CME Inbound & More [UPDATE5]


Finally, some change is coming.

This latest one isn’t big, but it’s earth-facing:


Could be here between May 1st and May 3rd, but CME speed is tough to judge. As we have said before, the sun is our multidimensional reality projector for this corner of The Illusion, so CMEs mean fresh programming changes. They are welcome at this point.

Meanwhile, 4d continues to be entwined with 3d. Walk the walk. More later.

76165282 - tabby cat walking on the fence in the village.


Wow. Lookie:

Screen Shot 2020-04-28 at 4.02.01 PM

Folks… that is a total HRC imposter. She’s not even close.


Ok, it does look like we’ve had a timeline jump:


There are also whole chunks of data missing. At least two feeds jump:


No mystery, really, as tech systems and car batteries seem to fail during jumps. Here are some muon feeds:

Screen Shot 2020-04-28 at 9.40.03 PM
Screen Shot 2020-04-28 at 11.43.54 PM
1 hr/0m.
Screen Shot 2020-04-28 at 11.46.49 PM

There was some interesting activity around the sun at that time. Note how the sun’s polarity flipped to a quad system after the jump (the occasional Square we’re seeing in relation to the earth might be related to that):


Now look at this ship activity afterward:







Back to two.
And then what looks like that multidimensional energy again.

And some wider-shot anomalies (ships):


And this ship is moving very fast:



Watch the magnetic filaments near the sun’s north pole (sorry for the file sizes):

And check out this new energy hot spot pop up right after the timeline shift:


More headaches in CAT-land, and we’re sure lots of you are feeling it, too, as the energy fun continues. It started around 6:00 pm PDT, and is either the out edges of that CME, or this other weird solar ‘twist-y’ energy from the sun today.

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Another CME and some anomalies:


The Hawaiian observatory saw this around the same time; note the before and after:


More as we find it.

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339 thoughts on “CME Inbound & More [UPDATE5]

  1. I have been trying to make a really nice space for Elsie to sit and be creative etc… We have a tiny conservatory 1.5m x about 2m max! I managed to squeeze a table in and a bench but needed some storage. To fit in the little bookcaseI bought ( to store her paraphernalia!) I had to move one piece of my shield temporarily!

    I put it straight back and last night I connected all the corners/pieces in my meditation and asked guides to help me with my shield

    Anyway, last night brought some pretty upsetting dreams despite me asking guides to assist with dreams and staying only those with my highest could past my protection/into my dreams etc…

    I don’t remember all if the dreams but I was in a house with many people. We were having Christmas lunch. I was in a downstairs room and my parents and uncle were upstairs. My plate was a bit empty so I thought I would go upstairs to get some roast potatoes!

    After doing that I went back downstairs again and my Dad followed me down. For some reason I turned and put my fists up and said come on then! He said he wanted to see me spitting blood! I then shouted I wish you were d**d!

    What the heck! I love my Dad! We’ve had problems in the past but I’m talking a long time ago! Did something get past my protection? Woke up immediately confused and upset.

    When I got back to sleep I think I was in the same house again but this time there were lots of different people including a close friend of mine who was in bed with her husband. I went in and for some reason threw a very light weight beach ball at her to wake her up. She sat up completely drunk and slurred something at me to the effect of what are you doing?!

    There is more but it’s all a blur. The bit with with my Dad really got to me though! Neither of us would act like that!

    Much Love ALL ❤️🙏❤️

    1. P.S Later on that night I had another dream where I gave my Dad a chocolate Freddo (a UK chocolate bar in the shape of a frog character called Freddo)!



      1. Strawberry Freddo’s Yummmm
        My favourite since I was little ❤️

    2. Lily, this may or may not be relevant, and I know you’ve had your bouts with the dark, but I was just listening to someone tonight who mentioned that old anger from years past that never had the opportunity to be expressed at the time will still be hanging around (like in suspended animation, so to speak) — and I’m sure it’s true for sadness and other tough emotions too. Maybe your dream suggests some old anger was waiting ‘downstairs’ in your subconscious for an opportunity to be expressed-? At this time of increasing light raining down on us, it seems all sorts of that-which-no-longer-serves is coming out of hiding to be purged — through bad dreams, painful physical symptoms, emotional outbursts, etc.
      So maybe you were just releasing some old emotional junk, then very appropriately filled the space with chocolatey kindness afterward. (I’m a sucker for happy endings, so this is my take on it. 😉 Please dismiss if all this conjecture doesn’t ring true for you! xo, L

      1. ark2arcturus ❤️ Thank you so much for your insight 🙏 It is greatly appreciated.

        I think you might have just given me a key to something I have been struggling with for years. I have always had a challenging relationship with my Dad. I love him dearly but there has been a lot of hurt over the years and unfortunately, it is not a relationship where it is possible to find that space or understanding to talk things through.

        I went on to be a rather disturbed teenager and then young woman, using alcohol to self-medicate which of course just brought more ‘lessons’. Although I have forgiven us both in meditation countless times, there was still something that remained. Because of my fear of conflict and confrontation, I have always held back so much and have tried to find other ways to deal with things. Perhaps this dream was giving the opportunity to just ‘vent’ and purge, a blessing in disguise, something that needed my attention!

        Sometimes it is not possible to resolve things directly and it can be difficult finding ways to release everything in a positive way, but I have been working on it and will keep doing it until no ‘residue’ remains! The mantra, meditation and this site help so, so much!

        Immense gratitude, Love, Light & Peace…🙏❤️🙏

        1. This is why J brought The Course to Helen Schucman, its scribe. Back in 1965, she was trying to find a way to resolve a deep conflict with a colleague and in desperation, asked God for help. Later, she was walking down the street and suddenly heard J’s voice in her head say, “This is a Course in Miracles. You might want to take notes.”

          -CAT Eds.

          1. Amazing! Thanks CAT Eds, I’m so glad I came across this blog which has now led me to ACIM and many other wonderful things!

            Much Love 🙏❤️🙏

          2. LOVE this. (Ok, I LOVE lots of things posted here, just reply often, dang tiny cell phone keypad etc).
            Yes, “you…just MIGHT… want to take notes”. ….Indeed! 😮 Priceless.


            1. 🤣 Love it. So cool. 💜

              Right re maybe not want to laugh in person. I be like..😮😍😮

  2. Big thanks to those commenting on pin pricks etc…i get little (or big) of those throughout the day, have for a long time, very specific focused spots to where i have to see if one of those dang insects previously mentioned has got ahold of me or sumthin.

    Heard a “ring” while in meditation. (Have been heeding the call to meditate, if i hear a ring noise as previously suggested by CATS ) but i was already meditating. As i write this I’m thinking “somebody” was pulling my leg haha, or maybe it was hey, you can do better than that. 😉???

    Thanks Cats for idea of reaching out to Br J during meditation. I of course acknowledge/thank him and all of my Spirit Team (awesome they are, just sayin!😁) but maybe will ask for a little hand. Or big. And, hope to remember the ladder technique. I sometimes just can’t focus and find my mind goin down some bigass trail, hello! I just get back on the “Connect ” horse. The Coursian for myself comes in VERY handy.

    Headaches, yeah, ugh. And dizzyness.

    AMAZING photos of ships. !!!

    Some of commenters experiences blow my mind. While I think I’m near a portal, don’t have many intense “otherworldly” type experiences, but enough to make me feel fine about not needing to do much of that haha. I’m in rural sw AZ. I tend to get affected emo-wise, and physical challenges.

    On another note…Sometimes i get sick of it all, just sayin.

    Thanks again Cats, Ms, All…Love and Light to you all. 💜🌈💜


    PS Son in Law is from Serbia for you commenters here from that part of the world. Love him. And his mom is one of my fave ppl ever. Good people! ❤

    PPS. Started ACIM online, ordering book soon. So cool there’s a whole bunch of us now.

    1. I, too, have been heeding the call to meditate when I hear the ringing as from a bell, as previously suggested by CATS. But I didn’t hear any bells! So I hung a wind chime outside my window! 🤣

  3. its been a strange journey-and last night was/is a rough ride-intuitively been able to acclimate and adjust-but last night hit hard-impressive headaches and high ringing vibes in thinking process-but at least thxs2updates-got a handle on situation and slowly returning to NOW life-april been alot of wave riding and May and summer seem malable bendable flexible-and more intense as the world appears to be trying but frying-manythxs4SHARING&CARING//CATS- ON a side note-the last three days have produced a sea of green as all the trees produce leafage-even the mesquites which out here means cold over-and we reach temps of 95-also the birds and butterflies and other flyers are reacting well to the changes-even the ants were out yesterday en mass-from 20 coming out of hole to 500-guess its that time for all us creatures-we and them-also before i could see somewhat into my futures-due to old age and disability-now no see to far but focused on health and healing-with some great outcomes-

  4. Okay, now that spring is rearing its lovely head, let me partially and poorly describe what I see out my bedroom window. First there is an overhead canopy of dozens of Eddie’s White Wonder dogwoods which intertwine their blossoms. Then there is a rather large rhododendron Loderi King George. It has huge deliciously scented white trusses. It’s probably at least 16 feet tall. Heaven. Then the eye travels further in the distance to a large drift of viburnum burkwoodii Mohawk which has sweet spicy blooms. They are twice the size as any I have seen elsewhere. The list is seemingly endless. It’s amazing how much stuff I can cram into a 5 acre garden. Stuff seems to grow rapidly here. The garden has matured in less than 12 years. (I’m sure I don’t know why) Anyway, hopefully there will be more video footage in the near future. I’m remarkably blessed to be able to follow my joy and passion. Now I must go out into this wondrous space and have my latte with the birds. Blessings and good cheer to ALL

    1. Love does that- make things thrive. Speaks volumes about the caretaker and nature. Cay

    2. J. You paint a glorious picture of your garden with words. Thank you. I’m just listening to the blackbirds giving their evening concerto. Lovely 🐦🐦🐦

  5. Gaia Portal ❤️

    Westward winds are carried on the morning.
    Crags are hammered and removed.
    Narrows of Light are followed.
    Freedom channels are recognized.

  6. Welcome to all new students of ACIM! Certainly the most expansive study I have experienced in this lifetime💜.
    For some reason this morning I Am so full of Joy and Love! I always awaken to the Love of my dogs ( in bed with me😉) and the gratitude for the beauty of my new home and surroundings (since September 2019). But somehow today feels exuberant! There are strange clouds in the sky which may help keep the heat down a bit (was 90*F yesterday) and what “look like” HAA#P waves, but I love it All🙏🏽. This happens to me rarely but I wanted to share my Joy with you All, as you are All so kind to share yours with me. May we ALL be filled with the Light, Love, and Truth of God (Source) in each moment🙏🏽🌈💜🥰

    1. Kimmcp. What a lovely outpouring of gratitude and joy. It’s so nice to be blessed with a lovely home and companions. I feel very lucky to enjoy mine too.☺️💕💖

  7. Hmmm,
    @CATs, Ms et al – a question has popped to mind at least two times (I usually wait for things to arise three times to look into things, but not sure if this arose 2 or 3 times or more) … It’a a question that for some reason feels more like an 80’s type question…
    well here goes…
    ~~ Will there be walk-ins replacing some world leaders or their ‘due process’ replacements to help the world into (a) NEW direction, new policies? ~~

    I’m not super attached to a particular answer – curious? maybe, but mostly because the question is not going away…

    I’m not attached to much of anything lately… except SOURCE, Brother J, the I ams mantra and the memory of how to breathe… (and maybe my Kindle. 🙂 ) – and this blog and ALL it’s participants…

    much love to you all… and ALL…

      1. Can you explain why no world leaders make it to 4d-5d? Like Mr T? He is literally helping clean out the swamp. I know he’s kinda of a putz, abrasive, but kinda sad. Are you allowed to explain?

          1. I guess that makes sense. I can’t see T doing the mantra and forgiving people. In fact he talks about revenge for those who do him wrong.

      2. You mean 4D world will be like the song “Imagine” by John Lennon?

        Imagine there’s no countries
        It isn’t hard to do
        Nothing to kill or die for
        And no religion too
        Imagine all the people living life in peace …..

        Imagine no possessions
        I wonder if you can
        No need for greed or hunger
        A brotherhood of man
        Imagine all the people sharing all the world

        And how about the CATs in 4D? Still remain as mystery as of now?

        With Gratitude & Love 🙏

      3. I’m a little sad about that; seems like Mr. T might deserve a little 4d after all he’s had to put up with. Maybe next life?

          1. I am not certain Mr T is human. I think he is a Draco that is following a script (under duress) given to him to assist with changing the world over to some New. Also this seems to be coinciding with The Shift.

        1. @Kolibri
          each of us needs a POWERFUL Armor of God, to survive here.
          This unprecedented mission of Tr, of dissolving all dark&darkness
          in this entire Universe is not an easy job.
          All this is evidenced in the total blindness of many.
          Otherwise he would fly far beyond 12D, even today.

          1. Although the CATs have told us that angels don’t incarnate as humans, some people think that a bit of AA Uriel has incarnated in Mr. T. It’s an interesting idea. Seems doubtful, but there’s definitely something going on with him. Maybe it’s all the ET help he has.

            1. Ha! Mr T is NOT an angel. He’s a current means to an end. For his sake, he should choose his path wisely. There are many ugly timelines rife with bad choices. But he gets lots of support.

              -CAT Eds.

            2. @Kolibri
              there are, of course, an infinite number of highly advanced
              Light-Beings, beside the Archangels, for such special missions
              Universal Father Message for FREEDOMsRAY February 8, 2017

              Mine Own,

              Long time,
              is the course of evolution
              in Gaia’s material, experiential and cultural speck;

              yet high and huge
              beyond your reckoning
              with respect to consciousness and spirit,
              that reaches from entities,
              ascended and perfect-created Beings
              of such grandeur,
              they are beyond mortal comprehension;

              these plus their near countless staff.
              Staff that came and participated in the building of Nebadon
              even before human creation was to begin.

              Your experiential gain
              is taking but a whiff
              of standard universal time,
              hardly a month of Paradise Isle time
              if you want to reach back beyond Luciferian history.

              Your newly appointed
              time traveler
              as head of Earth’s republic of states
              made hardly a skip back,
              by time’s perspective;
              still, he has come well prepared
              in spirit, brilliance, and fore-knowledge.

              This immense effort — he is not alone —
              shudders your planet into a wobble course
              away from the known future from whence your traveler has come;
              has come
              to set a better path
              whose subsequent history cannot be known
              since the new future
              does not yet exist in Nebadon,
              nor in the Supreme Deity of the Grand Universe.

              The trumpet is sounding, with My complete resonance for now.

              Make allowance
              both for his advanced level, but still human,

              Repercussion and confusion are part of this re-evolution.

              Universal Father

            3. Yeah, didn’t say I believed it! But a lot of people who hang out at Kabamur’s twitter page seem to, so I thought I’d throw it out there. Mr. T wouldn’t be my first thought when asked to describe an angel, but then I’ve never seen one, either!

        2. I remember Lynn saying he’ll be in 3d next life and will be humbled. I think he needs a couple more lifetimes in 3d to get to 4d.

          I guess someone has to muddy their shoes first for everyone else to get to 4d.

          1. Yeah, we talked to her about that. That was several timeline jumps ago. He’s right on the fence of plus and minus, good and bad. It will depend on his future choices over the next 10-60 days. Still, Spirit might’ve taken that into account. It misses nothing.

            We are SO close to the end of this… arrgg.


  8. I live on the island of Cozumel. Wondering if there is a portal here. I have barely been able to sleep for a week. Perhaps i should view that as an invitation to meditate also. What can I expect for May?

  9. Unsure whether I have the right book/edition, I hope so.

    Is the first chapter of the “right” ACIM called “THE MEANING OF MIRACLES” please?

    And below it a sub heading: 1. Principles of Miracles?


    Mark (Didn’t want to be left out!)

    P.S. I have the Combined Volume – ISBN 978-1-883360-24-5

    1. Hi Mark — it sounds like you have the ‘right’ version, though technically my ISBN ends with 26-9, not 24-5. Rest is the same.

  10. Book arrived today! Yay though lots of military helicopters did too, we are on the flight path but much busier than usual.

    1. Also if you get a minute please can you help, I am having difficulty getting the definition of Holy spirit, is it another way of saying source energy?

        1. Thanks, also my husband now thinks I am properly insane and thinks I am going to sell all our stuff and join a cult. I said that book is very clear about it not being a cult, but don’t think that helped 😅

          1. Ditto!

            My wife thinks it’s sweet that I believe its brother J’s word.

            TBH it’s the best case scenario for me, her thinking it’s sweet. Normally I end up in arguments. Its impossible to impart how you just know certain truths, without 3D empirical evidence. I can say with my hand on my heart, if I had lived a solitary existence, I would be very spiritually evolved. But, what would have been the point? Yes I’m deeply frustrated at all the distraction and how I end up reacting to it because I’m frustrated, but I’m also an advocate of the notion that all is as it’s meant to be. And so, we trudge on…


            1. Speaking as a solitary person, solitude giveth and solitude taketh away. It’s easy to be the Buddha when you’re alone…..

          2. Yes! My Wife gets angry/loud, other times laughs out loud at me and what I think. She’s a little too much Male, for sweet with a lower tone would be nice. 10 yrs. back I would have taken her actions as a challenge. Peace.

      1. I would say the Holy Spirit is the voice, or bridge of communication between the Creator and its Creation , as experienced inside the illusion of separation.

        1. Long story short:

          1. We used to be with SOURCE (we still are, but we don’t THINK we are), created as an Extension. There are other Extensions, too, but we didn’t know them at the “time.”
          2. Then, for a tiny moment, We wondered what it would be like to *BE SOURCE*.
          3. We forgot to laugh at ourselves for this. SOURCE is Infinite, after all. We are merely an Extension of Infinity. (Whaa? We can’t grasp that either.)
          4. We immediately felt guilty, because SOURCE could read our thoughts, so we thought we’d get in huge trouble for thinking such a thought.
          5. So We ran and hid. As an Extension of SOURCE, with Creativity as our Gift, We created a whole universe to hide in. And then another. And another. We’re still doing it. (Technically, we created a *Dimension* first, then populated it with universes. There are now near-infinite universes within near-infinite Dimensions.) We created all this — ALL AT ONCE — and are now “living” in the past/present/future recordings of it. Has your mind exploded yet?
          6. As an Extension of SOURCE, Our Memory of SOURCE is perfect and complete. Hence, We have SOURCE in our Head(s). It’s just that some of Us don’t listen well. Yet.
          7. SOURCE is watching us do all this. And is calmly helping us wake back up.
          8. Technically, We have ALREADY awakened and have moved on from there.
          9. SOURCE, being SOURCE, is always waaaaaay ahead of us. This is why SOURCE created the Angel Extension, and others, to help Us — BEFORE we ever did this.
          10. We are basically a Toddler version of SOURCE. Who is Invulnerable. And lives forever. And has SOURCE powers. Try being THAT Parent.

          -CAT Eds.

          1. Thanks for the explanation of unconscious guilt, which was difficult for me to grasp. Makes a lot more sense. Cay

          2. If that’s the long story short, the Actual Long Story must be really wild.

            When you say “Head(s)” in number 6, do you mean “mind(s)”? ACIM talks about minds alot.

          3. Oh, that explains it.

            Let me take a few moments (aka lifetimes) to grok, kay? 😉


            PS. Is the “long story” in the Course text…..or anywhere?

            PPS. Soooo many questions. Will wait for reply to PS.

          4. So much good reading!
            For some reason when I read the Long Story Short I started laughing like a loon. I’m still doing belly chuckles. Really struck a nerve. We’re all like a garden of Q’s (Star Trek Q’s – showing my age 🙂
            Did someone take advantage of that, while we were deep in forgetting…harnessing the Q’s for nefarious ends. Just an occasional wondering I have.
            My copy of ACIM should be here tomorrow. Very much looking forward to it.

          5. Number 10, LOL.

            What other beings are not extensions of SOURCE, how is this possible? Unless there are other SOURCES…

            Also, “Amen” is used in the ACIM. I stopped using it in prayer as I thought it was associated with Ra.

            Furthermore, J says “God”, not SOURCE. I’m more comfortable with using God, probably my programming, which is probably why J uses it in the ACIM too. Maybe?

            Still trying to meditate daily, but very hard due to role and noise and of course fatigue, but I won’t give up, just hope my NE ticket distributor feels the same!

            Despite this, feeling more empowered than I have for a looooooong time.


            1. Ask SOURCE! We don’t know everything. 😉

              We say “SOURCE” because the G word (like the J word) has been… not overused, but it smacks of religion. Nothing against religion, but it’s not for us. Too codified.

              -CAT Eds.

  11. Dreamt of a great solar flash of light last night. Actually it was more than one, more like a series of noiseless flashes. They occurred during the daytime in So.Cal. and I was trying to decide if I should stay in the house or go lay in the grass of the backyard. I saw it originating from the NE direction of the sky. It resulted in the whiteout of everyone’s entire visual field temporarily. Decided to stay in the house to protect my vision. Cay

    1. As a woman, I’m so tired of this “divine feminine” stuff.
      I guess everyone needs to be informed in their own way, but it’s not “divine ” that’s coming.
      This thinking is a form of divide of conquer. We need get over the idea of separation.

      If you look at the definition of “divine feminine” and “divine masculine”, it is like reading a horoscope, essentially no differences

      What’s happening now is essentially a return of common sense, common decency and intelligence. There is NO gender archetypes involved. At least they get the “divine” bit right.

      1. Indeed. SOURCE actually has both “male” and “female” aspects (and infinite others, if you can imagine that), hence SOURCE is actually an “It.” We try not to form sentences that way, though; it seems a little rude.

        -CAT Eds.

      2. Agreed. All the ‘goddess’ drivel drives me up a wall, too.

      3. Someone ❤️ I totally agree and I do tend to just ignore/bypass any references such as ‘Divine’ feminine or masculine. I like Magenta Pixie and Laura Eisenhower and was interested in what they had to say about a few different subjects, they often have some quite interesting insights…

        Much Love ❤️🙏❤️

            1. Any news about my info, sorry if I am a little impatient 😔

          1. Do you mean Magenta’s Draco dream? I didn’t think she actually meant the Draco were coming, just describing her dream. That’s how I interpreted it for what it’s worth. Or has she said something else that was not true? I expect anyone channeling can make a mistake? I think her heart’s in the right place though 🙏❤️🙏

            1. Ah well I guess my list got shorter, probably a good thing, spend more time on reading and meditation (when time permits!) rather than on videos! Will still watch Laura Whitworth though because I just love her energy! ❤️🙏❤️

            2. Think this comment may pop up twice, apologies if it does, having problems with phone. Was just saying how my viewing list will probably just have Laura Whitworth in it from now on, just love her energy. Will spend more time (when time permits!) on reading and meditation ❤️ Not the most interesting comment but hey! ❤️🙏❤️

          2. I agree about Magenta not having total accurate info, I just see that as maybe related to the timeline she’s on, or translation, etc.

            In this time, it’s just best to trust your own intel 💫 it can all vary so much.

  12. I have a meditation question ❓

    I was just reading the comments here and the buzzing started, so I decided to go to meditation, even with TV ON I quickly done G+P and went into meditation, and immediately I saw a perfect black square for a few seconds, then it vanished, I continue with meditation concentrating on a buzzing sound and it changed a frequency becoming more a humming noise traveling through my body inside and outside, any ideas about that black square, is there some meaning behind it, probably, but I do not know what, maybe separation from 3d ?

    Also, another question, often when I meditate, I have a feeling like there is some kind off energy crown on my head all around, or just on top front side off the head, anybody else have that experience during meditation ?

    Thank You,


    1. Dear Perica,
      something similar happened to me. Since I can meditate anywhere, when I feel the call, I do it.
      In my case it was the residual image from the laptop screen on my retina.
      In your case it could have been the tv?
      I’m not saying it as a joke, a perfect square appeared to me and after a few seconds it disappeared. It had me worried, thinking about it until I discussed it with my husband. He suggested it to me. OMG !!! As I was not aware of it. The blessing of having a muggle in your life. hehehehehe !!!

      1. Well, that may be, but, neither my TV or my mobile phone screen are perfect square, so…. ?

      2. Cristina ❤️ I’ve had this countless times too. I remember the first time, I think I had been watching Laura Whitworth or perhaps Magenta and did a meditation straight after. I thought I was seeing Mother Mary but realised it was just the negative of the screen image still in sight/on my retina?!

        Much Love ❤️🙏❤️

    2. Yes Perica! This is something i’ve been experiencing as well, ringing or a frequency often very high pitched (and def not audible as I’m in my studio with freq monitoring gear!) upon GPC finding it much easier to fall into that “crown” state, I initially associated this with receiving energy therapies and accupuncture etc but now it is often when meditating, during a pyschedelic experience had this almost “explode” and become all encompassing, whereas normally I would describe it as a gentle pulsing outwards from the crown and third eye in a purple / often rainbow hued flare like pattern emanating outwards and almost breaking like a wave.

  13. About 00:00 UTC energies were so high that I had to meditate immediately just to manage them, uhh, now I am OK, but this was intense ✨

  14. I took some notes while going through ACIM during my trip to hell and back, things that felt important to remember. Probably means more to me, but who knows?

    This world ended long ago.
    The thoughts that created it are no longer in the minds that loved them for a little while.


  15. “5d doesn’t exist yet, not really, but it will about 1-2 years AFTER The SHIFT. It’s a process.”

    No. Wrong. Sorry. Cat Eds.

    Teams of us have completed building Crystal Matrix cities of light, on various 5d New Earths, within the past 7 years.

    Since 2012, we have also created 7d level New Earths for the rather advanced humans on the planet right now. The ones who will be shifting instantly out of 3d/4d when fully released from the collective timeline.

    There are unlimited levels of 5d New Earths currently existing since 2011, to match any person’s frequency level.

    It is not wise to remain stubbornly ignorant of the higher levels involved here, simply because your own frequency does not rise above 4d. You are choosing over and over I’ve noticed, to severely limit your perspective.
    Because that is just your own personal vibrational ceiling. And the universe does not end, or stop, for you alone. It is not capped, because YOU to choose to be.

    And “process” is a 3d experience. Those still wanting to slowly move through a process, are weaned out of this need, as they move upwards in frequency through 4d.

    5d is the level at which you no longer desire any “process” at all.
    In fact all process-like, step-by-step gradual experiences are repugnant to you at this level….and only instant manifestation is desired, is terribly longed for. Is in fact, an insatiable craving.

  16. 5th Density
    Experiential awareness of “I” as a group identity, not bound by linear time. In this density sentient consciousness begins to awaken to its heritage. This is the density of wisdom.
    As one awakens the wisdom within, they very often want to share it with those who are still focused in the lower densities. Many from this realm choose to become guides for others. A 5th density being merges with its family of consciousness (“oversoul” or “higher self” if you will) and begins to remember.
    This is the first density in which a nonphysical orientation is experienced.

    4th Density
    Containment of volumetric awareness, super-consciousness, reintegration of group identity without loss of ego identity; as vibration increases, perception of past, present, and future become more fluid along with the ability to interface with multidimensional and multi-density realities, negatively oriented consciousness becomes more difficult to maintain.
    Presently on Earth, 4th density reality is overlapping third. In humanity’s case, this can account for the increased desire for unity, peace and unconditional love as opposed to the illusion of separation that characterizes third density.
    The vibrationary rate of one’s reality is stepped up, and therefore one may be faced with personal issues in a much more rapid and intense way.

    3rd Density
    Volumetric awareness, ego, loss of group identity, development of individual identity, ability to remember past and cognize the future while retaining present awareness. This is the density where human beings emerge. It is a vibration that creates the illusion of separation and thus a challenge toward awakening.
    Presently humanity is going thru a transition period into 4th density reality which can account for the many rapid changes the human race is undergoing.
    This is the frequency that expresses the most separation from the Whole. It is from here that many lessons about integration are learned. This is the most intense of all levels in its cultivation of growth with the Self.
    Cetaceans (dolphins and whales) presently exist simultaneously in 3rd and 4th densities and are transiting out of 3rd along with humanity.

  17. Trump said recently that he is working on fast tracking a vaccine. He also had a slip of the tongue by saying “we are working on a new wea- vaccine.” How do you explain this if he is a good guy?

  18. I am about a third of the way through ‘Disappearance Of The Universe’ and thoroughly enjoying it. It’s odd, but I keep having Deja vu moments, it’s like I’ve read this before but the book was only published in 2003 and ACIM was brought out in 1975, the year I was born (I believe?).

    I also had a wonderful dream last night. I cannot remember the details but I think, Brother J was actually in my dream showing me an exercise in how the illusion works!!! Wish I could remember it properly but woke up feeling very happy!

    It’s dawned on me just how amazing our paths are, to lead us here, to the ‘right’ place. This blog is a school in itself, I have learned so much more here than I have in my entire lifetime! What a blessing!

    Thank you so much!

    I am looking forward to receiving my hard copy of ACIM! We are ready to truly wake up! It’s magic!

    Love you ALL 🙏❤️🙏

        1. I wish You were here to see. They glow with positive energy for All. I keep them surrounded with Crystal’s. And Tinky has become the tree cat with incredible strength and balance at 9 months. Minky Is the most amazing Mother/Teacher with a great Love for Humans. Much Love/Gratitude to You & Elsie. Peace.

          1. They sound just beautiful Christopher and of course, they have a wonderful caretaker 😉

            Love & Peace & a cuddle for the kitties!

  19. Why is Trump fast tracking a vaccine if he is one of the good guys?

          1. Oh my goodness, you Cat’s are killing it today!! I haven’t laughed so much in days.

      1. Then what is it?

        I’d rather listen to Blind Faith than have it!

    1. I believe his vaccine is Light/Truth. Peace.

  20. Oh! Just looked on Amazon to track my order of ACIM and noticed the seller was called ‘Rainbowland’ !

    Is anyone else getting well and truly ‘whomped’ today?! Phew, can barely move!🤪

    Much Love ALL ❤️🙏❤️

    1. Yep my ankle, foot and knee are all giving me jip so there must be some big energy reflecting off the core.

    2. Yes I am here Schumann is wild looking I guess it makes sense.

    3. Yup. (Although that’s been s.o.p. for a while) On the other hand as I am sitting at my computer (briefly) checking in, a warm and gentle breeze wafted the intoxicating fragrance of lily-of-the-valley into my bedroom window. I think I may swoon!

      1. J, that’s beautiful! I have to say despite the body of lead, tooth pain and headaches, the sky is stunning! All shades of pink, purple and blue, just gorgeous!


  21. On a more pleasant note:

    CATs… surely there will be a future place for a photo or two of Norwegian Forest Cats – just saw pics of them yesterday – WHOA WOW WOWZERS… 🙂


      1. Hi CAT Ed’s, here is the date of my post 2020-04-30 at 5:20 pm – just for your ease of finding and reply! It clarified for you what I had requested. (I recognize that our posts here can sometimes be in a backlog, and take you while to get to them.) 😉 Thanks!

    1. I once had the pleasure to spend a few minutes with a “domesticated” Norwegian Forest Cat kitten. They’re awesome, feels very wild and dynamic compared to regular cats. To the extent that you can even find them, they are unfortunately often prohibitively expensive to buy.


    2. Kg ❤️ Oh, yes, they are such beautiful cats! A bit like Siberians I believe?

      Much Love ❤️🙏❤️

  22. Oh Kg, thanks so much for posting the Victor Borge video – so funny; a classic and I might say a great way to start the 1st of May (laughing!) and boy do I/we need it!

  23. ok, it may sound crazy, but I’m feeling that it’s time to pull away now. To remove my energy from ALL that is happening, and focus to the best of my ability on the time line that I see shining as a possibility for me, and my world with me. Too much further skating this close to the edge and I may get sucked into the fray. More than I am already 🙂 Time for that hard right. I hope I’m strong enough to withdraw, it’s so fascinating and seductive. All the mayhem.

  24. Hi All! 👋🏻
    I am super irritable today. I haven’t felt this grumpy in a while. Anyone else feel like they need to be left alone?
    ***deep breath, mantra, Hello Source***
    Love 💗 and Hugs 🤗,

    1. Aha. NOW you’re ready to sit with the CATs. If CATs were reference librarians, we’d be throwing lemons at people who come up to the desk. Grumpy! Being on duty all the time with no seeming forward momentum is tedious. At least the SuperFriends get to go do short missions on other planets once in a while for a change of pace. M5 actually said today that he longed for the days when we used to get attacked by the dark things 24/7! Now THAT’S bored! (Those times SUCKED. We had to sleep in shifts.)


      1. Thank you M7,
        I feel the no break thing, although different circumstances for me. And I was worried that my Grumpasaurus Rex 🦖 mood would get me kicked off the 4d train. I am happy that I am in good company! As for the boredom, I spent my whole early childhood being terrified and attacked by shadow people and spectral creepy crawlers. I will take boredom over that any day 🙂.
        Love 💗 and Hugs 🤗,

    2. Oh yeah, Sharon!!
      Yesterday I had a horrible day. Everything bothers me, even angry with myself. Irritable. I felt like the Grinch.
      Maybe not sleeping well because I feel like electric ants through my legs and arms doesn’t help. Despite giving baths with Epson, grounding and asking Brother J to appear with a bottle of pesticide powders for animals of this type … hehehe !!

      Today I´m better. It comforts me to know that I am not the only one in this state. I was concerned that this would lower my vibration level and pull me out of the 4d elevator.
      By the way, many dreams of elevators, trains, and escalators.
      Tonight I was going up in an elevator that took us to the Christ of the Sugar Loaf of Brazil. It was beautiful.
      Cristina 😉

      1. Hello Cristina,
        I am so happy you feel better today! I feel better, too. 🌞
        What a beautiful dream! I would love to see that! I would also love to visit the crystal mines of Mina Gerais. A few of my favorite crystals came from there.
        Love 💗 and Hugs 🤗,

  25. It’s so exciting to see so many of my family, as y’all are to me, deciding to get into ACIM! My dad introduced it to me in the early 80s. I started with the Manual for Teachers (because I was rebellious and terminally unique!) and found many of the answers to the same questions y’all are asking now as newbies. And it took me about 18 months to complete the lessons, as some of them I chose to stay with for more than just one day and sometimes I rebelled against it and needed to take a break. And that’s OK! Just plod on at your own pace. I also let the Course and Uncle Ho (I LOVE that, Cats!) guide me thru the text. I did start at page 1, but when I had a question, such as what is the Holy Spirit, I’d look through the chapter headings and let myself be drawn to read that chapter “out of order.” I was guided to do the lessons again a couple of years ago and am sometimes stunned at how they’ve changed! (Couldn’t be I’m changed, could it?!!!) Now, I get a daily email with the day’s lesson – to help me remember, sometimes to meditate on, sometimes to ignore. The advice my dad gave me was to be easy with the Course, and be easy with yourself. As has been suggested, invite Bro J and Uncle Ho to join you. Don’t “expect” anything and be easy if nothing seems to happen. It DOES happen, regardless of recognizing it now or in hind-sight. Blessings on your wonderful journey back to SOURCE!

  26. Secret time! (though we’ve mentioned this before):

    You may recall MEGALODON, the giant prehistoric shark that lived millions of years ago? Well, it’s ALIVE and bigger than ever, living between 500-/1500-foot depth, about 20-100 mi. off the Southeast Coast of Greenland. We suggest the ca8al go and make its acquaintance.

    This pic is misleading: They’re BIGGER now; 70-80′ long on avg., with biggies at 100’+. Black on top, light grey on the bottom; it blends perfectly. AND… it’s smart.

    Note: Please don’t go hunting for this sucker, because there is something even scarier beneath; one keeps the other in check. AND there’s something even scarier beneath THAT. You’d never go into the water again. All men are equal in the sea: Bite-sized.

    -CAT Eds.

    [Note: FYI, we edited the size numbers. We were comparing it to a bus, but we had different buses in mind!]

    1. Btw, we just put this out there for fun, not to cause fear… unless you’re foolish enough to tangle with these things.

      You could TRY to wrestle with Gabriel, but we don’t recommend it. (He’s BIG, and looks tough.)

      -CAT Eds.

      1. Is there another Sharnado type movie in the works with this one, lol


    2. Oh HELL no; please tell me they don’t go anywhere near Hawaii! I’m likely to do a dolphin redux and want nothing to do with that critter. I was uneasy the one time I got into mile-deep water, and utterly refused to swim with the ‘cute’ little hammerheads (although the vast majority of the group had no such qualms)…..

        1. Oh, I thought giant prehistoric sharks and attorneys pretty much left each other alone; professional courtesy and all, ya know?

        2. @CATs Eds,lol attorney fish food – made me think of Robert Heinlein’s ongoing literary references to the attorney species, esp Jubal Harshaw’s constant opinions (excepting him of course, Jubal was a special case…)
          – btw just my opinion, but anyone who harps about Robert Heinlein being a misogynist in his writings either never READ his books and stories or is an idjet… seems nothing riles me more than people picking on Jubal… or Lazurus…, just sayin’


      1. I can’t do deep water at all for some weird reason; I just feel really uncomfortable and sensory overloaded, like I’m scanning the whole thing and picking up more than I can deal with. Tried surfing a couple of times, doesn’t work for me. Kayaks, same thing. Even bigger boats where you can barely feel what’s going on rub me the wrong way. I’m perfectly fine with heights though, the higher the better, but that’s different since I can see everything.


          1. That’s the weird thing, I know what drowning, or at least almost drowning feels like; and it’s not from this life. A friend once told me she remembered us surviving a ship wreck together, long long ago. And I know what almost going down with a ship feels like as well, so that might be it. Can’t wait for my visual sensitivity to be plugged in, it’s really weird to feel and know without it; though I guess this arrangement was for good reasons.


    3. I am sure there are more deep-sea creatures thought to be extinct or even just legendary, that are in fact quite real and existing today.

      There are numerous videos showing divers interacting with coelacanths. Rediscovered in 1938 after being thought extinct for 66 million years, small populations of coelocanths still exist in areas around the Indian Ocean. The top of their undersea habitat is just about at the limit of human diving capabilities.

    4. Think this comment may pop up twice, apologies if it does, having problems with phone. Was just saying how my viewing list will probably just have Laura Whitworth in it from now on, just love her energy. Will spend more time (when time permits!) on reading and meditation ❤️ Not the most interesting comment but hey! ❤️🙏❤️

      1. Hmmm, not sure why my comment popped up here! Apologies, my phone has been acting super weird lately!


    5. Good grief! Please tell me these creatures are not coming to NE?! I was hoping to start swimming again!

      Much Love ❤️🙏❤️

  27. Ok, going to share this – was maybe just going to mention this, but seems I will do something else: will paste her ‘in description memo’ (LONG) – has time stamp info of what’s covered – I think she did a good job – we all have different backgrounds with diff.perspectives. I like she mentioned respecting others process and not dumping on people irrespective of their ability to emotionally handle info – other things I liked considering certain visiting infomanators and opinions… 🙂
    Might be especially good for semi – or medium noobies…
    love to all
    > Important teaching on duality to counteract and put into context a lot of material out there on darkness right now. Evil has many new names at present and is also being politicised by some (it actually has no allegiance to any creed other than itself). Many are sharing alleged (but unproven in a court of law) faces and names online to awaken us to evil BUT we need to GO BEYOND that to the next level…..waking up to darkness is just a stepping stone to much bigger truths and they all require YOU to do inner work – projection, blame game, finger pointing and calling out OTHERS will not take us anywhere,and is the separation game loop hole that has kept us in this duality consciousness for thousands of years.

    God is in control of justice – we are simply asked to work on ourselves….if you choose to not run from that here are the time stamps to the teaching (a meditation video linked to this work will follow next week where you are met by two aspects of yourself – a lifetime where you were Hero and one where you played the Villain): Thank you to all who join me – let’s do this ….

    05:30 – Blessing of Wisdom / Calling in our Higher Self

    08:00 What is Duality? Why is it the current operating system on our planet? Experiencing Separation and then journey back to God. Being exiled from Eden.

    13:50 When does Duality stop? Light & Dark different sides of the same coin until we make a different choice…

    17:30 We have been both Light and Dark – Past lives, Two opposing camps – two different choices

    22:20 Remembering you have been both Dark and Light , two camps of tired soldiers, put down the ‘game’, when is it OVER?

    26:40 – Star Wars Darth Vader

    30:00 All the World’s a Stage and all the people merely players
    The Great Awakening is not what you think it is …..flip of a coin decides which side we are on – the REAL Awakening is integrating and understanding BOTH as aspects of you
    Remembering all your past lives – dominoes falling

    38:00 Red Pill, Blue Pill, Violet Pill – Take off the rose coloured spectacles and see who you really are….then the game stops

    49:50 Darkness showcases the light – a request by Metatron to stop running from yourself and your shadow.

    59:33 Respect other peoples awakening and process – don’t push stage 1 Red Pill on others – you have an aftercare responsibility if you do so.

    1:04 Moving to Unity Consciousness and Non Duality – ‘Getting out of the way’ / Not throwing the first stone

    1:09 Sage Burn, Forgiveness Blessing for Solace & Hope

    Video 2 to follow will be the healing meditation

    1. PS. to video post – my computer erased some small part of typing right before my ‘signature’ before I hit the post button… no prob… just my love thing; here’s two <3 <3 and my Kg and Amanda Ellis's name and title of video (it's on the video anyway…


      1. Synchronicity, especially when so many of us are picking up ACIM, Amanda talks of forgiveness, the end of duality, realising unity consciousness etc…When so many will be focusing on ‘dark’ deeds it is good to remember we have ALL been ‘good’ and ‘bad’ at some point and it’s time to play a different fiddle, the forgiveness fiddle! Apologies, i am not at my best at the moment, clumsy with words and feeling a bit spaced out. Things feel very different today.

        Much Love ALL ❤️🙏❤️

  28. All roads into Gallup NM are closed by order of the governor? What’s going down in Gallup, or that area of NM? This drastic measure has quite the sound of desperation to it? A major “Time to Tell the Truth” event? Unless I’m mis-remembering, there’s a lot of underground stuff in that area: big tunnels, etc.

    1. @jj… I’m in a different area of the state, but yesterday eve/night?(4/30) there was either single fireworks on repeat or extended gunfire, probably within 1/2 mile of us – not the poppppooop of fireworks display – wouldn’t have been allowed anyway, but more like a VERY extended military saluting at funeral – very wrong time of day for it and wrong direction from the BIG veterans cemetery – no idea – maybe just someone with very bad case of cabin fever – no sirens following… ??


    2. @CATs Eds & jj….
      Just after I hit the post of my comment about shots or fireworks in my location, in response to jj’s comment concerning road closure in NM I got a ?triggered? body response and some ‘feeling’ concerning some underground things that happened to me under a certain higher learning facility I attended (don’t want to reference it, but was in the sunset direction a bit away from D3nv3r.) – then got the hugest headache – still have it and a semi-mild(maybe) cringing down into myself body thing going on – these are things I’ve chosen not to have conscious memory of, but have had highly emotional reactions following references to that time… ugh…like now…soo, don’t know if there is a similar activity (I’m searching for a specific word… ) action? going on in that location or just a memory trigger…
      just got big breath… Going to go breathe SOURCE and do some long repetitions of the I AMs Mantra…AND ask for some assistance with dreams tonight… oh my…

      love is all…

  29. Ok, I have a new personal meter regarding timing and the Shift.

    From the remarkable increase in frequency and length of CATs comments in the last … 2 weeks or so I think?…. SOMEthing MUST be different for all these collective reveals appearing. Even IF all CATS and Ms are more fed up with waiting than most.

    Feels like an indicator to me anyway. That lovely multi-faceted word ‘Soon’…. :)))

      1. Oh you guys!! Haha. Nice teaser.

        The J and co info has MADE my week (life?🤣). So awesome to hear about him up close and personal. I knew i always was fascinated, and always held on to HIM at least a little , even when i hod to reject religion. It was confusing and heartbreaking with what has been done in his name.

        Anyway, but what a tickler to hear about his sense of humor etc. THAT was hardly if ever hinted at. “…you might want to take notes” still crackin me up.

        The whole Source extension info mind blowing. Totally fascinating. Im gonna be reading THAT over a few times. And, I feel i want to make a chart…maybe a genealogy kinda chart.

        2 questions unrelated to above, ( for which i do have questions, curiosities, want more but will wait to see if Course text fills me in.)….. you’ve probably addressed these before i discovered this group:
        1. CATS, Ms – what’s the difference? And, how many.
        2. Could you describe the protection you advise?

        A whole lot more but i know you guys must be busy. Big thanks for all of this!



        1. We don’t mean to tease. Some info is too sensitive.

          1. CATs: 12
          2. M’s: 7

          M’s can see farther, and “hear” more clearly. But all CATs have unusual talents.

          -CAT Eds.

          1. Thanks for clarification. !

            ( just teasing about the teaser. 😉)


  30. just out had to share link at bottom if anyone else wondered what it sounded like [SNIP]
    QANON Schumann Resonance to Sound.
    Q University
    a little too intense late at night heads up

    1. Uhhh, I just realized now how long is that link, not sure why, what is your opinion about that channeling and that information there, at first I was suspicious as it is on FB, but I got a good vibe, so I continued with following that Michael on his FB, will see, any opinions ?

  31. The past 2 nights I’ve been remembering snippets of dream moments. I can sense they are on the New Earth. I just have moments of seeing one person at a time for a few seconds. Like there was a dark haired guy with a short beard looked sorta Russian, maybe in his 40s…seemed important, maybe 5th density. He appeared like you see people doing podcasts on youtube…facing me. I saw others who seemed important like him of both genders but that was 2 nights ago and my dream memory fades rather quick after I get up so I don’t recall the looks of the others. Last night I saw more people. One was a brunette light skinned woman sitting at a table a few feet from me, as if we were in a cafe or restaurant. Another moment I recall an older black gentleman with at least half his hair grey was preparing some sort of sandwich wraps in a kitchen and I was beside him watching and there was a table. Over the last few weeks i have had dreams of common areas like cafeterias with other people. The last 2 nights I don’t recall any blonde, red or even light brown haired people…genetically it looked like Mediterranean/Jewish/Arab/Persian/Russian/African types.

    My strong feeling is this is either a facility on New Earth or a ship or some 3rd location where me and these others are being prepped for New Earth. Regardless things are heating up folks!

  32. I have a question Cats if I may… if we are all actually living many lives at once on different timelines, could half the commenters here actually be the same person not knowing it? Are the ones commenting here the “main” person or are all of our different lives as important as this one – or how do we know? Are we split up so we find our one self, or what is the reason for living on so many timelines at once? Thanks, this is really confusing to me.

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