discovered a new online spiritual teacher. Her name is Marie Mohler. Her YouTube channels are Color the Magic and The Whole Soul School and Foundation. She had a really great video on the 2020 energies and has weekly fireside chats. I especially enjoyed chat #22 on the Celestine Prophecy. She’s not as etheric as some, but speaks with a very logical and intelligent twist to spirituality and the Divine matrix. 😊

  15. Extreme weakness in legs last two? days – changed an extremely difficult diaper on a sleeping 70+ pound body virtually on the floor – getting pad under her – colthes on and off :/ 🙂 – a new sectioned foam thing that folds into couch – sections kept separating under my knees… broken back syndrome -took me about 5 min to get back to my room. – barely could stand rest of day – hope this is a temporary energy thing – Trying to plan and prepare the rest of things necessary to fulfill daughter requests…
    Asking/inviting repeatedly for Brother J to enter/fill/reside in my heart… and mantras.
    How DO I really desire to live?

    much love,

    1. Kg. You are going through it you poor thing. We really could do with better designed bodies. Maybe we should focus on that with our new guides. Then we can accomplish anything. The sky won’t even be the limit. Upwards and hoping you heal💖

  16. Went to Reiki share last night and I was the only one who showed up, so my teacher and I exchanged treatments. She’s quite powerful and she feels the same about me, so we were both quite pleased with the situation. It was different than usual; very strong. When she worked on me, it felt like my body was pulsating in waves, kind of like the heat that you see coming off of cars on a hot summer day. She said there were many beings present; guides, friends, family, and assorted light beings, all working to integrate the various energetic downloads. They stuck around for her treatment as well; she told me afterwards that she felt so many pairs of hands that she couldn’t tell where mine were. So, hopefully everything is fully integrated now and we’re ready for the next onslaught. Gotta say, I’m back to being exhausted again; those wide awake, energetic days at the beginning of the year were wonderful. Please, may I have some more?

    1. I had my first 2020 pranic healing group last night and I felt many beings in the room as well during both the group meditation and during the actual client healing sessions. One of my clients also said she felt the beings as well. I always feel the energy in my hands very powerfully as I work, but last night my hands were pulsating as well. It felt like I had Superman hands! The veil is indeed thinning. I’m loving it!

  17. Hmmm I’ll ask about this in my QHHT session. That might explain the recent insights I have been getting. Direct and straight to the point.

  18. (((Hugs))) and thanks for the updates and intel. My birthday is Jan 12th so maybe I’ll get Freedom and a trip to New Earth for my birthday! I’m totally willing to share it. 😉 Gonna need a bigger cake, lol. 🎂🎁🎶💃🏼🎉

    I wanted to quickly share before I fall asleep: Early this morning, I closed my eyes and saw big green energy running right up from my feet, past my face and up high into sky. Kept seeing lots of black Vs on it, also interlocking Vs like a diamond pattern. I soon see it’s not just Light and color, it was actually a dense column of powerful green energy. And it powered along the front of me. And it felt like I was standing right next to a roller coaster as it powers up a hill. Then I realize, it’s a Dragon! That’s what the patterns were. Diamond and V pattern on skin. As it flew up, it felt like it was also ripping tons of junk off me, like ropes and critters who try to mess with me. Ye-Haw!!! I felt pretty ok today. Less under it than usual, despite work being busy and staying 2 hours late (my choice). I’m not sure if this is part of a Team aligned with me, or if it was just a passing Dragon who did a small kindness with that powerful flyby. All help welcome! ❤️️🐉 I had earlier been talking to someone who is Dragon energy, so maybe one overheard and popped in for a visit. I first thought it might have been her, kindly looking in on me, but it wasn’t her. She said it was ME! So I got that going for me, which is nice!

    Goodnight Cats and Ms and all of us checking in here. I wish you Peace, and Love, and Light. Thanks for letting me share this here. 🌻🌎❤️️🎁

    1. What a lovely visual! My daughter’s favorite book when she was a child was called “Herb, the Vegetarian Dragon”. We checked it out of the library so many times that she finally tore the spine and we had to purchase new copies for ourselves and the library! I sometimes throw Herb”s energy around me as I make my way in life. 😊 🐉

    1. Jupiter Daisy ❤️ Thank you muchus from Elsie! She had a lovely albeit quiet day. I put up a sling bookcase last night and filled it with books for her. She absolutely loves a series of old fashioned Alphabet books by Jane Belk Moncure. They were written in the 1980’s and are really old fashioned. There is a book for each letter entitled for example ‘My ‘A’ Book etc… Although ‘X,Y,Z’ all come into one book! She only had about 7 of them so when I found an entire set on ebay, I just had to buy it for her. Her face lit up so much when she saw them! She rifled through and found all the previously missing letter books and picked up each one, flicking through the pages and sniffing the words and pictures (she likes to smell words) with absolute joy! As Grandma and I watched her, Mum told me that I used to sniff my grandparents letters and cards!

      We took Elsie out to our local country park that she absolutely loves. It was so quiet, so perfect! Then, in the afternoon, we lit candles on her cake (a carefully sourced Paleo Chocolate cake!) and had a lovely drink, almond milk for her, tea for mum and a coffee for moi!

      So grateful for my beautiful daughter, she really is a light. When she chooses to ‘shine’ she really LIGHTS UP! I saw this today and it was absolutely wonderful!

      Much Love ❤️🤗❤️

      1. Best of Every Thing energy for Your little Diamond. Peace

      2. Happy Birthday, Elsie💗❣️💖🥰😻🧚‍♀️🎂🍥💫
        Love love love, jane

  19. 1/8 08:30 UTC – For this first part of today’s chart nothing significant except a Pillar that lasted about 40 minutes and reached Power 18 at 4:15 UTC. The below news report of ‘something’ on the 6th, we had 18 hours of flat calm while… January 6th, something unexpected happened in the soil of northern Norway. “Electrical currents started flowing… It seemed to be some kind of shockwave… My instruments detected a sudden, strong variation in both ground currents and our local magnetic field” reported Rob Stammes, who monitors ground currents at the Polar Light Center geophysical observatory in Lofoten archipelago in NW Norway. NASA’s ACE spacecraft detected something as well. Approximately 15 minutes before the disturbance in Norway, the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) near Earth abruptly swung around 180 degrees, and the solar wind density jumped more than 5-fold. The sudden surge at around 19:30 UTC.

    Woah… This was posted on:

    @CATs… Any thoughts?

  20. Earthquakes in Puerto Rico have me concerned not only about the people there, but about one of my favorite paintings. Ponce, the site of one of the quakes is the home of Frederic Leighton’s “Flaming June”. I hope she’s all right. 🙏

    1. I have a print of her on my wall my favorite painting of all time.

  21. Ok, I must know… if you don’t mind looking into this… why did the US take that iranian out? What was the ca8al planning?

    1. T knew it needed to be done. Looks like they were planning some kind of attack, or ramping up forces, and T knew it. I think there was some ego in there too. T knows election time is now, and it gave some good “talking points.”


  22. OMG…. LMAO…. Laura Whitworth’s new video…. She just told the haters that said her videos were too long to hit the stop/pause button!!! I’m laughing so hard!!! I love this woman!!!! 😂😂😹😹❤️❤️❤️

  23. Holy cheese and crackers! I don’t know about anyone else, but at around 11:00 AM PST today I experience a series of “winks”or waves go through that were down right intense. Anybody?

    1. Laura Whitwort is the Ricky Gervais of qhht practitioners!
      (Re: Laura’s comment at the beginning of her video to the people that said her videos were too long)

  24. Whenever I do a guided meditation, it always seems I’m meant to lose awareness of my body sitting down. I am never able to do this.

    Am I not meditating at all or is it still meditating when you’re aware of your surroundings but can visualise everything?

      1. My mind is not active after a few minutes, though visualisations occur (usually of a scene in nature)
        I do the mantra every now and then.
        What you refer to as bubbles does occur (though they occur throughout my day).

  25. CATs and guys..I have to share this dream I had last night with you…

    I saw myself approaching a draw bridge. It was oddly placed over a body of water.. I can’t remember if it was a waterfall or a dam but I recall seeing a lot of water rushing down at a tremendous rate.

    I was trying to get to the other side of the bridge but the path was blocked off by police or military with barricades set up preventing anyone from passing. On the left side, my attention went to a small and short set of stairs in the ground that led down to a wooden door.

    I walked through the door into a small area, cherry colored wooden walls, a 2-seat couch, another door about 15ft straight, and a man behind a desk who resembled.. Clint Eastwood.. lol

    I kept demanding for him to let me pass across the bridge because that’s where ETs were being kept and I wanted to meet them. The man didn’t respond and only appeared to be ‘smirking’ at me. I got frustrated and went to sit on the couch.

    This is where things got very interesting..
    I started becoming lucid and started to meditate on the couch to try to come up with a way to convince this man to let me cross the bridge. I was convinced he was working with PTW then immediately sprung up and ran back to him and said “YOU ARE AN ET” He looked straight at my face, it began to morph and didn’t look human, he stood up smiled and walked through the second door in that room. I was standing in front of the couch and a group of 4-5 ETs walked in. Most of them looked like a “tall white”, skinny and their eyes didn’t seem symmetric. One of them resembled what the man morphed into and had a bluish skin.

    I yelled I knew it! and became overcome by emotion and bliss within the dream. I then asked about ‘The Event’ and what would occur. No one spoke but I remember somehow I was back in a lotus position sitting on the couch and meditating. I had a feeling to keep meditating and focus on phasing out of this reality by focusing on ‘love and bliss’. I opened my eyes and saw them standing and watching me before I stood up and joined them. I looked down at my hands it looked like it was a hologram. I sat back down on the couch and tried to go back into “3D” to test this method and saw my hand returning to normal. A yellow lab was somehow next to me on the couch and I started to pet him. Went back into meditation to see if i can “phase out” again and it happened. The dog got out the couch and I started to pet him again but he didn’t respond. When I went back into “3D” right before the dog’s eyes he was surprised and ran out the room. At this point I ended up waking my self around 4:50AM and couldn’t believe the dream I just had.
    Thought I’d share this~! Thoughts?

  26. Hi guys I don’t know where to slot this in but my daughter (who is also awakened) shared this with me today … with the title “Seeing 2020” of this post I felt I needed to share this with you all here… there’s a lot of info that is touched on here that you may or may not resonate with … I haven’t come across Lady V before but she seems up to speed on Spaceweather etc ….
    Grand Stellium Ascension blast
    K 🌞

    1. Just a musing here … I thought Ha…….p and Ce…….n were out of action or inoperable …according to this podcast we’re still getting the brunt of this gross misuse of energy 🙄… your thoughts?

  27. I am sorry, for my helpless rant… 🙁 I do not know what to do…

    I wish I could feel this internal “champagne bubblage” …instead I feel tired and depressed…
    The 3d world is getting so outdated for me….
    How could I stop it? I just meditate and grounded myself…it does not help anymore….
    All my chores feel like a big burden to me, I can not find a reason to do anything or to be happy, nothing excites me anymore… I feel like I am watching a movie that supposed to end loooong time ago….and it is getting annoyingly boring to watch it…I also feel like I am waiting for something important and I just keep putting my life for it on hold…But it is not up to me to change it…or is it?
    I feel I can not be happy in this old world anymore…

    Can anyone relate?!


    1. June, you have just described exactly how I feel. Even leaving my home to face the outside world is a real chore now. I told myself if I was still here in 2020 that I would have to change my way of thinking because I can’t continue down that road. I am still working on this. Thank you for sharing.

      1. Thank you The CAT(s) That Lived and Sara for understanding!
        It feels better to know that I am not the only one who has all this misery in my life…
        I wonder how often and for how long I should meditate?
        What else can be done?


    2. Yes, June, quite familiar with similar feelings to a lesser or stronger degree – depending on the day – going out in the world, as Sara mentioned, has been difficult for years for me – I am always worse esp physically for days afterword – Changing how I feel about it is always something I’m working on – perhaps this is why the issue of someone else doing the shopping instead of my daughter has come up. She can’t handle the physical/mental stress of it with working and pregnancy and her anxiety disorders.. A suggestion was made to have me go with our ‘house-guest’ doing the driving and carrying – I think I can do this with mental preparation and a predetermined schedule.
      Also I seem to be/have developed some hard or maybe arthritic growths on both sides of my sacrum (I have had injuries to that area and have been told I had arthritis all throughout body and spine, besides the degenerative disc disease ) – I may have to use the wheelchair more – I could avoid it in the house up til now… I am thinking I have to change most diapers standing up(her) now, she’s using overnight pull-ups all the time now – poopy ones I think I’ll have to bring her into my room on my bed with the pad under her – don’t know what to do about mornings when she’s un-wake-able – just deal with the after affects , I guess.
      I have asked HS about the contribution to my life of getting my health conditions to disappear/change – seems not- necessary for my life plan at this point at least…

      Also the issue of being interested in anything going on here or personal activities – apathy around finding anything of interest – bleh… I’m trying to form a different mindset and develop some idea of how I would like to be and do in a better world, not too much success yet, but early days as they say…

      much love,

    3. June ❤️ Sending loads of love. I totally understand where you are coming from. It’s like everything is breaking down in slow motion and we are just going through those repetitive motions every day, just waiting for that light, that breakthrough to come but it is oh soooooo slooooow and there is still that bit of hill to climb up! Hang on in there, meditation really does help.

      It reminds me of when I used to run for an athletics club (a long time ago!) I did 800m and cross country. Well this is like those cross country runs when you have made it so far and you know there is only about 500m to go but you are so blooming tired, you have to go deep inside and pull whatever little morsel of strength you have out to get through that last bit!

      We can do this! We are the Light, We are the Love, We Are! ❤️✨❤️

      1. Thank you lily144! I really appreciate your kind words! ❤️


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