Big Programming Surge [UPDATE2]



Big double CME:


We’ve never seen that before. We’re guessing this programming surge will hit around the 19th or 20th, but CMEs are difficult to time. Interesting to note that satellite images of the beginnings of the surge have disappeared across all the NASA/NASA-feed sites — those that weren’t down already. Here’s what we could scrounge:



We’re already picking up what we call “KNOCK,” that is, SOURCE energy designed to get your attention and build to someting, like all the water rushing away from the shore before a tidal wave:




Note that this CME occurred in step with the timeline jump Lyra noted:


We might fast through this one.



Ok, Guides have informed us that this recent CME is just Portal One (the portal inside the sun) venting huge energy; it has nothing to do with The SHIFT. However, those living near portals have probably already noticed that they got fried last night, and may get fried again tonight. This seems to be a purge of the entire portal system, we’re guessing locally, but it could be larger (we haven’t asked about the latter, yet).

[Note: UPDATE1 was simply updated text and images for the general post. It’s not missing.]

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164 thoughts on “Big Programming Surge [UPDATE2]

  1. Please remind me of what “CME” stands for…I get it by context, but can’t find it in the glossary. Many thanks, and much love!

    1. I believe it’s for “Coronal Mass Ejection” or something similar…

      1. Yes, that’s correct. For those who are new here, the sun is a multidimensional projector of our “reality,” and CMEs are basically big changes in programming. So, we’re guessing this means you should expect some revelations soon.

        -CAT Eds.

  2. Hmmm, new post and this NEW song just came blasting to my awareness,maybe on a CME, lol… then, nudge nudge, nudge… share here…

    He cares a great deal for all peoples, not just his fans and China was very welcoming to him after they invited him in 2017, the first non Chinese to participate in the Singer show – he has a great fondness for them… and all others (who are not jerks, I'm sure). Enjoy if you choose to listen… just released…

  3. Well, okay. I was going to post my this evening’s experience in previous post, but this new one is better. I was out in the garden around 6:00 pm PDT watering the new plants when I came to the realization that it was absolutely breathlessly quiet with an overlay of tremendous anticipation. This was so far beyond anything experienced here that it defies description. I was going to concur with youse ALL advice of more meditation . This is truly mind boggling!!! I, coincidentally have been staggering around nearly this whole day. I’m going to take a long hot shower and go to bed. (If you don’t hear from me tomorrow, chances are I took an early flight. Har!) Cheers.

      1. Well, it sure feels pretty darned good if I do say myself. BTW, I’m apparently still here.

      2. I had a similar experience last night. I woke up around 3:30am and all was eerily quiet. No sound of the surf (I’m 1000′ from the shore and there’s ALWAYS the sound of the surf), no foghorn in the bay, no night birds, not even the hum of anything electrical. A bit like being out in a dense fog or heavy snow where all the sound is absorbed. Very peaceful, waiting, it felt like a pause between breaths. The gauge said it was 50 degrees but the breeze coming in the open window was mild, heavily scented with the sweet broom blooming outside but also carrying something much more rich and intense, scents I’ve come to associate with various of the ascended masters. I meditated til about 5:00am and then went back to sleep. This morning all seems as before but with a tinge of disappointment. I meditated in the garden for a while in the sun but still feel like I missed something precious, an opportunity unrecognized.

    1. Yesterday, April 15, I went to the State Forest to hike along a local river bed that I had not seen for fifty years. Upon entering the deep ravine, I had a sense of awe, like I was entering a cathedral that stretched for miles, where all the pews were empty. I stopped numerous times to do a 360 turn to take in the magnificence: flowering blooms both overhead and below, moss covered rocky hillside that glowed golden green in the sunlight, clean cool air, and a roaring river. When I returned home, I was surprised that my photographs did not convey that same sense of awe except for the videos of the thundering waterfall. I ate dinner, collapsed into an easy chair and fell asleep. When I awoke, it was the for bed.

    2. I had that three nights ago the city is always noisy and I could hear nothing like everything was turned off only lasted for an hour but it was so strange.

    1. That was very helpful. Interesting that that NASA ‘dumbed’ the resolution down, unless it was the spacecraft responding to some energy surge.

      -CAT Eds.

    2. @ myrealitychecks
      It is said that the Solar Logos, Machiventa Melchizedek, enters the Sun.
      GIF very well done, thank you.

  4. There was a beautiful rainbow coloured ship over Stonehenge yesterday morning. Stunning. Lots of activity recently. Watch live, search Stonehenge skyscape

        1. I am sooo looking forward to hear about Stonehenge!!! 🙂
          Thank you everybody and CATs for all information you share on this site!


        2. @CATS, URRRRRR! THE TEASING!!!! You know what that does to a person who needs to know the answers? Who reads the end of a book first?!?! Pure torture. LOL

          I did a project in the 6th grade on Stonehenge! Fascinating

    1. Wow… thank you. I never knew this existed! Is it possible to go back a day as it only seems to show the current sky? xxxxxxx

    2. Oh man!
      I saw something incredible! It looked like a star strek scene… I think they deleted the shoots where all those rings were.
      I screenshoted just one.

        1. @ Amore e Saggezza
          Great activity out there – and everywhere.
          I get the feeling, our famous Stonehenge is just the facade.
          The REAL site must be huge, hidden far underneath, many levels.
          Those spaceships belonging down there.

          In 1951 they were fixing the stones in holes with beton,
          and some very exotic priests in white were holding a ceremony.

          A military base is set one mile away.

          1. Mmm, no. There’s no facility underground. But… we can’t talk about Stonehenge. We can say that in 1951, they actually tried to recreate what Stonehenge originally looked like… but Stonehenge itself has nothing to do with those stones… not exactly, anyway. Sorry, we’re not allowed to say more.

            -CAT Eds.

  5. Wow! Thanks for the update CATS! Amazing!

    I saw a sort of horizontal rainbow covering a large part of the sky today, beautiful!

    I was having a lot of trouble connecting during meditation last night, felt there was a blockage/blackout type energy in my way. I did however see for a few moments a beautiful lion with amber eyes and gorgeous mane, made me think of Azlan 🦁 Shame he didn’t stick around a bit longer!

    Thank you to everyone here, I hope we ALL make it to New Earth, makes me feel very sad to think that may not happen. Going to meditate on as many folk as possible making it!

    Much Love ALL ❤️🙏❤️

      1. I was looking SW from the UK, it was very hazy like a water colour painting and was high up, going across the sky. I hope it wasn’t my windows that needed cleaning!

        Much Love ❤️🙏❤️

          1. We spotted a horizontal rainbow yesterday (16/4) in Melbourne, Aus.
            It was short and really low to the ground at about due South direction.

            1. I was wondering if those rainbow circles around the sun that spaceweather says are pollen coronas are really that, or are they something entirely different that they don’t want us to know? They are really pretty with pastel colors of pink, purple, teal, etc.

            2. Sorry, for the most part they are pollen coronas, for most people. However… some of you will begin… ‘seeing things differently’ pretty soon. 😉

              -CAT Eds.

  6. Forgot to mention our little walk yesterday.

    Mum came over and we decided to go for a little ramble down a country path with Elsie in her wheelchair/buggy.

    We walked down the main road through our village, pavements are very narrow. We went past a house with quite open fencing to the front. As I wheeled Elsie along, two large black dogs came running over looking like they were ready to bark their protection. I silently asked them not to bark as Elsie would be frightened. They took a a few steps back and lay down on the ground!

    We turned off onto a very rough country lane that went past six goats tethered on long rope who all very politely stepped aside whilst we walked past them.

    We carried on past a small holding, beautiful horses in a field…A small but very loud dog came out running hell for leather behind us. I purposely walked very slowly! He was quite ferocious for such a small doggy and I was worried as Elsie was strapped in her chair at a very accessible level!

    I did the mantra on the dog and he turned and ran back to where he came from. We had to turn around and go back as there was no access. I surrounded us all in a source bubble and asked that the dog did not come out again when we passed his house! as we walked past, nothing, not a single woof or any sight of the little guard dog!

    I love dogs but am very aware that when in ‘attack/defense’ mode they can do a fair bit of damage! As a child, a friend’s Alsation ‘played’ with my arm. Didn’t put me off dogs but what they can do when they do intend harm…

    We went back past the lovely goats and the two black dogs without and barking or incident! I used to do the mantra at our local country park when it was open to the crotchety geese! Works a treat!

    Much Love ❤️🙏❤️

    1. Yes, you personally are hugely powerful, Lily. It’s why there’s so much activity around you, though that shield has really ‘evened’ you out! You’ll see what we mean at the next level.

      You should see the M’s around animals. It’s very strange. On the ground, on their backs, running away… we can’t go to the zoo!

      -CAT Eds.

      1. Thank you CATs, that’s amazing to know!

        I have a great fear of spiders but I will catch them in a glass and take them outside. I always stare at them and sort of manage to make them stay completely still whilst I catch them. I can also catch flies with a glass by willing them to stay still, it’s really odd! Mum has watched me do it completely confounded! Now if only I could get those wasps to stay away!

        Ooooh, I cannot wait for the next level!

        So much gratitude for this site and all of you here! You have no idea how much you have helped me and Elsie. Well, actually you probably do as many of you can ‘see’/are psychic! 😉🙃

        Much Love, Gratitude, Light & Peace ❤️🙏✨

        1. You can also open the door or window and direct flies outside without having to catch them at all… Works great! ✨

            1. Was that one of the M’s at that zoo who that leopard was pissed at that one time? He was walking along the fence and the cat was tracking him and hissing and growling like crazy. It was hilarious. He actually drew a crowd, just standing there minding his own business (in a boring navy blue wind breaker, nothing flashy) and the cat freaking out. One of the keepers got concerned and asked him to slowly back away and blend into the crowd, the cat was going so batzoid.


            2. My cat comes when I call her telepathically. She also comes when I specifically don’t want her to; she always knows when I least want her on the kitchen counter. Many’s the time her tail has dragged through my cup of tea….

          1. AOA. I wish lol! The flies that come in our conservatory can completely avoid going out through open double doors. I use the Lily method of glass and cardboard but instead of willing them to stay still I say “sit” in a stern tone! Works most of the time.☺️

          2. AOA ❤️ I’ve tried this before but when the fly went out, two more came in! Cheeky things! Much Love ❤️🙏❤️

        2. The Wasps are no problem if You have a good intention. I just casually lay my hand in front of them, slowly move it closer and they climb on board. Take them carefully to the window/door, then they fly away. Sometimes they are too friendly, so I have to shake them off. Peace.

          1. Christopher ❤️ thank you for the tip! I will have to deal with my fear of wasps first as I am sure they can sense your anxiety! I have a memory of sitting on a wall with a friend eating an ice cream in summer when a wasp came from nowhere, landed on my leg and stung me! No warning, just straight in there and ‘ouch!’ Much Love! ❤️🙏❤️

  7. well knowing is awaiting-have been able to sense these cosmic occurences-and smart enough to slow down or stop and retreat-and focus on healing-not been easy due to human preprogramming of accomplish and advance-but as an old man i now know there are many things to accomplish and multitude advancements yet choice and focus and release and acceptance open knew doors of being-ps love the pic at top-of cats and tv-how and what do you feed all those cats-and who is top cat-all mine here are wild and keepem that way -so that they will continue to survive-we all need some of that wildness-impressed on how many and much is changing above and below constantly in these days of ?????? some big astrological alignments coming up in next few weeks and months and years-MAY YOU LIVE IN INTERESTING TIMES-chinese was it a curse or a blessing or neither or all

    1. ps started fasting 2 days ago for major spring cleanse-ing-also noted in news that israel/jewish religion will have 2 passovers this year the next one next month-may 11-it could be significant due to their counting of days thing-me a taoist-so pushing off to the center and going with the flow-

  8. last one-just wondering if anyone else is experience the multipicity of possibilities which are unfolding-in ones daily reality-as an artist i am into creations and expression and living rural trying to be practical by creating spaces for garden-animals-self in the upcomming summer days-here we have very high uv rates already at 9+ and it will get higher-but have noticed that there are so many possibilities and variables constantly bubbling forth-all good and interesting but each possible resolution leads to even more possibilities of ways to make create stop time spaces-in many ways its very cool-mathematics that has no finite resolution just endless positive posibilities-but intuition restrains my actions-knowing temporary resolutions dont withstand massive changes of weather and climate and ect-but they feel good at the moment and can and will change with incoming impulses-1 created a 35ft shade structure for new garden out of left over stuff-and as i was working on the earth for planting i intuitively knew that the space could be used for other activities-like summer sleeping area or outside therapy exercise even though alot has been done initially the possibilities of what would be best use for upcoming heat and life is evident in the = (two little lines of compression with the result of balance-elusive and relative but interesting and alot of fun-ps2 for physical therapy have been experimenting with chinese scraping tools-various from bamboo to steel-and recommend for deep tissue healing and especially effective on deep surgical scars/wounds- if we are supposed to stay at home and take care of health-gr8 time to experiment and heal-before i could afford the amazon specials-cheap and fast- used wooden spoons and other utensils-it was a great start but the professional ones have greater effectiveness due to their edges and curves-sorry for so many comments shares but time goes fast and not a moment to lose-even though i have memory issues-and i have lost alot of those precious moments-so dont want to lose any more-

  9. Yikes, that is a amazing double CME! I bet the PTW are pull their hair out when CME’s happen and the one that happened yesterday I would imagine sent them into a tizzy!
    And there’s NOTHING they can do – SOURCE has it all under control…..yes!

    FYI, it shows (UPDATE 1) on the heading, “Big Programming Surge” but doesn’t show as any update in the actual post.

    Much LOVE to ALL ***

  10. Had a strange occurrence this morning.
    Mother-in-law says she saw a man with pants and a white shirt come from our bedroom to the bathroom at around 9 this morning. It couldnt be one of us as we were asleep. Our doors are super loud too so it would have woken us up.


    1. A friend has seen a guy in her house appear and disappear she has almost run into him. I have run right into and sat on invisible people felt like it anyway lol. Timelines?

        1. My friend said heavy set guy in dark pants so maybe just a spirit being she didn’t know him but almost running into him scared her then he blinked out.

        1. @CATs

          She didn’t go into much detail- she said it was a tall, muscular man in a white shirt with either blue jeans or pants. I will note that my fiance’s mother is a sensitive. I can tell because I sometimes feel uncomfortable around her energetic wise. Guess I got a little darkness in me still lol.

          Also, My friend also had what he said was one of the scariest nightmares of his life – He said he was in a sort of grey fog, he could hear a woman scream at a distance. He told me that he felt like he was actually dying, that his life was being drained from his body and he felt like he was seriously going to die. Not sure if that’s sleep apnea related though because I sometimes have those dreams.

          1. Shes not one to make things up either. My initial reaction was maybe some sort of alternate reality overlap?

        1. Anything I need to worry about? Or just a random spirit passing by?

  11. @ CATs

    “Did you know that April 19 is a most important date every year in the Satanic Calendar of High Holy Days? April 19 begins a 13-day period of blood sacrifice to the Beast , culminating on May 1! ”

    If this is true… what can we do about it?!
    Can we organize a meditation?


    1. Easy.. We practice and apply the golden rule.. Do unto others as you have them do to you..

      Be the love and lighthouse, every moment and everyday.💓💓💓

      The Satanist might switch before the day.. 😂😂😂

      Peace and joy

    2. Guides shook their heads no. They said that this group is “in for a special surprise on each of those days, such that they’ve never seen before.” They don’t want us doing what you suggest — in head-to-head fashion — as that makes those who participate targets, and not all of them set good enough protection. We just heard, “Angels are on it.”

      -CAT Eds.

      1. Thank you CAT’s for this terrific update! I am so glad that Angels are on it!! 🙂 I am sure they know how to deal with it in a best possible way!

        Love, 💓💓


    Interesting replies Lynn made to her commenters…
    “@Watch: I remember when that first happened, and I really felt there was some kind of drug activity going on, or the engineer was not in his full capacity. Something was very off with this.

    @haydeeally: I agree. I am so hopeful that we are being cleansed of this.

    @Ashley: I do feel like some kind of disclosure will happen at the end of 2020 or early 2021. We may have the 3 days of challenged communication (I go back and forth with that), and I do see it somehow relating.

    @mycale: I do, but this is going to be SCANADALOUS!

    @Robert: You are so right!

    @Wendy: I don’t know that I would say AI, but def some cloning and mind control going on. In many ways we all live in a matrix, and that is why our collective consciousness is so powerful. The PTW are controlled by the evil Archons that bred into the 13 powerful family lineages. They are who is controlling celebs…

    @Dada: I see it building now, and coming to a head during the middle of summer. People everywhere know there is more to what is going on than what they share. Eventually, people will revolt and demand answers.

    @Neeraj: I see it already happening but this summer/fall will be huge with that. We are really in for some trying times..

    @daisy: Yes, definitely. There are different driving forces and agendas, but yes. There is always money and control to be gained with an epidemic.

    @Amanda: What site? If you referring to the seeds, both Vermont and Michigan are blocking them now. Here is just one link:

  13. Sophia Love had a new post out yesterday.
    Calling for a worldwide individual meditation on 4/18/2020 at 1:11 PM CST, ( adjust time for your area) A Global Freedom Declaration. She gives shout-outs to BZ Riger, Laura Eisenhower, Magenta Pixie and others, with links to them and other recent videos, as well as info from her off-world contacts. Since this is an individual,not a guided meditation, I feel drawn to participate in this. Cats and Ms, what do you think? WATL, WATL. WATT. We ARE. <3 <3 <3

    1. Sure. We’ll join in, too. But we’re going to just send ‘glowy’ love and light to everyone (don’t know how else to say it), locally, from the core of the earth to the upper reaches of the atmosphere. Technically, we’re already free, and always were. We’re just waking peoples’ minds up.

      This time try being pillars of rainbow light, as per Blossom, instead of lighthouses. We were sorta getting people ready for that with the lighthouse metaphor.

      -CAT Eds.

  14. Did you CATS see this from MAgenta Pixie!? “Buckle Up. Fasten your Seat Belts. Time for the roller coaster ride of a lifetime”

    What’s your take?

  15. Going through a serious Kombucha addiction right now, so bad that I finally decided to start making my own; before then it was carrot juice. Could be worse.

    When not drinking Kombucha I’m mostly sleeping, still waking up at 7am and 3pm every single freaking day no matter what I try.

    People behave differently lately, they notice me and I can feel they’re mostly curious with a tiny bit of fear. I used to get either or from people facing me, and mostly fear, but I’ve honed my ninja skills to the point where most people didn’t even notice me for a long time. Something’s changing.


    1. Gotta go with cravings. One of the CATs went through a bout of only drinking spicy tomato juice/bloody mary mix for about six months. He’d chug a big bottle of the stuff till he was stuffed. I forget why. Detoxing something.


  16. @CAT’s
    I am sorry to bother you with my personal question…
    I would really appreciate your answer…I’ve lost my sense of smell (almost 80% of it) about 1 – 1.5 years ago…I can not find any reasonable explanation why… and doctors can not find anything really wrong with me or my nose…It really bugs me! I can not smell roses anymore and they are my favourite flowers!….I’ve ask my guides…they do not seems to know either… How else could I find out what happened and how could I get it back?
    Any help in regards to this question would be greatly appreciated!

    I hope you are all well!


        1. June, do you use febreeze? I hear that damages the smell receptors in the nose.

    1. June,
      My sense of smell has diminished considerably since I started using distilled water with neti pot as nasal wash for allergies. Much less nasal/sinus issues so I guess it is worth it. If you can smell peanut butter, you are good. Cay

        1. @ The CATs That Lived
          Thank you so much!!!! 🙂


      1. I lost my sense off smell when I start smoking again as before, but now I am more often in various occasion, inside and outside, start to smell some unique smell, today was vanilla, often was smell from Tatouine scene from last Star Wars movie which I watched with my younger son in 4D theater, and I was just got explanation from CAT Ed, that could be the call from guides to meditate ✨

        And now when I think off it, it makes perfect sense as I can not usually smell anything as I am still smoking (switched to IQOS a tear ago, but still can not smell almost nothing), so now when I smell something exotic, I know it is for a reason, to meditate sounds like a perfect call for it in my case as normally that sense is off, maybe that is the case off loosing that sense, so it can be used as a call to meditate ✨ Good call CAT Ed 👍

        I hope that this did not sound as rumblings, I wrote this in one breath, and on mobile as always, so… 😇

      2. @cay
        I do not think I can not smell peanut butter….My sense of smell is sooo blurred…:( I just smell something… but I can not distinguished what is it exactly…

      3. @Cay

        You are saying your sense of smell diminished…..or was it enhanced?
        Do you feel your sense of smell got better or worse?
        Could you please clarify.

        Thank you,

    2. Sometimes a zinc deficiency can result in losing or dimishing the sense of smell. Zinc is also necessary for the body to utilize vitamin C. Hope this helps.

    3. Hm. First off, we are not doctors, so please take this as non-medical advice. We think it may be a bacterial thing in your sinuses. As that one commenter suggested, you may benefit from using a neti pot. You could try it with one *very tiny drop* of tea tree oil in it. Looks like you need to kill off the bacteria. You could also consult a doctor, if you haven’t.

      -CAT Eds.

      1. If there is a bacterial issue going on and is persistent it has likely formed a biofilm – this can be disrupted by using Serrapeptase which is an enzyme derived from silk worms. I’d add this to the above suggestion as that will help physically clear things out and the Serrapeptase can help break down the sticky bacterial films that are present. This stuff is so cool and has so many uses (ie in place of NSAIDS, to reduce scarring, inflammation, to reduce already formed scars, and decrease fibrous tissue / artherosclerosis as well.) Sometimes it is paired with Nattokinase or other enzymes but they tend to be more expensive and the Serra should do the job just fine!

      2. Or you could consider using a plant in the salted distilled water like a tea and do neti. Chamomile, plantain, calendula would be good to try.

      3. @The CATs That Lived

        Thank you very much! I will try! 🙂

        What kind of water I should use? Salt water? My nose is already so dry inside. I live in a very dry climate.
        Any other recommendation? I am open to everything to try!

        My doctor suggested that it was from allergies and when he started to treat it as an allergy it got extremely worse and I got so sick!
        After that he tried similar medicament putting in my nose and it had same result. Than he just said “I do not know what else we could do usually it helps”…. 🙁 I’ve lost all my trust in doctors…I had so many instances when they were just not simply knowledgeable but right down harmful to me…I believe we all should be able to heal ourself without them

        Also, I do not know if you saw what happened to my head lately…I thought it might be the cause…

        Thank you ALL for you kind suggestions and interest!


  17. Stonehenge rainbow ship was in SW
    At the moment there is a pink line across the sky – same direction

  18. WELL i am back-just passing thru and number 888 its 8.46am been up since 4.30 am and tired of catching up with the world and its craziness-man made or earth bound-but some practical news for normal people-and the question is why are they doing this and who gave the orders- time will tell-lock and load ready and steady-eyes to the sky and scanning the horizons of hope /walmart-bans-sale-of-vegetable-seeds-as-non-essential-as-stores-seal-aisles-to-prevent-unnecessary-roaming/–LINK WAS BANNED BY FB AGAINST COMMUNITY GUIDELINES SO YOU KNOW ITS CLOSE TO TARGET-DO A SEARCH ON YOUR OWN USING ABOVE AND SEE WHAT YOU GET IN YOUR REGION–APPARENTLY EVEN SOME GOVENORS THINK YOU SHOULD NOT HAVE YOUR OWN GARDEN-WHONDER WHY AND WHO THOSE PEOPLE ARE AND WHO GIVES THEM ORDERS on a lighter note here is a different pov on cme and sr also noted that guaze (magnetic measurements) and schuman resonance frequency changes were correlated to physical changes in human bio-higher guaze/frequency= reset of physical functioning-if the body can handle it-doing some research on this-but sun activity and s r intertwined and synching-outcomes/dates/guesses?? but magnetics increases blood flow and other interesting phenomenal-and just wondering if portals are located near magnetic hot spots or not-whoopie vortex fluidity is an exciting ride-but there are side effects which in my opinion should be addressed in re health-you are only as strong as your weakest link-and when you have balanced oneself then harmonize with surroundings and other co habitants-and lastly how can one afford to feed so many cats-and how many times a day are they fed or provided food-here my wild cats eat 3x and a 40 lbs bag last about 1 month-inquiring minds

    1. lastly for today-i am a pretty well educated old man-use facebook for family and friends to share what i thing is important-understand its comprimised but only platform my ol comp can handle-and thats barely-too big always failing thing but from source on seed tried to post and got this—-Your message couldn’t be sent because it includes content that other people on Facebook have reported as abusive.—impressive that other people???consider it ABUSIVE-what aspect of news or reality is ABUSIVE except lies and disinfo-only a question-also set times for meditation is like placing a target on your back for the evil ones to subvert and divert that energy-me here ONE LONG CONTINUAL ETERNAL DEEP MEDITATION-ELUSIVE-EFFECTIVE AS IT ADDS UP AND A SYNCHRONOUS IN THAT IN THIS QUANTUM REALITY TIME IS IRRELEVANT we only are programmed to consider it relevant and important-and its always running out or not enough of-rather than eternal and unfanthomable-sorry about misspellings but the screen is waves of frequency-already been a long morning and the whole day left to explore and expand into-best of luck-plant the gardens-sing with the birds-ever vigilante and ready@moments notice-no fear only cosmic justice

  19. Woke up in a very good mood today and not tired at all! 🙂
    Usually I am waking up exhausted from my sleep and not always in a good mood…Like I worked all night on something unpleasant in a different reality 😉

    Something good is happening with the energy! I could feel it!!! :))
    My heart is singing! 🙂

    Love you ALLL!!!! ❤ ❤
    I hope you could feel this awesome energy too!!! 🙂

    June 🙂

  20. Hello CATs and Ms 👋🏻,
    You mentioned “phase outs” lately. I may have just had one of those experiences. So when the shift happens, are we leaving our 3D bodies behind?
    The reason I ask is that just a few minutes ago, my husband got called into work. He was telling me goodbye, and I was laying on the bed. I got up on my knees to hug him, and the next thing I remember was coming back to conciousness on my back with my legs tucked behind me and my husband asking if I am okay. He said that it looked like my back twinged and I got a funny look on my face and just fell backwards. He said my eyes never closed, and it had only been a second before I answered him. This is extremely odd, and has never happened to me before. I don’t remember making a funny face or falling backwards. I felt a bit weird and was slightly short of breath when I came to, but not before. I was in no pain, and nothing was wrong that I know of.
    Is this how the Shift going to happen?
    Thank you so very much for everything you do for us. I consider you family, and I love you All! I hope I make the jump with you, because I owe each of you a huge hug!
    Love 💗,

    1. That was a textbook ‘phaseout.’ Most people feel a slight ‘wink’ of temporary blackout-edness now and again, but yours was obviously more dramatic! When did that happen?

      SHIFT-wise, please everyone keep in mind that Spirit and all of us keep changing things, depending on requirements. We’ll need to have a new post about this, as it just came up.

      -CAT Eds.

  21. I was watching one interview with a Peter M. Slattery and during the video, few times, I could smell vanilla scent, what is that about ?

    I think I am going to need some glossary which connect scent and who’s energy is around me at that moment, as it is now becoming so often that I smell strange scent, so strange, are the guides trying to tell me something or it is a coming from NE ?

          1. Hmm, interesting, I knew about ringing, but not that smelling something unique and unexpected can be a call to meditate, but it make sense to also use our other senses gradually ✨

            1. Oh, yes. I sometimes smell coffee when there is no coffee. To me, that’s SOURCE saying hello. Lately, I smell the New Earth… where many of us are now.


            2. When I went there last night in meditation, someone had cut the grass in preparation

          2. Har! Of late I’ve been hearing a one note ding which sounds like some one striking a crystal goblet. Too funny. Thanks for this droll pointer.

            1. I just finished the meditation, thinking off New Earth and smelled fresh cut grass, nice ✨

          3. This is interesting.
            I hear ringing all day long… It is getting especially loud before my bed time or when it is quiet…Like right now. I can not spend all day mediating.
            What should I do?


    1. Percia ❤️ You smelt my candle, vanilla bean, very nice! 😉

      On a more serious note, I often smell sherbet when meditating but only in the bathroom!

      Much Love ❤️🙏❤️

            1. My brother I would be allowed to go to the sweet shop every time we went to the shops and would get a 20p mix of white mice, flying saucers, dubious foamy pink things that looked like lobsters, pink shoelaces, fizzy cola bottles…Goodness knows what we were putting into our bodies!

              Much Love ❤️🙏❤️

  22. That was disturbing ☹

    Was relaxing and from out of nowhere a film played itself in my minds eye.

    I watched an African woman being handled by a man either side and she was a captive wet nurse for other captive babies. It wasn’t imagined, I was purely an observer. I have no idea who she was or where although it looked like daylight so above ground.

    I pray this stops soon.


  23. Interesting meditations yesterday.

    I did a short protective meditation first in the bath which I like to do as I feel it helps with clearing, especially using salts, essential oils etc. Anyway, I grounded, cleared and protected and after thanked my guides and Brother J, AA Michael. I started to say Blossom’s Mantra, I am the Love, I am the Light, then without any thought I said I am the Peace. Confused I asked guides for confirmation and I think this may have been part of or the whole of my envelope!? To hold the Peace & Light when all breaks loose, to be the calm…!

    The second meditation I did in the living room about 20 minutes later. I have had good experiences with meditation but I have not had one like this before! Almost as soon as I had connected, I heard Native American music, drums, flute, chanting etc… Then a name came into my mind ‘Nikitawa’ followed by a clear picture/portrait of a young Native American Indian man’s face. he had long dark think hair, strong jawline and beautiful deep brown eyes. I asked if he was a guide and I got a ‘Yes’! I then saw rainbows in my mind’s eye followed by images of people coming out of the rainbow. I asked who they were and I got ‘Rainbow People from the skies’!

    I was told Nikitawa was there to help me ‘Shift’. I then got an image of an elder Native American man in my mind followed by what felt like a memory being played out. I was falling into a deep casym, red rock around me and falling with me, was, I believe Nikitawa! I then got the name ‘Little Deer’. I have always had an affinity with deer. When I left my home with baby Elsie years ago running away from trouble, two deer ran across the road as we left. when we arrived at our new home, we saw more deer, I always took it as some kind of sign. Anyway, now I wondering if the deer is a totem/spirit animal of mine or whether I was once a native American woman called Little Deer! it was also really hard to pull myself out of the meditation, I was in deep!

    My mind is boggling a bit! Was this just my over active imagination of was this as it sounds?!

    Fascinating times!

    Much Love ALL ❤️🙏❤️

    1. Goodness! Following my meditation, I just looked up Rainbow People and came across this:

      The Prophecy Of The Rainbow Warriors And Future Of Planet Earth | August 29, 2018 | Featured Stories, News, Prophecy

      Last Updated on March 31, 2020

      Ellen Lloyd – –
      “We find ancient doomsday prophecies in several sacred books, scripts, and legends worldwide. Some of these prophecies challenge our beliefs and trust in the future. Will the world as we know it end completely? Will humanity cease to exist? Will our race be replaced with a new one?

      The Native American Rainbow Prophecy offers an intriguing and different view of the future world.

      The rainbow was a very important symbol in many ancient cultures. Native America Indians regarded the rainbow as a sign of the great mystery and the future.

      prophecy of rainbow warriors

      Prophesies and stories of many nations, from the Hopi and Zuni in the Southwest to the Cherokee in the Southeast, from the Cree in the far north, the great Sioux nations of the plains, to the Mayan people of the far south, the Rainbow was a focal point of spiritual belief. According to Native American beliefs, under the symbol of the rainbow, all races and religions will unite to spread the wisdom of living in harmony with each other and with all creatures.

      “As Native Americans, we believe the Rainbow is a sign from the Spirit in all things. It is a sign of the union of all people, like one big family. The unity of all humanity, many tribes and peoples, is essential, ” Late Thomas Banyacya, Spokesman, Hopi traditional elders, Hotevilla said

      The Cree, Hopi and Sioux Indians speak about mighty Rainbow Warriors that will inhabit our planet in the future and they will come in time of the great awakening.

      A Native American prophecy tells us that “when the earth is ravaged and the animals are dying, a new tribe of people shall come unto the earth from many colors, classes, creeds and who by their actions and deeds shall make the earth green again.

      They will be known as the Warriors of the Rainbow.”

      prophecy of rainbow warriors

      The Cree tribe tells of an old woman named “Eyes of Fire”, who prophesied that one day, because of the white mans’ greed, there would come a time, when the fish would die in the streams, the birds would fall from the air, the waters would be blackened, and the trees would no longer be, mankind as we would know it would all but cease to exist.

      There would come a time when the “keepers of the legend, stories, culture rituals, and myths, and all the Ancient Tribal Customs” would be needed to restore us to health, making the earth green again. They would be mankind’s key to survival, they were the “Warriors of the Rainbow”. There would come a day of awakening when all the peoples of all the tribes would form a New World of Justice, Peace, Freedom and recognition of the Great Spirit.

      According to Manataka American Indian Council, “the “Warriors of the Rainbow” would spread these messages and teach all peoples of the Earth or “Elohi”. They would teach them how to live the “Way of the Great Spirit”. They would tell them of how the world today has turned away from the Great Spirit and that is why our Earth is “Sick”.

      These Warriors would give the people principles or rules to follow to make their path light with the world. These principles would be those of the Ancient Tribes. The Warriors of the Rainbow would teach the people of the ancient practices of Unity, Love and Understanding. They would teach of Harmony among people in all four corners of the Earth.

      prophecy of rainbow warriors

      Like the Ancient Tribes, they would teach the peoples how to pray to the Great Spirit with love that flows like the beautiful mountain stream, and flows along the path to the ocean of life. Once again, they would be able to feel joy in solitude and in councils. They would be free of petty jealousies and love all mankind as their brothers, regardless of color, race or religion. They would feel happiness enter their hearts, and become as one with the entire human race. Their hearts would be pure and radiate warmth, understanding and respect for all mankind, Nature and the Great Spirit.

      They would once again fill their minds, hearts, souls, and deeds with the purest of thoughts. They would seek the beauty of the Master of Life – the Great Spirit! They would find strength and beauty in prayer and the solitude of life.

      Their children would once again be able to run free and enjoy the treasures of Nature and Mother Earth. Free from the fears of toxins and destruction, wrought by the Yo-ne-gi and his practices of greed. The rivers would again run clear, the forests be abundant and beautiful, the animals and birds would be replenished. The powers of the plants and animals would again be respected and conservation of all that is beautiful would become a way of life.

      The poor, sick and needy would be cared for by their brothers and sisters of the Earth. These practices would again become a part of their daily lives.

      See also:

      The Lost Prophecy Reveals Chilling Future Events – The Last Words To Mankind?

      The leaders of the people would be chosen in the old way – not by their political party, or who could speak the loudest, boast the most, or by name calling or mud slinging, but by those whose actions spoke the loudest. Those who demonstrated their love, wisdom and courage and those who showed that they could and did work for the good of all, would be chosen as the leaders or Chiefs. They would be chosen by their “quality” and not the amount of money they had obtained.

      This certainly sounds like an ideal future, but it is possible to create such a wonderful world? Native American Indians are convinced we have the potential to change and become better people.

      “We have the opportunity to build a Rainbow bridge into the Golden Age. But to do this, we must do it together with all the colors of the Rainbow, with all the peoples, all the beings of the world. We who are alive on Earth today are the Rainbow Warriors who face the challenge of building this bridge, “Brooke Medicine Eagle, Daughter of the Rainbow, Crow and Lakota said.

      prophecy of rainbow warriors

      “There is truth in the prophecies of the Rainbow and the Rainbow people. People from all of the Americas will unite with people from all the other nations, and they will realize that we are all Family, brothers and sisters. This is not my personal vision, but the cosmic vision presented by all the elders, a vision that we all share,” Don Alejandro Cirilo Perez, Maya Elders Council, Guatemala said.

      Many ancient cultures speak of a Golden Age and the changes that we must face. According to Hindu beliefs, we are currently living in the yuga of “Kali”, the Goddess of Destruction. The God we worship is now black.

      Native American legends tell that Rainbow Warriors will return in bodies of different colors: red, white, yellow and black.

      Do the colors merely have a symbolic meaning, or has, in fact, our planet, during every world epoch, been assigned to an extraterrestrial being, a god, whose primary task was controlling and guarding the Earth?

      Since these extraterrestrial beings probably have various skin colors, it is only natural that humans would say a white, red, yellow, or black god. Many people believe that we are the verge of a mass awakening of global consciousness that will usher in a New Global Golden Age for mankind.

      Will humanity be able to change and save planet Earth or are we doomed as a race?

      Can the Rainbow Warriors save us as the prophecy tells us or will this planet be destroyed and later inhabited by a new race of beings?”

      Much Love ❤️🙏❤️

      1. Hi Lily. I knew a little about the Rainbow Warriors, but you have put together some really great information thank you. Your meditations sounded awesome and thank you for sharing those too. Love and hugs.🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈💖

        1. Newlynn ❤️ It’s really fascinating isn’t it?! Glad you enjoyed the article and my meditations. I hope they were authentic and not my mind getting carried away! It certainly felt real…

          Much Love & Hugs & Rainbows! ❤️🤗🌈

  24. Ohhh boy, what a spectacle tonight, unbelievable ✨

    Just came in house after a walk with a dog, at one point I looked up and I could not believe what am I witnessing, it seems that every 3 point light form I laid my eyes on just at that moment started to nove, unbelievable, like on a command, at a moment I looked ✨

    First I noticed one corner light (off a 3 corner huge triangle spread) started to move, but at a same moment I realized that all 3 are moving in unison, and at one point one light become much brighter and it was like it flashed down light (to me, I do not know, maybe ?).

    But then I looked at other 3 light spread in triangle form and same thing repeated (without flashing, just they start moving), another combination, same thing, at one point it looked like the sky is dancing, what ever light on the sky I looked at, it start to move, it looked like all sky is moving ✨

    I was looking up at least 10 minutes, I felt privileged to whiteness that light dance, I do not know if it was for me, what I done to deserve that incredible light show, maybe I was just in the right place and in the right time, or there is a deeper reason that I witnessed that beauty in motion, I do not know, but I am grateful either way 🙏

    I continued with a walk, just to see the same thing repeating over and over, near sea shore I saw the lights moving in a straight line spaced formation, countless number, uhhh, I am feeling so happy, it is not first time (I wrote already about the moving lights in the sky), but this was overwhelming, to observe movement at instance I looked at those 3 lights triangle form, like somebody told them to do it when I looked at them, and that bright flashing light at the beginning, priceless 🙏✨

    Again, I do not know what I done to deserved that light show tonight, but I am grateful from bottom off my heart 🙏✨

      1. @-CAT Eds
        hi, dear CATs,
        would you mind looking/asking again? Thank you.
        Sun is the main actor in our SHIFT.
        My Guides say, this ain’t a glitch –

  25. AM, would you be so kind as to explain about your statement …”where many of are lately” (NE) I’m intrigued. Thanks

      1. Awhile back Allison Coe suggested to create your NE homes in meditation etc. So when you end up there and want to have a tea on my patio, just go to the same place on this old Earth that is the Pacific Palisades part of Los Angeles and look for a house high up on the bluffs overlooking the ocean 😉

      2. Okay, that’s the confirmation I was fishing for. (I suspect that You’d already figured that out.) Anyway, some great pictures of the trout lilies and brunnera in bloom. Wondrous combination of yellow and brilliant blue. Some videos shot of the bloomin’ magnolias today. I’ll post a link if they turn out. BTW, the air is redolent with the sweet smell of cottonwoods budding. That, to me smells spring. Cheers!

        1. Oh, J… you made me homesick momentarily for my 3/4 acre of woods where the house I grew up in was – weird way to put it, but there are reasons… I don’t remember them in my childhood remember the trillium (our were purple) and Jack’n’ the Pulpits more back then(50’s), but definitely in the late 70’s and eighties I loved waiting for the trout lilies to peek out first the kind of rainbow trout looking leaves then the yellow little trumpet flowers with fine brown veining, only last about a week – then completely gone, not even leaves left – fairy flowers… this was in New England, didn’t know they grew in the PNW…


          1. I have a purple trillium in bloom right now. It snuck a ride into my shade garden with some beautiful ferns I transplanted from my father’s woods over 25 years ago. It never spreads or multiplies, but it blooms every year. So lovely! And the birds in my yard have finally pushed the squirrels aside for their turn at the feeders; there’s a whole flock of goldfinches, little woodpeckers, cardinals, robins, chickadees, tufted titmice, and even a couple of bluebirds. I put up a mixture of birdhouses for various species and one of them is a bluebird house; oh how I hope they move in! Still too cold for the hummingbirds, but I’m going to put their feeders out as soon as May arrives.

      3. How would we know we’re on the NE?
        It still looks like the OE.

  26. Hallo Cats and friends. A short post in appreciation for all our progress. It seems a good idea to meditate in our own unique ways, intuiting when to do so, as we go along. It seems to me that we can sense a vital togetherness found here in this collective, and feel even more strengthened in it. Likewise, since we are sovereign Beings, we can feel our personal empowerment even while meditating individually. Good wishes to all here.

    1. P.S. I forgot to leave a name. 🙂 SovereignBeing.

        1. Thanks CATs. It’s good to be here. Anyone else from Britain, say ‘hi!’ 😉 P.S. To the lady who was asking about ideas why she has lost her sense of smell; a humble thought… can it be some trauma from this or other lifetime? Another alternative is the impact of ch*mtr*ils. Kind regards.

    Magenta Pixie 3 step process through the ascension (which I am sure many here are in progress). May start around 20 mins to pass over her dream and contact if too long. She says the dragon energy is one way to ride through the ascension portal with more ease. Great info.

    1. Thank you for posting this, Cay! It really validated the meditation I had. Helped me make sense of it. Very helpful indeed!!!
      Love and hugs!

  28. Here’ a short clip showing the girl’s new pen. More interesting vids to follow. This was last week. Getting better daily.

    1. What lucky girls they are to live in such a wonderful place!

    2. J ❤️ Thank you for sharing your beautiful bit of heaven with us, keeps the spirits up so much!

      Much Love ❤️🙏❤️

    3. Such a beautiful, magical place J, the snow covered mountains are magnificent! Thank you so much for sharing!

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