122 thoughts on “Perspective 2.0

  1. Very funny, and laughter is indeed the best “medicine” 😀 This kitten has no fear of this so-called “virus” … I AM “sheltered in place” but that’s appropriate for a cat, eh? Any excuse to nap in the sun, eat tuna snacks, and love my significant human 🙂

  2. Dear CATs, Ms and All,
    Thank you for this. My husband and his brothers are caught up in the Wu Cooties hysteria. I have been trying to calm him for weeks. It’s exhausting. 😞
    Sending All Love and Light

  3. Another remarkable, and possibly prize winning, choice of a
    cat selected resting place!

    And what an adorable kitten with those pink paw 🐾 pads
    and big blue eyes!!



    1. My mom in the nursing home got the flu this winter and I told her not to take any tylenol, etc. if she got a fever. She practiced some natural medicine for years. However, the nurse there gave her some anyway and she took it and it turned into pneumonia. I should have told the nurse but my mother usually refuses that kind of stuff. Must have felt bad enough and didn’t care what it was, just wanted to feel better.

      1. Is Tylenol also on the list of things to not take? Advil and NSAIDs are a different medicine.

        I’m so sorry that you lost your Mom. I lost mine 15 years ago but I still miss her every day. Sending love.

        1. Advil is ibuprofen, which is an NSAID. We think Tylenol and aspirin are ok, but check with your doctor. So far this year’s flu is REALLY bad in comparison with the C-virus; there’s no cure for either, really, you just have to suffer through it and stay hydrated. Zinc seems to help a lot; it keeps the virus from replicating.

          -CAT Eds.

          1. Stay away from them All, none is better. Tylenol Is responsible for many deaths, probably the most. Aspirin builds up in Your system too. Find natural pain relief, herbs/essential oils,(oil of oregano/peppermint oil, etc.), plenty of Clean water. The “oils” kill Every flu/cold virus when used properly. Peace

            1. I used pep oil behind the ears for any head pain, almost instant. Some healers recommend it for migraines. Peace.

            2. Try willow bark extract for natural pain relief. Best natural alternative to aspirin. I recommend the capsules with 25% salacin. Don’t take more than 240mg of salacin a day and limit use to 3 months if taken daily.

            3. The A Indians used red willow bark. I was curious what plant is called deer tongue? Peace.

          2. Aspirin killed a lot of people during the Spanish Flu pandemic. It had been just discovered and they used large doses liberally with everyone. It does deplete vitamin C, which is one of the really promising treatments for this flu. Please don’t take it, and don’t get the regular flu shot, people vaccinated for the regular flu have just been categorized as belonging to the highest risk group in England, I heard.

    2. which was the “magic” behind the “spanish” flu in 1918… they gave the patients aspirin to drop their temperatures which allowed the virus to expand in a nasty mess in their lungs; those people died of pneumonia, not the flu. A “timely” reminder I will pass on to others in my craycray circle xoxo

      1. I believe andrographis played a large role in ending the spanish flu outbreak in 1918. It seems I’m not alone in this belief as it’s sold out literally everywhere. For antiviral herbs, I highly recommend astragalus, olive leaf extract, schisandra and cat’s claw.

          1. Dear Cats,

            Any specific type of zinc? I know there are a few types out there.

            Thanks so much for the information!

            1. I think zinc sulphate and vitamin c Ester are the easiest for the body to absorb…I second Oregano Oil too, fabulous stuff! Xxx

        1. Andrographis paniculata Wall (family Acanthaceae) is one of the most popular medicinal plants used traditionally for the treatment of array of diseases such as cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, ulcer, leprosy, bronchitis, skin diseases, flatulence, colic, influenza, dysentery, dyspepsia and malaria for centuries in Asia, America and Africa continents! Covers the Waterfront!

  4. Forgive them for they know not what they do.

    From my experience; once the state manages to enforce a higher level of control using whatever excuses, it becomes the new normal. The border controls between Sweden and Denmark is a recent example from my hood. 9/11 in the US. Spreading fear and panic is how they get people to beg for it.

    A few months of being locked up with nothing but toilet paper to eat and facing a completely crashed economy, and people will line up to get chipped.

    Something good better happen real soon now, because I’m quickly losing my patience. If people don’t want to wake up, I’m fine with that; let them have another 1000 years of suffering. I can’t see the point of wasting any more time and energy on this world.


  5. All’s Cool, My Wife is getting less concerned about My refusal to worry about a cold. Not that I ever get anything. Hope Every One Is doing Fantastic with these baby steps. You Must remember, Some Are still totally out there, Lost! I, from My beginning, set the intention to take as many Brothers and Sisters With Me as possible. I Know deep down that I Love All. And I Do like the saying WWG1, WGA! PEACE.

  6. As our [3D] world starts to become more … ahem … “interesting”, I would like to share with you this very lovely few moments of Judy Garland singing a personal favorite of mine, “You’ll Never Walk Alone”: https://youtu.be/-alqj0nd9-A

    You will likely find other versions alongside which I hope make you as filled with peace and calm as is possible. Blessings to all of us!

  7. a weird/horrible tasting dream from this morning, I was at a mall/casino/grocery store and a lot of not pleasant things were happening but the main plot of the story was that this weird company kept showing up outside of the store that some of the people In the store secretly worked for and they kept giving out different snacks and samples but they were all poisoned and making people do weird things, I caught on to this because in the parking lot someone ran over a group of young people with a SUV which was a hauntingly real part of the dream, thats when I started digging further. The weird company started retaliating against us while we were trying to figure it out, and while this was happening I was working on a very detailed graphic novel that I wish I could remember now, what I do remember is that I felt like we solved the case at the end. I think basically the one person in the store hired to get us we duped, and because of him enough people caught on to what happened. The McMuffin in the dream was that I had to use the toilet and could NOT find a bathroom that was not completely vile inside, and this big crunchy spider showed up and that shocked me enough into lucidity.

    what keeps me thinking is the ponderable question of whether or not the culprit is caught, or just reprimanded enough into tightening the reigns on the operation for the time being to settle the kerfluffale of the people aware. Thats the fear.

    I guess the only other option is: Trust.

  8. And then it was the weirdest thing you know, this morning, I went to the mallasinocery store this morning and I was thinking to myself about how much the fear effects my brain waves and makes me feel OFF and I;m like SOURCE I know there Ain;t no disease its just the karma police but regardless of my steadfast faith I Ain;t about to pretend I can walk on water, ya dig?

    and you know whats SOURCE said to me?


  9. I think the real trick to this whole Q² thing is you just need to have good voices in your head to talk to yourself with

    may I suggest

  10. A whole slew of daylilies arrived yesterday. Thank you Fedex. They are electric colors. Gardener is happily planting them in their new homes with a big smile on her face. She says that planting things makes her feel rich. One day I hope she realizes that she is priceless. One day soon. I took her latte to her a bit ago. I was rewarded with another big smile. That makes me rich. Cheers!

    1. Beautiful J ❤️ Love hearing about your lovely bit of paradise ☺️

      We had some new fish delivered today. Two Golden Honey Gouramis and six Kerru Blue Tetras. Our tank has bloomed, the aquarium plants have grown into a little under water jungle, so wonderful to watch the fish! We have some baby Platy too! I separated the males and put them in their own little paradise tank. Platy multiple like crazy!

      Much Love & Light ❤️🙏🌳🌻🐠

    2. @J, one thing I miss from New England is seeing/touching the tiger lilies in the summer – they were a happy making for me (along with the grassy edges of brooks 🙂 )


  11. Prince Charles has CV, or has been arrested?! Strange stories coming out. Is the lock down really a lock up?

    Funny that CV also stands for Curriculum Vitae!

    Much Love ALL ❤️🙏❤️

    1. It’s tough for us to look at that and not DROP into the Justice timeline, which is running intertwined with the SOURCE variant. But the royals appear to have been locked OUT.

      -CAT Eds.

      1. Ya know, I find that the secret to SOURCE Timeline for me is to keep on plantin’. Justice is as justice does. You’re welcome. Har!

        1. Those in the know will soon learn Brother J’s meaning when he said: “The meek shall inherit the [New] Earth.” As well as, “Blessed are the peacemakers…”


      2. I dreamed the great mansions and palaces were empty and people were using them for hotels since they are so big. Underneath them the tombs of the elites were placed with memorials to them being kept up by distant relatives. But, even these relatives were not living in the big castles they left them to the people.

        1. @SB
          “Old cycles close”. WOW!

          Pleiades 1 Messages March 25 2020

          ***New directions are igniting.
          Angels of Peace strengthen hearts.
          New conditions are established.
          Old cycles close.
          Larger cures are visualized.
          Final tabulating in progress.
          Judgments are revoked.
          Changes – panic happen.
          New life redesigned + Expansive.
          Old portraits do not remain.
          CONSECRATIONS are sent to all Terrans…***

      3. Understood. Am trying to stay away from the Justice timeline. Difficult when family visit and want to talk about the ‘news’. Trying to steer conversations away from these things and onto more positive topics can be a challenge, I tend to just go quiet rather than get into debate. Best to keep things peaceful!

        Much Love ❤️🙏❤️

        1. Try having a book (on any subject) on hand and pick it up and start reading revealing passages. Philosophy works well. You could for example bring up Schopenhauer, who said: “All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.” 😉

          -CAT Eds.

          1. Ah, thank you CAT Eds, I was trying to remember who quoted that a few days ago! ☺️🙏❤️🙏

  12. Strange times, timeline, I somehow feel detached, I’ve had the head fuzz thing. Getting out in nature is soothing, but it’s a challenge at times engaging in apparent chaos, and keeping centered. It feels like frequencies are rising higher, changing our bodies, preparing us, I’m grateful for all of you, I send you my love, pray you stay well, and know We All Are One. Source knows where, when, and who you are, at all times, and plays the greatest game of hide and seek, even plays the seeker.
    This stream of words began in meditation today, I hope it brings a smile.

    Nature adds a sturdy suture – To what may seem uncertain futures
    Planet Earth so full of nurture – A Mother’s Love for all the creatures
    As we now shelter in place – May a smile appear upon your face
    Since the people had to flee – Many critters have been freed
    Open gates at many zoos – Canals, parks, streets, a yard or two
    Swans and geese in search of mates – While humans think about their fates
    Try to keep a sense of humor – As you hear the latest rumor
    Take a walk and smell the roses – Despite the stress it all imposes
    For we can still provide assistance – Even from a social distance
    Don’t be afraid to lend a hand – That there would be a reprimand
    Earth is such a lovely host – To All of Us, on every coast
    We’re All One Being – There are no borders
    No need for toilet paper hoarders
    Please use this time to take a break – Reflect upon what’s real or fake
    Nature keeps such a balanced order – Has modern society became a disorder?
    Unite as One – Shine like the Sun – Share your Love – Glow as stars do up above
    A single flame dispels the dark – Ignite the flame, become the spark
    Within your heart, there’s no confusion, – We’re not separate – That’s an illusion

    1. Scott. That’s excellent. Thank you for posting your poem. My head fuzz has cleared today. I hope yours has too.😊🐱🐱🐱

      1. Thanks Newlynn, my head fuzz has cleared also. I’m learning to discern the ELF, and electro smog, from the gamma, Schumann, CME, and Source upgrade energies. My apartment building installed smart meters, and all 6 are on my units exterior wall. When we’re getting bombarded, it’s felt in the antenna, aches, racing heart, hard to focus. I’ve found breathing, going barefoot, grounding, asking guides and Brother J to assist with integrating them. It’s been helpful learning to distinguish the artificial frequencies, the collective energetic, and the ones coming from the Sun, cosmos and Source.

        1. Scott. That’s appalling having all those meters so close to you. I once read about some reflective wall covering that blocks the emf waves. It was a while ago but might be worth researching. My head is horrible again. I wonder if it’s because we are so close to the shift and being upgraded daily with no respite. Keep up the good work with the grounding.😊

          1. Thanks for the feedback and suggestions, I hope your head feels better, Newlynn!

        2. Scott, Newlynn is right; search Amazon for Faraday fabric. You could use it to cover your inside wall where the meters are located. They also sell covers for the smart meters themselves, but since they’re not on your personal property, you probably can’t do that. I personally have a piece of orgonite sitting on top of my smart meter outside, and a houseful of the decorative stuff. It doesn’t remove the radiation, but rather transmutes it into something that’s not harmful. I also have a Faraday bag for my cell phone, so that I can’t be tracked! Best of luck to you.

          1. Thanks Kolibri, will take a look at that fabric, & the orgonite. I seem to recall a past post about 5G and smart meters, and the orgonite. It sounds like you have taken shielding seriously, and understandably. I appreciate the helpful info.

        3. @Scott, I’ve heard shugnite? or those orgonite devices put on that wall can help. a yt search might be interesting there used to be ‘how to’s’ on making devices yourself.
          I was all excited about some highly environmental (solar and geothermal), low income housing being built here about a decade ago. But when I saw the amount of meters on the outer wall I wasn’t sorry about being turned down after being accepted in a lottery for an apt – the rent was about the same as my income – required income of twice rent… low income housing.. strange definition… 🙂

            1. Thanks CAT Eds, After realizing those meters had been switched over, and becoming aware that they were causing physical effects, I set the intention to not allow it, and meditation does help!

          1. Hi Kg, Thanks for the helpful reply, I have heard about shungite also, and will look into making an orgonite device. Sounds like Source and your guides were looking out for you.

    2. Brilliant! Thank you, Scott. Big smiles here 😊
      Infinite love to All.

      1. Thank You Lily, glad you enjoyed it!
        Infinite Love back atcha!

  13. Was this bug–or a comparable strain–already circulating in the US in late Dec 2019-early Januay 2020? Some of my Q friends and I have noted that we all got massively sick during this period, and have wondered whether we in fact experienced an early inoculation! (By chance or by design…)

    1. Also diapers being more valuable than gold… What in the world… 🤔🤔🤔 Is gold crashing? Or will Trump finally move the US Dollar onto the Diaper Standard?

    2. I had been wondering that too. I did not get it but had some friends and family in my area that did and said it was the worst case of the flu they ever had. Could just be a more virulent strain of regular flu though because there are so many strains. Who really knows for sure. I just try to keep the immune system strong and don’t worry about it, but sometimes I still wonder.

    3. My partner and I said the same thing. We were sick for a few weeks, random fevers and coughing, body aches and such. Thank youfor bringing this up!!


    4. Oh yes! Thank you for asking about this! I got terribly sick over Christmas as well, along with a lot of folks everywhere in the US, worst cough I ever had, my normal herbs and supplements didn’t touch it, just terrible, lasted 2 weeks, left my voice damaged from all the coughing, OTC cough suppressants didn’t do a thing! Someone else I know was wondering the same thing!

    5. Yes. Sick at Christmas with deep cough. Took 3 weeks to regain strength. It seemed like it would never go away. Very unusual.

  14. CDC 2018-2019 Influenza stats, if you want to believe them…

    35.5 million infected with the flu, with 34,200 deaths in US of A.

    That’s a 1 in 10,380 chance of dying of the flu (probability: 0.0009%). Not sure where your odds of “1 in 70” were sourced? That would mean close to half a million deaths with last year’s infection numbers.

    I get you’re trying to ease people off the current fear train, but this smells disinfo-y to me.

    1. We do not provide disinfo, nor have we ever. Search for your own numbers online. Historically, 1 in 70 people die from the flu (which we got from a measles article from 2016). Numbers and statistics can be massaged in many ways, which is why we rarely cite them. Given who controls the CDC, we are unlikely to believe their utterances. Factually, all govts are pretty much untrustworthy.

      Meanwhile, we have (publicly) worked for over ten years, bringing truth to the masses… and we are universally ignored and ridiculed. Oh well.

      -CAT Eds.

  15. Hi CATs and Everyone! 🙏
    My smartphone is doing strange thing… I was commenting here but all of a sudden the screen locked but just on the page where I was writing…all other pages and apps was working…IDK.
    I want to try again LoL.
    In these last days I’ve got a thought like a voice in my head. She says that all which is happening in the society is purposeful to keep people’s vibrations as lower as possible.
    They are keeping dualism in everything to cage people physically, mentally and spiritually.
    In this hand we have: the bad guys (ca8al) and the good ones (Trumpet, Q), those who think that nothing of these is premeditated (3D thought) and those who think that the good ones are doing things to arrest the bad ones (justice timeline’s thought).
    In the other hand we have fear for CV, for NATO’s army in Europe, fear to go out because of other people’s sneezes and now in Italy government signed for a new law that allows to control what we text on Whats4pp and SMS and what we say in calls to use it as proof of illegal things and “not true things” about “other people” (??), and all the Italians are scared.
    And the most famous porn site is now gifting the premium subscription.
    The voice in my head want to show me how much low astral energy is flowing now and that all of these things are straying us from Source timeline.
    She is telling me that everything is created now from “good and bad” ones “together” (as a theatre play with actors, producer, ecc) to impede world ascension.
    What do you think about this voice? LoL
    Peace and Love to you all.

    1. That is an accurate take on what’s going on. As Oscar Wilde said, paraphrasing Shakespeare: “All the world’s a stage, but the play is badly cast.”

      And… you are speaking to your Guide (one of them). 😉

      -CAT Eds.

  16. Okay, just had to share what I just witnessed on mainstream day time television!

    Gwyneth Paltrow’s shaman did a meditation for the whole nation to lift everyone’s vibration! It was on This Morning with Philip Schofield and Holly Willoughby. Holly saw a huge bright yellow butterfly cross her entire vision!

    That was precious! Times they are a’ changin’!

    Much Love ALL ❤️🙏❤️

      1. That is interesting looks like they always have to control everyone. If you have to meditate I would pick Laura Whitworth she does not care for those creepy Hollywood types or their gurus. That part in her recent video where she says do not watch the videos those types are putting out because you can not unsee Madonna in the bath had me laughing.

      2. Oh dear, okay I was hoping for too much!

        Yes, I usually do stick to Laura or meditative mind. It just came on and made me curious!
        You don’t usually see any kind of meditation on mainstream tv.

        I had no idea about butterflies and monarch programming!

        Much Love, Lily 🙏❤️🙏

        1. We keep the mainstream where it belongs: OFF. That doesn’t mean that you can’t enjoy select bits. Select teens think the CATs are NO FUN.

          -CAT Eds.

          1. Yes, OFF is good advice and I usually follow it, not sure what happened today! I was in really good spirits and was doing my old ‘trying to see the best in everything’. Showed my naivety up good and proper! The more I think about my comment the rosier my cheeks get with embarrassment, eeeek!

            Much Love ❤️🙏❤️

    1. She says the shift will probably happen around June, and then said she wasn’t meant to say that.

      I think this is a good deadline for all to challenge themselves to be healthier and to meditate more.

    2. All I know is, I want Allison Coe to be my next door neighbor to the right and bff in NE and then Laura whitworth to live on the left as my neighbor! Throw in magenta pixie across the street, how cool would that be?!?! Wish Allison would post more. She is the one who woke me up to all the NE magical things happening in the universe!

      1. Duganknows ❤️ Yes, with The Cats just down the road! That would be a pretty awesome neighborhood!

        Much Love ❤️🙏❤️

  17. Various observations and musings on this Thursday March 26: I beat the Grosbeaks out into the garden by a good half hour. I sat and adsorbed the peace and joy everywhere as the world takes a deep breath and relaxes into the the new energies. The sense of rightness is permeating ALL. WE’re in the midst of the transformation. TAKE MY WORD ON IT! Another wondrous experience took place yesterday afternoon while I sat in Hidden Garden#2 just being. The pulmonaria are just coming into their electric blue blooms . The area is filled with the sound of hummingbirds excitedly sipping nectar from the blooms. I was enchanted by one of the hummingbirds with the absolutely iridescent green plumage. He was the most beautiful hummingbird I’ve ever seen. Truly a magical experience. I hope these musings put those of you in need of a little dose of calm help you to realize that ALL IS WELL! Cheers

  18. Ten days of darkness incoming, according to Cosmic Awareness! To begin on 4-1-20 and end on 4-10-20, DJT day. Great if true; I could use some time to read a book:

  19. https://youtu.be/fXnhtaHOGt Laura is spot on for me in this video. I feel that Gaia will send out a surge of love energy to meet a similar surge from the Sun. Like an electro-magnetic kundalini reaction to connect the planet back into the solar system chakras, and then beyond in a chain reaction connecting out to galaxy, universe and into infinity. We are the light. We are the love. Gratefully, Cay

      1. Yes, I forwarded this to the Hawaii dolphin crew, which includes Blossom, and she’s not feeling it either. My ego, which so very much wants to have proof of something, isn’t happy, but I know that things will happen just as they’re meant to. And apparently, I’m meant to know diddly and squat beforehand!

        1. No one is supposed to know when it’s to happen; if any of the unicorn crowd knew anything in advance they’d blab it all over the place and the PTW would then delay it. Things happen when they happen. In fact, by LETTING GO, things happen 100X faster.

          What did you want proof of?


          1. It would be really nice to have proof that might mean something to a normie. If I could point to something that says there’s going to be ten days of darkness and poof, there’s ten days of darkness, maybe they would then be more receptive to other things that I’d like to tell them. That’s all. It’ll all come out in the wash eventually and they’ll wake up in good time. Or not!

      1. Ugh, no kidding, mentally and emotionally.

        Why, oh why does it have to be this painful? I never asked for this.

        I would much rather be happy and look forward to a brighter future, but right now it’s VERY difficult for some reason.

        We’ll see, one positive side effect is that I finally started exercising my physical body again. Desperation is a powerful motivator.


  20. Is anyone seeing anything INTERESTING in the skies at night lately? Certain things we typically don’t see in our boring world?

    2 nights in a row for me.

    1. Honestly haven’t seen a thing different. Unfortunately, my eyesight is too bad to see the stars effectively

    2. Yep the skies and the fog day and night here. Plus the dog growling at stuff inside and outside when nothing is there to me. Plus all the weird noises in the house. I guess it is business as usual lol.

    1. My friend just emailed me she was I was when I first woke up felt like I was drunk and in another world. Sounds like I got a carpenter working on my wall here next to me maybe J is back to his old job. 🤣

  21. Hi Folks,

    Came across the below, not to focus on the current low vibe events but also pays to do some research also.

    Could a new flu vaccine be partly responsible for the COVID-19 mortality rate in Italy?

    In case you are not aware, the infection rate mortality rate in Italy to COVID-19 is dramatically higher. Why? Well the standard answers of an elderly population and the failure to implement social distancing soon enough just don’t explain what is happening. My colleague, Dr. Alex Vasquez, provided me with a valuable insight. In September 2019, Italy rolled out an entirely new type of influenza vaccine. This vaccine called VIQCC is different than others. Most available influenza vaccines are produced in embryonated chicken eggs. VIQCC, however, is produced from cultured animal cells rather than eggs and has more of a “boost” to the immune system as a result. VIQCC also contains four types of viruses – 2 type A viruses (H1N1 and H3N2) and 2 type B viruses.2 It looks like this “super” vaccine impacted the immune system in such a way to increase coronavirus infection through virus interference that set the stage for what happened in Italy.


    1. It’s not rocket surgery, the corporations that make vaccines have no interest in curing anything; more sick people means more profits, and they have proven over and over and over again that they care very little about anything else. The problem was always blind trust; church, state or science makes no difference.


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