14 thoughts on “The Dog… er, CAT Days

    1. Sounds like what Corey Goode claim his “Anshar” told him will happen.
      So I am a little skeptical since it is similar to that fraud’s claims.

  1. We are having the most amazing storms, three nights in a row now, intense intense lightening every few seconds for hours on the first night and thunder that made our cottage vibrate 😍

  2. Everything was really luminous before it started last night, several people said it feels wierd too

  3. Well you did warn us that you were going to vacation. Rest dear ones. Rest, much needed rest. ❤

  4. Those pictures always make me laugh. I hope you feel a little better than that..

  5. Public Service Announcement: I’ll post it here ’cause the 7 Update section was getting awfully long. After the 2 TLJ’s today (Wed) I’m happy to report that I’m back on the most excellent coffee timeline. Yaay!!! Truly the same coffee that I reported on 2 days ago is absolutely gobsmacking delicious today. Thank goodness! News from the farm today: We have a new family of at least 3 new swallows in the garage. They just hatched yesterday. Here’s the sweet story: Yesterday after several weeks of not seeing the first hatched family, suddenly the garage was filled for a brief time yesterday with all 5 of the kids excitedly soaring around. They came to celebrate the arrival of their new siblings. This was crystal clear to me. It was absolutely priceless. I’ve not seen them since the blessed event. This day was completed by sitting on the bench on the point viewing the sunset surrounded by banks of billowing Little Lamb hydrangeas. Absolutely sublime. This energy has now been directed to wherever it is needed. Enjoy!

  6. Do you have problems with other beings like canines?

  7. Okay, ALL-question posed: Category of whacky weather. I got up at 2:30 this morning (Thurs) to close the bedroom windows. When I got up at 6:30 it was 41 degrees F. outside. The forecast says it’s going to get up to 103 degrees F. here Sunday as hot desert air bulges up from the SW into the PNW. The 41 degrees for mid-August is definitely mid-September and 103 degrees is just damned hot. Anyway, does this qualify for whacky weather? Keeping in mind, I’m located 30 miles inland from Puget Sound in this Cascade valley at 400 feet of elevation. Inquiring minds want to know.

    1. Most definitely. It will be interesting to see if the predicted heatwave reaches as high as they say. It feels deliberate, using the hot weather to start fires again.

      -CAT Eds.

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