And Now For Something Completely Different [UPDATE1]


A few things. This is interesting — and real:

This is real… a glimpse of another time and place in the sky above China.

This is fake:

Why do people feel the need to do this?

This is sad:

Poor things are flustered and confused by HAARP, and a slight change in True North.

Here’s the place in York, then and now, called “The Shambles.” It was the basis for Diagon Alley in Harry Potter:

If you go to York, be sure to G+P REALLY well. Nasty mojo there.

Oh, and they found Waldo:


And the Japanese do festivals really well:

And…yes, that’s $0ro$ in the middle:

His real name was Georgi (Schwartz).

And some people have their historical facts wrong. Fascism was created by Mussolini, and Mussolini used to be…? That’s right, the head of the Italian Communist Party. He started out a Marxist.

Oh, and here’s a newspaper (remember those?) from 2011:

Oh, this is fun. When you sign up for a new Twitter account, these are Twitter’s initial suggestions (note: the CAT who snapped these cut out regional info ones):

Uh huh. We decided to delete that new account.

And now THIS… is a darn fluffy cat:

The Right Honorable FLUFFY McFluffypants.

Speaking of fluffy, these are all the bases the Nazis set up in Antarctica, what they called “Neuschwabenland”:

FYI, the name comes from the ship that took them there, the SMS Schwaben (from the name “Swabia” which is a Southern German region, and not a rude name for sailors).

And finally, this is Laniakea supercluster, basically our galaxy’s super-omata:

The red dot represents 100,000 galaxies.

This one is named Steve.

That’s enough. It’s time for a waffle.


A travel warning, for those who are psychic or sensitive (jeez, this could be a whole book)…

AVOID the Coliseum in Rome. It’s the most concentrated killing ground on earth. Something like 500,000 people died there, and probably more animals. For psychics, this is worse than a battlefield, or an old mental hospital. No one told us and we were floored by the awful energy, holy crap. We were drawn in because there were so many stray cats. It’s not worth it.

Also, STAY OUT of cathedrals. There is typically an altar BELOW the main altar, where dark things are done — and have been done for a thousand years… and a thousand years before that in the same place. Ick. The ones in York are especially bad. We’re not showing the pictures, yikes. Aztec and Mayan sites are also pretty yucky. Talk about bad imagery.

Well, that took all the fun out of it. Back to the fun, already in progress…

That’s better. This one dog is hilarious. Here’s another shot…
Mr. PhotoBomb, himself.
That’s our dog.

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109 thoughts on “And Now For Something Completely Different [UPDATE1]

  1. You had me at the waffle. These images are really worth taking the time to look through. Oh look … BGates pushing his social agenda “way back” in 2011. And MY twitter “current posts/news feed” is loaded with these suggested follows all the time. It IS good for grins and giggles. Love and Light to all you CATs and Ms … did we, by any chance, do a jump last night? Sure feels like it this morning.

  2. That was fun!
    Loved the superclusters. The lovely Laniakea, and of course the dashing Steve…..we’ll have to say hi. Hopefully we can remain upright in the flow of that super omata greeting 🙂

  3. Wow, what a great distraction from all the craziness.
    – Thank You Cats! We can all use some humor right now 🙂
    Poor Waldo… people just stopped looking . Who knew he was in the ground?
    And Steve- what a beautiful being! (not to mention FLUFFY Mc Fluffypants)

  4. Dear Cats,
    I have a semantic question, in this case, that there is no context, because it is a name, how do I translate Shambles ??
    For me it means ruins, or meat slaughterhouse.
    If it’s ruins, okay.
    But the second makes my skin crawl from the bad feeling it transmits.
    Because it makes me think that all kinds of meat were sacrificed there … all kinds … and a terrifying image has come to me …

    1. Yeah, it means “ruin.” Don’t worry, no meat had a bad day in The Shambles.

      Actually, people on holiday need to know that The Colosseum in Rome IS TO BE AVOIDED if you’re sensitive, or psychic. It’s the most concentrated killing ground on earth. Something like 500,000 people died there, and probably more animals. Horrible. We should add that to this post…

      -CAT Eds.

      1. My wife is super keen to visit Rome. For me, I can’t think of anywhere worse. Oh well, I don’t think it will ever happen now, hopefully.

        Meanwhile, I intend to bask in Autumn,my favourite time. Gentle winds punctuated with sudden gusts, twirling, dancing leaves of infinite shapes and colours. Vibrant green grass remains, beneath a litter of caramel foliage. And when the late sun blazes its deep golden ray’s through the trees, I know heaven exists.


      2. …yes, Lions died there, and many Lion-Men, brave gladiators,
        and white slaves from Ireland, without number.

        In York,
        after you leave the Shambles,
        you’ll see out on a hill a yellowish building, like a prison.
        Around the big entry door there are still to see
        dark traces of smoke, from a big fire.
        And as the legend goes, a huge lot of (false) Jews, while doing their
        big business with money, were locked inside and let to burn in
        the fire.
        The British were angry on the decades shameless usury,
        Jews imposed upon them.

        1. Hi Oro. Yes that’s Cliffords Tower as mentioned in Lily’s post. Horrible place. 💖

          1. wow, @ Newlynn,
            thank you so much!
            Just forgot its name.
            Visited York with our Godfather (!)
            and he explained that to us with a proud smile.
            His name? What else: Leonard.

      3. On a High School trip in late 60’s – 68? we visited the Colosseum, the catacombs, popehouse, Sistine chapel – So, that’s what’s wrong with me, just kidding, sooo many reasons…
        – I was also a homebound student the last two years of HS due to results of somehow (I know How, WON’T go there!) contracting typhoid… in Connecticut!…


      4. @-CAT Eds.

        yes indeed!
        I was there in 1994 and I was getting full of rage. I told to my familly that I have to leave imediatly this place, that I can feel the pain.
        The same in Tunisia, the re is also a colloseum…. felt bad bad bad.

        Thank you for this advice Cat Eds.

    2. Cristina ❤️ I lived in York for 15 years, what the CATs told us explains an awful lot to me as well as the cathedrals and certain activity by a certain person I once knew…There are many dark places there, another called Cliffords Tower…

      As for the Colloseum, always gave me the creeps, I shall definitely be steering clear, thank you CATs

      And S🕸r🕸s yup time to go to a place far far away…

      Time for LIGHT 🌟✨🌟

      Much Love & LIGHT 🌟🙏🌟

  5. Interesting posts. Thanks Cats! Is that floating city the same as the Cities of Light we hear about or just dimensional bleed through? Do you see Cities of Light in our future or is that yet another metaphor for New Earth/Heaven? I wanted to share this new video from a young man by the name of Cody Singh. I have been following Cody for a few years now and he has been reluctant by his own admission to share his gifts. Not too long ago, Cody had a sudden and unexpected life-threatening illness and upon his recuperation he came to view that illness as a powerful activation influencing the trajectory of this human life. He just announced this week that he is fully embracing his spiritual gifts and feels guided to be public and assist in this crucial time period. This is the first in a new series from him. I hope you can feel his earnest heart and sincerity coming thru whether his method or message resonate with you. Blessings all!!! 🙏😊 ~ Gary

    PS Perica, I too noticed you being so very quiet. Great to hear from you again!

  6. Mr. PhotoBomb is just.. ❤️😍

    Take care everyone💖🤗

  7. Yea! Finally clouds in So. Cal.this morning after days of attracting, pulling and drawing in rain. It may not make it to the ground before evaporating, but I am happy to see clouds instead of smoke. Well done all, keep it up.
    Also got the message in dreamtime that Sept 30 – Dec. 2 would be a difficult period. I was with at least a dozen other women who were sent into small groups of isolation while experiencing endurance training. I was packing my old backpack with clean socks, hiking boots, tennis shoes and camping supplies for wilderness survival. My group of 4 women were installed in a small dressing room with 4 makeup tables and 4 closets of costumes. We would be sequestered there for 2 months in service behind the scenes. Doing what? I could not tell you but I imagine dreamtime will be interesting for the remander of the year.
    And lastly, I have always felt all those cats in the colosseum were trying to clear the area of bad mojo. Cay

  8. Good MORNING CAT(s) & M’s and SuperFriends & help-ful ET’s.

    Thanks for the amusement of the title!

    Yes, this fact that Melbourne was briefly called “Batmania” is a fact that is taught in Primary school. It’s just part of our history. I can understand how “northern hemisphere” peeps would find it amusing, but, for us, it’s ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ .

    Anywhoo, this is only the Third-Density world.

    I’m just trying to “keep my-self out of harm’s way” & to avoid “painting a target on me” / avoiding attracting attention / trying to “stay under the radar” & other associated colloquialisms.

    and yes, that is a rather fluffy feline! Do you wonderful people know which breed this is? Ragdoll?? I am quite taken with this feline.

    “Avoid the Coliseum in Rome”. Even with quite a lot of shielding? No “shielding pendants” are good enough?
    “STAY OUT of cathedrals” – I always work very hard to avoid any-thing “mis-guided Christian” .
    What about avoiding Machu Picchu and Göbekli Tepe?

    Can I send you wonderful people an email regarding a few thoughts I have regarding “Batmania”?

    DinMelbourne (formerly Batmania)

  9. I went to York once, never again. I felt sooooooooo bad!

    I have also avoided Cambodia for the same reason.

    1. Poor Cambodia. The B-52 bombers used to dump bombs and fuel there all throughout the Vietnam war. So many people there are crippled from mines and bombs. Terrible energy. They def need some Pour Therapy.

      -CAT Eds.

      1. Many Love/Light pours for the Cambodians. I sense a Peaceful tribe, They are/ were, yet forced/tricked into something divisive. Drugs/riches/portals? Or, all of the above? Peace.

      2. Just brought to mind the Doctor Who WW11 episode of the little boy in the gas mask and an OK for pours all over the world of war dumping grounds and battle fields – mostly widespread intent not individual details… Omata onboard with it…


        1. The visuals I got BIG for this ‘operation’started with an image I remember from back East of a paint company advertisement or logo – of the Earth with paint pouring down around it, so after the gathering of participants – Omata, Brother J, SOURCE/ light to pour and some others who joined, began the LIGHT pours down over AND through (porously! ) Earth, deactivating or clearing all weapon related harmful stuffs and energies as was most beneficial for all areas – with the option of leaving that which was needed for some higher purpose –
          All draining down over/though and out, interestingly through the Antartica area and down to/through a black hole situated a ways under the Earth in space to be sucked in totally and recycled out a white hole somewhere far away that could use it…


  10. As a side note: First thank youse ALL for this pause that refreshes. Secondly, what time did youse post this stuff? I ask this because my last comment in the previous post dealing with laughter was, I suspect written about the same time. I gotta’ say as I was writing what I said, I was moved to tears while I was writing it. It clearly is a profound truth. I experienced an “aha!”moment at that time. BTW, as I was having my morning latte in the garden as previously stated, I felt compelled to ground my SOURCE joy in the newest and latest planting area. And so it is. . .

  11. Thanks for this fun and interesting post! It was a nice way to start the day.

  12. Why does the world favour narcissists? I hope there’s a switch soon that favours more pleasant people.

      1. It kinda failed since there are still so many and most will never change

  13. Thanks for all this. Especially for the warnings about York. My nephew is planning on getting married in York Minster (cathedral). It was supposed to be earlier this year and I wondered why I felt so relieved when it was postponed

    1. Any place out in nature would be infinitely preferable. Those things in the sub-altar FEED off people. Ugh.

      That said, 4-6 enlightened people (or three powerful ones) could enter the structure in advance and clear things out, then hold the space for the wedding, but you wouldn’t want to linger. (One of the CATs just said that we should rent ourselves out for weddings!)

      -CAT Eds.

      1. I’ve been there, when I lived there a friend came up to stay with me. She really wanted to do the whole tourist thing. I wasn’t that keen on going in, this was way before my awakening. The atmosphere was very oppressive. I am pretty sure, if my recollections serve me well that I looked at the alter for a very long time trying to figure out what the heck was wrong!

        I remember being a young child and my parents taking my brother and I around Hampton Court (I think!). There was a corner with a rope across it for no obvious reason, nothing valuable, just a wall. I stuck my hand out beyond the rope and into the space beyond and was almost jolted with the worst, thick dark feeling energy. I must have only been about 5 years old but remember it so vividly. After that if my Dad wanted to take us any old english buildings, I would always say, ‘Not another smelly welly castle!’

        Ex was obsessed with medieval buildings, churches etc…he would always stroke the walls and often stood with his hand on the cold stone as if in a trance…

        So, so glad to be away from York and everything that went with it, apart from a very good female friend of mine that is, I do miss her a lot.


  14. CAT Eds – Thank you for the new post – I love Steve. Laniakea is a BEAUTIFUL name.

    re- $our-o$ – what’s that song – start them young to love or hate – words probably wrong, but you may know which one I mean.

    thank you for all the other interesting or fun things – better keep Fluffy brushed or… ‘nightmare’… 🙂


    1. I JUST realized the song I was thinking of is from the play/movie South Pacific – “You’ve got to be carefully taught” (to hate and fear)
      I also remember loving to sing ‘Bali Ha’i’ from that show – almost obsessed with it for a time – maybe I was searching for NE even back then?…

  15. Speaking of places one would have trouble going to….

    Last time I went to Hawaii, I went to Oahu to actually go to Pearl Harbor. My grandfather was there and stationed on the Arizona. (Had shore duty) I felt I needed to go at least once to Honor my grandfather and what he and my grandmother endured.

    Just flying over it… I got nearly violently ill… stomach hurt… I was crying… it was heavy and dark. Lungs hurt…

    Glad I went once but I won’t go back….

    Some of the places in Athens, Greece made me sad and heavy too. Just repeated devastation, wars, people dying etc. I don’t doubt the coliseum in Rome would be overwhelming….

    1. It’s hard to explain it to people who aren’t sensitive or psychic. Even then, a lot of times you don’t realize what’s happening because it’s so suppressed in our culture. This will be the greatest thing about the New Earth: everything will be CLEAN, energywise. For a while, anyway.

      -CAT Eds.

      1. I believe We Would have many more sensitive friends, if They dumped all alcohol. I was a daily drinker of 30 years and still felt uncomfortable in My world. One day I woke to no desire for it, (after I quit other bad habits). As the days go by I feel more, and Know It. Boy was I missing out on Loving Every Thing. So, college is (IMO) uncomfortable to many just wanting to fit in to the barrage of lies from education(drunk monk syndrome). Peace.

        1. I think a LOT of people drink because they are sensitive and don’t know how to handle what they are feeling – then dependency sets in… cycle begins…


          1. People find it weird when you say that you don’t drink, like it makes them feel uncomfortable, I just have no desire for it (I stopped when trying for my first and never went back), still love ice-cream, cake and chocolate though.

            1. Pam141, I understand; alcohol has no effect on me, so why bother – I’m sure it was to try to protect me. I’d see my brother every few years and he’d take me to dinner – I’d get a mixed drink of some kind and I’d forget… it would just sit there mostly… hehe – then I’d drink the whole diluted thing at the end… sacrilege…


            2. Pam141. Well you have to have some treats in life and yours are necessary to keep a body going. Enjoy. I’ve just had a piece of Galaxy with my coffee. ☕😊💖

          2. Kg. Spot on. My afib did me a favour as I stopped drinking alcohol as it brings on heart flutters. Like Christopher I had one drink each night, didn’t go mad but enjoyed it. I haven’t missed it anywhere as much as I thought I would. Maybe I had reached the state of mind where I didn’t need it to cope with life. Hopefully so.
            Your meditation with the light pour of the earth sounded awesome. Love to you and little dog.💖😘

  16. Cat Eds. Well that’s an amazing mix of pics and facts thank you. I live 25 miles from York and work even nearer. Weirdly I haven’t been there in years. I have previously been for a couple of meals down The Shambles and been up to the roof on York Minster. Luckily survived unscathed but the circular staircase up to it was horrible. What is the deal with The Shambles? I’m fascinated.
    I agree wholeheartedly about cathedrals/minsters. I went to Rosslyn Chapel a few years ago and used my dowser. There was an area where it went wild.
    Interesting that Soros’s name is so similar to the purported real name of the bush family – Scherf!
    I read that the Germans in Neu Schwabenland brokered a deal and then went on to live in the inner earth. Not too far inside as they weren’t welcomed with open arms by the people already dwelling there. What’s your take on this?
    Steve is so beautiful. I want to marry him and adopt fluffy and the dogs.🐈🤗💖💖💖

    1. Yes, there have been several breakaway civilization groups who went underground. We recently visited one (we haven’t written about it, yet), but it was… weird. Not what people think. We’ll save that for later.

      We’ll look into The Shambles. Pretty sure it’s going to be as messed up as the rest of York.

      -CAT Eds.

      1. Cat Eds. Thanks re The Shambles. I read as much as I could find about the spaces in our honeycomb earth a few years ago. There’s not much in the way of literature, but it’s fascinating. I look forward to hearing about your experience of it in due course.🤔😻🐈

      2. Do you know why the big cliff overhanging Lysefjorden in Norway is called Preikestolen or Pulpit Rock?


      3. Do you know anything about Göbekli Tepe? To me it seemed like they buried a time capsule message for future generations. There isn’t much of it revealed, but the carvings are of beasts and half bird beings. Also odd handbag shaped things similar to Egyptian images. It’s very ancient. .

        1. Sure. There are SO MANY ancient sites of habitation on the earth that you don’t even realize you’re living on one. There have been countless “advanced” civilizations destroyed on earth, starting from about 2B years ago.

          -CAT Eds.

          1. So funny you can ‘see’ me here and see what is under my house or what was here many eons ago. How do some have psychic gifts and others not? Is it all hard work to achieve this? Over lifetimes? I guess all this destruction Of civilisations suggests the rehabilitation of narcissistic souls is taking a really long time to achieve. If it ever will be. As you say there are fallen angels.. it seems even once we achieve profound enlightenment, some begin travelling down instead of continuing up. So even once rehabilitated new offenders will be self created. If Earth is so special why did the ones who need to learn the most get sent here? They are not good custodians.

            1. These are all good questions. We don’t always have answers. It’s important to realize that SOURCE Loves you with a Love that would drop you like a rhino if you could feel it all at once. HUGE Love. LOVE like an infinite tsunami. And LOVE does not punish. Team Dark makes fun of it, but Love only knows how to love. Like any good parent, SOURCE may aim to rehabilitate, but rehabilitation is mostly up to the perp. SOURCE WILL NOT interfere with your free will, sometimes to the detriment of others, but that’s not intentional (and that’s going to change). You have to have the right mindset. Earth is known far and wide as a low-vibe place — a place of great promise, but also a low-vibe killing field. The Fallen could have made it better, slowly over time, or they could’ve been mad about what *they did to themselves* and not get over it. Lots of them chose the latter, and this attracted others of the same ilk. Some went *the other way* and zoomed from 3d to 6d in one lifetime and 6d to 9d in the next. If you want to change, you will change. There are even reptoids who are waking up and pushing for positive change. We could all get along if we could all get along. We personally don’t understand how The Fallen (who actually were archangels) could be so close to SOURCE and then think they could do better than SOURCE. Theirs is more of a self-punishment than a SOURCE punishment. And they, and their minions, are indeed NOT good custodians! Luckily, they’ve all been fired. 😉


  17. Never went to the Colosseum, but I remember that Rome in general had an icky vibe, especially on the way back after spending 3 months up in the mountains.

    Also went into one of the Cathedrals in Reggio Calabria to see what they were up to in there, super icky, some old lizard creep was mumbling latin in the front and the whole room was filled with what looked like plain old Italians in a zombie-like trance.

    I would definitely recommend mountains in Italy from my experience 🙂


  18. Only two places I visited made me nauseous in the past: NYC (granted, I was in my first trimester while there for a short visit, big mistake!!!) and Las Vegas. Funny, my car broke down on my way to Las Vegas, I ended up being nauseated the entire time I was there ( had to ask the friendly Klingan waitress for chamomile tea after foolishly agreeing to take my nephew into the Star Trek shuttle battle ride, which did NOT help the nausea 😂🤢), and I felt better gradually with every mile we put between us and that city…Phew, wish I had known about GPC back then…
    Thanks for the dog pics, absolutely precious!

    1. I lived in NYC for 40 years, and although it was not the
      easiest place to live, I had a purpose in being there. I
      have been to Las Vegas once and did not like it at all! The
      worst place, for me, was the Luxor Hotel. I had a really
      bad feelings there. I don’t know how anyone can think
      that Las Vegas is a fun place to visit!

      ☹️ 😞 😟 😳


      1. Those CATs who used to be in Corp. America hated Vegas, having had to go there for trade shows all the time. We realized we had protection down (after studying The Course for a while) when we could go and not feel/be affected by that terrible negative Vegas energy. Yuck.

        -CAT Eds.

      2. Coriboy. I agree with your dislike of Las Vegas. I went in the eighties and really wanted to get out.Trips from there to places like the Grand Canyon made it bearable.💖

  19. The first photo.. i used to think those were real too. But now i highly suspect that the darks use their technology to project these images into the sky to see if we will buy it. Like the operation blue beam thing. Can they fake an armageddon coming in the sky and have people running n screaming? Thats what they wonder.

    I will be in bed, at a store, driving, wherever.. and bits of conspiracy info just start coming to me. I dont like spending time researching it much. I think we are all forced to receive n digest this dark conspiracy info, its like we signed up for it and our higher selves drop it in us when its time, in increnents, and yes id rather think about dogs, cats, fun, new earth, fun, joy, and fun.

      1. I KNEW it when I saw the pic last week, that just struck me so as a glimpse into another reality! Here in central NY the skies are endlessly blue and gorgeous – no chemtrails for weeks now, nights getting into 30s and buttoning up things for winter. I just put fresh straw in the feral cats’ houses, had a leak on my roof fixed and unfortunately my lovely giant 200′ ash tree has ash bore and has to be 2/3 cut down. But since I could still be here in this reality for awhile, got to expect the usual ton of snow. And skiing, yay! Happy Sunday everyone.

  20. Groundhog day! Waldo was peering over my back fence, just the other day. I went through 2 Fridays this week. Worked on a Friends building on Friday and many people were buying lottery tickets with the weeks pay. Today Friday, I worked on a new mini barn/shed at home. I had to re-like many posts today, ones that I liked before. Peace.

  21. Wow, this post and all the comments gives me a case of head spinning vertigo…

  22. thank you cat’s for all this nice pictures and infos
    All this Nazi stuff I have researched for a while, some years ago.
    Black Dun… it’s really dark and has to do with Aldebaran.
    In a sense we have the 4 Reich installing on earth…. but I want not dive into
    this rabbit hole and stay on the good timeline of the CAT’s 🌈🌈🌈

    Love Alnilam 🌟🙏🌟

  23. en hommage to “The DOG” Hachico who waitet 10 years on the station in Tokyo for his owner, untill he died. Today there is a monument of the dog on Tokyos raillway Central Station.

  24. Hello all ~
    I read this earlier… lots of interest to me in it. I suspect some others will enjoy it as well.

    “Living Medicine: On Plant Intelligence and Natural Healing”

    Every time some new evidence of plant-based intelligence intrudes on my awareness, it confronts perspectives about the world that I inherited from my culture or my family or my schooling, and some portion of that received worldview crumbles, and something new takes its place. The world is a great deal different than we have been led to believe. In fact, we know very little about what goes on here. The ancient Athenians had a word for that moment when some intangible part of ourselves leaves our bodies and touches a living intelligence in the world: aisthesis. There is an exchange of soul essence accompanied by a gasp of recognition, a deep breath, an inspiration.” In this compelling interview Stephen Harrod Buhner shares profound insights into the spirit and science behind plant intelligence and natural healing.

  25. I am truly distraught today as my neighbors
    are taking down a beautiful old grandfather
    pine tree that I loved very much. The tree wasn’t
    sick … there was no good reason and he gave so
    much to the neighborhood. What is wrong with
    the normies…. why don’t they value all life? I
    don’t understand and I just feel sick. I am not
    sure how much more I can take. HELP!


    1. I know how you feel too so many trees taken down just because the rich neighbors didn’t like that type of tree. Now there is hardly any shade on our street so stupid.

    2. I sympathize, coriboy14, my mother had our HUGE tall Oak tree cut down – one abundant year the acorns were so large that her car ( tree overshadowed part of our driveway) was deeply dented ALL over, also she was afraid of it falling on the house – it wouldn’t – it anchored the land – We also didn’t realize at the time she was entering the first stages of Alzheimer’s.
      It did change the energy of the property which was mainly woods and a brook – the land needed all the help it could get as most of the first 17? yrs of my abuse took place in various areas – it was beautiful… maybe the land helped me survive? I don’t know – most of the things I thought I’d keep, when it was across the country I had to get rid, of antiques and things – the energy was so bad – I think all the trees there kept it tolerably…


      1. Kg, Thank you for what you said about the
        Oak tree….it sounds like it was a wonderful tree. The reason I moved to the house, I live in, from NYC, was because of the trees. I feel that those of us who were drawn to live on this street are meant to be caretakers of the trees and plants. Unfortunately, my
        neighbors, who have removed at least 5 or
        6 healthy trees that they did not like, for some reason or the other, don’t see it that
        way. It’s very sad and it does change the energy of this area. I am trying to comfort
        myself by believing that these trees will begin new lives on NE.

        With love to all,


  26. hello everybody
    my friends and companions in this strange times
    I was all the day sad and can not explain why….

    and now I saw the new video from YRFT intuitive I went to her channel
    it gaves me comfort and I really felt so much love for her work:

  27. Over two months ago, my partner had quintuple by-pass surgery. That saved his life. He’s better than ever now, but there were some tough moments; he had episodes of PTSD where I then would have Caretaker burnout symptoms, but my reactions scaled higher than his actual PTSD. After an assessment of my own behavior, I realized it was not entirely due to the conditions of the home situation, but from the greater energies at large, including my past and his.

    I posted a few times on this blog but mostly spent time in the garden and cooking meals. During that time I began to research the emotional nature of narcissists as they lurk in the background of both my professional and private life. What to do about them?

    I am an empath and have attracted narcissists like flies to honey.

    I also am a weather nerd and followed the paths of the fires and the hurricanes; I have friends and family in harms way in both locations. These events were traumatizing to many. As an empath, they were over traumatizing to me. About five days ago, when the first glimmer of grey smokey skies came over the East Coast, I became dizzy beyond all comparison. In a self-preservation effort, I encased my aura in a titanium shell that could not be penetrated by anyone or anything beyond my limited domicile.

    It was impossible for me to do the rain mediation that the Cats recommended. Why couldn’t I see rain coming for the West Coast? I was dizzy and weak, normally I’m very athletic and enthusiastic. For the last several months I’ve also been watching the fires in the Arctic, the Amazon, and the jungles of Africa. I see the melting of the ice in the Arctic. I felt diminished, and did not want to come out of my shell.

    It was not until this morning, after spending many hours reading all the comments from all the kittens from all over the world that had been posted over the last few days, that I wanted to share what worked for me. As the ice melts, the sea waters will expand. The continents appear solid, but they are actually porous, and in many locations, even in the highest mountains (one of my favorite campgrounds in the world is in the High Sierras where there are many hot springs), the water comes bubbling up from the earth.

    In my meditation, instead of envisioning rain clouds, I see the natural springs being rejuvenated by the expanding sea water: pure, bubbling and sparkly. The abundant spring waters fill up the rivers and the rivers replenish the farmlands. Good, clear, plentiful drinking water for all.

    What does this have to do with Narcissists? I used to call them psychopaths, sociopaths, otherwise known as my bosses in the corporate world. Over the many years, one by one, I watched my colleagues sell their souls to those corporate bosses for their paycheck. I was fired. I learned to protest, learned to write articles and visit Congress.

    Narcissism is the emotional name given to persons who think they are better than anyone else. Ask a narcissist if they think they are better than anyone else and they will answer yes. That’s the only test you’ll need. They are everywhere in the seats of power right now as was pointed out in this latest blog. Why can be done about it?

    After spending the last decade dealing with Narcissists, protesting narcissist’s actions, making phone calls, sending letters, analyzing data, I found a new trick, I let them disappear! I tell their energy to vanish. They don’t matter in my world. They’ve lost their effect. BAM!

    Almost overnight, after a summer of uncomfortable heat and humidity, fall weather is here, just like the olden days.

    Thank you Cats for all you do.

    1. Cheezy Kitten. What a lovely vision of the waters rising. You have been through such a lot. Well done for coming out whole and healed. 💖💖💖

  28. I just came inside after walking the dog, almost immediately, there was a big bright light up there and it was moving, but really bright, I said Hi to them, tried to connect telepathically, also saying I am mantra, and at that moment it started to dim and soon I could not see it anymore✨

    I wonder, was that soo bright and moving, to catch my attention and went dim after it release that it caught my attention, or it went dim as it was surprised that it caught someone attention ?


      1. This was supposed to go after my John Cleese/Roman Ministry of Silly Walks post!


        1. Lily. It made it even funnier that the python quote was out of context in the wrong place lol. 😸😸😸

          1. Heheheh, yes, just looks completely random! That sort of sums up my mental state at the moment lol! Wearing 2 pairs of glasses with a missing phone stuck to my ear!


  29. And some more:

    I was a volunteer at the Treasurers House for a bit, I was unemployed and looking for work in art and somehow ended up here for a couple of weeks. A lovely lady told me that she had experienced the roman army marching through the cellar just like Harry Martindale!

    When I left I bought all the ladies a big box of Baklava! Funny the things you remember!


    1. My cousin has seen the same thing in bath, a Roman troupe walking down the road, but the road level was lower then so you could only see them from the shoulders up.

      1. Pam141 ❤️ I’m sure I’ve heard of other Roman Ghost Troupes marching through parts of the UK

        Just got a picture of John Cleese in my mind for some reason (Ministry of Silly Walks!) Oh no, now I’m seeing a whole troupe of Roman Soldiers doing silly walks all in different directions! 😄

        Much Love ❤️🙏❤️

  30. Just remembered something Mum told me. She was visiting some ruins of an old abbey years and years ago. I think there was a tour guide. She said everything went very quiet, everyone (modern day) disappeared and she was suddenly back in time surrounded by monks. Apparently my great aunt of my Mum’s great Aunt had a similar experience, wonder if it was the same abbey…

    And then there was that experience Mum had in Eastcote NW London, on the way to work, just before mounting the train she saw a smartly dressed man in white suit and and hat, I had previously thought she said he was victorian but she told me recently he looked as if he was from the 1920’s. Anyway, she is on the train, gets off at her station to go to work and the man is there again, just walking by on the other side of the fence from the railway station (he hadn’t got on the train by the way!) She had a bad feeling that stuck with her all these years…

    Have so many stories but won’t fill up the blog! Wish I knew more about he older generations of my relatives, stories are pretty thin…

    I know my gorgeous , wonderful Grandad (Mum’s Dad) saw UFO’s from his window in Rochdale, overlooking Todmorden Moors. I saw some goings on there too when I visited! He wanted me to go and stay with him not long before he passed and share a bottle of wine and a chat. I didn’t go, wish I had, I love him so much, always had a soft spot for each other ☺️


  31. The two most haunted/unsettled placed I visited on the East Coast of the US are both battlefields. Gettysburg PA and the Arlington National Cemetery. With Gettysburg I was sensitive enough to actually smell the heavy wool uniforms of the soldiers. Then with my third eye I could see bewildered soldiers walking around not realizing they were dead. Then at the Arlington Nation Cemetery I mostly felt an overwhelming sadness. Unjustified wars and all that loss.

    1. This is the most positive Blossom post that I have read in so long! Perhaps we have turned the corner?
      I also want to request some pours of light for my mother-in-law who today celebrates her 102nd birthday in the confines of deep dementia in her nursing home, several states away. We have not been able to see her since last December. And, being profoundly deaf and with failing vision, video contacts are more of a frustration to her as she no longer recognizes us. But! She has survived two pandemics, 102 yrs apart. That must be her goal. And I would be so thrilled to see her across Blossom’s rainbow bridge, whole and renewed! I am going to hold on to that vision, fingers crossed. Because it seems to be close and Because we are ONE! <3 <3 <3

  32. OH MY.. 😀
    I was just settling in to work with my Omata and started hearing Tom Jones singing “My, My, My Omata” (instead of Delilah, lol)

    1. Kg 🙂☺️ Oh that did put a smile on my face thank you for sharing

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