GORT Komics


Over the weekend, we re-watched the 1951 classic, “Day the Earth Stood Still” — this time with some of the SuperFriends (SF). Needless to say, this is always fun.

Oz and Gort

In the movie, Gort is a representative of the SPACE POLICE (SP). The SP in reality understand all languages… but they only technically receive orders in “light language,” which can only come from… angels. (Yes, those angels.) Light language is a kind of code that ANGELS use to communicate with the SP. It’s basically the omniverse’s original language… and only angels and SOURCE understand it. (Note: Angels are in charge of the SP. There’s only about a billion angels per universe, so they’re spread pretty thin; they use the SP, which are exceedingly advanced robots, to keep the peace. The SP are sentient and far from clunky… but they DO NOT have a sense of humor.) And as always, a joke is always funnier when you have to explain it.


Back to the movie. As it turns out, the woman (Patricia Neal, who was married to Roald Dahl) who famously says those three words, “KLAATU… BARADA…NIKTO…”, is speaking what sounded to the SF as some ET dialect (we can’t spell the name). They immediately burst out laughing. What the woman really said was…

GORT Komics

So, when facing the SP, remember: Absurdity works. Sometimes.








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69 thoughts on “GORT Komics

    1. I also believe that when talking about angels in the Bible. The descriptions and their ways of appearing remind us of et´s.
      The same as when they describe burning brambles that speak, flying firecars, etc.

    2. Nope. ETs are ETs are us. That is, we are all ONE with all ETs, all one Spirit. Angels however (and ArchAngels) are special. They were created by SOURCE separately from us, to assist SOURCE and ONE. There are about a billion angels per universe. Angels can bend space and time and aren’t bound by physical laws, only those of SOURCE. Their mission is 100% STO.

      One of the M’s once saw a golden angel *bend the wall of his house* and then peek around it at him (!). Then the angel released it and it snapped back to where it had been… to show you how far beyond-the-rules angels are.

      (Some of the SF are actually older, and were the first beings created… with a different mission… created so long ago as to make time meaningless. This universe is 13.8B years old, but the OMNIVERSE is actually much much older.)


      1. wow!! That´s a great explanation!!
        I don’t think angels are et´s either. no more than we can be.
        But, it may be that certain et´s have been posing as angels, or that some people have confused them ??

        1. Some higher order ETs are related to angels… and yes, some ETs have been posing as angels for some time. The good news is that most of those humans who are paying attention to what’s really going on are starting to be able to discern one from another. Angels simply exude goodwill, such that you just feel good when they’re around, while fake angels make you feel like the floor of a taxicab after a holiday.

          -CAT Eds.

      2. Do angels ever incarnate in human or other ET form for a life time or temporarily?

        1. My son, when he was very little saw archangel Michael, he was as tall as a two storey building with a massive sword, my poor little guy did not know what to think!

        2. Nope. Energy vibrates so fast, spirit is so BIG, human body burns out. It’s actually a really big deal to be able to crunch ourselves down to this flesh level. It’s very difficult.

          -CAT Eds.

      3. What is your understanding of Earth Angels? Was told by 2 different psychics that’s what I am. But I’m not sure I understand.

        1. That’s what Spirit calls us volunteers. We aren’t actually angels. However, that said, some of us might be close to this level, but we would never know if we are. It’s complicated. Some of us are such advanced beings (none of us know if we are or not, we’re not supposed to know) that we have intentionally splintered ourselves into multiple beings living disparate lives at different levels/universes/dimensions simultaneously, to do service in many different places at once. Rather mind-boggling.

          -CAT Eds.

          1. It rings true to me…
            Angels could send a very small part of themselves to a human body…They also need to learn what humans feel and how they exist so they could learn and grow and have different experiences.
            Nobody’s perfect and 100% complete…Not even angels…
            We are all in constant process of growth.


      4. Are there any Angels incarnate on Earth? If so Angels can be Ets, yes?

        Who are the SFs if not Angels or ETs?

        Have any of you or us been Angels?

        I think I am born of the Blue ray. What relation would I be to the Angelic realm in this instance?



        P.S. Big shout out to Michael! 💙

        1. 1. No. Angels are angels. Very high vibration.

          2. The SF make-up is not a point for discussion, at their request. Some of them were *before* angels.

          3. No. We are all offshoots of the SOURCE EXTENSION.

          4. No idea. But no one on earth is even close to being an angel… except about half the SF. And after all they’re done, the rest will soon have that status.

          Mike has a goatee, now.

          -CAT Eds.

          1. Now now, you know he doesn’t like to be called Mike. 😉

            Once upon a time I was helping a friend pick out her Christmas tree — many moons ago — and some lady just stopped short and stared and me and thought I was an angel, or so she said. I very definitively said, “NOPE not an angel,” but she just kept staring at me — very uncomfortable! I realize it was that time of year, BUT… a very odd situation. I did have an angel reading once [gad, back in the ’90s] wherein they too said I was an angel, just at the end, very sweetly (and I felt fantastic after that reading, and what they said would happen in my life did happen) — but really didn’t know what to make of it. Didn’t sit right. So I’m glad the question was posed to you, and it being used as a term Spirit uses for volunteers makes much more sense.

            And how amazing to somehow watch a movie like that with the Space Friends!! Yeesh! On top of all the other amazing things [double / triple yeesh!] — when is that book of yours coming out??? 🙂

            1. Mike INSISTS we not use his full official name, as he says, “We are all SOURCE enthusiasts.” Brother Mike sees the larger CAT group as teammates. Like Brother J, Brother Mike exists for us as a mental overlay, always there if you need him. (J and Mike are super-advanced spiritual beings, so they can be omnipresent in a limited way.) You are SOURCE inside, so you can communicate in ways bound only by your imagination.

              And being with the SF all the time can be rather embarrassing at times… when you’re yelling at your kids to pick up their stuff strewn all over the house, or (loudly!) complaining about cat barf on musical instrument cases, arrg. *They* don’t have to buy groceries or go to the bathroom! Sorry, getting tired of 3D. However, I wouldn’t trade it for anything. It’s fascinating, even if it is occasionally annoying.


            2. Thank you M5 — I thought someone mentioned once he didn’t really go for ‘Mike’ — no matter (I never was Miss Memory) (now I’m Mismemory I guess!). I can see where being under the watchful gaze of the company you keep could be a double edged sword, but hey, I’d take it too!

  1. Oh brilliant. I have only watched this film once when I was young, but it’s a classic. I love your take on what issues forth from Patricia Neal. Someone please heal that couch, the poor thing. You folks do make me laugh. Thank you.☺️🐱

  2. Thanks CATS, Ms, AMs ❤️ I should watch that film!

    Lurve Monty Python!

    Much Love ❤️🙏❤️

  3. Just thought I would share my odd dream time! I don’t remember all of it (as usual!) but I was in a wedding dress, a really full skirted dress and I was being pursued by the Queen and I think, Prince William. I was supposed to be marrying him or perhaps another member of the family and was trying to make a run for it!

    I have had a few RF dreams over the years, mostly very dark and set in the past, centuries ago where I have been at a palace or castle, unknown to them, finding out awful secrets. Interestingly at the time of these past dreams (most of which I had well over a decade ago probably much longer, when I was much younger) I had no knowledge of what I know now…I would wake up feeling pretty confused!

    Strange stuff!

    On a completely different note, does anyone think feng shui is helpful or just something else to be taken with a pinch of salt?!

    Much Love ❤️🙏❤️

    1. I dreamed about the Virgin Queen Elizabeth I was her lady in waiting lol. Lynn said on psychic focus same soul incarnating as the the one from the past and the current one. Gotta say the young red haired one from the past had much more charm to her at least in my dream lol.

      1. SB ❤️ Wow, do you think it was a past life for you?! Yes, I’ve heard that too, that Queen Elizabeth has re-incarnated a few times! Amanda Ellis also got in a recent chanelling that Prince Harry was King Henry VIII and that Megan was Anne Boleyn in past lives!

        Much Love ❤️🙏❤️

        1. SB and Lily, I have a book “Past Lives of Famous People, Journeys
          of the Soul” by David Bengtson, who also says that Elizabeth II was
          Elizabeth I, and that Prince Charles was Charles I, King of England.
          David Bengtson says Jane Seymour (stage name) was Jane Seymour,
          Queen of England (1509-Oct. 24, 1537). I have thought that Prince
          Henry resembles paintings I have seen of King Henry VIII.

          In one reading I was told I was a lady in waiting, although I do not
          know to which queen. Also, that I was engaged to a knight who was
          killed in the crusades. After that, I think I was sent to a convent where I perfected my needlework skills!



          1. Coriboy ❤️ Oh Wow, fascinating stuff!

            Do you like to sew in this life?! 😉

            Much Love ❤️🙏❤️

            1. Lily, When I was a child I taught myself to knit and
              crochet and then, later, I learned how to do needlepoint
              and embroidery 🧵. I enjoy working with my hands
              and have made many gifts 🎁 for friends and family.
              If you look closely, at my avatar, you will see one of my
              small needlepoint projects.

              With lots of love to you and Elsie ❤️🌹❤️🌹❤️


        2. Wow that is amazing if they are all back again lol. My family is distantly related to the Tudors through the Scottish side of the family through King James. I never know what is DNA memory or past lives. 😄

            1. Exactly my family thinks it is so cool I am like wow not cool I just figure we were the poor humans they mixed with to not have a tail as David Icke said and their slaves. Interesting these types of dreams are coming up though for some of us.

            2. yes, “Queenie” is now incarnated on earth, a cello player.
              she was a mighty tool of the dark. huge ramifications today

  4. Gort! Maringa!!

    This is my all-time-ever-ever-favourite movie and I have a copy I bought ages ago and must have watched this about 100 million times (or thereabouts). It was far out of its time and when I hear The Carpenters, ‘Calling Occupants…’ song or David Bowie’s ‘Starman’, I always think of this. The transmission all those years ago on TV when the programme was interrupted by an ‘alien transmission’ also springs to mind when I see Gort and Klaatu in their endeavour to speak to Planet Earth’s people.

    Wow, thanks guys for posting this. I need to go watch again… for the One Hundred and One Millionth time! 😉 hee hee xxx

    1. Just ignore the little fear thing at the end. No Positive or Neutral would ever allow the earth to be “turned into a burned-out cinder.”

      -CAT Eds.

      1. Yes, I agree. That was the bit that didn’t resonate with me, either 🙂 xxx

        But… if you want a good ol’ black ‘n white movie on a rainy afternoon, with hot chocolate, blanket and your favourite fur-baby on your knee, this is a good one! 😉 xxxxxxx

  5. I dreamed that my older menopausal sister had a baby boy!!!! I was asking her how she was going to spell his name. Luke. Because she was saying it with an Italian accent! And it’s funny too because my mom has superstition I’ve grown up with….you can’t tell a dream unless you’ve eaten or it will come true. i go to tell her the dream and she stops me! No no no, I haven’t eaten! I’m totally laughing, 1st it was my dream, not yours and second, I really doubt my sister who is hitting the change button in life is about to get pregnant!! 😂

    1. My friend had a similar dream about her menopausal friend who had a baby girl and she also asked what is her baby girl name on which her friend replied – Martina!

      Same friend has similar dreams about babies being born all the time and she is menopausal too! I wonder what it could mean for her?…

      Ha-Ha! 🙂


  6. I know this is completely off topic, but what do the Cats and Ms see when they look at what’s happening with this virus going around?

    I’m my opinion it’s 99.99% has been a man made virus, probably set up by the PTW to set off a pandemic. The only question is, should people actually be worried?

    I have read that China has been fabricating the figures of people infected, and the death toll. Also I have read from the same source that there are either two viruses or it has the power to mutate.

    Whats your take, and can you see what’s going to happen on the current time line we’re on (even though we’ll jump about a gazillion times in the next few weeks)?

    1. Hey Chris — check out earlier posts, where everyone chimed in on this topic.

    2. It’s 100% fake. It’s a bad cold that’s been turned into this year’s ebola/zika/SARS, etc. Note how some disease is toted around every flu season to stir up fear. All the numbers the MSM bandies about are fake, inflated. Just turn it off.

      China is a totalitarian state. Their current actions will destroy “their” country. Oh, well. So it goes.

      NOTE: You only wear a mask if YOU have a cold or flu. Those masks will not protect you from germs floating in the air, for the most part, unless you walk around with some industrial respirator. That’s a good look.

      Quiz time: What’s the ONE (free) thing that kills all viruses?

      -CAT Eds.

      1. Haha, yeah I guessed as much. I just wasn’t sure which part they were lying about, worse than they’re saying or harmless. Either way I knew the MSM weren’t being truthful, I mean they never are!

        Come on, tell me, I give up… Meditation? Healthy organic food?

      2. A free thing that kills viruses? I’d say oxygen, but sources of pure oxygen aren’t free, so I’ll go with sunlight. How’d I do? 🙂

  7. SB and Lily, I have a book by David Bengtson “Past Lives of Famous People Journeys of the Soul” where he also says that Queen Elizabeth II was
    Elizabeth I, and that Prince Charles was Charles I, King of England. He says
    that actress Jane Seymour (stage name) was Jane Seymour, Queen of
    England. I have thought that paintings of King Henry VIII, when he was young, resemble Prince Harry.

    I have been told that I was a lady in waiting , although I do not know to
    which queen, and that I was engaged to a knight who got killed in the
    Crusades. After that, I think I was sent to a convent where I perfected my
    needlework skills!



    1. Yes. QE1 was a ruthless lizard in a human skin. QE2 is the same lizard, worse now. These are not high vibrational people. They would sooner slit your throat and drink your blood than look at you.

      -CAT Eds.

      1. And speaking of Jane Seymour, a few years ago she was hawking something called an open heart pendant, which turned out to be one of the pedo symbols on the FBI’s list. Sigh.

          1. Awful, wasn’t it? Thought it was fugly long before I know what it was.

            1. Correction; knew what it was! Tough typing with the cat lying on the keyboard…

      2. Well, what you said about purging through these dreams clarifies and awful lot, thank you CAT Eds ❤️ I know I am not related to any of this lot but for some reason have been doing a whole of purging throughout the years through dream time in relation to this family and certain places. I’ve also had quite a few war dreams earlier on in life, as a soldier in WW1 & 2 I believe. Perhaps it is all part of what some of us came here to do…

        Much Love ❤️🙏❤️

  8. Isn’t “Klaatu, barada, niktu…” something Ash from Evil Dead says when opening the Necronomicon?


  9. @CATS Did Diana know QE1 m QE2 are Lizards? What about charles? Wills? Kate? IS IT ALLLLL the Way BACK to Victoria and Edward the 8th?

    1. Lily – now that you posted this it seems I have permission to mention the one she posted before this one with A. Wasn’t to last week? whenever… for whatever reason – observers, contentiousness – don’t know, but it did explain same light qualities I was seeing and silver- ness…- had been in the ‘works since last fall?(energy to do a video with A about this time after start of 2020…) I’m sure people can find the video if they choose – on her YT page…


      1. Kg ❤️ I will have to watch the one you mentioned, this one just caught my eye, there is something about Assange, I feel a kinship with him for some unknown reason…

        Much Love 🙏❤️🙏

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