Meterage 7-6 to 7-11-20 [UPDATE8]


We’ve had another CME…

…this one at a 90-degree angle to the Earth:


Here’s the list of recents and times (the one above is missing, at 23:49 UTC):

Screen Shot 2020-07-05 at 10.36.22 PM

And we had another sun waggle five hours later…

Astronomers deleted this event from the other feeds we usu. check, but missed this one.

…and a terrestrial VLF spike the exact same time:

So we CAN hear/feel those waggles.

More later.



And there’s our meditation… and SOURCE visiting just now:

Screen Shot 2020-07-06 at 8.57.23 AM

Seems we have vacated one whole… level? timeline?… and moved everyone up. We’re checking on that. Meters are becoming less reliable because they’re 3d meters.


More energy coming in:

Screen Shot 2020-07-07 at 10.03.33 AMScreen Shot 2020-07-07 at 10.03.45 AM

Remember: Keep those vibes high. Don’t look at the mayhem. Take solace in absurdity.



And another CME, this one almost earth-facing:


Despite the heavy energy, be sure to go into meditation and get through it all as best you can. Afterward, you should feel lighter.


Sorry for the delay. CATs are scattered like ten pins. The energy coming from portals last night felt like the business end of Saturn V rocket motors.

FYI, we are currently in Spirit’s/SOURCE’s “timeline selection” mode for various people:

Screen Shot 2020-07-08 at 4.58.44 PM



Check this out. This odd oval is an energy shockwave from a recent Portal One blast (part of the reason CATs are knocked out).


Another CME.


FYI, lots of CATs fell asleep when the previous one bumped into the earth:

Screen Shot 2020-07-07 at 9.25.08 PM


And another CME from the same region:

We might expect some energy effects from this around 7/15.


Heads-up. Things are looking WHOMP-y.








So many anomalies, so little time:

Another jump.
Another zap.






Solar instability, then a jump. We’re in a timeline jump right now.

And then we have the conventioneers:


ET roll call.


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334 thoughts on “Meterage 7-6 to 7-11-20 [UPDATE8]

  1. Can you guys tell when this mask idiocy is going to go away? For such a small thing, it really is insidious and obnoxious; a tiny torture device for those who are awake. People are guessing they’ll go away after the election, which just seems so far away. Although, time has been passing by at a stupefying rate; not sure if it’s just me?

    1. [sigh] We don’t know. We know that all hell will break loose in November, what one person’s Guides referred to as “the final speed bump.” Luckily, we’re supposed to go to the NE *before* the vaccinations thing. We’re trying to keep away from all the madness.

      -CAT Eds.

    2. hi, @ Kolibri,
      i take it for a final test,
      for separating sane from the insane.
      Just as patently absurd, as the toilet paper test.

  2. Hmmm, well I had a dream last night that I was with a guy I used to date who worked for NASA and gave birth to two spiders…What the…?!! 😳😝😬

    Much Love ALL ❤️🙏❤️

      1. ark2arcturus ❤️ Don’t blame you! That one was just too weird! Spiders stay out of my dreams and stay out of our house especially my bedroom! So be it. so be it and SO IT IS!

        Much Love ❤️🙏❤️

      1. Cat Eds and Ms ❤️ Hahahaha! Yes! They also looked very un-alive which I was not too upset about!

        Much Love xxx

  3. Strangest noises coming from outside. I’ve heard them before but not so ‘close’. It sounds like a giant blowing over the top of a glass!

    Everything feels extraordinarily ‘still’.


    Much Love & Light ALL ❤️🙏❤️

    1. I went to take my dog out the whole neighborhood smelled like cat food that’s a new one lol.

      1. Maybe another fish was hit by a car. See them in the strangest places these days. Peace

  4. Yeah!!!!

    Much Love ALL, that wonderful world is coming! It is! So be it, so be it and SO IT IS! We are the Love, We are the Light, We are The Rainbow Pillars, We are One, May ALL world host Love! ❤️ If I could hold that moment, that blissful moment I feel NOW in each and every moment, no darkness could ever find it’s way in…There is just too much light!

    Whenever I feel like this, I feel the shadows get frustrated, because they cannot join me or us!


    1. All the Girls on this site Are Rainbow Lights of Beauty, Know It. I Am Proud to Be Here. Peace.

      1. Christopher. Lovely message thank you. As one of the girls I would like to say we have some pretty special guys here too. ☺️💖😊

        1. yes, @ Newlynn,
          shall we call them Rainbow Lights of Wisdom?
          …caring and kind, humorous and knowledgeable.
          Plus CATs & Ms!
          We lucky girls.

          1. This is why so many CATs (we recently discovered) like the character Newt Scamander in the latest set of Potter films. He is that rarest of beings in American films, an actual male role model: He’s his own man, listens to his own counsel; does pretty much whatever he wants; has a heart — AND a conscience; sensitive AND tough. We female CATs really appreciate seeing our own male CATs in a movie. 😉

            -CAT Eds.

        2. Newlynn ❤️ I second that! 😉🤗😊

          Much Love to ALL 😊🌈❤️🙏❤️🌈😊

  5. Trying to stay positive and avoid all the outside chaos but it keeps creeping in. Long story short, husband and I both have covid. We’re at home and have no fear or anxiety around it. Would really appreciate any light & good vibes though. Thanks CATs and everyone for being here.

    1. I guess I should have said tested “positive”, but it really feels more like a bad stomach flu. Hard to know what is real and what isn’t. This whole 3d collapsing thing is crazy, I feel like we’re living in upside down land.

      1. Husband went to VA emergency room because he was not getting well and employer required a doctor’s note to return to work. They tested him and did some blood work. I can avoid the test, as long as symptoms don’t get worse and I need to go in. With the energies and ascension symptoms overlapping with this flu thing, everything feels so bizarre. I feel spacey, like my heads in the clouds. What did the CATs call it, nebulous?

        1. @Brigitteann333❤️

          sending you so much love and good energy of healing
          for you and dear husband❤️🌈❤️

        2. @Brigitteann333, sending love and healing your way! I read somewhere that the people who develop stomach symptoms typically don’t end up with bad complications. Stomach flu is never fun though! Lots of hugs!

        3. Hello Brigitteann333: here in Spain we have had and still have the C-bug in our daily life. I do not watch TV, but I know that the media do not stop talking about infections and scaring and confusing people. Well, I personally do not know anyone who has tested positive, but I do know someone with infected relatives. It is a marriage, and both tested positive. This was about three months ago. He had two weeks with a very bad flu, and one day he passed out from the fever (he wasn’t even in bed curing his flu, he kept moving and doing work until then) . So they called 911. Well, in short, he was hospitalized in solitary confinement for a week and then went home already perfect. He described it as a bad flu: if it hadn’t been for the fainting they wouldn’t have called the doctor! She was always at home, and had no symptoms. They are both perfectly fine. Oh, and they are elderly. So take it easy. A big hug for both of you (without mask)

        4. Hello brigitteann,
          Sending you and your husband lots of love and healing. I hope yall feel better soon!
          Hugs 🤗

        5. Much Healing Love Is for the “Two of You”. 3 drops of (buffered w/grapeseed oil 3-1)oil of Oregano in back of throat, morning and night. Follow with juice or choice drink. Too Your well-being! Peace.

        6. @brigitteann333

          (((((HUGS))))))!!! Love ❤️and healing light 🌈is on the way to you and your husband! All is well! ❤️❤️❤️❤️


    2. Brigitteann333 ❤️ Sending so much Love and Light and Healing ❤️🙏☀️🙏❤️

  6. Sigh! Ya’ know, the SOURCE Presence is growing ever stronger here at the farm, but I’m still having a hard time in dealing with the moment by moment minutiae of the day. I’m up to taking 2 naps daily. The dreams are becoming more lucid. One of these times I’ll wake up to reality instead of this ever increasingly annoying 3d world. (end of rant)

  7. Torrential rains headed our way in NY today, the place could use a cleansing, Looking forward to dancing in the rain, and sending out some rainbow spheres.. We are the Light, we are the Love, We Are! ❤️🙏🏽🥰💫

    1. In NW Pa it rained off and on, more on. It was great, for My Garden shows the most incredible Gratitude. Plants shot up 6-8″ in a day. That’s a lot of stored up energy. Our Capitol could use a good scrubbing! Full of themselves, forgot how to Love. Peace.

  8. this is from Lisa Renee ( not all is in my view good that comes from this side, to much overloaded with stuff to fill the mind) but about the SUN:

    Currently, the sun is consistently firing off the strongest solar flares we have experienced, which science measures as X class flares, falling into the category of the most intense levels of solar explosions. In less than two weeks the sun has released over 28 solar flares, with some of the most powerful coronal mass ejections that have reached the earth. Coronal Mass Ejections (CME’s) are a mass of charged particles and magnetic field energy that bursts from the sun like a volcanic eruption. Coronal mass ejections interact with Earth’s ionosphere, which change the shape and direction of the magnetic field, as well as generate geomagnetic storms, auroras and increase the range of the earth’s plasma fountain. It is clear evidence we are undergoing an intense Solar Initiation of radiating plasmic light, ❤️🌈❤️which is rapidly progressing humanities evolution or digression, on our chosen spiritual journey upon this earth.❤️🌈❤️

    the eneries coming from the sun and the sun behind (Great Central Sun) will set us free. We will ascend to NE ❤️🌈❤️

    The Schuman Resonance is getting more and more spikes and white outs and never lover than 35 as basis. All this gamma waves brings us the freedom…. recieve recieve recieve he he….

    I am the light, I am the love, I am

    love Alnilam ❤️🌈❤️

    1. This is not true. The last big X-flare happened in 2017 and since then, we had one M-class flare at the end of May this year, which is still far from X. Every other CME in the last three years was A-class, the lowest possible. You can jump from day to day here and see for yourself. I’m still searching for “earth’s plasma fountain” and “plasmic light”, but I’m afraid, these will remain an unsolved mystery for me. The notion, that the Schumann Resonance is having more and more spikes and whiteouts recently, is not correct. When you look through the archives, you will see, that all this has also happened in the years before, just think about the big 24 hour whiteouts last year and the year before… All I’m interested in is the truth and I have no intention or interest in blaming anyone, so please… I personally would stay away from that website, because they are definitely lying.

        1. I’m not a stupid person and I’ve never understood a word on that website. So I stopped trying! Word salad is inedible.

      1. Not true?
        it’s true
        it’s not true
        staying away from Lisa Renees website?

        It’s true, there is a connection to Ashayana Deane and as I know her books The Voyagers, I stay definitly away from this website.

        Anyway what is true?
        my hare Pedro, he knows the truh and I will have a good convestation about this night in my dreams…. maybee we have some noctilucend clouds to dance together in the fields.

          1. @-CAT Eds.

            I absolutly agree. So much misinfo outside
            I think the graphs can tell some truth
            I trust in my intuition – I also can feel X waves in my teeths
            and at this moment for example I really feel strange. So you posted today the confirmation above!

            love Alnilam ❤️🌈❤️

            1. @-CAT Eds.

              I absolutly agree. So much misinfo outside
              I think the graphs can tell some truth
              I trust in my intuition – I also can feel X waves in my teeths
              and at this moment for example I really feel strange. So you posted today the confirmation above!


              love Alnilam ❤️🌈❤️

  9. Sadly, I see no resistance around here when I go out. And I’m one very quiet person that is allergic to confrontation or making a scene, so I wear my dumb mask with the mustache on it below my nose and exude as much good will as possible. I shudder to think of what it will take to wake the sleepers, if the truth about the children doesn’t come out soon.

  10. For the past 6 months I’ve been getting a stronger and stronger yearning to go home. I hope it’s a sign the shift is really close.

      1. Hope that’s a good thing. I don’t understand the terminology. I assume it’s from baseball, but we don’t have it in my country.

        1. You’re only 90 feet away from home base — but you have to wait for your third base coach to give the signal to go… 😉

  11. Today’s WHOMP-y report from the farm: I’ll try to paint a picture with words. Did stuff all day, had the obligatory 2 naps and, of course, the obligatory lattes. Just your typical W-day. The good part comes this evening. First I will report that it got up to 78 degrees F with a pleasant breeze. I was able to take off my sweater, knit cap AND my long underwear! After a delightful dinner of garlic sauteed shrimp on a bed of mixed greens, I had a piece of lemon cheesecake smothered with freshly picked strawberries. M-m-m good! As I was putting around, I stopped in front of the perennial garden and feasted my eyes. There are countless deep glowing red echinaceas in bloom backed with a sea of brilliant red crocosmia. Lest we forget the daylilies in countless profusion as well as nepeta and salvia, oh my! The daylilies are mostly yellows w/ some pinks mixed in. Too many named varieties to remember. I forgot to add the best part! The hummingbirds absolutely love the crocosmias. There are at least 30 of the little buggers zipping around. What delightful antics! Last, but not least, as you go up the hill and around the corner, the eye catches on the hundreds of stately astilbes in mass groups. Whew! Lotsa work walking you ALL through my day. Oh, just got an e-mail notice that the new rhododendrons have shipped today. I didn’t mention that last fall’s new beds weren’t adequate, so they got enlarged this week Har! Anyway, ALL, next week should bring peak bloom for some stuff, so hopefully the drone will return some eye-popping footage. Stay tuned- Same CAT channel. (All in all, not a bad WHOMP day! Cheers

    1. Thank you, J – your ‘tour’ has helped me immensely – today had some rough patches in the practicalities of life modes…. thank you…
      pS: I'm basking in your 'heat wave' – I don't do well in heat and I'm on the South side – luckily just one window – it's been around 95 d F last few days – looking forward to the cloudy weather due in a few days – I dampened a washcloth and draped it diamond-wise over my little canine caretaker's head and down her spine – she left it on for hrs – so hot – she's been acting worried toward me today esp, so I'm following her 'dictates'. 😀
      much love,

    2. J,
      Some of us are waiting around for your drone footage of 5D Earth to offset throwing in the towel on 3D. Keep them coming. Cay

  12. whomp onto new thread-j above had a good day mine was similar but now 1 am and wired at 2 m kw-was focused on healing and try to sleep and one of the cats requested to come in-its started raining and i thought why not-but she moved strange and then i noticed she had caught a rat-what a chase-and then more-and more chasing and trying to outthink her-now gotta move a bunch of stuff-been putting it off and working outside before the monsoons-but now i guess i got my weekend planned-by my cat-tonight at least i am energized and super clear-what does the whamp mean??? this state is total 180 that the other recent bursts-and also noticed that energy times have also changed from light outside lots of get up and go till the uv too high-but now the nights and darkness seem to be pure clear energy and no matter how many melatonin i take my body burns it off and out and just energy flows-

      1. Cat Eds ❤️ I know exactly what you mean and absolutely no offense to Blossom either. I think she’s brilliant. It’s just the channelings sounds almost robotic, so sorry to say that. I really do like Blossom and would happily sit down and have a cuppa and a chat and giggle with her…

        Ooooh, I need to PM you CATs, just remembered!

        Much Love ❤️🙏❤️

        1. ❤️ @Lilly Love ❤️

          I appreciated the last channeling very much and wrote Blossom.
          From time to time I write her to say thank you for her being here and that she shall stay strong, cause we are the ones we were waiting for.

          I told her about the rabbit and that he was even digging a hole but it didn,t work and that the rabbit showed me to not fall in the rabbit hole of low frequency (fear based news) and that I stopped.

          Blossom replied to me:

          “What a message for you …and indeed us all .
          Many thanks

          Love Alnilam❤️🙏❤️

          1. Alnilam ❤️ I do appreciate all Blossom’s channelings, I always get excited when I see a new one pop into my inbox. I’ve sent a couple of donations to Blossom in the past as I think she’s pretty amazing!

            I don’t know what it was with the most recent one. I guess I was hoping for some big news but of course, there can only be big news when something actually happens! I realise the problem may be with myself perhaps feeling a little flat and tired etc….I’m sure I will re-read it and feel differently in a day or so!

            Your rabbit is very wise indeed 😉🐰❤️

            So much Love & Light 🙏❤️❤️

      2. Indeed. Thank you for that, CAT Eds. Burnt to a crisp. Just up now from a two hour TTMB. I have been on the verge of tears for two days now. I had to venture out into the masked world this morning to get my first haircut in 6 months, three times postponed. Bizarro World. It was so nice to see (the eyes only) of my wonderful hairdresser and have a conversation with someone other than the Muggle I live with. But I did shed tears when I got in the car to return home. I. just. can’t. anymore.

        1. @ lauraksmi

          I am sorry ….(((((HUGS)))) ❤️❤️❤️❤️
          It will be over soon….Please keep shining!!!


        1. All Ways loved childhood Saturday mornings at the YMCA w/Looney Tunes fresh baked cin sticky rolls. Peace.

    1. I love how they simultaneously say they do and don’t Know the timing of events.
      If you can measure the order of events, you are measuring time.

      I think the truth is, we aren’t allowed to know when things will happen.

  13. I wish I would get a non-media sign that this is all real.

    Everyone sees ghosts, strange lights, strange things in the sky, fairies, spirits, the NE, aliens, etc…
    Everyone, except me.

    Everything in MSM and on the internet can be easily faked.

      1. Your reply only proves my point.
        YOU have. Everyone else has.
        I, on the other hand, have not.
        All I ask for is personal proof, but never get any.

          1. Thanks for the cop-out answer.
            I have been meditating for almost my whole life.
            I’ve been striving for it my whole life.
            I’m 40 and have been meditating daily for a minimum total of 1 hour per day for 30 years.
            Yet nothing.

            1. Hi anonymous,
              Please start with this. I Trust Life. Say it as often as you need to. Even if you don’t believe it. Then Pay Attention, and follow the breadcrumbs. No one can do it for you.

          2. Are you not understanding, what Anonymous wrote?
            Your answers are arrogant and heartless and absolutely not reflecting the reality of many of us. I’m sorry, but I have to slaughter the holy cow of all New Age and Old Age doctrines… it’s not the amount of hours per day, the amount of years, or even lifetimes sitting in meditation, even if your wishful thinking is suggesting this as the Ultima Ratio. When I look into indigenous cultures, there is never any talk about meditation, but they all use fasting, trance techniques and the various plants, that have the ability to open these doors. I have visions from time to time, but it has nothing to do with meditation. It’s more related to the intensity of my focus on a specific topic and the amount of passion I give into it… quite the opposite of what is called meditation, I would say. How you can say “You have to strive for it… meditate two ours a day for the next 30 years”, to someone who has already done this for decades, without getting the desired results, is beyond me…

            1. Indeed we do understand. We were merely suggesting the commenter redouble their efforts. One has to increase one’s vibration to have the experiences this person craves, and more importantly open themselves to SOURCE. There is no quick-fix, no fast-track to ‘proof.’ It takes time. Your goal isn’t to become a psychic. These are merely side benefits. Your main goal is getting closer and more in tune with your SOURCE connection, which is already there, inside you. You can do this through many means, meditation being the fastest. We also suggest turning off all external (dark channel) stimulus, and esp. turning off all wireless devices at night (including your WIFI router and phones). You can also ‘eat light’, veggies and fruit, etc. — or fasting is even better. Drink clean water. Avoid alcohol and soft drinks and anything with chemicals. There are many paths to SOURCE. No one path is the right one. And saying you’re 40 and that you’ve been meditating for 30 years means you started meditating at 10, which we doubt. Please note that we “read” everyone here, and give certain responses to certain people for certain purposes. Some people need kid gloves; some need a two-by-four. Tough love works well. Everything we do we do for a reason.

              -CAT Eds.

            2. We are not holy men/women on top of a mountain. We are Guardians and anchors. We also answer questions and guide as much as we can. We aren’t magicians. If people want to experience things of The Spirit, they have to work for it, often over many many lifetimes. This is what time is for. No work in this regard is ever wasted, but is instead stored up indefinitely till you reach the next milestone. This is true for everyone in this universe.


            3. Well, CAT’S have its on humor, something like from a Monty Python, and I understand it as a fun off Monty Python, even the English is not my language, but the message behind that is what is important, to double the effort, not how it was said, at least in my opinion ✨

              I myself am latecomer, I started properly meditating maybe only last 6 months using there primer, and I also during normal meditation rearly see anything extraordinary, but my main goal is to connect with source, Brother J, my guides and all benevolent ET around us, then to balance the incoming energies, which is very helpful.

              But only few times in standard meditation I got direct messages from my guides or anything unusual, but almost every time I could feel my head, crown and third eye chakra energized, and that last zapping with white flash was something out off normal, also I do feel sometimes energies around me, mostly good ones, and that is about all, but I was not meditating to see or experience something extraordinary, if You are doing meditation only to experience that, in my opinion it is for a wrong reason, but, we all have a free will, we are all different, soo… ✨

              Another thing is when I meditate to do some task as a part off CAT’S group, which I am honored and privileged to be, only then I really experience really crazy stuff, but with putting a lot off intention and energy doing it, I am happy doing it ✨

              But we are all different, some are orientated more to the spiritual side and experience more from that realm, others, like me, are more orientated to the craft up there, and experience more off that sort off stuff, but off course it is not exclusive thing, I do experience a lot off stuff from the spiritual realm, but there are others here who experience it on a much higher level, more often, but that is how it is, I do not have envy to them, quite the opposite, I am happy for them, as I think they are happy for my often craft experience ✨

              I guess it all comes to a reason why we are here, at this time particularly, some are to help on spiritual side after the Shift, some are to help on a craft and from them, as I see myself doing, but again, it is not 100% exclusive role, but, some are more inclined to one role then the other, well, that is how I see it, but off course, I can be totally wrong 😉

              I started to feel strongly the ascension symptoms maybe 2-3 years ago, but I always felt special connection to stars, space, Sci-Fi movies, and I did had very close encounter with a craft as a teenager, I guess there was some deeper reason for me to see that craft from 100m distance, so my suggestion to the Unknown could be that even he does not get nothing extraordinary while meditating, maybe he should use that very well known term “Eye to the Sky”, maybe that is more a future role for him, just a suggestion, do not kill the messenger 😉✨

              I am expecting enormous number off spelling errors, as well a lot off grammar mistake, but this was a long to write on a phone, soo, bear with me 👍


        1. Pay attention to Your peripheral vision, those things that catch Your attention, yet are not there! We All see them! Takes intention to see clearly, As I feel/smell them, occasionally See. Peace.

    1. It’s ok anon, I’m pretty muggle when it comes to seeing the cool stuff too- But I’m now more attuned to how I’m feeling personally and I feel it’s close now. Also major deja vu have been happening quite recently.

    2. Try not to worry about it. I’ve never seen anything either; not everyone is clairvoyant. You may have one of the other “clairs”; there’s a link to a list of them at the top of the CATs website. If I have any of them, it’s most likely clairsentience, which is just knowing without knowing how you know. Damned frustrating when you just want to see something, but there it is.

      1. Hey, that’s great! Didn’t know, that this is even a thing, but that’s what I experience quite often… I know, suddenly, out of the blue and then I know, that I know… it’s not something I would be able to explain and it is not the best idea, to say “I just know”, as you will be called a lunatic, or poseur immediately. I’ve managed to call it intuition for now, but it’s much more profound than that, as I would never ever question that topic again…

        1. I Know! You know? Been called crazy, etc. My whole life by family(12 siblings). Just recently 1 is waking after I taught her how to heal Herself(arthritis and heart problems). Peace.

      2. I wrote my comment yesterday on my phone but could not post. It just would not
        move. So here I go again!

        I think that it is important for us to remember that we are here, at this unique
        point in time, for a particular reason. Much as it is hard for some to believe, we
        each have a special purpose, that is part of the plan that Source is bringing into
        manifestation. Some people, I have known, have amazing psychic gifts but were
        not very spiritual. Others may be very spiritual but not seem to have demonstrable psychic ability. For some, just being here and holding a high
        frequency, (I have been told I am one of these) for the transition of Earth, are living
        their purpose. Others may act like energy transformers, bringing high energy
        through themselves, to a frequency that becomes more readily accessible.

        Let’s not compare what we consider to be our abilities of lack thereof, and instead
        have gratitude that Source has chosen us to be here and to be of service to our Mother Earth and all of her children; mineral, plant, animal, human, aquatic,
        and all of the deva and elemental beings. I am the Light, I am the Love, I am.

        With love to all,


    3. You don’t need “supernatural” proof that this is the End Time, just read the Bible and compare it to today’s headlines. At this point, it’s blatantly obvious to even the most practical-minded person that something unprecedented and really, really strange is happening on this planet.

      Personally, I don’t see UFOs or fairies or whatnot in real life either. If you want to see such things, they are happening at another vibrational level which you can access by training your mind to focus on it.

      However, the whole Luciferian agenda is out in plain view in front of everyone’s noses. It is a truly astonishing sight to behold. I feel really privileged to live in this era and see it all coming to pass. For thousands of years, people lived out their lives waiting for this prophecy to materialize…and finally here it is!

    4. There is a great deal of fakery, there is also truth out there. I hear you. When there are no obvious signposts it can feel like you are wading through a whole lot of confusion. Who do I trust? which path should I take?

      Are you able to be really quiet with yourself and have no expectations, just sit and breath, preferably somewhere quiet and green, or by the sea…

      When you expect to see something/feel something, a part of brain takes over and it doesn’t do you any favours because you are constantly questioning where is it?

      You have to sort of just take a step back from yourself and just breathe and be content in the moment for whatever may come through (meditation wise), you may get nothing you expect, but you might feel deeply relaxed and that is something, you can’t force it, it comes to you, when you open that door, when you are just content to be in the moment…It should never ever be a struggle, let it happen organically.

      Hope that helps! Am super tired and not very with the words tonight but we all have ability but we have to get out of our own way 😉

      Much Love ❤️🙏❤️

    5. There is so much breathtakingly weird stuff happening in the world right now that you can see “with the naked eye,” that ESP or insider knowledge isn’t needed at all. Normal, everyday perception and an open mind are all you need. Use these skills, which are available to us all, and you will see as much High Strangeness as you could ever want.

  14. Update, 8, the “conventioneers” – oh, my! That’s cool! Sorta reminds me of taking a seat in the stadium, waiting for the baseball game to begin – while munching on [the obligatory] popcorn…

  15. My body is taking a real hit today – feel very unwell – I mean besides the normal whonky seizure-y + + + unwell – my dog was shoving her head at my face/head being all whiny trying to tell me something earlier then gave up and hid under the sheet the rest of the morning – I truly hope something is UP, because I feel very unwell even past on my scale of unwell –
    will ride it out, no doubt.
    Sky was a funny color this morning – very pale blue with just a touch, wee bit of green and few clouds had a touch of pink – NOT usual morning colors here…

    going to lie down and continue shaking – have a good day, all

      1. Thank you, Angela – I’m ‘doing’, which is all I’m asking for now – what I’m doing is questionable and needing a lot of adjusting to diminished changes or increased changes of unknown usefulness – I want some explanations afterwards – or maybe won’t need them then, but I feel trust in the process – whatever that is, even having lost or had difficult changes in income and coverages, such as loss of income and a good portion of what food stamps I’d had – good thing I’d lost most of my appetite, lol. We lost all of our ph service and some other things for the time being – If I disappear from here it might just be a loss of internet for a while – not to worry, I’ll come haunt you all – JUST KIDDING! – I trust this is temporary – ok I’m babbling again.
        I’m just so happy to be connected to you ALL and will treasure it as long as I can – WE can…

        Thank you for reaching out Angela, it helped a lot!.
        much love,

    1. More Healing Love just sent from Us All of the One. My back had Me out for over a day(still loosening), with No known mishap. I trust in The Universe/Source! We Are exactly where We should be. WATL, WATL, WATT, WA1, Hosting Love. PEACE

      1. Thank you, Christopher, so much – MORE things and designs in my strange body and sight things today – on the good side I managed to give a tiny looong baby a bottle and get some burping done without having her head fall off or choke – can’t pick her up or hold her with armatures and other body parts prone to shaking and weakness and not working – my daughter seems to know better than I what she can trust me with it seems – I didn’t break her before before mom got home from a short but necessary errand; I even got the baby gas expelled in a creative way without breaking her or me, 🙂 Can’t pick her up or hold her – that would be too dangerous with what is and isn’t working – I did ask for several non-corporeal helps – the help was given and received with gratitude and blessings received with gratitude – Also sooo grateful I didn’t break the baby. 😀

        You are a treasure, Christopher – thank you for those capitalized ‘initials’ too, lol My brain seems to be too busy with other things than remembering all those things I used to take part with you all, I’m trusting my ‘being’ remembers and tags along with you all with those intentions and energies to SOURCE – I trust in the feelings I receive.

        Much love to you – thank you Sooo much for sharing your message and contents with me – please feel my loving gratitude.

  16. btw – thank you to the two gals who last spread kind words my way – I don’t do anything special… just kind of persevere, but I thank you so much…

  17. This one is going more whimpy than whompy I’m afraid, but please let this be over with sooner rather than later. Forgive yourselves,

    You all knew what you did and why, I’ve done my part.


    1. I have been seeing a lot online about this Wayfair “oddness” over the last three days. I’ve also been wondering what you Cats think about this. Could this be the start of the Howl? Fingers crossed.

  18. Hello All!
    This week I have been super clumsy- bumping into door frames and furniture, losing my balance, etc. I twisted my ankle last week. It feels like my body is not in sync with my conciousness. I start walking, and I see that I am on a collision course with a big stationary object, but can’t seem to get my body to change its trajectory fast enough. I am not normally a clumsy person. And I have been grounding frequently.
    Anyone else have this issue?
    Love 💗 and Hugs 🤗

    1. YES Sharon, me too! Doorframes are dangerous! 😉 Plus I drop or knock over everything – reaching into the fridge, for glassware, you name it, crash – it’s on the floor again. Last night I even knocked over a bowl of fresh black raspberries I’d just picked, that was fun to clean up! Seems like all I do is clean up after my own messes, sheesh!
      At least we finally got a ton of rain here in NY, what a relief. It’s gorgeous outside today but my head and teeth are feeling wonky again so not real energized to do some much needed gardening, but I will force myself to get the rest of my gladiola bulbs in – then I should have a full month of blooms for bouquets in a few weeks! Unfortunately I have to start working a full 5 day week again tomorrow, I really thought I’d shift before I had to go backwards again, talk about Groundhog Day, I am so over this monotony of bills and needing to work endlessly it seems and still never make ends meet.
      One wonderful little thing has happened however, one of the final holdouts of the feral cats actually fell over on her back in front of me yesterday and submitted to many belly rubs for the first time ever, what a little cutie pie – she’s a very small little tuxedo cat I named Jewel, and so she is! Hang in there everybody, at least we have each other who understands – and we did have a big rainbow here Sat. evening which I haven’t seen in ages, I’ll take any good signs I can get!

      1. Hello kt1111,
        Oh, I miss the rain – and so do my plants! It rained here in Houston so much this past month, but we are having a dry week. The heat scorches everything here in the summer (heat index of 110° this week). I plant most things in pots so they can be moved around as needed. I am pretty excited about a pineapple top that was given to me in a pot by my dad. It is now almost as tall as I am, and it is growing its own small pineapple! Maybe it will grow big enough to eat 💚🍍💚!
        I am sorry you have to go back to work, I too was hoping we would be on NE by now. The longer this drags on the sadder I become. It hurts to see so many sleepers who don’t see past this “reality” and value money and material things over all else. How empty their lives must be! If only they would open their eyes to what really matters. Hopefully we won’t be stuck in their world much longer.
        I am so glad you have such a strong bond with your kitty! Animals are such wonderful therapy. I believe they are very aware of how much they are needed and loved.
        Have a wonderful day!
        Love 💗 and Hugs 🤗

    2. Hi Sharonann,
      You might say I had an extreme version of that a few mornings ago. Not a spinning kind of vertigo, but veering like a drunken sailor — couldn’t walk a straight line to save my life (but the bladder report was overdue, so no choice in the matter). Even my husband had to sit right back down again when he first got up. He got his equilibrium back quickly; I did not. Been a bit woozy all week, but I’ve gotten used to that over the years, in varying degrees. No question that we’re swimming in quite the energy soup!
      Hope things straighten out SOON!
      <3 Laura

      1. Hello Laura,
        Energy soup sums it up perfectly! If the energy ramps up any more, I might need a helmet – or just wrap myself in bubble wrap 😆.
        Love 💗 and Hugs 🤗

    3. Yes sharonann99. It is not just you!
      A few of those quick ones, where everything does a sideways slide. But then one time we were leaving the house, and it felt like I was tilting. My arms started pinwheeling like I was going over a cliff. And I feel my daughter calmly reach over and push me upright. Gotta love that calm. I wish I could bottle it 🙂

      1. Hello Angela,
        What would we do without our calm daughters!
        This “reality” is becoming less real as time creeps by. Sometimes a few areas within my vision will seem faded or hazy. I haven’t experienced the sideways view yet (I am having a hard time balancing now). I really hope this means we are getting closer to our beautiful New Earth!
        Love 💗 and Hugs 🤗

  19. Lovely evening here in the UK, great sense of calm and the smell of lemons.

  20. Gaia Portal today:

    Preparations for extenders are energized with Light
    by ÉirePort

    Preparations for extenders are energized with Light.

    Solar gains transpire.

    Heavens of Galactic connections are seen.

    ÉirePort | July 11, 2020 at 11:11 am |

  21. Around 9 PM tonight, PST, someone on my neighborhood bulletin
    board wrote, “Strange Light in The Sky Happening Now! Has anyone seen
    an oblong light in the sky that is stagnant? If you have telescope or
    binoculars you can see the middle is missing and there are red lights.”

    There is a photo and a video, which I am sorry that I can’t transfer to blog.
    Looking at the photo this object does have a large circular section in the
    center that is missing.

    I was wondering how the ET tour business is going? If they had some way
    of determining that the shift is close the tour companies might want to stay
    away in order to not get caught in the Shift when it occurs. Maybe they
    wouldn’t if they are of a different density but still ………..just sayin’!

    😊 🌈 🌎 😊 🌈 🌎 😊


  22. Some strange happenings last night had me a bit on edge!

    Lots of banging noises sounding like they were from just outside. I was just about to go to bed when I heard what sounded like someone trying to get in through the front door, as someone was really giving the handle a good go, made me jump! The blinds were down and I decided not to peek but did go to bed a bit worried!


    Much Love ALL xxx

      1. Cristina ❤️ Thank you, that is so much appreciated. It had my heart racing for a while! Have no idea whether it was human, spirit, ET, no idea at all and I was not about to look out of the window!

        Much Love ❤️🙏❤️

    1. Wow Lily, I hope everything’s alright. Protective Grace, and giant Love angels heading your way. Available if you need them. It’s just me and my daughter here too, that can be scary.

  23. I do not know what happens to me, I had a bad weekend. I did not feel like leaving the house, I have been calm with my plants, my series, taking care of myself and pampering myself.
    However, my mood has been very bad, between anger, disappointment and boredom. All very absurd.
    Objectively everything is fine. But I don’t feel that way. I have tried to meditate, but strangely I cannot.
    I haven’t slept well at night, either, but in the middle of the morning I had a exhaustion stroke and had to sleep on the sofa for a couple of hours, my dog Lola and my cat Kyra slept with me.
    I hope this all happens, I can’t live like this.

    1. My husband is going through all that this weekend too — and my forgivenessness (new word!) is getting a workout. I guess I should thank him… [cough] Anyway, I try to see it as dark clouds being released as we all fill up with more light. We are in a process here, hang on! xo, Laura

      1. And breath work might help clear things through quicker.

        1. I’ve been pairing the Heartmath coherence technique with muse heart meditations and that has been so expansive and incredible. Fascinating to feel that space opening up, almost the feeling of excitement akin to your heart racing, but in reality, your heart rate is relatively low and your core coherence is high. The biofeedback effect alone of hearing your heartbeat drummed back to you has been awe-inducing at times, but with the heartmath technique its definitely another level being added or opened up. I have been fascinated by the potential of breathwork… I wonder if there are local practitioners…

    2. Cristina ❤️ Sending Love & Strength. The energies recently have been brutal, have been crawling through each day. I haven’t been eating well though, after tonight, I am going to try and detox, seriously!

      Hugs ❤️🤗❤️

    3. Hi Cristina,
      I haven’t wanted to leave my house either. And the past two nights I’ve had trouble getting to sleep, which is very unusual for me. Plus there kept being issues and glitches, and then I read that mercury was going direct today Sunday. I think we’re all feeling the pending something. Even normie friends are mentioning the feeling of something about to give. It’s in the air. I hope you feel better.

  24. Rough night for many last night, very high energy, various body issues, while we all went through yet another timeline jump-and-sort. Note that CATs get grumpy when the energy is so thick. No, really. 😉

    -CAT Eds.

    1. Thanks CAt Eds. It is a comfort to know that I am not becoming a vinegar. Really bad mood, for nothing special. Seeing my animals I understand that it is a matter of energies.

    2. I just hope the bad mood doesn’t make me stay on the 3D low-density timelines.
      I try to do the rainbow and stair meditation by focusing on the upper steps / tones to keep my vibration high, but on days like these that I have been through I find it very difficult. It scares me to think that this could make me stay out of the new land or shift !!!

    3. I’m with Cleese, my hovercraft is full of eels.

      I wonder if we’re ever going to learn to enjoy this kind of energy, just staying sane takes A LOT of effort right now and there’s very little left for actually living.


    4. You said it feel like I went several rounds with Mike Tyson lol.

  25. Amplituhedron
    A visual simulation of a geometric shape which supposedly represents the vibrational creation of the universe, the big bang or “The Face of God”. I found the imagery interesting as it looks to be in the shape of a human heart, but the music was somewhat disturbing. (I watched it muted.) Sharing in case others find it interesting. Cay

  26. Sharon, I call it having an out of body experience while still awake. Or I call myself a poorly operating SIMs character. But, yes what you describe like hey where did this wall come from LOL.

    1. Hello SB
      Wow, I never thought about that, what a fun way to see it! When I ran into the door frame, it must have resembled a cartoon. I ran into it and my body kept walking. I just kinda slid around it. My kids must think I am nuts! 🤣
      Love 💗 and Hugs 🤗

  27. I was going to take the day off, but apparently not. As far as various body issues are concerned, I am having increasing difficulty in walking. However, that said, so what! I’m still here being me, which today consisted of a trip to the Skagit Valley in search for the perfect strawberries. Found them! Went to my favorite farm stand for perfectly, sweet, and oh so tasty berries. Many flats were purchased for both fresh and frozen. One cannot have key lime pie without sweet strawberries slathered upon it. (my new normal) Then after the big strawberry score, returned home via back-country roads which is what remains of old Washington state. Peaceful quiet drive along the scenic Skagit River, trees canopying over the road. My, what a lovely Sunday adventure. Stopped in one of my many favorite restaurants and brought home one of their famous chicken salad sandwiches. The owner was there today. Hadn’t seen her since this whole scamdemic thing took root. We hugged and chatted.. Wonderful! She is going to come to the farm soon for a much needed restorative cure. So that’s my today’s CAT report. Cheers

  28. My lower back leads Me to believe I’m just about full term, and ready to deliver. I send out Joy/Healing Love to All. Peace.

  29. Hi everyone! I can only speak for myself, but I seem to have landed somewhere a bit new today. For one thing I can see. Yay. The blurry thing was not fun.
    And another, it seems to be clearer. As in I can see the dirt and dust that I missed and needs cleaning 🙁 If I was to translate that energetically I would guess this space has more clarity, and the better ability of it’s residents to spot BS. I’ll go with that. Hoping to see it play out. I hope everyone is doing better today. Love, Angela

  30. To all the lovely people (to quote the Beatles??)
    I want to thank all who added/sent kind energy my and my family’s way recently – I received a notice this morning (coincidently my older brother’s birthday today) that the state reinstated most of the food stamps they took away from me earlier this month – they were much needed as the family is 5 instead of 4 now – yes, there is a place she can get some things for the baby – sadly her body hasn’t been able to provide wholly, nutrition-wise – too many systemic oddities interfering… we talked a few years ago – she talked… about this body being SOOO different than the one she had previously to this lifetime – things just don’t work the same – what is remembered and what is physically present seems to interfere with each other -Anyway, this past month they had stopped my SSI and replaced it with a bit additional Soc Sec – whether this had to do with government changes or the death of my ex-husband I don’t know – I received a bit additional to my minimum (Soc Sec) because we were married almost 20 yrs or whether the changes were congressional recent changes ?? – I’d received SSI for years due to disability (not SSDI); gets confusing… don’t know if that’s why they cut off the food stamps – ANYWAY… my thanks to friends and Universe – we kind of live on the edge, but are blessed, too, to have had just enough (or more) as needed, sometimes, just in time, but that counts…

    Thank you All, everywhere & SOURCE.

  31. Anybody else is experiencing mild headache today, this is unusual for me as I almost never have a headache, definitely a new symptom for me, nothing really bad, but new for me ?✨


  32. @Perica, I’ve had more headsquussies, vision things – vision ? spats? – shaking and swimminingness and it’s only about 1:30pm – I’ll just hold onto the mattress shall I and wait for the magic mattress ride … or not… 🙂 –
    I’ll see what this newly, so weirdly perceiving/functioning body will make of our new ‘assignment’ –

    Happy perceiving…

    1. Good explanation Kg, “headsquussies”, more closer to what I feel all day then a normal headache, but wonder why, new ascension symptom ?✨

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